Land of the Fogotten, Cry of the Moon Princess

by Draco1364

First published

As Fluttershy is Flying Luna crashes into her and they run into Twilight, Rainbow, Spike and my own character. With Celestia gone and Cadeence out of commision, what will they do to stop the mysterious monster?

When Canterlot is over-run by an army of shadow-lings, and a creature from the same land as Tyric takes Canterlot by sheer force, Celestia and Cadence are both out of commision while Shining Armor is forced to watch his wife be violated by this creature. Luna, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Spike and Golden Rain are hiding out in the Everfree Forest awaiting the perfect time to launch a counter attack on this feindish creature. With Discord kidnapped and locked in Tartarus, and the rest of the gang in the Castle dungeons at Canterlot, it's up to this strange group of three pegasi, two alicorns and a dragon to save their friends and the rest of Equestria from the mysterious creature and his army of shadow-lings that can be created simply by his willing your shadow to fight for him. What will these six do, and how will they stop a creature more powerful than Tyric, will the magic of friendship help them out again, or will they need something a little bit more?

1 The End, or the Beginning?

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"I wonder how Twilight is doing" thought Fluttershy as she was taking a nice slow fly at the edge of the Everfree Forest. "She's probably busy studying or doing other princessly duties." Fluttershy, in talking to herself, realized she hadn't seen Dashie in a few days and couldn't help but ponder what she might be doing. "Probably training or something like usual... Maybe I should go ask somepony about it?" As she was saying this, she was so focused on what Rainbow might be doing that she didn't see Princess Luna flying towards her, while Luna seemed pre-occupied with somepony some distance behind her. With a painful crash and a few broken trees and bramches, the two of them land in the Everfree Forest in a part NOT at the edge.

"Oh my! Are you alright Princess Luna!? I'm so sorry! I should have-" Luna cut her off by pressing one hoof to her mouth and made a "sshhhh" noise at her.

Taking Fluttershy by the hoof she ran deeper into the forest. As they ran on hoof, Princess Luna kept muttering to herself, "Where is it where is it!?" getting more and more frantic by the minute.

"Princess, if you don't mind me asking, WHY ARE WE GOING SO DEEP IN THE EVERFREE FOREST!?" Shouted Fluttershy in a panic, knowing that many dangerous animals not even she could tame were this deep in the forest.

"No time to explain! Ugh! It's gotta be around here somewhere!" As Luna finished she abruptly stopped and took a quick look around. "Ah-Ha! Finally!" she dragged Fluttershy over to an obscure tree with what looked like a doorknob in the middle of the trunk. Being a skinney little tree, it couldn't have been a secret hide-out, Right? It wasn't. Luna walked up and pressed on the knob, her eyes glowed white, and she turned to Fluttershy when her eyes went back to the normal, brilliant night blue. "Let us go, dear friend, I now know the way. Worry not, all will be explained in due time, but now is not that time, come, we must hurry!"

"O-okay..." Fluttershy said timidly, the question at the back of her mind, "Why are we running? What or who is trying to harm Princess Luna?" Among many other questions these were her main concern.

Luna jerked her one way, then the other, then back the other way. After a while of runningFluttershy thought they MUST be at the center of the Everfree Forest by now. Luna stopped again. In front of the two ponies, two completely symetrical trees stood a good nine or ten yards apart, each one leaning out from the other at the base, and coming back to conjoin in the middle high above anyponies head. Luna stamped one hoof, then proclaimed who she was in great length. In doing so a large double door, fitting the strange archway, apeared decorated in tendril like designs around the outter eadges, and at the top. In the middle was a strange symbol that made Fluttershy think of a dragon wrapping around the sun, with the Elements of Harmony inside the sun.

"There you are! You took so long... I was getting worried..." A familliar voice came from inside, and then these spactacular doors opened. Long and slow, adding to the majesticity of them.

"Twilight!?" Fluttershy was now thuroughly confused!

"Well, don't just stand there and get seen! Get in here, quick!" Twilight took a step outside and checked for any followers as the two hurried in. When she turned to go back inside, she felt a strange presence from behind her in the shadows. She whipped back around "Show yourself! Minion of the Dark! I command to show yourself or face the consequences!"

"What is it?" Luna asked hurriedly. "I guarantee we were not followed dear Twilight..." she rested her wing around Twilights shoulders.

"I'm sorry, I just felt like someone was watching us from the shadows... Must be my imagination, things are just getting so stressfull..."

"I know my dear... I know" Luna turned Twilight back inside and looked into the darkness that she and Fluttershy and just ran through. She decided nothing was there and turned around and went back inside closing the large doors gently, as to not make too much noise in case somepony was close by.

Red eyes glowed in the darknes and watched as the doors closed, and slowly disappeared, then took flight and headed for Canterlot.

"Howdy Fluttershy!"

"Eeep! Dashie!? What are you doing here!?" Fluttershy jumped because she was so fascinated by the marvelous decour and enormous shelves of books as well as the many doors and sheer size of the place that just appeared out of thin air.

"Just lending a hoof to a few good friends. I've been here for a few days now... You know what happened?..." Rainbow Dash looked down and started kicking the ground as one does when something is bothering them.

"I was getting worried about you... No I haven't, what are you talking about? You don't look so good..." Fluttershy had concern plainly present in her voice.

"Well... Umm, how do I put this... Twi? Wanna lend a hand?... Twi?" Rainbow looked up and saw her in deep concentration staring hard at the enormous shelves of books, and looked for Luna for help, only to find her going into a room labeled, "Lands Beyond Equestria".

"Whats wrong Rainbow? What's happened?" Fluttershy was getting really worried now.

"Well, uh... Umm... Celestia, she kind of... well..." Something was clearly bothering Rainbow enough to not want to say it.

"Celestia died." A hooded pony sitting on the enormous staircase piped up in a very serious and upset tone.

All Fluttershy could do was let her jaw hit the floor, then burst into tears.

"Did you have to say it so bluntly?" Rainbow dash said irritatedly with the hooded pony.

"You wouldn't... I appologize for saying it like so, but you weren't going to have the guts to tell her the truth." The hooded pony snidely retorted.

"Is that a challenge?" Rainbow was feeling quite competetive now, but only to put that mysterious pony in their place.

"We both know who has more guts here... Rainbow Dash, the one who couldn't make a rainbow..." This pony had struck a sore point and Rainbow couldn't reply to that. "I thought that might shut you up. Fluttershy, I appologize for saying such bad news so bluntly to you... I really am sorry..." There was true sympathy in this ponies voice.

"How? How did she... Die?..." on the word die Fluttershy started crying even harder.

"A monster from far away did it... when she-" Rainbow was cut off by a sudden Luna who appeared between Rainbow and Fluttershy.

"We speak not of such things." Luna was cold and harsh in saying this, but her face softened and one could tell she was depressed. "If only I had done my job better... If only I was stronger... If only it were me in her place, the world would be better off..."

Silence filled the large room.

"Luna... Please, you know better... here, come with me... " Twilight Sparkle had wrapped one wing around Luna and walked her to a room labeled, "Twilight". Even though the room was at the top of the stairs, and through a closed door, everypony could still hear it. A terrible sound that nopony had heard before except Twilight and Celestia. Luna was crying, and could not stop.

"How did I not know anything was wrong? I should have known. I hadn't seen any of my friends for a few days, but then again I did stay home because poor Angel was sick... I'm just glad she was feeling better today. Oh, but she's going to be so upset if I'm not back for dinner!"

"I'm sorry Fluttershy, but now that you're here you can't leave..." Rainbow said somewhat sadly.

"What do you mean Dashie?"Fluttershy asked as she pushed her head into Rainbows chest and they both laid down, with Fluttershy resting her head on Rainbow.

"Well, you see, Twilight and Luna cast a spell on this place, a spell so nobody can find it. What they said was that we are currently in a different dimension, but with nothing but this Library thinggy."

"Basically, if you open the door right now, you won't be able to see anything. Just darkness. No Ponyvile, no Cloudsdale, no Equestria. You need both Luna and Twilight both to open those doors and end up in the Everfree Forest. You cae with Luna, did you see her touch a skinney tree that looked like it had a doorknob?" The hooded figure seemed pretty nice, summing the situation up for her.

"Uh-huh." Fluttershy recalled Luna touching it and her eyes glowing for a second, then saying she knew the way.

"That knob tells only an Alicorn where this place will be next."

"Where it'll be next?" This confused Fluttershy, shouldn't the building appear in the same spot every time?

"Well, you see, since this building thinggy is in a different dimension, where only this building is, it floats around and is moving or something, but Twilight or Luna can communicate through that Knobby thing, and Twi picks a spot, and Luna gets directions in her head on how to get there." Rainbow said with enthusiasm.

"Actually, this building ISN'T the only thing in this demention, but it is the only PHYSICAL thing. The only other things are gateways. each gateway corresponds to two symetrical trees in the Everfree Forest, much like the two trees you saw when the doors appeared. Does it make sense as to why you can't go get Angel now?" The voice under the hood sounded distantly familliar, from long ago, or a distant dream.

"Yes, I understand now. But I have one question."Fluttershy looked at Rainbow, then the hooded pony.

"Yes?" the two said invitingly together.

"Who was this monster? The one that... you know..." Fluttershy couldn't bring herself to say it again, not without crying some more.

"Dunno..." Rainbow seemed to be upset that she didn't.

"The only ones who would are Twilight and Luna, they were there when it happened." The hooded pony turned their head up to the top of the stairs. Luna's crying had finally stopped. Twilight slowly emerged and closed the door gently and turned to everypony and put one hoof to her lips to signal for all to be quiet. Luna had cried herself to sleep.

"That... Monster, was from the same land as Tyric... But this one could go invisible with an incantation that I copied and can't seem to get right. I'm trying to find a counterspell for it, but I haven't yet. It's just so hard to do when I can't get the incantation right in the first place!" Twilight exclaimed frustrated but quietly, as to not wake Luna

"Twilight, Twilight! I found something you might want to look at!" Spike had opened a door near the top of the stairs and flew down to Twilight.

"Spike! You have wings! since when did you get them!?" Fluttershy hadn't seen Spike for a few months now, last she heard he was going to run away to live with Gilda, for they had met and taken a liking to eachother.

"Just two months, one week and three days ago!" He said very proudly

"Oh, they're lovely! They make you a real full fledged dragon now!" Fluttershy was happy for him that he finally got them.

"Alright Mr. Full Fledged Dragon, what is it you need to show me? Oh and do keep your voice down Spike, Luna is sleeping." Twilight looked at her door hoping that she didn't already get woken up.

"I heard her crying..." Spike said as he slowly handed Twilight a fairly thin book.

"Yeah... She blames herself... Anyways, what's this? It's a fairly small book Spike... Are you sure this is something?" Twilight opened the book the the first page, the title had been worn from the cover.

"You doubt your #1 Assistant!? Ah-ha! As if I'd let you down Twilight!" Spike said very confidently.

"SPIKE! You're a genius! This is EXACTLY what I needed!" Twilight had started spinning with him.

"And you were doubting me. " Spike said with a smirk.

"I'm sorry, my #1 Assistant! You managed to find the language and pronounciation of the language of those monsters. You truely are a genius Spike." Twilight Sparkle had ran up to her room and went in slowly and quietly to save waking up Luna for untill she could do it in a soothing, relaxing, and erotic way.

"Good job Spike... You really did her proud." the hooded figure said slowly as they walked up to him.

"Thanks, Golden Rain." Spike said ernestly and blushed a little.

"That name sound familliar Dashie... Who is that?" Fluttershy knew she had heard the name before, but couldn't place where or when.

"THAT, is the head of the Rainbow Factory... who holds the record for most rainbows made without cleaning off the excess blood first... That record being over 20 in one day... And you know how many it takes just to make one..." Rainbow Dash was trying her best not to get into a fight with her, while Fluttershy could only stare in horror. "come on Fluttershy, our rooms are right next to eachother. You will need rest for tomorrow..."

"What's tomorrow?" Fluttershy was almost scared to ask. with all the things that she had just learned, what could she possibly have to need so much rest for tomorrow?

"We counter attack." Spike said, with a fire in his eye that nopony had seen before, and such intensity that it made Rainbow and Fluttershy shiver.

"Ah, yes. Tomorrow, Rainbow, and now you Fluttershy, will help me with being a distraction while Luna, Twilight and Spike head to Canterlot to retrieve... everypony... What a waist of so many perfectly good rainbow seeds..."Golden Rain said somewhat melancholly, but it seemed to be towards the waist of so much blood that could make rainbows.

Rainbow Dash took Fluttershy to her room, and stood outside her own. "Goodnight, Fluttershy" she said with a noticable blush.

"Goodnight Dashie..." Fluttershy said and sunk into her room quickly closing the door and thinking to herself, "I hope Rainbow Dash Bursts through my door and say's how she hates to be alone when she sleeps. That's never gonna happen though... But the thought of it is still nice, and comforts me." She caught herself reaching a hoof down to touch herself and stopped. "What a I thinking!? She is a friend! Nothing more... Right?"

The Black figure with the red eyes had made it to Canterlot and went into the Princesses throne room. On the back of the center throne, Celestia's body lay impailed on the spikes that portrude from the top. Princess Cadence was laying in front of the throne and twitching still, covered in something stickey. Shining Armor was held by magic chains in air, forced to watch the creature violate his wife some more.

"I have found another, my lord." The figure had flown in directly below Shining Armor and bowed. All Shining armor could see was the messengers shadow slightly in front of him and his wife being abused.

"Gooood..." The monster vaugly resembled Tyric, but his horns were more like antlers, and his skin was blue. "Mark the map, I will visit this area when I am finished with this pretty little Miamore Cadenza, of the Crystal Empire." He threw a rolled up parchment at his servent of darkness and they marked where the gateway was, rolled it back up, and left it there as they exited.

"Twi-Twilight?..." Luna had felt somepony gently rubbing their hoof on her back between her wings and slowly sliding down to her chest as they bit her ear.

"sshhhh." Twilight had bit her ear a little harder, making Luna's heart beat faster. and her blood to run warm.

"Oh, Twilight, now is not the time... It's no time to celebrate..." Luna was trying desperately to resist without make a ruckus that might wake the other ponies up.

"I think it is... You wanna know what Spike found for us?" Twilight held up the book with her magic and stuck her tounge gently in Luna's ear and bit it some more while she slowly moved her tounge in circles around the edge of her ear.

"A small book?" Luna said as she let out a small moan

"Not just any book, look inside..." Twilight moved down a little and started biting Luna's lower lip as she tried to read.

"It's hard to read with your horn in my face Twi..." She said and slowly started to lick Twilight's horn at just the tip, then slowly suck on it.

"Ah! Don't bite my horn, it hurts." Twilight said sudectively and started to kiss Luna deeply to get her off of her horn.

"Oh, did that hurt?" Luna asked and pushed Twilights head back down to bite her horn gently, slowly putting just half in her mouth, then taking it all out and starting over again, biting gently when she stopped halfway, dragging her teath across Twilights horn being careful not to hurt her in a bad way.

"Mmmmmm... You sure know how to make me hot Luna" Twilight pushed her off and got on top of her, "But I think it's my turn to make you relax." Twilight kissed down Luna's body starting by licking her horn erotically, then making out with her, then slowly down her front, getting to her "Royal Parts" and gently licking the edges and her clit.

"Oooohhh... Twi, you know how to make a Royal do your bidding." Luna grabbed Twilight's head and pushed into her face with her hips.

"I AM a Royal, silly." Twilight gently stuck her tounge inside Luna's hole.

"We should- Ah!... Try something... Mmmmm." Luna went into an orgasm, and when it was over Twilight asked, "What is it? What do you wanna try?" Luna reached down and grabbed Twilights ass, dragging it around and up to her face, so they were now locked in a 69, pleasing eachother for the night, while everyone else slept in their respective rooms.

2 Counter Attack

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Upon waking, Rainbow Dash realized that she could hear Fluttershy tossing in her sleep. She opened her door and looked around, her eyes finding the clock. 5 AM... Ugh, too early. She could still hear Fluttershy having a rough night and decided to wake her up and comfort her. She opened Fluttershy's door and kept it open using the light from the central room to guid her way. "Fluttershy, wake up." Still asleep. "Fluttershy, Angel is being eaten unless you do something!" she felt bad for resorting to such durastic measures, but it worked.

"Rainbow?... RAINBOW! Why are you in my room!?" Fluttershy was startled and blushing so bad she looked like Pinkie Pie.

"You were having a bad dream I think, soooo I thought I would come comfort you for now." Rainbow Dash sat on the edge of her bed and put a wing over to touch Fluttershy's wing.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, did I wake you up? Oh I woke you up, I'm so sorry, it won't happen again..." Fluttershy wrapped the wing Rainbow Dash touched around her face to hide it and curled up in a ball. The smell of Rainbow Dash's perfume still on her wing as she took big deep breaths just to smell it more.

"Oh no, I usually wake up this early, you know, gotta practice and prepare." It was a lie. She usually woke up around 9 AM for practice, but she didn't want Fluttershy to feel bad. "You just try to go back to bed, knowing that I'll be here to make it easier on you."

"Rainbow, you don't need to do that, I'll be fine. It won't happen again..." She wanted to scream STAY WITH ME! Hold me... care for me... love me... but she knew, Rainbow only was doing this as a friend.

"Okay, I suppose. But if you need anything ever, just let me know! I'm always there for a freind" And Rainbow Dash quietly smiled and returned to her room to try to get some beauty rest... Beauty... "That's right, I was on a date with Sorin when everything went down... He took me to a nice place in Canterlot that cost a lot of money I bet... He said he even made reservations. Reservations, in Canterlot! Who does that!? That idiot had to go and try to save me... These shadow creatures came out of nowhere and everywhere, and one grabbed me..." She ran a hoof over a cut across her chest and down the inside of her left fore-leg, a cut you could only see if you were looking for it, a cut that didn't hurt too bad physically, she's had worse in training accidents, but hurt more emotionally, because it reminded her of Sorin... "Tch... That idiot..." She started to cry to herself quietly.

*Knock knock. "Who could be knocking at this time?" Spike answered the door and found to his surprise Golden Rain.

"Hey you. I was in my room and woke up and heard somepony walking around and it scared me... will you chack it out for me please?" Golden Rain went into his room as he went out and looked around.

"Golden, the center room is always lit, you can check whenever you want." Spike walked back into his room and closed the door, forgetting that Golden Rain was still in there with him.

"So, you wanna see what REAL dragons see on a mare?" Golden Rain started to spread her legs.

"Get out." Spike turned his head and spoke angrily.

"Excuse me?" Nobody had ever turned her down before now... and he would not live to see another day if he continued to reject her in his next reply.

Spike grabbed her by the throat and lifted her, smoke billowing from his nostrils. "I'm doing this for Twilight, for Celestia, For Gilda. The next time you come into my room you're leaving a pile of ashe." He opened his door and threw her out, almost across the room. She sat there staring at the door that she was just thrown from.

"I will get you back for this... and my what a lovely Rainbow you will make, or maybe I might make you into some golden rai and drink it as it falls from the clouds" She thought to herself. She was very proud of her Golden Rain, most ponies when they heard about it, thought it was a hoax and it was just the Pegasi peeing on them... Untill the experienced the making of it first hoof. "It takes 5 days to make. You have to cut the heart of one pony out, and force a loved one to eat it. that gives them a unique color to their blood, but to perfect it, you have to slowly torture the loved one first for five days, then, let them think you screwed up and they can escape, but you are waiting for them and drag them back slowly. THAT is when you rip cut or gouge where you want before removing the heart when they are still alive. This makes the beautiful golden color when processed by the Pegasus Device. Oh what a wonderous device. I am the only one who can ever make GOLDEN rain though." She thought to herself as she slowly slunked back into her room.

"Twilight, Twiiiilight." Luna shook Twilight gently

"Huh, What? What time is it?" Asked a groggy Twilight, her main all a-skew, and a small bit of drool rolling down her face.

"Time to get up, we still need to figure out how to read the incantation properly, and make a counter spell." Luna held the book up to the light to get a better look at it. "I don't understand this at all, the words are all in the wrong order."

"What do you mean? Wrong order?" Twilight had taken the book from Luna and was trying to read it "Woah!" She jumped and dropped the book as the words started moving around and settled in a funny order that made no sense at all. Luna witnessed this happening too since the book was on the floor from Twilight dropping it. "Luna, do you know what this means?"

"I'm afraid I have no clue what's going on or what this means." Luna gave Twilight a worried look.

"Perhaps getting someone else to read it might work." Twilight inquired hopefully.

"It is possible it only does this to Alicorns, but I am uncertain... There are a number of things that it could be Twilight." Luna and Twilight were both distressed at this point when Spike knocked on the door

"It's me, Spike. You guy's up yet?" Spike seemed impatient.

"Uh, Yes. We've been up for a while now." Twilight called through the door. "You can come in whenever Spike, just not when I'm asleep." Twilight opened the door for him and Luna stood up in a hastened motion; Twilight had forgotten they were still cuddling, and Luna is a very formal pony.

"I brought you two breakfast, I'm sorry it's not Canterlot gourmet Princess Luna." Spike handed them a bowl of hay, lettuce and oats. "that's all I could find to pack before coming here."

"Thank you, you are a great assistant, Spike." Luna was very hungry, she hadn't eaten in a few days because she felt she didn't deserve the food. Why should I be allowed to eat if I couldn't even save my own sister?... This thought ran through her head constantly, how she couldn't save her own sister. What kind of pony was she anyways, one who can't do anything right, one who once tried to kill her own sister, and now wishes it was her who died instead. Twilight looked at Luna and they both started eating.

"Yes, thank you Spike." Twilight had said with a smile. "I have a question for you Spike..."

"Anything Twilight." Spike was always eager to help.

"Can you read this book?" Twilight handed him the book he had found for them.

"Ummm... Twilight?... Wy don't you just read it?" Spike took the book and saw the letters in the wrong places. "Woah, what happened? Spell go wrong or something?" When Spike had found the book he flipped through the pages and all words and letters seemed to be in the right place, so what happened? "This incident remind you of someone?... Say, Discord maybe?" Spike wasn't at the Canterlot Castle when everything went down, and didn't know all of the details because it was a very sore subject for the only two ponies who were there and got out.

"It's... Impossible..." Twilight said and layed down uncomfortably. "Discord was locked away in Tartarus by that monster for trying to aid Celestia in defeating him." Twilight had considdered trying to open a gateway to Tartarus from where she was multiple times, but the gateway to Tartarus can only be opened by so much magic it might rip apart the demension they were in, so they would have to be in their own demension for it, and even so Twilight wasn't sure if she could do it, even with Luna's help. But maybe, just maybe, if they coud rescue Cadence, the three of them could do it.

"Then maybe somepony put a spell on it? Can you dispell it if somepony did?" Spike had thought he'd seen letters moving around like this before, but he wasn't sure.

"I don't know Spike, we can try..." Twilights hold glowed and she closed her eyes in concentration to cast a spell, but not to dispell another ponies magic, to detect if there was any magic used on this book and by who. "What!?" Twilights horn stopped glowing suddenly and she took a step back.

"Are you okay?" Spike rushed to her side and put an arm around her back

"What is it, my dear Twilight? What happened?" Luna rushed to her other side because it looked like Twilight might fall over.

"Celestia!?" Twilight's face was frozen in shock

"What!? My sister put a spell on this book? It must have been when we first encountered their race and banished Tyric to Tartarus." Luna looked down and slightly leaned away from Twilight thinking about her sister and what she might have been able to do better to save her.

"Starswirl the Bearded!?" The words came out of her mouth, and she had seen it, but she still didn't believe it.

"What?" Spike and Luna said in unison.

"The two of them working together to put a spell on this can only mean that they were serious about keeping this language a secret, but why?" Twilight sat down disheartened, there was no possible way any of them could undo the spell if the two of them combined their magic to enchant this book.

"I do not believe my sister would ask Starswirl the Bearded for help to enchant a book if it wasn't absolutely important that nopony ever reads what it really says." Luna picked up the book and looked at it once more before leaving the room. What time is it? When should we leave? She thought to herself as she walked into the large center room, her eyes finding the clock. Almost 7 in the morning, everypony should be getting ready for the activities today would later hold. Luna walked over to Fluttershy's door and gently knocked. "Fluttershy? Are you awake?" Luna already knew the answer, she was keeping watch over everypony in their dreams, and knew that Fluttershy had been awake for about two hours.

"Um, yes..." Fluttershy opened the door a crack and showed her face only.

"Just informing you that it is almost seven in the morning, you should be getting ready." Luna spoke softly and calmly as to not pressure poor Fluttershy.

"O-okay. Let me just um... fix my bed and I'll be ready." Fluttershy was about to close the door when Luna put her hoof in the way.

"Don't worry, you ma take your time... and Fluttershy? I wanted to appologize for yesterday, Crashing into you... I was being chased and had turned to throw a blast of magic at them, and ran into you..." Luna looked down and blushed a little at her clumsyness, and then again was reminded of what she could have done better to save her sister.

"Oh, it's quite alright, I wasn't looking where I was going, so really I should be appologizing to you." Fluttershy reassured her.

"It would appear then, that we were both at fault, again, I appologize. " Luna looked away and lowered her head slightly, still thinking of her sister, who's body she would soon retrieve.

"I forgive you Princess Luna." Fluttershy said as she bowed. "I'm also sorry for having run into you, Pricess Luna." She lowered her head a little farther.

"Please, Fluttershy, just Luna is fine." Luna had put her hoof under Fluttershy's chin and pushed her head back up. "There is no need to bow to a friend." Luna said with a smile.

Fluttershy had returned the smile. "Let me just get things straightened up in my room and I will be out shortly."

"Remember, you can take your time." As she walked away she realized the sign above the door didn't say Fluttershy, but Rainbow Dash, and smiled to herself and walked away slightly faster. They can take as much time as they need. She walked over to Golden Rain's door and it opened before she got there. "Goodmorning Golden Rain. Did you sleep well?" Luna already knew the answer to that as well.

"You alread know exactly how I slept Princess." She emphasized the word Princess with an irritated tone.

"Yes, I do. I like to hear my subjects describe their veiw of it to me anyways. " Luna said pointedly, slightly emphasizing the word subject to put Golden Rain in her rightful place; on the ground bowing at her hooves.

"I don't feel like it." Golden Rain challenged. and Luna accepted.

"It is time for you to prepare for the upcoming fight, however, if you wish I will show you what it means to challenge a Princess of Equestria." Luna was irritated, and didn't usually threaten other ponies, but this one was just too much for her.

"Why should I be scared of some 'princess', when they can't even do their job well enough to save the single most important pony to the entirety of Equestria and beyond from being killed in her sleep?" Golden Rain said and walked by a frozen Luna, who then walked quietly back to her room and started to cry. "Tch, some 'All-mighty-Princess' she is" Golden Rain said as she walked up to the door that said Kitchen above it and looked for some nice tasty oats.

"Fluttershy! Why did you open the door!? Now she knows that we were together..." Rainbow had asked alarmed.

"I'm sorry! I didn't think it would be that big of a deal because we were just cuddling and sleeping... And she called my name anyways, so she probably already knew..." Fluttershy looked down and started kicking the ground.

"Ugh, I guess you're right, I'm sorry Fluttershy, I just got scared for some reason. I guess I just didn't want Luna to get the wrong Idea." Rainbow dash waved Fluttershy to the bed to sit next to her.

"It's okay Dashie..." Fluttershy had come to Rainbow Dash's room because she heard her crying about Sorin. When Rainbow Dash had told her what happened she had wrapped Rainbow in her wings and just held her untill a knock on the door when Luna called for her.

"Thanks..." Rainbow Dash had blushed a little, but with the dim light you couldn't tell. "... For coming in here and making me feel better..."

"Oh, I would never leave a friend to cry when I know I can help, especially when they just helped comfort me." Fluttershy had also started blushing, but it quickly faded when she thought to herself that Rainbow Dash was in love with Sorin, not her or anypony else. "We really should start getting ready though..." Fluttershy had started walking to the door.

"Wait... Come... Cuddle me a bit longer?... " Rainbow Dash wasn't ready to be left alone again.

"Okay." Fluttershy had walked back to the bed and held Ranbow in her legs and wings, almost completely encasing her as she wraped her own wings around herself under Fluttershy's.

Twilight had finally gotten over the shock of knowing that Celestia AND Starswirl the Bearded had enchanted the book that could be their only hope. It must have been a spell that only activates when somepony tries to read it, but it takes some time to start working. She had no clue, with those two working together, they could make entirely new planets and creatures to inhabit it! She finished her food and was about to leave her room to get ready for later that day when she heard crying from Luna's room, next to hers and went to go comfort her only to learn that Golden Rain was at fault for this, and wanted her to pay.

"Oh, Twi, what's up?" Golden Rain was still in the kitchen looking for the oats.

"You know EXACTLY what." Twilight had picked her up with her magic. "the next time you talk to Princess Luna better be a appology."

"Or what? Are you gonna hurt me?" Golden Rain asked mockingly. "I mean, come on, does she really deserve to be called 'princess' when she was gone for a thousand years, and can't even protect her own. si-" Her voice just cut out, and she tried talking again and nothing came out. Then she started to feel pressure all over her body as Twilight had started to squeeze her, slowly harder and harder.

"You aren't the only pony who knows how to torture others..." Twilight said very sinister-like, and stared Golden rain in the eye, and for once in her life, Golden rain was scared. Scared? No, terrified. Golden Rain knew that her torture was extreme and professional, but Twilight was Celestia's student, and Celestia had to force info out of other ponies somehow, and she always knew everything. There was a rumor that one pony was tortured for one week, and that was the longest amount of time she ever took, every other time was less than three days. Twilight had slowly started to let her down, and just before she could touch the ground, slammed her into the ceiling hard enough to make the bucket of oats on the top shelf fall to the counter below it, and threw her to the ground, leaving the room with her sprawled out and in pain, still unable to scream.

"SPIKE!? Could you clean up my mess in the kitchen please, I need to check over the maps and strategy again before we leave!" Twilight had walked over to the door that said "Study" and disappeared inside while Spike came flying down to the kitchen to find Golden Rain laying on the ground. He walked up to her and picked her up and set her on her hooves dusting her off asshe winced from his hand rubbing her now sore back.

"You know that you deserved that, right? You really should try to avoid Twilight for a while." Spike looked at her waiting for a reply and saw her trying but no sound was coming out. "I can lip read pretty well so you know." He said as she mouthed that she was going to murder Twilight before she had any chances. "And if you try I will hold you down for her." Golden Rain kept her mouth shut for the remainder of the one-sided conversation. "If you're wondering why I'm helping you after earlier, it's because I'm a very forgiving dragon. I was supposed to be with Gilda today..." Spikes voice seemed distant and it was more like he was talking to himself rather than Golden. "It would be our six months marker today. I ran into her along the outskirts of the Everfree Forest helping Zecora look for some plants... she was eating a mouse and shared it with me. First bit of meat I've ever had, and it was worth the trouble of catching. We started meeting regularly at the sameplace and she taught me how to hunt. One day I didn't show up because I was busy helping Twilight and she came in to check on me, that's when I decided to ask her to go on a date. When she said yes I got so excited, I accidentally burnt one of Twilights favorite Daring Doo books and had to replace it, so I didn't show for another day and Gilda was worried I forgot about our date, but I showed up in a suit and took her to Sugar Cube Corner for desert. Dinner that day was some mice topped with the leg of a boar I found with a pheonix egg on the side." Spike spaced off for a little bit untill Twilight had called for him and Golden Rain. "Oh, the spell should be worn off by now." Spike motioned a hand at his mouth to show he was talking about her voice and walked into the center room, shortly followed by Golden Rain.

To his surprise, everyone was at the front doors already, prepared to go fight and rescue everypony. He took a deap breath and said, "I'm ready whenevr you guys are." Twilight and Luna touched their horns standing face to face, and both of their eyes started glowing. they both stammped one hoof, then the building shook and the doors started opening. They went to the gate that Luna and Fluttershy had used just yesterday to get in. Outside, in the Everfree Forest, they could hundreds of glowing red eyes, and Twilight and Luna grabbed Spike and teleported all the way to the edge of the forest. Leaving only the three pegasi to take on the army of shadow-lings.

"Let's mess these guys up, Rainbow, Fluttershy, let's go." Golden Rains voice had come back, and just in time too. The fight for their life and their friends began now, and she still had some things she wanted to say before she dove face first into battle, one that she would probably lose.

"You're right Goldie, let's show them the true colors of pegasi. THEM I could make more rainbows out of than you could with earth ponies and unicorns combined." Rainbow gave a sinister smirk towards Golden Rain and then to Fluttershy, then the three of them crouched down and jumped forward, using their wings to propell them faster, diving, litterally, face first into what seemed like impossible odds.

3 Rescue Mission

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Being Captain of the Royal Gaurd, and Prince of the Crystal Empire, Shining Armor wondered how he got here; suspended in air by magic chains in the middle of the hall of the Throne Room, being forced to watch his wife get abused and violated by this monster. There must be something he could do to get out of this. His magic didn't work either because the chains were sucking the magic out of him. Luckily, he knew that his wife was alive... As well as Celestia, but soon this monster, Spiritus he heard the shadow-lings say before, would know as well, for a doppleganger to last the few days it has is quite impressive, goes to show why she is ruler of the land, but not even Celestia herself could sustain a doppleganger for much longer... This "Spiritus" just won't leave!

"Reihmhad! Come forth to your master!" Spiritus had been sitting in the center throne for quite some time, pondering something. Shortly after he called, Shining Armor had watched the shadow of the blue skinned, antlered creature begin to rise out of the ground. When it finally came, it too a good look around and laid down as if it had a mind of it's own, where as the other shadow creatures seemed to have no will, and did only presicely what he asked and nothing more or less. "I've sent an army of the shadowlings of yours to another gate to have it destroyed, but not before those ponies use it again... I have one concern though..."

"Whhhaaat, pressssssicccely, issss your... conccccern...?" The shadow spoke with a hissing, spitting sound that sounded more like a mix between a snake and a cat. Spiritus had looked Reihmhad in the eyes for a short while, staring, pondering, planning. Then without warning, he ran his shadow through with his antlers. Upon breaking the ground where his shadow was, he looked quickly at Reihmhad to see any kind of reaction, and there was to his concern. Reihmhad had a large gaping hole in his chest where Spiritus had stabbed his shadow. Reihmhad looked down at the hole and looked back to Spiritus blankly before collapsing to the ground.

"Huh. That's a stupid weakness to have, am I right, Mr. High-and-Mighty-Prince?" Spiritus walked up to Shining Armor, and all though he was being held a good many meters off the ground, his face was level with the creatures smooth, perfect face. No, not perfect... Was that a scar? Shining Armor was looking directly between the monsters antlers, and through them, saw Princess Celestia's doppleganger disappear, along with his wife. "Surprised I actually have a scar, young prince? It's from a creature I fought with, one whose name was... Oh what was it again? Oh, yes... this scar was from a dragon. He went to the right and went into his bag, grabbing out a parchment and unrolling it for Shining Armor to see.

"What in the name of Celestia!? I've never seen a dragon like THAT!" Shining Armor was now terrified of this Spiritus creature, no, monster.

"I have another one on my back from a Wendigo. One from very long ago, that I don't like showing any other living creature. I was maybe only one thousand years old?" He spoke as he turned to show Shining Armor the enormous gash across his back, takin up most of it. "I'm showing you because you will be dead before long, those chains not only drain your magic but your life force as well." Spiritus only after saying this took his eyes off of the captured prince and looked foreward to where Celestia and Cadence should have been, and where they weren't. "WHERE ARE THEY!?" He whirled back around and was, once again, face to face with Shining Armor, this time with an intensity that made Shining Armor start to shake in fear. Then he started to laugh. "WHAT'S SO FUNNY!? "

"Those were just dopplegangers... You never killed Celestia or even touched my wife." Shining Armor was glad to be able to say this. Spiritus lowered his head and a small ball of energy started to appear in-between his antlers. The ball grew bigger and bigger, creating this increddible, intimidating pressure.

"You... will... TELL ME!" A translucent wall of pressure and dark blue magic appeared around him, making him look like a slightly distorted shadow, eyes glowing a deep green. The magic and it's pressure were so intense the entire castle started to shake, parts of the ceiling falling all around them, then floating like magnets being pushed apart. The ball between his antlers had grown so large, it took up most of the space between his head and the ceiling, then all at once disappeared; all of the pressure and magic leaving for only a moment. Then a beam of magic shot straight upwards through the ceiling, causing even more intense pressure than before as quick as it had left, and Shining Armor could only stare in utter shock and horror as it felt like he was being crushed by a boulder in every fraction of his being. This monster really could take on Celestia... And win... Not even Tyric was this powerfull. He even went toe to toe with Twilight when she held the magic of all Alicorns in all of Equestria, the power of Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and herself. Tyric was by far more powerfull then anything they had ever encountered, and this monster, Spiritus, made Tyric look like a child's toy! Spiritus let out a feral scream, wriled with anger, and as the beam grew thinner his scream quieted and ceased to exest all together, his breathing deap and heavy.

"You would kill me even if I told you!" Shining Armor was amazed by the steadiness of his own voice, and the calmity of his breathing when he was almost possitive he was going to die.

"Perhaps, but I don't think you realize what it is I have in my posession..." Spiritus turned from Shining Armor and created a hole in the ground, and from this hole came first Pinkie Pie, then Rarity, and lastly Apple Jack. The three of them bound and gagged, being lifted by his magic.

"Don't touch them!" Shining Armor had a thing for Apple Jack a while back, before he was married when he had come to ponyvile on official bussines, and stayed out of sight from Twilight. Apple Jack didn't recognize him though, he'd used a spell to change his appearance and used an allias and ended up having a one-night-stand with her, but he still cared for her and knew that Twilight did too.

"You gonna do something about it?" Spiritus taunted. "Tell me where your precious little wife and Princess are, and I'll let them go."

"Let me down and regain my stregth and we'll see if I'm worthy of being Captain of the Royal Gaurd." Shining Armor had openly challenged him, knowing full well he would lose. On the other hoof though, he knew if he was let down now, he still had enough magic to teleport those three to the edge of the Everfree Forest without their bonds.

"Do you really think, even for a moment, that you could challenge me and escape with your life?" Spiritus had clearly accepted. "Let's see what it is you're made of, 'Captain of the Royal Gaurd'." Spiritus was absolutely sure he could win against such a minor pony as Shining Armor, and slowly the chains holding him up disappeared, lowering him to the ground.

"I will do everything I can for my Princess and for my wife..." Shining Armor's brow furrowed as he readied the spell, he would have to act fast... The second Spiritus took his eyes off of Shining Armor he would act. "And for my friends, and Twilight's as well... the ones I would die for to save!" There it was, as Shining Armor said this Spiritus was turning away from him.

"What do you think you're doing? Tch, idiotic Prince." Spiritus had closed his eyes with his back turned ready to take any blow Shining Armor could throw. After a moment, he opened his eyes, and saw a ball of light hurl past him and hit the three ponies he just brought up, and watched them disappear. "WHAAAT!?" He didn't realize before, but now did, that the spell Shining Armor cast was to teleport them away from Canterlot. He had been made a fool of by such an insignificant pony. "You will pay for that every second that you are alive! What little time you have left will be spent in AGONY!" He whirled around back to face his new favorite torture project, and right there, stabbed him with one single point of his antler under one leg at the joint, forcing it to dislocate and Shining Armor let out a scream that he didn't think he had enough energy for.

"Let's hurry! Spike, are we being followed?" Twilight had tried looking behind her, but couldn't quite see and did NOT want to stop to look, because that would be just waisted precious time.

"Affirmative, Captain Twilight!" Spike said somewhat sarcastically. "They are right at your eight O' Clock, closing in fast!" With this, Twilight turned around for only a moment and shot a blast, taking out the two that were on their tail. "Three more, one at six, one at four, and one at... umm... Upwards!" Twilight had shot a blast straight up, and heard a thud an the ground shortly after. they had to stay flying low still, to not be seen by the Castle. Luna had taken the other two down with one dark, nigt blue laser of magic, cutting right through both of them, leaving them falling with the bodies cut in half and gushing what looked like actual guts meaning they were real ponies, not shadow-lings. the next bunch came from in front, and these were deffinately Shadow-lings, and both Twilight and Luna shot them at the same time, each one falling in pieces or looking mangled and riddled with holes. The shadow-lings really did have guts just like the ponies.

"Wait, what's that!?" Luna had noticed a flash of purple-ish pink and three ponies appeared, looking very confused. One was white with a purple main, one and orange-ish color with freckles and a cowbow hat, and one obscenely pink one with a very messy main. "Twilight, Aren't those some of the friends we were saving?" Twilight looked down to where Luna pointed and saw three familliar faces.

"What in Equestria is going on!? We still need to save my brother, Cadence, Discord and Celestia! Let's keep going, we'll get them on the way back. Spike, stay with them and make sure they're safe. Take them to Rainbow and the others to help!" Twilight would not let her brother be forced to watch such horrid things as somepony else forcing themselves on Cadence. She had even gotten stronger since the fight with Tyric, she could probably take him on alone without the other three alicorn's magic. And with Luna beside her, and Cadence going to be freed and get her spirit to fight back, she was confident they could beat this monster.

"Roger!" Spike dipped to the left and went to go take the three to the rest of their group and join in the fight there.

"We will be going over Ponyvile soon, would you like to rest a minute?" Luna offered because she saw Twilight breaking a sweat.

"I'm fine... this is just because I don't fly often enough..." Twilight would rather get there faster... What's faster than flying though? OH! Of course! She could just teleport there, and save sooo much time! "Luna, lets stop a sec in Ponyvile actually." As they both stopped, Twilight had devised a plan with Luna to teleport right into the hall and face off with the creature directly as Luna freed Shining Armor and Twilight would get Cadence after those two were gone. She had more than enough magic after being fully rested, and especially after a night like that with Luna.

"If you wish, I could take on the creature while you rescue both Cadence and your brother." Luna wanted to get revenge for her sister, and also hoped to lose the battle with him, becoming his slave as punishment.

"No. Absolutely not." Twilight put a hoof on her shoulder

"Twilight, I am still your superior, and you will do as-" Luna's voice was cut off by Twilight's tounge appearing in her mouth, and she quietly complied with Twilight, not bringing it up agan. "So... I get Shining Armor, and you will get Cadence?" Luna wiped her mouth and blushed a little, she wasn't prepared to be kissed so suddenly and ended up drooling a little because of it.

"Yes. That iiiiss the plan. We will go whenever you're ready, Luna." Twilight had leaned in, slowly this time, and started kissing Luna once again.

"Alright then." Luna kissed Twilight one last time, then her face was intense, and serious as she stood up-right and looked down to Twilight.

"Then let's go." With a small bit of effort to teleport that far, Twilight and Luna appeared right behind Shining Armor, because when he was let down, he crawled a little foreward so their aim was a little off, and teleporting from Ponyvile to the Castle, it's gaurenteed they will be off mark by at least a little bit. As they appeared and got a look at their surroundings, they saw the monster take a needle and shove it in the end of Prince Shining Armor, Captain of the Royal Gaurd's penis and they both shuttered as he yelled in pain, mostly because the needle was also super heated and red when it was being put in.

"You let the Prince of the Crystal Empire, Captain of Celestia's Royal Gaurd, go!" Luna stepped foreward and looked directly at the creature.

"More of this teleporting crap!? Where the hell did you come from!?" Spiritus looked up from his work on Shining Armor and threw him to the side, the needle slowly pushing itself further into his shaft, his screaming getting louder.

"You did this to my brother... You killed my mentor, friend and ruler Celestia, raped my sister in law Cadence, and locked my friends in dungeons, one of them in Tartarus! I will NEVER forgive you! I will show you no mercy! I will kill you!" Twilight shouted as she slowly walked towards him, a ball of magic on the end of her horn, it slowly growing larger and larger, creating a similar pressure to when Spiritus did this. The only difference was, this wasn't wild, uncontrolled magic, it was calm, and deadly. A wall of pressure and magic appeared around Spiritus once again as he focused his magic energy into one point. Twilight stopped and cocked her head to one side. This creature was more powerful than her, but not by much, and she could out-smart anypony in battle thanks to her quick wit and extensive knowledge. A similar wall of pressure and magic appeared around her, purple, distorting her and making her eyes look a beautiful silver, the two colors complimenting eachother perfectly. The entire battle of these two enormously powerful monster-like beings depended on who made the first move, and they both knew this quite well, but Twilight had something up her sleeve that Spiritus didn't; A very nice torture spell, and an even better death spell that she discovered in the ancient Castle of the Two Sisters in the Everfree Forest.

4 To Have a God's Power

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As they turn, the three ponies and one dragon could still barely see the castle as it visibly shook. They wondered what was going on in there, but didn't want to return to find out.

"lets go, the others are awaiting assistance." Spike said, a look of worry on his face.

"He's right y'all, we should be helpin' our other friends while we still can." Apple Jack turned to Spike and put and hoof on his shoulder. "She'll be alright sugar cube... After all, it is Twilight for cryin' out loud."

"I know Apple Jack, that's why I'm worried... You haven't been with her as much as I have to notice, but something deep down in her has changed... I can just feel it..."

"Where in Equestria IS everypony anyways?" Rarity was ready to get some pay back for locking HER of all ponies in a dungeon!

" Quite a ways into the Everfree Forest." Spike looked at her. "It'll be faster if I just carried everypony there." Spike turned and opened his gallant wings, a dark shade of emerald, with blood red along the bones and veins, giving them a majestic, yet intimidating look to them.

"Oh Spike... What stupendous wings!" Rarity was mesmerized by them, and by how strong Spike had gotten. After all, she still loved him even though he left her for that rude, inconsiderate, cocky little griffin.

"Thanks Rarity, but now isn't the time for adoration." Spike had stretched out a hand and took Apple Jack's hoof first, then told Pinkie to climb onto his back and Rarity he held under his other arm and took off.

"So..." Pinkie Pie started, but too quiet for anypony but herself to hear. "What do we do now?..." Pinkie's naturally crazy and fluffy main was laying flat and straight, a sad and depressed look on her face.

"You say something Pinkie?" Spike asked as he flew on. Pinkie was clearly upset. But what did they do to her?...

"No... It doesn't matter anyways..." Pinkie answered solemnly.

Pieces of castle fell as the Princess and the monster were fighting neck and neck, with equal strength. "How are you this strong?" Spiritus was shocked that she was keeping up with him, even though he was just toying with her.

"You ready to get this fight actually started yet? I'm getting a little bored." Twilight mocked as she threw a beam of magic at him. After dodging and returning the fire, both shots making holes in the walls, exposing them to the light of the sun. Luna looked over and could see now, Twilight was more powerful than she ever was, even as Nightmare Moon. "Why don't we spice it up a bit, huh?" Twilight smirked and landed on the ground, to he honest, more because her wings were getting tired than to talk face to face with the creature.

"What do you mean, dear Princess?" Spiritus was also getting bored and was about to fight her seriously; there were so many mistakes she made as they were fighting, but he was just toying with her.

"I'm not the only one who has been leaving myself wide open." Twilight pointed out that she knew he was toying with her, and inferred she too was just playing around.

"So what is your proposal, Princess of, what was it again? Friendship?" Spiritus laughed and wiped a tear from his eye.

"We are both holding back, not fighting seriously. Let's take this fight outside and finish it. Right now." Twilight just didn't want to completely destroy the castle, it is where she grew up.

"Why take it outside? Let's end this, now." Spiritus had created a suit of armor of dark blue marble with dark green veins, and the helm left his face open, forming to his cheek bones. The shoulders were turned up at the end and came to a sharp point, while the elbows for his arms had thin, blood red blades, and the suit outlined his very defined muscles, giving it an even more intimidating appearance. The power was incredible, the amount of magic used to create and maintain such a detailed suit of armor was so immense, Twilight could do this, but only for about a minute.

"Twilight, lets go. Shining Armor will explain everything when we are back and safe." Luna shouted to Twilight over the crashing of more parts of the castle. "Oh, and try not to completely destroy the castle." Luna turned and put a hoof on Shining Armor and looked at Twilight, waiting patiently.

"I still need to grab Cadence and Celestia!" Twilight was shocked she would suggest leaving without them.

"As I said dear Twilight, your brother will explain everything upon arrival at safety." Luna sounded pointed, and more serious about their leaving.

"And if I refuse?" Twilight was not going to leave. Her eyes grew darker and darker, her main and tail flowed like liquid on an invisible breeze; a horrid look in her eye.

"We are leaving. Nopony else is here to save." Luna knew that'd get her attention.

"What!?" Twilight looked at Luna. Taking his chance, Spiritus fired o blot of Saphire blue and blood red lightning at Twilight. She figured he would take advantage of her letting her gaurd down and teleported behind him just before it hit her, causing it to hit the large doors leading into the hall and making them explode in deadly shrapnel. Twilight threw a ball of magic at him from directly above him, hitting him with enough force to break the ground he was standing on, making him fall to the next floor down.
"If we're leaving we need to go now!" Luna was frustrated that she still wanted to fight. Twilight teleported back to Luna, who then teleported the three of them to a few paces behind where the door to their hideout was. And saw a terrifying sight.

"What's up?" Rainbow Dash, Golden Rain, and even Fluttershy, were covered nose to tail in blood and entrails. "Can we go inside now to wash up? Thiiis is kind of gross." Rainbow Dash looked at herself and refrained from licking her lips to find out what it tasted like.

"Um, I think we should wash up too..." Fluttershy was tired and wanted to take a bath, hopefully with somepony else; she had an itch that needed scratching thanks to her fighting along side Rainbow Dash. Not a shadow-ling was in sight, and the three pegasi were filthy and tired, laying on a throne of dead shadow-lings, waiting for the rest of the gang to show.

"Did we make it before Spike, Rarity, Apple Jack and Pinkie?" Twilight looked around for those four, finding only dead bodies and the three pegasi.

"Looks like." Golden Rain seemed content in her bloody mess.

"We late?" Spike asked as the four of them showed up just above the lowest branches of the trees, Spike carrying all three.

"Not horribly late." Twilight laughed and went to greet the four; they were still some distance off. "Rainbow Fluttershy and Goldie took care of it all before we even got back, which was just long enough to ask where you were when you showed up." Twilight took Rarity and Apple Jack from him, one with her magic the other on her back.

"Pinkie..." Spike started and decided not to continue. She should be back to her normal self soon right?

"Don't worry about me... Its not like I'm special or anything..." Pinkie hopped off and sat down on a dead body. "Its just that every pony that's any pony is dying... So I won't die..."

"Pinkie... You mean the world to at least eight of us here right now... I don't know about Golden Rain, but me, Rarity, AJ, Rainbow, Fluttershy, Shining Armor, Twilight, Luna, we all care for you, and would do anything to help you. You're our friend, we'd never let a friend in need down, promise." Spike reassured her and Pinkie smiled.

"Thanks Spike..." Pinkie seemed to be feeling better. "You really are a great friend..." She gave him a hug and went inside as Luna and Twilight brought the door into existence.

"What's wrong with Pinkie?" Twilight asked Spike.

"She's just having a hard time dealing with the whole Celestia issue... As are we all..." Spike looked down, rubbing his arm.

Twilight walked up and wrapped a wing and hoof around Spike. "She isn't dead." She was so glad she could say this, but she still didn't know the details of why she was able to say this. Spike started to cry in relief.

"I don't even want to know how that's possible." Spike embraced Twilight and gently kissed her forehead.

"My brother will explain everything to us when we're all in and settled down." Twilight said as she walked Spike inside. "Golden Rain, are you coming, or just going to lay there in dead bodies all day?" She threw a look at her, thinking to herself that this Pegasus really was crazy. "Doors closing." Twilight said and Golden Rain sadly got up and hurried through the rapidly closing doors.

"So, about Celestia and Cadence..." Shining Armor started, then looked around to make sure every pony was present, which they were.

"Did I hear my name?" Celestia was somehow standing behind the ponies, who were all in the center of the room, facing the doors where Shining Armor stood. How did nopony notice her? They all walked in that door, all over nine ponies and one dragon seemed to miss that their beloved (thought-to-be-dead) Princess was standing almost literally in the center of an obscenely large room she even seemed to surprise Shining Armor, who was looking that direction the entire time. "Allow me to explain..."

5 Fall to Darkness

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Celestia was only semi-transparent as Cadence appeared in the same manner. "I must apologize for scaring all of you like that, you see, Discord could feel this creature coming to Equestria, and rushed into my chambers to warn me. I was completely against leaving, but Discord had created a doppelganger for me and transported me somewhere far away, in a cave with strange crystals, I knew not at the time that these crystals absorb magic when used, so naturally I tried to teleport back, but the crystal cave served as a cage to keep me safe."

Cadence spoke up, continuing where Celestia left off. "He then came into my room because the room I was in was closer to Celestias room than Luna's was. He told me the same urgent news and created a doppelganger for me as well. I was more willing to allow him to teleport me, because I trust he would not lie about doing the same to Celestia. Upon arrival in the cave I was in a different area then Celestia, and we had to find each other."

Picking back up Celestia said, "Discord had warned me he might not have enough time to allow you, Dear sister, to escape, for the creature was closing in fast. He needed time to set up a plan to get you out too, but didn't have enough time to make a doppelganger, that and making three would be extremely taxing on him, and he would not be able to hold it long enough to convince Spiritus that we were still there. So he told me he would appear to be teleporting me and Cadence out, but time it so that Spiritus would stop him. Discord willingly threw himself into Tartarus to save the three of us."

"Discord had come into my chambers saying how something was coming and he could only save me..." Luna's voice was distant, tears rolling down her face. This whole time she thought she couldn't even save her sister, yet here she was.Celestia. Alive. The thought was enough to bring a tear to her eye, but to be seeing her alive and talking to her, she could not hold back from openly crying. "He teleported me into a cage of the same crystals you both mentioned... When I broke the cage and teleported it was just in time to see Spiritus kill you... Discord shouted for me to run, but I couldn't! I couldn't just leave you like that! He ran you through with his antlers, he raped Cadence! And all I could do was watch quietly from the shadows! Why!? Why didn't you come to us sooner!? Why must you torment me so with such horrid events!?" Luna shouted at her sister, and stopped, she saw in her sisters eyes that she felt she should have communicated sooner, that she should have told Discord to tell her it was alright, that she wasn't dead. Celestia shed a single tear, straightened back up and continued, knowing she didn't need to say anything for her sister to know what she wanted to say... I'm sorry.

"We are traveling as fast as we can back to equestria, but it will take some time. The land we have found, I have been to see their King... An old friend I never expected to see again. Scorpan. And by his side was another great friend. Twilight, might you guess who it was?"

"The Duke you met with in the Crystal Empire?" Twilight had no clue who her teacher was talking about.

"Oh, you're a fan of this famous wizard." Celestia winked.

"No... Way... Starswirl the Bearded!?" Celestia nodded.

"Both Scorpan and Starswirl were there, and they gave us a map of their realm, however they also said there was another realm between ours, a very dangerous one, that few come out who go in. I'm currently talking to you through a hologram, a device I gave Spike that when struck with his flame only, and my magic on this one I have here, an image will be projected to and from both so we can both see each other. We are a day and a half away on swift wings. We still cannot teleport, for our magic is still slowly returning to us; an effect from the crystals."

"So, we found a book that has a spell on it from both you and Starswirl the Bearded together to make sure nopony can read it. It's about 'The Forgotten Land'?"

"Yes, I remember this book. The combination of your's and Luna's magic should dispel it, the charm should have weakened over time enough that you two can break it." Celestia said nonchalantly.

"Oh... Okay, Luna, Let's go try it out!" Twilight had a few things on her mind, and couldn't bear to see her teacher at the moment.

"Yes I believe that is a wise decision Twilight!" Luna clearly had something she needed to get out too. As the two head to Luna's room this time, they both cast an enchantment on the door to make it sound proof.

"What do we do? Wait for her to get back or finish it once and for all first?" Twilight was distraught.

"I do not know, but right now I do know, that we must be together... to connect our magic, meld it into one... as our bodies..." Luna leaned forward and kissed Twilight tenderly on the lips.

"Whats wrong sweetie?..." Twilight didn't usually call her mentor's younger sister sweetie, but this time it felt unnatural not to.

"Look, my sister just came back from the dead... i was just getting over her death... I am confused... I don't know how I should feel right now..." Luna looked down and shuffled her front left hoof. Twilight put her hoof on Luna's to stop it from moving, just a gentle touch to get her attention. Luna looked up. "Yes?..."

"Shhh..." Twilight had leaned in and kissed her passionately. She grabbed Luna and pulled her closer until their chests were touching. "I love you Luna..."

"I love you too Twilight..." This was the first time either of them had said this to one another. Luna had started kissing Twilights neck, more of a gentle erotic massage with her tongue and lips.

"Mmmm..." Twilight was getting wet from this and reached a hoof down and rubbed her pussy. She put her other front hoof on the back of Luna's head gently pushing her head into her neck making the luscious kisses last longer and longer. Her mouth found Luna's horn quite appealing and started licking it's base, then slowly up and down it's length.

Luna decided she would be on top this time, to show her love to Twilight. She started sucking the tip of Twilight's horn, making her writhe beneath her.

"Uhnnn..." Twilight had never had her horn sucked before, but it felt really good, and made her just want to put Luna's horn in her pussy, but Luna couldn't do both so she laid down and enjoyed it as much as possible.

"Does this feel good, love?" Luna asked and wrapped her tongue around her horn, slowly sliding up and down.

"Oooohhh... Fuck me... Suck my horn Luna, I want you to love me like was our first time again, but never let go of me..." Twilight had sex on multiple occasions, as did Luna, but neither had as good as when they were together.

"Okay, my beautiful little Lemon Drop..." Luna had given Twilight a nickname that couples give.

"Lemon Drop?..." Twilight wasn't sure if she liked it.

"It's not only my favorite candy, it's something I have an emotional attachment to, my first lover had given me Lemon Drops on our first date, and then time went on and he aged but I didn't... I still loved him until I met you... now all the Love I've had for him has gone to you... And I love you more and more each day..." She put Twilight's horn completely in her mouth, and could feel the tip touching the back of her throat, and held it there, and started swallowing hard, creating a vacuum like effect of Twilight's horn inside of her mouth, and Twilight had cum dripping from her pussy, begging to be pounded by Luna's horn.

"Uhnnn... Mmmmm... Ahhh... Okay... that- uhn... that's soooo roma-aantic..." Twilight had a hard time talking because with every little thing Luna did, she felt she would cum again.

"Does it feel that good Lemon Drop?" Luna had started moving her lips up and down Twilight's horn, stopping occasionally to lick the base or suck the tip, going all the way into a deep throat again and again. Twilight couldn't bear it anymore and rolled them both over and stood up and turned around.

"Yesss, it does... now fuck me, fuck me with your horn. I want to feel the pony I love inside of me!" And with that Luna had slowly put the tip inside her pussy, only to pull out and do it again. She put just the tip in slowly, then rammed all the way into Twilights tight wet pussy, making them both gasp with pleasure and start grinding each other. Luna moving her horn at increasing speeds in and out of Twilights pussy, and Twilight circling her ass in the air, grinding on Luna's horn when it got all the way inside of her. And with the end of the day coming closer and closer, so did the hearts, and orgasims of the two princesses in love.

"I must get rest soon, and allow my sister to take over the night, but before I go, I have one small request of you all..." Celestia looked troubled.

"Whatever it is you can count on us!" Rainbow Dash had started hovering, with one hoof over her chest and the other gesturing to the other ponies slightly behind her.

"Thank you, Rainbow Dash, I know I can trust you to carry out this task." Celestia looked at each of them in turn. "I want you to spy on my sister and on Twilight."

"Waaaiiiit a minute! You want us to what!?" Rainbow Dash suddenly wanted badly to recant her previous statement.

"I-I don't think I can do that Princess..." Fluttershy looked directly at Celestia. "Twilight is my friend, I don't think I could spy on my friend for any reason..." Fluttershy looked to the side, her mane covering half of her face, barely showing her beautiful turquoise eyes.

"This is simply for their protection... I wish for no harm to come to them..." Celestia was serious, and her face hard.

"But, why? Why do we need to spy on them?..." Shining Armor had stepped up to the group now and smiled briefly at his wife.

"They have no clue what might happen if two Alicorns who pronounce their love for each other spend too much time together..." Celestia had stated this as if she had already experienced it.

"Wait, you mean they said to each other they love the other?" Golden Rain found this humorous for some reason.

"How would you know that they confessed their love to each other?" Apple Jack was curious.

"We don't, but it is a mere matter of time before they do." Cadence answered the question.

"I will keep a firm eye on them your Highness." Shining Armor addressed Celestia

"If they do happen to confess love before we get back, and they do... it... You must kill them both, for they will fall to darkness and will not be able to return..." Celestia looked down and shuffled her front right hoof.

"I assure you Princess I will not let it happen. Now if you'll excuse me, I shall retire for the night as Twilight and Luna did, and I will make sure they are in separate rooms by the end of the night." Shining Armor bowed and took his leave, his eyes and tired body finding the door that had his name written on it.

"I only hope it's not too late..." Celestia looked at Cadence and then to the ground, shuffling her front hooves alternatively.

"I simply don't understand, what happens if they DO say they... love each other?" Rarity asked worriedly and threw a glance at Apple Jack and Pinkie Pie, then Rainbow Dash, Golden Rain, Fluttershy and Spike on her other side.

"Yeah, like what kind of 'darkness'?" Rainbow Dash asked as if there were many levels, or kinds, of darkness.

"King Sombra, to put it simply, can still be saved, but only under extreme conditions, conditions which are too risky even for me. If they fall to darkness, they will have no means of return. The ponies they once were would be gone forever, and not even me and Starswirl the Bearded working together could bring them back, even if we were our younger, stronger selves. My power has slowly weakened due to the thousand years I was watching over all of Equestria day and night. That is one thousand years without being allowed to sleep, or regain strength. I was so weak by the time Nightmare Moon came back that I could do nothing but let her take me. As of now, however, I could take Nightmare Moon... But if they fall to darkness, it will not be Nightmare Moon I would have to face, it would be somepony else completely... Nightmare Moon was created and driven by the jealousy of my sun, but the pony Luna and Twilight would become would want nothing more than to see the world burn at their hooves..." Celestia was getting really uneasy now, and everypony could see this clearly.

"How do you know? What if they don't fall to darkness? How do you know that they will fall for sure?" Rainbow Dash posed some good questions, she thought.

"Has anypony seen any history book that went back before our rule? Or does anypony know about mine and Luna's parents?..." Celestia seemed to be the winner of the Best-Question-Of-The-Day.

"N-nooo...?" Fluttershy answered timidly.

"Not that I've seen, Twilight would be a better pony to ask, she's probably read every book about history ever." Rainbow Dash had only ever read Daring Doo books, and that's all she ever intended to.

"Before mine and my sisters rule, our parents ruled equestria. Their names I dare not say, in fear they might return... Our parents, were an alicorn and a pegasus. Our father was the alicorn, and mother the pegasus... our mother passed away at Luna's birth, and my father raised us for three thousand years, teaching us everything we know now. we fought in countless, unrecorded wars in history. the war for Manehattan, the War of Separation, to split us from the land now know as the 'forgotten land', as well as many more. In any case, our history goes far back beyond any books. My father, found another alicorn, our step mother, and we all adored her. She was Luna's idol, the mother she never had. The two of them enjoyed each others' company, and grew to love each other. My father was timid around the subject of love, because his last love died giving birth and he still wasn't over her, even after three thousand years. But she allowed him to move on, and he eventually told her, he loved her... That's the night we killed our parents and took over their rule... We loved them dearly, but those... beasts, were no longer our parents... They were dead, and their body being used by ill minds for which there is no cure..." Celestia looked at each pony in turn to see their reaction. And saw each one with a look of utter shock on their face.

6 Sacrifice

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"Twilight?" Luna had just woken up and was still spent from the previous night's activities. "I think your mane looks a little... um... different." She gave a badly stifled laugh and turned her head away, now constantly giggling.

"Huh?" Twilight trotted to the mirror to see her mane was a complete mess. "Oh, what in the name of Luna could have done this?..." Twilight said with emphasis on every word, and a sly look to Luna, who continued to giggle even more now. "And you thought MY mane was bad? Heh, wait 'till you see YOURS!" Twilight was laughing as she walked away from the mirror for Luna to see herself. The Alicorn stood staring at her reflection.

"Indeed, I do take the prize; Worst mane in Equestria!" The two Alicorns started giggling and held each other. The two kissed and, for a brief moment, felt all they needed and wanted in the world was the lovely, amazing Alicorn in their seemingly eternal grasp.

A pony slowly trotted up the stairs that led to Twilight's room, reached the door and stood there, waiting, having not made a sound the entire time.

"Luna," Twilight whispered just barely inaudible to the pony standing outside, "We are no longer in private..."

"I know dear Twilight... I know..." Luna seemed not to care too much, but sounded very distant.

"Are you alright?" Twilight saw she was distracted by a thought, but what?

"I'm fine."

" I think I'm getting a bit hungry. You?" Twilight asked, really saying that they should see who it was eavesdropping.

"I am hungry, I also need to use the little mares room..." Luna looked a bit embarrassed for some reason.

"Let's go then." Twilight said and took Luna by the hoof. They opened the door, and saw the culprit. "Pinkie? What are you doing trying to listen to us?" Twilight was really confused now, having expected Rainbow Dash or her brother.

"I'm sorry Twilight, I wasn't trying to listen to you two. I got up here and was going to knock, but then wasn't sure if it'd bother you so I stood here thinking about the recent events, and I realized something Twilight..." Pinkies hair was still depressed to her head, rather than the usual poofy mess that made her a good head taller.

"What did you realize Pinkie?"

"I realized that of all of my friends, you are one of my closest, and I'd never let anything come between us, even if I have to kill somepony..." Pinkie's face was dead serious, and quite terrifying, leaving both princesses stunned and with nothing to say as she turned and slowly trotted down the stairs and went off to the kitchen.

"Umm... Not what I expected... Lets get food." Twilight pulled gently on Luna's hoof and felt her pull back. "Right... Other ponies..."

"I'm sorry Twilight, I just don't want to make anypony feel awkward... Even though all I want in the world is for you to hold me as I hold you..." Luna started to wiggle about a little at a very slow, consistent pace.

"It's fine, I understand... I just wish it didn't have to be like this..." Twilight frowned and held Luna, who now was wiggling a little more than before.

"I love you Twilight..." Luna whispered, leaving the sentence hanging.

"I love you too Luna... I just wish it didn't have to be a secret..." Twilight squeezed a little and Luna started to wiggle more violently. "Are you okay? Why are you wiggling so much?"

"Twilight, dear, I told you earlier... I need to use the little mares room!" Her whisper was sharp and violent.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Princess Luna, I'll let go now so you can go." Twilight giggled and moved out of the way as Luna rushed to her room to use that bathroom.

"I made it! Phew! Now for what I needed to attend to alone." Luna washed her hooves and brushed her mane. She looked into the mirror, and a face appeared that wasn't hers, but more like a shadow. "Everything is going as you'd hoped... But it is over. I am done being your toy."

"Are you now?..." The shadow left the mirror to fill the room. "It was only a matter of time before the inevitable..." The shadow took the form of an Alicorn and took a tangible step forward, the sound a sickening crack as something in its leg seemed to break, but it took no notice, and continued, step after step, the same sickening crack in each step until he was upon Luna, towering over her, his breath smelling like death. "You will do as I say, and make Twilight Sparkle fall... Am I understood?..." The shadow bared its teeth, an ugly yellow assortment of razor sharp fangs, something long dead stuck between them.

"I-I understand..." Luna's voice trembled, a tear rolled down her cheek as she thought of the one she loved falling to darkness.

"Then we are in an accord... Continue with my little request and you will be fine... Fail to, and I will personally see to it that the princess of friendship will fall!" As he spoke he spat on Luna's beautiful, sleek face, his saliva a burning liquid that made her feel far from comfortable. The shadow took an intangible form once again and returned to the mirror. Luna sat in her room for about twenty minutes crying. What would she do? Would she make her lover do the unspeakable, or would she defy the creature who killed her parents? The creature who made her parents fall, and destroy everything they held dear... The creature who had made her fall once before, turning her into Nightmare Moon...

"Hey Luna, you feel better?" Luna had come out and walked majestically to the table where everypony else sat.

"Yes, I'm much better now. Thank you Twilight." Luna smiled and continued on to eat her breakfast.

"Alright, its only a few more days until we can leave and return to our homes and try to rebuild our... Loses..." Shining Armor paused on the word losses, thinking how they would repopulate if they needed to. The immediate ideas that came to mind scared him, considering he and spike were the only males around...

"A few more daaaysss!!! I can't wait that long!" Rainbow dash was clearly upset, and anxious to stretch her wings. "Is it like, two days? Or FOUR days!?" Rainbow Dash grabbed her face and slumped to the ground in a worried fit.

"Oh hush ya' big baby! A few more days ain't gonna kill ya." Apple Jack said pointedly, in the way only she can.

"I just dread to think of my poor bouquet's state! Oh what this horrible shadowling creatures could have done! It's unbearable to think about!" Rarity said in the drama queen voice she had mastered to a T while a couch appeared out of nowhere for her to faint upon. "Oh it's just a tragedy!"

"I just hope all the critters in my house were okay... I'm so worried about them all... I'll make them all a special treat when we get back! Maybe even take them out to eat!" Fluttershy was excited about this idea, and was prancing around. "Oh Rainbow Dash, a. Few more days can't be too bad... I think..." Fluttershy stopped prancing and sat behind Rainbow Dash giving her a gentle massage.

"I hope the baby cakes are okay..." Pinkie piped up, her hanging head raised slightly at this hopeful thought that her two favorite babies were going to be fine. They weren't really babies anymore, but they still didn't have their cutie marks.

"I'm worried about Granny Smith and Apple Bloom, I sure hope Big Mac is okay and takin' good care of them..." Apple Jack pulled her hat off and held it into her chest, her hair radiant (and to Rainbow Dash somewhat exotic) and glowing in the light from the inside of the enormous tree.

"The only things I'm worried about are all in this room..." Twilight said and pulled everyone in for a group hug. Everyone except Golden Rain.

"Oh don't worry, I want to rape you all and kill you in your sleep." Golden Rain said bitterly as she went into a room labeled Spike without realizing it wasn't her room.

"I'm worried about Gilda a bit, but I know she can handle herself. I'm more concerned about Jo!" Spike had said with a great amount of worry in his voice.

" The Doughnut pony" Twilight asked very confused.

"Yeah! He has the best doughnuts a growing dragon could ever want!" Everypony laughed at this remark.

"We need to leave today." Luna said in a serious tone. Everypony stood and stared at her in question. "We need to leave today. I can't explain why or what is going on right now, but we have to leave right now." Luna hung her head a little, her whole body shaking in fear. "All I can say is I have done something terrible, and I will set things right by warning you all to leave."

"Luna, what are you talking about? I'm not leaving until you explain yourself..." Twilight was scared of the answer she would be given.

"I'm all for getting outta here sooner, but thiiiis is kinda creepy..." Rainbow Dash voiced everyponies opinion.

"I can't explain, by saying this I'm putting you in danger, but if I had not, you would be in more danger that you could not escape from. At the least I will let you escape. Twilight, we need to open these doors now. Trust me..." She cried as she spoke, looking deep into Twilights eyes.

"Alright... I trust you Luna..." Twilight had stepped up to the large doors on the right side as Luna took the left. Both Alicorns eyes glowed as they rose into the air from their magic and the doors slowly opened into the Everfree Forest.

"Everypony must leave, now!" Luna shouted and all ponies broke lose.

7 Moon in the Dark

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A hollow place. An empty place. No sound, no light, just darkness. No feeling of wind, no hot, only cold. So cold. Is this ones fate? For the moon, this is the fate it has been given. A large orb in the sky, unable to see or hear anything, unable to sense anything. Only existing. For what? The moon knows not why it is, just that it is. Its core becoming as cold as the... What? The darkness.

"Hello." a voice unknown spoke. The sound dry and with no reverberation what-so-ever.

"You look lonely." There it was again... But what could be speaking? The moon knew not how to speak, but thinking it did very well.

"It's okay. You don't have to talk if you can't." Could this creature read the moon's mind?

"Yes. I know your thoughts... And you have been very cold for a very long time..." This voice is so sympathetic... So nice and kind... It is a lovely voice...

"I also know that you cannot see me... Nor can I see you... Only you can bring the light." Light?... What is that? The moon had never seen light.

"I will teach you how to see light... I will guide you through emotions." Emotions? What are those? All the moon knows is cold... All the moon has seen is darkness... The moon knows not light, nor... Emotions...

"I will guide you... I will save you from this darkness. I will show you the light. I will teach you of all things that have been, and all things that are." And of things to be? What about that strange voice? Can you show me that? The moon knows already what has been... The answer is darkness. The moon knows what is... The answer is Darkness... But the moon knows the darkness will not leave... So voice, if you show the moon something the moon knows not already, the moon will follow you.

"I alone cannot show you, moon... But you can show yourself... I will show you how to do this. It will take time, yet the reward will be priceless." Priceless? What is price?...

"I will show you everything you have missed... All that comes with light... And the things in the dark that you cannot comprehend..." Voice, you are unaware of what the moon knows it seems... The moon knows what lurks in the dark. Nothing.

Voice?... You have left the moon, and the moon is once again in darkness... Alone... But now the moon knows it is not alone... Not forever...

"Hello again." Voice? You returned quickly... Why?

"Did I not say I would help? I have returned one week from my first visit." Week? That is such a short amount of time... The moon knows time in eternities... Not weeks...

"There are seven days in a week, four weeks in a month, and twelve months in a year. There are ten years in a decade, and one hundred years in a century. Does this help you understand such a short amount of time?" Yes. Voice. Thank you. The moon has begun to understand.

*"Do you remember this?" A strange voice... In the dark... The endless, sightless dark... The bitterly cold dark...

"Yes. A simple voice in the dark... That is all you were to me at first..." All I was to you?... What do you mean?...

"You taught me the time of ponies... You taught me to see the light... And from that light you taught me to see... Everything." Everything?... What are you?... Surely you are not me...

"No, dear friend... I am not you... Only you can be... But I will help you to see the light, with the light you have shown me..." Light?... I have forgotten the sight of light... Did I ever know the light?... Or was it just my thought?...

*"You have made great progress, my dear moon." Thank you. Talking to you has made me feel strange of late... I can't describe how, but it is a good strange...

"You are feeling emotions now... Happiness..." Happiness?... I like... Happy.

"There are many emotions though. Many many emotions. This is just one." Just one? How many are there? Countless... Correct?

"Yes... Not even I know every emotion..." What is your name, fair voice?

"In due time dear moon." Till next week.

Voice?... Are you not coming? There is still so much for me to learn... I want to experience happiness again... Please, come back...

Voice? It has been a long time since you have come... Have you forgotten about me? Will I never experience happiness again? I feel... Strange... A bad strange, that makes me feel empty inside... Like nothing matters anymore...

"I am here... I have been here for one month, listening to you..." What?

"I have now shown you sadness. This comes in many forms. One you experienced we call depression." You made me believe you had forgotten about me... Made me think that I was alone! I do not want to be alone! I want you to stay with me for eternity, showing me all of the things in the world I cannot see or hear or touch or smell or know of!

"Inside of you you should be feeling hot. Like you could just hurt something. Like you want to release pent up pressure on one thing and see it be destroyed." Yes, I want to do something to release pent up pressure.

"What you are feeling is anger. This is a dangerous emotion. This emotion can cause one to lose their life..." What?... Lose their life?... Will I lose mine from this?...

"No. But you were just feeling frantic. Like something bad would happen, and you didn't want it to, and were hoping it didn't, not sure what you would do if something bad did happen." Yes... I did feel like that... What is that emotion?

"Fear. What you felt is what its like to be scared... There is one more emotion I would like to show you..." Yes? You speak as if it is something you don't wish to show me...

"I do... I really do... But it is an extremely difficult emotion to know... It is something that cannot just be shown like I have done with the others... It is something that some creatures even over their entire life have not even figured out..." What, what is it? What is this emotion called?

*"I now understand what this emotion is..." This... We are hearing memories?... You are showing me your memories?...

"No... I am showing you our memories, dear friend..." Our memories? I do not remember this... How can this be my memory?

"You have forgotten... You have spent a very long time in darkness... You have become cold... So cold... But we are lucky in that where you are, time flows differently... For every thousand years, it is equal to a single day where you are from." Where I come from?... Yes... Where I come from... But where is it? I do not remember even what it looks like...

*"Dear moon, can I tell you something?..." The moon is willing to listen to anything you have to say, dear friend.

"You are the closest friend I've ever had..." Dear friend, you are the ONLY one I've had.

"One more thing..." Yes? What is it dear friend?

"What comforts you the most?..." What? What comforts me the most? I would have to say you, dear friend... Why do you ask such a strange question?

"I want you to focus, dear moon... Focus on me, the feeling you get from me. Focus as hard as you can." Alright, friend... I'll focus on the feeling I get from your voice.

*"This is when..." When? what is about to happen?

"I'm going to glow, for the first time..." Oh... What is glow?

"With this glow I will make you remember." Remember what?

"Who you are."

*"So, dear moon, are you focusing?" Ngh. Yes. As hard as I can.

"I want you to relax now. keep thinking of only that feeling and nothing else, but relax." Alright... The moon is relaxed.

"Now let that feeling overflow you, let it fill you until you can do nothing but cry in joy and happiness."

*"As I did this, I started to glow." Ngh! what is this? My eyes... My heart... I feel as though I am being filled with many emotions at once... And memories... are filling into the deep, deep darkness I've been stuck in...

"Yes... You've shown me the light. Light created from love and a tender heart, which you have passed to me." I am remembering a great wonder of things, beautiful sights, lovely memories... But also horrid, nightmarish events... Tragedies I've caused... Friends who have died... but now I am remembering friends... friends who have not yet died, and may have a chance to live if what you said about our time difference is true.

"I would not lie to you, dear Luna." I know, dear Moon. Thank you. Will you aid in my return? Will you aid in the defeat of the creature we fight?

"Luna, I will give you the awesome power of the moon. Not many know besides you that I too have magic, and a greater one than yours. You must promise me one thing." Anything! Dear Moon, for you, I'd give my life!

"You must return it to me when it is over, and you cannot turn into that dreadful other pony, who ruins my good name by calling herself Nightmare Moon." I have learned that lesson, and will not travel that road again.

"Then by the power of the Divine Moon, I grant you the power of shadows to defeat your opponent. I give you the power over all spirits dead." I can feel the power... This will surely be enough... Thank you!

"There is one final thing..." Yes?

"Take your sister, Celestia, to the Sun... My sister... she will lend Celestia the power she needs to vanquish another evil, that will show itself soon." How soon? When will this new evil arrive?

"Arrive? It is already here, it just has not been revealed. The true puppeteer is yet to be discovered..."