The Mystery of a New World (The Sexy Chapters)

by Fanthrose

First published

The sexy fun time parts that didn't make it into the original story.

This is where all the sex and fun stuff that can't make it into the original teen version goes.

I'll add chapters to this whenever I feel like writing something a bit more...saucy.

Original story is right over here.

AJ's First Time (fun, sexy times from ch. 29 'Is This the Right Choice')

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AJ finally exited the bathroom with the towel draped over his body. He finished drying his coat before throwing the towel in the hamper to be cleaned. As he walked down the stairs, he looked over at Ditzy, who looked a lot calmer, sitting on the couch. She looked over when she heard him coming down stairs. She flew up to him and gave him a hug. “I’m sorry. I’ve just been so nervous today. I didn’t even notice that you were still so depressed.”

AJ slowly returned the hug. “What do you have to be nervous about? Everypony loves you…unlike me.”

“Don’t say that. A lot of ponies love you.” Ditzy tightened her hug. “I love you. Now why don’t you go sit down while I go put the cleaning supplies away.”

As Ditzy flew off to pick things up, AJ slowly made his way to the couch. “In case you’re wondering, she got a letter from her parents.” AJ stopped and turned to look at Carrot. “They’re coming to visit tomorrow, and Ditzy wanted to make the house look as good as possible.”

AJ groaned as he fell to the floor. “Great. Just great. Two ponies that I KNOW hate me.”

“Yea, Ditzy told me about that,” Carrot said as she scratched the back of her head. “So you made a bad first impression. I’m sure they’ll give you another chance.”

“No they won’t, and I wouldn’t blame them.”

“Wow, I can see why Applejack got annoyed with you,” Carrot said under her breath. AJ groaned into his hooves. "Shit!" she hissed to herself. "Uhh, I mean it’s a good thing Applejack brought you over here then. If anypony will be able to brighten you up, it’ll be Ditzy. And playing with Dinky always makes you smile. Once I go get her, the two of you can play as long as you want.”


Carrot facehoofed. “Well, can’t say I didn’t at least try.” She stated as she went in search of Ditzy. “Ditzy! It’s you’re turn!”

As she made her way up stairs, Ditzy met her halfway. “What am I doing now?”

“I give up,” Carrot said bluntly. “Maybe you’ll have better luck getting him to cheer up. I’m going to go get Dinky from Sparkler’s place.”

“What do you want me to do? I’ve tried talking to him,” Ditzy said with worry in her voice.

“I don’t know. Just spend some time with him. Cuddle up to him or something. Show him that you enjoy his company.” Carrot put a hoof up to her chin. “And if that doesn’t work, I suppose you could always try flaunting the goods. Maybe an eyeful will get him going.”

A blush grew on Ditzy’s face. “E-excuse me?!”

“What? You have a better idea?” Ditzy’s silence was all Carrot needed. “Didn’t think so. I’ll be back.”

Ditzy just watched as Carrot walked towards the front door. ‘She just expects me to…to flash him?’ she thought to herself; the blush on her face growing more intense. She looked over to AJ. He had made his way to the couch at some point when she and Carrot were talking. He looked so miserable just lying there like that. She ran the idea through her head a bit more. ‘I-I guess if it will cheer him up, it’s worth a try………but let’s try something else first.’

She walked over to the couch and laid down next to AJ, nuzzling up to him. “Are you at least feeling a little better than you were yesterday?”

She felt him slowly shake his head. “How can I? My dad’s probably up there watching me right now; just thinking about how much of a fuckup I am. Probably thinking I’m horrible for abandoning my family, and making their lives miserable; just so I could live happily.” He stayed silent for a bit. “You know what? He’d be right. I’m the worst type of pony there is.”

“Why do you keep saying that? You’re not a bad pony. You’re kind, helpful, funny. You always find a way to make Dinky smile. How does that make you a bad pony?” AJ stayed silent. “Tell me, if you’re such a bad pony, then why do I love you so much?” To emphasize her point, Ditzy nuzzled up to him before lifting her head to kiss him on the cheek.

“I don’t know, but you deserve somepony better than me.”

“No. It’s me who doesn’t deserve you.” Ditzy hoped that would work. AJ’s silence told her that it didn’t. ‘Ooohhh, I really didn’t want it to come to this, but…’ Ditzy got up off the couch and took a few steps away from the couch. She let out a nervous sigh. ‘Okay Ditzy, you can do this. It’s for AJ. Just keep telling yourself that.’ “Oh AJ.” No reaction. “Look at me AJ.”

AJ let out a depressed sigh as he started to turn his head. “Wha…” His eyes went wide and his mouth dropped as his face heated up. Ditzy was standing in front of the couch, displaying her rump to him. It was swaying side to side. Her tail was also swaying along with it. Occasionally her tail would sway enough where he could see everything. When he managed to pull his eyes away from the bubbly butt in front of him, his eyes fell on Ditzy’s. She was blushing, and attempting a seductive smile; though it was clear that she was feeling very uncomfortable. “Ditzy, what…”

The ‘smile’ fell from Ditzy’s face, and she stopped swaying her hips. The blush on her face grew as she fell to a sitting position. “I’m sorry. It was Carrot’s idea. She thought that maybe if I flaunted myself like that, it would cheer you up.” Tears started welling up in her eyes. “I can’t believe I actually went through with it. I’m not that kind of pony. I’m so stupid.” She lowered her head with a sad sigh. She gasped when she felt something wrap around her. Looking up she saw that AJ was hugging her.

“If you didn’t want to do it, then why?” he asked as he started rubbing her back.

“I didn’t want to see you be miserable anymore, and I didn’t have any other idea’s. I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. I’m the one who should be sorry.” Ditzy looked up at him in confusion. “I’ve been so caught up in my own problems, I failed to see how it made everypony else feel.” He tightened the hug. “Can you ever forgive me?”

Ditzy wiped the tears out of her eyes and smiled. “Of course I can. As long as you’re feeling better.” She blinked as her smile faltered slightly. “You are feeling better, right?”

AJ lowered his head and kissed her. “I think so, yea.”

Ditzy smiled and started nuzzling into AJ’s chest. “Do you think we could move to the couch? It’s much more comfortable than the floor.”

With a chuckle, AJ lifted Ditzy into the air with his magic and walked over to the couch. After lying down on his back, he lowered her on top of him. “How could I have been so mopey when I have such a beautiful mare in my life?”

Ditzy giggled as she closed her eyes; enjoying the closeness. As they lay there in silence, Ditzy’s mind began to form a question. A blush came to her face again. “Uhh, AJ? Can I ask you a…question?”

AJ cracked an eye open and looked down at her. “Hmm?”

She glanced around nervously; almost as if looking to make sure nopony was listening in. “D-did you, uhh, like it?”

AJ looked at Ditzy in confusion. “Like it?” Ditzy nodded. “Did I like what?”

“Did you like when I…you know?” AJ still looked confused. “Flashed you?”

“Flashed me?” When AJ remembered back, his eyes got wide. He felt his face heat up. “Well…uhh.” He tried to think of something to say that wouldn’t make him look bad. Unfortunately for him, the only thing running through his mind at the moment was the sight of Ditzy’s backside swaying in front of him. “Ummmmm.” That’s when he felt something beginning to stir. ‘Oh crap! Can’t think about it. Must think about something else. Something. Anything!’ He started humming a tune in his head to try to drive the thoughts from his head. It was a futile effort. ‘Damnit.’

Ditzy squeaked when she felt something warm start to poke her. She turned her head to see what it was and squeaked again. Her face turned crimson as she saw AJ’s penis poking her rump. She turned back to AJ who was hiding his face in his hooves in shame. “I-I guess you did.”

Still hiding his face, he sheepishly nodded. “Yea. You’re not mad, are you?”

Ditzy thought for a moment. She couldn’t be mad at him. Not for something like that. “No, I guess I’m not.”

Feeling a little better, AJ started to sit up. Noticing this, Ditzy climbed off of him. “I, uh, I guess I should go take a cold shower or something. Excuse me.”

As AJ started to lift off the couch, Ditzy put a hoof on his chest to keep him down. “Wait.” AJ looked at Ditzy. She was nervously rubbing her forelegs together as she tried to keep from looking at his member. “I was thinking…maybe…maybe I could take care of that for you.” A small smile formed on her face as she looked up at him.

AJ’s brain shut down. Ditzy, the most important mare in his life, had offered to ‘take care’ of his little...problem, and he didn’t know what to say. His mind was drawing a blank. After he was finally able to collect his thoughts, he slowly nodded his head. The smile on Ditzy’s face grew more earnest. She leaned up and kissed him on the lips; gently pushing him down onto the couch as she did. After breaking the kiss, she looked into his eyes. “Just let me take care of everything.”

Ditzy kept her eyes locked on AJ’s as she lowered herself down his body. She broke eye contact once she was lying down between his hind legs to get a better look at his tool. It was a little smaller than average length for a stallion. Maybe a little thicker than normal though. It was mostly flesh colored with a couple brown splotches by the base and near the head. She swallowed the lump in her throat as she placed a hoof on it; slowly stroking the member.

AJ immediately tensed up at the sensation. “S-so soft…”

Ditzy looked back up at him with a smile. “Soft? You think my hoof is soft?” she asked, stopping her hoof.

AJ looked down at her and nodded. “It feels…really, really good.”

Feeling more brave, a smirk made it’s way onto Ditzys face. “Well, if that feels ‘really, really good,’ I wonder how this will feel.” She lowered her head and stuck her tongue out, licking up from his preputial ring to the tip. She smiled at the squeak AJ let out. His leg began to twitch slightly. “That good, huh?” She asked before lowering her mouth; engulfing his tip with her mouth.

As she suckled on his tip, she used her hooves to stroke the base of his shaft. AJ let out a small whine; his shaft throbbing in her hold. “D-d-ditzy…!”

Ditzy took more of him into her mouth, dancing her tongue around the shaft. She was too busy with what she was doing to hear AJ’s warning. Her eyes widened as she felt the head begin to flare. The first blast of seed hit the back of the unexpecting mare’s throat; coating both her mouth and throat in the potent spunk.

She relinquished his penis from her mouth as the next spurt hit her in the face. All she could think to do was to let go of his rod and try to keep it out of her other eye. She kept her eyes closed until she felt the barrage end.

She chanced opening the eye that wasn’t covered in semen. AJ was lying sprawled out on the couch breathing heavily. He was riding out the afterglow. His penis was still twitching slightly in the aftershock. Since she let go of his dick, it ended up spraying its load over both the couch and AJ himself.

“T-that...was...awesome,” he managed to say between breaths.

“Geeze,” Ditzy said as she wiped the semen from her eye. “That was a lot of cum. When’s the last time you emptied those things?”

AJ took a moment to gather his senses before speaking. “I...I haven’t had an orgasm since…” His voice petered out at the end; his face was flushed again.

“Hmm?” she asked as she wiped away more of his spunk.

“...Since before I got stabbed in the shoulder.”

Ditzy’s eyes got wide. “AJ, that was before you became a pony. Are you telling me you’ve never...tested out the new equipment?”

“O-only when I was a mare,” his face resembled a bright red apple right now.

“Why doesn’t that surprise me?” Ditzy asked with a smirk.

“Didn’t even get to finish. Big Mac walked in on me.”

Ditzy snorted as she tried to contain her laughter. “Oh man, kinda hard to finish after that.” She cleared her throat to help gather herself. “Well, I guess that answers the question about your hair trigger then. Months without release, and a bad case of blue...would that still classify as blue balls since you were a mare?” she asked nopony in particular.

AJ didn’t answer the question. He just took in a deep breath and took a moment to think about the last few minutes, and how he wasn’t satisfied yet. ‘No, she’s already done enough,’ he thought with a smile as his rod continued to throb with need.

Ditzy noticed as AJ started lifting himself from the couch. “And just where do you think you’re going? Hmm?” she asked as she pushed him back down.

AJ swallowed the lump in his throat. “I-I thought we were done. I was going to…”

“Done? Does this…” She began rubbing his erection again with the hoof she used to clean herself with; coating it with his thick seed. “Want us to be done? Cause it looks like it still needs a bit of TLC.”

AJ let out a gasp at the sensation that was running through him again. “Y-you’ve already made me cum. You don’t have to do anymore.”

“Don’t have to, but I want to. Besides…” She sat up and turned her body around, pointing her rump towards him. Her loins were glistening with her own juices. “A girl has her needs too.”

AJ couldn’t help but be mesmerized as her pussy winked at him. He had seen mares wink before. Back when he was with the Boy Scouts he had gone to a farm. At the time, the mares had gone into heat, so it was a pretty regular sight.

It did absolutely nothing for him.

But now that he was a stallion, seeing it in front of him once again, it filled him with more emotions than he could comprehend. His penis twitched with anticipation as he unconsciously licked his lips.

“Want a taste?” Ditzy asked as she saw the hungry look in his eyes. Already knowing the answer, she bent down to present herself to him; leaning on the arm of the couch for leverage.

AJ crawled over to Ditzy, his eyes on the treasure box in front of him. He moved in for a taste, but stopped a mere inch away as her scent washed over him. It hit him. Boy did it hit him. He had never smelled anything like it. It started clouding his mind with lust as he started panting.

Ditzy cooed as she felt his hot breath on her sex. It caused her to shudder with desire as she waited for contact. Her eyes got wide as AJ stuck his tongue out and gave one big, long lick up her entire slit. It was like he was testing the waters, because immediately after he dove right in.

His forelegs grabbed her by the flank and pulled her rump closer as he ravaged her pussy. Ditzy squeaked as she felt his tongue explore her depths; dancing over everything within its reach. He left no spot untouched as he lapped her entrance. It was like he was in a trance as he tried to get more of her nectar as it started to leak out.

“Oooooooh Celestia yes,” she cooed as the tongue lashing continued. ‘It feels so much better when somepony else helps you,’ she thought as she bucked into his muzzle. Ditzy started to moan as her pleasure continued to build. She hasn’t had this kind of treatment in such a long time, and it felt so good. Though as good as it felt, she couldn’t help but feel it was missing something.

That’s when a lightning bolt of pleasure rocked her body. AJ had finally found the crown jewel of the treasure trove he was muzzle deep in. He found her pleasure pearl. “AHHHHFFFFFFUUCK ME!!!” she cried as she began to writhe in his hold; her wings and eyes were going crazy. He began to lap and suckle at her clit like he was a hungry foal that found its mother’s teat.

It wasn’t long before Ditzy was rocked by the most intense orgasm she’s had in years. She loudly moaned into the arm of the couch as she rode the waves of pleasure. AJ continued to lap at her opening; trying to get every last drop of the deluge that had hit him. After what felt like forever, Ditzy’s orgasm finally ended. She continued to lie in the same position as she basked in the afterglow.

She didn’t get much time to recoup though as she felt something prodding at her entrance. She chanced a look back to see AJ mounting her. His face was covered in her femcum. His eyes were hungry and he was wildly panting. His member, which was kissing her slit, looked like it was so hard it hurt. He was a beast running on pure instinct “C-can I…?”

Well, almost pure instinct.

Ditzy’s mind may have still been clouded in pleasure, but she knew what he was asking for. She didn’t even say anything, she just smiled and rocked her hips back onto him; engulfing his head in her quim. AJ continued to hesitate slightly as he slowly pushed into her. He stopped moving once he was completely buried inside her. He couldn’t find it in him to move for a minute as he reveled in the feeling. The warm, velvety embrace of Ditzy’s pussy welcomed each and every inch of him, and felt amazing.

Ditzy herself just reveled in the feeling of fullness. It may not have looked much thicker than average, but once it was inside

Once he was used to the feeling, he began rocking himself back; pulling his cock from her honey pot. He stopped once only the head remained in before rocking back into her. The slow pace continued until AJ got more comfortable with the motions. It slowly got faster and faster until he was slapping his hips against hers.

Ditzy, while enjoying the experience, couldn’t help but notice the inexperienced, and uncontrolled thrusts. AJ was all instinct, and no finesse. That’s when it hit her.

He was a virgin.

That’s when she felt him start to get even more wild. His thrusts and breathing became erratic, and she felt his head begin to flare. Her eyes widened as she gripped the arm and pulled herself forward. Just in time too as the first blast of his load painted her taint and her outer folds. The rest of his seed landed on her back and rump.

When he was finished, his exhausted body fell back from Ditzy; flopping down on the couch. He was breathing heavily as he basked in the afterglow of his second orgasm that day.

Using her hoof, Ditzy collected some of the cum from her back. She looked at the cum on her hoof. ‘Still this much after already cumming. I guess he really was pent up,’ she thought as she was about to lick her hoof clean. She stopped though as an evil thought came into her head. She looked at AJ with a smirk as she collected as much cum as she could and licked it up. She didn’t swallow though. Instead, she leaned over AJ and planted a kiss on his lips. AJ welcomed the kiss, letting her tongue into his mouth.

That’s when he noticed the taste of, what tasted like, salted apples.

His tired eyes widened as she fed him his own cum. She easily held him down as her tongue glided all around his mouth and tongue; making sure he got a good taste. She pulled away with a smirk on her mouth. AJ just looked up at her, not sure what to expect next. “Well, how was it?” she asked as she lay down on top of him.

AJ finished licking his forced snack and swallowed before answering. “ tasted like salted apples,” he said with only a hint of feigned disgust

‘He totally liked it,’ she thought to herself as she mentally pumped her hoof.

“No, not that,” she said with a giggle. “Though you’re right. Definitely apples. You have been eating a lot of them over at the farm I guess. I meant your first time? How was it to lose your virginity?”

AJ felt his face heat up. “Y-y-you could tell? Was I that bad?”

“You weren't terrible, but you have a lot to learn. I guess we’ll…” She was stopped as she let out a yawn. “I guess we’ll have to do it again sometime so you can get better.”

“R-really?” he asked as his lids slowly closed. “I’d like that.” Before sleep caught up with him, he wrapped his forelegs around Ditzy; holding her close to help preserve this special moment.

The Princess of Wet Dreams (fun, sexy times from ch. 41 'A Date with Destiny)

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(Ever wonder why AJ was so embarrassed/jumpy when he and Luna met Rainbow and Pinkie in the lobby of the hotel?)

AJ let out a grunt as he slammed into the ground; his spear falling to the ground next to him. He struggled to push himself up, but the weight of his armor was just too much for his limbs to support now. He had been beaten and battered too much by his enemy. Dents and scratches littered his heavy mail. He could only imagine how his body looked underneath.

He managed to knock his helmet off his head as the sky became eclipsed by the pony before him. He looked up at him; a scowl on his face. “B-b-bastard.”

“Call me all the names you wish. I have still won today,” Morning Glory said with a toothy grin showing from the openings in his own helmet. His large, spike covered mace hovered besides him, along with a shield on his otherside. “I guess I was just too much for you.”

AJ tried to stand once again. He was successful this time, but was quickly sent back to the ground as Morning Glory bashed him upside the head with his shield. “You’re just a great, big loser. Just like Ditzy.” Morning Glory let out a low chuckle. “I guess you two really were made for each other.”

“There will be others,” AJ said with the last of his strength.

“I welcome the challenge. Hopefully they’ll pose more of a threat than you.” Morning Glory slowly raised his mace skyward; reveling in the moment. There it sat for a moment as he took a deep breath. His face suddenly turned sadistic as the mace was swung downward.


AJ let out a loud gasp as his surroundings suddenly shifted. He was no longer looking at the battlefield where only he and Morning Glory remained. Instead, it had been replaced by the ever expansive blackness of his dreamscape once again. He quickly stood up and began looking around. “Luna? Are you there?”

“Don’t worry, I’m right here,” she said as she landed a few feet in front of him.

AJ let out a dejected sigh. “Well...that one could have ended better. I guess even in my dream I’m a bit of a loser, huh?”

“Oh hush. You are not a ‘loser’,” Luna said as she made air quotes. “Unless you’ve mastered the art of lucid dreaming, it’s kinda hard to bend your dreams to your will.”

“I still don’t fully understand this whole dreamscape thing. I can control what type of dreams I have, but once I’m in them I have no say about what all happens.”

“Dreams are a very fickle mistress,” Luna said with a shrug. “Even after millenia, I still have a lot to learn about them myself.”

AJ let out a sigh. “How long have we been at this anyway? Not trying to rush it or anything, but it feels like we’ve been going for days now.”

“It’s only been about five hours and fifteen minutes, actually. But don’t worry, it won’t be too much longer. Just one last little ‘test’ I want you to take.”

“As long as it’s not going to lead to me taking a shield to the face again, I’m all for it.”

“Oh, it won’t. And if it does, I’ll start worrying about your psyche a bit. No, the last test is love.”


“Or romance. Both could be interesting. I want you to use your dreamscape to show me love and or romance.”

AJ raised his brow as he stared at the princess. “Isn’t that a little...broad? There are many different ways to express love.”

“I know. That’s what’ll make this an interesting test. I wanna see what you’ll come up with.” She noticed the unamused look on AJ’s face. “Oh come now, it’ll be fun. Just do as you did for all the other tests. Take a deep breath and relax. Let your imagination take over.”

AJ rolled his eyes as he relented. He followed the same steps he had for all the other tests. The only difference this time were the things he thought about. It didn’t take long before his mind began to feel clouded. A light blush made it’s way to his face before his dreamscape took over.


AJ took a slow, steady sip of his wine as his eyes fell on the mare before him. A content smile framed the wine glass before he lowered it. He and Ditzy were alone at her house. Carrot was away with her family, and Dinky was currently with her grandparents. With the house to themselves, they decided to have a special night. No interruptions. Just him, the bottle of alcohol free wine, some cheesy movies, and the mare of his dreams.

“You know, as much as I love spending time with Dinky and Carrot, sometimes it’s nice to have a night with just you,” AJ said as he offered his glass for a toast.

Ditzy let out a giggle. “I couldn’t agree more.” She extended her own glass, gently knocking them together in a toast to themselves. “Whens the last time we even had a night like this?”

AJ had to think about that for a moment. “I...don’t think we’ve actually had a true night alone since before we got together.” He set his glass down as he ran everything through his mind again.

Ditzy really couldn’t believe it, but as she thought about it herself, her eyes slowly widened in the realization. “Sweet Celestia you’re right. I think the last night we had to ourselves was back at the castle. And you spent the whole night studying.”

“Either Dinky was here, or both her and Carrot.”

“Now we have the entire house to ourselves.”

“We could do anything.”

“Yea. We could even…”

Both of them slowly glanced over to each other before quickly looking away, a bright blush on both of their faces. The two of them were silent for what felt like forever. As she sat there, Ditzy found it harder and harder to ignore the sensation in her loins. Bringing up the possibility of a little fun with AJ suddenly reminded her that she hasn’t been completely ‘satisfied’ in over a month, and it was all starting to hit her. She could see AJ beginning to fidget around in his seat.

Ditzy swallowed the lump in her throat before speaking. “We...we could do anything.”

“In any room of the house.”

“In any position.”

“With any toys.”

“Even Carrot’s special toys.”

AJ blinked and turned to Ditzy. “Carrot has special toys?”

Ditzy blushed again when AJ questioned her on it. “Just...forget I brought them up.”

AJ swallowed the lump in his throat. “W-well, before we do anything, I’m going to go get some water.”

AJ stood up from the couch and began walking towards the kitchen; failing to see the the predatory smile on his lover’s face.

AJ couldn’t help but feel excited over what was about to happen. He could feel himself beginning to poke out as he stood by the sink. ‘Hold on boy, we’re not to that point just yet,’ he thought as he began drinking.

Halfway through his glass he felt a sudden weight on his lower back, followed quickly by a hoof softly stroking his hardening member. He nearly dropped the glass in surprise. He craned his neck back to see Ditzy resting her body on his lower half with her left forehoof moving rhythmically back and forth underneath him. She had a sultry look on her face as she stared him down. “D-d-ditzy? W-what are yyyyee…!” AJ couldn’t help but let out a slight squeak as Ditzy slightly squeezed one of his balls.

“What am I hmm?” She asked as she went back to stroking his shaft.

AJ found it harder than it should have been to collect his thoughts. “D-don’t you wanna wait till we get up to the bedroom?”

AJ let out a half relieved, half disappointed sigh as he felt Ditzy’s hoof leave his shaft. She instead moved further up his body until he could feel her heavy breaths on the nape of his neck. “You said it yourself, we could do it in any room of the house,” she said in a low, seductive tone. “Why not here? I’m sure the table could take it.” She finished by beginning to nibble on the tip of AJ’s ear.

“T-the table? But that’s where we eeeaaaah.” AJ let out a slight moan as Ditzy lightly bit down on his ear. His member twitched beneath him. “F-fuck it. I’m sure it’ll wash off.”


Luna’s face burned with embarrassment as she watched what was unfolding before her. As she has been from the beginning, she was watching AJ in his dreamy endeavors from the shadows. “Oh my. I-I don’t think I should be watching this. Maybe I should end this. Save him the embarrassment when he wakes up.”

She took another look at AJ and Ditzy. Her eyes were drawn to Ditzy’s hoof as she stroked the stallion. She bit her lip as her loins began calling for attention. “Then again, I am supposed to be watching his dreams for...’creativity.’ This is all to see how creative his dreams are. This is research. Yea...that’s it...research,” she said to convince herself. “No harm in watching research,” she said as one of her hooves began moving between her legs. “A girl has her needs after all.”


Knowing that AJ was now putty in her hooves, she worked herself around him and began pushing him back towards the table. Once there, she had him get up onto the table. “And don’t worry about breaking it. Carrot made sure to buy the best. Good ol’ Earth pony ingenuity.” She gave the table a few good pounds to show how sturdy it was.

“That’s the last thing on my mind right now,” AJ said with a smirk as he held himself up to look at Ditzy.

Ditzy rolled her eyes as she pushed him down. He was now lying down on the table with his rump was resting on the edge. His hind legs were spread, and his dick was standing fully erect before her. “Now, where were we?”

“You were a…”

“No talking,” Ditzy said as she, once again, lightly squeezed one of AJ’s balls. It was just enough to cause only a slight amount of pain. Just enough to let him know she was in control. “You’re my toy tonight, and you do what I say. And since you’re my toy, I get to play with you how ever I wish.” She wrapped her hooves around his shaft as she stared him down; waiting for some kind of acknowledgement. A meek nod was all she needed to keep going. “Good boy.”

With a smile, she moved all her attention to the feast before her. She licked her lips before leaning forward; giving his member a long, slow lick from base to head. She repeated this three more times before lowering her head and taking one of his balls into her mouth. She continued working his shaft with her hooves as she sucked on, and worked her tongue about his ball. She could hear AJ let out a grunt as he shifted a little on the table. “Oh, do you like that?” she asked after letting go of his ball.

AJ let out a soft whine as he looked at his...mistress. “Y-yea. I-I do.”

“Good, good. Believe me when I say that tonight, I am going to rock your world.” To emphasise her words, she took the tip of his penis into her mouth and began coating his head in her saliva. Ditzy’s ears perked up when they heard a knock at the door. A bright smile flashed on her face. “Oh, they’re finally here!”

“W-w-wha? W-who’s here?”

“So I may have lied about us being alone tonight.”


“I hope you don’t mind a threesom.”

Ditzy just gave him an evil look before walking away from the table. “Ditzy?!”

AJ swallowed the lump in his throat when he heard the front door open. He could hear Ditzy talking with somepony, but he couldn’t tell who it was. They were being too quiet.

It wasn’t much longer until Ditzy came back into the kitchen; the amorous smile still on her face. “Sorry for making you wait, but I think you’ll find the wait much more than worth it.” She stopped a couple feet away from the hall entrance to the kitchen. “I’d like to introduce you to our third. I think it’s somepony you should be more than familiar with.”

As the pony stepped into view, AJ swore his face must have been steaming with how hot it felt. Any thoughts that had been going through his head were quickly forgotten about. He quickly tried and failed to cover himself up with his forehooves as Big Mac stepped into the room; a smirk on his face. He tried saying something about this situation, but his gaping mouth refused to listen to him.

“Decided ta start without me Ah see.”

“What can I say, you’re late,” Ditzy said as she walked up to the table. She shook her head as she looked at AJ. “Now that just won’t do. Come on, hooves down.” Her smile dropped slightly when AJ failed to do what she said; instead he just continued to look at Big Mac with a mortified look on his face. As she had done before, she gripped one of his balls and gave it a small squeeze, forcing a small squeak from him. “Hooves down, now.” AJ swallowed the lump in his throat before apprehensively doing as he was told. “You may be wondering why I invited Big Mac of all ponies over to have fun with us tonight,” Ditzy asked as she wrapped her hooves around AJ’s cock. “Well, let’s just say I know a certain indigo unicorn that just so happenes to have a bit of a crush on him. Now, you wouldn’t know who that would be, would you?” She asked him with a knowing smile.

The surprise in AJ’s eyes was obvious. “Y-y-you knew?”

“Kinda hard not ta have noticed it. Ah think out of all our friends, Applejack’s th’ only one that hasn’t figured it out by now.”

AJ turned his gaze to Big Mac. Behind those kind eyes of his, a hint of primal lust could be seen. “And I figured that since you’ve been such a good boy, why not give you a little treat.” She could feel AJ twitch in her hold. “Big Mac, do you think you could get him prepared for me while I go get it?”

“Ah’d be honored.”

With a smile, Ditzy gave AJ’s member a kiss before lowering herself from the table and walking out of the room. It didn’t take long before Big Mac occupied the space Ditzy just stood. For a moment he just stared down at AJ with a, somewhat, calming smile. “W-what are you...preparing me for?” AJ asked; his voice full of both fear and arousal.

“Nothin’ ta worry yerself about,” Big Mac said as he reached out and wrapped a hoof around AJ’s member. He chuckled to himself at AJ’s reaction. He was one of the first ponies who figured out AJ had a crush on him, and he knew this was going to feel like a dream to him. With a gentleness that could only be mimicked by Fluttershy, he continued to rub the member, After a few seconds of stroking the cock before him, Big Mac lowered his head; using his other hoof to lift his sack. Big Mac just stared at AJ’s tight hole for a short time; taking in his musk as he did.

AJ’s head was a mish mash of thoughts right now. Far to many to be fully paying attention to what was happening. He was just trying to determine whether or not this was a dream. His eyes shot open and his mind became blank the instant he felt something wet run over his tight little pucker. He tried to force his head up to see what was happening. He unintentionally bucked his hips as Big Mac continued his ministrations. As his mind began working again, he wanted to look to see if his mind was right. To see if Big Mac really was giving his virgin hole a tongue bath right now.

That thought was immediately trashed as he felt the wet muscle begin to push at his entrance. He instinctually clenched his muscles; stopping Big Mac in his tracks. “Ya know, this’ll be much better fer you if ya just relax,” he said with a smirk.

“I-I-I can’t help it,” squeaked AJ in a pitiful voice. Right now he was a mess of extreme embarrassment, and intense arousal. On one hoof, he wanted to just stop everything, sit both Ditzy and Big Mac down, and talk about what was happening right now. Ask why another pony, Big Mac of all ponies, was introduced in their ‘play time’ without his consent.

On the other hoof, Big Mac of all ponies was currently playing with his cock and tonguing his hole. This was pretty much a dream come true. He made sure to take all the pros and cons of each scenario while weighing his options. Choosing to follow the alluring call of his sex drive was a hard choice.

Or, at least, that’s the story he would tell if somepony ever found this had ever happened.

AJ took some deep breaths to help himself relax. After a few seconds, Big Mac could see his body begin to relax. His smile turned more earnest as he lowered his head once again. He started just like he did before; licking over and around the hole to prepare it for what was about to come before. “Get ready,” he warned AJ as he centered his tongue on his hole. AJ gave a silent nod as he prepared himself.

His eyes widened as Big Mac’s tongue slowly pushed it’s way past his pucker. It was an alien feeling. He never would have imagined he’d be experiencing something like this. To say it was enjoyable would be an understatement.

“Is he ready yet?”

Both stallions turned to look towards the voice. There stood Ditzy in the living room entrance to the kitchen. She had a smirk on her face as she stared at the two of them. She was standing on her hind legs revealing to both of them a very obvious addition to the mare’s anatomy. She was wearing a special pair of underwear. They were orange in color with a matching color dildo attached to the front where her penis would be if she actually had one. It was about average size in both length and girth. draped over one of her wings was a ribbon she uses to tie her hair back for special occasions. In one of her hooves she held a bottle. Considering what she was wearing, they could guess what it was.

AJ looked between Ditzy and her little toy for a moment. “W-w-what’s that for?”

Ditzy ignored AJ as she fell to her open foreleg and walked further into the room. “Think he’s ready yet?” she asked as she looked at Big Mac.

“Ah don’t know. Ah was only just beginnin’ ta loosen’im up before ya got back. He wasn’t prepared fer it an clenched everythin’ at first.”

Ditzy scrunched up her face as she determined what to do. “More lube and go slow?”

“That could work.”

AJ’s eyes got wide as he realised what was going to happen. “W-wait, wait. You’re not going to…”

“Oh, that’s exactly what we’re going to do,” Ditzy said as she placed the bottle on the table next to him.

“If Ah may ask, what’s with th’ ribbon?”

With an evil smile, she grabbed the ribbon and began wrapping it around the base of AJ’s member; tying it just tight enough to do the job. “Can’t have him cumming too quickly.” She watched as Big Mac nodded in understanding before shooing him off to the side and taking his spot. “Now, first we apply the lube, then it’s time for some fun.” As she reached for the lube, she noticed that AJ’s leg, which was next to where set the bottle, was trembling. When she turned to him, her eyes widened a bit when she saw the look in his eyes.

He was scared.

“Uhhh hey, Big Mac. In the upstairs bathroom, there’s a stepping stool Dinky uses to help her reach the sink. Could you go get it?” She noticed the knowing look he was giving her. “Please?”

Big Mac looked at AJ before nodding and walking out of the room. “D-ditzy?”

“Why didn’t you tell me you were scared?”


“You’re shaking. And you’re eyes...are you sure this is okay?”

AJ looked off to the side and let out a soft sigh. “I really am transparent, huh?” He pushed himself up into a sitting position. “I...I guess I am kinda scared, yea.”

“We can stop at any time. Just say the word and I’ll call it off.”

“It’s fine.”

“No it’s not fine. If we’re doing something that scares you…”

“Ditzy, it’s fine.” He gently placed his hoof on her cheek. “If I wanted to stop, I would have already said something. Besides you looked like you were having fun.”


AJ nodded as his cheeks became tinged with blush. “Besides...I-I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t curious about how it feels.” He turned his head away and spoke in a hushed voice. “And I’m curious about how big Big Mac is.”

With a smile and a giggle, Ditzy leaned forward and kissed her coltfriend before gently pushing him down onto the table. “I’m happy to hear you say that,” she said as she grabbed the bottle of lube. “Cause I am having a lot of fun.”

“Done with yer little conversation?” Big Mac asked as he stood in the doorway; Dinky’s stool in tow.

“Yes, yes we are,” Ditzy said as she squeezed a fair amount of lube onto the strap on. “Just making sure this’ll go in nice and easy.”

Big Mac nodded as he set the stool down next to Ditzy. “Anythin’ Ah can do ta help ya relax?” he asked as he turned to AJ.

AJ watched for a moment as Ditzy rubbed the lube all over the strapon before turning to the other stallion. “Well, Ditzy would sometimes...scratch behind my ears when we were just relaxing together. It always feels sooooo good.”

“Yea, that’ll probably help him relax a bit,” Ditzy said as she squeezed a small dollop of lube onto the tip of her hoof.

“Yea, it probaaaaaAAAH COLD!!!” AJ cried as Ditzy pressed her lubed up hoof to his tight hole.

“Which seems like the better option, having a cold butt for a little bit, or not being able to sit for the next week?” Ditzy asked as she worked the lube in and around his pucker. AJ didn’t even answer. He knew she was right. “I think that’s as good as I’ll get.” She looked to Big Mac and nodded. Big Mac nodded back before taking his spot on the side of the table.

AJ let out a nervous sigh as he locked his attention on Ditzy. “This is still going to hurt, isn’t it?”

Ditzy nodded slightly as she adjusted the stepping stool. “That’s why we’re going to go slow.”

Seeing the apprehensiveness on AJ’s face, Big Mac leaned over the table and whispered. “An’ that’s why ya need ta relax.” Doing as AJ said, he reached over and began scratching him behind the ears. AJ’s ear twitched as he let out a slight gasp. Big Mac smiled after a moment as he saw AJ’s body slowly begin to relax. He also chuckled to himself when he saw AJ’s leg begin to twitch ever so slightly. “It’s just like Winona,” he said to himself.

With a small, nervous sigh of her own, Ditzy looked down at the stallion before her. “ going to be an interesting experience.” She grabbed his left leg for leverage while she used her right hoof to help position the faux dick. With one last nod to AJ, she slowly pushed her hips forward.

As soon as the head was in, she had to stop as AJ’s body tensed up. He took in a sharp draw of air through his teeth as his virgin hole started to stretch. Looks like even with the lube this may take a bit of work. “Everythin’s alright. Just relax,” Big Mac said as he continued his ministrations behind AJ’s ears.

“I-I-I know. Just...just give me a moment.” He took in some deep breaths to attempt to call himself down. He knew the two of them would give him as much time as he needed. Ditzy made that fact very clear. He took one last breath, deeper than the rest, before he thought he was relaxed enough to continue. “Alright...continue.”

Ditzy smiled and continued her slow thrust forward. She wasn’t sure if he was this tight due to this being his first time, or because he was clenching his muscles, but she was thankful for all that lube. She didn’t want to hurt him. It took her longer than it probably needed to take, but she eventually felt the warmth of his body press up against her as her hips lightly pressed against his. A tension filled sigh escaped her mouth as the hardest part was finally finished.

She looked AJ in the eyes as he only half paid attention to her as his half lidded eyes moved between her and Big Mac. He didn’t know how to deal with this new sensation of being filled. “Hows it feel?” Big Mac asked as he gently stroked AJ’s cheek. He didn’t get an answer. He didn’t even need an answer. That didn’t stop him from pressing the question. “Well?”

AJ’s eyes fell on the big, red stallion’s. “It feels...awesome,” he said as he tried to stifle a small moan as Ditzy adjusted slightly inside him.

“Ah knew that’d be yer answer,” Big Mac said as he shifted his body; removing his hoof from behind AJ’s ear to lean on his leg. He chuckled to himself when AJ let out a slight, Fluttershy esk squeak when he wrapped his free hoof around his member. “Gotta keep up th’ pressure while we wait fer ya ta loosen up a bit.”

Ditzy nodded as she leaned down to kiss AJ’s tip. “He’s right. Can’t let you get too comfortable.” She lowered her head a little bit more, taking only the head of his shaft into her mouth. It was all she could comfortably fit in from her position. The two dominant ponies watched on with smiles as AJ squirmed beneath the two of them. He let out a small whine as his erection twitched in their combined hold.

Ditzy could taste a slight hint of pre on her tongue. She pulled away and looked AJ in the eyes again. “We haven't even really been at this for very long, and you’re already this close,” she said as she circled his head with her hoof. She just received another whine as a response. “Can’t use the virgin or going months without release excuse this time either. We must have hit the right buttons.”

AJ’s flushed cheeks grew even redder. “Ah think Ah know why.” Big Mac turned to Ditzy with a knowing look. “He must like bein’ dominated.” He glanced at AJ who just looked away in embarrassment.

“Not to be rude, but I kinda already knew that. I’m usually the one who leads during sex time.”

“But have ya ever gone ta this extreme?”

Ditzy had to think about that for a second. “I...don’t think” She looked at AJ with a bit of an evil grin on her face. “Does AJ like being my pet?” She got no answer. “Well?” To coax him into answering, she removed her hoof from his dick and urged Big Mac to do the same.

AJ let out a pained whine as their ministrations ended. “I...I…”

“Hmm?” AJ managed a nod as he attempted to urge them to continue playing with him. “I was hoping for something a bit more verbal, but I suppose that works,” Ditzy said as she slowly began pulling her hips back. AJ let out a gasp as the feeling of fullness began leaving him. While she was still moving slowly, she was going much faster than when she first entered him.

“Ya sure he’s ready?”

“Don’t know until we try.” Once only the head of the dildo remained inside of him, she gave AJ a single nod to let him know she was going to start. As Ditzy began thrusting back into him, Big Mac decided to sit back and watch. He was actually pretty curious about how well AJ would handle his first bout of anal penetration.

To his credit, AJ was taking it pretty well. Granted Ditzy kept up her steady pace to make sure she wouldn't push AJ to hard, he was taking it like a champ. Though as he watched, he found it harder and harder to ignore a certain something that was begging for his attention. As he watched AJ revel in his prostate massage, an idea ran through his head.

AJ was enjoying the feeling of getting penetrated much more than he initially thought he would. As Ditzy used her faux cock to steadily pound him, he silently hoped she would pick up the pace. He already felt like he was on the edge, and this steady pace could only keep him there. He dared not speak up though. That might cause her to stop. As he continued to hope, he barely noticed some movement off to his side. When he turned to look, his eyes grew wide. Hovering mere inches away from his face was the erect form of Big Mac’s big mac. “Oh sweet merciful god,” he whispered to himself.

AJ failed to even notice that Ditzy had stopped her movements; for she too was drawn to the sight of Big Mac’s member. “Sweet Celestia.” Big Mac had a proud look on his face as the other two ponies admired his great rod. Ditzy looked between his member and her foreleg. “I-it’s as big as my leg. No wonder they call y…”

“Make that stupid joke an’ Ah’ll up an’ leave right now,” Big Mac said with a serious look on his face. He’s heard that joke so many times in his life. To be frank, he was sick and tired of it.

“N-n-n-no! You can’t leave,” AJ said as he reached out and gripped Big Mac’s member. Both Big Mac and Ditzy looked at AJ; noticing the hungry look in his eyes as he held the member. The way he stared at it as it gently pulsed in his hold was as if he was worshipping it. “I...I have to taste you,” he said in a low voice as he leaned his head forward.

Big Mac just watched as AJ seemed to cherish just being so close to his dick. With how he was acting, he knew his musk must have been having an effect on the submissive stallion. He enjoyed the feeling as AJ tentatively stuck his tongue out and licked the slit on his tip; looking up at the big, red stallion to judge his reaction. With a gentle smile, he nodded his head to let AJ know to continue. He could see AJ smile as his attention was turned to the cock before him. He turned his own attention from AJ to Ditzy. “Ah think he’s ready fer ya to go a bit faster now.”

“You sure?”


Ditzy giggled to herself as AJ gave a half muffled moan of agreement as he suckled on the head of Big Mac’s large member; seemingly only half paying attention to her. She was almost beginning to feel jealous of Big Mac. Here she was, standing behind him with a strap-on buried to the hilt in his no longer virgin hole, and he was acting like she wasn’t even there right now. An evil smile grew on her face as AJ continued to give the member a tongue bath. She got a better grip on his legs as she pulled out until only the tip was inside.

“How’s it taste?” Big Mac asked as he noticed the evil grin on Ditzy’s face.

AJ pulled his head away from Big Mac’s dick to look at him himself. “It tastes better than I had ever imagined.” He turned his attention back to the rod and licked his lips. This was it. He was going to fit this thing in his mouth if it killed him. “Now for the main course.” He opened his mouth as wide as it could go and began inching his head forward.

“Aaaand IN!!!”

AJ’s eyes shot open as he felt the false phallus rammed into him. His mouth also gaped open as Ditzy’s hips slapped against his. Big Mac took this chance to give AJ what he wanted. With AJ’s mouth open so wide, he grabbed the back of his head and thrust inside his mouth. AJ let out a loud, pained, and slightly panicked moan as a few inches of dick were stuck into his mouth. He knew things were about to get more intense, but not THIS intense.

“Yeaaaaa. That’s a beautiful reaction,” Ditzy said as she pulled out and reamed him once again with the same amount of force eliciting another moan from the submissive stallion. After that, she eased up on the force a little, but increased the tempo of her thrusts by about double of what she was going before.

“Easy does it now,” Big Mac said as he gently began face fucking AJ. He knew AJ’s jaw was being pushed to it’s limits, so he had to be careful not to hurt him. He also knew that he wouldn’t be able to fit anymore than half his cock in his mouth. Anymore and he’d end up choking the pore pony. Unlike Ditzy, he didn’t dare increase his pace.

AJ’s mind was starting to go blank at this point. On one end, he was now sucking the dick of the one stallion he’s had a crush on. His forehooves on the back of his head to help guide him along his shaft. On the other end, his fillyfriend was pounding his ass for all she was worth. His pleasure had peaked as he was used by both ponies. His dick began twitching and he began instinctually trying to buck his hips, but with Ditzy gripping his legs like she was, he could barely move. He began whining when the sweet release wouldn’t come. All that came out was another trickle of precum

“Awww, does my little man wanna cum?” Ditzy asked when she noticed his thrusts and twitching member. He let out a breathless moan as he nodded his head to the best of his ability with Big Mac’s dick in his mouth. “Oh come now, don’t be rude,” she said as she smeared the pre around AJ’s tip. “Guests first.” She looked to Big Mac with a smile. “The real question is where would our guest like to blow his load. Mouth, or this sweet, sweet ass?” She ended by giving AJ one good swat on his rump causing him to let out a squeak.

Big Mac let out a grunt as AJ tried his hardest to give him the best blowjob he could. “A-ah’m good with his mouth. Besides, Ah don’t think Ah could fit in there yet.”

“Suit yourself.”

“A-ah’m gettin’ close,” Big Mac said as he shuddered lightly. Hearing this, AJ reached out and began stroking the other half of Big Mac’s dick with his hooves. The big, red stallion’s breathing got heavier and heavier until he was at his limit. “H-h-here it comes!” Big Mac quickly pulled AJ off of him to make sure his flaring head wouldn’t get stuck in AJ’s throat or mouth. After being freed from the mouth, Big Mac stroked himself off a few times before he erupted in AJ’s face.

AJ had to quickly close his eyes as he was hit by the first torrent of fertile seed. With just the first blast, over half of AJ’s face had been covered. The second blast was just as powerful, if not more so. He was lucky he closed his eyes as it was aimed straight between them. Not wanting it all to go to waste, AJ quickly grabbed Big Mac’s pulsing shaft and aimed it in his mouth as the third blast came forth. His aim was decent, the stray squirt hitting his cheek notwithstanding.

As his orgasm subsided, Big Mac leaned back to revel in the afterglow. As he did, he looked down at AJ who seemed to be swirling his cum around in his mouth before swallowing with a satisfied gulp, a pleasured smile on his face. The big, red stallion let out a satisfied sigh. “That felt great.”

Ditzy bit her lip; having to hold herself back as she watched AJ receive a one pony bukake. She never realised how hot it was to watch a stallion suck off another stallion until now. The feeling in her nethers was beginning to become unbearable, but she had promised AJ a little something. “Oh sweet Celestia that was hot. I think I’ll need a turn with that mouth of yours,” she said as she caressed his cum covered cheek. “But I did promise you some relief after Big Mac came.”

Much to his disappointment, Ditzy pulled her faux phallus from his hole. His disappointment soon dissipated as he felt her tongue run along his shaft. She began suckling on his tip, bringing him to the peak yet again before going back to giving the shaft a tongue bath. “Are you ready for this?” she asked before lowering her head until she reached the ribbon tied around his dick. With a smile, she bit down on the ribbon and pulled; undoing the knot she had tied.

AJ’s eyes shot open as the he finally got his release.


AJ thrashed around on the couch; being thrust out of his dreamscape by the pure adrenalin and pleasure running through him right now. He thrust his hips as he shot jets of cum all over him and the couch in Luna’s room. Once it was all over and done with, he could only lie there; panting as he rode the afterglow.

Being abruptly thrust out of Luna’s spell like that, along with waking up in such a way, left him feeling drained. It took him a minute, but he eventually heard what sounded like somepony in the room was moaning. When he turned his head, he couldn’t believe his eyes.

Sitting in a chair a few feet away from the couch was Luna. Her hind legs were spread, and she was going to work. One of her hooves played with her clit, as the other worked over her teats. Despite knowing he shouldn’t be watching this, AJ couldn’t turn away. It’s not every day you get to watch one of the co-rulers of Equestria furiously masturbate in front of you.

It didn’t take long for Luna to achieve an orgasm of her own. AJ could see her juices squirting out, making a mess of the chair and the floor in front of her. Like AJ before her, after she was done, she slouched down in the chair; reveling in her own afterglow.

After a few seconds she let out a content sigh before she opened her eyes. Her already flushed face grew even redder when she noticed that AJ was watching her. Realizing he had been caught, he turned away. Though Luna was pretty sure she could see him taking glances at her. She wanted to cover herself up to try to save some of her dignity, but there really wasn’t much of a point anymore. AJ had already seen everything. And besides, it’s not like he was doing anything to cover himself up. He was still standing strong for everypony to see.

“ I think it’s safe to say that we won’t be mentioning this to anypony,” Luna said with a hint of shame in her voice. She knew she should have been able to control herself better than that. AJ could only give a meek nod.

Both of them just continued to sit there in complete silence for what felt like forever. As much as they tried to hide it, they both continued to steal looks at each other’s most private areas. After a little bit, the silence was broken as Luna cleared her throat. “ you really have a crush on Big McIntosh?” She saw his face grow even redder as he gave a slight nod. The awkwardness in the room was beginning to become suffocating.

After a few seconds another question came to Luna. It was one she knew she shouldn’t ask. It just wouldn’t have been appropriate. Unfortunately for AJ, Luna was naturally curious. Much more so than her sister. “ his dick really that big?” Now she was pretty sure she saw his face glowing with blush. It was subtle, but she did see him nod before burying his head under the pillow he was just resting his head on. She could feel her loins tingling once again as she imagined a night with Big Mac.

As she got caught up in her thoughts, her hoof absentmindedly began drifting back between her legs. She realised what she was doing a little too late as she realised AJ was peering at her from under the pillow. Not only that, but it looked like one of his hooves was also beginning to wander as he watched. She swallowed the lump in her throat. “I won’t tell anypony if you won’t,” she said before she resumed her actions.


If This is Wrong, I Don't Want to be Right (fun, sexy times from ch. 49 'The Sick Side of Chaos')

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Ditzy had a smile on his face as he walked through the castle with an unicorn guard escort. Getting away from everything and talking things through with his parents was surprisingly therapeutic. Both he and his parents thought it would be best for Dinky to stay with them until everything was over and done with. Not only for her safety, but so she wouldn’t get in the way.

When the two of them turned down the hall before the visitors quarters, one of the castle maids came up to the guard. “Ah’m sorry ta bother ya, but you wouldn't happen ta be Tide Turner, would ya?”

“I am,” the guard said with a raised brow. He had never seen this cow like maid roaming the castle. “And you are?”

“Applejack sir. Ah’m just doin’ what Ah can ta help around th’ castle, an’ they just happened ta need some extra maids ta replace th’ injured until they can return ta duty.”

“Hmm, and what do you need me for?”

“One of th’ guards holdin’ the barrier around Discord is gettin’ a mite exhausted. They needed ya ta take over fer’im.”

Tide Turner nodded his head. “They’re holding him in Princess Celestia’s room, right?”

“That’s right.”

“I’ll go right away. Could you lead him to his room please?”

“Ah sure can.” Applejack smiled at the guard as he passed her by to fulfill his duty. As soon as he was out of sight, Applejack’s expression turned sour as she turned to Ditzy. “If ya tell anypony about th’ uniform Ah swear ah’ll smack you.”

“I wouldn't dream of it,” Ditzy said as he attempted to hide his snickers. He backed off slightly then Applejack glared at him. “So, uh...sorry I kinda bailed yesterday. I wanted to make sure my parents were okay.”

“Ya have nothin’ ta be sorry about,” Applejack said as she motioned for Ditzy to follow her. “Not really much ya could be doin’ around here anyway. Unless ya wanted ta be fitted fer a suit an’ wait on ponies fer a few days.”

“I’d...rather not, thanks. So, how’s AJ doing? I’m kinda worried about her.”

“Last time Ah saw’er she was bein’ lead to th’ castle spa, an’ that was ‘bout two hours ago.”

“The spa? I didn’t even know the castle had a spa.”

“Neither did Ah. Ah guess even th’ princess needs her own private resort ta relax in every now an’ then.”

“Makes sense I guess. Hey, I noticed you haven’t been going moo anymore.”

“Had a day ta work on hidin’ it,” Applejack said with a proud smile. “Easier than Ah thought.” After a few seconds, the two of them turned down another hall to the visitor's quarters. “Ah assume yer stayin’ in th’ same room as AJ, so it should be th’ second door on th’ right,” Applejack said with a smile as she stopped in front of the door. “Anythin’ Ah can get ya before Ah go get another assignment?”

“Other than some water, no. You probably have a lot on your plate already.”

“There should be a jug in there already unless AJ got back an’ drank it all.”

“Oh, alright then. I’ll see you later.” With a smile, Ditzy opened the door while waving bye to Applejack. As he turned into the room, he called for AJ. “AJ, you in heeEEE...!” Before he could finish, he was literally dragged into the room by an icy blue aura.

“Thank Celestia you’re FINALLY here,” AJ said as she sat up on the bed; an anxious look on her face.

Ditzy had to regain his composure before turning to the mare. “Well hello to you too.” He got a better look at AJ. “You know, for somepony who just got back from the spa, you look awfully stressed out about something. And where’s Knight?”

“The spa ponies are looking after him. They fell in love with him, so I figured why the hell not.”

“Is there a reason you needed them to look after him? Why couldn’t you do it?”

“Because…” She let out a whine as she turned away in embarrassment.

Ditzy walked up next to the bed and brushed some hair from her face. “Because…?” After getting close to her, he began to smell a faint scent that, while he couldn't place, was not a scent he found disagreeable. He watched as AJ looked around the room as if to make sure nopony was listening in, despite them being the only ones in the room, before leaning in close and whispering in his ear. Ditzy immediately felt his face begin to heat up. “O-oh. That’s why.” His face grew even hotter when he realised just what that mysterious scent was. The two of them just sat there for a few seconds in awkward silence. “Did you try...didling yourself?”

AJ’s face grew even hotter as she glanced at the stallion. “M-m-maybe.” She just sat there for a moment. “It wouldn’t help. It just wasn’t enough. Ditzy, what should I do? I-I-I’ve never felt this horny in my entire life?”

“If you’re hooves won’t work, do you have any toys?”

AJ just took a moment to stare at Ditzy with a look that said she had just been asked the stupidest question in the world. “Oh yes. I totally brought some sex toys with me on this trip because I totally knew something like this would happen.”

“Ah, right. That...really was a stupid question, wasn’t it? Sorry, but I really don’t know what you could do about it then.”

AJ let out a sigh. “What do you usually do if you had this problem?” she asked assuming Ditzy went through this problem while she’s been pregnant.

“Use...some toys?” Ditzy said with a sheepish smile.

AJ threw her hooves up to her forehead, letting out a frustrated groan as she did, before spinning around and flopping down onto her belly; face buried in the pillow. “Hhuck wy lihh,”

Ditzy sighed internally as he watched AJ sulk into her pillow. He just didn’t know what to do. There is one thing he forgot about though. The faint scent he smelled before, it was still lingering in the air. The longer he sat there, the more his mind was being unknowingly clouded. He slowly started looking down AJ’s body. taking in all her curves, and zeroing in on her flanks. He swallowed a lump in his throat as he kept staring at the rump in front of him. His eyes went wide as AJ let out a sigh, flicking her tail as she did, and revealing to Ditzy the sopping wet treasures that lie behind. “Hey. I, uhh...I know something we may be able to try.”

AJ rolled her eyes as she lifted her head. “Oh yea? and just what would tha…” She froze as she felt Ditzy grope her rump. She whipped her head around to stare at the stallion. He was standing next to the bed, one foreleg on the bed, the other fondling her backside “A-a-a-are you crazy? W-w-w-we can’t do this! I-I-I’m supposed to be the stallion and you’re supposed to be the mare! It’s not it?”

“If you want me to stop, just let me know,” Ditzy said as he slowly inched his hoof closer to the treasure.

AJ’s mind was rushing at a million miles an hour. As she continued to stare at the stallion, she noticed his little buddy beginning to poke out of its sheath. A shiver radiated through her body as she looked back into his eyes. “I-I-I’m scared.”

Ditzy removed his hoof from AJ’s rump and caressed her cheek. “So am I.” He pulled AJ into a kiss. The kiss was happily returned as the mare shifted her body so she was on her side. She wrapped her forelegs around his neck and began pulling him onto the bed with her. He didn’t need to be told twice, and crawled up immediately.

Now that they were both lying on the bed, the intensity of the kiss increased tenfold. AJ was already feeling incredibly hot before Ditzy came back to the room. Now that he was in bed with her, she felt like she was on fire. The fire in her loins was becoming unbearable, and there was only one thing that was going to be able to douse those fires.

AJ broke the kiss when the feeling of Ditzy’s throbbing member against her belly. It was a magnificent sight. It was even a little bigger than his own. It was exactly what she needed to cool her down. That much she knew. But there was something keeping her from diving in.

Ditzy looked into AJ’s eyes. He could see the slightest hint of fear masked behind the hunger in her eyes. He pushed himself up and looked at AJ with a worried look. “Are you sure you wanna do this? We could always…”

Without looking, AJ covered Ditzy’s mouth with her hoof. “Shush you.” While she did still have a hint of doubt and fear in her about what they were about to do, that’s not exactly what she was fearful about right now. “I’m just worried that i’m going to be terrible at this.” She grabbed him by the sides and threw him down onto the bed; moving over him as she did.

There it was, standing rigid before her. Ditzys sturdy rod pulsed with need as she continued to look at it. Unlike hers, when she’s actually a stallion, Ditzys penis is just a solid flesh color. Ditzy’s was also slightly bigger than your average stallion. In both ways. AJ started poking and prodding the swollen mast while looking Ditzy in the eyes. “...You’re bigger than me.”

“Th-that’s not my fault,” Ditzy said defensively. “It’s not like I asked to have a big dick.”

“Oh you silly, silly pony,” AJ said in a low voice. “I didn’t say that was a bad thing.” Lowering her head, she stuck her tongue out and slowly licked from base to tip. ‘Now to see if I can do this as well as Ditzy can.’ With a look of determination, AJ opened her mouth wide and took as much as she could in her mouth, clamping her lips shut, trapping a little more than half of Ditzy’s length inside.

Ditzy just watched as AJ tried, and failed, to take his entire length in one go. She failed, but did much better than he expected for her first try. “Just make sure you don’t use your teeth.”

AJ stopped her ministrations and looked up at the stallion with a deadpan look. “Hah how hah hahn hohah.”


Rolling her eyes, AJ removed the member from her mouth. “I said I know what i’m doing. I’m sure blowjobs aren’t that hard. Just treat it like a sucker, right?”

Ditzy looked at AJ like she had just said the stupidest thing. “Exactly how much porn did you used to look at?”

“A lot, why do you ask?” She just looked at Ditzy with an innocent look.

Ditzy suddenly began regretting letting AJ give him a blowjob. If bad porn was her basis for how blowjobs were supposed to happen, where there any other inaccuracies she had about sex? It’s not like the two of them do anything out of the ordinary during their time together. Most of the time anyway. “Oh sweet Celestia,” he said with a hoof to his head.

“Hey, you try going 22 years as a virgin! Until we got together, my only lover was my hand.”

“Okay, I get it.”

“Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have something I need to get back to.” Licking her lips, she lowered her head back down, taking less in her mouth than she did before. She wanted to make sure she could actually work with what she could fit.

Still fearing what AJ was going to end up doing, Ditzy rested his head back on the pillow. He could only hope AJ actually knew what she was doing. His eyes widened slightly when he felt AJ’s teeth accidentally scrape the bottom of his dick. “Please don’t bite down, sweet Celestia don’t let her bite down,” he quietly whispered to himself as he braced for anything wrong to happen.

To her credit, other than a few slipups with her teeth, she actually managed to make it somewhat enjoyable. It was clearly obvious she had little idea what she was doing, but she didn’t do half bad for her first attempt. Though, that’s really all that could be said about it. After about a minute she finally pulled away, looking at Ditzy with expectant eyes. “Well? How am I doing? Are you close to blowing yet?”

Ditzy took a deep breath while thinking of what to say. He didn’t want to hurt her feelings. “W-well, for your first time it wasn’t...bad. You were definitely enthusiastic enough. A-almost too enthusiastic,” Ditzy said now that he thought about it.

AJ looked dejected. “So you’re telling me you didn’t like it?”

“I didn’t say that, I just said it needed work.” He pushed himself up so he could be eye level with AJ. “Besides, you’re just fine at eating me out when I’m a mare, so what does it matter if you’re not that good at giving a blowjob?”

“Because…reasons,” she said with a bit of hesitation. A smile grew on Ditzy’s face. He knew AJ was hiding something, he just didn’t know what, but there was something he did know.

That aside, it’s not like he wasn’t feeling anything at all. AJ’s scent still lingered in the air. In fact, it was stronger now than before. He needed to get to the source and get a taste. “Well enough about that for now, there’s something else I’d like to get into right now.”

“Hmm? What’s thaaaaAAAAHHH!”

As quickly as AJ had done before, Ditzy grabbed AJ and swapped places with her; standing over her and staring with a hungry grin. “Since we’ve started, your scent has gotten even stronger. If anything’s starting to drive me over the edge, it’s this.” He lifted a hoof and lowered it down to AJ’s nethers, causing her to squeal at the contact. He smiled a toothy smile. “You’re soaking down here. I’m starting to have second thoughts about going in. I may drown in all this.” AJ only groaned and shook her head at the mere thought of Ditzy stopping. With his hoof still rubbing around AJ’s moist muffin, he leaned down; kissing her like the wild beast he was slowly becoming.

AJ could only moan into Ditzy’s mouth as he probed hers with his tongue. She ground her slit into his hoof; begging for her release to finally come. As much as Ditzy wanted to toy with her a bit, he knew how badly she wanted to cum. Top that off with her current hormones, dangling her orgasm in front of her like a carrot on a string would put him in the fast lane to one very unhappy, and very ornery, mare.

Ditzy pulled away, leaving AJ panting with her tongue hanging out of her mouth. He couldn’t help but snicker to himself as he watched her for a moment. She was loudly moaning as he continued his ministrations. He began wondering if the ponies in the next room could hear her. He then realised that he just didn’t care. “So, are you ready for the grand finale?” he asked as he pulled his hoof away.

AJ was panting loudly as her eyes fell upon Ditzy once again. She had heard what he asked, and couldn’t wait to move forward. Before Ditzy could ask again, she pushed him back with her hind leg before lifting herself up and flipping over; raising her rump up and presenting it to the stallion. “I...I want you to fuck me like a beast,” she said with hunger in her voice.

Ditzy once again stared at the winking treasure before him; a smile on his face. He would be lying if he said he wasn’t looking forward to this. He moved up behind her; mounting her like she had always done. “Now to prove that it’s much easier to get it in the right hole then all you stallions make it seem,” he said more to himself than anypony else.

AJ rolled her eyes; letting out a sigh as she ground her mound into the stallion behind her. “If you don’t fuck me now I’ll show you just why Stallions are so protective of their junk.”

“Okay, okay, just give me a moment,” Ditzy said as he gripped her hips. He pulled his own hips back until the tip of his member was staring at the sopping entrance that was AJ’s pussy. He licked his lips in anticipation before thrusting his hips forward.

Only to miss his mark and for his cock to slide down and between her teats; poking the underside of her pregnant belly.

Ditzy looked down with a baffled look on his face. He could hear AJ mumble the word moron as she shook her head. “I uh...I meant to do that.” With a flushed face, he pulled his hips back and made doubly sure he was aimed at the right spot.

AJ was beginning to become disgruntled. She was hornier than she had ever been in her entire life, and Ditzy was taking his sweet time pleasing her when this whole thing was his idea to begin with. She let out a quiet yet frustrated sigh. “I swear, if he doesn’t hurry up and ffffffffFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUHUHUUHUUUU...!!!” AJ cried out in a loud moan of pleasure as Ditzy finally hit his mark; hilting himself in a single thrust. She had to bury her face into the pillow as the sudden penetration finally sent her over the edge. The much needed release she had been seeking all this time had finally come and she was in heaven. Her mind went blank as the pure pleasure rocked her body.

Ditzy could only watch as AJ’s body was rocked by her orgasm. He could feel his rod being squeezed and gripped by her tunnel. She continued to moan into the pillow as he tried to relinquish his dick from her pulsating sex with little success.

After what felt like forever, AJ’s brain finally rebooted as she began riding out the afterglow of what is definitely in the ranking for best orgasm of her life. Unfortunately, or should that be fortunately, for her, Ditzy was now free from his velvety prison, and was raring to continue. She felt him begin to slowly pull out and she turned to look at him; a dopey look on her face. “Was it good for you to-EEP!”

With only a grin on his face, he pumped his hips forward again. AJ’s body was still riding the waves from its previous orgasm, so the feeling of Ditzy’s rod once again filling that empty hole brought stars to her eyes. “You may have had your fun, but I’m just starting,” Ditzy said with a grin as he started to pull out again.

AJ wasn’t allowed rest as she already felt yet another orgasm creeping up on her. She had to bury her face in the pillow again as her moans began to reach critical levels again. As for Ditzy, he was beginning to feel that not so familiar feeling building up in his own nethers. He started pumping his hips even faster as his body felt like it was starting to move on its own. He heard AJ let out a loud, muffled cry as her walls began clenching down on him again as her second orgasm hit her. That sent him over the edge as he let out a moan of his own. He buried himself as deep in the mare as he could as he painted her walls with jet after jet of his seed. AJ cried as the heat Ditzy was unleashing in her accentuated her own orgasm.

AJ wasn’t even holding her upper body up anymore, instead choosing to just lay on her face and support herself with only her hind legs; leaving her rump up and exposed to all. Ditzy was resting his body on his lovers as he rode out his own orgasm. He now understood why stallions were always so tired after sex. “That...felt...great.”

“Th-the feeling’s mutual,” AJ said with her tongue lolling out of her mouth. “Thanks for that hon. I reeeally needed that.”

“Glad I could help,” Ditzy said as he pulled himself from her sopping treasure, causing some of his potent spunk to start leaking from the abused hole. Using what strength he had left, he wrapped his legs around his lover and dragged her down with him, flopping down onto the bed.

AJ snuggled into Ditzy, reveling in his warmth as she closed her eyes. She wasn’t exactly ready to sleep yet, but she felt comfortable right now. What better time to just lay back and relax. “Love ya Ditzy.”

“I love you too baby,” Ditzy said as he kissed the back of AJ’s head.