Fluttershy's True Beauty

by Splommy

First published

Fluttershy's friends Twilight, Rarity, Rainbow, Applejack, and Pinkie are starting to notice just how shy and self conscious Fluttershy really is, and as good friends, they want to help her realize her true beauty.

Fluttershy's friends Twilight, Rarity, Rainbow, Applejack, and Pinkie are starting to realize just how shy and self conscious Fluttershy really is, and as good friends, they want to help her realize her true beauty.

All of Fluttershy's friends come together and come up with a plan to seduce Fluttershy so that she can feel sexy and beautiful and wanted. They hope that this plan will help her realize her true potential.

(Still in construction)~5-26-14

I'm so so sorry :( it's been so many months since I wrote this, I just got really side tracked and I was planning on finishing this story but I just never got around to it, but if you read this tell me in the comment section if you still want me to finish this story :ajsleepy: Again I'm so so sorry :fluttercry:

Chapter 1: Realization

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Chapter 1: Realization.

As Twilight looked out her window that morning she realized just how beautiful of a day she was about to experience, and since she was Princess Twilight Sparkle now, she was not about to let this beautiful morning breeze slip past her. She stepped up on the windowsill, opened out her wings, and gracefully took off. Ahhh, the feel of the wind blowing through her mane was sensational. She would never be able to get enough of this. Flying. That's really where it's at. When she was just Twilight the unicorn, she would always stress about things not getting done, or if they had been done then they might not have been done correctly and if things had been done correctly maybe they weren't the right thing that needed to get done...but now she's an alicorn with wings! And when she's out flying through the clouds, all she can think about is, well, her thoughts. She can catch up on her thoughts and her dreams up here, where there's no essay to write, or welcome party for Princess Celestia to oversee. She can dream up here.

Twilight was in the middle of a beautiful day dream about a crisp apple tart with a gooey apple filling... when she noticed Fluttershy down on the ground, tending to all of her little woodland critters. Twilight smiled. Fluttershy was so peaceful and graceful with the worlds creatures. Whenever Fluttershy was around her little animals, the shy side of her seemed to disappear completely. She would do anything to protect them and to make sure they were warm and happy. Twilight angled down and landed on a tree branch high up in a tree in Fluttershy's backyard. "Flut--" Twilight almost said, but she realized Fluttershy was saying something to her animals.

"Oh Angel, I'm so...so...so... embarassed. After Rarity went to all that trouble to set me up on a date with that Stallion from the horse shoe store, I... blew it." Fluttershy started saying, then Angel made a weird face and then her eyes widened in that way they always do. "Oh, no no no Angel, not like that... although he seems very nice. I just... I don't know what's wrong with me, Angel. I did what Rarity told me to do...I even let her curl my mane... I just don't think I'm good enough for any Stallion." She then lay on the ground, covering her face with her hooves to hide her tears she was shedding. Twilight flew down and landed softly beside her sobbing friend and lay a hoof on her mane. This started Fluttershy and she flew up high into the air within seconds, but when she saw that it was just Twilight, she flew back down. "Oh, I'm so sorry Twilight, I.. I didn't see you there..." She looked down at her hooves, hoping Twilight hadn't noticed the tears in her eyes or heard the conversation she had with Angel describing why she had those tears in her eyes. Twilight didn't say anything for a minute or two, which Fluttershy thought was strange. Usually this pony could never shut up. She looked up at Twilight slowly and saw that she was looking at her with concern in her eyes. She wasn't laughing at how weak Fluttershy was with her emotions. Of course she wasn't, she was her friend, and friends don't do that.

"I heard what you said to Angel, Fluttershy." Twilight said with even more concern in her words. "You know, I've always known that you were a shy pony. Heck, you're probably the shiest pony in all of Equestria, but I never realized how you saw yourself. You think you're not good enough for anypony, but that's not true Fluttershy. You're... you're beautiful in your own way." Fluttershy had started blushing when Twilight said she'd overheard her conversation with Angel, and her cheeks had been getting pinker and redder and her friend went on. "If anything, Stallions should be lined up to go on a date with you, Fluttershy. You shouldn't have to impress anypony. If they don't like you for who you are, then they aren't worth it." Fluttershy's cheeks were starting to hurt.

"Oh... I'm sorry Twilight...-"

"Fluttershy, you don't need to apologize to me. You just need to realize just how beautiful you are and how beautiful you can be, and how much beauty you have to share with the world. Once you learn to love yourself, you can learn to love another pony, and get their love too." Fluttershy waited to see if Twilight was rally done talking before she spoke.

"Twilight... it's just...it's not that easy for a pony like me. I.. I was humiliated all throughout my childhood for being a weak flier. All the other kids laughed at me and teased me, but the part that tormented me the most was... none of the boys at my school in Cloudsdale wanted a weak flier for their special somepony. I never got asked to any pony galas, and sometimes... colts would pretend to ask me out to win a bet. "I'll give you 5 bits if you ask out that weak flyer that nopony ever notices."" Fluttershy took a deep breathe. She hadn't spoken that much in a long time, and her throat hurt a little bit from it, but she ignored it and dropped her head in sadness, drowning in her memories. "Twilight... I don't mean to be rude but...if we're done here... I'd like to go back in my cottage and take a quick nap... I mean, if that's okay with you..."

Twilight looked at her sad friend and nodded. "Yes, that's quite alright. You must be tired from taking care of all your...critters. I'll see you later Fluttershy, at our picnic. Don't be late." She ended with a little smile and flew off into the sky until you couldn't see her anymore. She can't fly very fast, but the clouds obscured her from ponies on hoof. Twilight couldn't fly very well, Fluttershy realized, but she could fly better than Fluttershy ever could in all her years. She almost started sobbing again but she held them in till she got back inside her cottage and in her cozy, warm bed.

Chapter 2: Clandestine Meeting

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Clandestine Meeting

"Alright everypony, have a seat over there." Twilight ordered as her friends Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash arrived. She trotted over to the window to check to see if Fluttershy had seen them. She was trying to keep this meeting a secret from her. She definitely wouldn't want the plan she had in mind to be ruined.

"Um, Twi? I reckon y'all have a reason for bringin' us all together here like this? Ya know, all secret-like and stuff?" Applejack said, sitting down on the floor where she was told to. Twilight looked at her friends as they one-by-one sat down on their flanks, paying complete attention to her. That is, except Pinkie Pie, who isn't normally focused on a given task anyways, but this time she actually noticed something.

"Hey! Where's Fluttershy?! I mean, I see ALLLLLL of our friends here, except Fluttershy! I see Rarity and Applejack and Rainbow Dash and you, Twilight! I don't see me though of course because no can look at themselves! Unless you're in front of a mirror, but I don't have a mirror. Just kidding! I do have a mirror! Right here! Hehe!" Pinkie suddenly was holding a small mirror inbetween her hooves, of which I'm not sure how she brought it here without us noticing, she doesn't exactly have pockets.

"Oh Darling, might I borrow that mirror for just a moment? I must know if that dreadful wind outside messed up my gorgeous mane!" Rarity exclaimed, a look of mortification stuck on her face as she imagined it. Before Pinkie could lend Rarity her mirror, Twilight slammed her hoof down to create a loud noise to get everypony to focus.

"Will everypony please calm down! Now, I have called you all here to discuss something very important with you. Pinkie, you were right to notice that Fluttershy isn't here, and she will not be joining us. Because this is a meeting about her." Everypony's eyes turned to Twilight in complete focus, except Rainbow Dash. She flew up at lightning speed and knocked twilight over, sending them both tumbling across the room.

"What happened to her?! Is she in trouble?! We have to go help her!" She started to fly toward the window then a purple aura surrounded on of her hooves and yanked her back down and smacked her against the wooden floor of the library. "Geez Twilight, I wasn't actually gonna go out there." Rainbow retorted, huffing in frustration and begrudgingly walked back to where she was sitting earlier. Twilight trotted back to where she stood in front of her four friends.

"Ahem. Now as I was saying, before I was so RUDELY interrupted," She glanced at Rainbow, who blushed and looked in another direction. "Fluttershy is, indeed, in trouble." Gasps were made by all but Twilight. "She's not in any big trouble though. But she is hurt, very hurt. And as her friends, we need to help her!" Twilight grinned, proud of herself for the great speech. But, no one said anything. There was complete silence. Rarity raised her hoof in the air to ask a question, as if this were kindergarden. Twilight sighed. "Yes, Rarity?"

"Oh, I beg your pardon darling but, what is it exactly we need to help dear Fluttershy with?" Oh. Twilight hadn't told them enough details. Her bad. She cleared her throat again and explained everything that had happened between her and Fluttershy that morning. She told them of how she witnessed Fluttershy crying about not being beautiful enough for any Stallion. And she proposed a plan to fix this.

"We're going to seduce Fluttershy!" She grinned again but still, no one said anything.

She frowned in frustration, then Rainbow said "Are you insane?! Fluttershy is our friend! I mean, I love her and all but, not like that!" Rainbow had been floating over the spot where she was sitting, hot with rage and also embarrassment. She was probably imagining it.

"Darling, I must agree with Rainbow on this. Fluttershy is our friend, and nopony wants to help her more than we do, but, that is simply a barbaric thing to do! To seduce a friend because she's feeling down! Preposterous! When you seduce someone it should be because of loooove not because you want to help your friend get over her depression. Nopony should take sex lightly, Twilight." She huffed and turned her head to the side dramatically.

"Uh, Twi? You know I'd do anything to help you, and Fluttershy of course, but my element is Honesty and to be honest...I kind of agree with Rarity. I'm not really for all that mushy, ooey-gooey romance type stuff other ponies seem to like, but sex is a delicate thing. You shouldn't just do it with anypony, you have sex with the pony you love." Applejack interjected, crushing Twilights hopes with her southern twang. Pinkie Pie said nothing, which was odd. She was just staring out of the window with her mouth hanging open.

Twilight sighed and tried her best to salvage this situation. "Everypony. I've heard what you have to say and this is what I have to say. Yes, sex is a very delicate thing that shouldn't be taken lightly. And yes, you should only have sex with the one pony you truly care about. But everypony, don't you care about Fluttershy? Don't you care about her feelings? Don't you care about how lonely she'll be for the rest of her pony life if she's too shy and self conscious to take that first step? Doesn't anypony care about Fluttershy?!" Twilight was flaring her nostrils, her face red as a tomato. Somepony cleared their throat and Twilight regained her posture and returned to normal.

"Well, when you put it that way..." Rainbow started to say, before Pinkie interupted.


She tackled Rainbow to the ground before Rainbow pushed her off. "Geez Pinkie, do you always have to be so enthusiastic about everything?" Pinkie nodded and got back to her hooves and started to bounce out the door before Twilight stopped her.

"Is everypony on board?" She stuck her purple hoof out in front of her and pinkie laid hers on top while the others, after a bit of hesitation, decided Twilights idea was a good one and laid their hooves on as well. When they broke apart, Twilight spoke. "Alright everypony, here's what we're gonna do." They huddled together in a circle and discussed Twilights plan to seduce Fluttershy.

Chapter 3: Flying Lessons

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Flying Lessons

Fluttershy gracefully plopped down on her soft bed, somehow, and sighed heavily, shutting her eyelids. She thought to herself Why can't I be loved like Rarity? Or like Mrs. Cake? Everypony knows that cute little Spike has the biggest crush on Rarity. She is as beloved and gorgeous as they come. Oh how I wish I could be as beautiful as her. And Mr. and Mrs. Cake are so madly in love that, I'd hate hate to admit it to anypony but, sometimes it hurts to look at them together. I can see the aura of love around them when they're together, and I'm...I'm envious of it. Fluttershy opened her eyes and gasped quietly, shocked at the fact that she admitted that to herself. The things she really wants, the way she really feels. She's never wanted to hurt anypony before, but she finds herself wanting to take away the love these ponies have and keep it all for herself.

She'd be lying if she said she's never been loved her entire life. Her parents loved her, weak wings and all. And she has 5 wonderful friends who would do anything for her. But having friends and family love you as opposed to a lover cradling you in their hooves as they tickle your neck with their velvety lips is preposterous. Being loved by a friend is nothing compared to the feeling of your partner pressed up against you, the sound of fur rubbing against fur, as they lick and nip at your neck, waiting for you to give them a moan of consent. Being loved by family is nothing compared to the thrumming of your heart beat as the one you love the most slowly, almost teasingly, runs their hoof down the length of your body to your dripping wet... Fluttershy shook her head lightly, stopping herself from going further. She shouldn't be thinking these thoughts. She should be thankful for the love she does have. Even if her friends can't help her with certain urges, they can help her with other things. Now that she thinks about it, she knows just the kind of help she wants, and from one of her best friends in the world.

Fluttershy jumps out of bed and trots out the door. I'm gonna go ask Rainbow Dash if she'll teach me how to fly like her!

As Fluttershy made her way slowly to Rainbow's house of cloud, she began rehearsing in her head how she would ask Rainbow to teach her. Um, Rainbow Dash? I was wondering, could you maybe... teach me to be a great, wonderful flyer just like you? She shook her head to herself. You sound too desperate Fluttershy. And just as she was about to try going in a different, less desperate direction, Rainbow opened the door and flew out to meet Fluttershy.

"Oh, hey there Fluttershy. Fancy meeting you up here. I hardly ever see you this high up above ground, you're always down there helping out all your little critters." Rainbow said as she giggle-laughed. Fluttershy blushed, which wasn't knew when it came to her, and Rainbow continued on. "So, what's goin' on Shy? Wanted to pay your good ol' pal Rainbow a visit? Well come on in! I've got plenty of room for some company!" She said happily, waving Fluttershy to go inside, who did.

Fluttershy slowly walked in and took a look around Rainbows house. It's really been a while since she's been up here. She notices that Dashie has moved some of the furniture around, like her trophies, which used to be by the east window, are now by the south window. She makes a mental note to come and visit her friends more often, who knows what other changes have occurred in this house since her last visit, or what changes have occurred in her other friends homes too. Oh dear.

"Have a seat Fluttershy." Dash said with a smile, Fluttershy then proceeded to sit down on the couch of, you guessed it, clouds. Clouds are one of the softest things in all of Equestria, at least it felt like that sometimes. She smiled at Dash as she got comfortable. "Sooo... this isn't some random visit, is it?"

Fluttershy gushed. Was it really that obvious? She lifted her head up high and cleared her throat. "Dashie, I want you to teach me to fly." Fluttershy said this quite loudly for her, which wasn't saying much, though she hoped she got her point across. She felt very confident in her stance and her posture, so maybe this would work.

But Rainbow just looked at her with a confused look drawn all over her face. Fluttershy blushed the deepest shade of maroon. You're such a silly filly Fluttershy... you knew she'd react this way. Nopony would ever be up to the challenge of trying to teach a pegasus like me to fly. She started to frown when Dashie interrupted with, "Um, Fluttershy? You're a pegasus, you already know how to fly?" Clearly Rainbow was not expecting Fluttershy to ask this of her, considering the request was to learn something she already knew how to do.

Fluttershy looked at Dashie in surprise. Does she really think I can fly? "Oh... Dashie... But I wanna fly like you. You can do loop-de-loops and you can fly through clouds at lightning speed and you can do so much and I want to be as great a flyer as you so then m-maybe I c-can..." She stopped herself, catching her tongue before she said anymore.

"So that you can do what, Fluttershy?" Dashie asked quizzically, looking straight into those bright blue eyes. Fluttershy looked down then, hiding her face behind her gorgeous pink mane, whispering something Dash couldn't quite hear. "Oh, come on Fluttershy! Enough with the mumbled whispers! I'm your friend, Dashie, remember me? You and me, we go way back. Remember when you had to present that book report in front of the class in filly kindergarden? You were so scared you ran into the mares bathroom stalls and cried your eyes out for hours. Who was there in the stall next to you, reassuring you and trying to get you to stop crying and get back out there? Me. You can tell me anything Shy. We're best friends, aren't we?" Fluttershy lifted her head a little bit, looking into the cyan mares violet eyes. She sighed.

"So that I can... impress a stallion." She let her head fall in defeat. Maybe she'll think I'm too weak to impress anypony. Or maybe she'll think I'm stupid for even trying. Or maybe... oh dear, you're being a silly filly again Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash is your friend, and she'd do anything to help her friend. She'd even do the impossible.

Rainbow stared at Fluttershy's mane for some time, since the golden mare was hiding her face from view. Then she remembered Twilights plan. Shy is here, in my house, just us. Now's my time to strike. "Alright, on one condition."

Did Fluttershy hear her right? Was she saying yes? Was she really willing to help her become a better flyer? She looked up to see if the mare was joking, but in fact, she was being serious. Oh my. "You would really do that for me Dashie? Oh my, thank you so much Dashie. I owe you carrots for a whole month!"

"Nah, don't sweat it, but like I said, on one condition. Only when you agree to this, will I help you." Dashie said with a grin.

Fluttershy looked confused, wondering what it is Dashie wanted her to do. "Whatever is it, Dashie?"

Rainbow peaked sneakily at Shy's flank, betting those butterflies on her rump were in need of a little spanking. "All I ask is that you do as I say with no questions asked, deal?"

Fluttershy considered this. She considered the thinks Dashie might want her to do with no questions asked, but then she considered how badly she didn't want to be alone anymore. "Anything you say Dashie." She said with a confident, somewhat scared, smile.

Rainbow smiled deviously, making Fluttershy a little more scared than she already was. "Well then, our first lesson is 'learning how to take the heat'" she said, still eye'ing Fluttershy's flank.


Dashie made her way back to her bedroom, with Fluttershy following close behind. "Um, Rainbow...?" Fluttershy started to ask, before Rainbow interrupted her.

"Ah ah ah, no questions, remember?" Dashie reminded her, and to show she got the message across, Fluttershy pretended to zip her mouth shut. That's my girl. When they reached Dashie's bedroom, Dash closed the door, receiving a scared expression from Shy. "Now, Fluttershy, the first thing you need to know about being a great flyer like me, is speed! You gotta be able to handle the heat of competition! You gotta be a winner!" Fluttershy nodded happily as Rainbow went on, taking in everything she's saying. "And to be a winner, you gotta be able to handle anything. Which is why," Dashie paused while she opened up a cabinet in her room and took out some odd looking...toys? ",we're going to need these." she tossed them on the bed. Fluttershy looked at them as if they were menacing death traps. Rainbow sighed and tried to be a little more persuasive. "Look, Shy, if you wanna be a great flyer, you gotta be into trying new things. And if you want a stallion in your life, you gotta be up to trying some new kinky things, if you know what I mean." She nudged her friend and winked jokingly, but that look of horror was still tattoo on the golden pegasus' face.

As Fluttershy stared at the pile of dildos on Rainbows bed, a million things went through her head. What are those things? Are they supposed to be that big? Why are they so weirdly shaped? What's their purpose, to scare ponies? But she tried to keep an open mind. If she wanted to be a great flyer, she had to trust in Dashie and try new things, even if new things looked quite... painful. She swallowed her fear and took a deep breath and slowly trotted closer to the bed to inspect the toys a little more closely.

Dash could tell how confused Fluttershy was, but she saw that the look of pure terror was gone from her face for now, so she took that as a sign that her plan was working. "I'll help you out during the beginning Shy, but then you gotta do it yourself. Alright?" The golden pegasus nodded. "Get on the bed and lay on your back."

The golden mare looked at Dashie in surprise. Was that what these were for? For...for...pony pleasure? And Dashie wants to put those...things inside of me?! Oh my... what have I gotten myself into? She blushed deeply. She's never shown anypony else her..her... nether regions. She's always done that in private... her animals are the only creatures that have ever witnessed her... pleasuring herself for her own selfish desires. And she's about to show her best friend her most private area on her body. She's about to let her best friend do the pleasuring for her for pony's sake! She sighed. I wanna be a great flyer like her, and if she says this will help be fly like her, I'm willing to do anything. She gulped and climbed up onto the bed and laid on her back and spread her hind legs ever so slightly, so Dashie could just barely see her juicy bits.