Reading Rainbow

by Deathsia

First published

Twilight and Rainbow Dash,lovers and best friends,but what is a unicorn to do when conflict arises?

Twilight and Rainbow Dash,lovers and best friends,but what is a unicorn to do when conflict arises,After a heated argument between them, the two decide it is best to"Take a break" from each other.

The Third installment of this fanfiction series! Many questions get answered and i hope you all enjoy this! ^^


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Three months after Rarity's performance things seemed to slip back to normal for the main six. Well as normal as things could be. Rainbow Dash still had her job as a weather pony, Rarity was still working full time on her fashion designs, Applejack was back on the farm during the days to help her family with applebucking, Fluttershy was tending to her animals still, Pinkie Pie was working at sugarcube corner full time with the cakes, and Twilight was still working as a full time librarian. Yet it could be anything but normal for the six and when the purple unicorn looked back from the first time she set hoof in Ponyville and compared it to how things were now she often found herself wondering how all of this could have possibly come to be.

She never imagined in her wildest days that when she first came here that roughly a year later she would be in a lesbian relationship with the cyan blue Pegasus, Applejack and Rarity a couple, Pinkie Pie in an off and on relationship with Big Macintosh, and her number one assistant a father of two and with Fluttershy to boot. When the purple unicorn attempted to make sense of this chain of events it just made her head hurt, but she found herself doing it non-the-less once again today.

To make matters even more stressful for her she found out all too quickly that her fillyfriend had a sex drive that outmatched hers ten to one. This often lead to tension between the two and Twilight often worried she was not giving her partner enough attention, but she couldn't force herself to do anything either. It simply didn't work that way for her. Not that she hadn't tried though. But she found out all too quickly that if her body said “no!”, she really couldn't make it say “yes!”. Not to mention she was a book worm at heart and loved to read and because Rainbow often wanted to have her way with the unicorn she often had to put the book down, but that was when she was able to get in the mood.

The unicorn had finally managed to shove the thoughts from her head as she opened her book up and began to read it on her balcony when Rainbow Dash was just returning from a long day of weather control and landed next to her giving her an affectionate kiss on the cheek a few moments later. “I take it today went well for you.” Twilight remarked as she continued reading from her book.

“Nothing too bad at least. Derpy nearly sent a thunderstorm over Fillydephia again, I had to spend the majority of today moving those clouds over to Hoofington where they were supposed to be.” Rainbow Dash replied as she sat down next to the unicorn and wrapped her tail around the purple mare's tail. “Don't suppose you can put that book down, come inside, and spend some time with me could you?” Rainbow Dash said after a few minuets of silence running a hoof through Twilight's hair sensually.

“Here we go again...” Twilight thought to herself dismally. “I just picked up this book honey. Can it wait till tomorrow?” Twilight replied in the best tone she could muster.

“Oh come on, you said that yesterday!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed in an annoyed tone.

“We've already been at it three times this week and I’ve put off reading this book just for you. The least you could do is let me read it.” Twilight replied in a mildly annoyed tone.

“How could a book me more interesting than me?” The cyan blue Pegasus asked still looking thoroughly annoyed.

“I didn't say that. Stop putting words in my mouth.” Twilight replied heatedly. The purple unicorn could feel her temper rising quickly and had a bad feeling this might end with Rainbow sleeping in spare bedroom again if she kept this up.

“You might as well have said that. You barely do anything with me anymore. It's like your more interested in books than me!” Rainbow Dash retorted her temper rising as well.

“Well forgive me if my sex drive doesn't run at two hundred miles per hour like yours! Unlike you, most ponies have sex with their partners once or twice a week, not every single day and not to mention all night!” Twilight exclaimed loudly putting her book down now to look at the cyan blue Pegasus with a glare.

“What's wrong with that? It's not like I recall you complaining any! Or should I point out the hoof marks where you dug your hooves into the headboard of our bed?” Rainbow Dash countered with a cocky grin earning a beat red blush from the purple unicorn.

“I'm not saying that you aren't satisfying in bed Rainbow, what I’m saying is that I don't have the energy to keep up with your sex drive. For Celestia's sake, let my body rest. If I cum anymore this week I’m likely to pass out from dehydration!” Twilight retorted still sporting her blush feeling her anger ebb away slowly.

“Fine....” Rainbow Dash replied with a scowl, stood up, and walked into the house muttering the word “egghead” under her breath as she walked away which unfortunately the purple unicorn heard quite well which sent her temper skyrocketing.

“Oh that's rich, feather's for brains!” Twilight retorted with a glare as she stood up abruptly and glared at the cyan blue Pegasus who whirled around with a glare of her own upon hearing this.

“How many times have I told you not to call me, feathers for brains?! You know I don't like being called that!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed angrily.

“And how many times have I asked you not to call me an Egghead?! That's your problem! You don't listen to me!” Twilight exclaimed in retort.

“I do too!” Rainbow Dash retorted.

“Oh really?! When's the last time you actually organized the books I asked you to? Oh that's right, I did!” Twilight exclaimed to which the cyan blue Pegasus could not defend herself to knowing it was true.

“Oh yeah?! Well you never pay attention to me!” Rainbow Dash retorted finally managing to find a retort.

“We've already been over this! I can't keep up with your sex drive!” Twilight retorted loudly.

“Not just that! A week ago I asked you to come with me to spend some time together in the park and you said you didn't want to and to wait a week because you had to organize the books again! You say the same thing every week!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed angrily.

“Of course I do! I'm a librarian! It's my job!” Twilight retorted defending herself.

“I'm your partner! I should come first!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed feeling her anger nearing it's breaking point now.

“News flash Rainbow Dash, Equestria DOES NOT revolve around you!” Twilight exclaimed as she walked past the cyan blue Pegasus stomping her hooves into the floor as she walked inside her home.

“I never said it did!” Rainbow Dash retorted as she followed the purple unicorn inside.

“Well you sure bucking act like it! I love reading books, get used to it!” Twilight exclaimed and went slightly wide eyed realizing that she had just cursed. Twilight was normally the kind tongued of the six but if you pushed her buttons enough she did have a tendency to curse but it took a lot to push her that far and clearly the cyan blue Pegasus was pushing her that far.

“If you love your books so much why don't you date them instead of me!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, ran for the front door, and opened it.

“Maybe I will!” Twilight retorted just before Rainbow Dash had slammed the door behind her loudly.

Twilight then ran to her room, picked up her pillow and screamed as loud as she possibly could into it while at the exact moment Rainbow Dash was doing the same thing to a cloud several feet above Ponyville.


Several hours later as night began to fall on Ponyville Rainbow Dash opened the front door slowly and closed it behind her softly as she walked in to see a puffy-eyed Twilight sitting at her end table . “Listen Twilight, I’m sorry for calling you an egghead and what I said about dating your books. I really can be a featherbrain and today was no exception.” Rainbow Dash said in a soft tone as she walked over and put a wing over the purple unicorn.

“Your not a featherbrain Rainbow.” Twilight replied softly and let out a sigh. “We've been arguing a lot the last few weeks haven't we?” Twilight remarked as she levitated a cup of apple juice over to the cyan blue Pegasus with her magic who took the cup in her hooves once it reached her and took a sip before setting it down in front of her.

“Yeah...” Rainbow Dash replied with a sigh of her own.

“Today was the worst argument we've gotten into yet. We've never gotten so bad that we resort to name calling before. And I’m worried it will only get worse.” Twilight replied softly before taking a sip out of her own cup of apple juice.

“Nah, there's no way it could get any worse.” Rainbow Dash replied as she nuzzled Twilight's cheek affectionately.

“Rainbow, you know I love you, but...” Twilight replied trailing off.

“But what?” Rainbow Dash asked curiously.

“But I think it might be best if we take a break from each other.” Twilight replied softly.

“What do you mean?” The cyan blue Pegasus asked feeling her heart drop into the pit of her stomach.

“I mean, see other ponies. Just for a little while. We both jumped head first into this relationship and I don't think either of us thought about this rationally when the tornado obliterated my home.” Twilight replied nearly unable to believe even what she was suggesting.

“Your breaking up with me?” Rainbow Dash replied taking back by this suggestion removing her wing from over the purple unicorn.

“No,no,no! It's just a break from each other. So we can both think clearly about this relationship of ours. You and I both know we can't think rationally when we are together like this. A month break should be more than enough time for the both of us to decide on whether we should continue with this relationship.” Twilight replied and let out a long sigh.

Rainbow Dash attempted to wrap her brain around this concept as she looked at Twilight as if trying to read her mind. “So in other words, you want to be able to sleep with other ponies and not have to worry about me being hurt. Is that it?” Rainbow Dash asked in a hurt tone.

“No! Well...maybe. That's what this break is all about. To explore the other possibilities we have. I'm not saying I’m going to run off and get laid by the next stallion or mare I see, but if something like that does happen, at least we won't have to worry about each other being hurt by it since we are taking a break from one another.” Twilight replied defensively. This wasn't going nearly as well as she imagined it would in her head when she first thought this though a few hours ago.

The cyan blue Pegasus gave a heavy sigh as she ran a hoof through her mane. “I guess a break wouldn't be that bad of a thing, but your the only pony for me and I doubt any other mare or stallion will be able to catch my eye like you.” Rainbow Dash replied with a soft smile to which Twilight smiled back.

Looking into her lovers eyes and seeing her smile almost made the purple unicorn want to call off the whole thing, but she knew that was the exact reason why she decided a break would be a good idea in the first place. With Rainbow around she could rarely think clearly. Perhaps without her around she could think things through rationally and come to a decent conclusion which would help her decide if this relationship was really going to work out between them.

“I guess I’ll see you around then Twilight.” Rainbow Dash replied as she stood up, turned around, walked over to the front door, opened it, gave one last look at Twilight fighting back tears, walked out the front door, and closed it behind her.

Twilight immediately broke into full blown sobs as she buried her face into a nearby pillow on the floor. It had been less than thirty seconds since the break had begun yet it felt like weeks for her, just how was she going to make it a month?


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The next day seemed to drag by for the purple unicorn as she did her daily routines of organizing books, placing them in their shelves, and putting them in alphabetical order. Though out this entire time of organizing her books and such she found her mind drifting back to Rainbow Dash constantly. It didn't help that at this precise moment she was putting the only set of books that Rainbow Dash would bother touching in her entire library which was none other than the Daring Doo book series.

“Ugh! That's it! I need a break from these books!” Twilight exclaimed in annoyance suddenly catapulting the Daring Doo book to the wall which smacked with a loud “Thwack!” sound and a faint thud as it hit the floor while the purple unicorn quickly left the library and headed over to Rarity's home.


Twilight trotted into Rarity's home and to her room not even paying attention to the “do not disturb” sign on the door to see a very interesting sight. Applejack and Rarity's faces were buried in each others respective cunts doing a sixty-nine unaware of Twilight who had just walked in...that is until she let out a startled gasp with a deep blush. “I'm sorry!” Twilight exclaimed as rarity and Applejack both ripped their faces from each others cunts to stare at the purple unicorn sporting a similar beat red blush.


“Darling, as much as I love your company, that sign was on the door for a reason.” Rarity remarked still blushing as she sat next to Applejack on their bed with Twilight on the other end near the head of the bed facing the two.

“I was ready to squirt mah berry juice when ya walked in too.” Applejack remarked with a scowl earning a shocked expression from Rarity and a causing Twilight to feel even more embarrassed and now guilty for interrupting their private time.

“Applejack! Must you be so crude in front of our guest?” Rarity asked giving Applejack a disapproving stare.

“Ah'm honest and blunt. What can ah say?” Applejack replied with a smirk.

“Once again, I’m very sorry for interrupting you two during your private time. It's just I had to get away from the library. I think I’ve had enough of books for a while.” Twilight replied in a apologetic tone.

If Applejack and Rarity had not been sitting down they would have fallen over at this remark. “Could ya repeat that last statement sugarcube? Ah think ah had something in mah ears. Ah could have swore ya said you had enough of books for awhile.” Applejack replied taking a hoof and rubbing her right ear furiously as if trying to clear it out so she could hear properly.

“I think you heard her correctly sweetie, but the question is why?” Rarity said looking at Twilight with a concerned expression now.

“Me and Rainbow got into a big argument yesterday.” Twilight replied with a frown and a sigh.

“Again?” Applejack asked incredulously.

“Yeah, I’ll spare you the details, but we both agreed that it would be best to take a break from one another for a month and explore other options.” Twilight replied feeling herself ready to break into full blown sobs again but resisted the urge to do so.

“You poor darling! This must be really hard on you, after all, Rainbow was your first love if I’m not mistaken.” Rarity replied in a sympathetic tone placing a hoof on Twilight's shoulder.

Hearing this caused the purple unicorn to go teary eyed as her expression now shown of one trying to fight back tears.

“Rarity, ah would reckon you of all ponies would know how to use tact.” Applejack said in a scolding tone and a stern expression.

“Says the pot calling the kettle black darling.” Rarity countered with a stern expression of her own then turned to look at Twilight resuming her sympathetic expression. “I didn't mean to bring up anything that would upset you darling. Is there anything we can do?” Rarity asked with a comforting smile.

“I don't know. I was hoping you two could think of something to help me take my mind off things.” Twilight replied sniffling as she wiped her nose and eyes.

Applejack then placed a hoof on her chin and tapped it a few times before her attention was yanked away by a knock on the door. “Come in.” Applejack said in a slightly higher voice at which point the door opened revealing Applebloom in the doorway at which point Applejack's eyes lit up. “Ah got it!” Applejack explained with a toothy grin.

“Got what? Ah came over to let ya know that Big Macintosh is gonna need ya to help him with applebuckin tomorrow.” Applebloom said with a confused expression.

“I got it. Could ya ask our big brother to come over here when ya get back?” Applejack asked with a smile.

Applebloom's face went slightly green at this remark but nodded. “Ah reckon ah can. Ah expect he won't beh back till nightfall again.” Applebloom remarked sourly as she walked towards the door.

“Make sure ya head strait back to let him know and no detours ya hear?” Applejack said in a stern tone.

“Of course, ah know not to beh running off when i'm relayin messages between ya two, who do ya think ya is? Mah momma?” Applebloom retorted with an annoyed expression and a few moments later went wide-eyed. “Wait, don't answer that!” Applebloom exclaimed in a panicked tone and quickly left the room earning a hearty laugh from Applejack.

“What was that about? And why did you ask Applebloom to send Big Macintosh over?” Twilight asked looking thoroughly confused.

“Don't worry your head bout that. And ah got some special plans for ya.” Applejack replied smirking now.

“Darling, you can't possibly be thinking of including her, can you?” Rarity asked incredulously.

“Ah don't see why not. She would have figured out out sooner or later being the smart one and all.” Applejack replied still grinning ear to ear.

“Including me in what?” Twilight asked still confused beyond belief.

“Sharp as a tack, this one.” Applejack remarked in a sarcastic tone looking at Rarity while pointing a hoof at Twilight.

“Would somepony please tell me what the hay is going on?!” Twilight exclaimed in a frustrated tone. She was getting tired of being the one pony in the room who had no idea what the were talking about and it was annoying by now.

“Ain't no better cure for a lonely mare than some good ol' fashioned hoof knockin.” Applejack replied at which point Twilight's expression with wide-eyed.

“Wait, you're calling Big Macintosh over here to bang my brains out?” Twilight asked incredulously.

“Quick as a whip ain't she?” Applejack remarked with a smirk.

“Did you even bother to ask me if I even wanted to? And how do you even know if I'm into stallions?” Twilight replied with a glare with a blush.

“No mare in thar right mind would turn down mah big brother. Course it's up to ya if you want to be stickin round or not. Ah ain't forcing ya, but if you want in on the action, stick around, if not, thar's the door. No offense sugarcube.” Applejack replied with a smirk.

“Wait, in on the action? You mean you weren't inviting him over here just for me?” Twilight asked in a confused tone. It only took a few more moments however for the mare to put two and two together at which point she let out a gasp, putting a hoof over her mouth as she did so.

“You see darling. Applejack and Big Macintosh prior to our becoming an item were well...” Rarity said trailing off looking at Applejack as if seeking approval to say the obvious.

“Me and mah big bro were in a relationship of our own ya see. That's why Big Macintosh threw such a hissy when found meh and Rarity goin at it in the barn. He was hurt, course he shoulda known it wouldn't have worked out. Lesbian relationships are one thing, but one with family...well ah reckon that wouldn't flow over too well with Ponyville. Especially after Applebloom.” Applejack said simply which sent the purple unicorn's mind reeling at this new set of information.

Twilight sat their blank faced staring at them trying to find words, but every time she thought she had them, they seemed to slip away which lead to her opening her mouth to speak, raising a hoof, shutting it, and lowering her hoof moments later several times over the course of the next few minuets.

“Ah think we broke her.” Applejack remarked with a giggle.

“Twilight, are you okay darling?” Rarity asked in a concerned tone.

“I think my brain broke...” Twilight replied in a dismal tone which caused Applejack and Rarity to both burst out laughing.

“Don't worry, ya won't beh needin it when Big Macintosh starts plowin ya.” Applejack replied after she had finally managed to stop laughing.

If the purple unicorn's brain was in fact broken, this statement sure as hell fixed real fast as she found the words to speak now. “Just a minuet! I never said I was agreeing to this! And let me get this strait, your Applebloom's mother, but that would make Big Macintosh...” Twilight replied trailing off.

“Her father, ah see ya finally got the big picture. Course ah would be a might greatly if ya didn't spread that round Ponyville. Ah don't think that would do well for the family and not to mention Applebloom.” Applejack replied striking a serious expression as she spoke to which Twilight nodded.

“Of course. Your secret is safe with me. Betraying a friend's trust is the quickest way to lose a friend.” Twilight replied with a smile.

“FOR-EVER!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed suddenly popping her head out of Rarity's plant next to their bed making all three mare's jump up in surprise.

“For love of- Pinkie Pie, how many times have ah said not to sneak up on meh like that!” Applejack exclaimed in an annoyed tone as the pink mare jumped out of the flower pot and trotted towards the door.

“Sorry Applejack, my Pinkie sense was tingling and it told me that Twilight was making a Pinkie Pie promise not to tell your secret.” Pinkie Pie replied as she opened the door to leave which revealed Big Macintosh with a hood outstretched to knock on the door.

“Oh, hi Big mac! Have fun with Rarity and Applejack!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed with a wide grin as she trotted past him and out of Rarity's home leaving Big Macintosh with a slightly confused expression as he looked at Rarity and Applejack.

“Don't ask.” Rarity replied simply in a flat tone.

“Uh, AJ, why is Twilight here?” Big Macintosh asked curiously.

“Last chance to back out Twi.” Applejack said with a smile looking at Twilight at this point.

“I haven't decided.” Twilight replied truthfully. It was true that Twilight had heard about Big Macintosh's size and she did recall Pinkie Pie a month ago who's pussy had been plowed mercilessly by the red stallion.
“Well, while you're debatin, we'll start without ya. Feel free to join in at anytime.” Applejack replied with a smirk motioning for Big Macintosh to join them on the bed while twilight's swiftly got off it and sat on the floor.

“I've never had an audience before.” Rarity remarked with a grin as Applejack began to kiss along Rarity's neck earning soft moans from the snow white mare as Big Macintosh's cock began to grow until it was fully erect causing Twilight to go wide-eyed as she saw his full length and feel herself grow very wet as the stallion pushed his length into the snow white mare as Applejack continued to kiss along her neck earning sharp moans from Rarity as Big Macintosh began to pick up a rhythm.

“H-How can you be okay with this? I thought you two were a couple?” Twilight said stuttering slightly as she spoke while she watched Big Macintosh plow into Rarity's snow white cunt.

“Weh came to a mutual agreement ya see. Big Macintosh still wanted meh, but ah'm with Rarity now. It took a bit of convincin on mah part but after her first time with him she didn't put up a fuss anymore.” Applejack replied looking over at twilight as she said this before returning to kissing on Rarity's neck and making her way down till her face was just above Rarity's cunt giving the farm pony a close up view of the stallion’s cock going in an out of her partner's now dripping cunt. She then began to suckle on Rarity's clit the best she could which sent the snow white mare up the wall as her hooves started to dig into the headboard of their bed as she cried out in ecstasy.

“Dear Celestia! Mmm! You two are going to make me cum too fast!” Rarity exclaimed between moans as she began to hump upwards haphazardly trying in vain to pick up a rhythm of her own.

“That's the idea, ah want mah turn too.” Applejack replied with a smirk as she began to run her tongue along Big Macintosh's cock as it thrust in and out of Rarity's snow white cunt.

Whether Rarity wanted to or not she came hard arching up as she did so giving a high pitched squeal of ecstasy as her pussy began to spasm and flood it juices all over Big Macintosh's cock and onto the bed creating a puddle as she rode her climax out until she fell limply onto the bed huffing and puffing as Big Macintosh pulled out of her.

Applejack without hesitation engulfed the stallion’s cock into her mouth and began to bob her head back and forth earning moans from the red stallion. “Keep that up sis and ah'll blow mah load in your mouth.” Big Macintosh remarked between grunts and moans at which point Applejack removed her mouth from the stallion’s member, stood up, and put two hooves on the head of the bed.

“Then ya best beh stickin it in. ah'd hate for all that stallion milk to go to waste.” Applejack replied with a smirk at which point Big Macintosh positioned himself directly behind his sister and thrust himself in hard picking up a hard and fast rhythm.

“Just like ah like it! Hard and fast! Buck meh hard big bro! Give mah hungry cheery bush all that yummeh stallion milk!” Applejack exclaimed loudly between moans as Big Macintosh fucked her orange cunt doggy style.

Twilight by now had created a clear wet spot on the floor where she sat watching this whole fiasco. It was too much for her to bare. Without thinking Twilight repositioned herself on her side and began to rub her clit furiously to the action that was happening before her moaning out ever so often.

Applejack glanced over at twilight and gave a giggle. “Looks like Twilight is in need of some assistance.” Applejack remarked between moans as Big Macintosh continued to plow her orange cunt.

Rarity took this as her cue to jump off the bed, walked over to Twilight, moved her hoof to the side much to the purple unicorn's shock and stuck her horn in before Twilight could reject her offer causing the purple unicorn to arch back and cry out in pleasure. “Dear Celestia! I've never had anything in there before besides Rainbow Dash's tongue! It feels so good!” Twilight exclaimed at the top of her lungs moaning out as her body lit up like a match at this brand new sensation while Rarity's horn thrust in and out of her dripping purple cunt.

“If you like this, just wait till you get a turn with Big Macintosh darling.” Rarity replied with a smirk as she continued to thrust her horn into Twilight's pussy feeling her hair become matted down with the purple unicorn's juices all the while making sure not to thrust past the purple mare's hymen which she could feel the tip of her horn touching as she thrust her horn in.

It didn't take long for Twilight to climax though as she grabbed Rarity's head with both hooves, wrapped her hind legs around her head as well, arched back, and came hard, crying out in pure ecstasy as her pussy clammed down on Rarity's hard, began to spasm, and squirted her juices which coated the snow white mare's head as well as creating a puddle on the floor.

“Ready for mah hot milk sis?” Big Macintosh asked between grunts and moans.

“Fill her up!” Applejack replied between loud moans which was Big Macintosh's cue to stop holding back as he began to plow her orange cunt even faster now if possible and a few moments later slammed into her hard at which point his stallion cock exploded inside of his sister coating her inner walls and cervix in his hot stallion spunk.

Feeling her older brother blow his load inside of her sent the orange mare over the age as she came as well, clamping her orange cunt on his large cock as she arched back moaning out as her pussy began to spasm and gushed it's juices which flowed down her legs like a flood of water which created a large puddle on the bed. By the time the orange mare had rode out her entire climax her hind legs were soaked as well as the bed under her.

“Heh, looks like ah flooded the bed again.” Applejack remarked breathlessly before she slumped down huffing and puffing on the bed while Big Macintosh pulled out of her huffing and puffing himself.

“That was wild.” Twilight remarked breathlessly.

“It ain't over yet. It's your turn with mah big brother.” Applejack replied between huffs and puffs.

“But what about pregnancy?” Twilight replied looking at Big Macintosh with an worried expression.

“Ah wouldn't worry bout that.” Applejack replied throwing the purple unicorn a small pill.

“Birth control?” Twilight remarked curiously.

“Eee-yep!” Big Macintosh said answering for his sister.

Twilight quickly downed the pill without thinking. “According to my books it takes a stallion about fifteen minuets to be ready after climax so....” Twilight said but trailed off as Big Macintosh’s cock was already becoming erect again.

“Mah big bro is gifted with a lot of stamina.” Applejack remarked with a smirk.

“You only live once...” Twilight said in a thoughtful tone as she approached the stallion.

“Which position do ya perfer?” Big Macintosh asked with a smile.

“I don't know. I've never been with a stallion before.” Twilight replied with a blush.

“Ah suggest classic pony style then. That way you can take all of him in with ease.” Applejack suggested with a smile.

“Twilight eyed Big Macintosh's fully erect member and gave an audible gulp. “All of him?” Twilight replied in a nervous tone earning a hearty laugh from Applejack and Big Macintosh.

“Ah'll only put a few inches in at first and we'll work our way up if it makes ya feel any better.” Big Macintosh replied with a soft smile.

“O-Okay.” Twilight replied as she turned around and lifted her tail up.

Big Macintosh got on his hind hooves for a moment and hunched himself over Twilight to that she felt his underbelly on her back and slowly edged his cock in parting twilight purple pussy lips slightly as he entered her earning a sharp pained yet pleasurable gasp from Twilight as she felt her cunt become stretched by the stallion’s width as he entered her.

“Ya okay thar?” Big Macintosh asked in a concerned tone noticing Twilight tense up and showing a pained expression.

“Y-yeah. It's just that your so big.” Twilight replied. “That sounded so lame.” Twilight remarked a few moments later with a giggle.

“Ah'll go slow at first so ya can get used to meh.” Big Macintosh replied as she began to move his cock slowly in and out of her earning pleasurable moans from the purple unicorn. Twilight's body was shaking from the extreme amount of pleasure her body was in at this moment. Never before had she had something so big inside of her. And it drove her wild. She found herself wanting more of him inside her a few short minuets after he picked up a rhythm.

She had no idea whether this was pure instinct or her but either way without warning the purple unicorn shoved her hind quarters back while Big Macintosh was in the middle of thrusting in which drove the stallion’s member completely inside her which caused twilight to arch up and cry out in both pleasure and pain, but at this point the pleasure was outweighing the pain ten to one.

“Whoa nelly! Ah didn't mean to put that much in ya at once! Ya okay thar Twilight?” Big Macintosh asked in a concerned tone as he noticed Twilight's cunt bleeding slightly now.

“Ah think ya broke her hymen bro.” Applejack remarked with a smirk.

“That would be correct. Now buck me hard.” Twilight replied after a few moments once she was able to get her bearings.

Big Macintosh didn't need to be told twice as he began to thrust into her resuming his previous rhythm earning high pitched moans from the purple unicorn as he thrust into her.

Twilight's body was not on cloud nine. This new sensation was nothing like Rarity's horn nor Rainbow Dash's tongue. She could feel his pony meat inside her. From the feeling of his balls as they slapped against her dripping cunt to the round and thick tip of his stallion meat slamming into the very back of her cunt. This sensation of his round thick tip sliding in and out of her along with his generous length and width causing the purple unicorn to cum barely ten seconds after he picked up a good rhythm but she wasn't even close to done yet.

Something within her wanted more and she knew what it was. She wanted to feel his warm stallion’s milk gush into her. No, it was more than want, her body needed it. Instinct at work more than anything Twilight rode climax after climax out until she lost count after the tenth one.

“Holy horseapples! Ah reckon she's done came fifteen times bah now and she's still ridin buckin into him.” Applejack remarked as twilight cried out again at which point her pussy gushed once again. By now Big Macintosh’s cock was soaked in her cum and the floor had a puddle about one foot in size and growing with each time Twilight's juices flowed down her hind legs and pooled under her and Big Macintosh.

“Darling, don't you remember your first time? Every mare's first time with a stallion is more instinct than pleasure. Her body is holding out for his sticky prize. After that she's gonna be sleeping like a foal.” Rarity remarked running a hoof along her cunt.

“Ah reckon ah plum fergot bout that. Heh.” Applejack replied rubbing the back of her head with a sheepish grin.

Twilight however didn't hear anything of this. But if she had she would disagree with them. Her body was on cloud nine and nothing in the world compared to the kind of pleasure her body was in at this moment as she rode out yet another climax adding to the puddle under her.

By now Big Macintosh was nearly his limit. It had been barely ten minuets since he began, but between the purple unicorn's tightness and her climaxes making each and ever thrust more and more pleasurable he found himself on the edge of climax already and he knew if she came one more time the tightness and sensation of her juices flooding against his pony cock would make him blow his load whether he wanted to or not.

“Give me that hot sticky milk. I need it so badly!” Twilight exclaimed between moans feeling another climax closing in and sure enough she came once again which much to Big Macintosh’s disappointment could feel her cunt squeeze and milk his cock which caused him to blow his load inside the purple unicorn at which point Twilight arched up screaming the word”Yeeeeeessss!” at the top of her lungs as her cunt milked him for all it's worth.

It was at this point Big Macintosh began to wonder if he could pull out even if he wanted to as Twilight's cunt was clamped down on his stallionhood and milking him so hard that it almost hurt. Despite this however his cock gladly shot stream after stream of thick pony cum into her cunt each time it squeezed and milked it.

“Ya done cummin yet bro?” Applejack asked with a grin.

“Ah reckon ah should beh, but Twilight's milkin me for all ah have.” Big Macintosh replied in a shocked tone followed by yet another grunt as Twilight's cunt milked him once again causing him to squirt yet another sticky stream into her.

Finally after a few more moments Twilight's pussy gave one last squeeze earning the very last drops of cum from Big Macintosh which effectively had drained the stallion as she slipped out of her with a squelching sound followed by Twilight's body hitting the floor as Big Macintosh’s cum began to gush out of her with no where to go but out pooling into the already fairly large puddle on the floor.

“Ah didn't think it was possible, but Twilight's done sucked meh dry.” Big Macintosh remarked in a shocked tone.

“Whoa nelly, ya are the first to do that Twi. Twilight?” Applejack asked curiously when she didn't get a response.

Twilight however was fast asleep in a blissful slumber unaware that Big Macintosh’s cum was still draining out of her and would do so for the next five minuets.

“What did I tell you darling? She's sleeping like a baby.” Rarity remarked breathlessly having just climaxed herself.

“Heh, make meh wonder if she'd ever go back to mares after this.” Applejack remarked with a cheesy grin.

After the three were sure that Twilight's pussy had finally drained the majority of Big Macintosh’s spunk out of her they moved her gently to their bed and left her there as they began to clean out the three foot puddle she had left behind...


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After a hard day of working on weather control, Rainbow Dash found herself going insane. Though the Pegasus could take care of herself when left to her own devices she couldn't get that edge she needed that Twilight always managed to give her that always left her fully satisfied. Figuring that she just needed to get her mind off things, she decided to head over to Fluttershy and Spike's home hoping it would take her mind off Twilight as well as her hormones screaming for a tongue between her legs.

“Oh, umm..Hi Rainbow. Can I help you with something?” Fluttershy asked in her timid tone as she opened the door for the cyan blue Pegasus.

“Not unless you got a tongue for me.” Rainbow Dash replied without thinking at first then went wide-eyed and blushed as she realized what she had just said. “I mean, I just wanted to hang out with my best friend.” Rainbow replied quickly a few moments after her initial response blushing now as she walked in mentally cursing herself for saying what she had.

“Oh, umm, okay.” Fluttershy replied blushing slightly herself now.

“Where is Spike and the foals?” Rainbow Dash asked curiously looking around.

“Oh, Spike went to drop them off with Pinkie Pie for the night. We umm...have plans.” Fluttershy replied hiding behind her pink hair now.

“What plans?” Rainbow Dash asked curiously.

“Just plans.” Fluttershy replied simply as her eyes shifted to the corners of her eyes looking away now.

“If you have a date planned I can leave you know. Come on tell me what plans you two have.” Rainbow Dash replied as she placed a shoulder on the yellow Pegasus's shoulder with a smile.

“Just...plans.” Fluttershy replied again clearly not wanting to say what they were, however the cyan blue Pegasus wasn't going to take that for an answer.

“Come, tell me!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed in an eager tone.

“I really shouldn't...” Fluttershy replied nervously as she backed away from the cyan blue Pegasus now as she walked towards her.

“Tell me!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed sounding slightly annoyed now but still eager to know.

“I don't think I can...” Fluttershy replied with her rump against the wall now and scrunching it up slightly to back away from the cyan blue Pegasus even more so if possible.

“Tell me, tell me, tell me!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed stomping the ground now with all fours hooves in frustration.

“Okay, if you really wanna know.” Fluttershy replied then took a deep breath.

“Me and spike planned to role play tonight, I was going to be the evil dominatrix, Spike was going to be the helpless victim, then we were going to have sex cowpony style with me on top, after that, we planned on having sex doggy style, then spike was going to eat me out till I came five times, after that, Spike was going to buck me legs up style against the wall using that stool over there, and finally we were going to cum on each other in one big finish....but umm...don't tell him I told you that.” Fluttershy said in a single breath leaving the cyan blue Pegasus speechless with a beat red blush on her face.

Needless to say if Rainbow Dash's jaw could physically hit the floor it would have went right through and five feet more into the ground right now. “Wow...sounds like you have a fun night planned. So...I'!” Rainbow Dash replied after a few moments taking a large steps towards the door with each word she spoke until she yanked the front door open with her final word to see Spike with an outstretched claw ready to open the door apparently.

“Oh, Hi Rainbow Dash!” Spike exclaimed with a wide smile.

“Hi Spike, I was just leaving so, I’ll leave you two alone.” Rainbow Dash replied in a nervous tone however was stopped by Spike putting claw up to halt the cyan blue Pegasus.

“Nonsense! Stay awhile! I'll make some dinner for the three of us. It's not often we have you over to visit us!” Spike replied with a warm smile and a tone to match it.

“But Fluttershy told me you two have...plans.” Rainbow Dash replied in a nervous tone.

“Don't worry about it! We can always post pone them a few hours.” Spike replied as he closed the door, walked past the two, and to the kitchen.

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash looked at one another and to the kitchen nearly simultaneously not saying a word in an awkward silence with the only sound being Rainbow Dash clearing her throat ever so often.

“How are things going with you and Twilight?” Spike asked from within the kitchen shouting as he spoke to make sure he could be heard.

“Well...we are taking a break from each other for a month. Things have been kind of tense between us as of late. It was Twilight's idea. She said we should explore other options then decide if our relationship is worth keeping up.” Rainbow Dash replied feeling a ping of sadness swell up inside of her.

“” Fluttershy said finally speaking up with a shocked expression as she placed a hoof over her mouth.

“You mean you two broke up?!” Spike exclaimed in a shocked tone as his head popped from out of the kitchen into the room to look at the cyan blue Pegasus.

“No! We are just taking a break from one another. Clear the air ya know.” Rainbow Dash replied hastily.

“Oh, I get it. I was worried for a moment there ya know? Twilight's never had a partner before and when she found you I was skeptical at first, but you seem to treat her right.” Spike replied with a relieved expression before his head disappeared back into the kitchen.

“A month and we'll be back in the same house. Don't you worry!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed in a cocky tone. Trust be told however she was hoping that statement would be true. Twilight after all had been her long time crush since she first laid eyes on the mare in Ponyville. She wasn't sure what she would do if she lost Twilight completely.

“What was the fight about? If you don't mind talking about it that is.” Fluttershy asked in a curious tone before lowering her head down in a shy pose so that her pink hair drifted over her face now.

“Well, it all started when I wanted to bring Twilight inside the house for some us time. And well, she really wasn't up for it. Course, I was a feather brained foal and called her an egghead in a foalish temper tantrum and that set things off to go south real fast.” Rainbow Dash replied feeling a ping of guilt fill her chest renewed from what she had said to Twilight.

“Oh Rainbow, that must have been ever so dreadful.” Fluttershy replied in a sympathetic tone.

“If Twilight didn't want to do anything, you can't force her you know.” Spike's voice piped up from in the kitchen.

“I know, but it's not my fault I'm horny so much! Believe me, I’ve tried to take care of myself and it just doesn't seem to work! I've tried everything from a simple hoof rub to sticking my whole hoof in there and nothing works!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed then put a hoof over her mouth blushing in embarrassment realizing she had just went on a ramble and spouted out information that these two might not want to hear.

“Um...ops. Sorry about that.” Rainbow Dash said after a few moments sheepishly.

“Oh it's ever so alright Rainbow. After all, that's what friends are for.” Fluttershy replied with a warm smile until her eyes lit up suddenly. “Oh, um, could you stay here while I talk with Spike privately? If you don't mind that is.” Fluttershy asked in a timid tone before she quickly hovered to the kitchen and closed the door.

The cyan blue Pegasus stood alone in the front room now with only her thoughts to keep her company now. Though she would rather have Fluttershy be in the room and talking with her speaking as the only thoughts that came to mind with her were that of her and Twilight's fun times together which didn't help the cyan blue Pegasus's raging hormones. “Come on Rainbow! Get your mind out of the outhouse! Think of something non-sexual! I got it! I'll picture Trixie in rain soaking wet and alone! Hehe!” Rainbow Dash thought to herself dramatically and immediately pictured Trixie since she didn't like her.

However instead of laughing to herself at the image in her mind's eye she found Trixie soaking wet in the rain attractive. “Oh no, She's hot!” Rainbow Dash thought to herself dramatically in a panicked tone as she began to bite at her hooves nervously trying to ignore her body's growing need for release.

The cyan blue Pegasus then quickly ran over to a nearby table with a cup of water on it, picked it up, and drank it quickly. “Much better!” Rainbow Dash replied with a smile however went light headed and passed out a few moments later.


I think she's coming to!

Rainbow Dash's eyes fluttered open drowsily then sat upright abruptly. “Who, what, when, where?!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed in a panicked tone as she looked around in a frantic fashion for a few moments.

“You drank and entire glass of one of Fluttershy's sleeping potions she got from Zecora. She uses them to help some of her animal friends sleep at night when they are having trouble sleeping.” Spike remarked followed by a chuckle.

“This sex drive of mine is going to be the death of me.” Rainbow Dash remarked in a dismal tone with a horrified expression on her face.

“I think we have cure for that.” Spike replied with a mischievous grin.

“What do you mean?” Rainbow Dash asked in a confused tone.

“Me and Spike were talking and, we were wondering, since you and Twilight are taking a break from each other and all, and I could smell your pheromones from the moment you walked in the door, if you would like to, well, have fun with and Spike.” Fluttershy replied with a crimson red blush hiding behind her pink hair as she spoke.

“Wait, you two want to have a threesome with me?” Rainbow Dash asked incredulously unable to believe what she was hearing.

“Duh.” Spike replied with a smirk.

“You see um, it's a fantasy of Spike's to get in bed with two mares and well, I’m curious as to what it's like to sleep with a mare myself so...if you want to have fun with us that would be ever so okay with both of us. That is, if you want to.” Fluttershy chimed in followed by a feeble squeak.

Rainbow Dash suddenly felt wide alert now and not to mention excited as she stared at the two. “Oh heck ya! Lets get it on!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed with a smirk.

“Really?! Oh that's ever so wonderful! We are going to have ever so much fun! First we'll do a sixty-nine together, then we'll take turns sucking off Spike, and then we'll all cum at the same time! It's going to be ever so much fun! I'm so excited! Oh, oh!” Fluttershy exclaimed as she carried the cyan blue Pegasus into their bedroom and to the bed growing louder and louder as she spoke until she dropped Rainbow Dash on the bed, landed next to her followed by Spike to quickly closed the door behind him and jumped on the bed himself.

“Wow, you sure thought this out didn't you Fluttershy?” Rainbow Dash replied in a semi-shocked tone at how frank the yellow Pegasus was speaking once again while Spike chuckled to himself.

“What's so funny?” Rainbow Dash asked in an annoyed tone looking over at Spike.

“Brace yourself.” Spike said simply with a snicker.

“Brace myself? For wha-Whoa!” Rainbow Dash began to say only for Fluttershy to abruptly and without warning slammed her back so that she was laying on her back now, quickly crawled on top of her so that her puffy yellow pussy was hovering over the cyan blue Pegasus’s mouth, and grinned at her with an expression that almost scared the cyan blue Pegasus.

“Eat me out and don't you dare stop till I cum all over your face!” Fluttershy exclaimed in a fierce tone and moments later shoved her yellow cunt into Rainbow Dash's face.

To say rainbow Dash was taken by this sudden personalty chance by her foalhood friend was an understatement but she obeyed her non-the-less and stuck her tongue inside of the yellow Pegasus pussy which was growing wetter by the moment.

“I should have warned you that Fluttershy is a completely different mare in bed.” Spike said just before he leaned down and began to run his tongue along the cyan blue Pegasus's blue furred cunt which was already leaking with fluids which earned a moan from Rainbow Dash as she continued her tongue work earning high pitched cries of pleasure from the yellow Pegasus who's wings were erect and very stiff at the moment.

“Mm, that's it! Make momma cum!” Fluttershy exclaimed in a lustful tone as she began to grind her cunt against Rainbow dash's face.

Rainbow Dash at this moment began to wonder if her friend didn't have an alternate personalty as she continued to move her tongue around inside the yellow Pegasus's cunt until she found a rough spot which she knew could be none other than the mare's G-spot. She then began to focus on this spot which drove Fluttershy wild as she began to cry out even more loudly now.

“Oh yes! Yes! Yes!” Fluttershy screamed at the top of her lungs feeling her climax close in as she began to grind her cunt against Rainbow Dash's face so hard now, that it nearly cut off the cyan blue Pegasus's air supply.

Rainbow Dash could feel her climax closing in now as well and much faster than she thought it would. If she had to guess, it was something about Spike's forked tongue that drove her body wild as she humped against his face now while placing both her front hooves on each side of Fluttershy's flank.

“That's it Dashy! Almost there...Oh yeah!” Fluttershy exclaimed as she screamed the last two words of her sentence at the top of her lungs as her climax came crashing down on her which caused her puffy yellow pussy to spasm, clamp down on Rainbow Dash's tongue the best it could, and squirted it's juices all over her face and chest.

After Fluttershy rode out her climax she climbed off the top of Rainbow Dash and over to spike, got under him, and took his dragon cock into her mouth sucking on it now greedily which was already dripping from pre-cum.

Without having to tend to Fluttershy's needs now, Rainbow Dash was able to fully lose herself in her own pleasure as Spike's forked tongue swirled around inside of her causing her to arch up ever so often as her hooves swung around wildly trying to find something to grab onto. They finally found the pillow beside her which she squeezed as hard as she could with each wave of pleasure that rocked her body.

“F-Fluttershy, don't suck so hard, your going to make me cum before I even have a chance to stick it in either one of you.” Spike said taking his mouth away from Rainbow Dash's cyan blue cunt followed by a sharp groan as Fluttershy gave a fierce suck on his member as if to say” I don't care!” at which point he gave a sigh and dove his tongue back into Rainbow Dash's cunt.

“Guess she wants to swallow it and wait for me to be ready for another round.” Spike thought to himself as he ran his forked tongue along the cyan blue Pegasus's inner walls letting go of any restraint he was using to hold himself off and moments later grunted loudly into Rainbow dash's cunt as he blew his load into Fluttershy's mouth which she continued to suck on greedily swallowing each stream of dragon spunk that jetted into her mouth.

“I'm gonna cum!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed in a high pitched tone and moments later arched back with a high pitched squeal as her climax rocked her body at which point her cyan blue cunt began to spasm and squirt a stream of cum which caught the dragon off guard as Rainbow Dash's juices splashed against his face and nearly into his eyes at which point he ripped his face away which was quickly replaced with Rainbow Dash's hoof as she rubbed her clit furiously continuing to produce a steady stream of pony juice.

Fluttershy noticed this, ripped her face from under Spike, opened her mouth which was coated in Spike's dragon spunk still as if to try and catch the stream of pony cum in her mouth which she did get some in her mouth successfully, and licked her lips afterward with a lustful grin.

“I didn't take you for a squirter Rainbow Dash.” Spike remarked with a cheesy grin.

“You learn something new everyday...” Rainbow Dash replied breathlessly.

“Give me that dragon cock of your Spike. I want it now!” Fluttershy exclaimed in a demanding tone as she laid down on her back and opened her legs.

“I'm not Big Macintosh ya know! Give me a few minuets!” Spike replied defensively.

“That wasn't a request!” Fluttershy retorted with a lustful glare.

Spike gave an annoyed sigh at this, but instead of attempting to stick his now limp cock into her he buried his face into her puffy yellow cunt hoping this would do till he was able to get hard again. Much to his relief Fluttershy seemed to accept this compromise as she wrapped her hind hooves around his head and moaned out lustfully.

“Wow Fluttershy. Why can't you be this assertive all the time?” Rainbow Dash asked in a humorous tone though Fluttershy didn't respond to this, rather she was too busy crying out in ecstasy to respond at all.

The Yellow Pegasus however did managed to stop screaming out as she looked over at Rainbow Dash who was rubbing her clit sensually at the moment gearing her body up for another round with Spike's tongue. “Get your flank over here and slam that blue cunt of yours on my face! I want to taste you!” Fluttershy exclaimed before arching back again with a sharp moan.

“You could ask ya know.” Rainbow Dash replied sourly. The cyan blue Pegasus was not used to being told what to do in bed. In fact when her and Twilight had their own sexual encounters, she was always the one in charge. Not to mention, this demanding attitude from her foalhood friend was nearly a turn off for her.

“That wasn't a request!” Fluttershy exclaimed glaring at Rainbow Dash now.

“And if I say no?” Rainbow Dash retorted in annoyance.

Fluttershy then abruptly unwrapped her legs around Spike, shoved him off, and crawled over to Rainbow Dash, put both hooves on each of her front hooves pinning them to the bed and stared into the cyan blue Pegasus’s eyes. “You do what I say or you can get your bucking flank out of my house!” Fluttershy exclaimed looking at the cyan blue Pegasus with a fierce expression now.

“Okay, Fluttershy, your officially scaring me now.” Rainbow Dash replied with a fearful expression now. Up till now Rainbow was going with the flow, but now, it seemed that Fluttershy was a completely different mare. And the mare she saw now scared the hell out of her.

“Good!” Fluttershy responded with a smirk.

“Uhh, Fluttershy, I don't think she's joking.” Spike pipped up looking at her and Rainbow Dash now with a worried expression.

Fluttershy snapped her gaze at spike then back to rainbow Dash, looked at her for a few moments longer, then her expression abruptly changed to one the cyan blue Pegasus knew all too well, fear. “Oh horsefeathers! I went to far again! I'm ever so sorry Rainbow! I didn't mean to scare you.” Fluttershy said after a few moments removing her hooves from Rainbow Dash's, backing away, and sitting on her rump as Rainbow adjusted herself on the bed.

“Care to explain?” Rainbow Dash asked curiously with her front hooves crossed over her chest with a stern expression.

“Well, see. As you know, I’m not a very brave pony. But something inside me changes when I get..umm...aroused. I feel the urge to be the mare in control. It's...umm....a kink of mine I guess...It's ever so fun to do, but sometimes I get ever so carried away. I never meant to scare you Rainbow Dash.

“So in other words, you've got a dominatrix fetish.” Rainbow Dash replied finally getting the big picture and smiling at the yellow Pegasus.

“Umm...yes. Please don't hate me.” Fluttershy replied looking away from her now. Rainbow Dash giggling now however made her look back at the cyan blue Pegasus to see her crawling over and placing a hoof on her shoulder.

“Everypony has their own little fetishes Fluttershy. I don't hate you, but it would be nice if you would have told me ahead of time.” Rainbow Dash replied then leaned over kissing the yellow Pegasus on the neck earning a sharp moan from her. “How about you let somepony else be in charge for a chance hmm?” Rainbow Dash said between kisses making her way down Fluttershy's chest, to her teats on her belly, and began to suckle them earning a loud moan from the yellow Pegasus.

“O-okay.” Fluttershy replied between moans as Rainbow Dash suckled each one of her teats which caused the yellow Pegasus to arch up and moan out.

Spike by now was rock hard again, crawled over behind Rainbow Dash and positioned himself so that his dragon cock was just outside of her entrance pressing against her vaginal lips at which point Rainbow Dash ripped her face from Fluttershy's teats and looked behind her. “Hey! That's a tongues only entrance. I'm not a cock gal.” Rainbow Dash said in an heated tone.

“You sure about that Rainbow?” Spike asked curiously.

“Of course! Not to mention I don't need to get knocked up. Besides, I haven't forgotten that you have the gift of knocking up ponies.” Rainbow Dash replied with a knowing look.

“That only works with a pony I truly love Rainbow. And I’m in love with Fluttershy, not you.” Spike replied with a smirk.

“Oh yeah, I forgot about that.” Rainbow Dash replied sheepishly with a giggle.

“Oh would you please be ever so nice and let him stick it in? He's told me many times that he's always wanted to buck you.” Fluttershy said in a gentle tone.

“But, I’m not into males.” Rainbow Dash replied defensively. Truth be told however, she wasn't entirely sure that was completely true. Granted she had never slept with a stallion in her life, but she wasn't so sure about having something in there besides a tongue.

“How can you be so sure? Have you ever been with one?” Fluttershy asked curiously as she leaned up and kissed her on the neck earning a soft moan from the Pegasus.

“N-No, but I’ve always been into mares. I've never even once thought of being with a stallion.” Rainbow Dash replied followed by another moan as Fluttershy reached down and fondled one of her teats.

“Why not try something new then? You've always been the daredevil mare. Try it out and see if you like it.” Fluttershy replied as she used both hooves to squeeze the cyan blue Pegasus's teat earning a sharp moan from her.

“Y-you promise to pull out if I don't like it?” Rainbow Dash asked stuttering slightly.

“Of course!” Spike replied with a genuine expression.

“Fine. Stick it in, but if I say pull it out, you pull it out, got it?” Rainbow Dash said in a stern tone, gently pushed Fluttershy back on her back, and resumed sucking on her teats.

“Got it!” Spike replied, repositioned himself in front of Rainbow Dash's entrance, and slowly edged his dragon cock into her cyan blue furred cunt.

At first nothing happened, but just when Rainbow Dash was about to tell him to yank it out, Spike began to thrust in and out of her at which point a wave of pleasure like nothing she felt before surged though the cyan blue Pegasus causing her to moan out loudly.

“I umm...think she likes it.” Fluttershy remarked just before moaning out herself from the sensation of Rainbow Dash moaning into each suck on her teats which enhanced the sensational pleasure she was already receiving.

Rainbow Dash didn't just like it, she loved it! Never before had she experienced such raw pleasure which rocked her body as if a lightning bolt was striking it with each thrust into her cunt. “What the hay have I been missing all these years?” Rainbow Dash thought to herself dramatically as she moved her mouth off of Fluttershy's teats. “H-harder!” Rainbow Dash stuttered between moans before diving her mouth into Fluttershy's dripping puffy yellow furred slit.

“Oh dear, oh my....oh,oh!” Fluttershy moaned out in both shock and pleasure. Rainbow Dash was giving her the five star tongue treatment she always gave Twilight. “Th-this is nothing like it was before..O-Oh...m-m-my! She's hitting all the right spots inside me.” Fluttershy moaned out finally giving into her more urge to be more assertive as she wrapped her hind hooves from the cyan blue Pegasus's head. “Oh yeah! Make momma cum!” Fluttershy moaned out letting her tongue hang to the side of her mouth as her eyes seemed to roll into the back of her head from the sheer pleasure her body was in at the moment.

“She's finally really getting into it again. Good. I was afraid after she scared the heck out of Rainbow, she wouldn't be able to enjoy herself as much.” Spike thought to himself feeling a sense of relief wash over him as he saw his lover going wild again like her old self again when in bed.

Rainbow Dash noticed her change as well, but since she knew it was only an act she didn't mind as much now, not to mention her body was on the verge of climax so even if it did bother her, she could care less at the present moment. Rainbow Dash swirled her tongue around inside Fluttershy focusing on the roof of her sweet treat, paying special attention to her G-spot before jetting her tongue back and forth along it which drove Fluttershy even more wild as she humped into the cyan blue Pegasus's mouth now.

Spike at this present time slammed him dragon cock as hard as he possibly could into Rainbow Dash's dripping cunt feeling his balls slap against her cunt with each thrust.. With each thrust he could feel her vaginal muscles clamping down on his member milking it each time he thrust in. It wouldn't be long now till he reached his own climax which he was looking forward to. Up till now he had banged all the ponies and filled their cunts with his seed and Rainbow Dash was last on his list. It was his own secret fantasy he had ever since he stumbled upon that green book nearly a year ago. And finally he will be completing that fantasy. He could feel it, the sensation that told him was nearly ready blow his load, without any restraint he picked up a great deal of speed now, focusing on speed rather than strength with each thrust.

This sudden pick up in speed by the dragon drove Rainbow Dash wild as she suddenly flung her hooves forward and squeezed Fluttershy's rump with both hooves which seemingly sent her tongue into overdrive as it flicked all around inside of Fluttershy's soaking wet treat.

What happened next startled Rainbow Dash but not spike as Fluttershy arched up screaming at the top of her lungs so loudly that she would have swore half of Ponyville would have been able to hear as her climax came crashing down on her. Rainbow Dash suddenly and without warning found her face soaked in Fluttershy's juices feeling them gush along her tongue, splash against her mouth, and dribble down her face.

“Ready for your first ever dose of dragon cum?” Spike asked with a cheesy grin as he thrust into her at a blazing fast pace now.

Fluttershy unwrapped her legs around Rainbow Dash's head, crawled under and between Spike and Rainbow Dash, and looked up at the action from below which gave her a perfect view of Spike's dragon cock slamming in and out of Rainbow Dash's dripping cunt. She even opened her mouth in an attempt to catch the steady dripping of juices coming from Rainbow Dash's slit.

Without her mouth being muffled by Fluttershy's cunt now, she was free to cry out in ecstasy which she did so without a care now. “Oh,oh,oh,oh! Buck yeah! Faster!” Rainbow Dash cried out between high pitched squeals and moans as she felt herself on the edge of climax.

“I'm gonna cum!” Spike exclaimed and moments later slammed into Rainbow Dash's cunt as hard as he could and moments later his cock exploded with the warm dragon milk that Rainbow Dash was waiting for.

Rainbow Das felt Spike's dragon cock twitch and gush inside her cunt, feeling is splash against her inner walls and into her cervix. This was the edge she needed which sent her over the edge herself squealing so loudly as she came that Spike could have swore he saw the drinking class on the counter crack. Fluttershy being under the two at the moment could only open her mouth and try in vainly to catch the sudden gush of pony juice which came gushing from Rainbow Dash's pussy. The cyan blue Pegasus's juices soaked Fluttershy's hair and her face much to the yellow Pegasus's delight.

Each wave of her climax caused her cunt to milk Spike's cock earning more and more streams of his sticky white seed. If Spike had his way, he would have emptied his balls into the cyan blue Pegasus, Fluttershy however, had other plans.

Without warning she shoved the dragon back mid-squirt which caused a stream of cum to splash onto Fluttershy's face, crawled on top of him, and slammed her cunt onto his still squirting cock. “Give me that dragon cum!” Fluttershy exclaimed as she humped the dragon cowpony style.

Spike gladly did as he was told riding out the remainder of his climax into his lover's dripping cunt. With each stream of dragon spunk that shot into Fluttershy she arched back and moaned out. “mmm! That's it! Give momma the milk her hungry pussy needs!” Fluttershy exclaimed feeling yet another climax rushing each with each jet of dragon spunk into her puffy yellow pussy.

“I'm almost spent...” Spike said and after a few moments as his cock gave one last final squirt. This last stream of dragon spunk however was all Fluttershy needed as she came once again, screaming out at the top of her lungs as she did so.


“That was so awesome!” Rainbow Dash said nearly fifteen minuets later as the three lay on their bed still enjoying their afterglow.

“I'm ever so glad you had fun Rainbow.” Fluttershy replied followed by a giggle.

“What's so funny?” Rainbow Dash asked curiously as she looked in the direction the yellow Pegasus was pointing and went wide-eyed.

In the exact spot the three had been having sex over and puddle which could be none other than Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash's combined juices sat in a fairly large size. “Most of it is mine I think...” Fluttershy said after a few moments with a giggle.

“As if! I'm the gusher, not you!” Rainbow Dash countered with a smirk.

“Oh yeah? Wanna find out?” Fluttershy retorted with a similar grin.

“Your on!” Rainbow Dash replied at which point Rainbow Dash climbed on top of Fluttershy and turned around so her cunt was hovering over Fluttershy's face. “The pony who cums the most juice wins!” Fluttershy exclaimed and without another word dived into Rainbow Dash's cunt.

Spike having clearly been spent just watched in shock as the two went at it.” Geez, less than fifteen minuets later and you two are going at it again?” Spike said incredulously, hopped off the bed, and waled over to the door. “I'll go finish dinner, you two better be done playing around by the time it's done.” Spike said in a stern tone but didn't get any reply from either Pegasus and closed the door behind him.

“Looks like Fluttershy finally found a pony who matches her sex drive.” Spike remarked with a chuckle and went into the kitchen to finish up dinner...


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A week had now passed since the two had experienced their first ever encounters with a male and while Rainbow Dash settled on the decision idea of “A cock is nice, but pussy is twice a sweet.”, Twilight was seriously beginning to doubt if she was in fact lesbian or that she just went that path because Rainbow Dash was there. The two had decided to meet up for a friendly chat a few days ago and were now sitting in a local restraint the two recalled very well.

“Remember the time I tried to bribe you into giving me that ticket to the gala by kicking a hole in the clouds?” Rainbow Dash asked followed by a giggle.

“Oh yes, I was sitting at this exact table too.” Twilight replied with a grin.

Rainbow Dash then gave a quick look around herself then upwards and gasped. “Heh, I guess we are, aren't we?” The cyan blue Pegasus replied with a giggle.

“So, how have things been?” Twilight asked curiously.

“Pretty dull without you.” Rainbow Dash replied with a warm smile placing her front hoof on Twilight's on the table.

Twilight looked into Rainbow Dash's eyes and sighed heavily which caused the cyan blue Pegasus's smile fade. “Rainbow, this is going to be hard to hear, but I'm not so sure I’m into mares anymore. I love you still, but the attraction, I’m not so sure it's there anymore.” Twilight said in a soft tone at which point Rainbow Dash's expression became hurt.

“What in Equestria could possibly make you say that? It's not like you managed to get laid by a stallion in the first week right?” Rainbow Dash replied in a disbelieving tone at which point Twilight looked away from her and to the ground. “Y-You did?” Rainbow Dash asked in a hurt tone and removed her hoof from on top of Twilight's.

“It wasn't my idea, Applejack sort of dropped him on me so to speak. Suggested I try something new.” Twilight said in a quiet tone taking note of the angry expression now forming on the cyan blue Pegasus’s face.

“Him? Him, who?” Rainbow Dash asked in a more demanding tone than anything, but it still sounded calm despite her expression at the moment.

“Don't go off the hinges on him when I tell you okay? Promise me you won't go off the hinges.” Twilight replied hoping the Pegasus would stay true to her word.

“Fine.” Rainbow Dash replied flatly.

“Pinkie Pie promise?” Twilight asked now knowing that no pony ever broke a Pinkie Pie promise.

“Alright, cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye. Now tell me already!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed impatiently.

“Remember Rainbow, you Pinkie Pie promised. And breaking a friends trust is the quickest way to lose a friend.” Twilight replied in a serious tone.

“FOR-EVER!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed suddenly appearing seeming out of no where from under a serving tray that had a lid on it that a waiter was carrying by at that precise moment, effectively scaring the hell out of the waiter, as well as startling Rainbow Dash and Twilight.

“How in Celestia's name did you get under the lid of a severing plate Pinkie?!” Twilight asked incredulously.

“I don't know. Have a nice meal you two!” Pinkie Pie replied with a wide smile and trotted off humming a pleasant tune to herself.

“So who is it?” Rainbow Dash asked resuming their previous topic prior to Pinkie Pie's sudden outburst.

“B-Big Macintosh.” Twilight said in a low tone stuttering slightly as she did so along with a guilty expression.

“You bucked Big Mac?!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed in an outraged tone nearly knocking her chair over as she abruptly stood on all fours as she exclaimed this.

“Not so loud!” Twilight hissed and gave a quick look around herself before looking back at Rainbow Dash.

“Oh this is just great! I've been replaced by the most well endowed stallion in Ponyville!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed still furious over this new set of information as she was now pacing back and forth.

“I never said that! You're putting words in my mouth again!” Twilight retorted in a heated tone.

“You might as well have! I'm sorry if I don't have a twelve foot pony cock between my legs Twilight, but for bucks sake, did you have to go for him?!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed looking at Twilight now.

“I told you! Applejack sort of just dropped him on me! I didn't ask her to go get him you know!” Twilight retorted loudly feeling her temper rise as well now and not caring about the sudden audience they were now getting.

“How could she drop him on you like that if you didn't tell her about our break first?!” Rainbow Dash retorted to which Twilight felt ping of guilt that began to swell up inside her.

She had her. Twilight did in fact have plenty of time to back out of the fiasco and she knew this. She was even the one who said yes when he offered to bang her. “I-I did tell her. But I didn't ask her to bring him over.” Twilight retorted but not nearly as heatedly as she had before with her guilt now overwhelming her anger.

“Well at least I don't have to feel guilty about sleeping with Spike now.” Rainbow Dash remarked sourly then went wide-eyed having once again spouted off information she had not intended to.

“You what?!” Twilight exclaimed in an outraged tone. It was the purple unicorn's turn to be outraged at this new set of information.

“I-It was Fluttershy and Spike's idea! Heck, Fluttershy was the one who asked me to have a threesome with her!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed defensively then went wide-eyed once again having once again gave away information she had not intended to.

“Wait,wait,wait.” Twilight said in a disbelieving tone putting her right hoof on her forehead with her eyes closed while waving her left one at the cyan blue Pegasus, opened her eyes, stood up from her chair, and stood in front of Rainbow Dash now glaring at her. “Let me get this strait, you had a threesome with Spike and Fluttershy and you have the gal to be ticked off at me for having sex with Big Macintosh?!” Twilight exclaimed in a pissed off tone with an expression to match it.

“You're my mare! If it weren't for this break we are having and me Pinkie Pie promising not to go off the hinges on him, I would have done dropped that stallion from fifty feet!” Rainbow exclaimed in similar tone to Twilight's.

“And you're my mare too! Or did you forget that?!” Twilight retorted.

“As if you'd ever lay a hoof on Spike or Fluttershy for that matter.” Rainbow Dash retorted in a mildly sarcastic tone.

“Don't tempt me Rainbow! I'm Celestia's student and it only takes one letter to get those two expelled from Ponyville!” Twilight exclaimed in a threatening tone.

“So let me get this strait, you would have your number one assistant and my foalhood friend expelled from Ponyville just for sleeping with me?!” Rainbow Dash asked incredulously. To be honest, Rainbow had never heard Twilight make a threat this extreme before and if she was as pissed off about this as she was whens he found out about Big Mac. She didn't really know if Twilight would do it.

Twilight hesitated for a few moments then let out a long winded sigh as she lowered her head. “No...I wouldn't.” Twilight said finally in a defeated tone then raised her head back up to eye-level with Rainbow Dash. “Damn it Rainbow, is this really how things are going to be from now on? Us arguing and throwing around petty threats when we meet now? Because if that's the case, you might as well call it off here and now.” Twilight said in a sad tone feeling her anger drain away now.

“No,no.” Rainbow Dash replied in a quiet tone as she moved in close to Twilight and nuzzled her neck gently. “It's just that we both did some foalish things honey. It was wrong of me to be upset at you for sleeping with Big Mac. After all we are taking a break from one another.” Rainbow Dash said a few moments after her initial statement as she continued to nuzzle against twilight's neck and cheek.

“I'm sorry for sleeping with Big Macintosh. It was wrong of me.” Twilight replied softly as she nuzzled her back while a single tear streamed from her left eye and down her cheek.

“And I’m sorry for having a threesome with Fluttershy and Spike. Lets try not to get laid by any other colts or mares unless and if we actually have feelings for them okay?” Rainbow Dash replied softly.

“Heh, I’m shocked to hear you say that Rainbow.” Twilight replied with a slight sniffle.

“If there's anything I’ve learned from this break of ours, it's that there is a possibility that we are not meant to be, but I’ll be banished to the moon before I give up on you. I know you can't say the same, but I want you to know, no matter what happens, all I want is for you to be happy. Even's not being happy with me.” Rainbow Dash replied softly giving Twilight a soft kiss on the cheek after she said this as a tear of her own streamed down her right eye unknown to the unicorn.

“Thank you Rainbow. It really makes me feel better hearing that from you, but I haven't given up on us yet.” Twilight replied with a smile as she stopped nuzzling Rainbow Dash about the same time she had and looked into her eyes placing a hoof on her cheek as she said this.

Rainbow Dash reached up with her right hoof and held it against her cheek nuzzling it. “That's good to hear. Listen, I need to go do weather control for a bit. It was good to see you.” Rainbow Dash replied with a warm smile, kissed her hoof gently, let go of it, and flew off leaving the purple unicorn alone now.

Twilight watched Rainbow Dash fly off till she was completely out of view then let out a depressed sigh. It was at this point and time however that Spike and Fluttershy just happened to be walking into the restaurant area and sat down not far from her. Twilight saw the two and felt her anger returning but she managed to keep it under wraps as she walked over to the two.

Spike noticed Twilight walking over and waved at her with a wide smile. “Hey Twilight! Come over and have a seat!” Spike exclaimed with a smile. Twilight did in deed walk over to them but did not sit down.


The dragon held his cheek in shock looking at Twilight now who wore a hurt yet angry expression. “I hope you can live with yourself Spike! We may be on a break, but I’ll be damned if I let you sleep with my mare and get off scott free!” Twilight exclaimed in an pissed off tone.

“Twilight I-eep!” Fluttershy began to say but cowered behind her right wing as Twilight's gaze shifted to her with a similar glare.

“And you, I thought I knew you Fluttershy, but clearly there are secrets about you that not even I know.” Twilight said in a pissed off tone but not nearly as heated as she spoke to Spike.

“I don't want to see either of you at my home for the next two weeks! I need time to cool off, got it?” Twilight asked in a pissed off yet stern tone to which the two silently nodded.

Twilight then stormed off in a fast paced trot from the restaurant grounds fighting back tears until she ran into a random pony as she was not bothering to look where she was going.

“First day back in this town and ponies are already lining up for the great and powerful Trixie?” The blue unicorn said in a cocky manner as she got back to all four hooves, got a clear view of Twilight whom was just getting back up herself, gawked for a few moments pointing a hoof at the purple unicorn with a shocked face. “Y-You!” Trixie exclaimed in a shocked tone.

“Ohhhhh, good to see you too again, Trixie.” Twilight replied in a dazed tone as she managed to get to all four hooves.

“I can't say the same for to you though.” Trixie replied sourly.

“Look, if you still upset about me showing you up, it wasn't my fault Snips and Snails dragged an Ursa-minor into Ponyville okay?” Twilight replied defensively knowing why the blue unicorn looked at her with such distaste.

“Hmmph! My career had gone to the outhouse since that day Twilight Sparkle. It has not been easy for me.” Trixie replied in the same sour tone.

“I would expect not. Care to come to my house to talk about it?” Twilight asked with a smile.

“Me? Go to your house? What in Celestia would prompt me to do such a thing?” Trixie retorted in a snooty tone tilting her nose upward in the air as she spoke...that is until her stomach gave a mighty growl at which point she blushed slightly at her own embarrassment.

“I'll make you lunch.” Twilight said with a smile.

Trixie hesitated for a few moments as if debating on whether or not to take up Twilight on her offer. “Very well. I'll come to your house for lunch. Celestia knows it's been months since I’ve had a proper meal.” Trixie replied in a quiet tone as she followed the purple unicorn to her house.


“No one wants me to perform in towns anymore either.” Trixie said in a depressed tone just before she took a big bite out of the daisy sandwich Twilight had made for her.

“Sounds like you have had it hard, but it serves you right for boasting like that.” Twilight replied in a lecturing tone.

“Boasting is a performer's bread and butter Twilight. It is what allows us to rake in our crowds. But when somepony calls us on such boasts, well, things don't end well.” Trixie replied in an annoyed tone.

“So I saw.” Twilight replied as she recalled the events of that night.

“I would of course like to apologize for embarrassing your friends though. I'm sure you understand that it was simply show business. After all, I had to show them up in order to keep a crowd.” Trixie replied in a genuine tone.

“You turned Rarity's hair green and horrid looking.” Twilight's replied flatly in an annoyed tone at which point Trixie nearly choked on her apple juice she was current drinking.

“Well, ahem, yes, I suppose that was a little over the top.” Trixie replied in a nervous tone.

“A little?” Twilight replied in a slightly more annoyed tone.

“Okay, I admit it, I went way overboard with her. My magic was never that great and for another unicorn to show me up like that...well it hurt my pride I suppose, so I was rather resentful of her for that.” Trixie replied lowering her head in shame.

“Wow, you've changed Trixie. I never thought you would admit that your not that great at magic.” Twilight replied in an awed tone.

“Well, your actions were...humbling to say the least. It opened my eyes to a few things.” Trixie replied followed by a sigh.

“If you are going to be in town for a few weeks, I suppose I could teach you a few spells. If you don't mind that is?” Twilight asked with a warm smile.

“Really?” Trixie asked her eyes lighting up for a moment in excitement before she resumed her natural expression. “What I mean to say is, I don't suppose it could hurt.” Trixie replied in a nonchalant manner.


Once Trixie finally came out of her shell and dropped her normal attitude, Twilight found her a very sweet pony to be around, the days seemed to fly by as Twilight began to show Trixie how to perform some of her spells. Surprisingly for the purple unicorn, Trixie seemed to catch on quickly and mastered one spell with three days. A week later and Trixie had mastered another two spells she was shown.

“That's great Trixie! You really catch on quickly!” Twilight exclaimed happily.

“Well, I must say that you are a wonderful teacher Twilight. You are clear and precise in your teachings and that helped me to master the spells very quickly.” Trixie replied with a smile of her own.

“You don't give yourself enough credit. It took me weeks to master the spells I’ve taught you. You really have a raw talent for magic. In fact, I'm shocked your parents didn't apply you for Celestia's school for gifted unicorns.” Twilight replied in an excited tone.

“My parents weren't the most wealthy of the lot Twilight. In fact, we were barely making it by. We could barely afford food in our home, much less the cost of a proper education for a unicorn.” Trixie replied in a sad tone as her smile vanished from her face and was replaced with a frown.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn't mean to pry.” Twilight said lowering her ears as she felt a ping of guilt.

“Oh no, it's quite alright. We managed to get by though despite our finical hardship. It wasn't long though after I became a teenager that a local unicorn circus was in Canterlot. My parents saw how much I wanted to see the show, so they dug into their rainy day funds just to get me a ticket to see the show. Never before had I see such magic. It shocked and amazed me.” Trixie said then took a deep breath followed by a depressed sigh before she continued.

“I suppose it was fate that it happened, but it was on that same day just after the show, I was informed that my parents had been murdered when a unicorn burglar broke into our home. My father was a great unicorn, but clearly this one was far better. And my mother being an earth pony...well, she never stood a chance.” Trixie said followed by a sniffle as she wiped tears from her eyes.

“Dear Celestia...I had no idea.” Twilight remarked in a shocked tone as she placed a hoof over her mouth.

“Yes well, the unicorn circus heard of my ill fortunate and offered to take me in since I had no family to go to. They were great, and treated me like one of their own. I was soon taught some basic flashy spells and soon I became apart of their regular shows. It was a glamorous life, but I wanted to get out on my own when I became a fully grown mare. They of course told me I was welcome back anytime and gave a grand farewell party. I took all they had taught me on the road for my own fame and fortune. The fame however went to my head. A side of effect of being raised as a show mare. I was never taught the humility that comes with the gig. Humility that you taught me Twilight's Sparkle. And for that, I am grateful.” Trixie said looking at Twilight now as a smile washed back on her face.

“I just wish it hadn't come at the cost of your show biz career.” Twilight replied in a sad tone.

“It was bound to happen sooner or later. I would rather it have been you than any other pony. Your not like other ponies. There's something about you, something I can't explain, it's like your....the....most...humble...pony....I’ve...ever.....” Trixie replied as she slowly leaned in closer and closer to Twilight's face with each word she spoke until the two locked lips suddenly and a few moments later suddenly yanked them apart.

“Dear Celestia, what have I done?!” Trixie exclaimed in a shocked tone as she placed a hoof over her mouth in shock. “I'm so sorry Twilight, I never meant for that to happen!” Trixie exclaimed with a crimson red blush on her face.

“I-I didn't know you were into mares Trixie.” Twilight replied bashfully as she looked away in embarrassment now.

“'s not really like-well I suppose it is.” Trixie replied stumbling over her words slightly as she spoke looking away now until she looked up at Twilight who was blushing just as much now. “Wait, your into mares as well?” Trixie asked in a shocked tone.

“Well, I thought I was, now at days though, I'm not so sure.” Twilight replied in a not so confident tone.

“Twilight, I’m going to be honest. It's not lie that I found you attractive from the moment I saw you nearly a year ago. I was just too full of myself to say anything.” Trixie replied looking away with a blush along with a bashful smile.

Twilight looked at Trixie for a few more moments and knew strait off the bat what the blue unicorn was doing, she was opening her heart to the mare. How could she be as rude as to break her heart by not giving her anything in return? “Follow me.” Twilight replied with a mischievous smile as she lead Trixie up to her bedroom.

“Tw-Twilight, why did you bring me up-?!” Trixie began to ask only for the mare to lock lips with her and cut her sentence short.

The two then began to make out stumbling over to Twilight's bed and onto it until at least Trixie was on top of Twilight, making out with her on her bed and slowly made her way down her neck earning moans from the purple unicorn as her body lit up like a match. “T-Trixie...I don't know if...i this...” Twilight replied between moans. She was beginning to have second thoughts now much to her own dismay. But these second thoughts weren't because of Rainbow Dash. They were over her attraction to mares which she was still trying to figure out.

“Is it about your attraction to mares?” Trixie asked curiously as she stopped kissing Twilight's chest and looked at her seemingly reading the purple unicorn's mind.

“Y-yes...” Twilight replied looking away now.

“I think I may have a solution to that, if you would be willing to grant me a few moments.” Trixie replied with a warm smile, got off of Twilight, stepped off the bed, and began to focus magic into her horn.

“Trixie what are you-” Twilight began to ask in a confused tone then gasped suddenly mid-sentence as a veil of magic wrapped around the blue unicorn and moments later in a flash revealed Trixie once again but one thing was majorly different about her, it was something Twilight noticed immediately, Trixie now head a sheath between her legs.

“I see some explanation is in order, very well. You see Twilight, in the unicorn circus, stallions were somewhat of a rarity, and for those of us who were strait ponies, it was hard to do anything with a mare when the attraction wasn't there. So one of the unicorns decided to study some advanced magic and stumbled upon a gender swapping spell. The effects are of course temporary. They last from six to eight hours, but while under the effects of this spell, the unicorn had a fully functional cock. And by fully functional, I mean, fully fertile.” Trixie said with a cocky smile.

“” Twilight remarked with an wide-eyed expression as she stared at Trixie's cock became erect in a matter moments.

“Though I do have to ask, are you on the pill?” Trixie asked with a blush.

“Oh, uhh, well, I did take one about two weeks ago and they last a month, so I guess I am.” Twilight replied sporting a blush of her own.

“Then we have no worries.” Trixie replied in a lustful tone as she hopped back onto the bed.

“This is so weird,you sound and look like yourself still, yet you have a cock between your legs.” Twilight remarked with a giggle.

“Yes well, the spell only changes the pluming, not the pony themselves.” Trixie replied as she positioned her cock so that it was resting on Twilight's now wet entrance. “Are you ready to experience the great and powerful Trixie?” Trixie added with a smirk only to get playfully whacked upside the head by Twilight causing the blue unicorn to giggle.

“Just stick it in already, you egotistic show pony.” Twilight replied with a smirk.

“Very well, bookworm unicorn.” Trixie countered with her own smirk and pushed her blue pony cock into Twilight's wet treat earning a moan from both unicorns simultaneously.

“Have you...uhh...ever done this before?” Twilight asked between moans as Trixie began to pick up a slow rhythm.

“Twice, though judging by how you feel, this isn't your first time with a cock.” Trixie replied as she thrust herself into Twilight's cunt which caused the purple unicorn to arch up each time she thrust into her and moan out.

“'s..uhh-oh Celestia, harder!- not...” Twilight replied unable to make a proper sentence as her body was screaming for Trixie to slam into her as hard as she could.

“Do you mind if I....uhh....ask who?” Trixie asked as she slammed herself into Twilight as hard as she could now with each thrust earning sharp and high pitched moans from the purple unicorn with each thrust now as well as finding it hard to keep a clear mind as the pleasure surging through her body was quickly clouding her senses.

“B-Big Macintosh...” Twilight replied between moans barely able to reply to Trixie's question.

“How do” Trixie replied as she thrust into Twilight's snatch a bit faster now but still keeping up the strength she was putting into her thrusts.

This question however caused the purple unicorn to giggle mid-moan. “No pony can compare to that stallion.” Twilight replied with a dreamy eyed expression for a few moments until she arched up again, moaning out.

“If I were a real male, I would find that statement insulting.” Trixie replied with a giggle of her own and thrust into Twilight hard causing the purple unicorn to cry out in pleasure and grind her hooves against the headboard of her bed as she felt Trixie's cock slam into the deepest reaches of her slit.

“Would you like to try something new Twilight?” Trixie asked as she halted her thrusts a few moments later much to the purple unicorn's dismay.

“O-Okay.” Twilight replied and moments later found herself lifted up by Trixie's magic and gently placed against the wall just above the headboard of her bed. Trixie then lifted herself up with her magic and inserted her cock into Twilight's pussy again, lifted Twilight's hind legs up so that they rested on her shoulders, and began to thrust into her again.

Needless to say this was an entirely new experience for the purple unicorn as she felt Trixie's cock enter her and seemingly go deeper inside her now with each thrust. It was more than enough to drive her wild as she gripped Trixie's waist, leaned in and locked lips with her, moaning into the kiss as she felt her climax closing in on her.

“I'm getting very close, how about you?” Trixie asked a few moments later between pants and moans.

“Nearly...uhh....there...uhh...myself.” Twilight replied between pants and moans of her own.

The heat between the unicorns was more than enough to cause the two sweat profusely now as their body fur was quickly matted down as well as their manes, not that either one cared, if anything it enhanced the pleasure for the both as they continued to make out while Trixie thrust into the purple unicorn against the wall feeling their bare skin rub against one another through their fur.

“Dear..uhh..Celestia...for only doing this're...uhh...very...g-good at th-th-Oh Celestia, I'm cumming!” Twilight exclaimed arching up the best she could against the wall as her climax rocked her body like hurricane tossing a boat helplessly around in the ocean. “Y-Y-Yeees!” Twilight exclaimed in a high pitched tone as her cunt flooded with her juices, soaking Trixie's cock, and dripping onto the headboard under them in a steady stream of pony juice.

Trixie however was not ready to blow her load into the unicorn quite yet but feeling Twilight's vaginal muscles clamp down on her cock and begin to milk it gave her a sharp climb to the very brink of climax herself. “H-horsefeathers, I-I wanted to last a little longer than this!” Trixie exclaimed using every restraint she could to hold herself off. Twilight's pussy however made it more than obvious that it wanted the warm pony cum that Trixie's balls were preparing to expell into her as they milked her cock again and again as she road her climax out until Trixie could hold it in any longer, and gave a defeated grunt followed by a high pitched squeal as her cock began to shoot streams of warm pony spunk into Twilight's cunt and mixed with her own juices.

Trixie was no longer able to keep up her magic as her climax rocked her body which caused the two to fall backward and onto the bed with a faint flop as their bodies hit the mattress. The two however didn't miss a beat as Trixie slammed her cock back into Twilight's cunt and pumped more of her hot milk into the purple unicorn.

Though their climaxes seemed to last forever it only took a few short minuets for Trixie to empty her balls into the purple unicorn's hungry pussy and finally pull out of her just as Twilight's own climax slowly subsided.

“That...was wild. Not bad for a mare who's only done this two times.” Twilight remarked breathlessly along with a giggle between huffs and puffs as her chest heaved up and down.

“Thank you Twilight. Though truth be told, I’m not a big fan of the spell, but it does have it's uses.” Trixie replied between pants.

“ could teach it to me sometime.” Twilight replied as she wrapped her hooves around the unicorn in a tight embrace.

“mmm...perhaps sometime, for now though, I think a good nights sleep is in order.” Trixie replied as she nuzzled against Twilight's hooves.

“I think that's a great idea.” Twilight replied softly with a yawn.

“Good night Twilight. I love you.” Trixie replied with one final yawn, closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep unaware that the purple unicorn was biting her lip with a guilty expression on her face as her eyes darted to the corners of her eyes as thoughts of Rainbow Dash came thundering into her head.

“Is it wrong of me to use her like this?” Twilight thought to herself followed by a heavy sigh as she glanced down at her pussy which was leaking out with her and Trixie's fluids at the moment still. “I hope she doesn't hate me for this...but for now. I just need somepony to make me feel like a mare. Somepony to help me through this, till I can figure out who I want. I never thought it would come to this. I'm so torn...who do I choose? Trixie...or Rainbow Dash?” Twilight thought to herself and let out another depressed sigh a few moments later.

Twilight soon drifted off into an uneasy slumber hoping that she would find someway to figure who to choose...


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Another week flew by since Twilight and Trixie's relationship bloomed. And the purple unicorn found it harder and harder to keep a strait face after each time they went at it. The strangest part of it all though was that Twilight's sex drive had taken a sudden rev up and the purple unicorn found her body aching for a cock between her legs more than once or twice a week. Trixie of course was more than happy to oblige to the unicorn's requests.

However this if anything made the unicorn question even more about herself and if she was in fact lesbian or strait. To make matters more stressful for the unicorn, the deadline for her and Rainbow Dash's break was growing closer now. It was barely a week now and each and every time they had met up she had neglected to tell Rainbow Dash about Trixie. On top of all this, she had to make up an excuse to Trixie each and every time she left the house and asked her to stay. It was enough to drive the unicorn insane. She had to tell somepony about this or she might explode...LITERALLY!

So Twilight turned to the one pony she knew would be able to keep a secret.

“-and I’ve only got one week left till my break with Rainbow Dash is over and I haven't even told her about Trixie yet! I'm bordering on having an affair with Trixie here! And that's not the worst part Pinkie Pie.” Twilight said in a fast paced panicked tone.

“Wowie, what could be worse than that?” Pinkie Pie asked incredulously.

“I'm very tempted to actually have an affair with Trixie and not tell Rainbow! Argh!” Twilight exclaimed and slammed her head on the table where she sat in Pinkie Pie's bedroom.

“What's Trixie have that Rainbow Dash can't give you?” Pinkie Pie asked curiously.

“A cock for one thing.” Twilight replied looking away from the pink mare as she spoke with a faint blush.

“Trixie's a guy?!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed in disbelief.

“No! She just uses a genderswap spell is all! She's still a mare, just with stallion plumbing.” Twilight replied quickly still blushing as she spoke.

“Ooooohh....” Pinkie Pie replied dragging out her response as long as she could. “So why the debate then? I mean if you care about Trixie more than Rainbow Dash then it should be obvious which pony to choose.” Pinkie Pie replied with a wide smile.

“That's just it, I love them both! And they both can give me things that the other can't!” Twilight exclaimed letting out a long winded groan a few moments later as she slammed her head on the table again.

“Hmm, sounds like you are torn between the two.” Pinkie Pie replied sagely.

“Ya think?” Twilight replied in an mildly sarcastic tone.

“So, who do you love more? You gotta decide Twilight and soon. Or this could end very badly.” Pinkie Pie replied in a concerned tone.

“I...I don't know who to choose.” Twilight replied in a defeated tone.

“Hmm. Well you better decide soon. I really can't help you decide Twilight. I really want to but I can't. I don't like seeing you so super sad like this Twilight.” Pinkie Pie replied with a frown as she put a hoof on Twilight's cheek.

“Can't you use that little green book of yours to find out who I really want?” Twilight asked curiously in a hopeful tone.

“It doesn't work like that you silly filly. Besides, I don't have it anymore.” Pinkie Pie replied with a smile.

“Oh, well thanks anyways Pinkie Pie. Thanks for listening to me, and remember don't tell anypony about this.” Twilight said giving the pink mare a tight hug before she left leaving the pink mare alone.

“Sorry Twilight, but this is a magic that I was trusted with.” Pinkie Pie remarked in a whisper as she pulled a small purple book from under the pillow Twilight was sitting on and began to read it.

“Hmm...” Pinkie Pie said aloud thoughtfully as she read through the book, picked up a cupcake with a single hoof, and took a bite out of it as she read.

A few moments later however the pink mare's eyes lit up. “She is in love with...oh my gosh! She's going to choose her! Smart move Twilight.” Pinkie Pie remarked as her face grew into a wide smile.



Trixie and Twilight were once again making out preparing for another one of their fun times as the purple unicorn once again stumbled onto her bed.

“Just a moment Twilight honey.” Trixie said in a lustful tone as she stood off the bed and began to focus her magic into her horn.

“W-wait!” Twilight exclaimed out loud at which point Trixie halted her spell and looked at Twilight curiously.

“Isn't this what you want?” Trixie asked curiously.

“I-I-I need to know. If-If I’m still attracted to mares or not. S-So can we go mare on mare this one time?” Twilight asked as she stuttered constantly throughout her request waging war in her mind to not call off the request with each word she spoke.

“Of course.” Trixie replied with a warm smile, climbed onto the bed and began to kiss Twilight's neck sensually earning sharp moans from the unicorn.

Trixie kissed along Twilight's neck and moved her way down her body until she got to the purple unicorn's teats and began to suckle each one giving each one of her teats special attention earning loud and sharp moans from the unicorn.

Twilight was in a pleasurable bliss and at first didn't notice any difference until Trixie made her way down to her dripping cunt and began to eat her out. While it drove Twilight wild it wasn't the same, the passion wasn't there. Despite this realization the purple unicorn still cried out in ecstasy with each flip inside her slit which caused her to grind her hooves against the headboard.

What the hay is going on here?!

A voice exclaimed loud which caused the purple unicorn to snap her eyes open, gasp, and feel her heart drop into the pit of her stomach. Standing in the bedroom was none other than Rainbow Dash looking both shocked and outraged. “R-Rainbow! I didn't expect you back so early!” Twilight exclaimed in a shocked tone as Trixie ripped her face from between Twilight's legs and looked over at Rainbow Dash.

“Is that...Trixie?! Your in a relationship with Trixie?!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed in an outraged tone.

“Yes, she is. What is it to you?” Trixie replied in a snooty tone.

“I happen to be her mare! That's what it is to me, you lame fake!” Rainbow Dash retorted angrily then looked at Twilight.

“Your mare? Twilight never spoke of you once! What is going on here Twilight?” Trixie asked looking at Twilight now with a confused expression.

“That's what I’d like to know!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed looking at Twilight's now as well.

Twilight however couldn't find the words. She was frozen in a horrified state. Her worst fears have became a reality. “No...not like this....I never meant for her to find out like this!” Twilight thought to herself dramatically.

“Are you going to explain yourself or what Twilight?!” Rainbow Dash asked in a demanding tone.

“M-Me and Rainbow have been in a relationship for the past couple months, but a month ago we decided to take a break from one another and see if the relationship was worth keeping.” Twilight said in a quiet yet ashamed tone.

“Why didn't you tell me about this Twilight?” Trixie asked in a shocked tone.

“And why didn't you tell me? You know Twilight, this is practically cheating on me! It's one thing to find somepony and tell me about them, but you didn't tell me once! How long has this been going on?” Rainbow Dash asked curiously though the anger in her voice was still clearly heard as she spoke.

Twilight by now was on the brink of tears, it was too much to take. “I-I wanted to! I really did! But for some reason, but every time I tried, the words just wouldn’t come!” Twilight exclaimed her voice cracking as she spoke now as she spoke to the two.

“How long has this been going on? You never answered me!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed in a pissed off tone.

“S-Since the day we had our argument in the restaurant grounds.” Twilight replied her voice cracking even more so now as tears began to flow from her eyes.

If the cyan blue Pegasus looked pissed and hurt before, her expression now made it clear that the feeling was now ten times worse as Rainbow Dash's expression went from shocked to pissed off and back to shocked then finally back to pissed off in a matter of moments. “I-I can't believe you Twilight! Three weeks and you never told me?! How could you do this to me? To us?!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as tears began to flow from her eyes now as well.

“I-I wanted to tell you!” Twilight replied now in full blown sobs.

“Apparently you didn't want to tell me bad enough.” Rainbow Dash replied in a hurt tone and turned away from the two. “I hope you're happy with her Twilight, because we're done. See you around.” Rainbow Dash said a few moments after her initial statement and walked out of her room.

The last two words of the cyan blue Pegasus's sentence echoed throughout Twilight's mind as if it was a broken record that wouldn't stop playing as the purple unicorn's expression became horrified. “What have I done?” Twilight said softly as she put a hoof over her mouth as her lower lip quivered violently.

Trixie was just about to reach over and put a hoof on Twilight's shoulder when she abruptly disappeared in a flash of magic and reappeared in front of rainbow Dash just before she made it to her front door. “Pl-Please Rainbow! D-Don't leave me! I-I'm sorry!” Twilight exclaimed between sobs as she hugged Rainbow Dash's front hooves.

“Why should I stay? Clearly Trixie can give you something I can't. So I’ll see you around Twilight.” Rainbow Dash replied in a resentful tone as she pulled her hooves from around Twilight's and stepped past her.

“Because I was using her! None of it was real!” Twilight exclaimed then gasped in horror realizing Trixie was able to hear this perfectly.

It was at this point Rainbow Dash turned around but the look on her face was not what Twilight wanted to see. The look on the cyan blue Pegasus's face now was one that told Twilight's she was ashamed of her. “Even if that's true, it doesn't excuse the fact you kept it a secret from me. Not to mention if that's true, then I don't how you can live with yourself Twilight. I may not like Trixie, but to use a pony like that...even Trixie...that's so wrong Twilight.” Rainbow Dash said in a quiet tone then looked up in the direction of the steps which prompted Twilight to do so as well.

Trixie stood on the steps now tears flowing from her eyes. “Is that true Twilight? What is all a lie?” Trixie asked in a shocked yet saddened tone as her voice cracked while she spoke.

“I'll leave you two alone. See you around Twilight.” Rainbow Dash said after a few moments, turned around, opened the door, and flew out it and was out of sight in a matter of moment.

“Answer me!” Trixie exclaimed loudly her voice cracking as she shouted this.

“Not all of it.” Twilight replied quietly as she closed the door with her magic and turned around to face Trixie who was walking down the steps now.

“How much of it was real then? How much was real and how much was a lie?” Trixie asked followed by a sniffle and her wiping her eyes.

“I thought I knew, but now I’m not so sure.” Twilight replied between sniffles.

“How could you do that to me Twilight? I loved you!” Trixie exclaimed still fighting back tears as she spoke.

“I-I never meant for it to go this far...” Twilight replied stuttering slightly now. For some reason or the other she had gone numb yet she wasn't numb. Maybe she just couldn't cry anymore. Either way Twilight was able to think perfectly clear now and the feelings of regret, pain, and sadness were all that she could feel now.

“Well, for what's it's worth. It was real to me.” Trixie replied in a hurt tone, walked past twilight, opened the door with her magic,walked out, and closed it behind her, which left the purple unicorn all alone now.

“How could I have been so stupid?!” Twilight exclaimed abruptly and without warning as she launched everything around in all directions with a burst of magic. “I bucked up everything!” Twilight exclaimed as she launched toppled world globe from the ground to the wall which hit it with a loud clattering sound as the globe shattered loudly and fell to pieces on the floor.

Twilight launched several more objects in her fury at her own stupidity until she suddenly halted one of her throws mid-launch with a gasp and slowly levitated to her. It was a book which title read:


(Play “Can't believe she's gone” now“)

The first book I offered to Rainbow Dash when she was in the hospital...” Twilight remarked thoughtfully as she stared at it as if transfixed by the book until she abruptly broke into full blown sobs again as she held the book close to her laying on her side now on the floor.


At this exact moment Rainbow Dash sat in her room now sobbing silently to herself as she looked around her home. The room was littered with photographs of her and Twilight. One of which that stood out the most was the single photo her and Twilight on their first date after the tornado struck her home. The cyan blue Pegasus lifted up the photograph and held it close to her chest feeling more tears flow from her eyes now. “How could you do this to me Twilight? I loved you...” Rainbow Dash remarked aloud between sobs.


Twilight continued to hold the book as she recalled the memories they had shared, the times they laughed, the times they cried, the moments of love they once had. “It's all gone...” Twilight thought to herself as she continued to sob loudly to herself.


Rainbow Dash lifted the photograph up and looked at it now for a few more moments. “There's nothing left...” Rainbow Dash thought to herself as she looked at the photograph.


“She will never forgive me....” Twilight said aloud as she put the book down slowly,stood up, and looked out her window now as the moon began to rise into the sky.


“How can I ever forgive her...?” Rainbow Dash asked aloud as she slowly set the photograph down and looked up at the moon now which began to rise into the sky through her window.


“I was such a foal to believe I could find true happiness...” Trixie remarked to herself as she walked with her head hung low towards the boarders of Ponyville...


“I've destroyed everything...what point is there in anything now....Rainbow Dash, no, my world is gone...” Twilight thought to herself as she stood up and began to walk towards her front door.


Pinkie Pie now sat in her room as she prepared for bed when she noticed a bright flash in her dresser drawer. Curious the pink mare walked over, opened the drawer and looked in to see a purple book..

“Wowie, that's never happened before...why did the book change to Twilight's fur color suddenly?” Pinkie Pie thought to herself curiously as she picked up the book, opened it, looked at the pages within and gasped.

“What the hay is going on here? Did the book break or something?” Pinkie Pie asked aloud in a confused tone as she flipped through the pages.

The pages are...blank!


Fluttershy flew to Rainbow Dash's home the next morning and opened her front door to see many boxes scattered around the room. “R-Rainbow?” Fluttershy asked curiously looking around.

“In here, Fluttershy.” Rainbow Dash replied from within her bedroom to which the yellow Pegasus trotted into her bedroom to see even more boxes on the floor each filled with Rainbow Dash's belongings.

“Why are all these boxes in here for? Are you going somewhere?” Fluttershy asked curiously in a concerned tone.

“Yeah, I’m moving to Cloudsdale. I'll drop you a postcard once I’m moved in.” Rainbow Dash replied flatly.

“Oh my, so it's true what Pinkie Pie has been saying. Something is very wrong.” Fluttershy replied in a worried tone.

“Yeah, me and Twilight are done. I found her in bed with Trixie yesterday. On the last day of our break. It would have been one thing if she had told me, but to keep it a secret from me...that's as bad as cheating in my book.” Rainbow Dash replied feeling her sadness returning.

“Speaking of books, Pinkie Pie has been raving for the last hour that something bad has happened to Twilight. Because her magic book is blank and she says it's never done that before.” Fluttershy said in a worried tone.

“Maybe Twilight found a way to block the book's magic. She is the brainy type you know.” Rainbow Dash replied nonchalantly.

Get your flank down here Dashy! We need to talk!

Pinkie Pie's voice was clearly heard from under her cloud home much to the cyan blue Pegasus's annoyance. “Ugh, Pinkie Pie. Not now, I’m packing!” Rainbow Dash shouted so that Pinkie Pie could hear her as she walked over to one of her dressers only for Pinkie Pie's head to come popping through her cloud floor.

“Rainbow-Something-Is-Very-Wrong!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed in a panicked tone as she spoke each word with each time her head popped through Rainbow Dash's floor.

“Fine, give me a sec.” Rainbow Dash replied in an annoyed tone, closed one of her boxes, walked to her front door, opened it, and flew down to the ground to see Pinkie Pie bouncing on a trampoline.

“So what's so wrong that you had to take me way from packing?” Rainbow Dash asked in an annoyed tone as Pinkie Pie hopped off the trampoline, landed in front of her, and tossed a purple book from her saddle pack in front of the cyan blue Pegasus. “Read it.” Pinkie Pie said simply.

With an aggravated sight she opened it up, but saw only blank pages. “This book is empty Pinkie Pie.” Rainbow Dash remarked sourly.

“Exactly! That book is connected to Twilight's thoughts and fantasies! And it's blank!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed in a worried tone.

“Maybe Twilight found a way to block it's magic? Ever think of that?” Rainbow Dash replied in an annoyed tone.

“No,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no! No magic in Equestria can block out this book's magic! If this book is blank and it's connected to Twilight's thoughts and fantasies, then that must mean...” Pinkie Pie trailed off with a worried expression.

“Means what?” Rainbow Dash asked in a confused tone as Fluttershy flew down and landed beside her.

“S-She's given up...” Pinkie Pie replied stuttering over her words as she spoke them as her lower lip quivered slightly.

“Given up? On what?” Rainbow Dash asked in a confused tone unable to see where the pink mare was going with this.

“She's given up on all her fantasies and dreams! In other words, she's given up on life itself...” Pinkie Pie said in a worried tone.

“You can't assume that just because your magical little book went blank Pinkie Pie.” Rainbow Dash replied with an eye roll. Yet even though she acted like she wasn't worried, a ping of fear for Twilight's life could be felt in her chest, she however ignored it.

“Rainbow, there's something you should know...Twilight she...she was going to choose you over Trixie.” Pinkie Pie said slowly as if she was struggling to get the words out.

“How would you know? Did your little book tell you?” Rainbow Dash replied in a heated tone.

“Yes.” Pinkie Pie replied simply.

This simple response caused the cyan blue Pegasus to blink several times in disbelief. “It doesn't matter now. It's over between us. She needs to move on. Even if that was the case, she shouldn't have lied to me!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed feeling her eyes swell up with tears now.

Pinkie Pie now fidgeted where she stood as if she was waging war with something inside her to speak and Rainbow Dash noticed this. “Is there something else? Because if not, I need to finish packing.” Rainbow Dash said in a annoyed tone, waited a few moments longer, and prepared to take off when Pinkie Pie gabbed her around her ground legs and looked up at the cyan blue Pegasus.

“Well what is it? I don't have all day Pinkie!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed in an aggravated tone.

“Sh-she wanted to tell you! But she was torn! She didn't know who to choose!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed in a hysterical ranting style voice.

“Your book tell you that too?” Rainbow Dash replied in an annoyed tone.

“No...she told me herself.” Pinkie Pie replied in a guilty tone which caused Fluttershy to gasp and put a hoof over her mouth and rainbow Dash go wide-eyed in realization of what the pink mare had just done.

“Pinkie...did you just break one of your own Pinkie Pie promises?” Fluttershy asked in a shocked tone.

“Y-yes.” Pinkie Pie replied in the same guilty tone.

“Why in Equestria would you of all ponies break one of your own promises for?” Rainbow Dash asked incredulously.

“Because I’m super worried about Twilight!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed in a scared tone.

It was at this point and time that the book began to glow brightly once again which caught all three ponies attention. The book flipped open, pages flipped, and then abruptly stopped on a page at which point something bright red began to emit from the page.

Pinkie Pie unwrapped her hooves from around Rainbow Dash's front legs and looked at the book with a confused expression. “This has never happened before... I can't make the words out.” Pinkie Pie remarked in a confused tone.

It was then that the cyan blue Pegasus could make out faint sounds coming from the book at first, then grew louder until it became clear that it was Twilight's voice speaking. Without warning and before Rainbow Dash knew what she was doing she shoved Pinkie Pie to the side and began to read the words on the page.

“You can read that?” Pinkie Pie asked in a curious tone.

“Of course I can! Can't you hear her voice?” Rainbow Dash replied not tearing her eyes away from the book.

“No, I can't understand a lick of it nor do I hear anything.” Pinkie Pie replied in confused tone.

Rainbow Dash, I remember the first time we ran strait into's pretty funny when I think back to that day, but if somepony had told during that time that I would have fallen in love with you, I would have called them crazy!

The time we shared...those times I will hold onto as I leave this life won't be long now, it's taken me nearly all night but I’ve found the perfect spot to leave this world behind. It's the same spot that we always went to in the everfree forest...

It's funny, I never thought that I wouldn't be scared to die. But I suppose when you've lost everything, when your life no longer has any meaning without the one you love, that my life isn't all the special anyways...

Dear Celestia, look at me. I'm hesitating. I don't know why though. Maybe I am scared to die...maybe just a little.

Rainbow Dash's heart dropped into the pit of her stomach as she heard these words spoken. “Twilight! Don't do it!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed in a panicked tone at the book.

“What's going on?!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed in a worried tone in response to the cyan blue Pegasus's sudden outburst.

“Twilight's going to jump! I've got to stop her!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed in a horrified tone and took off from the ground a second later forgetting she was still holding the book.

“Going to jump?! You mean off a cliff?!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed in a horrified tone.


Trixie was now on the outskirts of town now and just woke up since she decided to sleep before heading out when she saw a rainbow streak jet above her in the sky. “Where in Equestria is she off in such a hurry?” Trixie remarked sourly when she noticed something purple coming in fast and hit the ground next to her.

Trixie flinched at first of this object but when the pages began to flip to the a certain page, the blue unicorn curiously looked over it and began to read, gasped, and looked up at the sky once more catching a faint glimpse of the rainbow streak that she knew belonged to the cyan blue Pegasus....


Twilight now stood on the edge of a steep cliff now staring down at the seemingly bottomless pit below her as she wiped tears from her eyes and sniffled loudly. “Why the hay am I hesitating so much? It's as simple as stepping off the edge you stupid foal!” Twilight exclaimed out loud to herself in frustration.

Twilight edged a hoof over the edge but yanked it back a few moments later groaning in frustration. “Why am I hesitating so much? It's not like I have anything left? My world is gone....Rainbow Dash is gone...” Twilight thought to herself in a depressed tone, took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and jumped.

As Twilight's body plummeted to through the air towards the ground tears streamed from the purple unicorn's eyes as her entire life began to flash before her eyes.

“Whoo-hoo!” Twilight exclaimed happily as Rainbow Dash held her tightly while she flew through the sky.

“Having fun?” Rainbow Dash asked in an excited tone.

“Yes! This is so awesome! So this is what it's like to fly through the skies isn't it?” Twilight replied as Rainbow Dash and her flew by a cloud.

“Not quite.” Rainbow Dash replied as she suddenly took a vertical climb then dive bombed towards the ground.

“R-Rainbow, we're getting dangerously close to the ground now...Rainbow? RAINBOW, PULL UP!” Twilight exclaimed in a frantic tone as the ground was in clear few and a mere few seconds later they would hit it.

At the very last possible moment the cyan blue Pegasus suddenly pulled up so they the grass grazed twilight's underside and then took yet another vertical climb leaving the purple unicorn hyperventilating as she took very fast paced breaths now while Rainbow Dash burst out laughing.

“Now that's what it's like to fly like a real Pegasus!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed after she managed to stop laughing only to get whacked hard upside the head by the purple unicorn.

“Rainbow, you jerk! You scared the horseapples out of me!” Twilight exclaimed angrily.

“What's wrong Twilight? Don't like flying?” Rainbow Dash replied with a snicker.

“I don't mind flying, but what you just did was suicide!” Twilight exclaimed in the same angry tone she had earlier which caused Rainbow Dash to burst out laughing once again.

“Live a little you bookworm. So care to go again?” Rainbow Dash asked with a mischievous grin.

“You're not going to do that again, are you? Rainbow? Rainbow Dash, answer me!” Twilight exclaimed in a panicked tone as the cyan blue Pegasus took yet another sharp vertical climb then dive bombed once again.


Twilight kept her eyes closed waiting for the inevitable and sudden ending to her life as the wind whipped against her body as it continued to plummet. “ love...” Twilight said aloud to herself as tears now flowed from her eyes as if the flood gates had been opened on them.

The last thing Twilight heard was a loud and speedy flapping of wings....

Then she knew no more....


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Twilight's eyes fluttered open weakly and began to take in her surroundings. She was in a hospital room, all four of her legs were in casts, and she had an I.V. In her right front leg which had seemingly been grafted into the cast. Twilight attempted to adjust her head wincing in pain slightly as she did so to see Trixie's head at the foot of her bed fast a sleep sitting on a chair.

With another wince as pain jetted through her neck she looked to her side and gasped. Rainbow Dash lay in a hospital bed not far to her right. All four of her legs were in casts as well, but what shocked her more than anything was the fact that the Pegasus's wings were missing. “R-Rainbow....D-Dash?” Twilight said in a horse tone. It hurt to speak even but she did so just the same.

Trixie's right ear flicked up and became erect upon Twilight speaking, sat strait up and stared at the purple unicorn. “'re awake. Thank Celestia! Nurse! Twilight's awake!” Trixie exclaimed in an excited tone.

Moments later Nurse Redheart came trotting in at a fast pace, looked at Twilight and gave a sigh of relief. “Thank goodness. We were worried that you might not wake up.” Nurse Redheart remarked, walked over to twilight, pulled out a stethoscope from her nurse pack and began to shine it into Twilight's eyes much to the purple unicorn's annoyance.

“No pupil dilation, that's always a good sign.” Nurse Redheart remarked through gritted teeth as she began to move the stethoscope back and forth. “Try to follow the light with your eyes Twilight.” Nurse Redheart said through gritted teeth as she moved it back and forth.

Twilight of course did as she was told and did it successfully much to Nurse Redheart's enjoyment. “Well Twilight, looks like your doing fairly well despite the circumstances.” Nurse Redheart remarked moments after putting the stethoscope away back into her nurse pack.

“Wh-What happened to Rainbow?” Twilight asked hoarsely It still hurt to speak but it was becoming easier and less painful with each word she spoke.

Nurse Redheart gave a heavy sigh at this. “Well, from what Trixie told me, she took the brunt of your fall with her own body, poor dear, it cost the mare her wings. We had to amputate them due to them being so torn up, there was no possible way we could fix them. She's in stable condition, but just like you up till today, she's been in a comma.” Nurse Redheart replied and gave another heavy sigh.

This new set of information caused Twilight's heart to drop into the pit of her stomach. “She risked her life to save mine...” Twilight thought to herself in a guilty tone as she looked the unconscious cyan blue Pegasus.

“I do have to ask though Twilight. Why were you in such a dangerous place to begin with? Lover's peak may be nice to visit but you should never go alone. And just how did you fall off?” Nurse Redheart asked curiously.

“I-I slipped...I was enjoying the view,lost my hooving, and fell off the edge.” Twilight lied lowering her ears in guilt as she said this.

“Well, thank goodness Rainbow Dash was there to save your life. It's a shame it cost the mare her wings though. She will have to go through therapy once she wakes up though. It's a very traumatic experience for a Pegasus to lose their wings. That is, if she does wake up. Up till now we had all but lost hope that you two would wake up at all.” Nurse Redheart remarked followed by a sigh as she looked at Rainbow Dash.

“How long have I been out?” Twilight asked curiously.

“Six months to be precise.” Nurse Redheart replied in a solemn tone much to Twilight's shock.

“I was out for that long?” Twilight asked incredulously.

“Yes, your friends have been in here to visit you every day and Trixie hasn't left your side since the day you came into the hospital. You truly are a lucky unicorn Twilight to have so many wonderful friends.” Nurse Redheart replied with a warm smile.

“Can I speak with Trixie alone?” Twilight asked curiously.

Nurse Redheart glanced at her flat board at this then looked up at her. “Well, since you have woken up, were were going to take you to the examination room for farther testing, but I don't see why we can't put that off for a little longer. Just give me a ring with the nurse button on your right when you are ready.” Nurse Redheart replied with a smile, walked out the door, and closed it behind her.

“You slipped eh? That's not how I recall it.” Trixie remarked in a knowing tone.

“H-How did you two know what I was going to do? I-I didn't tell anypony.” Twilight replied curiously.

“I don't suppose you recognize this do you?” Trixie asked curiously as she levitated a small green book up so that it was eye-level with the unicorn.

“That's Pinkie's...” Twilight said trailing off in realization of what the book was.

“Magical little book that tells a pony's thoughts and fantasies. Yes, I know.” Trixie replied as if finishing the purple unicorn's sentence.

“But how could you know what that book was? You haven't been in town for nearly three years till we ran into each other again.” Twilight replied in a confused tone.

“Who the hay do you think invented this book?” Trixie replied with a cocky smile.

“But Princess Celestia told me...” Twilight said trailing off once again as the blue unicorn raised a hoof to cut her off.

“Celestia came into possession of this book after I left it behind. You see Twilight, I created this book. I may not be a talented unicorn such as yourself but magic such as this was not out of my reach. This was my secret to my fame and fortune. This is how I, the great and powerful Trixie was able to wow the crowds so much.” Trixie replied in a her similar cocky tone.

“But that book can only tell one pony's thoughts and memories at a time.” Twilight replied in a confused tone still unable to comprehend the fact that Trixie had in fact created the book.

Trixie laughed out loud at this response. “Pinkie Pie is a mere earth pony. And an earth pony, especially one without prior knowledge to the true power of this book, could never hope to tap into it's true potential. Celestia for sure found out it's true potential when she came into possession of the book, she must have also figured out it's limited powers when in the possession of an earth pony. I suppose that's why she gave it to Pinkie Pie. She thought it to be something that the pink mare could use to help you five out.” Trixie replied still holding her cocky smile.

“So then you know that I tried to take my own life.” Twilight replied looking away from the blue unicorn now in shame.

“Correction Twilight Sparkle, you did take your own life.” Trixie replied which prompted the purple unicorn to snap her head back in Trixie's direction which caused a sharp pain to jolt through her neck which caused Twilight to wince loudly.

“Then how am I alive and how is Rainbow Dash alive?” Twilight asked in a shocked tone clearly unable to believe this new set of information.

“I'm going to be honest with you Twilight. I'm not nearly as weak with magic as I seem, well at least when I am possession of my book. You see, this book is the key to my magic. I, the great and powerful Trixie sacrificed a great deal of my magic a few short days after I went out on my own to be a show pony for this book. It was very dark magic.” Trixie replied with her similar sneer Twilight recalled all too well.

“That still doesn't explain how...” Twilight began to say only to trail off again as Trixie raised her hoof to cut off the purple unicorn again.

“The act of bringing you both back to life itself was pushing even I, the great and power Trixie's magical powers to their limits, so the great and powerful Trixie could do no more than heal your most lethal injuries and breath life back into you both.” Trixie replied then glanced at the book in a wide-eyed yet lustful manner manner.

“You're acting like your old self again...” Twilight remarked in a curious tone.

“Yes, well the great and powerful Trixie has no need to behave like a weakling anymore now that she has her book back.” Trixie replied in a cocky tone.

“Trixie....that book is evil. Destroy it.” Twilight replied in a scared tone. Twilight never knew of the dark magic that lay within the little green book, and even Princess Celestia herself would not have given it to Pinkie Pie if she had known. But Twilight could sense it now. It was clouding Trixie's mind, warping it.

“Why would the great and powerful Trixie do that?” Trixie replied in a cocky tone as she stood up now and looked back at the book again.

“Because you love me...” Twilight replied in soft tone.

This exact statement caused Trixie to rip her eyes away from the book and look at Twilight with an familiar compassionate expression. “E-Even if that's true. You never loved the great and powerful Trixie! What reason can you give that would make her destroy the key to her greatness?” Trixie replied stuttering slightly as she spoke now.

“Because what we had wasn't a lie, it was real for me too.” Twilight replied as she felt a ping of sadness in her chest she knew all too well. It was this exact feeling that caused her to feel torn between Trixie and Rainbow Dash.

“Y-You're just saying that!” Trixie exclaimed in a disbelieving tone.

“No! I'm done lying! I'm through with lying to myself! I love you Trixie! So please, destroy it! Be the mare I love again!” Twilight exclaimed in a desperate tone. She would have done destroyed the book herself but she knew she didn't have the strength to do so right now, so all she could do was hope and pray that Trixie would see reason.

Trixie looked to Twilight, then back to the book, back to Twilight, then back to the book, then gave sudden a aggravated cry. “Blast me, for a foal!” Trixie shrieked a mere second after her aggravated cry as she channeled magic into her horn and moments later set the book ablaze and chucked it out the hospital window a few moments later.

The book flew through the air sailing towards the ground still burning and was nothing but ashes by the time it hit the ground outside...

“Thank you...” Twilight said in a soft tone.

“I'm didn't do it for you Twilight, I did it for myself. The love you showed me many months ago, I knew it was real, but I know far better than to think that you don't love Rainbow Dash more.” Trixie replied in a solemn tone which caused Twilight to feel a ping of guilt knowing the blue unicorn was speaking the truth which caused the purple unicorn to slip back into the depressed state she was in that day six months ago.

“I've lost her, you should have just let me die...” Twilight replied looking away now as a tear shed from her right eye.

“Twilight, you listen to me and you listen to me good! Rainbow Dash didn't risk her life to save yours for nothing! She saved your life because you are not only her friend, but also her lover. She still cares for you deeply!” Trixie exclaimed as she walked up to Twilight now and stared into her eyes.

“Did the book tell you that?” Twilight asked in a low tone.

“No, she did, or rather she has been just about every day.” Trixie replied with a warm smile.

As if on cue Rainbow Dash once again began to mumble something, though it was hard to make out, the words were clear as day to the purple unicorn.

Twilight...I love you...don't leave me ever again...

Twilight heard these words and gasped as fresh tears now formed in her eyes, but these tears were tears of pure joy. “She never stopped loving me...” Twilight remarked in realization as she began to sob. “She never stopped loving me...” Twilight said once again echoing her previous sentence but now with soft smile and a higher tone as she said this.


The next couple months were painful for the unicorn and in more ways than one, due to her being in a comma for so long, she had to learn how to walk again, at first she relied on her magic to help her get around once her casts were removed, but eventually she was at least able to make it to the restroom on her own without the aid of magic. Each and every day since she was able to stand on all four hooves she would walk over to Rainbow Dash and kiss her on the cheek and whisper the words” I love you too.” every time into her right ear each time Rainbow would mumble out everyday.

“She hasn't woken up yet?” Fluttershy asked in a worried tone as she sat in the hospital room along with Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, and Spike.

“No, she hasn't. The nurses walk in to check on her each day. According to them she's in perfect health, she just won't wake up...” Twilight replied as she looked over at the cyan blue Pegasus with a worried expression on her face.

“Darling, I know this may be hard for you, it's hard for all of us, but we may need to come to grips with the fact she may never wake up.” Rarity said in a sad tone.

Applejack then let out a heavy sigh at this statement. “Ah reckon ya do have a point thar, but ah'll stop bucking apples the day ah give up on Rainbow.” Applejack said with a smile.

“We know they will never stop bucking apples darling.” Rarity replied with a smile as she nuzzled Applejack's cheek.

“Exactly!” Applejack exclaimed enthusiastically with a wide grin.

“I refuse to give up on her, she risked her life to save mine, and Celestia damn me to the moon if I ever lose faith in her.” Twilight replied in a serious tone.

“Careful what you ask for Twilight Sparkle.” Celestia's voice came from the doorway in a stern tone.

“Princess Celestia! Why are you here?” Pinkie Pie exclaimed in shock.

“For the same reason you all are, to see my star pupil and Rainbow Dash.” Celestia replied in a calm manner.

Upon seeing her teacher Twilight immediately looked away from her in shame. What right did she have to look her teacher in the eyes after all she had put her through. She must have worried her sick during those months she was in a comma. And it was all because she tried to take her own life.

“Might I have a word with my student alone? I would like Trixie to stay however.” Celestia asked in a soft tone.

“Of course!” Rarity replied, bowed and walked out of the room followed closely by the other four.

“Look at me Twilight Sparkle.” Celestia said in a stern yet caring tone.

“How can I? After all I’ve put you through?” Twilight replied in a shameful tone still not looking at her teacher.

Celestia gave a soft sigh at this remark. “Twilight, I know that you attempted to take your own life, but I never wanted you to think that you are not worthy of looking at me.” Celestia said in a soft tone.

“But I'm not. How can I look into the eyes of my teacher knowing that I almost through away everything she taught me?” Twilight replied still not looking at her.

What happened next was a shock to the purple unicorn as the Alicorn wrapped her front hooves around Twilight and embraced her tightly. “Twilight, you much more than a student to me. When I heard you were in the hospital and what had happened to you, my heart skipped a beat, and I truly feared for your life. Your studies did not matter to me. The only thing that mattered to me what you and if you would ever wake up or not.” Celestia said in a soft tone as tears streamed from the Alicorn's eyes while she continued to hug Twilight.

“You care for me that much?” Twilight asked in a shocked tone.

“Yes I do, Twilight, you are like a daughter to me. I'm ashamed to say that it took your life being at stake for me to realize this.” Celestia replied in a soft tone as she broke the hug, placed a hoof on Twilight's cheek, and brought her face so that it was eye level with hers so that the purple unicorn could see the tears in her mentor's eyes.

“I’m so sorry that I tried to take my own life Princess...” Twilight replied in a soft tone as tears streamed from her eyes as well.

“Please, call me Celestia. The term Princess is for those who who not close to me and you are as close as any pony in Equestria will ever get.” Celestia replied softly.

“Well, ahem, Celestia, I’ll leave you two alone...” Trixie replied nervously however stopped abruptly as the door was magically slammed in front of her.

“You however, will address me by my crown young unicorn.” Celestia said in a strict and stern tone as she let go of Twilight, stood up, and approached the blue unicorn whom cowered before her stern gaze.

“Please Princess, I meant no harm with that book.” Trixie said in a scared tone.

“You used forbidden magicks to create that book as stated in our unicorn laws, by all accounts that is ground for banishment to the moon as my sister was for using such magicks.” Celestia said in a stern tone much to Twilight's horror.

“Please, Celestia, don't! She destroyed the book! She no longer has it!” Twilight exclaimed in a desperate tone in an attempt to convince the Alicorn to not pass judgment on Trixie.

“Y-yes! I destroyed it! It's laying in ashes now, probably blown in the wind, far away now!” Trixie exclaimed in a fearful tone.

Celestia remained stern in her gaze at the unicorn however not speaking as word as if her mind was set in stone and ignoring Twilight's pleas. “You put the lives of my star pupil and her friends in mortal danger with such a book, you cloaked it in such a fashion that not even I could fully understand it's true dark nature, and...!” Celestia exclaimed in a fierce tone trailing off now as if preparing to express the worst of what she had done.

“Please don't banish her to the moon! I beg you!” Twilight exclaimed in a panicked tone with tears of fear now streaming from her eyes as well as Trixie's.

“You have brought love and happiness into the lives of my star pupil and her friends as well as saved Twilight and Rainbow Dash's life. And for that, I am eternally grateful to you.” Celestia said in a much kinder tone now as a smile washed over the Alicorn's face with a slow bow.

Trixie and Twilight's expressions went from horrified to a mixture of confusion and and relief as the Alicorn rose back up and looked at her with the same warm smile.

“Your welcome?” Trixie replied in a shocked tone as her mind was still reeling from the princess's actions.

“However...” Celestia said trailing off as her tone became stern and strict again. “You will not get off scott free Trixie. You did perform forbidden magic. So therefore till farther notice, you are in the services of Twilight Sparkle, you are to help her with chores and do anything she asks of you. Beyond that you are free to do as you wish, is that clear?” Celestia said still holding her strict tone.

“O-of course Princess!” Trixie exclaimed with a wide smile as relief washed over her.

“Very well.” Celestia replied as she resumed her kindred expression as she looked over at Twilight. “I'm very sorry to leave so soon Twilight, but my regal duties call.” Celestia said with a warm smile as she opened the hospital door with her magic and walked out leaving Twilight and Trixie alone.

“I thought she was going to banish me to the moon for a moment there.” Trixie remarked in a worried tone then let out a sigh of relief.

“For a moment there, so did I.” Twilight replied letting out a sigh of relief of her own.


Another two months had passed and Twilight was given clearance for release from the hospital. She did not leave however and remained by Rainbow Dash's side. The unicorn was able to fully walk on her own now without any magical aid what so ever now, though it still hurt to walk sometimes.

Twilight was gently shaken awake as the unicorn's eyes fluttered opened drowsily to see a meal in front of her eyes. “You best eat, you've barely touched anything for days.” Trixie remarked with a stern look.

“Thanks Trixie.” Twilight replied followed by a yawn as she lifted her head up off of Rainbow Dash's bed where the cyan blue Pegasus still lay in bed sleeping soundly. Her casts had been fully removed now, but the scars where her wings had been were still very visible through her cyan blue fur.

“Perhaps a nights sleep at home will help?” Trixie said in a suggesting tone with a soft smile.

“No, I don't want to leave her side, not even for a moment. I want to be here when she wakes up.” Twilight replied as she levitated a small cabbage leaf to her mouth and took a bite from it.

“Twilight...I know you don't like me bringing this up, but she may never wake up. You know if you ever need anything, I can give it to you. I know I will never replace Rainbow Dash, but I’ve never stopped loving you.” Trixie said in a soft tone as she nuzzled against Twilight's neck gently.

“I know...” Twilight replied followed by a heavy sigh. She wasn't ready to give up just yet, but it had been nearly a year now and she was starting to lose faith that her lover would ever wake up. She knew that if she needed affection that Trixie would give it to her without a second thought. Yet, part of her never wanted to give up. Still, the unicorn had to come to grips with the grim reality that Rainbow Dash might be forever lost to her.

It was at this point and time that Fluttershy came walking into the hospital room, looked over and Rainbow Dash and gave a heavy sigh. “Hi, Twilight.” Fluttershy said in a depressed tone as she walked over and looked at the cyan blue Pegasus. “Has she shown any sign of waking up?” Fluttershy asked in a quiet tone.

“No...” Twilight replied feeling her heart seemingly become heavier now as she said this.

It was at this point that the yellow Pegasus got a decent look at Twilight and gasped. “Twilight, you look like a wreck. Have you been sleeping well?” Fluttershy asked in a concerned tone looking at the purple unicorn now with an expression to match her tone.

“Not really.” Twilight replied followed by another yawn.

“You should go home and get some rest.” Fluttershy said with a smile in a suggesting tone.

“No, I can't leave her, she might wake up and I want to be the first thing she sees when she opens her eyes.” Twilight replied as she looked at Rainbow Dash again while she stroked her mane gently with her right hoof.

“Twilight, at this rate you won't be able to do anything for her even when she wakes up. You need rest, go home Twilight, I’ll stay here and send word if she shows any change.” Fluttershy said with a smile as she placed a hoof on the purple unicorn's shoulder.

“Okay.” Twilight replied with a warm smile.

“hmmph, I ask her to do such a thing and she blows me off.” Trixie remarked sourly with a annoyed expression which earned a soft giggle from Twilight.

“Come on, lets go home.” Twilight said with a warm smile as she walked towards the hospital door followed closely by Trixie.


Twilight flopped onto her bed and gave a relieved sigh. “I nearly forgot what a real bed feels like.” Twilight remarked with a giggle.

“Yes, well you should get some sleep. I'll go downstairs and organize the books for you.” Trixie said in a kind manner as she turned to leave.

“Wait.” Twilight said in a soft tone.

“Hmm? What is it Twilight?” Trixie asked curiously.

“I don't want to sleep alone.” Twilight replied looking away now with a blush.

“Very well.” Trixie replied with a soft smile, walked over to Twilight's bed, and lay next to her.

Twilight then reached over and wrapped her arms around the blue unicorn and gave a content sigh as she slowly drifted off to sleep. Trixie despite the fact she had plenty of sleep could not help but begin to feel sleepy herself.

“That thing I didn't know about you Twilight, the thing that attracted me to you, I think I know what it is now.” Trixie remarked in a soft tone as Twilight sleep soundly with her arms around her still. “You have a kind heart....a kind, yet fragile heart. You're one of a kind Twilight Sparkle. Don't let anypony tell you differently.” Trixie remarked out loud in a soft tone before she slowly drifted off to sleep herself.


Trixie's eyes fluttered open and looked around herself Twilight's arms were still wrapped around her, however where they rested now was very different from where they were when she went to sleep. The purple unicorn's hooves now rested over Trixie's mound and even though as far as the blue unicorn knew Twilight was fast asleep and not making a move on her, it aroused her to which she mentally cursed her own body for doing such a thing.

“Of all the places for her hooves to be resting. Why did they have to be there when I woke up?” Trixie asked herself aloud dismally. The blue unicorn reached down and moved twilight's hooves upward gently but this very action proved to make matters worse for the blue unicorn as Twilight's hooves brushed along her now sensitive clit innocently earning a sharp moan from the blue unicorn to which she suddenly let go of Twilight's hooves and slammed her own over her mouth to quiet herself.

Well whether she wanted to be or not, Trixie was now horny as hell and her body was in need of release much to her own annoyance. Trixie then quickly yet gently moved Twilight's hooves from around her and rested them next to her head with her magic, looked down at her now soaking wet slit and growled at it. “You're not playing fair!” Trixie hissed as if she was talking to her body.

Trixie didn't dare make a move on Twilight even though the thoughts did cross her mind to do so. But she wouldn't dare, not with Twilight and in the predicament she was in. so instead, she reached a hoof down and began to stroke her clit gently earning a moan from her mouth which she muffled with her other hoof.

Trixie then closed her eyes and began to fantasize about it being Twilight's tongue running along her clit as she rubbed it earning more muffled moans from the blue unicorn. Unknown to Trixie however, Twilight has began to wake up and the first thing the purple unicorn noticed was the muffled moans coming from Trixie.

Twilight glanced over at Trixie and giggled softly to herself. “Poor mare, she's probably been so pent up the last few weeks. I'll let her finish before I let her known I’m awake.” Twilight thought to herself glancing down at Trixie's hoof as it ran up and down along her clit.

The action however began to arouse the purple unicorn and soon began to feel both the temptation and guilt of wanting to get in on the action. As Twilight continued to watch Trixie rub herself now picking up a slightly faster pace now she was becoming more and more tempted to put her tongue where Trixie's hoof was now.

“Can I really do this? What about Rainbow Dash? How would she feel if she were to wake up and find out I was once again fooling around with Trixie?” Twilight thought to herself in a sad tone as flashes of the horrifying event came rushing into her head. “But what if she never wakes up? Would she really want me to be alone for the rest of my life, just to wait on her?” Twilight thought to herself and let out a silent sigh to herself.

Trixie was now picking up a frantic pace now, it was clear she was nearing the final stretch and would climax very soon. And very rapid muffled moans made that more than clear. Twilight could feel herself growing very wet now. The temptation to join in becoming almost overwhelming now. However at the very last moment when Twilight was about to give in, Trixie arched up and moaned a great deal louder this time into her hoof as her legs clamped down around her hoof and Twilight noticed a wet spot begin to form just under her tail now.

It was over, her chance had passed her by, yet somehow she felt relieved. This however didn't change the fact she was now in fact aroused herself. Trixie's legs relaxed and fell limply to each side and a sigh of content could be heard from the blue unicorn as she removed the hoof from her mouth and let it slide to her side limply.

“Have fun?” Twilight asked in a soft tone which startled the blue unicorn as her gaze shot in Twilight's direction so now that she looked at her on the bed with a crimson red blush.

“Tw-Twilight! I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to wake you.” Trixie said still blushing crimson as she stuttered over her words to which Twilight giggled.

“Don't worry about it. I was awake for most of the action anyways.” Twilight replied with a cheesy grin.

“Y-You were? Oh, good grief. I feel so mortified now.” Trixie replied looking away.

“It's okay. Don't worry about it.” Twilight cooed as she leaned over and gave Trixie a peck on the cheek.

“Tw-Twilight, I'm very sorry, it was wrong of me to clop right next to you like this.” Trixie replied taking note of the fact that Twilight had just given her the first kiss in over six months but did not want to think she meant anything by it.

“I said don't worry about. Besides, your action got me a bit hot under the collar and if you don't mind, I could use some relief myself. Care to give that tongue of yours a workout?” Twilight replied with a lustful grin. “Did I really just ask Trixie to eat me out?” Twilight thought to herself in shock of her own words.

“I-I really don't want to impose.” Trixie replied in a not so confident tone. It was clear that Trixie was worried that she might cause problems for her and Rainbow again and that very fact, that she was genuinely thinking of her, made Twilight feel less guilty about asking her to eat her out.

“Trixie, listen to me. It's okay. You aren't imposing on anything, I’m sure Rainbow wouldn't want me to live the rest of my life alone. She would want me to have somepony in my life to make me feel good and feel loved.” Twilight replied in a soft tone as she leaned in a locked lips with the blue unicorn.

“But what will happen when she wakes up?” Trixie asked in a worried tone between kisses.

“We'll cross that bridge when it comes to it. For now, I want your tongue between my legs.” Twilight replied as she finally stopped kissing her, adjusted her body so that her purple cunt was right in front of Trixie's mouth and her mouth was hovering just above Trixie's blue cunt.

Without another thought Twilight dove her mouth into Trixie's still dripping cunt getting a full taste of her juices from her previous orgasm. “Tw-Twilight!” Trixie moaned out in pleasure before she dove her own mouth into the purple unicorn's soaking wet slit.

Twilight's tongue danced along inside of Trixie's cunt now running along her inner walls, she then removed her tongue from Trixie's soaking wet treat, and began to suckle her teats as well as her clit in a back and forth pattern which drove the blue unicorn wild while Trixie herself focused solely on Twilight's G-spot which caused the purple unicorn to moan out into each suckle she was making and grind her cunt gently against Trixie's mouth.

Twilight could feel it, the passion it was nothing like before, her body so hot she felt like it was on fire and each wave of pleasure that coursed throughout her body enhanced this feeling tenfold. “It's been so long since I’ve felt like this. Is it wrong of me to be enjoying this so much?” Twilight thought to herself as memories of Rainbow Dash and her moments of passion flowed through her mind now, these thought however did not deter the unicorn's avid suckling and tongue work which she continued to focus on with full intent on making her partner cum hard.

“Twilight...mmmph! I love much!” Trixie managed to moan out before she dived her mouth back into Twilight's cunt.

“I love you too Trixie....uhh...make me cum...uhh!” Twilight replied without thinking and while she did feel a ping of guilt for saying this, the passion she was feeling, it was something she longed for and deep inside her heart, she knew that if Rainbow Dash ever woke up, she would understand, but till that day came, Trixie would fill the gap in her heart, she would give her the love she needed, the passion she wanted, the passion that made her feel like a real mare, the passion that made her feel loved.

Time seemed to be lost to the mares now, with each climax they rode out, each different position they did, nothing could compare to the passion, the love these two mares felt for one another now...



Fluttershy walked into Rainbow Dash's hospital room and gasped at the sight that beheld her feeling her hear swell with joy.

Rainbow Dash! Your awake! Thank Celestia!


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Fluttershy walked into Rainbow Dash's hospital room and gasped at the sight that beheld her feeling her heart swell with joy.

Rainbow Dash! Your awake! Thank Celestia!


Twilight and Trixie sat in Rainbow Dash's hospital room watching over the sleeping cyan blue mare.

“Why won't she wake up?” Twilight asked aloud her voice cracking as she spoke with tears in her eyes now.

“I wish I knew. I'll let you two have some time alone.” Trixie said in a soft tone and walked out of the room. Truth be told it tore Trixie up to see Twilight like this. Part of her wanted to hate Rainbow Dash for putting the purple unicorn through this, but she knew better than to hate the mare who gave so much up to save Twilight's life.

With Twilight now alone in the room with the sleeping cyan blue Pegasus, she reached over and kisses her gently on the lips and sighed. “Rainbow, I love you so much, but I can't keep waiting...” Twilight said in a soft tone her voice cracking as she spoke now. “Trixie is a big part of my life now and I know that deep inside, you understand why, at least, I hope you do.” Twilight continued to say as tears flowed from her eyes now like a water faucet left running.

“Twilight, I love you...don't leave me ever again...” Rainbow Dash mumbled out once again which caused Twilight to break into full blown sobs now.

“I-I don't want to, but...” Twilight said between sobs now as she trailed off to take another breath. “I can't keep waiting. This is tearing me up Rainbow! I can't keep holding on, if I do...there won't be anything left to grab a hold of if you ever do wake up!” Twilight exclaimed out loud as if Rainbow Dash had protested against this, she knew however she was still fast asleep in her comma.

“I swear, with Celestia as my witness, if you ever do wake up, I will come running back to you faster than racing Pegasus! But until that day, Trixie is giving me what you can't, Trixie is filling the gap in my heart that you can't fill.” Twilight said between sobs as she kissed Rainbow Dash's forehead in rapid succession now as she spoke and stopped once she had finished her sentence.

“Goodbye...for now, my love, please forgive me.” Twilight said in a soft tone as locked lips with the cyan blue Pegasus for a few moments before breaking the kiss and leaving the room.


“Wh-where am I?” Rainbow Dash asked curiously.

“You're in the hospital. You've been in a comma for a year now. But now you awake! This is ever so great news! I can't wait to tell the others!” Fluttershy exclaimed happily.

“Where's Twilight? Don't tell me she's...” Rainbow Dash said trailing off with a horrified expression now.

“No,no. She's just fine, she woke up from a comma of her own about four months ago.” Fluttershy replied in a comforting tone.

It was at this point the cyan blue Pegasus finally noticed. “Wait, why can't I feel my wings?” Rainbow Dash asked out loud in a slightly panicked tone at which Fluttershy's expression went sadden.

“They tried to save them, but they were damaged so badly from the fall...” Fluttershy began to say however trailed off.

It was at this point Rainbow Dash gave a glance at her sides and saw the scars on each side where her wings should have been and mere moments later her expression became frantic. “My wings?! Where are my wings?!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed in a frantic tone as she reached around to try and find her wings but couldn't find them which prompted her to become even more frantic.

“N-Nurse!” Fluttershy exclaimed very loudly as she realized Rainbow Dash was becoming worse by the second.

Moments later Nurse Redheart came trotting in at a fast pace and went wide-eyed at how the cyan blue Pegasus was reacting. “Fluttershy, go to the front desk and ask them to send three more nurse ponies down here, quickly please!” Nurse Redheart said in a urgent tone to which Fluttershy quickly left the room.

“Rainbow Dash, please calm down!” Nurse Redheart exclaimed loudly as she attempted to halt the cyan blue Pegasus’s frantic thrashing.

“Where are my wings?! What have you done with them?!” Rainbow Dash shrieked at the top of her lungs.

“She's reacting far worse than I thought she this rate I’ll have to jam a tranquillizer into her flank in order to calm her before she makes her condition worse.” Nurse Redheart thought to herself in a serious tone as she continued to attempt to calm the frantic mare.

It was at this point three more nurse ponies rushed in and immediately went to trying to help nurse Redheart calm the Pegasus. “I think I’m going to need a tranquillizer.” Nurse Redheart managed to say over the cyan blue Pegasus's frantic screams.

“You can't hold her down on your own and it's taking all four of us to keep her in place!” A nurse ponies replied in a struggling tone.

Fluttershy watched this whole fiasco when one pony came to mind. “If any pony can bring her back to her's Twilight.” Fluttershy thought to herself and quickly darted out the hospital window towards Twilight's house.


“Twilight honey, I think we might have to go out and get some more scrolls. It seems we're running low again.” Trixie said in a higher tone so that Twilight could hear her a crossed the room where Twilight sat sorting books.

“Sounds good, we'll go out and get them once I finish sorting out these books.” Twilight called back in a similar higher tone.

At this exact moment however Fluttershy came barreling in through Twilight's window and crash landed right into the unicorn creating a huge mess. “What in Equestria?!” Trixie exclaimed in a shocked tone as she rushed over to the mess of books only to see Fluttershy and Twilight's heads pop out of the pile.

“Fluttershy?! What in Equestria would prompt you to do something so reckless?!” Trixie asked in a astonished tone.

Twilight however at this moment was seemingly frozen. For a brief second she thought it was Rainbow Dash who had barreled through that window as she had a habit of doing and up till Trixie calling out Fluttershy's name she was about to tackle the Pegasus. Upon realizing it was not Rainbow Dash however and recalling that her sleeping lover was in the hospital still and wingless she felt a ping of sadness in her chest for a few moments before she shook it off. “ Yeah, what in Equestria would make you pull such a stunt?” Twilight asked in an annoyed tone.

“Rainbow Dash is awake!” Fluttershy exclaimed in a happy tone.

If Twilight was frozen before, the expression on her face now would make any pony wonder if her brain had stopped working as she looked at Fluttershy blankly for a short time until she grabbed the Pegasus by the shoulders and yanked to close to that her face was right in front of the Yellow Pegasus's. “Repeat that again for me!” Twilight exclaimed in a shocked yet excited tone.

“Umm..okay, Rainbow Dash is awake!” Fluttershy exclaimed once again with wide smile.

Twilight's chest now was filled with so much joy that she couldn't contain it and jumped into the air shouting out “Yes, yes,yes,yes,yes!” as she magically summoned fireworks to explode around her and landed a few moments later ready to dash out the door when she suddenly halted mid-run and turned to look at Trixie whom was smiling at her.

“It was great while it lasted.” Trixie said in a happy tone yet only Twilight could tell she was actually sad about this news.

“Trixie, I....” Twilight said trailing off now as she walked up to the blue unicorn and placed a hoof on her cheek.

“It's okay Twilight. I haven't forgotten that Rainbow Dash was here first. From that day four months ago, I knew that this day may come, I was preparing for this day a long time.” Trixie replied as she placed a hoof over Twilight's chest where her heart was while keeping a brave face yet the purple unicorn could tell she was fighting back tears.

“Come with me. She has to know. Keeping this a secret last time is what nearly destroyed everything we had before.” Twilight replied with a smile.

“Are you sure that's a good idea? She's been in a comma for a year now, i'm not so sure that this kind of news would be good for her health.” Trixie replied in a concerned tone.

“Umm...girls..there's something you should know about Rainbow...” Fluttershy said in a quiet tone.

“What is it Fluttershy?” Twilight asked curiously.


Twilight, Trixie, and Fluttershy came rushing into the hospital room where Rainbow Dash was still thrashing about in a frantic panic over the loss of her wings.

“Rainbow! It's me Twilight! I'm here! Calm down please!” Twilight exclaimed as she managed to push her way in between two nurse ponies so that she was able to put her hooves on the cyan blue mare's cheeks now.

Hearing Twilight's voice immediately calmed the cyan blue Pegasus as Fluttershy had hopped she would. “Tw-Twilight?” Rainbow Dash asked in a horse tone.

“Yes, it's me. I'm here Dashy.” Twilight said in a soft tone as she leaned in and nuzzled her lover's cheek gently.

In the next moment the two locked lips and in that exact moment the passion, love and warmth between them that Twilight thought was forever lost a month ago came rushing back to her and filled her with joy she never thought she could feel again. True as it was that Trixie filled the gap in her heart while Rainbow was gone to the world, nothing could fill the gap in her heart like Rainbow Dash could.

“Ahem.” Nurse Redheart said as she cleared her throat loudly which caused Twilight to look over at her and blush crimson as she broke the kiss and backed away. “Rainbow Dash, as I’m sure you have realized, your wings are gone. They were so badly damaged in the fall that there was nothing we could do for them except amputate them. How Twilight managed to calm you down from such a frantic state is beyond me, but we need to bring you in for farther examination now.” Nurse Redheart said in an authoritative tone.

“Can't it wait?” Twilight asked in a hopeful tone.

“I'm afraid not Twilight, unlike you, Rainbow Dash has been in a comma far longer than you had been, therefore it is vital we examine her brain activity as soon as possible to assess if there was any brain damage. The sooner we find out the sooner we can began her recovery treatment.” Nurse Redheart replied in the same authoritative tone clearly not wavering her decision.

“I'm not going anywhere without Twilight.” Rainbow Dash said in a defiant tone as she crossed her hooves around her chest to which Nurse Redheart facehoofed and groaned.

“Very well, Twilight would be be kind enough to accompany us to the examination room?” Nurse Redheart replied in a defeated tone. She had exhausted most of her energy just trying to hold down the mare and she didn't feel like getting into yet another wrestling match with her today.

“Of course!” Twilight replied without a second thought.


Twilight sat in a chair next to Rainbow Dash holding her right hoof in her hooves as the nurse ponies began to hook a bunch of different wires to different parts of her body. “I'm so sorry Dashy.” Twilight said in a soft tone as she nuzzled her cheek against Rainbow Dash's hoof.

“For what?” Rainbow Dash asked curiously.

“I had given up hope that you would ever wake up a month ago...and three months before that, well Trixie was there...” Twilight replied in a soft tone as she kissed cyan blue Pegasus's hoof now softly.

“So, you've been with Trixie the entire time I was out eh?” Rainbow Dash asked in slightly hurt tone.

“Can you ever forgive a foalish unicorn?” Twilight asked in a soft tone.

“Twilight, do you remember what I said that day in the restaurant grounds?” Rainbow Dash asked looking into the purple unicorn's eyes now.

“It's been so long, I can barely remember what happened exactly.” Twilight replied truthfully.

“I said, If there's anything I’ve learned from this break of ours, it's that there is a possibility that we are not meant to be, but I’ll be banished to the moon before I give up on you. I know you can't say the same, but I want you to know, no matter what happens, all I want is for you to be happy. Even's not being happy with me.” Rainbow Dash replied quoting herself word for word.

Hearing this brought tears to the purple unicorns eyes as she nuzzled her hoof once again. “I've never stopped loving you Rainbow, I'm ready to come back to you, that is, if you'll have me.” Twilight replied in a soft tone.

“What about Trixie? How does she feel about this?” Rainbow Dash asked in a concerned tone.

“She understands. She's the one who told me to go to you the moment we heard you had woken up.” Twilight replied softly though she did feel guilty just the same. She knew what going back to Rainbow Dash meant for Trixie, but she knew that she understood. Yet, despite this, she still felt horrible for doing this to her after all she's done for her.

“Twilight, as much as I want you back in my life, how could I be so selfish and take you away from Trixie?” Rainbow Dash asked in a soft tone.

“What are you saying Rainbow?” Twilight asked in a worried tone.

“I'm saying, don't give up everything you have just for me. I've been dead to the world for a year Twilight. I would never forgive myself if I took you away from her.” Rainbow Dash replied looking away from Twilight now.

“Dashy...I'm sorry. Please don't throw everything we have away just because I was a foalish mule and went to another mare while you were in a comma.” Twilight replied feeling tears swell up in her eyes.


Twilight held her cheek in shock looking at Rainbow Dash now who glared at her. “Twilight, don't you dare say that ever again, got that?! You weren't a foal for going to Trixie. How could I expect you to hang onto me for this long? You and Trixie have something great now. Possibly greater than what we had. I'll still be your friend Twilight, that will never change, but don't you dare give up Trixie in a faint hope to pick up what we had. We both know that it's impossible at this point. We would have to start over and you know it.” Rainbow Dash said in a serious tone as she looked at Twilight now.

A surge of emotions ran through the purple unicorn now. Pain,regret,sorrow, happiness, and joy. She couldn't explain why but all these emotions went through her all at once. She felt pain for hearing the words that Rainbow Dash spoke, regret for giving up in her, happiness for knowing that Rainbow Dash would still be around, joy for the cyan blue Pegasus talking sense into her, and yet throughout all this this, sorrow for the fact that she knew she was right.

“I wish things had turned out differently.” Twilight replied in a whisper now.

“Ya know, I thought I would say the same thing, but for some reason, I’m glad things turned out the way they did.” Rainbow Dash replied as a smile washed over her face now.

“But if I hadn't...fell, you would still have your wings.” Twilight replied feeling the all too familiar guilt begin to swell in her chest.

“Meh, just a pair of wings, no biggy. At least I’m still alive right?” Rainbow Dash replied as if shrugging off the fact.

Twilight knew she was putting on a brave face, the loss of her wings was a big blow to her and Twilight knew this. Her wings had been her pride and joy. She however decided not to call her on this as she didn't want to cause any more problems for her.


“So, how did things go?” Trixie asked with a smile as Twilight walked back into the waiting room.

“She said, I should stay with you.” Twilight replied softly.

“She what?” Trixie asked incredulously.

“Yeah, it was a shocker for me too.” Twilight replied followed by a sigh as she sat down next to the blue unicorn and placed her left hoof on Trixie's right hoof.

“How could she do such a thing to you?! After all this time you spent waiting on her?!” Trixie exclaimed in an outraged tone.

“Trixie, calm down! She's right. What me and you have is something that would take a long time to rebuild with Rainbow. And that's if we could. One thing Rainbow helped me realize is that, things will never be the same again between us.” Twilight said in a calm manner.

“Twilight, I refuse to believe that. In the time I’ve gotten to know you, there is one thing I know for a fact! You and Rainbow Dash were meant to be!” Trixie exclaimed in a calm yet fierce tone as she spoke now and stood up from the waiting couch.

“Where are you going?” Twilight asked curiously.

“To have a heart to heart talk with a hard-headed Pegasus!” Trixie exclaimed with a cocky grin and disappeared in a flash of magic before Twilight could stop her.


Trixie then reappeared in a flash of magic in Rainbow Dash's hospital room, magically locked all the doors and shut the curtains. “Rainbow Dash, we need to talk.” Trixie said simply.

“Trixie? Where's Twilight?” Rainbow Dash asked curiously.

“She's in the waiting room. Now, what's this I hear about you casting off Twilight like a wet sack into the trash can after all this time she has waited on you?!” Trixie exclaimed in a pissed off tone.

“Did Twilight put you up to this?” Rainbow Dash asked in an annoyed tone.

“No, she did not. In fact she protested against me, but I teleported away from her before she could stop me. Now answer me.” Trixie replied in the same pissed off tone.

“Trixie, you and Twilight have something now that would take me and Twilight years to regain. Just as I told her, I never could have expected her to wait on me this long. She has you now. I'll still be her and your friend, but it would be wrong of me to take her away from you.” Rainbow Dash replied in a calm tone.

“And if I were to not have been with her all this time?” Trixie asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Then I would of course have taken her back without a second thought, I still love her dearly, but it's not like you can change the past.” Rainbow Dash replied as she looked away from the blue unicorn now.

“That's all I needed to know.” Trixie replied and disappeared in a flash of magic at which point the curtains flew back open and the door unlocked at which point Twilight can barreling in.

“Trixie?! Where are you?!” Twilight exclaimed in a panicked tone as she looked around.

“She didn't go back to you?” Rainbow Dash asked in a confused tone.

“No, do you know where she is?” Twilight asked in a worried tone to which the cyan blue Pegasus shook her head.


“You do realize what you are asking me to do right?” Celestia asked in a stern tone as she looked at the blue unicorn.

“Yes.” Trixie replied.

“Why in Equestria would you ask me to do such a thing? Don't you love Twilight? After all this is why I spared you from being banished to the moon.” Celestia replied in the same tone not changing her expression in the slightest.

“More than anything, but she deserves Rainbow Dash more. I above all ponies know what she has gone through. What she is going through now. Every time she looks at Rainbow Dash, I can see it in her eyes, it's a look that she never could give me, a look that said that she truly and undoubtedly loved the mare she was looking at. Knowing that look, knowing that every time she sees Rainbow Dash and realizes she can never hold her, never show her just how much she cares for her. Knowing that each and every time she looks at Rainbow Dash knowing these things, a little more of her dies away, I can't bare to watch her go the rest of her life like this, it would destroy her.”Trixie replied in a soft tone as a tear streaked down her cheek.

Celestia's expression now softened before the blue unicorn as she sighed. “Those are the words from a pony who truly does love another. Very well, I will erase all traces of your relationship from the past. Your sacrifice will not go unrewarded however.” Celestia said in a soft tone as her horn began to glow brightly...


Twilight then stormed off in a fast paced trot from the restaurant grounds fighting back tears until she ran into a random pony as she was not bothering to look where she was going.

“First day back in this town and ponies are already lining up for the great and powerful Trixie?” The blue unicorn said in a cocky manner as she got back to all four hooves, got a clear view of Twilight whom was just getting back up herself, gawked for a few moments pointing a hoof at the purple unicorn with a shocked face. “Y-You!” Trixie exclaimed in a shocked tone.

“Ohhhhh, good to see you too again, Trixie.” Twilight replied in a dazed tone as she managed to get to all four hooves.

“I can't say the same for to you though.” Trixie replied sourly.

At this exact moment a lighting bolt seemed to streak through both unicorn's simultaneously.

“This feels so familiar...are you sure we haven't said this exact thing before?” Twilight replied curiously.

Trixie however stood frozen in place staring at Twilight as if she was transfixed on her face. “Trixie?” Twilight asked curiously.

Trixie then shook her head quickly and sighed. “No, no we haven't.” Trixie said in a sad tone.

“Oh, well, what was I going to say? Oh yes, if you still upset about me showing you up, it wasn't my fault Snips and Snails dragged an Ursa-minor into Ponyville okay?” Twilight replied defensively.

“I know this. Course my career has got to the outhouse since that day, but I thank you for that. If you had not shown me up that day, I would never truly realized how much of a foal I had been.” Trixie replied with a soft smile.

“I would expect-wait what?!” Twilight replied abruptly stopping her previous sentence and gawking at the blue unicorn in shock.

At this exact moment Trixie's stomach gave a mighty growl at which point Trixie blushed. “Umm..Twilight, would you mind if I came over to your house for dinner? I haven't the bits to afford a decent meal. That is, if I’m not imposing.” Trixie asked with a embarrassed blush.

“Not imposing at all, I would be delighted to have you over for dinner.” Twilight replied with a warm smile.


“Thank you Twilight. You have no idea how much this means to me.” Trixie said with a smile as she took a bite from the sandwich twilight had made her.

“You've changed a lot Trixie. You are barely the mare I remember from nearly three years ago.” Twilight remarked as she sat down next to her.

“Well, your actions were...humbling to say the least. It opened my eyes to a few things. And it was clear your magic is far greater than mine.” Trixie replied followed by a sigh.

“If you are going to be in town for a few weeks, I suppose I could teach you a few spells. If you don't mind that is?” Twilight asked with a warm smile.

“Really? That would be wonderful.” Trixie replied happily.


The days seemed to fly by as Twilight began to show Trixie how to perform some of her spells. Surprisingly for the purple unicorn, Trixie seemed to catch on quickly and mastered one spell with three days. A week later and Trixie had mastered another two spells she was shown.

“That's great Trixie! You really catch on quickly!” Twilight exclaimed happily.

“Well, I must say that you are a wonderful teacher Twilight. You are clear and precise in your teachings and that helped me to master the spells very quickly.” Trixie replied with a smile of her own.

“You don't give yourself enough credit. It took me weeks to master the spells I’ve taught you. You really have a raw talent for magic. In fact, I'm shocked your parents didn't apply you for Celestia's school for gifted unicorns.” Twilight replied in an excited tone.

“My parents weren't the most wealthy of the lot Twilight. In fact, we were barely making it by. We could barely afford food in our home, much less the cost of a proper education for a unicorn.” Trixie replied in a sad tone as her smile vanished from her face and was replaced with a frown.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn't mean to pry.” Twilight said lowering her ears as she felt a ping of guilt.

“Oh no, it's quite alright. We managed to get by though despite our finical hardship. It wasn't long though after I became a teenager that a local unicorn circus was in Canterlot. My parents saw how much I wanted to see the show, so they dug into their rainy day funds just to get me a ticket to see the show. Never before had I see such magic. It shocked and amazed me.” Trixie said then took a deep breath followed by a depressed sigh before she continued.

“I suppose it was fate that it happened, but it was on that same day just after the show, I was informed that my parents had been murdered when a unicorn burglar broke into our home. My father was a great unicorn, but clearly this one was far better. And my mother being an earth pony...well, she never stood a chance.” Trixie said followed by a sniffle as she wiped tears from her eyes.

“Dear Celestia...I had no idea.” Twilight remarked in a shocked tone as she placed a hoof over her mouth.

“Yes well, the unicorn circus heard of my ill fortunate and offered to take me in since I had no family to go to. They were great, and treated me like one of their own. I was soon taught some basic flashy spells and soon I became apart of their regular shows. It was a glamorous life, but I wanted to get out on my own when I became a fully grown mare. They of course told me I was welcome back anytime and gave a grand farewell party. I took all they had taught me on the road for my own fame and fortune. The fame however went to my head. A side of effect of being raised as a show mare. I was never taught the humility that comes with the gig. Humility that you taught me Twilight's Sparkle. And for that, I am grateful.” Trixie said looking at Twilight now as a smile washed back on her face.

“I just wish it hadn't come at the cost of your show biz career.” Twilight replied in a sad tone.

“It was bound to happen sooner or later. I would rather it have been you than any other pony. You're not like other ponies. There's something about you, something I can't explain, it's like your...the...most...humble...pony...I’ve...ever...” Trixie replied as she slowly leaned in closer and closer to Twilight's face with each word she spoke until she abruptly yanked her face away moments before she locked lips with the unicorn.

“Dear Celestia, I almost did it again!” Trixie exclaimed in a horrified tone as she put a hoof over her mouth looking away in shame.

“Did what again?” Twilight asked curiously. She realized moments after Trixie had suddenly yanked away what was about to happen and yet for some reason she felt like it should have but it didn't. This feeling confused her, however she attempted to brush it off.

“N-Nothing. Listen Twilight, I need to ask something of you.” Trixie asked in a shaken tone still looking away from the purple unicorn.

“ honest with me. Were you about to kiss me?” Twilight asked curiously unable to brush off the feeling any longer and ignored Trixie's question.

“Y-yes, I mean no, I mean....hmmph!” Trixie replied however was abruptly cut off by Twilight locking lips with her. The blue unicorn was immediately lost in the kiss for sometime until she abruptly yanked away finally mustering the willpower to do so. “Tw-Twilight, we can't!” Trixie exclaimed in a panicked tone as she backed away from the purple unicorn.

“Why not? I'm not seeing anypony at the moment.” Twilight replied with a lustful grin.

“Don't you dare lie to me Twilight Sparkle!” Trixie exclaimed in a shocked yet outraged tone knowing that Twilight had just lied to her.

Twilight's expression suddenly became one of shock and horror realizing just what she had said. But what confused her more than anything is that she had not once told Trixie about her and Rainbow Dash. How could she possibly know?

“How do you know about me and Rainbow Dash?” Twilight asked curiously.

This question caused Trixie to go wide-eyed with a panicked expression. “I...umm...saw you two in the restaurant grounds just before she flew off.” Trixie replied after a few moments to which Twilight have a heavy sigh.

“The truth is, we are on a break from one another right now. I'm sorry for making a move on you Trixie. I don't know what came over me. It's feels like this has all happened before, but it feels all wrong, as if it wasn't supposed to happen like this.” Twilight replied lowering her head in shame.

Trixie gave a heavy sigh at this. It was supposed to happen like this. She knew this. She didn't know why, but for some reason something within her knew that if her and Twilight were to become a couple it would spell disaster for her and Rainbow Dash. Yet she didn't know why. It was as if something within the unicorn was guiding her by the hoof to make sure she seemingly didn't repeat the events of something that happened.

It's not like she knew exactly why she yanked away at the last second, or why she resisted Twilight's advances on her. Or how she even knew about Twilight and Rainbow Dash's relationship. It was as if that same unknown thing inside her was giving her the information she needed at the time it was needed. She also felt a love for the unicorn that she couldn't explain. A love that seemed to have been there all along.

This same love seemed to be the source of that unknown thing within her that guided her by the hoof. “Tw-Twilight. I feel the same way, but trust me when I say this, we can't get involved with one another. I can't explain why, I just know it will caused problems for you and Rainbow Dash.” Trixie replied in a soft tone as she looked at her now.

“How could you possibly know this? The reason for our break is to explore other options. We don't know right now if we are meant to be.” Twilight replied as she walked up to Trixie now and put a hoof on her cheek.

“Tw-Twilight...please don't tempt me...” Trixie replied in a soft tone as Twilight's face drew in closer and closer with each passing moment yet Trixie didn't yank away, it was if she couldn't. The mysterious feeling that was guiding her by the hoof now had mysteriously vanished as quickly as it appeared but the love still remained. In the next moment Twilight had locked lips with the blue unicorn and without any farther thought to either mind they began to make love in the middle of Twilight's front room.

Whether it was simply fate or the work of a greater power, the events that Trixie had attempted to undo repeated themselves several things however were different...



Fluttershy walked into Rainbow Dash's hospital room and gasped at the sight that beheld her feeling her heart swell with joy. “Rainbow Dash! Your awake! Thank Celestia!” Fluttershy exclaimed happily at which point Twilight's head snapped up and she looked at the cyan blue Pegasus.

“Dashy, your awake! I never gave up on you!” Twilight exclaimed happily as she locked lips with the Pegasus who gladly returned the kiss but winced into the kiss slightly as Twilight ran her hooves down the Pegasus's back and hit her wings which were still in casts. “Oh, I'm sorry!” Twilight exclaimed in a worried tone.

“It's fine Twilight.” Rainbow Dash replied with a soft giggle then glanced over and noticed Trixie sitting in the far left of the room.

“Take care of her Rainbow Dash. She's all yours now.” Trixie said with a smile and vanished.

“Did you two see that?” Rainbow Dash asked curiously.

“See what?” Twilight asked curiously.

“Trixie, in the corner over there, she just vanished like a ghost!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed unable to figure out why the other two hadn't heard or seen her.

“Rainbow....Trixie was banished to the moon four months ago when the power of her book corrupted her mind.” Twilight remarked as her ears flattened in sadness.

“Book? What book?” Rainbow Dash asked curiously.

“The little green book that Spike used a couple years ago, it turned out to be Trixie who made it. I tried to convince her to destroy it but she refused. Then Princess Celestia stepped in.” Twilight replied followed by a sigh.

“It was weird though. Celestia didn't do anything right away. It was almost as if she knew something we didn't.” Fluttershy remarked thoughtfully.

Meanwhile on the moon a blue unicorn stood alone as the the cold brushed against her fur while she stared at a little green book that was currently set ablaze. “It is done...take care of her Rainbow Dash. You are after all, the one she truly loves.” Trixie said as she looked at the world from the moon with a single tear streaming down her cheek.


“Because what we had wasn't a lie, it was real for me too.” Twilight replied as she felt a ping of sadness in her chest she knew all too well. It was this exact feeling that caused her to feel torn between Trixie and Rainbow Dash.

“Y-You're just saying that!” Trixie exclaimed in a disbelieving tone.

“No! I'm done lying! I'm through with lying to myself! I love you Trixie! So please, destroy it! Be the mare I love again!” Twilight exclaimed in a desperate tone. She would have done destroyed the book herself but she knew she didn't have the strength to do so right now, so all she could do was hope and pray that Trixie would see reason.

Trixie looked to Twilight, then back to the book, back to Twilight, then back to the book, and gave a sigh. “I'm Sorry Twilight, but I can't do that. I won't give up this power until I have done what should have been done already!” Trixie replied and began to laugh maniacally.

It was at this point and time that Princess Celestia appeared in the room in a flash of magic. “Trixie, You used forbidden magicks to create that book as stated in our unicorn laws, by all accounts that is grounds for banishment to the moon as my sister was for using such magicks.” Celestia said in a stern tone much to Twilight's horror.

“Are you sure this is what you want?”

“Yes, it is the only way.”

“Very well, I wish there was some other way though.”

“So do I...”

“You truly love her with all your heart, don't you?”

“Yes, I do. If this is what it takes for her to be truly happy, then so be it.

“-sigh- All this time, I thought Twilight was one of a kind, but you share her kindred spirit Trixie. Your sacrifice for my student will never be forgotten and in one thousand years you will be welcomed back an honored guest in my castle.”

“I'll see you when the time comes then Princess.”

With a mighty cry and unknown to Twilight a single tear that streaked down the Alicorn's cheek she shot a beam of magic at Trixie which hit her in a flash of magic and in the next moment she was gone...


“Sadly Princess, I don't think I will be able to make it a thousand years...” Trixie said aloud thoughtfully as the book burned into ash by her magical flames knowing it was the key to magic and it was now gone and in turn her immortality along with it.

I don't know how long it will take...but I can leave this world now knowing that the mare I love is with the one she is truly meant to be with. I will never forget you Twilight Sparkle and everything you have done for me...


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About four months later Rainbow Dash was given full clearance to leave the hospital. Though nurse Redheart had stated many times she had no idea how her wings miraculously healed to a salvageable state a mere day before the scheduled amputation she insisted that Rainbow Dash not fly for at least three months. Twilight of course couldn't be happier, though her thoughts did drift back to Trixie occasionally she knew there was nothing she could have done.

“So how have things been going for you and dashy?” Pinkie Pie asked curiously as the purple unicorn sat in front of her in Pinkie Pie's bedroom.

“Things have been going much better this time around. We haven't have a argument in months.” Twilight replied with a proud smile.

“That's super great Twilight! I'm sooo happy for you!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed with a huge smile.

“She has been acting kind of odd lately though.” Twilight remarked aloud thoughtfully.

“Oh? How so?” Pinkie Pie asked as she rested her chin on her hooves which lay crossed on the table now.

“Well, she's been acting a little panicky when I come home at times, as if she's hiding something.” Twilight replied in a worried tone.

“Oh? Like what?” Pinkie Pie asked curiously.

“I don't know, that's just it. What worries me though is that she only acts like this after she sends me out to get food, or wants to stay and organize the books for me.” Twilight replied putting a hoof on her chin in thought.

“Rainbow Dash wanting to organize books? Haha! I'd have to see it to believe it!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed followed by a insane giggle-fit.

“I've been doing some book reading though and I did find something out. According to this book, an argument is healthy for a relationship as long as it's occasional and not very often, but me and Rainbow Dash haven't argued once since she got out of the hospital. The book also says that if that is the case, there's a chance one pony is hiding something from another.” Twilight replied as she placed a book titled “Relationships and the things you should know about them.” in front of the pink mare.

“You don't she couldn't, she wouldn't.....would she?” Twilight asked aloud fearfully.

“Do what?” Pinkie Pie asked with a worried expression.

“Well, even though things have been going well, we were separated a long time. Do you think that she might be losing interest in me?” Twilight asked curiously.

“Oh no,no,no! No way!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed in a frantic tone.

“How can you be so sure? It's not like you have that little green book anymore.” Twilight replied at curiously and felt a ping of sadness at the exact moment she said this as she recalled Trixie who now was on the moon.

“I just know, Trust me on this Twilight! Rainbow could never lose interest in you! In fact it's the exact opposite I think!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed with a knowing expression that the purple unicorn caught onto quickly.

“ you know-” “Wowie! Would you look at the time?! I need to help the cakes with their orders now! See you later Twilight!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed suddenly and without warning which cut off the purple unicorn mid-sentence and left without giving her a chance to finish her question.


“And then she just suddenly left me in her bedroom without another word! I tell you, she knows something!” Twilight exclaimed pacing back and forth now in rarity's boutique as the white unicorn continued to stitch dresses.

“She's just being Pinkie Pie darling. You of all ponies should know this.” Rarity replied nonchalantly.

“Extra Pinkie Pie is more like it.” Twilight replied in an annoyed tone.

“Well I wouldn't think too much of it, if Pinkie Pie thinks Rainbow Dash isn't hiding anything, then I would simply take her word for it. After all, no pony knows everypony in Ponyville like Pinkie Pie.” Rarity replied as she continued to sew the dress on her sewing machine.

At this point Applejack came trotting into the room. “Howdy Twilight, howdy darlin.” Applejack said in a upbeat tone as she looked at Twilight as she spoke at first then at Rarity.

“How was work today dear?” Rarity asked still not looking away from her sewing machine.

“Ah reckon it was plum tirin. It rained a whole lot yesterday and that consarned rain got my hooves all muddeh!” Applejack exclaimed nonchalantly.

“I certainly hope you cleared your hooves off before walking into our home Applejack.” Rarity replied in a stern tone to which the farm pony gave a guilty glance at the tracks she brought into the house.

“uh...yeah....ah'll just go and make sure ah cleaned em off extra good for ya.” Applejack said in a guilty tone as she quickly left the room and went outside.

“Twilight, could be be a dear and clean up the mess that my darling Applejack trotted in?” Rarity asked in a slightly annoyed tone.

“Of course, but how did you know she didn't clean her hooves off?” Twilight asked curiously.

“Darling, I've been dating Applejack for a year and a half now. And if there's one thing I take pride in, it's that I know my darling Applejack better than any pony, even better than Pinkie Pie.” Rarity replied as she glanced over at Twilight with a smile.

“I suppose that would help.” Twilight replied followed with a giggle.

“Just like I’m sure there are things that you know about Rainbow Dash that no other pony knows.” Rarity added with a smile as Twilight began to magically clean up the mess that Applejack trotted in.

“Yeah, there are quite a few quirks that Pegasus has.” Twilight remarked with a proud smile then looked over at Rarity. “Thanks Rarity, you helped me realize I have nothing to worry about when it comes to Dashy.” Twilight said with a warm smile.

“Anytime darling. But could I ask which one of her quirks you like the most?” Rarity asked with a grin.

“Hmm. That's a toughy, I’d have to say the quirk I like the most is when she's sleeping next to me. Her right wing has a habit of tickling me in the middle of the night.” Twilight replied followed by a giggle.

“I asked which one you liked most darling, not the one that annoyed you the most.” Rarity replied with a giggle of her own.

“Oh no, it's my favorite. Especially when her wings decide to tickle a certain spot it drives me wild.” Twilight replied with a mischievous grin.

Upon hearing this Rarity stopped sewing for a moment and turned around to look at Twilight with a blush. You mean her wings have a habit of touching you there? Rarity asked curiously putting an emphasis on the word “there” as she spoke it.

“mmm-hmm. It's perfect fuel for me to wake her up in the middle of the night for some late night fun.” Twilight replied still grinning ear to ear mischievously.

“You naughty mare. I'd bet my horn you brush it there on purpose.” Rarity said with a mischievous grin of her own.

“Sometimes...” Twilight replied and moments later the two unicorns broke into a spontaneous giggle-fit nearly simultaneously.

“What the hay is so funneh?” Applejack asked with a smile as she walked back into the room.

“We were just discussing Twilight and Rainbow Dash's private activities darling.” Rarity said plainly which caused the farm pony to blush.

“Do ya have to beh so blunt about it?” Applejack asked looking away now which caused the two unicorn to burst out laughing.

“Oh come on Applejack. I'm sure you, Rarity, and Big Macintosh still have some wild times when I’m not here.” Twilight replied with a smirk.

“Actually darling, Big Macintosh went steady with another mare a short while ago.” Rarity said simply as she turned back around and resumed her sewing.

“So he hasn't come over here at all?” Twilight asked curiously.

“Nope. Sides, ah think deep down meh and him knew it was best to stop goin at it like that and all. Last thing weh need is meh or Rarity gettin knocked up cause weh fergot to take the pill one month.” Applejack replied in a serious tone.

“That and we have some wonderful toys now.” Rarity chimed in as she continued to sew the dress.

“R-Rarity?! Consarn it all! While your at it why don't ya tell her bout the cotton pickin two ended dildo we got stashed under the bed!” Applejack exclaimed in annoyance and clamped her hooves over her mouth in both shock and embarrassment.

“I didn't tell her about that darling, you did.” Rarity replied in a jeering tone.

“Applejack shy about sex? That's a first.” Twilight remarked in surprise along with a giggle.

“Side effect of being with a prim and proper mare like Rarity ah suppose, course she seems to have adopted mah bluntness and speaks candidly.” Applejack replied and added a sour note to the last part of her statement as she looked at Rarity.

“Only with close friends darling.” Rarity said followed by a soft snicker.

“You're enjoyin this aren't ya?” Applejack asked in an annoyed tone.

Without warning Rarity burst out laughing nearly ripping the dress she was sewing as she did so. “I-I'm sorry Applejack! It was just too easy! You know I’m only playing though darling!” Rarity exclaimed between laughs.

“Did I miss something?” Twilight asked in a confused tone. True as it was, the unicorn hadn't paid Rarity and Applejack's place a visit since she got out of the hospital with Rainbow Dash till today, she had thought not much would have changed.

“It's become a past time of Rarity's to make meh blush till mah face is as red as an apple ever since she figured out that ah had mellowed out.” Applejack replied looking at Rarity in annoyance still.

“Surely you aren't mellow in bed though my darling Applejack.” Rarity replied and burst out laughing once again as the farm pony's face went redder at this statement.

“Don't make meh get mah rope and tie you up again!” Applejack exclaimed with a grin.

“Darling! You can't possibly be suggesting that, can you?” Rarity replied as she stopped sewing once again and looked at the farm pony with a lustful grin.

“Ah reckon ah am!” Applejack exclaimed, ran at the unicorn, tackled her and began to make out with her much to Twilight's shock.

“I'll just leave the do not disturb sign on the doorknob on my way out...” Twilight said in an awkward tone leaving the two ponies alone now with their love making.


Twilight now sat at the table in the restaurant grounds now waiting for Rainbow Dash to arrive from her weather job. “She better not be late, she's the one after all who asked me to meet her here...” Twilight remarked impatiently as she glanced around herself.

“Madam, may I take your order?” the waiter pony asked in a prim and proper tone.

“Not yet, I’m waiting on somepony.” Twilight replied and sighed as the waiter left again. This was the third time in the past thirty minuets that she had to turn the waiter away and she was starting to loose patience with the Pegasus.


“Madam, I have something for you. “ The waiter said and handled Twilight a small box with a note attached to it.

“Who's it from?” Twilight asked curiously.

“A cyan blue Pegasus asked me to hand this to you a few moments ago. She said for me to tell you to specifically read the note then open the box.” The waiter replied then walked off.

Twilight lifted the note off the box and curiously read it knowing it was from Rainbow Dash now. The note read:

Hey Twilight, sorry I couldn't make it to our little date, but I got ya something I think you'll like a lot. Open the box then look up into the sky.


Rainbow Dash

“ she stood me up...great.” Twilight said aloud in a in an annoyed tone, opened the box, and gasped as she placed a hoof over her mouth. It was a hoof ring with a diamond on the top. Twilight immediately looked up and saw the cyan blue Pegasus in the sky and pointing at a set of clouds which she had crafted into the words:



The purple unicorn's chest swelled with joy now as she looked up with tears of joy in her eyes. “Yes,yes,yes,yes,yes!” Twilight exclaimed at the top of her lungs looking up at Rainbow Dash who dive bombed to the ground, landed on it quickly and locked lips with the purple unicorn.

“Had me worried a moment there.” Rainbow Dash said after they broke the kiss as she looked into Twilight's tear filled eyes.

“You made me think that you stood me up, you jerk!” Twilight exclaimed still smiling at her and kissed her again passionately.

“I'm a prankster Twilight. You should know that by now.” Rainbow Dash replied a few moments after they broke the kiss again, picked up the hoof ring and placed around Twilight's front right hoof.

Then a few moments later cheers and shouting could be heard not far from the two as they looked over to see Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Spike, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, Pinkie Pie, and Scootaloo cheering and shouting from behind a bush near their table.

“You guys knew she was going to do this?!” Twilight asked incredulously.

“Of course we did darling!” Rarity replied with a warming smile.

“Been plannin this since the day she plum got out of that consarned hospital!” Applejack exclaimed with a smirk.

“I'm ever so happy for you Twilight.” Fluttershy said in her normal shy tone but the joy and happiness in her voice could clearly be heard.

“Woulda been sooner but the mare couldn't figure out what gem to put on the consarned ring.” Applebloom added followed by a giggle-fit.

“Yes, it was a nightmare for me, but well worth it I think.” Rarity added still smiling.

“You know what this calls for?!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed with a wide smile as she hopped around the two.

“A party.” Twilight replied with a smile.

“No you silly filly! A wedding!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed still hopping around the two.

“Of course it calls for a weddin ya sugar high mare! Ah don't think she proposed to Twilight just to do nothing now.” Applebloom said in an annoyed tone.

“I hope not.” Twilight said looking at Rainbow Dash now.

“Of course I plan on having a wedding. And Pinkie Pie..” Rainbow Dash said trailing off as she looked at the pink mare.

“Yes, Rainbow?” Pinkie Pie asked as she halted her hops as if mid-air and stood on all four hooves now looking at the cyan blue Pegasus.

“Don't you dare hold back, I want this to be the best wedding ever.” Rainbow Dash replied, leaned in, and locked lips with Twilight once again.

“Whoa nelly....ah think she's gonna blow y'all!” Applejack exclaimed with a cheesy grin as she looked at the pink mare who was seemingly scrunched into a squat bouncing up and down rapidly.

Moments later Pinkie Pie literally erupted off the ground and into the sky. “whoo-hoo! That means this will be the best wedding ever! Don't you worry Rainbow Dash! I'll make sure it's a wedding you won't forget!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed joyfully seemingly hovering in the sky as she shouted this and landed back on the ground a few moments later.

“Wait! Why am I still here?! I got a wedding to plan!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed and darted off down the road at what would seem like one hundred miles per hour.


A mere week later and it was obvious that Pinkie Pie was true to her word. In the single week, she had set up the wedding favors, decorations, sent out invitations in pony, and arranged for a priest to be there. Needless to say anypony who saw Pinkie Pie would wonder how the hell the pink mare could keep up such speed and momentum and not collapse!

“I think next time I'll hold back a little....” Pinkie Pie said in a horse tone before collapsing on her bed and snoozing loudly with her rump in the air not bothering to crawl completely onto her bed a mere day before the wedding was scheduled having had set everything up so that it looked perfect about two weeks later after running non-stop.


Twilight now stood in a dressing room along with Rarity who was applying the finishing touches to a dress that she had designed herself. “Darling, you look simply beautiful!” Rarity exclaimed after she placed the last part of her dress onto the purple unicorn with a smile.

Twilight then looked over herself in the mirror now. She was wearing a dark blue silk dress with small stars that had been gently stitched into it along with small crescent moon shapes, the dress stretched from her flank up to her chest where her chest was. Around her chest area she wore a dark purple silk garment which had been shaped into the form of a crescent moon which reached up to her neck with a sapphire diamond stitched into the middle of it.

Her front legs now had be dressed in a dark blue soft fabric that matched her dress color. This fabric has been stitched in a fashion that part of it hung over but not by much. The part that hung over however had small light blue crescent moon shaped gems stitched into them so that they showed clearly as she stood. On all four hooves the purple unicorn wore pearl white slippers that glittered against the light. On the toe of each slipper was a small star gem, though you wouldn't notice this star unless you looked closely, it added a subtle beauty to her overall look.

“Wow, you've outdone yourself Rarity. I don't know if I’m even allowed to wear such a beautiful ensemble.” Twilight remarked in an awed tone.

“Non-sense darling! I made this dress just for you! In fact, I would be insulted if you didn't wear it down that aisle.” Rarity replied with a warm smile.

“Thank you so much Rarity.” Twilight said as she hugged the white unicorn tightly.

“Your welcome darling.” Rarity replied with a sniffle. “Oh hayseed! I promised myself I wouldn't cry!” Rarity replied as tears of joy began to flow without a care from the white unicorn's eyes.

“Hayseed? Applejack always says that.” Twilight replied with a giggle which caused Rarity to laugh mid-sniffle with a slight cough.

“Well, she is after all, the apple in my eye. I would be lying if I said she didn't mean the world to me.” Rarity replied with another sniffle.


“I don't know if I can do this.” Rainbow Dash remarked in a nervous tone as Fluttershy applied the last few touches to cyan blue Pegasus's dress.

“Don't be goin and gettin cold feet on Twilight now. Y'all be just fine ya hear?” Applejack said as she watched Fluttershy finish putting her final touches on the dress.

“Easy for you to say, you're not getting married today.” Rainbow Dash replied in the same nervous tone to which the farm pony laughed.

“Heh, ah reckon ya have a point thar, but ah know you would never stand Twilight up on a day like this. Now why don't ya take a gander at Fluttershy's hoofwork.” Applejack replied with a warm smile.

Rainbow Dash then turned to face the mirror and gasped in shock and awe. The cyan blue Pegasus now wore a silk light blue dress now that had white clouds stitched into each side of it on a medium size scale. On her chest she wore a dark blue garment which had been stitched in the design of her cutie mark with a small amount of fluff just below her neck along with a sapphire blue gem that had been crafted into the shape of a lightning bolt that was stitched into the middle of this garment.

On each of her front hooves she wore a light blue cotton stitched fabric that ran upward a few inches, but stopped short about two inches from her chest. On each hoof she wore ruby red slippers that glittered in the light.

“Do you like it?” Fluttershy asked in a shy tone with a worried expression.

“It needs to be about twenty percent cooler.” Rainbow Dash remarked nonchalantly.

“Rainbow!” Applejack exclaimed in an outraged tone.

“I'm joking! I love it Fluttershy.” Rainbow Dash said very quickly after Applejack's outburst.

“That's ever so wonderful!” Fluttershy exclaimed with a proud smile.

“Consarn it Rainbow.” Applejack remarked with a smile yet her tone did sound a little annoyed still.


Pinkie Pie at this time was busy zipping all around the wedding ground seating each pony and greeting each and every pony who walked in. “Enjoy the wedding!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed with a wide smile went to greet the next guest and gawked for a few moments in shock.

Long time no see, how's it hangin pink?

Who stood before her now was none other than Gilda the griffon. “G-Gilda?! I didn't send an invite to you, not that I mind you being here, but how did you know?” Pinkie Pie asked in a shocked tone.

“Dash sent me an invitation. She's cool like that.” Gilda replied with a smile.

“Sorry about that party a few years ago. I didn't mean to upset you.” Pinkie Pie said recalling now the party that made the griffon blow her top on them.

“Hey, no sweat pink. I was a featherbrain for doing that. Took me a few years to stop being such a wimp about it and stop behaving like a new born chick.” Gilda replied still smiling.

“Well, I hope you have a super duper fun time!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed with a wide smile.

“I wouldn't miss this day for the world pink. My best pal Dash is tying the knot. And with that bookworm to boot. Never thought I’d see the day.” Gilda replied followed by a laugh.

If the pink mare was shocked to see Gilda, nothing could prepare her for who she would see next.

Well, if it isn't our pink cotton haired friend brother!

I say, you are right buddy ol pal!

“Flim and Flam?!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed seemingly floored by these two.

“How do you do Pinkie. Me and my brother were in the area and thought we'd attend the festivities! Right brother?” Flim exclaimed with a wide smile, a bow, and lowering his hat.

“You would be one hundred percent right brother!” Flam replied performing a similar gesture to his brother.

“And this has nothing to do with trying to sell cider, right?” Pinkie Pie asked in a serious tone as she narrowed her eyes at the two unicorns.

“Not at all! We gave up the cider biz! We are now freelance unicorns for hire! Right brother?” Flim replied with a glance to Flam who nodded.

“Okey-dokey-loki! Enjoy the wedding!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed as her expression went from serious to lighthearted in the blink of an eye.

The next guest to show up was one Pinkie Pie had invited however and bowed in respect before the Alicorn. “Princes, it's super great you could make it!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she rose up with a wide smile.

“Not even my royal duties could stop be from seeing my star pupil's wedding day.” Celestia replied with a warm smile.


“And at two o'clock you have a session with the royal court. After that you need to sign these documents, and then after that...” A regal looking unicorn said as he went on and on with a seemingly mile long list.

Princess Luna looked at the seemingly endless pile of documents with a horrified expression and sighed heavily. “You're going to so get it when you get back here sister! You told me I would get to rule Equestria for a day, but you never mentioned all of this!” Princess Luna remarked in an annoyed tone.

How dare you drop all of this on me! This isn't FAAAAAAIIIIIIIRRRR!

Luna's voice roared at the top of her lungs as the regal looking unicorn continued to name off the seemingly endless list of duties she had to perform....


“Have a super duper fun time at the wedding!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed with a wide smile.

“I think this will be a day Twilight and I will remember for a long time...” Celestia replied with a knowing look in her right eye.

One hour later and all the guests had gathered and the wedding was preparing to be officially underway. Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie say in the front row of the seats along with Princess Celestia as the music began to play. ( Play “A My Little Pony Choral Medley” now)

Rainbow Dash was first to walk down the aisle still looking nervous but smiling broadly none-the-less. As she continued to walk past everypony who could only look in awe of her dress that seemed to shine against the sunlight as it beamed down upon her the cyan blue Pegasus looked over at Gilda who gave her a thumbs up gesture. “Way to go Dash!” Gilda mouthed inaudibly, but Rainbow Dash knew what she said all the time which helped alleviate the cyan blue Pegasus's nerves quite a bit as she stopped just short of the alter now.

“Come on Dash! This is your big day! Shake it off! You can-” Rainbow Dash thought to herself however her thoughts were suddenly halted as she saw Twilight step at the far end of the aisle. “Wow...” Was all the cyan blue Pegasus could say as she stared in both shock and awe of the purple unicorn's dark blue silk dress. If she was nervous still, any and all of that nervousness seemed to melt away at the sight of Twilight who wore a soft blush now as she began to walk down the aisle accompanied by Spike.

“Wow, you really did so much better than I did on Rainbow Dash's dress Rarity.” Fluttershy remarked in a whisper as she looked back at the purple unicorn who continued to walk up the aisle now.

“Nonsense darling, your dress design was just as good if not better than mine.” Rarity replied modestly in the same whispering tone.

“Oh, no. your dress is oh so much better than mine. I could never hope to be as good as you.” Fluttershy replied in a whispering tone.

“Can y'all debate this later? She's almost up here now.” Applejack hissed in annoyance which caused the unicorn and Pegasus to quiet themselves as Twilight walked past them a few moments later and up next to Rainbow Dash who still seemed to be awe-struck by the unicorn's beauty.

The Priest pony then cleared his throat and began to speak.

“The step which you are about to take is the most important into which a pony can come. It is a union of two ponies founded upon mutual respect and affection. Your lives will change, your responsibilities will increase, but your joy will be multiplied if you are sincere and earnest with your pledge to one another.” The Priest pony said in a calm tone as he looked to both mares as she spoke these words.

“Rainbow Dash, will you have this pony to be your wedded partner, to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, and forsaking all others, keep you only unto her, for so long as you both shall live?” The priest pony asked looking at the cyan blue Pegasus now.

“I will.” Rainbow Dash replied as she looked at Twilight now with a soft smile.

“Twilight Sparkle, will you have this pony to be your wedded partner, to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, and forsaking all others, keep you only unto her, so long as you both shall live?” The priest pony asked as he looked at the purple unicorn now.

“I will.” Twilight replied her voice cracking a little as she spoke now. The purple unicorn was on the verge of tears now filled to the brim with happiness. She could almost not believe this was happening. Yet it was.

“Place your front right front hooves together and repeat after me: I, Rainbow Dash take you, Twilight Sparkle, to be my wedded partner, to have and to hold, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, to love and to cherish, from this day forward.” The priest said as he looked at Rainbow Dash now.

“I, Rainbow Dash take you, Twilight Sparkle, to be my wedded partner, to have and to hold, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, to love and to cherish, from this day forward.” Rainbow Dash said repeating the priests words exactly as he spoke them looking into Twilight's eyes now.

The priest pony then looked at Twilight and spoke again. “I, Twilight Sparkle, take you, Rainbow Dash, to be my wedded partner, to have and to hold, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, to love and to cherish, from this day forward.” The priest pony said in a calm tone as he looked at the purple unicorn.

“I, Twilight Sparkle, take you, Rainbow Dash, to be my wedded partner, to have and to hold, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, to love and to cherish, from this day forward.” Twilight said sniffling continuously as she spoke repeated these words. It was becoming harder and harder for the purple unicorn to contain her waterworks with each word she spoke now. She managed to keep it together however.

“Do you have a hoof ring for your each other? Please place the hoof ring on your partner's front right hoof and say: With this ring, I thee wed.” The priest pony said as he looked at Rainbow Dash now.

Rainbow Dash looked to Spike who now held a medium sized box, opened it, and handed her the hoof ring which Rainbow Dash slid slowly onto Twilight's right front hoof not looking away from the purple unicorn's eyes as she did so. “With this ring, I thee wed.” Rainbow Dash said softly as she looked into Twilight's eyes still.

Twilight then looked at Spike, took the hoof ring out of the medium sized box, and slid it over Rainbow Dash's right front hoof and sniffled again. “With this ring, I thee wed.” Twilight said with yet another sniffle.

“Let these hoof rings be given and received as a token of your affection, sincerity and fidelity to one another.” The priest pony said looking at the two now before looking at the audience before them now and began to speak to them now.

“In as much as Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle have consented together in wedlock and have witnessed the same before this company, and pledged their vows to each other, by the authority vested in me by the regal sisters, I now pronounce you both formally wed. You may now kiss.” The priest pony said with a warm smile and without a second thought Rainbow Dash and Twilight locked lips and wrapped their hooves around each other as they kissed passionately which was met with cheers from the entire crowd now.

“Way to go Dash!” Gilda's voice could be heard above the cheers.

Rarity at this exact moment was in tears as she continuously wiped them away with a tissue while Pinkie bawled loudly as a flood of tears seemingly gushed from each eye as she cried with happiness.

“Consarn it all! Ah promised mahself ah would hold in the waterworks till after the weddin!” Applejack exclaimed as her eyes streamed with tears now along with a sniffle.


The wedding grounds were now littered with ponies dancing,laughing, and talking as the post wedding festivities were well underway now.

“So how does it feel to be Mrs. Dash now?” Pinkie Pie asked with a big wide grin as she looked at Twilight.

“It feels great.” Twilight replied simply.

“Oh look! The show is about to start!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed with a wide smile at which point everypony looked over at a stage which began to puff up with blue smoke.

Come one, come all, to see the grrreat and powerful Trixie!

Twilight could have swore her heart had skipped a beat when she heard that voice and those words and looked at Pinkie Pie who looked back at her.

“Don't look at me. I scheduled a clown!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed in a confused tone along with a shrugging gesture.

The blue unicorn's appearance on stage however confirmed that it was indeed Trixie at which point Twilight darted through the crowds, onto the stage, and tackled the blue unicorn in a tight hug.

“Good to see you too again, Twilight Sparkle.” Trixie remarked in a slightly stunned tone with a wide smile.

“But how?!” Twilight exclaimed in disbelief.

“I can answer that.” Celestia said as she walked up through the crowds now. “You see, Trixie destroyed her magical book while on the moon, sensing this I decided to waver her banishment. It is also my wedding gift to you Twilight.” Celestia said with a warm smile at which point Twilight hugged the Alicorn tightly.

It was at this point Big Macintosh walked on stage and nuzzled Trixie who nuzzled him back. “Wait, Trixie is the mare you've gone steady with?!” Twilight asked incredulously at which point her gaze snapped to Applejack and Rarity who were comically making small subtle steps away only to get grabbed by the tail via Twilight's magic and yanked over so that they were hovering over the stage floor looking strait into Twilight's face.

“Uh-howdy Twi.” Applejack said with a nervous grin.

“Hello Twilight.” Rarity chimed in with a similar nervous look.

“You both knew about this and didn't tell me?!” Twilight exclaimed in a pissed off tone.

“Ah wanted to, but the princess forbade me to say anythin till today!” Applejack exclaimed defensively.

“It's true darling!” Rarity exclaimed in agreement at which point Twilight's gaze snapped at her mentor.

“It's true. I forbade the both of them to say anything. I wanted this to be a surprise for you. Do you like it?” Celestia said with a grin.

“Are you kidding me? I love it! Thank you so much!” Twilight exclaimed dropping both Rarity and Applejack without thinking and hugged her mentor which caused the two to land head first on the stage with a thud and see stars for a few moments as the two groaned in pain.

“Your very welcome Twilight. Though Trixie did not get off scott free, she is in the service of the apples till farther notice. Not that she minds it seems.” Celestia replied giving a look over at Trixie who was kissing Big Macintosh now.

Twilight then turned to look at Trixie who had just stopped kissing Big Macintosh. “How did you two become a couple?” Twilight asked curiously.

“Well, ahem, Big Macintosh is a very kindhearted stallion and well, things kind of took off pretty fast and before we knew it, we were an item.” Trixie replied with a blush as she looked at Big Macintosh.

“What about Pinkie Pie though?” Twilight asked curiously looking at the red stallion now.

“She and ah both reckoned it was best to call the whole thing off, weh both knew it was only a simply physical attraction and when ah met Trixie here. Weh both figured that was the end of it.” Big Macintosh replied with a warm smile.

“I do believe Trixie has a show to do.” Celestia said looking at the blue unicorn now.

“Oh, that's right!” Trixie exclaimed with a wide smile.

After Twilight and the others left the stage Trixie continued her performance and it was one of her best she had ever done. Twilight even noticed her perform some of the spells she had taught her which made the purple unicorn beam with both pride and happiness.



Rainbow Dash flew Twilight into their home through the balcony door and into their bedroom landing on their bed with a flop. “How about I get you out of this dress and we have our little honey moon here and now.” Rainbow dash said with a lustful grin.

“Now, now. We don't want to ruin Rarity and Fluttershy's hoof work do we?” Twilight replied with a smirk as she began to focus magic into her horn and moments later each of the mare's dresses disappeared in a flash of magic and reappeared neatly folded on the other side of the room.

Rainbow Dash then leaned in and began to kiss Twilight's neck gently earning sharp moans from the unicorn but she had other plans. She only hopped the cyan blue Pegasus would go along with them. “R-Rainbow. I have a question. Do you want to have a foal together?” Twilight asked between moans as Rainbow Dash continued along her neck slowly making her way down but stopped upon hearing this.

“Of course I would. We can go to the adoption agency first thing tomorrow.” Rainbow Dash said with a smile and resumed kissing the purple unicorn's neck and was making her way towards her lower underbelly.

“N-No, I mean now.” Twilight replied in a half moan at which point Rainbow Dash stopped her kissing and looked at the unicorn in confusion.

“How are we supposed to do that?” Rainbow Dash asked in a confused tone.

“It's a spell Trixie taught me. You'll still keep all your looks but you'll have a fully working stallion cock.” Twilight replied wondering how the cyan blue Pegasus would take this information.

“How long would this spell last? And what do you mean fully working?” Rainbow Dash asked curiously.

“It would only last eight hours and by fully working I mean, fully fertile.” Twilight replied with a smile.

“You mean, I could make you pregnant?” Rainbow Dash asked in shock yet curiosity.

“Yes, that is, if you want to. I don't want to force you to do anything you don't want you.” Twilight replied with a blush.

Rainbow Dash lay there for a few moments looking at the purple unicorn as if weighing her options. “If it's what you want, then lets do it.” Rainbow Dash replied with a smile finally.

“You sure? Once I cast the spell, you'll be stuck like that for at least eight hours.” Twilight said in a cautioning tone.

“Yeah I’m sure, heck, I always wondered what it would be like to have a stallion cock and use it on a mare. Just don't tell anypony I said that.” Rainbow Dash said with a blush which caused Twilight to giggle.

“Okay, could you stand over there?” Twilight asked to which the cyan blue Pegasus did as she was told. Twilight then channeled magic into her horn and shot a beam of magic at Rainbow Dash which began to swirl around her and moments later flashed brightly revealing the cyan blue Pegasus with sheath between her legs now.

“Wow, this feels so weird. Weird but cool.” Rainbow Dash remarked with a grin as she felt herself become erect.

“Why don't you put that little tool of yours to use then?” Twilight remarked with a lustful grin as she spread her legs presenting herself to the cyan blue Pegasus.

“Little?” Rainbow Dash asked in a confused tone as she glanced down at her ten inches of stallion meat and back to Twilight.

“Just get over here and buck me silly.” Twilight replied with a giggle.

The cyan blue Pegasus didn't argue this request for a second as she crawled back up onto the bed and positioned her stallion meat so that it rested on her now soaking wet entrance. “You ready for this?” Rainbow Dash asked in a soft tone as she looked into her lover's eyes.

“Yes, lets make a foal.” Twilight replied softly as she leaned in and kissed the cyan blue Pegasus passionately. Without anymore hesitation Rainbow Dash pushed her cock into Twilight slit to which both mares moaned out in bliss as she pushed her member in up to the hilt. Rainbow Dash then began to pick up a rhythm though she slipped out a few times without meaning to, she soon caught onto how to proper use her new hardware and now was plowing the purple unicorn at a slow yet hard pace.

“Dear Celestia, yes! Make love to me Rainbow! Mmm!” Twilight moaned out as her hooves swung around wildly now and hit the headboard of her bed haphazardly at random times as she felt Rainbow Dash's cock move in and out of her soaking wet cunt.

“I love you so much Twilight. Oh my gosh....uhh!” Rainbow Dash moaned out as she thrust into Twilight's snatch as hard as she could and not pulling back till her balls slapped against her lover's purple furred cunt which drove the unicorn even more wild with each thrust.

Twilight wrapped her hind legs around the cyan blue Pegasus, leaned in and locked lips with her moaning into each kiss as she held her tightly against her body now running her front hooves through her rainbow colored hair while Rainbow Dash did the same as she kissed Twilight running her hooves through the purple unicorn's purple hair.

The purple unicorn could feel it, her lover's cock was already dripping pre-cum into her cunt with each thrust. She knew it wouldn't be long now till she was giving that life giving seed of hers. This thought was more than enough to push Twilight to the edge though she held it off with sheer willpower, though it was becoming increasingly hard to so with each wave of pleasure that coursed throughout her body.

“Twi-Twilight, I can feel it. I'm nearly there...uhh...are you ready to become a mother?” Rainbow Dash asked between moans as she felt her body on the verge of climax.

“Yes! Give me that warm milk my hungry pussy needs! Mmmph!” Twilight exclaimed moments before she locked lips with the cyan blue Pegasus once more and allowed her body to have it's much needed release which caused her vaginal muscles to clamp down on her lover's member and spasm at which point her pussy began to flood with her orgasmic juices.

Rainbow Dash could feel Twilight's cunt clamp down her cock and begin to milk it which caused the cyan blue Pegasus to give in and allow herself to climax at which point her cock exploded inside the purple unicorn's wet slit filling it with her fertile seed.

Twilight moaned out into her lovers kiss feeling each stream of pony spunk jet into her, splashing against her inner walls and into her fertile womb. The purple continued to milk the cyan blue Pegasus's cock making sure she got every last drop of her spunk inside her. She wasn't going to take any chances and made sure Rainbow Dash had emptied her balls into her before she finally unwrapped her hooves around the cyan blue Pegasus and felt her body go lip as she broke the kiss panting loudly now with Rainbow Dash still laying on top of her.

“You think we made a foal tonight?” Rainbow Dash asked breathlessly with a smile as she nuzzled Twilight's cheek.

“Mmm, I know we did.” Twilight replied between pants with a smile of her own.



Dear Princess Celestia,

I write to you today as not only your student, but also the mother of a wonderful filly. I know you would normally expect me to write to you about what I learned about the magic of friendship, but I think today I will tell you about the magic of parenthood.

I have learned that being a mother is not always easy, but the rewards that come with it are worth the hardships we endure. I know that as you read this letter, you know this as well.

Your faithful student and adopted daughter,

Twilight Sparkle

Twilight then rolled up the scroll and handed it to Spike however the scroll was grabbed out of his claw by a small cyan blue unicorn with a dark blue mane and tail who giggled and laughed as Spike chased her around the room.

“Sapphire Tia Dash, you hand that scroll back to Spike this instant!” Twilight exclaimed in a motherly tone with a stern look to match it at which point the cyan blue filly halted mid-run.

“Yes, mommy...” Sapphire replied in soft tone as she flattened her ears in guilt and handed the scroll back to Spike.

Spike then breathed magical fire onto the scroll which was sent flying out the window. “Foals, you gotta love em right?” Spike said with a cheesy grin.

“Yes, even though they can be a pain in the flank at times...” Twilight replied with a smirk as Sapphire resumed running around the room.



“I don't suppose you care to explain how Twilight and Rainbow Dash were able to have a foal?” Celestia asked with a curious look as she looked at the blue unicorn.

“Princess, you of all ponies should know that even without my book I am a powerful unicorn.” Trixie replied with a smirk.

Celestia then facehoofed and sighed at this remark. “What am I going to do with you? I assume you're also responsible for Rainbow Dash's wings being miraculously healed too.” Celestia said in an annoyed tone.

“Yes I was. Princess, if I may be as bold to say, there are times when forbidden magic should be allowed to be used.” Trixie replied in a serious tone.

“I will not accept or deny that statement Trixie. As long as Twilight never knows that the genderswaping spell you taught her while harmless, is forbidden magic. I think things will be just fine.” Celestia replied followed by a heavy sigh.

“If you will excuse me princess, I do have duties to perform for the apples.” Trixie said with a bow and disappeared in a flash of magic.

“Some ruler I am. Bending the rules every five seconds.” Celestia remarked followed by a chuckle.

CELESTIA!!!! I am going to grind your face into the floor for saddling all this on me!

“Come now little sister. Your the one who said you should have equal rule to me since we are sisters.” Celestia replied with a grin as Luna flew at top speed away from a regal looking unicorn chasing her with a pile of documents.

“One thousand years later and she's still mean to me!” Luna thought to herself dismal as she continued to run away from the regal looking pony....

I'll get you for this big sister! If it's the last thing I do!

Celestia heard these words being shouted and laughed out loud. “Maybe I’ll stop being mean to her in a few years, but for now, this is just too much fun!” Celestia thought to herself followed by a giggle as Luna continued to run back and forth away from the regal looking unicorn with the pile of documents...