Vault Equestria: Welcome to the Mojave

by Emerald Knight

First published

My name is Raphael or some of you may know me others may not but let me tell you how i meet 6 interesting girls in my quest for revenge

Hello my name is Raphael. It was another hot day in goodsprings, like always. I went down to the see Sunny when we talked she said, that she spotted some raiders go down into the devil's gullet she heard them talk about something that had appeared there out of no where, so i told her i would go check it out, well this is where it all starts. In a Vault untouched by the warheads that torched the earth and blacked the skies. What will be in this mysteries Vault

Be warned this is a very violent fan fic so please read at your own risk lots of gore

Thanks to the following for proofreading
The Real Darkness

I OWN NOTHING Fallout belongs to bethasda studios
My Little Pony : Friendship Is Magic belongs to Hasbro
OC's belong to there respective owners

The Beginning (Mostly Fixed)

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---------The Devils Gullet ---------
-------------Year 2280 --------------

"Goddamnit why can't we get into this vault, its like its never been made to open." Raphael heard one of the raiders say to the others. He had a dark red warhawk and was very tan, he wore reinforced metal armor (Shit, I knew I should have brought some armor piercing rounds.) Raph thought as he cursed himself.

"I know its like its never been touched, like it has just been put here. Its not normal for a Vault to be this hard to open." he thought that one was the leader because he had a Minigun ... (Fuck he has a Minigun, good thing I have a lot of stimpacks and ammo.) He thought, then looked at him to get more details about him. He wore combat armor, had black hair like himself , not to dark of a skin tone and he had to be Hispanic by his accent.

"Don't worry boss I'll have this vault open in a jiffy Clarence." yep know he have a name to match the face.

"What did I tell you about using my name when we're doing this stuff." He soon said "and I thought it was bad when we were with that man in the checkered coat" He mumbled something (Wait he say man in a checkered coat. Yep time to get some answers from these mother fuckers.) thought Raph

He waited for them to have there backs to him so he could get a few shots out before they can see him. Once they had there backs to him, he pulled out his Light Machine Gun and fired at the one closest to the Vault door and blew his head off his shoulders and in to a blood stain on the vault door. Next was the red head, he aimed for is left arm and in 4 seconds it was on the floor next to his lifeless corpse. He wasn't able to get any more shots off, because the one they call Clarence took out his minigun and started shooting in his direction, the fourth guy who looked like he was a Legion Scout started to run towards him. (Great the legion this far away from west must be important for Caesar to want it.) He thought to himself until he heard foot steps coming his way, he looked past the corner to find the scout making his way to him. He wiped out my Broad Machete. The scout came to strike so he blocked and brought a swift blow to his head cutting it clean off in one swipe. All that was left was him and Clarence. Raphael brought out his Hunting Rifle with its Scope and Ext. mag. He waited for him to reload before he came out of cover and aimed for his legs. He needed him alive, he need him to talk. After he put a bullet in both knee's and one in his left arm Clarence fell to the ground in a pool of his own blood, He need to make this quick. He pulled out my machete aimed for his hand and said.

"Tell me about the man in the checkered coat or I'll cut off your fingers." he just looked up at him and laughed

"Ha like you would cut off my AAAHHHH!" that's all he got to say before he cut off one of his fingers, what he said next was not so pleasant to hear.

"AH Shit Fuck YOU MOTHERFUCKER!" he said grabbing is bleeding hand.

"I'll ask again, where is the man in the checkered suit?" he asked but still no answer, so he cut off another one of his fingers he soon yelled in pain.

" Alright you win what do you want to know." he asked in hope I would stop cutting him up, which I did and then asked

"Where is the motherfucker in the Goddamn checkered suit!?" Raphael yelled and raised his blade to strike fear into his heart, he soon answered

"He should be somewhere near Novac." Raph then replied

"Thanks for the info now may God have mercy on your soul." he said as he swung the blade in to his head cutting it open. Soon he saw Sunny run down the ramp. She spoke

"That was a little bit over kill don't you think?"

"No it was not over kill, he had information on the man who shot me In the head. He should have died slower." Raphael stated with a blank expression. She only laughed and said

"You have to be fucking with me. You are fucking with me right?" she asked as my face did not change which gave her the answer she wanted

"Ok your not fucking with me" she glanced at the legion armor on the ground and gasped "Shit what is the legion doing this far west?" (well shit, forgot to ask that raider what's with the legion over here.) Raphael thought as he cursed himself

"Shit i knew I forgot something. Goddamnit." He glance at the bodies near the vault "I bet they might have something on them to give us some information about though legion being out here." he walk over to the headless body and loot his corpse to find a guide called ,how to unlock Vaults'

"Hey I think I found a away to get into the Vault." he said to Sunny as she walking up to the door

"Good I want to see what's in here, its kind of been killing me not knowing." now he have to go through the, the book said it's a ten hour process of unlocking ...... todays going to be long day.
------------------------------------------10 Hours later--------------------------------------

"Holy shit OW.... there we go its open. I think its open," he said as he pushed himself off the ground "ow shit that hurt. " he said as he tried to open the Vault only to feel more pain.

"Shit I think I broke my hands. Hey Sunny, hand me a stimpack or 2 my hand's hurt like a bitch." he said looking back to Sunny only to see her asleep near the ramp. He got out a grenade and pulled the pin and threw it in her direction only to hear it bump her I the head, which was followed by

"HOLY SHIT GRENADE!" and then a loud 'BOOM' and a low "ow" coming from Sunny. He looked back and said

"Oh good your awake, would you be a dear and hand me a few stimpacks? I think that opening this Vault broke my hands?" she looked at him with a face of pure hatred, he only laughed, as she threw a rock at his face, which meet its target.

"Ow that hurt, come on give me a break." he raised my hands for her to see them "my hands are broke, so care to pass a stimpack?"

"Here, asshole." she said while walking over to me, well more like limping over, but same difference. She handed me 2 stimpacks

"Thank you." he said as he healed up his hands. After letting his hands rest for 10 minutes he got up and said

"Ok time to find out what's in this Vault." he looked over to see Sunny run faster than a bullet to get to his side to see what was in the Vault

"So I guess I'll go first" he said while opening the door only to be meet with the most foul smell he's ever smelt in his whole life. It smelt a lot like shit..

"I think I'm going to be sick." He heard Sunny say as she ran to an empty box and threw up her dinner, but he can't blame her, it smelled like it could kill God if he smelt it.

"God, what happened to this place? Its like every living thing in this place just died and is rotting." he said barely able to keep from throwing up.

"Hey Sunny I'm going to go down here and see what I can find." he stated looking back to her, she lifted up her hand and gave him a thumbs up. He turn back and look down the dark stairwell and pulled on the gas mask he got in The Divide. He turned on His pipboy light and walked down to the nearest door but was stopped when he heard a recording of a voice of a woman saying

"Welcome to Vault Equestria and have a nice day." then cut to static, which was getting very annoying, so he shot the speaker and continued to walk.

---------------------------Bottom Floor of Vault Equestria---------------------------------

"Shit that stank is getting worse by the floor." he look up the stair case and gave a 'Sigh'

"This is going to be hell getting back up." he stated as he looked at the door in front of him, it read 'Mess Hall'

"Thank God I'm tired of walking down this endless stair case, now I can sit down and" he was cut off by the noise of something falling from inside the Mess Hall. He crouched and pull out his Hunting Rifle, opened the door and entered only to find, 6 naked women. Yea naked, like no clothes. They all looked very sick and malnourished, some barely able to stand up, let alone walk.

"Oh my God, are you all okay?" he asked as he put his gun back on his back, just in time to keep the one with blue hair with a pink and purple stripe, as she tried to walk over to him, but started falling in the process. He quickly caught her before she hit the ground. He look around and ask

"Can anyone walk, sound off if you can." He heard two voices, one was a thick country accent

"Eh'yep I'm still able ta' walk" next was a very tomboyish voice

"Yah I can walk um who are you?" she asked, he replied

"That's not important, right now we need you get those four out of here and to Goodsprings, to Doc Mitchell. He'll help you and your friends."

"Well thank yea' kindly mister but I think there's a contraption over there that goes up and down, but we can't get it ta' work."

"Wait you mean an elevator, I'll go fix it just give me a sec..." he walked over pulled the panel off and took out a screw drive and started fixing the wires and then placed the panel back on ".... there we go that should get it working." he stated as he push the up button to hear a satisfying *Ding*

"All aboard the express elevator going up." he say with a smile to help calm them down while he picked up the girl who fell trying to walk. The country girl picked up a girl with very light pink hair, and stepped into the elevator. She then said

"Thanks for helping us mister, by the way my name's Applejack."

"No problem Applejack, its my job to help people out. Oh and my name's Raphael," he the looked out of the elevator door and saw someone with purple hair and said "Wait I think we forgot someone." he put down the blue haired girl with stripes and ran to get the one with purple hair. The tomboyish girl went and got the one with dark pink hair and helped her walk to the elevator. Raphael walked back into the elevator and pushed the button that said 'Vault Entrance'.