Twin Moons

by Sidain

First published

They say that ther are two sides to every story, that there's good and evil. But what if the two sides are one and the same, what then?

Soul Cerberus, a rare kind of diamond dog, travels to Equestria to get away from his oppressive pack, and it’s leaders. Six months later, he is happily studying underneath the mare he quickly found respect for, Luna. As for Luna herself she too has found respect for the hard-working dog, but after a series of overexerting tasks Luna thinks that it’s time for him to him to take a vacation. During said vacation, Luna hopes to confess her feeling for him. But Nightmare Moon has other plans…

Yo, just a few notes: I’m looking for an artist to do a cover for the story. As always, like, favorite, and comment.

Twin Moon: Phase 1 Twin Moons

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Twin Moons

Phase 1

“Master Luna, you don’t have to do this.”

A male diamond dog’s voice echoed through the hallways of the Canterlot castle. Next to the diamond dog was his teacher, or according to him his ‘master’, princess Luna. Her and the diamond dog walked close together heading towards the throne room where the Solar Dirac is now holding council with the nobles of Equestria.

One of the figures stopped and turned to the male, “I know I don’t have to do this, but you need a break and this is the best idea I could come up with.” Luna, the Lunar Dirac of Equestria, replied to her student’s pleas.

The student was going to say something in return, but Luna cut him off. “And don’t say ‘I haven’t been working too hard.’” Luna cut offed with a flat tone.

“Okay master, give me three reasons why I should take a break.” The dog crossed his arms in frustration.

The dog’s stubbornness was starting to get on Luna’s nerves. “Well let’s see here…” She started in an unamused tone, “Yesterday, your idea for a morning exercise was a sparring match with the entire Royal Guard.” She said continuing down the hall.

“What?!” The dog asked in a shout. “Master, you were the one to say that I should get to know the guards.” He argued much to Luna’s annoyance.

“Soul.” Luna said in a low voice that made the dog stop in his tracks. She took a deep breath to keep herself calm, and to avoid yelling at the dog. “You have been my student for six months now, you’ve been much more than I thought you would.” She turned to Soul, “And you’ve done more than any unicorn could ever hope to do, and you’re not even a unicorn.” Luna said with a hint of pride in the hard-working dog.

“Thanks master Luna, but still, I’m fine you don’t need to go out of your way for me.” Soul said.

“I know I don’t have to go out of my way,” Luna started in a matter of fact tone, and she cut Soul off to continue with, “But I want to. Soul you’re my student, more importantly you’re my friend.” Luna said warmly.

Soul was smiling at this point, he and Luna have only known each others for six months now, and she already was calling him her friend. Heh, friend huh? Didn’t hear that back home. Soul thought to himself recalling the cold treatment he had as a pup. Luna’s voice quickly broke him out of his daydream.

“Which is why you’re going on vacation with me for a week.” Luna said triumphantly, as she continued the walk towards the throne room.

Soul was going to follow wholeheartedly until he remembered that Luna only named one of the three reasons he should take a vacation. Smiling at the thought of finally being able to call Luna out on something, Soul opened his mouth to call Luna out but, six months of knowing the dog Luna saw this coming.

“You single-handedly stopped that pony riot in Los Pegasus, and you saved Baltimare from that rampaging sea-serpent.” Luna shut Soul up without turning to face him, “Now come on, it’ll be fun.” Luna said in an uncharacteristic cheery attitude walking down the hall.

Sighing defeated, Soul just accepted his faith, and continue to follow his teacher. does she do that?! Oh well, I guess- Soul train of thought was cut off by the sight in front of him.

There’s was Luna, his teacher, walking down the hall swaying her hips in a seductive way. Soul quickly found the walls to be a very interesting thing to look at, his mind racking to comprehend why Luna was swaying her hips. Come on you stupid brain, think up of an answer already.

I’ve got nothing...

What do you mean you’ve got ‘nothing’, you’re my brain, guess if you have to!

Umm...maybe she actually wants us to make a move?

Soul nearly tipped over himself at the thought, he didn’t like where is brain was going. Brain, choose your words carefully. Cause you about to get fired.

All I’m saying is maybe Luna, you know, likes you. Like, like likes you. Just my guess though.

I’m still not following, what do you mean she ‘likes’ me.

Well you know when a stallion, or in your case dog, likes a mare he goes to that mare to confess his feeling for her.

I didn’t mean that! I mean, how do you know that she likes me?

Come on pup, don’t tell me you haven’t notice the signs?


You’re hopeless. I’m going to break this down for you, the third month since you started to study under her what happened?

Umm...there’s was that unicron attack out west.

Yes, and in that fight you got hurt. Who was the first one to be by your side?


Yes, and after that she upped you magic training why?

She wanted me to be ready for anything else that may happened?

Huh...two out of three not bad. No, she didn’t want you to get hurt any more, and with you never backing down from a challenge, she upped you training.

Oh…Wait! how does that prove anything?

Fine, still don’t believe me? Well you may not remember this but...oh got to go, and you may want to start paying attention.

Hey! Wait! Soul called out to the voice that he called his brain, but with no answer came he just went back to following Luna. Soul thought that he must have been thinking to himself for awhile, cause he and Luna was already at the doors of the throne room. He was more surprised by Luna not breaking the internal conversation he was having.

Pushing the doors opened Luna and Soul walked into the noble-filled room. All conversations ended as the two entered. All eyes forcing on the diamond dog. Doing his best to ignore the glares Soul kept his eye forward, following Luna until she took her spot next to her sister while Soul stood next to Luna.

“Morning sister, and how are you feeling?” Celestia asked, her warm greeting bringing more light in the room.

“I’m doing quite nicely sister, thank you.” Luna said returning the greeting. “Is there anything I missed?”

“No, almost here everyone are arriving by themselves.” Celestia said with a nonchalant wave of the hoof. “Soul, and how are you doing this morning?” Celestia asked the magical dog.

“I’m doing very well this morning, your highness.” Soul said with the straight face of the Royal Guard.

Celestia giggled a bit from the dogs formality. Six months and he is still acting like he don’t know me, hehe. Celestia thought to herself, “Come now Soul, you’ve been here for six months now, I told you to just call me Celestia.” Celestia reminded, as Soul visibly relaxed.

“Sure thing pri-er…Celestia.”

“So, sister do you think they’ll try getting that reform bill passed again?” Luna asked making conversations with Celestia, while they waited for the rest of the nobles to file in. As the two co-rulers went about their royal business, Soul took a moment to think to himself about what that inner voice was trying to say.

Sure I think Luna is cute and all. I mean she’s smart, nice, fun to play video games with, but she’s my master, my teacher, isn’t things like that forbidden? I’m a diamond dog, and a hellhound no less!

It was true, Soul was a rare type of diamond dog, a hellhound. A mystical dog with black fur, blood-crimson eyes, and the ability to control magic. As impressive this was it came at a price however, as diamond dogs look at hellhounds as an omen. And believe it or not, it’s really hard to make friends with diamond dogs when they look at you as an omen.

And so, Soul left his pack of diamond dogs of the Savanna grasslands and moved to Equestria, that’s when he ran into the royal sisters, and the Elements of Harmony. It’s also how he first became Luna’s student. The work was hard at first, but six months later and he learned things that most unicorns could only dream of.

As the last noble took his seat the meeting begun, and already Soul could tell that it was going to be the worst one yet. According to the house of nobles, an alliance of nobles, they wanted money for some kind of research into the Equestrian school system.

A grayish brown unicorn stallion was the one proposing the bill. Soul himself had the displeasure of speaking with the stallion as his views on topics such as; marriage, sexuality, and a number of other topics, was seriously one-sided and didn’t sit well with Soul. As the stallion continued to propose the bill, highlighting anything that would make it sound to the untrained ear a good idea, Soul noticed a slight disturbance in the crowd of nobles.

An elderly stallion was holding his chest with a pained expression on his face. The stallion soons start to sweat, placing his hoof to his neck most likely checking his pulse. A short moment of thinking to himself, Soul recognized all of those things to be signs of a heart attack.

As quietly and quickly as he could, Soul made his way towards the fallen stallion. However, his efforts was for nothing as every noble in the room quickly found his forced attention. Mare started to scream as the crowd of nobles realized what was happening.

“You two,” Soul pointed at two solar guards, “Go get the castle doctors tell them a stallion is having a heart attack. Move!” Soul barked out, the two guards quickly left to carry out his orders.

Turning his attention back to the stallion, Soul began all of the necessary procedures to maintain the fading stallion’s health. The two guards returned with the doctors who took over where Soul left off. Thanks to the stallion sudden heart attack, Celestia called the meet to be put on hold until further notice. Noble started to slowly leave the room, not before wishing their down colleague a steady and healthy recovery.

Waiting until all of the nobles was out of the room, Soul walked back to Luna and Celestia sides. “You two go make sure that all of the nobles found their way out.” Celestia order sweetly. The two stallions nodded and went to escort the nobles out of the castle.

“Man, can you two believe what just happened?” Soul asked the two rulers, only to hear them burst out in laughter. “Ummm...Celestia? Master Luna? Why are you two laughing? A stallion just had a heart attack!” Soul said dumbfounded by the two’s Laughter.

“My student, that stallion didn’t have a heart attack.” Luna said momentarily breaking her fit of laughter.

“What?!” Soul asked even more dumbfounded then before. “Then what happened?”

“I simply just raised his blood pressure, to simulate a heart attack. Do not worry, the stallion is just fine.” Celestia said as though there was no problem with what she just said.

Upon hearing that statement, Soul’s right eye started to violently twitched at the mere thought of it. “ did...that? Ummm...why?” Soul slowly asked his mind going momentary blank.

“Well todays meeting was taking quite long time, and it was mostly Luna’s idea.” Celestia blamed her sister for giving her the dark idea.

“Hey, I just merely suggested it as a joke. I didn’t think that you’ll actually do it.” Luna said in her defense. The two shared another good laugh, all the while Soul just stared at the two crazed alicorns in disbelief.

“Anyways, Soul start packing your stuff our transport should be here soon.” Luna said reminding the dog of the ‘forced’ vacation.

Soul sighed remembering the trip Luna was talking about. “Yes ma’am...Hey wait, who is going to take your place for the week?” Soul asked knowing that Celestia doesn't want to deal with those nobles by herself.

“Oh Twilight says that she wants to try her hand at it. You know, her always trying to learn something new.” Celestia answered. Not knowing she just shot the dog’s last chance down, burning to the ground in a ball of fire.

“Oh...well I best get ready. See ya in a few master Luna.” Soul said as he took his leave.

As soon as the door was closed Celestia placed a soundproof barrier on it, so no one outside of it could hear the conversation she was about to have with her sister. “So Luna, have you told him yet?”

When that question hit Luna’s ears she visibly looked crestfallen, as though her sister destroyed all of her videogames with a slaghammer. “No I haven’t, and I not really sure if I should.” Luna answered with a cold and distant tone. “At any rate I’d like things the way they are, it’s simple that way.” she continued to say, her distant voice becoming one of sadness.

Upset with the sadness her sister was dealing with, Celestia wrapped a wing around her and pulled her close. “Now sister, you know it not wise to keep in strong emotions like this.” She said in a loving tone.

“I know, I know. It’s just what if he doesn’t feel the same way?” Luna asked herself more than Celestia. She started to lean into Celestia more as small tiers of pent up frustration rolled off of her cheek, and onto Celestia’s shoulder.

All Celestia could do was whisper sweet nothings into Luna’s ear. “I know it’s hard Lulu, but you have to at least try. You know how he is, I’m sure that he understands and you’ll never know if he feels the same way if you never try.” Celestia reassured.

Wiping the last of the tires Luna looked up towards Celestia, a happy smile across her face. “T-thank you Tia, I’ll tell him.” She said with confidence in herself.

“Good, I’m glad to see that you’re doing much better. Now I think you best be packing yourself, you have a big week ahead of you.” Celestia nudged her sister to the door so she could get ready.

Luna nodded and started to slowly walk to the door, but she hastily stopped and turned to her sister, who was still rooted in the same spot. Luna opened and closed her mouth several times before saying; “Thank you sister, I means a lot.” And with that she was out the door ready to reveal her feelings towards a certain dog.

Celestia could only smile, happy to see her sister in such good spirits. Deciding that she had a few letters to write to her student herself, Celestia quickly teleported to her personal quarters. Unknown to both alicorns that they was not all alone in the room, a pair of crystal-blue eyes appeared in the far corner of the room, and a quiet laughter ranged out in the empty room.

A few minutes earlier

Soul walked through the empty hallways of the castle, his mind still bombarded by the thought of Celestia putting somepony under the dirt as easy as she made it seem.

Well, what did you expect from a goddess that been living for Cerberus knows how long? The inner voice in Soul’s head made it’s presence known.

Still it’s just the thought of it, kind of scary don’t you think?

Hell ya it’s scary, just another reason not to piss her off. Speaking of which, what are you going to do about this week?

What the hell are you talking about? Soul asked already having a feeling about what the voice was saying.

Oh don’t play dumb with me, cause I am you, but you know what I’m talking about. What are you going to do if she confess her love for you? And yes, I’m pretty sure that she’ll ask at some point.

I don’t know! what do you want me to say!?

Say what’s on your honest with her, that’s all you can do.

And if something happens that completely unexpected?

What are you talking about, pup?

I don’t know lately I’ve been having the feeling that someone else is wanting me, but it just feels like it Luna but...different.

Ah, you must be talking about those...dreams you’ve been having lately. The ones about you, Luna, and some alicorn that looks like her.

Yeah, those. I can’t shake the feeling that I know that alicorn, but I’ve never seen her before.

Well I don’t know what to tell you. Let’s force on one thing at a time first.

Yeah you’re right, need to pack up for a week. Talk to ya later.

Stay safe. The voice said barely a whisper. This made Soul stop, why would he need to be careful during a vacation? Something wasn’t right, and Soul didn’t like it at all but he went about his business packing. He took a quick shower, and changed into some more comfortable clothes. His idea of clothes, however, was a sleeveless hoodie and a pair of gray shorts. He placed anything that he thought that he would need for the week long trip.

Let’s see here...clothes, toothbrush, swimming trunks, headphones, and video games. I’m sure Luna will bring her gamestation with her.

Soul finished his mental check-list, he thought he might as well as met up with Luna at her room. Walking through the hall towards his teacher’s room, Soul thought about all of the things that he and Luna will most likely be doing. Inspire of his efforts, all he could think about was his secret crush on her. Sighing, Soul leaned against the wall. He looked out a window, staring into the clear azure skies above, thinking how he got to where he was.

Six Months earlier

Explosions erupting from the small town of Ponyville, young adult dragons going on a rampage throughout the town. The civilians ducking for cover, from the enraged dragons. Royal Guards was dispatched to subdue the dragons, and protect the civilians. However all efforts to subdue the attackers came up with nothing, evacuation procedures was put in effect. Ponies started running towards the train station, the Royal Guards and Elements of Harmony organized the efforts.

The new captain of the Royal Guards, Lance Side, ran up to Twilight. “Princess, you need to evacuate with the civilians! Princess Celestia and Luna have been altered of the situation, and is on route as we speak!” He ordered.

“No, there’s no time to wait!” Twilight replied fearing that Celestia and Luna wouldn’t make it on time. “We’ve got to save Ponyville. Maybe they will listen to reason.” Twilight said sturdy. Not wanting to argue with one of the princesses, the guard nodded and stepped aside.

Remembering the shield spells from Shining Armor's training book when he still was a new recruit, Twilight placed strong shields around the clan of dragons. The dragons slowly realized that they were trapped in a barrier, the leader of the dragons violently ran full speed towards Twilight. She took a hesitant step back, fearing that the barrier will not hold, however after seeing that the barrier successfully stop the dragon’s charge Twilight relaxed.

“Now, I think we can talk.” Twilight said, getting the enraged dragon’s attention. “My name is Princess Twilight Sparkle, and you,” Twilight pointed towards the dragon leader, “And your friends must” Twilight ordered slightly wavering at the end.

“Grrrah! I care not of who you are! You will listen to me pony, tell your ponies to give back what they stole!” The dragon roared, clawing at the barrier in attempts to break it.

“What are you talking about? If you just tell me what was stolen, I’m sure we could help you find it.” Twilight tried to reason with the dragon.

“Lies! Lies, you don’t want to help! You ponies only fear us dragons, why would you help us?!” The dragon roared, carking the barrier.

“No! I’m not lying I really do want to help, but you have to be willing to cooperate with us.” Twilight pleaded not knowing how much longer she can keep up the barrier.

The dragon didn’t reply, for all he and his clan members did was lash out against the waving barrier. Just then Celestia and Luna arrived on the scene with a small squad of unicorns. Following unspoken orders the unicorns ran over to the barrier to reinforce it with their combined magic. The head unicorn told Twilight to step back for her own safety, she showed displeasure at the failed attempt of negotiations, but did as she was told.

The reinforcement of the barrier only further angered the dragons, they unleashed fury which the likes none have any of the Equestrians have never seen before. The small squad of unicorns started to lose their hold on the barrier, seeing this the leader balled his fist together and brought it down on the weakened shield.

The sudden extra weight and force were enough to shatter the shield, sending the unicorns flying back. While everyone were covered their eyes from the dust flying in the air, the lead dragon charged at Twilight in a blinded fury. Captain Lance saw the dragon changing at Twilight, his body when on auto-pilot as he shoved her out of the way.

The dragon, not caring which pony he hit, bought a razor sharp claw down to the captain’s ribs, cutting through like a hot knife through butter. The captain fell to the ground in pain holding the wounded stop the massive bleeding, his vision was rapidly fading and his mind was going blank.

Celestia and Luna prepared to fight the dragon, while Twilight tented to the down captain. The dragon started to lurch to the rules. He slightly opened his mouth to reveal a small inferno, ready to burn any that was unfortunate to stand in his way. The dragon readied to unleashed an inferno on the princesses, but a massive guts of wind strong enough to even knock the dragons off of their feet.

After quickly regaining his bearings the lead dragon looked for the source of the guts of wind, thinking that it was another pony trying to stand in his way. Just as the dragon pick up a different scent in the air, he whipped his head to the location of it. When he did this a gut-wrenching pain overcame him, he looked down to a hooded figures fist connected to his abdomen.

The dragon was sent flying back by the force of the surprise attack, slamming into other dragons. The figure stood up to it’s full height, and gave the dragons an emotionless stare that appeared to be enough to freeze over a waterfall. By the hooded cloak, Luna and Celestia identified the figure to be a nomad of some kind.

Pup, that’s...that’s enough…

The nomad started to wordlessly advance towards the dragons, each step sending a chill down everyone's spine.

Pup, I said that’s enough.

The leader dragon recovered from the nomad’s attack, and ordered the rest of the dragons to burn whatever the nomad was. The dragons took to the air and circled their prey, then one by one unleashed a torrent of fire.

Soul. Stop.

The nomad didn’t flinch at the dragons attacks, unmoved by their attempts to kill it. The nomad just tossed the flames away, as though they were no more than annoying embers. The dragons were shocked at the nomad ability to stand their combine fires. The lead dragon roared in anger and commanded the dragons to kill the nomad, or die by his own hands. The other dragons was hesitate a first, but a glance towards their leader were more then enough to tell them that he wasn’t kidding.

Soul. Stop it now!

The dragons charged towards the nomad, claws at the ready to rip it to shreds. However the nomad was to fast for the small clan of dragons, ducking and diving away from the furious attacks. The nomad jumped up in the air, with the dragons close at tow. The nomad raised a hand above it’s head, gathering magic manipulating the air giving it shape of a star like disc. When the disc was the size of a carriage wheel, the nomad throw it towards the group of dragons.

It seemed like a wasted effort when the disc missed the dragons, but when it came about to the middle of the group, the nomad released whatever magic that was holding the disc together. The result of that is the disc erupting, causing the clan of dragons to go flying in all directions.

Soul, if you don’t get your head out of the past…

The nomad landed back on the ground without any signs of injury, as dragons fell to the ground around it. Then the nomad’s gaze fell on the lone dragon, whose anger forced a beastly transformation into a more feral creature.

Anima Cerberus! Get your fucking head straight!

Soul eyes shot opened, as he took in a breath of air he didn’t know he was holding in. Heavily breathing Soul tried to get his bearings, the world around him was spinning much too faster than he would like to. He looked towards the window to see that the sun has moved from it’s spot in the sky, telling him that he’s been standing in that spot for awhile.


Soul flinched at the sound of the voice inside of his head, quickly realizing what it was Soul called back to the voice. W-what happened?

Oh thank Cerberus, I thought I’ve lost you there pup.

What are you talking about? Soul was at a lose towards what the voice was telling him.

The voice merely replied. Look at you arms. Soul did what he was told and he nearly fell on the floor at the sight. On his arms were crimson red tribal markings, the very same that he was born with, and the very same that made him an outcast in his former pack.

Remembering the breathing techniques Luna taught him at the start of his teachings. Soul quickly regained control of the ‘Cerberus magic.’ The bright red marking disappeared, fading back into Soul’s body. He let out a slow and steady breath and reopened his eyes.


Yeah, how long was I like that?

For awhile, you better get a move on. Luna should be expecting you by now.

Right. Soul pick up his stuff off of the ground and started to walk towards where Luna’s room is, hoping that she isn’t mad at him for making her wait too long.

Luna’s bedroom

Luna quickly packed all of the necessary things for her trip with her student, humming to herself repeating the words of encouragement from Celestia in her head. She kept the image of Soul in her head, imagine him holding her in a tight and loving embrace echoed through her mind.

As her thoughts wandered on feelings towards the dog, she thought about how she was going to confess her love. She has done some reading on the matter, but all she could come up with was some half done self-help books. She thought some practice was in order, hoping that practice really does make perfect.

She walked up to a mirror, taking in a slowly and steady breath Luna began what was most likely the hardest thing she has ever done before...acting.

“So Soul, nice weather?” No, too overused.

“Soul there’s always been something I need to tell you.” No, too foregoing

“Soul will you be my special somedog?” No, too direct.

“Soul, I need to be with you.” Graah! I give up!

Having failed to find a desirable way to confess her love, Luna stormed away from the mirror to make sure she finish all of her packing. The door soon opened up catching her attention, a pegasus mare guard stuck her head through the door.

“My princess, your transport has arrived and I saw Soul walking towards your room. Just thought you should know, oh and you might want to set the mood first. Again just my opinion.” The mare guard finished, a small blush on both her and Luna’s face.

“I will keep that in mind, and I’ll also remember to give you a few paid days off too. That’s if you can keep this quiet.” Luna said, hoping the mare would take the hint.

“Of course princess, my lips are sealed.” The mare began to leave, but a rise of the hand from Luna stopped her. “Yes my princess?”

“Come here and close the door, I have a few questions to ask of you.” Luna called the mare with a wave of the hand. The mare didn’t hesitate to answer Luna call, she was by her side.

“Y-yes ma’am?” The mare saluted, and Luna could tell that she was fresh out of the academy.

“What your name soldier?” Luna asked.

“Private Stormfly, ma’am.” The mare answered.

“You may relax, we’re are alone and I want to ask you something more personal.” Stormfly visibly relax, but still stood with the poster that a guard would have. “Have you ever confess your love for someone?” Luna asked Stormfly with a blush, this caught Stormfly completely off guard.

“Wow princess, you did say it would be personal, huh?” Stormfly said with a blush of her own.

“You don’t have to answer if it’s too private.” Luna quickly corrected herself.

“No, no, no it’s fine, just caught me off guard that one of the princess would ask me for advice.” Stormfly quickly waved off Luna’s worries. “ as for that question. Actually I have, it was back in highschool and it was to my marefriend, Sugar Spice.”

“Mmph, and could you tell me how did you go about it?” Luna asked slightly shifting on her feet. princess Luna nervous? Wow, guess love wasn’t in the princess handbook. Stormfly thought to herself before answering. “Well, like I said ‘set the mood’ first, then I just looked her in the eyes and told her how I felt.” She recalled the events of the confession.

“Ah, I see. Well could I ask you another question?” Stormfly nodded. “Have you ever regret it?” The princess asked nervously, hoping she didn’t hit a nerve with the mare.

“No…” She started in a low whisper. “No princess I haven’t, I happily enjoyed the last three years with Sugar, and I wouldn’t give them up for anything in the world.” Stormfly said with a small smile on her face.

“I must say that is impressive, to not only confess you love for somepony, and to stay with them.” Luna said, looking forward to the confession.

Scratching the back of her head, Stormfly continued to say. “Well...I kind of had some help along the way.” She attempted. “You know, just some friends to help even things out.”

“Even things out?” Luna asked, unfamiliar with the phrase.

“…” Stormfly paused, thinking of the best way to describe the phrase. “Oh! It’s like a wing-mare! Somepony, or ponies, you trust to help you get with someone.” Stormfly explained to the best of her abilities.

“A wing-mare, huh?” Luna softy thought to herself on the subject. “I would bring my sister and just have Twilight run Equestria, but I don’t think that would be a good idea. That and I don’t think my sister would qualify for the job.” Luna said laughing at her own joke. “ then who would fit the job.” Luna searched her mind for all of the ponies she know.

Her options was smile, and if not that next to none. The elements were out for the reason, Luna thought only Rarity would be a suited wing-mare, but remembered that Soul and Rarity wasn’t on good speaking terms. Celestia was out, cause she had to stay and run Equestria with Twilight. Discord wasn’t even an option, and she trust most nobles as much as she trust a dragon not to eat gems.

Luna’s mind so gave her answer to her wing-mare shortage. “Private Stormfly.” Luna suddenly spoke with an authoritative voice. Stormfly immediately snapped into attention, awaiting any order from Luna. “How long does it take you to reach your home?”

“Thirty minutes walking, ten flying ma’am.” Stormfly said, reverting back to her training from the academy.

“Where is your marefriend right now?”

“Ma’am, at home most likely, ma’am.”

“How long does it take you to pack your things?”

“Ma’am, at the least, thirty minutes, ma’am.”

“Good…” Luna paused, as though to added dramatic suspense. “How would you like to be my wing-mare?” Stormfly almost broke the salute at this, not knowing what to say she just stood there with her mouth slightly agape. “Private. Your princess just asked you a question.”

Stormfly quickly snapped back to attention. “Ma’am, I would be honored to be your wing-mare ma’am.” She said, trying to keep a straight face as possible.

Luan smiled, she know that she didn’t gave the mare much of a choice, but as they say desperate times. “Very well, have you and your mare here in one hour, and be ready to go on a week trip.” The mare nodded and was dismissed by Luna, but stopped at the doorway and turned to face Luna.

“Umm...princess? Soul is just down the hallway do you want me to stall him?” Stormfly asked.

“Humm...yes, hand him this.” Luna produced a piece of paper with a list on it, she also handed her a small pouch with her seal on it. “Tell him that there is some things that I want him to get in town, that will keep him busy until you're ready.” Luna explained, knowing that Soul wouldn’t say no.

Stormfly nodded and took the list and bit pouch. “Will do princess.” She turn to carry out the order, but Luna’s hand stopped her.

“Please Stormfly, just call me Luna.” Luna said with a warm smile on her lips.

Stormfly returned the smile and nodded. “Okay prin- I mean Luna.” She said catching herself, with a nod from Luna, Stormfly left her room to go fulfill her job as Luna’s wing-mare. Silently chuckling to herself, Luna went back to what was left of the packing, having a feeling that the next week was going to be...interesting.

Twin Moon: Phase 2 New Moon

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Twin Moons Phase 2:

New Moon

Celestia’s sun shining brightly in the noon, the streets of Canterlot was full of nobles, citizens, and merchants; buying and selling all types of good. Soul walked through the crowded streets of Canterlot, grumbling to himself in irritation at how his day was turning out. First, it was Luna forcing him to go on a vacation with her. Then, Celestia and Luna’s little get out of a boring meeting trick. Finally his inner voice telling him something he’s been avoiding for weeks. And now, was being put to work on some last minute errands.

Closing onto his first destination, Soul ran all of the gears in his head, not understand why Luna would send him out to do some mundane tasks, deciding that there was no reason to truly complain Soul went about the tasks that he was assigned.

Pup? What’s the matter? The voice asked and Soul could ‘feel’ the sarcasm in its tone.

Nothing I guess, just wondering why master Luna would send me to do these chores, when she has an entire army of servants that could do it much faster than me.

Maybe she paying know to prepare.

Maybe...Wait! Prepare for what?

Guh, do I have to spell it out for you? Face it Luna is going to confess her obvious love for you and all you’re doing is dodging the truth.

Soul started to growl, his eyes glowed a blood-red slightly. Shut it. Don’t tell me what’s happening in my life.

Then start facing it instead of running away like you did in the Grasslands! Soul stopped in his tracks, sorrowful memories of his homeland coming back to him. Realizing that he stepped out of line, the voice inside of Soul’s head tried to correct himself. Soul, I’m sorry I didn’t mean it like that.

It’s alright, just don’t bring that up again? Okay? Soul continued his walk to the Canterlot marketplace.

Will do, but this doesn’t change the fact that Luna is going to tell you how she feels.

I you said I can only be honest with my feelings.

And how do you feel about her?

Mentally sighing at the question Soul began listing his feeling towards the alicorn. Well she nice, loyal, has a great sense of humor-

Pup, I’m being serious. Stop sounding like some cheesy romance book and really tell me your feeling.

What can I say? From the start she’s been there for me, that day I would’ve just move on, but I couldn’t...I still don’t know why either.

You want to know why? Cause you love her, you didn’t want to be in debut to her, so in return for her kindness you’re giving your love. That and you were way too injured to be moving anywhere, and the docs wouldn’t let you leave.

Have I told you that I hate you when you’re right?

Yes, yes you have, many of a time.

Good just checking, anyway I’ve got to go work and all.

Talk to you later, pup.

Now Soul found himself alone, a sight barren lifted from his shoulders. The voice was right, all he could do was be honest. Smiling Soul walked into Donut Joe’s shop to pick up the first thing on the list. He opened the doors to the shop, stopping the shop’s owner, and walked over to the stallion.

“Yo, Donut. The morning treating you well?” Soul asked sparking idle chat with Joe. He and Joe are not really ‘friends’, but thanks to Luna’s midnight sweet tooth, Soul and Joe could say that they enjoys each others company.

“Oh hey Soul, I’m doing quite fine this morning. You?” Joe asked with a cheery smile.

“Escorting master Luna just about wherever she goes, begin forced to listen to pretentious nobles, and the usual carp that is thrown my way.” Soul said in a nonchalant tone, summing up the events of this morning.

“Hahaha, must be rough.” Joe laughed, “What can I get ya?” He asked producing a notepad from nowhere.

Unfazed by the sudden notepad, Soul pulled out the list that a guard told him that Luna wanted to be done before they leave. “Well let’s see...two dozen of your moon-star donuts.” He said doing a double take, “Man, Luna, you sure do have a sweet tooth.”

“Alright, two dozen moon-stars, coming right up.” Donut Joe went to put away the notepad and grab the donuts out of the oven. Donut pulled out the midnight-blue and white pastries. He handed two boxes of the donuts to Soul, who paid for them, and said his goodbyes.

Soul crossed the donuts off of the list, he read what was his next task, and nearly dropped the boxes of donuts. What the absolute fuck?! Soul shouted in his head, causing the voice to came back.

What? What is it pup?


What are you- The voice quickly came to a halt upon seeing the second item on the list through Soul’s eyes. Ha!Ahahahah...that’s classic!

Shut the fuck up! This has got to be a mistake, please Cerberus let this be a mistake.

You know as well as I do, that Luna doesn’t make mistakes like this. Oh well off with you. Soul could literally feel the grin on the voice disembodied face. On the list the second task was to pick up a bathing suite, a task Soul has mixed feelings about.

How in holy fuck, am I supposed to know Luna’s measurements?

You should read the rest of it.

Soul looked to the list to see next to the task was a set of measurement, all of which were clearly marked. Soul’s right eye started to twitch and a small stream of crimson fell out of his nose. Well fuck, you think it will be easier to go to Fleur de

Lis’s shop? He asked giving into his faith.

Why the hell not, she hot

Whoa you’re me, ain’t you supposed to only be thinking about Luna?

You’re right pup, I am you. And I can tell you that you had some...heated dreams about her and Luna. A lot.

Soul’s cheeks started to burn a bright red. Okay, I not going to lie, she’s hot, but I don’t think that we’ll do anything like that.

Still though, if Luna doesn’t work out…

Stop right there and don’t even think about continuing.

Will do boss. Soul didn’t realized that he made such a head start to Fleur’s shop, it only being a block away. In a short amount of time he crossed the distance to the shop, the sign reading ‘open’, Soul pushed his way inside, a bell on the top of the door rang.

“Just one moment.” Soul hear Fleur Lis’s sweet singing voice called from the other room. Soon shortly the tall unicorn mare came out from the back, wearing a slightly revealing dress. “Oh, Soul! It’s you come, come. What can I get for you?” She asked sweetly.

“Umm...hello Miss. Lis, I’m here to pick up an order.” Soul said, not looking Fleur in the eyes.

“Oh stop it Soul, I’ve told you just to call me Fleur. Now you say that you're here to pick up an order?” Fleur said batting her eyelashes at Soul.

“Right, I’m here for an order that Luna placed.” Soul said retrieving the list from his pocket. Fleur took the list from Soul’s hand and read over the part with the order on it.

“Mmmph...Yes I do remember Luna coming to place this order and lucky I just finished I’ll go retrieve it for you.” Fleur said, handing the list back to Soul, and turning around to go get the order. Letting his eyes wonder, Soul caught the mare swaying her hips, and moving her tail back and forth in an alluring way. Fleur stopped at the door feeling the dog’s staring, she decided to add a little bounce to it.

What did I tell you? Hot.

Shut it.

Soul awaited patiently not looking at anything it particular, footsteps from the other side of the room caught his attention. Soul lazily turned his head, thinking it was Fleur, but that was far from the case. Standing at the doorway was a white furred pony, with purple mane and tail, wearing a slim white dress that hugged her figure. Immediately Soul recognized the pony, Rarity Bell.

“Well good afternoon, Soul.” Rarity greeted rather coldly.

“And a good afternoon to you to, Rarity.” Soul said trying to be as friendly as possible.

“And what brings you here?” Rarity asked walking ever so closer to the dog.

“Oh nothing, just running some errands for master Luna. That’s all.” Soul answered looking anywhere but at Rarity. “ are things with that stallion of yours?”

“Things are going well. He and I will be attending an art exhibit here in Canterlot this week.” Rarity said leaning on the counter. “Well you and Luna be attending as well?” Soul’s right eye started to slightly twitch.

“Why would you say that me and Luna would go together?” Soul asked slightly irritated by the mare.

“Well you two seem so close and you do have a knack for drawing yourself, I figured that you would want to see what Equestrians like.” Rarity explained. “So I take it that you’ll be coming?”

“Actually, master Luna thought it was time for me to take a break, so we’re be leave to go…” Soul paused, not once has he been told where he was going. “Actually I have no idea where we’re going. All I know is that we’ll be gone for a week.” Soul said shrugging his shoulders.

“A vacation? Well I say you deserve it, what with all of the odd happenings that’s been occurring lately.” Rarity said.

“Ummm...thanks? So, how’s Spike?” Soul asked having a feeling that he shouldn’t.

You really shouldn’t.

Rarity’s body suddenly tensed up, her horn glowing an eerie blue, but as soon as it happened it was gone. “Spike is doing just fine.” Rarity said in a slight huff. “Why do you ask?”

Pup, listen to me don’t say anything about you know who.

I’m not...maybe.

“Oh no real reason. Just wanted to know how the guy is doing, it’s not everyday you meet another dragon.” You’ve done it now.

This time it was Rarity whose eye started to violently twitch, remembering that faithful day Spike told her off. “Why Spike is doing just fine.” As much as she tried to hide it, Rarity hands started to shake in rage.

“I see, well that’s good to know.” Soul said, turning his back against the counter. “Still can’t believe that he that’s it’s almost been three months.” Soul nonchalantly said scratching his chin as if he was in deep thought. “He’s became a real dragon hasn’t he?”

You are going to die one day.

Most likely, but not today.

Soul turned his head to look at Rarity, who was shaking in a heated rage, he smirked one more push, and she’ll out of Soul hair. “So, how’s Fluttershy and Thunder doing?”

“If you’ll excuse me, I’ll go see what is taking Fleur so long.” Rarity turned around so quick that her hair almost smacked Soul in the face. Soul himself started to laugh as soon as the mare disappeared to the back room.

Pup? Why are you so mean?

Well that’s what you get when you think everything is going to be handed to you. Hey I’m sorry, but that’s the way I feel.

When will you grow up?

What’s grow up mean?


Why Thank you.

The slamming of a box on the counter sapped Soul out of the internal conversion. He turned around to see that it was Rarity who caused the sound. She wordlessly pushed the box to Soul, not even caring to look at him. Soul took the box and pulled out the money pouch that was handed to him, but Rarity stopped him with a rise of the hand.

“Don’t I need to pay for this?” Rarity shook her head. “So, it’s already been paid for?” Rarity nodded. “Well I guess I’ll see you in a week then.” Soul grabbed the box and carried it along with the boxes of donuts, but he stopped at the doorway and looked back to Rarity. “Oh and give Spike and his dragonessfriend my best wishes.” Soul closed the door before Rarity let out a scream of rage. Using a quickstep spell he taught himself, Soul was already two blocks away.

Back in the shop Rarity’s mane was in a mess, by her standards, and she had a crazy look in her eyes. Fleur de Lis appeared from the back room, she too was in a messy state, but her expression was one of bliss.

“So, what I missed?” She asked with a drunk happy smile on her face. “Oh Soul already left?”

“Fleur, do you still have your...toy out?” Rarity asked trying to calm herself down.

Fleur blushed, she didn’t think that Rarity spotted her enjoying Soul’s company. “Oh well yes actually, it’s on the table.” Despite her blush, Fleur didn’t seem to be embarrassed. “I’ll go put it away.” She was about to leave, but Rarity stopped her.

“No, I’ll put it away. You need to take a shower, you still have a shop to run.” Rarity said walking away without a response.

“Umm...okay?” Fleur didn’t know how to make heads or tails of Rarity attitude, but Fleur shrugged it off, and flipped the sign to ‘close’ while she took a bath.

Outside with Soul, ponies were staring at him with puzzled looks. For the last five minutes he’s been laughing like a crazed dog. He was leaning against a tree holding his sides with the biggest smile anypony has ever seen before, and they all meet Pinkie Pie.

You really are a descendant of Cerberus himself.

I’m sorry I couldn’t resist. That was fucking funny.

Yeah it was, but that doesn’t make it right.

Keep your shorts on, I’ll let her get her revenge at some point.

You’ll regret it.

Whatever, what’s next?

You’re the one with the list, you tell me.

Soul continued to go about finishing the list as fast as he can, he really didn’t want to keep Luna waiting. The thought of just the two of them, on a tip, and for a whole week. He was eager to say the least, however, Soul didn’t know that Luna has a wing-mare and her marefriend coming with them.

Stormfly’s house

Sugar Spice was sitting on the table in her and Stormfly’s kitchen. She watched with a bored and knowing expression, as Stormfly paced nervously around the house, hastily throwing items in suitcases duffel bags, all the while she had a crazed smile. Sugar Spice knew that it would be useless to stop Stormfly, but there was doing a favor for your boss and then there was overreacting to it. Sugar sighed thinking it was time that she got some answers for her marefriend dragging her out of the candy shop she worked at.

As Stormfly was running back and forth, Sugar hopped off the table, and grabbed Stormfly’s tail as she was running past. The pegasus lost her footing and fell backwards, into Sugar’s awaiting arms. Before the panicky mare could react, Sugar had already wrapped her arms around her.

“Now why don’t you calm down and actually tell me what’s going on.” Sugar whispered in Stormfly’s ear forcing her to collected herself.

“Princess Luna want’s us to accompany her and Soul on a week trip.” Stormfly said when she gain control of her breathing.

“A trip, is that really is what all of this fuss is about?” Sugar said gently swaying Stormfly, successfully calming her down even more.

“’s not just going with them.” Stormfly admitted leaning into the taller earth-pony. “I’ve told you about Soul, right?”

“Ummm...wait let me guess. He’s that diamond dog that can use magic and is the only student of princess Luna?” Sugar asked sarcastically.

The sarcasm flying completely over Stormfly’s head, she continued to answer. “Yeah, that’s the one, he took on all of the stallions for a training session, and won.” Stormfly paused thinking to herself, “I’m not sure if that’s a good or bad thing, but anyway Luna wants me to be her wing-mare.”

Sugar raised an eyebrow at this. “What do you mean wing-mare?”

“Well it turns out that princess Luna has feeling for Soul, and she wants to tell him how she feels, but doesn’t know how to do it.” Stormfly said turning around to face her mare in the eyes. “So I kind of said yes.”

She awaited a response, but when one didn’t come she started to get nervous. “Sugar I-” Stormfly was cut off by Sugar kissing her on the lips. Sapping out of the surprise, Stormfly kissed back, running her hands through Sugar’s hair. The need for air, however, forced the two to break the kiss with a trail of saliva connecting their lips.

“Storm, I love you.” Sugar said placing a kiss on Stormfly’s forehead. “I know that you really want to help Luna, just like our friends helped us. So that’s why I love you.” She pulled Stormfly to her chest.

“Mmm, I love you too.” Stormfly said happily, she closed her eyes resting on her marefriend’s chest. The two mares enjoyed the warmth of each other, but the chiming of the clock sapped Stormfly out of her loving daze. She whipped her head from Sugar’s warm chest, she looked to the clock to see that it was twenty till three.

“Oh no, no, no. Sugar we’ve got to go Soul will done with the list soon!” Stormfly said in a panicked voice, she rushed around the house grabbing anything that they would need for the trip. Sugar just sighed and when to help the deranged mare.

The two were done quicker than Stormfly thought they’ll be. “Huh? Guess that was easy.” She said walking out of the house with Sugar close behind. “You ready?” Stormfly asked as she locked the door.

“Yah.” Sugar answered. The two started to walk to the castle, talking about anything that came to mind, with the main topic begin about Soul. As if on cue, the two spotted Soul leaning against a tree with his eyes close as though he was in deep thought.

Okay pup, let’s go over this again. Luna, there has been something I’ve always wanted to tell you, and go.

Okay, okay. Luna I’ve always wanted to be with you, ever since I met you I’ve-

Stop, too cheesy. Remember you’ve only known her for six months now. You know what? Forget it, just be upfront with your feelings, and you’ll be fine. I’m done for the day.

No wait, fucker!

Soul sighed, giving up all hope on talking to the voice inside of his head, and he opened his eyes to two mares walking towards him, one of which he remembered from earlier that morning. He kicked off of the tree to meet the mares halfway.

“You.” Soul pointed at Stormfly.

“Me.” Stormfly said nervously.

“Care to explain this.” Soul pulled out the list and pointed to the second item on it.

Stormfly squinted her eyes, straining to get a good look of the list. When she did she blush intensity and turned away. “I-I didn’t know that was on there. I was just told to deliver it to you” Stormfly answered. Evidently, Soul didn’t like that answer, he balled up the paper, tossed it up in the air and shot it with a small flare.

Dusting his hands off, Soul took notices of the other mare. “Oh hello, The name’s Soul Cerberus. Nice to meet ya.” Soul introduced himself to the new face, he stuck out his hand in a friendly manner.

Sugar Spice took his hand a shook it. “Nice to meet you too, I’m Sugar Spice. I’m sure that you’ve met my marefriend Stormfly.” She said returning that jester, motioning to a nervous mare.

“Oh yeah I’ve seen her around. Private Stormfly?” Stormfly nodded. “You were with the new recruits right?”

“Y-yes sir.” Stormfly said quickly going into a salute.

“You know I don’t hold any military rank, you don’t have to salute to me.” Soul said with a straight face. Stormfly visibly relaxed, but Soul could tell that she will treat him with the respect of any high ranking officer. “So, where are you two lovely mares going?” He asked seeing the bags and suitcases.

Out of recruitment training Stormfly was going to tell Soul what they, but Sugar cut her off with a finger to the mouth. “We’re planning on going on a week vacation, but Stormfly over here forgot something in the castle, so we was going to get it.” She said quickly. Soul arched an eyebrow at the mare not believing her. “Isn’t that right Stormfly?” Sugar asked, giving Stormfly the ‘don’t mess this up’ look.

Taking the hint, Stormfly nodded wordlessly, not being able to tell a lie. Soul glared at the two mare looking for any signs of them bending, when he found none he returned to his normal lay back demeanor. “Well alright, I’m heading back there now if you want to follow.” He said in a nonchalant manner. “The streets of Canterlot can be dangerous at this time of day.” He bowed to the two mares.

“It’s only three in the afternoon and I’m a royal guard, I’m sure tha-” Stormfly was again cut off by Sugar placing a finger over her lips.

“Storm, can you see that Soul is trying to be a gentledog? We would love to have you escort us to the castle.” Sugar said with a warm voice, Soul nodded and turned to lead the mares to the castle. As the three continued their walk to the castle, Sugar started idle chat with Soul asking about his home.

“Savanna Grasslands? Where’s that at?” Sugar asked unfamiliar with the name.

“It’s about a continent away from here, some stuff was going down and I didn’t like it so I left.” Soul said keeping his eyes forward.

Pup when are you going to tell someone?

When I Cerberus damn feel like it.

“Don’t you ever want to go back?” Stormfly asked, not sure if she could do the same thing.

Soul stopped in his tracks, Stormfly and Sugar nearly tripped over each other. When they regained their footing they both looked at Soul to see what was the matter with him. Soul just stood there looking up in the sky in deep thought. “No and yes…” He finally said after a moment of thought. “No, cause there are some memories that I have to face, yes cause I have to face them.” When the two mares didn’t say anything he looked back to them, his eyes were glowing an off blood-red as though he was holding back tears.

Soul just sighed and smiled, he could feel a small weight be lifted off his shoulders. Not waiting for the mares to respond Soul continued to the castle. Sugar pulled on Stormfly’s ear and roughly pulled it to her mouth. “No more questions about where he’s from.” She whispered, Stormfly nodded.

Soon the castle came up in view, Soul nodded to the door guards, who returned the nod with respect. The three walked through the halls in silence, each having there own thoughts.

So pup, time of truth. You ready?

I’m always ready.

Good then you’re going to go without me for the whole week.


Cause you need to rely on others more then try and do everything yourself.

...Makes sense...thanks for everything.


The voice inside of Soul’s head ended the conversation and Soul could feel that the voice was gone. Shaking off the unsettling feeling, Soul continued the walk down the hallway, but he could feel the Stormfly and Sugar still behind him. “ Stormfly what did you forget anyway?”

“Ummm…” Stormfly searched for an answer, thinking of the trip she and Sugar was going on with Luna, she used that as a way to think up of something. “I just some stuff I left in princess Luna’s room.” Sugar deadpanned and facepalmed.

Soul stopped and looked back at the new recruit. “Wait why were you in master Luna’s room?”

“Oh she wanted to ask me something.” Stormfly said trying to put on the straightest face she could, a small line of sweat fell down her face. Soul was going to question the mare even more, but footsteps echoing down the hall caught his attention. The three turned their heads to the source of the sound to see that it was Luna and the elements of harmony.

“My student you’re back, and I see that you’ve completed your work.” Luna said with a smirk.

“Oh you mean this!” Soul shouted, pulling out the box that he got from Rarity at Fleur's shop, he opened the box to reveal the contents. It was a dark blue thin two piece bikini, with crescent moons serving as the knots holding it together.

Luna shut the box before anyone could get a good look at it then she took the box way from Soul with her magic. “H-how did you get a h-hold of this?” She asked with a blush edged onto her face.

“What do you mean? It was on the list that Stormfly handed me.” Luna’s ears twitched, she prayed to her mother that she didn’t hand Stormfly the wrong list. She took the other boxes from Soul and opened them, she frowned when the only thing she saw were donuts.

“Grh, I gave you the wrong list.” Luna said closing the box of moon-star donuts. “I suppose that you didn’t look at my bathing suit.” She said holding the box close to her chest but when Soul didn’t respond, Luna looked towards the dog. “Soul?”

Soul just had his eyes closed, trying his hardest to suppress the irritation he was feeling. He ears were twitching every which away and Fluttershy recognized it as the same way anyone of her animal friends’ would when looking for something. Before anyone could ask what was wrong with the dog, his ears pointed upward, and a wicked smile edged it’s way onto his lips.

“Master Luna we’re not leaving right now are we?” Soul asked the smile growing in size. Taking a small step back from Soul’s leering smile, Luna incoherently shook her head. “Okay I’ll meet you guys at the transport, there’s something I’ve got to do first.” He walked off leaving a dumbfounded group of mares behind.

“What was all that about?” Rainbow Dash asked Luna.

“I have no idea what’s wrong with him, sometimes it’s hard to know just what he’s thinking. Oh well, he did say he’ll meet up with us before we leave, nothing we can do about it until then.” Luna said as she started to walk off toward the transport to make sure that everything is done.

Soul walk down the hallway and quickly rounded a corner and looked over waiting for Luna and the others to leave. When they did, Soul breath out a sigh of relief.

Pup? What is it?

That feeling feels like something’s growing.

Pup, now is not the time for teenage problems, get the lead out.

It’s not that, it’’s feels like that time I faced Scare a few years ago.

We’ve been over this, its just you magic maturing, pup. Suck it up and keep moving.

Yeah, but what if I lose control again? What if I can’t stop myself?

That’s what all this fuss has been about you're afraid that you’ll lose control and go on a rampage if you don’t stay on top of you magic.

I must be as see through as glass.

Soul felt the voice take a short pause and sigh. Pup, I’d know this day would came, just wish we have more time. Pup, do you remember that we had when you were younger?

Dude we’d many ‘talks’ when I was younger, you’re going to have to be more specific.

The one about your magic begin connected to your body.


You don’t remember do you? Soul didn’t answer and the voice knew that it meant that Soul didn’t know what he was talking about the voice continued. I see so you don’t, well you know how clubs are made right? Soul nodded his head. Well the same goes for you only thing is you HAVE to have some kind of relief.

Whoa what the fuck are you talking about?

You need to have sex, plain and simple.


Ugh, you magic is connected to you body, therefore you canine instincts as well are affected by this, and it doesn’t help that you're surrounded with mares twenty-four seven.

So let me see if I got this right. If I don’t have sex with somepony, my magic and instincts are going to take over and force me to go on a rampage?

Yes, especially during a full moon.

Fuck me...what do I do?

That’s for you to find out, I already told you, you’re on your own for this week.

Come on! You can’t just drop a bombshell like that and expect me not to ask questions. And how do you know all of this when I don’t.

The voice didn’t reply, silence ringed out in Soul’s head as though it was empty of any signs of the voice. After the extended pause the voice finally said, Everything is not as they seem. Before Soul could say anything the voice was gone, sighing at the voice sudden withdraw, Soul started to walk to the transport to meet up with Luna, but a feeling that someone was behind him made him stop.

He turned around to see that it was a unicorn mare royal guard. Also from what Soul could tell the guard was a new recruit. She had on the same uniform as all new recruits, fur and mane were shades of midnight blue and purple. Soul tried to look the mare in the eyes, but she would look away to somewhere else. Soul had a feeling that he’s meet, or at least seen, the mare somewhere before, but couldn’t put his finger on it.

Tired of the silence, Soul thought it time to figure out just how is this unknown but familiar mare is. “Recruit, do you have something to say, or are you just going to stand there with your tongue tied in a knot?” He asked the mare, using what he heard captain Lance say to the new recruits.

This seem to make the mare react like most recruits would, she gave Soul a messy salute. “S-sir I’m new here and I heard a few rumors about you.” Even the mare’s voice sounded familiar to Soul, but he shook it off thinking that his mind was playing tricks on him.

“You know recruit, that you shouldn’t listen to rumors. What’s your name private?” Soul asked not dropping the act.

“Ummm...Private Midnight Star, sir.” Midnight said.

“Midnight Star, huh? Well Midnight you’ve my attention, what rumors have you heard about me?” Soul asked crossing his arms.

“Well I’ve heard that you single handedly took on most of the royal guards for a morning training, you’ve stopped a Hyda attack, and you’ve caught a family of mobponies.” Midnight listed off.

Soul cocked an eyebrow to the ‘rumors’ the mare was talking about. “Private, those aren't rumors, those are things you can read in the Equestrian Daily.” He said with a flat tone.

“Ah I see…” Midnight once again looked away from the dog trailing off.

“Private, if you have more to ask, then just ask.” Soul said with a deadpan look.

Midnight eyes snapped to Soul’s, she breath in a quick sigh and closed her eyes. “Will you take care of her?” Soul was going to asked what she was talking about when her eyes shot open, and her body and armor started to give off black smoke. An unknown wind started to circulate the two in a small circle, her armor seemed to melt into her body. Though the smoke, Soul could faintly see her body transforming growing taller and spouting a pair of massive black wings.

Shocked by the sudden display of magic, Soul jumped back into a fighting stance if the need arises. Once the transformation was over, Soul’s eyes grew wide in shock by the sight in front of him. Where a short unicorn mare once stood now was a tall alicorn mare with pitch black fur, with blue and purple celestial mane. A sudden connection between the way the mare felt familiar and the mysterious alicorn mare from his dreams, Soul dropped the stance, and slowly started to walk to the mare, but she opened her eyes, and the silted reptilian eyes focused on Soul.

“Well you take care of her?” The alicorn repeated in a ghostly and distant voice. Even though every part of his body told him not to, Soul continued his advance towards the mare. Just as he was in arm’s length, the alicorn’s horn started to glow a bright white. Soul covered his eyes from being blinded by the white light. When the light faded so did the mare, Soul tried to find for any signs of her, but his efforts were for nothing. Deciding to turn back and go meet up with Luna, Soul left that part of the hallway constantly looking back.

Old part of the castle

Far from Soul and all others, heavily and shallow breathing echoed through the abandoned halls. An alone figure pressed against a dark wall, with whatever light that found it’s way into the abandoned halls reviled the figure to be an pitch black alicorn, one that was feared throughout the lands.

Nightmare Moon.

The very same Nightmare Moon that tried to plot out the sun and throw all of Equestria into eternal darkness. But, that wasn’t the whole story. The real truth remained hidden from all others. Only she knew the truth, the memory echoing in her head. Nightmare tried her hardest to calm her breathing, her mind and heart racing.

He recognized me.

He noticed me.

He didn’t fear me.

He could feel my sorrow.

He wanted to help me.

He wants to protect me, no us.

Nightmare placed her hand over her heart, feeling that it’s steady slowed to a more controllable pace. Taking in a deep breath to calm her nerves, she used the transformation spell again, this time turning into a pegasus transport pilot. She straighten her pilot’s hat, putting on a look of pure determination, and began to set her plan into motion.

Twin Moon: Phase 3 New Crescent

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Twin Moon:

Phase 3 New Crescent

After the odd meeting with the mysterious alicorn, Soul quickly made it back to his room to grab his stuff. All thoughts on what the alicorn said to him, and why her appearance looked too much like Luna’s. But what got under his skin the most was the fact that the voice in his head wasn’t joking about leaving him to think for himself for a week. Soul pulled his duffle bag over his shoulder and headed to the transport to meet up with the others. With the silence ringing in his head, Soul’s thoughts were able to wander back to his months of study under Luna.

In the course of a mere six months, Soul has learn what it would naturally take a unicorn years of study and practice. Granted though that most of his teachings were about controlling aspects of night magic, but ahead he still was. Soul then thought about the reasons Luna was forcing him on the trip in the first place. Humm...maybe a break won’t be that bad.

There you go pup. Soul stop in the middle of the hallway a confused look on his face.

I thought you said that you’re taking a break for the week?

I am but you’re not on the trip just yet, and I could tell that there was on stuff on your mind. Care to talk about it?

Well where were you five minutes ago?

I have other stuff to do.

Like what? You’re a voice inside of my head.

Stuff, now what is it?

It’s that alicorn from earlier, I know she the one from my dreams, but I don’t know what it means…

It means that you need this vacation more than you thought.

So you’re calling me crazy? Great.

Well you’ve always been crazy, but yeah. Look, stop worrying about every little thing and just go with the flow of things, and if all else fails rely on your canine instincts.

You better be right.

Of course I’m right, now get going.

The voice ended the link that it and Soul shared, leaving him once again to his own thoughts. Deciding that he’s been to get it over with, Soul use the quick-step technique to teleport to the landing pad where he knew the transport was at. Reopening his eyes, Soul saw that the all of the mares, plus the fight crew, were all there waiting on him. Soul’s eyes fell on the transport, still unable to get over the feeling that he would get just looking at it. To Soul, the transport looked like a big blue metal bird, with windows on either side of it. Luna had explained to him before that it was the product of various advances in Equestrian magical mechanical-engineering, but Soul still only had one word for the mechanical marvel:


Yeah, that.

“So, Soul are you ready to go?” Luna’s voice broke him out of his daze. Soul looked over to Luna and nodded, she then motioned to Stormfly and Sugar. “I hope you don’t mind that these two are coming as well?”

Soul raised an eyebrow at this new information. “Oh, they’re coming as well? I’ve had no idea.” He said in a sarcastic tone.

You are the worst liar in the history of liars, and we’ve met Discord.

Hey speaking of Discord…

“Hey, master Luna, where’s Discord I haven’t seen him all morning.” Soul pointed out the god’s absence.

“Oh!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, jumping in the air with a bountiful amount of energy. “I’ve left him in charge of the shop.” She said bouncing around Soul, she grabbed his arm, and spun him around. When Soul managed to regain a sense of balance, he was face to face with Pinkie’s bright blue eyes. “I wonder how’s he doing? Oh well I’m sure that nothing going too wrong, cause if it was my Pink-” Pinkie stopped her ongoing barrage of words when her tail, ears, and nose started to twitch uncontrollably. “Uh-oh, sorry guys I’ve got to go,” She said in a serious tone, putting on a hard hat, and pulling out a pick-axe from nowhere. “Ponyville needs my help!” And before anyone could ask what’s wrong, she jump off of the platform, and started to dig a hole through the ground.

Soul and the others just watched with their mouths wide-open, completely unable to understand what just happened, nor did they want to. “So...we’re all going to pretend that never happened?” Soul asked the rest of the group, who all dumbly nodded. “Great, now before something else happen, that make me want to stay, I say we take our leave.” He continued to say, walking in the transport.

Luna, Stormfly, and Sugar soon followed Soul on-board, all saying their words of good-byes. Celestia stopped Luna and looked into her eyes. “Good luck sister, I know that everything will turn out just right.” She said in a low whisper.

“Thank you Celestia, I’ll do my best.” Luna said with a warm smile on her face. The two shared a quick hug and Luna stepped inside of the transport. She took a seat next to Soul with Stormfly and Sugar sitting on the other side, facing them. “So, Soul still can’t get over sitting inside of the Quicquam can you?” She asked her student with a teasing tone.

“Nah, that’s never going to happen.” Soul said looking around the inside of the Quicquam, the walls lined with a sliver-cut metal, and engraving throughout. Soul turned his attention away from the interior to Luna sitting next to him. “So, any chance that you’re going to tell me where we’re going?” He asked still never getting an idea of the place.

“Yeah I was wondering that myself.” Sugar said cutting a glare to Stormfly, who tried to shake it off by whistling innocently.

The long pause and glare forced Stormfly to drop the façade. “What? Don’t mind me I’m...just practicing my whistling.” She said with a cheesy smile on her face.

Sugar rolled her eyes at her marefriend’s obvious lie. “Anyway, where are we going, princess?” She asked ignoring Stormfly’s fake whistling.

“Oh right, thanks to the hectic morning, I guess I didn’t tell neither Stormfly nor Soul where we’re going.” Luna said thinking to herself for a moment. “Yes well, we’ll be staying at the Moonlight resort on Crescent Island.” She informed the group, Sugar’s and Stormfly’s eyes lit up like a foal’s would on Hearts Warming Day.

“You mean the Moonlight resort?” Stormfly asked, her wings ruffing slightly in joy.

“The very same Moonlight resort, that’s on the White-Sand Beach?” Sugar asked, nearly hopping out of her seat.

“Umm...yes?” Luna tried to said but came out as a nervous question. The two mare squealed in joy bouncing up and down in their seat, the same way Pinkie Pie would when the Cakes would get a new shipment of frosting.

“Wait, what’s a beach?” Soul asked completely lost. Sugar and Stormfly stopped their joyous bouncing and looked at Soul with a blank faces. “What? I was born and raised in a grassland, so there are a few thing that I don’t know about, and beaches are one of them.” Soul said reminding the two mares where he was from.

“Umm...Soul...beaches are- er, what’s the word?” Stormfly asked thinking of the best way to descried the white sand dreamland to the dog. “Beaches are...humm.”

“Think of a landscape filled with sand near the ocean, or an opened body of water.” Luna filled in for the lost Stormfly, who just nodded in agreement.

“So you never been to a beach before?” Sugar asked still not able to wrap her head around the thought.

“Nah, never. Back in Savanna the closes thing we had to that, was the oasis that would come up during the raining seasons.” Soul said remembering the small scarce oasis that would be left for the constant rainfall.

“So, I’m guessing that you don’t know how to swim?” Stormfly asked.

Soul didn’t respond for a moment, a certain memory coming to mind involving a monsoon. As the dark storm clouds started to roll around Soul head, his expression turned to a more darker one, Luna placed her hand on his shoulder to shake him out of the daze. This seemed to work as Soul’s dark expression completely disappeared.

“Huh? What happened?” Soul asked looking at the expression of the mares he was traveling with.

“Soul, are you alright?” Luna asked worry and concern for her student and friend edged into her voice. “I haven’t seen that expression on you since you fought Spike a couple of months ago.”

“Huh, yeah I-I’m fine just some old memories.” Soul said not daring to look Luna in the eyes. “But, I’m good.” He falsely reassured, finding the floor to be very interesting subject.

“Soul.” Luna said in a stern and commanding voice, forcing Soul to look at her in the eyes. “Now, we’ve talked about this, if there’s something you want to talk about, then I’m hear to listen.” She said in a kinder and softer tone.

“Yeah, we’ve may have just met, but I can stand to see you fighting to hide your feelings.” Sugar added in. Stormfly nodded with a warm friendly smile.

Soul sighed, knowing that lying to the mares now was not an option. “Thanks you guys, that means a lot.” He said taking a deep breath to steady his nerves. “Okay, to start off yes, I do know how to swim.” Soul started off with answering Stormfly’s question. “The only thing is I learned it the roughly around the time of a monsoon come over the grasslands.” He explained.

There was a long pause before Soul continued, “It happened towards the end of the raining season. I can’t remember all of the details, but I do remember that there was a zebra shaman that foretold the storm.” He faintly recalled. “Man, its really hard to remember stuff when you were six years old.”

“So this shaman, he predicted the monsoon?” Sugar asked trying to have a good understanding. Soul nodded prompting Sugar to continue. “So why didn’t your leaders try and evacuate?”

Soul gritted his teeth just at the mere thought of his former pack leaders. “Cause, they were the most aggregate, self-centered, stubborn...” Soul said his voice growing more violent sounding, it got to the point to where he started to speak in his native tongue. “En as hy die helfte van 'n brein sou hy bekend het dat die sebra ws reg.” The Equestrians didn’t dare ask what Soul just got done saying, and just allow him to continue. “Anyway the Alpha, the head leader, didn’t think that there was a need to leave seeing as the pack lived on top of mountain that overlooked the grasslands.”

“So, what happened?” Stormfly asked breaking the pause. “I mean it sounds like everything was checked out.”

“And you’re right everything was checked out. To bad you can’t account for the unpredictable.” Soul said in a matter of fact tone. “Me and a few others thought it would be fun to do something the Alpha was afraid to do.” He said crossing his arms and closing his eyes.

“And that was?” Luna asked not wanting to go through another pause.

“To face the storm head on.” Soul said not opening his eyes. The mares looked at Soul with shocked looks on their faces, not saying anything because they did know just what to say. “Guh, I used to hunt with a certain group of diamond dogs, we were the best of friends.” He said a smile forming on his lips. “When the zebra came and predicted the storm, we all got together to see if we could prove that we could do things that the Alpha was too afraid to do.” Soul explained.

“But, why what did you all get from it?” Stormfly asked.

“In hopes that we’ll become the new leaders.” Soul said in a hollow voice.

“Soul, what happened?” Luna asked, having a feeling that there’s more to the story then Soul is leading on to be.

“It’s a pretty long story…” Soul said cutting a glance towards Luna.

“Well we have five hours, so start telling.” Luna said with a smirk on her face.

Knowing that arguing would only make the situation worse, Soul gave up on stalling the story any longer. “Fine, it started after the zebra came to the summit of my pack…”

Nineteen years ago, Savanna Grasslands; Diamond Edge mountain Soul’s PoV

So this is how it mostly happened, me and the dogs and hounds that I would hunt with were sitting in our usual spot in a cave. All of us were around the same ages, with one of the hounds being the youngest. By that point we’ve all heard about the zebra coming to the summit, and asking for shelter. And of course the Alpha didn’t allow him to say, but before leaving, he gave a warning about a monsoon arriving in three days time. And of course the Alpha didn’t listen or even cared.

After that the oldest one of us called a meeting to see if we could do something that the Alpha was too afraid to do. “So, you guys think we should do it?” He asked, I think his name was Simba, or something like that. Anyway Simba wanted to one day become the Alpha of his own pack, but to do that he need followers, hence why he would hang out with us.

“Are you crazy? You heard the Alpha, there’s not going to be a monsoon.” If I remember correctly it was, Verdite that said that. She always was the less advanced one of our group.

“Yeah-” You know what? His name was Simba, yeah that was it was, I knew I would get it eventually. Huh? Oh right back to the story. “-Simba, that’s a really bad idea. It’s the end of the raining season so why would Cerberus give us a monsoon?” Tova asked, at least I think it was Tova. Man, I’ve really forgotten a lot, huh? Anyway the three of them were the oldest so what they said went.

“Come on guys, what’s the matter? One zebra foretelling a storm, and you guys get all scared.” Simba argued, he could never take ‘no’ for an answer. “The zebra said in three days time right? So for three days we hang around in the lowlands.” He struggled moving around the cave in his same flamboyant way. Though, Verdite and Tova were unmoved by his new idea.

All the while me and the younger ones were in the other side of the cave, minding our own business, but we still listened carefully. “What is Simba talking about? It sounds like big sis and Tova don’t like it.” Verdite’s little sister, Pearl I think, asked. Me and the other pup shrugged our shoulders, causing her to scowl at us. “Come on, Rio! I know you know.” She said pointing to the other pup, besides me.

“How am I suppose to know? I thought we were just hanging out today, I didn’t know about any old zebra.” Rio said in a defensive way.


“I’m not a liar.”

While the two of them started to argue, I just walked over to the cave’s entrance, which overlooked most of the grasslands, expectedly the spots we would go hunting. Frankly back then, I thought that Simba had a good idea of challenging the Alpha, but there was something about Simba that just...was…off.

Yeah I know that don’t make much sense Stormfly, but that’s how I felt. Anyway as I was looking out on to the grasslands, I noticed that the winds were a lot stronger than they should have been. So out of curiosity I looked up to the skies, and far out in the horizon I could make out dark storm clouds. Now back then, I couldn’t tell the difference between a gray cloud and a real storm cloud, but something inside of me told me that those clouds were storm ones big enough to make a monsoon.

I quickly turned around to the others, who argued like marriage couples. I walked passed Rio and Pearl, who were fighting on the ground about something, or another. Verdite and Tova had their backs turned away from Simba, as he was still trying to get the two on his side. “Come on guys think about it. We could be at the top and everyone could be following us.” He said and I think the two of them actually thought about it for a second, but in quickly changed their minds.

“Hey, Simba?” I asked in that stupid high pitched voice that everyone have to go through.

“One sec, Soul.” He waved me off just like any other would. “Now you to when I’ve made this small pack of ours, we’ve agreed to do anything that would help us become the Alphas.” Simba said crossing his arms.

“Yeah we did, and it didn’t involve us risking our lives.” Verdite said glaring at Simba.

“Yeah!” Tova added in, Simba threw his hands up in the air in frustration.

“And it’s like we’ve just got done saying Simba, there’s not going to be a monsoon, and if there was going to be one then there’s no way that you're going to get the clubs involved in it.” Verdite finished and then she pointed at Rio and Pearl, who I think, were still fighting in the other side of the cave. When the rest of us caught onto what Verdite was pointing to, Tova growled, and went over to Rio and Pearl.

All I did was just sigh, I knew that it would mostly piss Verdite and Tova off, but Simba wasn’t the only one that wanted to be the Alpha. “But there is a storm coming.” I said grabbing everyone’s attention.

“Pup, what are you talking about?” Verdite asked me, we’d locked eyes for a second and there was something behind her eyes that told me to be careful of what I was going to say next.

“There a storm coming, I’m not sure if it’s that monsoon thing you guys are talking about, but there’s something behind those storm clouds that is a little eerie.” I explained preparing for the scolding of a lifetime by Verdite, lucky Simba came to my rescue.

“How do you know?” He asked me. I turned away from the group of older diamond dogs and walked over to the entrance of the cave. When I’ve got to it, I pointed out to the horizon, the others walked over and looked where I was pointing to.

“See? Out in the horizon, those are storm clouds and they’re heading this way.” I said, my eyes fixed on the horizon and the dark clouds that followed.

“How do you know the winds is blowing this way?” Either Rio or Peal asked, I was going to answer when a strong gust of wind blasted into the cave knocking the two down. Just then thunder and lightning crashed about the horizon, we all stood there in that spot all of us having our own thoughts. Of cause I can’t tell you the others thoughts, but my where on the storm itself. I don’t know the right way to describe it, but it felt like...I’ve seen it before. The odd thing about that is, I’ve never been through a monsoon before.

“So, what you guys say?” Simba asked again. Me and the rest of our group looked at him. “This maybe are only chance to change everything.” He said walking in front of the entrance waving his hands around in his usual way. “Today we change everything!”

Present day

“Wow...I have no idea what to say.” Luna said sitting back against the leather of the seat. “Did Simba really think that it would prove anything?”

“I don’t know really.” Soul said flatly. “Looking back, I should’ve known that he was bad news, but I didn’t want to face reality.”

“Well, what happened next? Did you guys go out into the storm?” Stormfly asked impatiently like a little filly waiting for the new Daring Doo book.

“Storm, clam down.” Sugar said in a commanding voice, that got her mare to settle down. “Okay, so Soul what did happened next?”

“Right, well for the most part Verdite and Tova were still against on doing it, but they decided to go anyway to make sure that Simba didn’t do anything to get himself killed…”

Savanna Grasslands; The lowlands two days into the storm

Anyway two days have passed and I was right about there being a storm. At first it was just some rain, something we’ve all have seen before, but the rain didn’t stop. No it just kept going and going, and before we knew it the path back to the mountain’s summit was blocked off by a torrent of water. Lucky we’d found a hillside cave to take refuge in until the storm passed.

Verdite and Tova wouldn’t talk to Simba for the whole time we were in the lowlands, my guess is that they were more than pissed. For me what didn’t added up was the fact that the storm came earlier than the zebra said it would, and that meant we were going to be stuck in that cave for five days in that cave. On the second day the monsoon started to hit really hard, winds tearing trees right out of the root, large lakes were formed just from the rainfall.

“This is all your fault Simba!” I remembered Verdite shouting at Simba, Tova was in the corner asleep with Rio and Pearl, I myself was sitting in front of the cave watching the storm. As I was listening to the rainfall, wind, and the thunder and lightning tearing through the skies a wave of unexplainable familiarity washed over me.

“Verdite don’t you want to be able to take care of Pearl?” I heard him asked Verdite, but I didn’t...couldn’t tear myself away from the storm. “We’ve have the chance of a lifetime here.” He continued, there was thing about his voice that I didn’t like. They must have heard one of the younger clubs must have made some noise, cause the two of them started to whisper.

“Of course I want to take care of Pearl, but not like this.” I faintly heard Verdite say. I was going to finally turn around when a streak of lightning caught my eyes first. All of my attention went back to the storm and the bright lights dancing around the darkened skies. “Simba, we’re stuck in a cave for Cerberus knows how long, and you still just thinking about becoming Alpha?” Verdite continued to argued with Simba.

“Yes.” This time I have to admit, Simba’s voice didn’t sound like it was his. It sound hollow and completely foreign to him. “I do, this is what we’ve been dreaming about, this is our chance to reach our goals.” The more he talked the more I started to hate him.

"You’re insane…” Verdite faintly said, I could tell by her voice that she was not only pissed, but she was disgusted by Simba’s lust for power, and so was I. “I can’t believe you! All this time...all of the time we’ve spent together you just been looking for a way to become Alpha!” Verdite shouted at Simba, and from the way her voice was cracking that she was crying. “You’re a monster!” That I agreed with, there was a loud slapping sound that seemed to cut through the periodic thunder. Verdite ran out of the cave and into the storm, and I remembered feeling her tears landing on my face.

Seeing Verdite crying was more than enough for me to cut a murderous gaze towards Simba. I would be lying if I said that I didn’t want to stump on his neck, but I had bigger things to worry about. Without a second thought I ran out of the cave, to go looking for Verdite. Upon leaving the cave, my fur coat was already gaining weight from the rain water. The winds were strong enough to knock me off of my feet. “Verdite! Verdite!” I shouted for the her, I had hoped that if she could hear me that she would respond. It would have been easier to find her if the rain didn’t make it blurry.

I climbed to the top of a boulder, figuring that I would have a better chance to see Verdite. “VERDITE!!” I roared on the top of my lungs, through the drowning grasslands I spotted her sitting on top of a hill that made itself an island in the middle of the massive lake. I ran over to edge of the lake, shouting her name to see if I could get her attention, but she couldn’t hear me. I quickly looked around to see if there was anyway across, but nope. When I looked back up to Verdite I saw her slowly walking towards the edge of the hill, There was no way for me to tell what she was thinking. My answer soon came as she jumped in the raging lake, and just floated there, not even trying to fight against it. I couldn’t believe my eyes, right there in front of me one of my friends were trying to kill herself, and there was nothing I could do. So I did the one thing that I could do:

I jumped in.

Man, let me tell you something, trying to save someone from drowning in a raging torrent of water. During a monsoon? Damn near impossible. Every time I got a look at Verdite, another wave would throw me around like a ragdoll. I myself nearly drowned like...four, five, maybe six times before I managed to reach Verdite. I wrapped my arms around her, and started to kick against the flow on the water. “No! Let me go!” This would have been easier if Verdite would’ve stop trying to push me away.

She seemed so content with just drowning in the water that it made me sad, but I was there to save her, and most importantly she and the others were the closest thing I could call friends. But I was young, Verdite didn’t want to live any more, and thanks to the constant beating I got from the water, I was out of strength.

It started to feel like the water wanted to swallow us, and it was pulling us down. I started to give up too. When I’ve started to black out, and darkness crawled my venison, I heard a faint and distant voice. “You must live, break the cycle.” It said, I opened my eyes, and I could promised that I was looking into the eyes of Cerberus himself. Suddenly a strong feeling overtook me, it felt like something was growing inside of me.

The next thing I know, the water started to be pushed away from me and Verdite. All outside feeling where thrown out of the window. The only thing on my mind was getting Verdite out of harms way. Once we were on higher ground, my body felt heavy and worn out.

I immediately hit the ground and blacked out.

The next thing I know is waking up in the Alpha’s private cave, I got up out of the bed I was laid on, and walked outside. I saw that everyone of my friends were waiting out there for me. I didn’t have any time to react before Pearl ran over to me and wrapped her arms around me. The others soon got up and walked over to me as well, all of them asking how I felt. I tried to tell them I was fine, but my throat hurt like hell, so I just nodded in response. I looked around to see that Simba was nowhere to be found.

And apparently the Alpha noticed my curiosity on Simba’s where about. “If you’re looking for Simba, pup, then you’ll find that he’s not here.” He said in that cold and commanding voice that he had as Alpha.

“He didn’t come back with us after you left to go save Verdite.” Tova said filling me in on the situation. “By the time we’ve find you two Verdite was shaking.” I looked over to Verdite, but she refused to look me in the eyes.

She was going to say something but the Alpha cut her off. “Pup, what you did was a brave thing, I just know that you’ll make a great descent.” I looked at him with a confused expression. Back then I just thought that I was just your everyday diamond dog, but no. Apparently I was so much more than a simple diamond dog.

That was the day I learned the truth of what I was, the descent of Cerberus himself; a Hellhound.

Present day

“And that’s when I learned I could use magic.” Soul said finishing the story. “Oh and I soon went back to the lowlands, which was still flooded to teach myself how to really swim.” He added.

“Wow, sounds like this Simba guy was a real jerk.” Stormfly said with a look of disgust on her face.

“Oh yeah, he was. But a few short years later me and the others found him, and we’d a little talk.” Soul said with a wicked smile growing on his face. He let out a big yawn, and cracked some of his bones. “So how much time did that kill anyway?”

“Umm...I say about an hour.” Luna guessed.

“Great, I’m going to sleep.” Soul said turning his head towards the window and quickly going to sleep. The other shrugged their shoulders thinking that they might as well get a nap in. Stormfly and Sugar cuddled up together in each other’s embraces, while Luna turned her head away from Soul’s.

After everyone was softly soaring, a unicorn mare walked from the pilot’s area of the transport. Her crystal blue eyes fell on Soul and Luna, completely disregarding the other two passengers. She quietly laughed to herself when Luna started to mumble in her sleep, she could make out the words, ‘star’ and ‘donuts’. Her eyes soon fell on Soul, who was drooling against the window, and fog could be seen from his hot breath. The mare nearly broke out laughing at the sight, but she was able to keep face, mostly.

A mischievous smirk stretched across her face, her horn came to life with a soft purple and midnight-blue glow. Luna’s and Soul’s heads started to slowly started to move closer to each other. The unicorn mare stop her magic when the two’s heads met in the middle, they quickly settled into the new position, and both of them had warm smiles on their faces.

Satisfied with her work, the pilot mare turned around, and walked back to the cockpit. She pushed the door opened and walked back to her seat next to the co-pilot. The dark-blue stallion cracked open an eye to look at the mare. “Okay, what’s with the smile?” He asked never seeing his partner smile.

“Humm? Oh nothing.” The mare said adjusting her pilot’s hat, to where the stallion couldn’t see her eyes.

“Oh no, it’s something.” The stallion said sitting up in his seat. “And I know what you're up to.” He said in a vague and suspicious tone.

The mare started to sink in her seat from the stallion’s accusing tone of voice. “I have no idea what you're talking about.” She said with sly grin on her face. Okay stay calm, stay calm, he probably haven’t figured out. She reassured herself, but she still readied a sleep spell if the need arises.

“Yes you do, and it’s not going to work.” The stallion said in an ever growing suspicious tone. The mare started to get nervous, but she was able to restrain herself. “I told you Comet, that you can’t surprise me.” He said in a smart-alec tone, causing the mare to do a double-take.

“Say, what?”

“Oh, don’t go and act like that you don’t know it’s my birthday.” The stallion said crossing his arms. “So go ahead and get it over with.”

Heh, I can’t believe I almost… “Okay, you’ve caught me.” The mare said with an innocent tone, the stallion nodded with a knowing look on his face. “Close your eyes and count to three.” The stallion chuckled and did what he was told. The mare charged up the sleep spell and smirked to herself.

“One…” Her horn sparked to life with the same glow as before.

“Two…” The horn started to glow brighter, and a small swirl of magic formed around it.

“Three…” The stallion opened his eyes expecting to find the mare that he thought was Comet to have a present out and ready for him, but instead he was faced with the mare’s fully charged horn. “Happy birthday.” Before the stallion could say anything, the mare fired the sleep spell, knocking him out before he even could fall back into his seat.

The stallion’s loud snoring told the mare that he was completely out of it. “Well that was closer then I would like it to be.” She said to herself, then paused for a moment to think about her next move carefully. “I guess I’m going to have to move quick for this to work.” She fingered, walking out of the cockpit. She made sure not to make any sounds when she walked passed Soul and the others.

The mare reached the end of the aisle and opened a door that lead to the back of the transport. An audible buzzing sound could be heard in the room, and the mare knew just what, or who, was making the sound. She walked behind a wooden storage crate, smiling at the sight.

Behind the crate was a mare with azure-blue fur, and silver-black mane. The mare had a drunken smile on her face, the answer could be found from the buzzing sound coming from the mare. The mare had one hand on her plus sized breast and the other one had three fingers inside of her marehood. “So Comet, I see that you’re enjoying yourself.” The other mare said standing over the other one. Comet couldn’t respond, not just cause of the nonstop pleasure, but also cause of the ball gag in her mouth.

The first unicorn mare dropped her disguise, relieving herself to be Nightmare Moon. “My, my, my. You’ve certainly made a mess back here.” She said in a teasing manner. Comet looked at Nightmare with a pleading eyes. Nightmare took the hint and snapped her fingers, removing the ball gag. She then slowly remove the vibrator from Comet’s leaking marehood, causing her to reach another peak.

Comet’s juices flew in the air, covering much of her already soaked legs, and the rest just leaked out on to the ground, collecting with the large puddle below. “ are...THE definition of evil…” Comet said with a heavy breath.

Nightmare chuckled at Comet. “Oh come on I’ve put you through worst.” She said in an innocent tone. “Now get up, we’ve have work to do.” She continued to say with a sly smile growing on her face.

Comet slowly sat up, using a crate as support. “What do you mean?” She asked standing up on shaky feet. “There must be another hour or so before we land.” She guessed.

“Yes but I’ve need to get ready now, so get ready.” Nightmare said lighting her horn, reading a memory spell.

“Wait Night, let me cat-” Comet’s pleas were cut short, as all of Nightmare’s memories, from when they switched places, hit her in a fast wave of...feelings. Comet had to grab hold of the crate again for better support. When the rush ended, Comet shook her head trying to regain her scents again. “Guh, did you have to do that?” She said, lighting her own horn so that she could go through the memories. “You knocked out Helm? On his birthday?!”

“He was annoying so, I didn’t have any other option.” Nightmare said in a frank tone. “Now enough talking, we’ve have work to get done.”

“Yeah, yeah I know.” Comet said. The two quickly got to work on the next steps of the plan. While Soul and the other blissfully sleep away, they were completely unaware of Nightmare’s plan.

Twin Moon: Phase 4 First Quarter

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Twin Moons

Phase 4 First Quarter

“Okay is everything ready?” Nightmare asked impatiently.

“Would you give me a minute?” Comet said in a frustrated tone, she was already annoyed by Nightmare’s impatient attitude. Let’s see her draw a magic circle with one stick of coal, in a few hours. Comet thought to herself, while Nightmare huffed and started to pace around the cargo hold. “You know that worrying about everything is going to make you overlook something.” Comet warned.

“I wouldn’t be worrying if you hurry up.” Nightmare pouted.

“Well if you had told me the plan before knocking me out. We wouldn’t have to wait.” Comet said going back to work. “I have a question. Why the hell I’m I doing this instead of you?” She asked finishing the first quarter of the circle.

“Because for a few reasons.” Nightmare said sitting on top of a crate.

“Well I’m listing.”

“Firstly, I need you around just incase something goes wrong.” Nightmare said in a matter of fact tone.

“Then what the hell am I doing?” Comet asked with a unamused look.

“That’s the second reason. For what I need, you have to be the one to draw it.” Nightmare said with a wicked smile on her face.

“I don’t get it. What does drawing a magic circle, and casting a spell have to do with me drawing it?” Comet said, finishing the third quarter.

“I’m going to save us the time from explain the history behind the circle but…” Nightmare started, intensely watching the marking on the circle. “Comet, have you ever wanted to be able to be in two places at once?” She asked baring her fanged teeth.

“Well yeah, especially when my parents were scolding me when I was younger but; what does that have to do with anything?” Comet asked finally finished with the circle.

Nightmare hopped off the crate and gusted to the circle. “The answer is right before you.” She said walking around it, eying all of the details. “Now all it needs is a little of your essence.” She reached into her pocket pulling out a vial, with clear fluid inside.

Comet recognized the fluid almost immediately, “You’ve got to be got to be kidding me.” She said with a mild annoyance. “Is that really what I think it is?”

“Yes.” Nightmare said opening the vial and pouring out Comet’s juices onto the circle. “Now step in the circle.” She instructed. Comet did as she was told, wanting to see where Nightmare was going with this. She stepped in the center of the circle, awaiting for further instructions. “Close your eyes, and focus you magic through your horn.” Comet nodded and did was she was told. Her horn began to glow a soft silver, and the circle around her did the same.

As the glowing brighten, Comet felt the magic running through her body. The intense wave of magic overflowed her body, and her mind was clouded with thoughts. Seeing that the magic was treating to takeover Comet’s body, Nightmare sparked her own horn, and place a magic dampener on Comet’s input of magic.

Silver and black lights danced around the circle, signifying the end of the spell. Comet fell to her knees, gasping for breath from the intensity of the spell. Nightmare slowly released the dampener on Comet’s horn, allowing her to gain a grip on her new magical levels.

“W-what the hell...was that?” Comet slowly asked, her breath slightly ragged and heavy.

“That was me granting your wish.” Nightmare said walking over to help Comet on her feet.

“W-what are y-you…” Comet tried to asked but was too weak to do so.

“Save your strength, we’ve have a lot more to do.” Nightmare said leading Comet over to a crate. “I really must thank you again. Without you, I would have been caught by now.” She continued to say, as she lend Comet against the crate.

“Hey, w-what’s a friend for?” Comet asked, closing her eyes to take a nap. Nightmare’s heart actually skipped a beat, and she was left with a blank look on her face. Comet’s words echoed through her head.

“Friend…” Nightmare whispered. “Then, I thank you friend.” She said, starting to clean the remains of the magic circle. unbeknownst to Nightmare, Comet laid against the crate with a faint smile stretching across her face.

Three hours later

“Oh wow, it’s even more beautiful in person.” Stormfly said in amazement. After everyone’s nap, they were welcomed with the sight of the resort island. From the Quicquam, Soul could see why it was called Crescent island, as it was in the shape of a crescent moon. “Hey Sugar, what you want to do first?” Stormfly asked, her wings ruffling behind her form joy.

“Storm sweetie, would you calm down?” Sugar asked shaking her head. “We haven’t even landed yet.” Stormfly blushed, and calm down a little. “Better, now I think we should try the beach first. What you two think?” She asked the other two.

“Umm...that sounds like a good idea to me.” Luna said really wanting to wear her new bathing-suit. “Soul?”

Soul shrugged his shoulders, “Sure, why not?” He said in a rather uncaring tone. The Quicquam started to gently shake, signifying that it was preparing to land. With one last rock, Soul and the others started to exit out of the transport. Once outside, Stormfly and Luna began to stretch out there stuff wings, while Soul and Sugar went to go get there bags.

“So Soul,” Sugar started when they were behind the Quicquam. “got any plans for the week?” She asked in a vague tone that made Soul arch a suspicious eyebrow.

Soul paused for a moment, his mind in thought. “Well aside from the beach, I was planning to challenge Luna in some games.” He said, hoping to finally settle the score.

“Ah I see, then could I ask you a favor?” Sugar asked a light blush clashing against her cream coat.

Soul finished unloading the last of the bags. “Sure, we what are friends for?” He asked with a smile.

“Heh, thanks.” Sugar said grabbing her and Stormfly’s bags. “Well I’ve wanted to take Stormfly on a date few days, and I was wondering if you can keep it a secret from her.” She asked shifting on her feet.

“Sure I can do that but, why do I need to keep it a secret?” Soul said lifting his and Luna’s bags on his shoulders. “I mean, couldn’t you just take her out?”

“Yeah I can, but I wanted to make it a surprise. It’s our four year anniversary in a few days.” Sugar said with a blush on her face.

“Oh really? Well congratulations.” Soul said with a genuine smile. “So keep Stormfly from finding out what your planning? Sounds easy enough.” He continued.

“You’ll do it?” Sugar said with a glimmer in her eyes. Soul just nodded, reassuring Sugar’s hopes. Sugar pulled Soul in an unexpected hug, nearly crashing his bones. “Oh thank you!” She nearly squeaked. When she heard the muffled cry from Soul, she released him from her grip with an apologetic smile on her face. “Sorry, I just really want this special for her.”

When Sugar finally let him go, Soul fell to his knees holding his sides in pain. Quicker than Sugar though he would, Soul was back on his feet. “Heh, I understand.” Soul said rubbing his sides, he could faintly hear the bones popping. “And I’m sure that we can keep her distracted long enough.” He said standing back up.

“Right, thanks a lot Soul.” Sugar said again. Soul nodded and started to walk around from the back of the Quicquam with Sugar at tow.

They failed to noticed a Comet sneak from the back of the Quicquam. She quickly made her way to the other side of the landing port, and hid in around a corner. “D’aww, wasn’t that sweet Night?” She asked looking towards her shadow, where Nightmare laid hidden.

Just keep moving and don’t draw so much attention to yourself. Nightmare said, communicating through Comet’s horn.

“Humph, just saying it sweet that Soul is so willing to help others.” Comet replied out loud, keeping her appearance hidden as she walked out of the landing port. “Say Night, what are we going to do about stuff.”

Comet, light your horn and talk to me that way. Nightmare said. Comet rolled her eyes but did as she was told, and lit her horn faintly. Better, now what do you mean about ‘stuff?’

I mean like food, money, where we’re going to be staying. Stuff like that.

Night? Please tell me you’d though about this. Right?

You are joking. You mean to tell me that we’ve only have the bits that are on me right now?


Wonderful...Looks like we’re going to have to get temporary jobs.

Do we have to? Couldn’t we just tell someone to give us the things we need?



Cause that’s called begging, and if not that, it’s called stealing. Which is against the law.

So jobs, how are we going to do that?

Comet stopped walking down the street, she lend against a wall thinking of an answer to her new misadventure with the dark alicorn. Well they're only temporary, so there won’t be that much of a background check. I’ll look for some jobs and you’ll just have to be in disguise.

Sounds like fun.

Comet chuckled at Nightmare’s sarcasm. Come on Night, it won’t be that bad.

If you say so. Hey, duck behind that building, I’m tired of being a shadow.

Comet did as she was told, hiding behind a shop. Hey, how did you know there was a building here?

I can see through your eyes. Now give me a sec and don’t move. Comet could ‘feel’ Nightmare’s horn glow, and her body started to grow from Comet’s shadow. Ah, much better. She said.

Comet started to laugh at Nightmare, who put her hands on her hips, and raised an angry eyebrow. “Night, you're still talking through your horn.” Comet said after the short fit of laughter was over.

Nightmare blushed at her own mistake. “Oh, umm...right disguise.” She said trying to change the subject. Her horn came to life once more and a black mist covered her body, Comet could faintly see though the screen of mist. When the transformation was over, Comet honestly felt like slapping the mare. Nightmare’s body was now one comparable to a supermodel. Her fur was now a azure-blue, mane and tail just like Comet’s a mixture of silver and black, but it wasn’t the fact that Nightmare looked like Comet’s older sister.

“Are you fucking serious?” Comet asked staring at Nightmare’s engorged chest.

“What? We’ve been through this Comet.” Nightmare said crossing her arm underneath her breasts. “I’ve always have been bigger and always will.” She reminded with a sly smile on her lips.

“But you said the next time that you used a disguise, that you’ll be a size smaller than me.” Comet pouted. “How am I going to compete with this.” She said gesturing towards Nightmare’s new body.

Nightmare just rolled her eyes at Comet’s whining. “And I did, when I first confronted Soul.” She said with a longing tone in her voice. “Anyway now’s not the time to be worrying about that.”

“Okay Night, so what’s our next move?” Comet asked.

“Alright, firstly while we’re in public call me Crescent Star, and as for living arrangements…” Nightmare or ‘Crescent’ reached behind her back and pull out small pouch of bits. “I’ve got it covered for at least two days.”

Comet eyed the pouch suspiciously. “Where did you get that?”

“Oh come on, I’ve earn this just so you know. Come on let’s go ‘sister’ we’ve got a lot of work to do.” Crescent said walking out of the alley way with an irritated Comet at tow.

Back at the Quicquam

“There you two are.” Luna said spotting Soul and Sugar walking around the Quicquam. “Soul, do you even know the definition of ‘relax’?” She asked grabbing her bag form Soul.

“What? I figured that it would be quicker to just grab our stuff.” Soul said with a shrug of his shoulders.

“Sugar you didn’t have to grab all of the bags yourself.” Stormfly said taking her bag from her marefriend. Sugar caught Stormfly in a surprise kiss, before she could say anything else.

“I know but I wanted to.” She said with a small blush on her cheeks that matched her marefriend’s. The two of them stood there for a moment before Luna caught their attention.

“Ahem, now that we have our stuff I think we should check in to the restore.” Luna said and the others nodded in response. She turned to the two pilot ponies. “Be back here in one week to pick us up.” She ordered causing the two to salute.

They turned to walk back in the Quicquam and when they were alone inside, Helm constantly kept looking at Comet’s clone, and causing it to respond. “Lieutenant Helm, what is the matter?” The clone asked in an emotionless voice.

Helm didn’t catch on to the emotionless tone in the clone’s voice and continue. “So, what was last night about? You know, using that sleep spell on me.”

“That was your present.” The clone replied.


“Knocking you out was your present.” The clone answered walking to the cockpit and starting the preparations for launching the Quicquam. “You’ve been complaining that you can’t go to sleep during flight. So I put you to sleep.”

“Oh umm...thanks?”

“Anytime, now let’s go home.” The clone said finished with the pre-flight checks. “Command tower, this is the Quicquam requesting permission for take-off.” The clone when through the usual flight sequences.

It wasn’t before long that the Quicquam was in the air heading towards to Canterlot. By this time Luna and the others were already at the Moonlight restore, checking in. “Ah, princess right on time.” The receptionist said.

“Yes, I would like to check in four please to the VIP suite.” Luna said politely.

The mare started to type something in on the database. “May I ask for how long?” She asked.

“One week.”

“That would be two thousand bits your majesty.” The receptionist said, causing all but Luna to look at the receptionist with dumbfounded expressions.

Luna pulled out a plastic card that had her royal symbol on it. “Just charge it to the royal funds.” She told the receptionist, who took the card and scanned it.

“Here you go princess.” The mare said handing back the card along with VIP passes and their card key. “I hope that you and your friends have a wonderful time at the Moonlight restore.” She said waving the group off.

Luna and the others soon took their leave heading to the elevators. “Two thousand bits?” Sugar started amazed at the cost of the restore. “Princess Luna, I really must thank you.” She said in a daze.

“Come now Sugar,” Luna said reaching the elevator and pushing the button for the top floor. “It’s not that much of a problem, honestly I thought that it would be more than that.” She said as the elevator reached them and stepped in.

“So what’s the difference between normal and VIP?” Soul asked like a curious club.

“Well there are a few differences, the main one being that there will be more space. That and with these,” Luna pull out the VIP passes with her magic. “will get us into just about everything in the restore without having to pay extra.” She explained handing out one to Soul and the other two.

“ what kind of stuff are we talking about?” Soul asked not sure what the cards entail.

“Well there’s a rooftop gym that’s almost as big as the one in Canterlot, an indoor swimming pool, and there’s a few bars that will take this card as payment.” Luna listed off the things that came to mind.

“Oooh, can we go to a bar after the beach?” Stormfly asked with her wings shifting behind her. “I’ve heard that there’s a bar near by that make the best typical drinks.”

“Storm sweetie,” Sugar started with a deadpan face. “you can’t hold a drop of alcohol, I’m sorry to say this but you are the lightest light-weight ever.” She finished causing Luna to laugh.

“I’m not a light-weight!” Stormfly shouted in annoyance.

“Remember Azure’s and Rainfall’s wedding party?” Sugar smirked and nudged Stormfly with an elbow. “Those drinks were non-alcoholic and you still were able to get drunk.” Sugar and Luna started to laugh harder at Stormfly.

Stormfly started to pout and turned away from the two other mares “Humph, well at least Soul knows it not funny.” She said with a cocky smile on her face.

“Actually Stormfly…” Soul started making drop the smile into a frown.

“Oh come on! Not you too.”

“Pony alcohol have little to no effect on diamond dogs, or many other creatures. So yeah…” Soul said looking away from the mare’s gaze. “Sorry you’re kind of alone on this…”

Stormfly grabbed her mane in frustration. “Really? I- wait no I’m not.” She said with the cocky smile from before. “Sugar you're the last one to talk. When your drunk there’s no way stopping you.” She said with a victorious smile.

Sugar lend into Stormfly's face with a sultry smile. “And when have you ever complained?” She asked, her hot breath washing over Stormfly’s face.

“I...umm...well you see...ummm…” Stormfly stuttered unable to think of what to say.

“Okay you two that’s enough, save it for when I raise the moon.” Luna said pulling the two apart with her magic. Sugar and Stormfly both had red-hot blushes on their faces, muttering some apologetic words. The elevator finally reached the top floor of the restore and the doors opened. Luna and the others quickly filed out into the hallway, and started to walk to their suite.

“Suite 201, here we are.” Luna said sliding the key card and opened the door. Soul closed the door when everyone was in the room, and his mouth was agape at the sight. The room was far larger than he thought it would be and there was an open window overlooking the white sandy beach below. He walked over to the window to gaze out to the beach, and the others soon followed him over.

“It’s beautiful isn’t it?” Luna asked.

“Yeah…” Soul said his eyes never leaving the beach.

“Well? Why don’t we get down there and have some fun!” Stormfly said running back into the room and rounding a corner leading into the living areas.

“Storm would you wait up.” Sugar shouted chasing after her marefriend.

“Well we might as well get ready too.” Luna said walking away from the window. Soul silently nodded and turned to follow Luna, when he again caught her swaying her hips in an alluring way. He quickly shook it off, and followed her to the living area, where he saw Luna standing at a doorway. “I’m guessing that Stormfly and Sugar are going to share a room, so I’ll take this one." And before Soul could say anything, She was already gone.

He shrugged it off and took the room across from her and placed his bag on the bed. “Heh, no turning back now.” Soul said to no one. He unzipped the bag to look for something to change into for the beach. However, never begin on one before, Soul didn’t know about swimming trunks. So all he had was a pair of short workout shorts, that he would wear for training.

Soul quickly made the switch out, figuring that there was no need to put on a shirt. He walked out of his room, and took the time to do a better look of the VIP suite. “Man, this place has a kitchen and everything.” He said walking around and taking a seat on the couch.

“It is impressive isn’t it?” Soul heard Luna’s voice coming from the doorway of the living area. “From what Tia told me about this place, it’s should be the most technological advanced restore in all of Equestria.”

“Is that so? Hey I brought the gamestation if you want to hook it up to the tv over there.” Soul said pointing out the tv in the room. “We’ve still got a score to settle.”

“Yes if I remember, the score was five to two.” Luna said with a smirk.

Soul rolled his eyes in response. “Whatever Luna, I’m going to catch up.”

“Catch up with what?” Stormfly said walking out of the living area wearing a light-blue jacket over her bathing suit.

“Me and Luna started to play video games when I was recovering from missions.” Soul said glaring at the blue alicorn. “And I’m not going to lose any more.” He said hopping off of the couch in a triumphant manner.

“Whatever Soul, we’ll deal with that later on. For now let’s just get to the beach.” Luna said in a unimpressed manner, thinking about all of the times she and Soul would go at it. “Stormfly where's Sugar, isn’t she ready yet?” Luna asked about the missing head of their small group.

“Oh umm...well Sugar is umm...having trouble with her bikini, and well…” Stormfly stammered with a wild blush burning across her cheeks. She was about to continue when Sugar finally made her way out of the room, with her eyes closed, and an eerie expression on her face.

“Sugar? Is everything alright?” Luna asked with concern, not knowing the situation.

“Humm? Oh everything is quiet alright Luna.” Sugar said her expression not changing. “It’s just that Stormfly here,” She stressed her marefriend’s name, she took her hand out of her pocket, and firmly grasping Stormfly’s ass with an auditable slapping sound. “though that she could do laundry without actually knowing how to do it. ”She said pinching the gray ass cheek.

“Ahh! Sugar, I said I was sorry.” Stormfly squeaked out like a little filly.

“Oh really? Then tell me this; how do you manage to turn all of my bathing suites the same color as my fur?” Sugar asked in a threatening tone, twisting her fingers, and pinching harder.

“Ahhh! Sugar, please I don’t know how. I’m sorry.” Stormfly begged. “Luna, Soul help me.” She asked the two, who were laughing at the mares’ quarrel.

“Ah no, I’m definitely not getting mixed up in a lover’s quarrel.” Luna said backing out of the suite. Sugar started to twist and pinch harder, causing Stormfly to bend over from both the pain and odd pleasure that she would get when Sugar acted this way. Stormfly looked towards Soul, who was doubled over on the couch.

Soul caught Stormfly’s begging looks. “Nah-huh filly you’re on your own.” He said standing up straight. “Though, Sugar don’t hurt her too bad.” Soul was already at the door when Sugar looked up towards him and away from Stormfly’s growing red ass.

“Oh don’t worry about her she’ll be just fine.” She said leaning over Stormfly’s back and onto her slightly stiff wings. “Isn’t that right Storm?” Soul could barely hear Sugar’s whisper. When Stormfly didn’t immediately answer, Soul heard a loud slapping sound that caused her to yelp.

“Y-yes ma’am.” Stormfly answered in a compliant manner.

“Yeah, so I’m going to go and umm...yeah…” Soul said closing the door leaving the two mares along, not like they even noticed.

“S-Sugar come on we don’t have time for this.” Stormfly moaned as Sugar traced her cloud shape cutie mark.

“Humm...I guess you right but,” Sugar slapped the side of Stormfly’s ass. “we will finish this talk, tonight. Understood?” She asked biting on Stormfly’s ear.

Another slapping sound echoed through the empty room when Stormfly failed to answer immediately. “Yes m-ma’am.” Sugar smiled around Stormfly’s ear, she reached into Stormfly’s jacket cupping her small breasts. A shiver ran down the trapped pegasus's spine, and she had to bite her lip to keep herself quite.

Unsatisfied with the quietness from her marefriend, Sugar suddenly stood upward taking Stormfly with her. She slowly traced a hand downward towards Stormfly’s neglected flower, but Stormfly stopped her with a hand. “Sugar I really don’t think that we should at least not until tonight.”

Sugar groaned in disappointment but stopped her advances. “Fine, but your ass will be mine.” She said delivering one last slap to the rear.

Stormfly turned around pulling Sugar into a loving kiss, prodding Sugar’s teeth asking for permission. Taking the hint, Sugar opened her mouth, and their tongues intertwined. Stormfly pulled away quicker than Sugar would like her to, biting on her lower lip. “I love you, you know that?”

“Yeah I do, now can we please go to the beach now?” Stormfly asked like the impaction filly that Sugar come to love.

“Sure.” Sugar said with a sweet smile. The two shared a quick kiss before leaving out of the suite, only to find Soul and Luna arguing about something.

“Nope, not going to happen Luna.” Soul said crossing his arms and turning away.

“Oh come now, there’s no need to be like that.” Luna said nudging him with a finger.

“For the last time no.” Soul said in a unmoving and stubborn way. Luna throw her hands up in the air in frustration, Soul’s content stubbornness always having become an obstacle in some way or another.

“What are you two arguing about?” Sugar asked with Stormfly leaning against her.

Both Soul and Luna finally gave the two some attention, but Soul refused to say anything so Luna stepped in for him. “Soul’s just begin a big club about stuff.” She said in a pouting tone, yet didn’t really answer Sugar’s question.

Sugar turned to the hellhound, to see if he would yield the answer. “Soul what’s going on?” She asked in a stun and commanding voice that made Stormfly shiver slightly.

Soul cut a glance toward Sugar, seeing the look on her face. “Luna wants me to enter in some contest.” Soul said in a sigh.

“What contest?” Stormfly asked with a hint of curiosity. However before anyone could say anything, Soul pointed at a poster on the wall. The two mares followed Soul’s finger until they caught onto the posting. The poster was advertising a charity event for Equestrian school systems, and more importantly it was advertising…

“Hahahah...Soul you’ve got to do it!” Stormfly laughed nearly falling over if it wasn’t for Sugar’s strong grip. “All of the mares in Canterlot would jump at the opportunity to have their very own diamond dog.” The charity event was more or less an abduction of willing males for mares, like an twenty-four hour service.

“I would rather fight a hydra again.” Soul said in a huff. “Luna, why do you want me to do this anyway?”

Luna blushed at this question and went silent for a moment, thinking of an answer. “Umm...well I...It’s for a good cause, just like Stormfly said it was.” She eventually answered, and not wasting any more time in staying there. “Well we should be going now, the sun doesn’t stay up forever.” The others looked at each other with puzzled expression about Luna’s sudden behavior, but ultimately decided to follower her anyway.

Luna remained silent for the ride down the elevator, so Sugar thought about opening conversations with Soul. “So Soul, Stormfly here told me that you took on the entire male population of the Royal Guard.” She started awaiting a response from him.

“Yeah, I did.”

“But why? I mean the entire Royal Guard? That’s a bit much.” Sugar said, still amazed by the story.

“Well to be honest, it wasn’t the entire Royal Guard. Most of them were nothing but recruits at the time.” Soul said leaning against the wall. “Hey, Stormfly weren’t you a part of that new batch?” He asked faintly remembering the mare sticking out from the rest of the unit.

“Yeah I was, but after you took on my unit, you and captain Lance went at it.” Stormfly said, remembering the bout with Soul and Lance.

“Heh, yeah now that was fun.” Soul said with a smirk. “Dude can really fight.”

“But you broke his arm.” Stormfly said in an accusing tone.

“He called me ‘mutt.’ That’s his own fault.” Soul said in a defensive tone.

“Well I say that you had a rather eventful six months.” Sugar said wrapping an arm around Stormfly neck, calming her down.

Soul darkly chuckled at the mare, “You have no idea.” The elevator doors opened and Soul and the others walked out, heading straight for the beach.

The Sandy Moon

While Luna had an unlimited access to the royal bank, Nightmare Moon didn’t. She and Comet were forced to look for the cheapest hotel on the beach paradise, which in on itself was a hard search. Already they have been to five other hotels, only to have to turn away from the price. Finally at the power that may be, Nightmare and Comet stumbled onto the Sandy Moon, one of the cheapest hotels on the island.

However, that didn’t mean that the Sandy Moon was a rundown dump. It was just a simple and modest hotel that was one of the closest to the beachfront and all of its many businesses that used the beach to make a living. Still in disguise as Crescent, Comet’s ‘sister’, Nightmare looked out of the small window. Thinking on the best way to finally achieve her goal, while Comet laid spared out on the bed.

“Night.” Comet said after a short rest. “What are we really going to do? I mean, just how are we going to get Luna and Soul hooked up?” She asked sitting up to face Nightmare.

“I don’t know…” Nightmare said softly. “I’m not even sure if I can go with this.” She admitted still looking out the window, watching the calm ocean waves.

“Night, are you alright?” Comet asked with genuine concern in her voice for Nightmare. “You know, with not being able to be with Soul?”

Nightmare whipped her head around to Comet. “ do you know about that?” She asked her voice cracking slightly.

“Night, we’ve been friends for a few years now.” Comet said getting up off of the bed and walking towards Nightmare. “What kind of friend would I be if I didn’t figure it out?” She asked with a warm smile on her face.

Nightmare did know what to say, she just stood there staring at the ground. When Nightmare didn’t respond, Comet continued. “Night I worry about you, I know that you feel that you need to repay your debt to Luna, but what about you?” Comet asked with a sad tear threatening to escape her eyes. “What about you and your feelings?”

Nightmare refused to answer any of Comet’s questions, fearful of the answers and what they entail. “Nightmare!” Comet shouted her voice threatening to reach any that would be walking by. “You’re my friend and you shouldn’t have to do this to yourself.” She buried her face into Nightmare’s shirt, tears streaming down her face.

“Comet…” Nightmare started, unsure of how to calm the mare down. “Y-you mustn’t worry so much about me, I’m fine with this really.” She said slowly wrapping her arms around the weeping mare.

“No, you can’t push your feeling away like this.” Comet said through the tears.

Nightmare gently lifted Comet’s head up so she could look her in the eyes. “No, you have your own life to live, you mustn’t burden yourself with my problems.” Comet just buried her head back into Nightmare’s chest, continuing the water works. “How about this, if Soul wants to then he’ll from a herd with me and Luna, that way both of us can have him. Sounds good?”

“And if he says ‘no,’ then what?” Comet asked whipping the tears from her eyes.

“Then I’ll just have to deal with it, there’s nothing I can do about it.” Nightmare said with sorrow in her voice and a solitary tear rolling down her cheek. “But no matter Soul’s choice I still will be happy.” She said with a wary smile. Comet still refused to remove herself from Nightmare’s embrace, who started to sway and hum a soft tone.

Nightmare looked back out to the bright ocean with Comet still buried in her shirt, only one thought entering their minds:

I’ll do anything for her, as she have done everything for me.

Twin Moons: Phase 5 Waxing Gibbous

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Twin Moons:

Phase 5 Waxing Gibbous

“So,” Comet started after she had clam down. “what exactly are we looking for?” Nightmare failed to fully explain her plan to Comet, and the mare couldn’t take being left in the dark any more. Whatever Nightmare had plan, led Comet to the wildlife preserve that housed most of the rare and native wild animals and plant life. Most believe that it was here that Discord got the seeds for the poison joke plant, but every time someone asked about it, he would deny any claims.

“We’re looking for a special kind of flower.” Nightmare, still disguised as Crescent, said pushing another leaf out of the way. She was far more focused on finding the desired flower than answering any more of Comet’s questions. “Come on, it must be here somewhere.” She was growing more impatient by the second. Each time she looked behind another leaf or other overgrown plant, her prize would still not be there.

“Okay, could you at least describe the plant to me?” Comet asked peering over Nightmare’s shoulders at the path ahead. “You know the good ol’ saying, ‘two heads are better than one,’ so maybe we’ll have a better chances of finding it.” Comet said know that now Nightmare had to fill her in more about the plan, or at the least she’ll know more about this important flower.

“Fine,” Nightmare said in a huff and she stood up to her full height, which was almost a foot taller than Comet’s. “The flower that we’re looking for is extremely rare, so rare in fact that it will only grow on this island.” Nightmare said remembering the old tales from when she and Luna still shared the same body.

If this thing can bring Soul and Luna to confess their feelings, then maybe it will do the same to Night. Comet quickly plotted out her own plan. “Wow, that does sound rare, but could you tell me what it look like?” Comet asked more determine to find this flower before Nightmare.

“Well I’ll give you a hint; the flower is called Lunam, or in today’s Equestrian, Moonlight.” Nightmare finally answered one of Comet’s questions, however from the look on the mare’s face she wanted a better explanation than just a simple name. “Okay, okay, the flower itself shouldn’t be hard to point out. It has silver petals, blue leaves and purple stems.” She described the flower to her best ability.

“Great, so what you’re saying is that it should stick out like a sore thumb?” Comet asked, thinking she spotted something like that further back to the entrances of the preserve. If I’m right, I could grab that one and just let Night find one of her own. Comet smirked to herself, thinking that her plan was foolproof.

“Yes it should, however though, there is a counterfeit species of Lunam that you should be wary of.” Nightmare warned, returning back to her search for the elusive flower.

“What do you mean?” Comet asked, slightly worried what kind of perpetuities the counterfeit Lunam would have.

“You heard of the poison joke flower?” Nightmare turned and asked Comet, who nodded. “That’s what I mean, before you could only find a few of those things here; but now thanks to Discord, they’re everywhere.” Nightmare said with a snort. “Anyway be wary of things like reverse coloration, as that would have the opposite effect that we want.” She warned.

“Sure thing, think I could use the cloning spell to cover more ground?” Comet asked already enjoying the newfound power. All her life she wanted to be in more than two places, and now thanks to Nightmare she could.

“Right, that would greatly improve our changes, just remember to not over do it; you don’t want the clone that’s taking you place back in Canterlot to fall apart, do you?” Nightmare yet again warned Comet of her limitations with the spell.

Comet nodded in understanding, she closed her eyes and focused her magic on the spell that was now apart of her. Black and silver runes appeared all over her body, giving off a faint midnight-blue light. A black cloud of smoke encased her body, soon after it faded there were three exact copies of Comet standing at attention, and awaiting orders.

“Alright you three, where looking for a flower called Lunam, silver petals, blue leaves, and purple stem.” Comet debrief the clones on their mission. “Alright you know your orders, move out.”

“Yes ma’am!” All three clones shouted in unison and disappeared from slight. Comet smiled to herself, proud that she has already had that much control over the spell.

“Well, I can tell that you’ll put that spell to good use.” Nightmare chuckled. Comet soon followed suit in the joyous laugh. “Alright, let’s get back to work.” Nightmare said returning to the task at hand. Comet nodded and turned walking towards the entrance.

Sorry Night, but I can’t let you do this to yourself. Even if its for Luna, you’re my friend, and you’ll always be. She continued down the path, thinking of what’s to come next.

White Sand beach

While Nightmare and Comet where hard at work, Soul and the others were enjoying the sandy white paradise of the beach. At first Soul was wary of the sandy surface, thinking that it was going to swallow him whole. Luna quickly put his fears to rest when she stepped on the sand. Celestia’s sun was hanging high in the noon sky, and a few ponies could be spotted enjoying the beach in their own way. Some mares were sunbathing, others were playing various games with their friends, and few were out in the surf conquering the waves of the ocean.

Begin the only male, Soul was tasked with carrying all of the mares’ stuff, not like he wasn’t used to doing so. Sugar shortly found a spot for them to set up for the day, and it was a perfect one, right under a sand dune. Soul quickly yet gently set the stuff down on the sandy floor.

“So, this is a beach?” Soul asked to no one in particular. “Seems cool, I guess.” He said in an anticlimactic way, almost as if he was expecting more.

“Oh Soul, you haven’t seen nothing yet.” Luna said almost in a purr, as she unzipped her jacket, and letting it fall to the ground. Upon seeing Luna, Soul’s jaw nearly fell off of his mouth. Soul may have picked up Luna’s bathing suit, but he never actually looked at it.

Luna’s silver bikini top, perfectly covered her breasts, and the bottom was only hold together by two small crescent moons at each side. With her bathing suit a two piece, Luna relieved her well toned stomach, not to thigh, but not to much. Soul’s eyes traced every inch of Luna’s curves, her wide hips giving her the perfect hourglass shape.

Most ponies didn’t know this but to diamond dogs and other bipedal predators, a female’s hips and breast were the most sought after trait for attraction. And Luna had more than Soul could ever think she did. Back in the castle Luna’s body was always hidden from his wandering eyes, but now it was on full display.

“Soul, Soul.” Stormfly waved her hand in front of his face, trying to break him out of his daze. “Princess, I think you just broke him.” She gave up on snapping Soul back into reality.

Sugar shook her head, having a feeling that getting Luna and Soul together was going to be harder than she thought. She walked to Soul’s ear and whispered something only he could hear. Before she even finished, Soul jumped back to reality, and whipped his head to Sugar; who was giggling like a school-filly.

Ignoring the shocked gaze from Soul, Sugar calmly walked back to Stormfly’s side. “What did you say?” She whispered, amazed by her marefriend’s abilities.

“Oh nothing, just the same thing I said to you on our first date.” Sugar said with a giggle, looking back at the flustered dog.

Stormfly was blank for a moment, thinking back to their first date a four years ago. Suddenly the distant memory hit her, and the hottest blush that she has had in a long while took over her entire face. “S-Sugar, you don’t mean…” Stormfly asked staring at Sugar as she set things up. Sugar simple nodded with a sly smirk on her face, the very same one from the memory of their first date.

After finally recovering from Sugar’s ‘encouragement,’ Soul regain face and was able to at least glances Luna’s way. “So, what exactly do you do on a beach anyway?” He asked trying to keep his mind preoccupied. The last thing he need right now was his canine instincts taking control.

Luna was going to answer but Stormfly beat her to it. “Oh, oh, we could smash a watermelon!” She exclaimed with absolute joy, remembering the class trip to Las Pegasus beach her senior year of high school. Stormfly had already taken off her gray jacket, and was wearing a yellow one-piece bathing suit that made her look like she was a filly.

“Strom sweetie, we don’t have a watermelon.” Sugar said still wearing her light-pink jacket, and looking like she had no intention of taking it off.

Stormfly arched an eyebrow when she saw that Sugar was still wearing the hot jacket. “Sugar, aren't you going to take your jacket off?” She asked, the excitement of the beach already making her forget why she still was wearing the jacket. The snickering of Luna and Soul quickly help her remember why her mare was still wearing it and her eyes widen at the memory and what it entails.

“Umm...wait you don’t have to take it off if you don’t want to. It’s not that hot out here.” Stormfly tried to cover up and save her doomed ass, but it was too late as Sugar reached for the zipper of the jacket, and started to undress. When the jacket in the ground, Soul and Luna exploded in laughter. Sugar’s jacket matched her fur completely to the point it looked like she wasn’t wearing anything at all.

Luna’s and Soul’s uncontrollable laughter altered the other beach-goers and must too erupted in laughter at Sugar’s misfortune. Stormfly slowly turned her head around to only to see her greatest fears. Surfers were whipping out from laughing too hard. Ponies playing catch with beach balls stopped and where on the ground laughing, some were even hit by the ball, but didn’t care.

Sugar slowly nodded her head, mentally counting every face she saw laughing. “Oh sweetie, I hope you do know that every time I hear something about my ‘bathing suit,’ that’s just one more reason not to hold back tonight right?” Her voice colder than even Nightmare’s with a sultry yet twisted smile.

“What!?” Stormfly’s wings twitched from a mixture of fear and anticipation. This time she didn’t waste any time to whip her head around, and started to count everypony she saw laughing or having some kind of reaction.

The numbers didn’t look good for her.

“Oh come on Sugar, we don’t need to do that.” Stormfly begged, prying that Sugar would somehow see reason.



“Not happening.”

“Sugar, please with a bright red cherry on top.” Stormfly pulled out the biggest puppy dog eyes she could manage. Sugar remained stone faced, even when Stormfly leaned in closer. She opened an eye to see the cheesiest smile on Stormfly’s lips. Sugar smirked back, and quickly grabbed the back of Stormfly’s head and thrust her into a powerful surprise kiss.

Sugar pulled back much quicker than Stormfly thought she could, leaving her wanting more. That was until she heard a few stallions shout out some cat calls to them. Stormfly blushed deeply realizing that they were still in public. Sugar pulled Stormfly closer so she could whisper so that even Soul could hear. “Now? Who’s my mare?” The darkest of chuckles escaped Sugar’s lips, sending a cold and dreadful waved down Stormfly’s back.

“I-I am…” Stormfly said falling into her submissive personality that Sugar discovered during their first time together.

“Good. Now be a good little filly and go with Soul to get some watermelons.” From the view of anyone else, Sugar took hold of Stormfly’s erect nipple, and gave it a soft pinch making Stormfly moan.

“Y-yes ma’am.” Stormfly answered obediently, she reached into her bag and pulled out a small pouch of bits. She turned around and looked to Soul, who more or less had calm down like the rest of the beach. “Hey Soul, want to go get some watermelons?” She asked in her cheery manner, as though nothing has happened.

Soul just looked at the pegasus confused to all heck. “Um...sure. Why the hell not.” He hopped up off the ground and followed Stormfly to the nearby fruit stands.

“We’ll be right back.” Stormfly called out mostly to Sugar. Feeling playful, Stormfly nudged Soul with in elbow and took off to the air with Soul close behind on foot.

As soon as the two were out of earshot, Sugar began to laugh in pure anticipation of tonight. She laid out a blanket, pulled out a book and a pair of sunglasses, and started to read where she left off. “You two have the what’s the word…interesting relationship I’ve ever seen.” Luna said setting out her own blanket.

The sly smile on Sugar’s lips only grew in size. “Oh come on princess, you give me too much credit.” She said turning the page.

“Hump...well I don’t think using her split personalities is a good thing.” Luna said remembering the files she read up on about Stormfly, right before they left.

“Don’t worry princess, I’ve already talked with Stormfly about it, and she says its fine so as long I don’t try and take advantage of her.” Sugar said turning the page of the book. For the almost five years now, Sugar has known about Stormfly’s split personalities, and what to do to trigger each one. She also knew that Stormfly could sometimes control the separate personas and trigger them herself. “And besides, she’s getting better at controlling them.”

“Oh is she now, like what exactly?” Luna asked taking interested in this new bit of information.

“You remember the changeling invasion three years back?” Sugar asked, never forgetting the dark day the changelings attacked Canterlot.

“Sadly, I wasn’t able to make it.” Luna said with a sigh, “I had a meeting in the Griffin Empire a week before, and was unable to make it in time.” She said much to her irritation. The transport that she took to the mountain empire was unable to make it through the thick fog, and suffered delays.

“Ah, I see, well anyway I had a cousin that was working as the head chief to the wedding, and she got me and Stormy tickets in. Sadly the changelings were also in the wedding.” Sugar remembered the exact moment when Twilight stopped the wedding reliving Chrysalis identity. “We managed to make it out of the ball room, but a group of changelings caught up to us.”

“Well what happened next?” Luna asked, already finding this story more interesting than the one in her hands.

“They cornered us in an alleyway, and I was on the ground like a hopeless foal.” Sugar started laughing at the way she reacted in the situation. “But Stormfly didn’t seemed fazed one bit, she took on the group, and took them out without getting a single scratch on her.” She recalled the memory and her heart was sent fluttering.

“She moved like lightning, and she was knocking them out like thunder.” Sugar blushed realizing that she just sounded like a damsel in distress and Stormfly was her knight in shining armor. “Before reinforcements showed up, she had already lead me to an abandoned building, and hid me away well she went out and help the guards. That’s when she decided to became one, so she could always protect Equestria.” Sugar let out a happy sigh from the memories.

“, I say she became a guard to protect you more than Equestria.” Luna said amazed by the bubbly pegasus’s true nature.

“You think so?” Sugar stopped to think to herself for a half-second. “Yeah you’re right. I really do love her.” She continued to said hiding her blush with her book.

“I know so.” Luna said returning to her own book, far be on impressed with Stormfly.

While Sugar and Luna talked, Soul and Stormfly had their own conversation going.

“What?! That horrible!” Stormfly shouted at Soul, who was carrying three heavy watermelons. On the way back Stormfly couldn’t help but ask Soul more about his home, and the discoveries weren’t to her liking.

“Would you stop shouting. If it wasn’t done I most likely won’t be in Equestria.” Soul said in an annoyed tone of voice. Over the course of the conversation, the topic quickly was shifted back to the months after the monsoon and the discoveries of Soul’s powers.

“But you can’t push someone that young into fighting things three times it’s size!” Stormfly continued to shout, showing no signs of calming down anytime soon.

“Look, I know. But it’s what happened, and I don’t ever want to change it.” Soul said not wanting to remember all of the days the alphas would have him fight some monster of an animal, or train until his body drops.

“How could you say that?” Stormfly asked hoving right in front of Soul.

“Storm, think about it.” Soul paused waiting for Stormfly to at least hear reasoning. “If it wasn’t for all of that training, I most likely wouldn’t be in Equestria, I would most likely still be somewhere in Savanna wandering around aimlessly.”

“Still though it’s not right.” Stormfly said still not pleased with the puphood Soul had.

“It’s what happened, can’t change it now, and never want to.” Soul said flatly. “So, what about you Stormfly? You seem like the mare that has a story or two.”

“Huh, me? There’s nothing really that special, not at least compared to you anyway.” Stormfly said lazily hovering beside Soul.

“Good thing I’m not comparing than. Come on Storm, you must got something. What about your cutie mark?” Soul asked finding pony cutie marks an interesting topic sometimes.

“Huh? What about my cutie mark?” Stormfly asked completely clueless of what Soul was asking.

“How ya get it?” Soul asked gesturing his hand to the dark cloud on her flank, one of the watermelons nearly fell out of his grasp, but Stormfly was quick to respond. She swooped it out of the air, and gently rested underneath her perky breasts.

“Well it was back flight school…”

Thirteen years ago, Cloudsdale flight school

About Thirteen years ago, I was just another pegasus filly going to flight school. Back then I didn’t make a lot of friends, so I just kept to myself most of the time. I wasn’t even that good of a flier, yet the flight coach thought I should be on the Cloudsdale weather team.

What do you mean? Oh, well Cloudsdale usually like to teach young, and most pegasi already take various weather jobs, besides Soul, it was just a sports team. Anyway one day during practice, some of the umm...what’s the best way to say it nicely? Umm...meaner? Yeah, let’s go with meaner. One day during practice, some the meaner ponies were picking on a filly for not being able to keep up with the rest of us.

I believe her name was...Lighting Dust? Maybe, I dunno. Like I was saying they were picking on her for being slower than the rest, which wasn’t by that much considering. They just kept messing with her to the point where she would start to cry, and what really made me mad was that no one wouldn’t do anything about it.

You would think someone would go get the coach, but no. Everypony just stood around doing nothing. Well I couldn’t take it anymore so I confronted them about it. And of course, they didn’t care much about what I had to say, but I did managed to get them to leave her alone at least for that day.

A few weeks later and we’re the best of friends, and with the Cloudsdale games coming up, the team was practicing harder than ever to get ready. Lighting got really faster after we became friends, and I was the best when it came to storm detail and cloud shaping.

Of course it was a big event. Princess Celestia was there herself. You couldn’t imagine my joy and excitement when I heard that Princess Celestia herself was coming. Me and Lighting trained for hours. Shut up it’s not the same thing you went through.

At last the day of the games started and I was really pumped, but Lighting had other plans. “Hey Storm, we don’t we knock out some of the competition?” She asked me. Imagine my shock when one of my best friends just asked me if I wanted to ruin the competition with her.

No, I didn’t agree to it, I even tried to talk her out of it, but she won’t listen to me. As the team was going through the routine, Lighting broke formation, and tried to take lead. She was good, but she wasn’t good enough to safely pull of the move. She wind up knocking into the rest of the team sending them all falling towards the clouds below. The referee blew a whistle declaring that we’ve been disqualified.

The team was devastated, none more so then Lighting. So blamed herself for the team shame, and failures. I’ve got no idea what went through her head cause the next thing she decides to do was make a tornado.

Properly, she always wanted to impress everyone. Anyway Lighting was good, much faster than me, but she lacked all self-control which is needed to make a real one. Almost immediately she lost control of it and was thrown out of the funnel, now the tornado was running loses in Cloudsdale. It was bad, it kept growing in size, and started to suck in other clouds.

Officials did their best to get the situation under control but it was easy for me to tell that they didn’t know what to do. Heh, I still remember the feeling I got just from looking at the rampaging tornado. Coach quickly got us to safety but Lighting turned up missing. One of the bullies spotted her trying to get back into the funnel, but the winds were way too much for her. She was thrown again but this time through the cloud floor.

I was quick to try and save her seeing as how its was my fault. Yes it was Soul, if I had told the coach what Lighting was planning, he would have took her out and replaced her with somepony else, but I didn’t- no couldn’t.

Anyway as much as I tried I couldn’t fight through the storm. I was just kept being knocked around. That’s when an idea hit me. Why fight against the storm? Why fight something that’s been helping you fly your entire life? So instead of fighting it I went with the flow, and I flew faster than I’ve ever had before. But I didn’t have time to think about how fast I was going, I snapped my wings to my back and shot through the cloud floor. I saw Lightning falling towards the ground, I tried anything I could to reach her in time.

I managed to grab her and I snapped opened my wings shooting right back up to the stadium. For some reason I just kept going faster and faster, it felt like my wings were going to fall off of my back, but I pushed through. And get this, the spotted that I went through was the eye of the tornado.

When I shoot through most of the wind followed me, just helping me go faster. When I got to the top, the tornado lost so much wind that the emergency team was able to get it under control. I slowly hovered my way back to the ground. I was really, really, really tired. The whole team and the coach came to see if we were okay, which we were aside from me begin dead tired, and Lighting Dust’s broken pride.

Celestia herself came to congratulate me. I felt so proud of myself, I never thought that my plan would work but it did. Celestia also lean in and whispered, “And congratulation on getting your cutie mark.” Yup, I pulled down the side of my performance pants and right there on my blank flank was this very cutie mark. From the moment I saw it I knew that it meant that I was like a storm cloud always looking out for everyone.

Present day

“Holy Cerberus...that has to be one of the coolest stories I’ve ever heard.” Soul said after Stormfly finished her story. “So what happened to Lighting Dust?”

“Oh well, she was kicked off the team. She nearly got kicked out of flight school, but after I asked Celestia, she was able to stay on probation.” Stormfly said with a bittersweet smile.

Soul caught the saddened expression. “Storm is there something you’re not telling me?” He asked nudging Stormfly out of her slump.

“ and Lighting Dust weren’t really much friends after that. Especially since I was being scouted by a coach from the best flight teams all over Equestria.” Stormfly said with a long sigh. “I hope she’d forgive me…”

“If you two were real friends she will.” Soul said with a friendly smile.

“Heh, thanks Soul.” Stormfly said returning the smile.

“Hey what are friends for?” Soul said in a nonchalant manner. “Oh and good luck.”

“Good luck with what?” Stormfly asked already again forgetting the talk with Sugar tonight. Having split personalities had its advantages and disadvantages. Short term memory loss being one of those disadvantages.

Soul started to laugh at the mare only confusing her even further. “Your ass is grass, filly.” He clucked head towards the sand dune that Luna and Sugar were suppose to be at.

Suddenly Stormfly caught onto what Soul was saying and she started to hit her head against the watermelon. “I’m such an idiot, I am going to die tonight aren't I?”

“Eeyup.” Soul said trying to sound like Applejack’s older brother. Soul and Stormfly were at the spot where Luna and Sugar sat down only to see that they were both asleep. “Hey Storm. What to have your last taste in freedom?” A wicked smile spread across Soul’s face.

“I don’t like where this is going...aww what the hell? What you got in mind?” Stormfly asked as she sat the watermelon as gently as possible on the ground. She knew that Sugar was a heavy sleeper but she wasn’t so sure about Luna.

“Hand me that marker in my bag.” Soul said whisper, knowing that Luna could sleep through a steeped of rhinos, but he wasn’t sure about Sugar. Stormfly went through Soul’s bag which was thankfully not near the two sleeping mares, she found the black marker, and handed it to Soul. “So Stormfly,” He uncapped the marker and stood in front of Luna. “you want to go to art school?”

The two pranksters quickly went to work, knowing that when the sleeping beauties awake, so would the most hellish demons would, but they didn’t care...much.

Back in the Crescent island’s wildlife preserve

Back in the wildlife preserve Nightmare, Comet, and the clones looked high and low for the Moonlight flower.

Well mostly…

“I know it was here somewhere.” Comet pushed passed leaf after leaf looking for the flower before Nightmare could find one. She was on the far south side of the preserve about five minutes off from the entrance. Comet still couldn’t believe that Nightmare missed the flower at the entrance but she was glad none the less.

“Where are you, you stupid- Ah-ha!” Comet spotted the silver petals of the flower. She reached down to pick the flower up when she noticed the slight yet still difference in the color of the leaves. The flower Comet spotted was just a fake Luama flower, the leaves were a black in color not the blue that Nightmare had told her.

“Great, back to square one.” Comet said getting ready to check in with the other clones. She closed her eyes and her horn sparked to life in a faint blue glow.

Alright everypony, sound off.

Clone Alpha, check.

Clone Gamma, reading you loud and clear.

Clone...Which one was I again?

Zelta. Comet remained the third clone for the second time in the last two hours. Maybe Night was right about using too many clones. Oh well there’s no time for that, what do you all have?

As of the current moment, nothing so far. Alpha called out walking down the path to another patch of flowers.

I don’t got anything either but I can feel that one of us is close. Gamma answered bring up the odd feeling she been having for awhile.

You too? I thought it was something else. Alpha said looking around a tree. It almost feels the same way when Night is having her busts of magic.

Yes, I was thinking the same thing. Comet replied confirming Alpha’s theories. Zelta, you offly quite do you have anything to say? She asked the third clone, who remained silent. Zelta, sound off.

Huh? Oh um...that flower we’re looking for…


It has silver petals and blue leaves right?

Yes and a purple stem. What do you see it?

Yeah there’s a whole bunch up here.

What do you mean ‘up here?’ Zelta where are you?

I’m on a cliff. Oh hey I can see you guys, Hiya Alpha, Gamma, Boss-mare!

What? Comet turned around and looked up to the large hill in the preserve. It didn’t take very long for her or the other clones to spot Zelta waving her arms at them and jumping up and down. “What is wrong with that clone?”

Zelta, stop jumping around, and find a place to hid.


Gamma, Alpha how fast do you two think you can get up there? Comet asked the other two already looking for a way up the rocky hill.

I’m already on my way up. Gamma answered climbing the rock side.

I’m quite away off, do you want me to go get Nightmare? Alpha asked her search has taken her to the far eastern side of the preserve.

Yes, that would be a good thing but do it slowly or until me and Gamma can check it out. Comet said making her way up the hill. She found a small thin path of rock along the edge. Comet pressed her body close to the wall and sided across until she got to an opening.

She looked around the cave to see if she could find Zelta or even Gamma. Comet looked around the small cave taking note of the kind of plant-life and source of sunlight. “This doesn’t make any sense, how can there be this many plants, yet next to no sunlight?” She asked noting the high contrast between the two factors.

“Maybe it’s magic?” Comet heard Gamma guess. She looked towards the clone as she was dusting herself off. “I mean there seems to be a lot of stuff highly inflected by magic so why not the plant life?” The clone continued with her theories.

“You could be right. Come on let’s find Zelta and see what we could do about this whole thing.” Comet said walking up a path that led upward. The higher Comet and Gamma went up the more ‘night-like’ the cave seemed to get. Greens started to turn to silvers and whites, the cave walls started to glisten brightly like stars . Each plant looked like another piece of the night sky.

“Yeah, magic…” Comet whispered to herself, awed by the shining lights.

“Hey Boss-mare, found Zelta.” Gamma said breaking Comet out of her trace. Gamma pointed up to a opening to the cave that was overlooking the entire preserve and Zelta poking a flower that fit the description of the Moonlight flower.

“Zelta,” Comet called out to the clone mare. Zelta looked over to the two and started to wave them over. “so what did you find?” Comet asked when she walked over.

“This, it sure looks like what we’re looking for.” Zelta said handing the flower to Comet. She looked it over making sure to spot any difference that would tell her that it was a fake, when she found none she looked over to Gamma.

“Its the real deal, this is the Moonlight flower we’ve been looking for.” Comet said confirming the find. Comet exmed the flower curious how such a small thing could make an alicorn and a hellhound confess their love. More importantly she wondered what was the effects of the fake flowers.

“Gamma, go back to the entrance where I found that fake and pick it up.” Comet said thinking that the flower could have some purpose after all. Gamma nodded getting Comet’s real wordless order. She leaped out of the opening of the hilltop cave and made her way towards the entrance of the preserve.

“Hey, Boss-mare. Why are we trying to get Nightmare with Soul if she want’s Luna to be with him?” Zelta openly asked the same question that she been asking herself for a few days now.

“Cause, it’s not fair that Luna gets a chance, and Night don’t.” Comet answered her own question. Though she knew that wasn’t the real answer.

Comet really did wanted to help Nightmare pay Luna back for keeping her safe when the elements of harmony ‘defeated’ her but Comet have noticed the signs of Nightmare’s interest in Soul. When she finally worked up the nerve to confront Nightmare about it, she said that she admired Soul’s seamlessly natural loyalty; a trait that both Luna and Nightmare shared in looking for a mate.

Nightmare may have wanted to take the sun out of the sky but that wasn’t the truth. In fact, her only desire was to see Luna happy that ponies saw her beautiful moon, but Nightmare went about it all the wrong way and got both her and Luna sent to the moon for a thousand years.

Comet could understand Nightmare’s misunderstanding of Luna’s wish but still thought that the punishment they both received was far too much.

“But what if Night can’t be with Soul and Luna?” Zelta continue to verbalize all of Comet’s doubts and questions. “What if ponies can’t take Nightmare Moon returning?” Zelta’s voice slowly changed from the happy and bubbly to a more serious tone, only making answering the questions much more difficult.

“Then we’ll take care of her. We…I will be her friend until the very end and nothing will stop me.” Comet said fighting back the tears she been holding in for Nightmare for six years.

Ever since Comet found Nightmare wandering the streets of Canterlot, she has been taking care and watching over her, and that didn’t change when Comet learned the truth about Nightmare’s identity. When Comet agreed to help Nightmare get Soul and Luna together, it didn’t take much to see that she had feelings towards Luna, and more surprisingly she had grown to admire Soul from a distance.

“And if she leaves?” A cold wind filled Comet’s chest, that’s question has been the one she has been avoiding for the longest. The simple question would make Comet question rather if she should continue to help Nightmare. She didn’t want to lose one of her best friends, not after all the times Nightmare went out on a limb and helped Comet with something, but that would mean abandoning Nightmare when she needed her the most.

“If...if she leaves then...then that’s her choice.” Comet forced herself to answer the question. She knew that it wasn’t her real answer, nor was it the one she wanted, but there wasn’t much she could do in stopping an alicorn.

“Okay...but one more question. What about you?” Zelta asked sitting on the edge of the entrance.

“What do you mean what about me?” Comet asked, done with answering her clone’s questions. “What do you want me to do? Go to Luna and tell her that she only going to have the love her life because of Nightmare Moon? Tell Soul that he should allow Nightmare to be apart of his herd just cause I said so?” Comet fired back her own line of questions at the clone but both of them was able to tell that she was asking herself. “You want me to go and force Luna to take Nightmare Moon back? Want me to just tell Nightmare to give up this little game? Huh is that it?”


“N-no?” Comet repeated the word, her breath was tried and raged from the series of emotional questions.

“No.” Zelta shook her head, the cheery voice finding its way back. “I mean what are you going to do if this works or not?”

“What?” Comet was taken back by the rephrasing of the question. “What about me?”

“Well...what do you think Nightmare going to after all this? What do you have plan if nothing works?” Zelta asked more questions that Comet have been hiding even from herself. “What do you want?”

“What do I want?” Comet repeated the question to herself thinking of an answer. “I want...I want Soul and Luna to be together, I really do, they’re just right for each other.” Comet said her eyes casted down to the ground. “But I also want Night to be happy as well and not just happy for Luna, I want her to be happy with Luna.” Comet answered the question a truthfully as she could, the feeling of the world being lifted off her shoulders. Her task was clear, goals, and objectives seemed to be closer in reached then before. Comet knew exactly what she was going to do and rather it worked or not remains to be seen.

Gamma’s single came through to Comet’s horn, she activated the link that she and the other clones shared to speak with her. Hey Boss-mare, I got the flower, now what?

Take it back to the hotel room and hide it somewhere where Night won’t find it.

Got ya, heading back now Comet cut the link off, sure that Gamma was quickly making her way back to the Sandy Moon. With one piece of the puzzle in place, Comet quickly set out for the next.

Alpha where are you, we’re ready for Night to come up here.

On my way now, we should arrive shortly.

Good tell her that we found a cave full of them. They seemed to be growing towards the direction of the moon.

Do you think that’s why we had so much trouble looking for these things?

I don’t know but my question is why would Night have no luck finding one before us. She seemed to have more than a small bit of knowledge about this flower, yet she didn’t think to look for them up here.

Maybe Luna didn't have knowledge of the usual placement of the flower? The two do have collective knowledge about things up until they were separated.

That is true and could be the answer, especially since we don’t know how much Luna knows about this island.

Yes that’s what I was thinking. We’ve made it to the hill and we’re looking for a way up, I’ll contact you once we’re inside.

Understood. Comet disconnected from the link with Alpha and stared off into the distance.

What I want, huh? She thought to herself, still bother by Zelta’s questions, and her own self doubts. Comet really couldn’t help but think that at some point either she or Nightmare were going to buck heads. She really wasn’t looking forward to it, but for Nightmre’s shake…

“It’s worth it.”

White Sand Beach

“Master Luna...please I’m sorry!” Soul begged Luna for forgiveness after he and Stormfly have been caught in the act of their childish prank. Right in the middle of finishing off Sugar, Luna had started to wake up, and she saw what the two were doing to Sugar she started to bad-mouth them about their little pranks. That’s when Sugar woke up and saw the black markings on Luna’s face as well.

Both mares were pissed.

“Sorry?! SORRY?! What in the crater’s name made you think that this was funny?!” Luna shouted at Soul. She had bonded both him and Stormfly to the ground so that neither one could escape.

Soul’s hands were tied behind his back and his legs were bounded together in a painful P.O.W position. Stormfly’s bindings were slightly differently than Soul’s. Upon Sugar’s request, Stormfly’s wings were bounded to their back at the base, a known weak spot of strong fliers like her. Magical ropes tied underneath her breasts making them stick out more and a knot was tied right in between her legs making fairly uncomfortable for her to move.

To make matters worse, Sugar had found a nice comfortable spot to sit on Stormfly’s back, and she was slapping Stormfly ass through her bathing suite.

“Stormy?” Sugar said her voice hollow and devoid of all emotions. She also followed the call with a powerful and loud smack to Stormfly redding ass cheek.

The smack made Stormfly cry out in both pleasure and a bit of pain but she fought through, knowing it would be worse if she didn’t respond to her marefriend’s call. “Y-yes m-ma’am?”

“What made you think that this would be funny, humm?” Sugar asked with another powerful smack to the ass.

“I-I didn’t…I...we…” Stormfly stumbled, switching between personalities usually made it hard for her to clearly think for a moment. “I don’t know…” She finally gave up with asking her jokester side for a good reasonable answer.

Sugar frowned, obviously not liking the answer that she received. She reared her hand high up towards the sky and in one fluent motion drove her hand hard on the smaller mare’s ass; her nails digging into the sink under the fur. The smack rang out through the whole beach even making some of the ponies flinch for the poor pegasus mare.

Stormfly did her best not to cry out from the pure pain of the smack but she be lying if she said it didn’t hurt like hell. Sugar got off of Stormfly allowing her breathing to return to normal. Stormfly looked up towards Sugar, remorse and guilt edged onto Stormfly’s face, but Sugar showed no signs of caring.

“Princess, me and Stormfly will be taking an early leave. We’ll have to simple reschedule the watermelon smashing.” Sugar said grabbing a rope tied to Stormfly’s back at the base of the wing.

“Ah! S-Sugar please…” Stormfly begged the knot resting on top of her marehood was starting to rub and dig into the bathing suit. Sugar slapped Stormfly for speaking out of line, pinching her ass as well.

“Oh I agree we do have all week before we have to leave. So what’s the rush?” Luna said conjuring up a catapult from out of thin air. “What you say my student, why don’t we just play a little old game of our’s?” Luna lifted Soul off the ground and placed him inside of the catapult.

“Hey, hey Luna! What are you doing?” Soul said struggling against his bindings. This wouldn’t be the first time Luna has tied Soul up for some reason or another, but this was the first time she added a catapult to the mix.

“Soul you remember how you said that you wished you had wings?” Luna asked with a cold tone of voice. She placed her hand on the release mechanism, “Well...You better start flying!” She pushed the lever down sending Soul screaming and flying through the air.

Everypony just stood as they watch the dog disappear from sight. Luna gave a satisfied nod and started to make her way to the beachfront showers. “Do not worry about our stuff Sugar, you go on and have your fun I’ll see to it that everything is left in order.” Luna said casting a barrier spell around their belongs.

“Thanks you princess come along sweetie, we’re going to have that talk early.” Sugar said leading the still bound Stormfly back to the restore. Stormfly obediently followed Sugar without question. Fear, anticipation, excitement, and dread filled her heart with step towards the restore.

Meanwhile five miles above the White Sand…

“Shit, shit, shit!” Soul struggled against the bindings, his claws already proved themselves useless so he had to restore to magic. “Oh shit, I hope this works.” Soul forced his magic to the air rushing past him. The high winds begin to swirl around him at high speeds until they cut the magic ropes.

“Ha-ah! Fuck you Equestrian magic.” Soul shouted in victory as he busted free. He righted himself seeing the beach ground coming up quickly. “Okay, claws don’t fail me now.” Soul said bracing for the unavoidable impact with the ground. Ponies watched in sheer amazement as Soul aimed straight for the ground claws at the ready.

At the right moment Soul took one big swing at the sandy surface. A massive sand-cloud erupted from the impact of Soul’s claws, ponies had to shield their eyes from the dusty cloud. When it finally settled a large hole was all that was left from the short impact.

“Whoa, you think he’s dead?” One stallion asked looking down the deep hole. There seemed to be no signs of Soul’s body from the dark hole.

“I don’t know. That sure was a big fall though, I hope he is okay.” Another mare said looking down the hole. Just as the crowd of ponies grew some of them started to feel the ground shake.

“Does any other pony feel that? Its like something is-”

“Ha-ah!” Soul literally shot up from the sandy ground. “Man, that was so fucking awesome! Sand is way easier to tunnel through than earth.” He proclaimed his newly found discovery while he dusted and shook off the sand.

“Hey man are you alright?” The stallion from before asked Soul. He wasn’t sure if he should be impressed by the diamond dog or should he be running from his life.

“Yeah I’m fine, this wouldn’t be the first time that master Luna has thrown me before.” Soul said shaking his leg to be rid of the pesky sand. “Actually that just gave me the best idea.” He said smirking at his brilliant revenge plan. Soul suddenly took off in mad dash on all four legs, taking some wind with him, and nearly knocking ponies off their feet's.

Using his hind legs Soul launched high into the air only to come chasing through the loose sand floor. He easily dug through the sand, years of fighting animals and any other creature that tried to kill him has made his claws abnormally dense and super strong, which made quick work of the flimsy sand.

Watch out Luna, I’m coming for you, and there are no breaks on the revenge train. Soul thought to himself remembering how far away he was thrown from their spot on the beach. Soon Soul reached his intend spot of attack and with one leap upwards he broke through the sand.

“I’m back!” He shouted with only his head sticking out of the sand. Soul expected Luna to be resting on her beach towel but she was nowhere to be found. “Great what to do now?” Soul said searching anything to do in the meantime. He quickly spotted some ponies surfing the waves of the ocean. “Never done that before might as well give it a try.” Soul slipped under the sand floor and tunneled to the place he saw some of the ponies.

Meanwhile in the beach showers…

“Guh, that Soul. I bet its because of Tia that he’s acting like this.” Luna said washing off the ink from her fur. Six months was all it took for Celestia and Soul to become friends and mates of pranking. The two would go out of their way to prank Luna or some random guard in the castle and of cause Luna would scold her sister and have Soul do extra training or studying.

Its not like Luna wouldn’t get them back for the prank with one of her own. And usually Soul would be a good sport and shake off the prank. “Maybe I should lighten up, it was a little prank, and we’re here to have fun…” Luna said as the water washed down her face.

Weather it was his hard-working attitude, kindness, strength, or even his simple ingenuity with situation and his magic; Soul would always find a way to impress her. Six months ago when she first laid eyes on Soul, he easily fought off those dragon herd that would have easily defeated any Royal guard, and seemed in complete control of his magic.


“I still wonder what was up with all of those markings...They seemed to be of some kind of ancient runes.” Luna thought back to when Soul lost control and tore apart what was left of the dragon forces. As soon as those runes made themselves known, everything about Soul changed. His movements went from timed to a savagery, magic ran free and out of control, and his eyes...they spoke of hate, madness, and pain.

Luna had more than those reasons to take Soul under her wings. Soul remained her so much of the way she used to be before Nightmare Moon; distant, cold, and uncaring just like she used to be. But in reality, Soul was just using that as a defense if something seemed like it wasn’t going to work out.

“Well I’m glad it did. Its been more fun with him around dogfriend or not.” Luna said turning off the shower head and stepping out. “Humm...I wonder if he survived the fall?” Luna said in amusement knowing that Soul would have thought of one thing or another.

“Whoa, you go sea-dog!” Luna heard a vacationer cheer near the ocean. She looked over to see what was up, when she did the sight was surprising to say the least. Soul was managing to stand on top of a surfboard riding the waves and he wasn’t half bad. Luna giggled, seeing Soul actually trying something new on his own brought a smile to her face.

“To bad that Stormfly and Sugar couldn’t be here. I wonder how they are doing…” Luna said with a sly smile on her face.

Sugar’s and Stormfly’s room

“I said count.” Sugar delivered another slap to Stormfly’s ass, leaving her hand to fully grope the round ass-seat.

“T-twelve…” The still bound mare forced out.

“Good mare, I think that’s enough for now. What do you think?” Sugar asked leaning back to look at her ‘handy’ work.

Stormfly ass was left high in the air, wings pushing against the bindings begging for release, and to top it all off a line of drool was seen coming from both Stormfly’s mouth and her marehood as if begging for more. Sugar always got a thrill from acting much stronger than Stormfly even though she could easily take her, with or without the military training.

As much as Sugar enjoyed the sense of control over her mare but she knew better than to keep her tied up like that. Foreseeing that they would eventually have sex on the vacation, Sugar made sure to pack a small knife to cut any of rope or other bindings that they would use.

“You want out?” Sugar said finding the low bearing rope connecting all the others. Years of using bondage and other restraining outfits have taught Sugar a lot about pegasus’s fears of closed in places and restraining situations. Push the right buttons and you can have any pegasus at your feet.

“Y-yes…” Stormfly moaned unable to wait to be free from the bindings.

Sugar smirked and leaned into Stormfly’s ear. “Then beg for it.” She commanded biting on the sensitive flesh making Stormfly whine and filch from the pain.

“Aaah, S-Sugar...p-please…” Stormfly begged trying to move around to get the knife to cut the ropes only to have the knot dig further into her marehood.

“Oh come on, that’s no way to ask. Here let me help you, ‘Sugar please release me from my bindings and give me relive that only you can bring.’” Sugar played around with the knife threatening to remove it from the ropes.

Feeling Sugar imminent threat, Stormfly quickly worked up the nerve and composer that would be required to say her given phase. “Sugar p-please release m-me from my b-bindings and give me relive that...o-only you can b-bring, my love.” The ropes were immediately cut as soon Stormfly finished the phase. An instant wave of freedom and relief washed over Stormfly and her wings immediately shot outward even flapping a few times from the pure bliss of being free once more.

Stormfly collapsed to the bed, enjoying the freedom from the ropes. Sugar wasted no time in replacing the ropes with her own body; licking and biting the still tendered flesh. Stormfly moaned from the sudden change in treatment, Sugar’s cooling saliva relieving the burning feeling from the ropes.

Sugar slipped her hand down to Stormfly’s sore ass-cheeks and begin to rub and massage them. Stormfly begin to flap her wings up and down uncontrollably.

“You love this don’t you?” Sugar whispered into Stormfly’s ear again, not stopping her massage. “The rough treatment I would give you, then the way I would turn around, and act all nice.” Sugar accused kissing the crack of Stormfly’s neck.

“Mmm...yes...I do.” Stormfly moaned. She could feel Sugar’s breath tickling her fur bringing a smile to her face.

“Then let me make you feel even better.” Sugar said getting off of Stormfly, she got off of the bed and started to make her way towards their travel bags when she felt Stormfly staring at her. “No peeking.” She commanded their eyes locking, forcing Stormfly back into her submissive personality.

When Sugar was sure that Stormfly wasn’t going to go against her command, she started to strip from her ‘bikini’ and reached into her bag. “Now where is it?” Sugar absentmindedly asked shaking her bear flank around. Stormfly couldn’t but help to give the well-tone ass a look over, also getting a glimpse of Sugar’s slightly wet marehood. “Ah-ha!” Sugar proclamation made Stormfly panic and trying to look somewhere else.

Sugar pulled out a eight-inch magical dido. She marveled at the piece of magic and technology, attaching to the user and giving her equal amount of pleasure as Stormfly’s. Also it would automatically become moist for smooth entry if the user wished. It was a gift from their friends Rainfall and Azure a few weeks after the wedding, Sugar couldn’t thank them enough for what she about to do with it.

Sugar aimed the attachment part to her marehood slowly pushing it in. The magic soon activated and a warm tingling sensation washed over Sugar. The plastic shaft begin to glow changing to a cream color to match Sugar’s fur.

“Oh Stormy~ I have a surprise for you~” Sugar singed excited for what is to come next.

“What kind of surprise, cause I don’t think I can take another ‘hot-wax’ treatment again.” Stormfly said not daring to take a peak.

“Close your eyes.” Sugar said in a sweet soft voice that made Stormfly completely relax. She soon felt Sugar climb back onto the bed and slowly clawing towards her. The content soft humming fought back any personality changes. Slowly Stormfly was pushed onto her back and she could feel Sugar gently removing her parts of her bathing suit, leaving her breasts and marehood exposed.

“Storm sweetie you know I love you, right?” Sugar asked the sweetness of her voice not changing.

“Of course Sugar, and I love you too.” Stormfly said with the softest of smiles. She felt something wet and really hot press up against her marehood. “Sugar, what...what’s that?” Stormfly started to become slightly nervous of what Sugar had in plan for her.

“Shhh...everything is alright. I’m just going to show you how good I can really make you feel.” Sugar whispered softly calmed Stormfly down.

“Okay but that didn’t answer my- Aaahh!” Sugar answered Stormfly’s question with one good push in, quickly filling her inner walls. Both mares moaned from the pleasure they were receiving from the magical toy. “Sugar, Sugar...its too much!” Stormfly shouted beginning to panic.

“Shh...d-don’t worry Stormfly, you can do it.” Sugar quietly encouraged, this seemed to work as Stormfly somewhat stopped her panicking. Sugar took this as a sign to continue, pushing deeper and deeper until their hips were touching each other’s. They laid there for a minute allowing both of them to get used to the feeling.

“S-Sugar can I please open my eyes?” Stormfly asked.

“Yes.” Sugar said smiling. As soon as Stormfly could get her eyes open, Sugar lead down and placed a kiss on her mouth. Stormfly more than happily accepted the kiss locking her fingers in Sugar’s long white and pale-red mane. Their tongues met and Sugar already was winning the fight for dominance but still let Stormfly have her fun.

Amidst the kiss Sugar resumed the thrusting, pulling all the way to the tip and sliding back in with more power each time. Stormfly cried out from pleasure pushing Sugar’s head down to her smaller breasts.

Sugar didn’t think twice about wrapping her lips around the erected nipple, roughly biting and sucking of the piece of flesh. Stormfly’s cries grow louder as Sugar picked up the pace of her thrusting. Stormfly could feel that she wasn’t going to last much longer thanks to the ropes and the content teasing that Sugar’s been doing all day.

She started to buck her hips in time with Sugar’s in hopes that the both of them would be able to share an orgasm. Seeing Stormfly’s increased efforts Sugar started to redouble her thrusts, feeling that she too was close.

“Sugar! D-don’t s-stop...I-I’m so close.” Stormfly said feeling that she was right on the edge. Sugar smirked to herself knowing that now was her chance to get truly get back at Stormfly. For any reason that was above Stormfly, Sugar stop her thrusting remaining buried deep inside of Sugar. “Sugar, why?”

“Maybe now you’ll think twice before doing something like pranking me while I’m asleep.” Sugar said laughing at Stormfly’s dumbfounded expression. “Come on, lets go to the shower and see if we can met up with Soul and Luna.” Sugar said getting ready to pull out of Stormfly when she felt her ass be roughly handled. “Stormy?”

“No.” Stormfly said her voice sending a chill down Sugar’s spine.

“No? Come on Storm, you know how sleepy you get after sex.” Sugar said struggling to pull out of her mare. “Stormfly?” Stormfly didn’t respond to any of Sugar’s calls instead she rolled over, plunging the shaft further inside as she took the top.

“No, we’re going to stay here and finish the job.” Stormfly said getting a hang of the top position. Sugar wanted to argue but there was something behind Stormfly’s voice that made her wanted more of this new split personality. With her leg spread outwards, Stormfly had the perfect lavage to start bouncing up and down the shaft. Both mares were quickly brought back to the edge again as Stormfly started to pick up the pace.

Sugar couldn’t help but think about what it felt like to be on the bottom and not the top. The experience was something completely new to her. All of Stormfly’s weight bearing down on her made pushing in a whole lot easier and more pleasurable. Looking up to see that it was the mare of her life giving her this kind of pleasure made Sugar never want to leave Stormfly’s side.

Sugar always was he one on top, now hear she was enjoying being the one on the bottom. “Sugar, a-are you going to let me do all of the work?” Stormfly asked in a mocking tone. Sugar quickly sapped out of her daze and started to thrust upwards with all of her might. “Ahh! More, more, thrust harder!” But it wasn’t much.

Sugar tried grabbing Stormfly’s waist and lifting her up like that. For the most part it worked doubling the pleasure the mares were getting. “S-Storm, I’m going to…” Sugar tried to warn but it was too late as her orgasm rocked her body.

Thanks to the magical toy Sugar’s cum was fired into Stormfly’s marehood making her cum as well. Stormfly continued to ride out both orgasm until she upped and lost all consciousness and fell on top of Sugar.

Sugar laid on the bed heavy breathing with her hands wrapped tightly around Stormfly. “Wow...I’ve got to remember that one.” She whispered before falling asleep.