Feel the Rhythm

by Bane the Dark Hero

First published

When Rhythm Pulse comes to Ponyville, he meets the mane six, attends a Pinkie Pie party, blah blah blah... he isn't a saviour of the world or anything, so if thats what you want, GTFO.

Rhythm Pulse is the new pony in Ponyville. He likes hay fries, videogames, but most importantly, WUBS.

He just wanted a quiet place to enjoy his music, but when he meets Twilight Sparkle and her friends, he figures he's going to get just the opposite. Oh, he's also a blank flank.

Yes. There's a romance tag. He likes dubstep. You can figure this one out on your own.

A tie-in with my upcoming series, the Wolfsbane Amadeus series. It's an HiE, you have been warned.

Chapter One: What have I gotten myself into?!

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I thought It would be a nice, quaint town. One where I could be completely alone, left to relax. Buck, was I wrong.

My name's Rhythm Pulse. I'm an earth pony with green fur and a purple mane. I'm 24 and don't even have my BUCKING CUTIE MARK. that's one reason I left.

The ponies in Trottingham thought my music (another artist's, I don't play) was garbage. That's the second reason I left.

The final, and most innfluential reason I left, I'm what you'd call... a hobo. It's not that I didn't have enough bits, after my parents died, I was left with enough money to supply my entire life tenfold. I just didn't like being tied down, so I wandered from town to town, looking for a nice hill to rest on, that is, until they switched on the sprinklers.

Anyway, I had stayed in Trottingham for about a month, when this random mare kept screaming that I had molested her daughter. whether it was true or not remains to be seen. The whole city angry-mobbed me out of town, I wasn't that upset, but it still made me uncomfortable.

I heard somepony ramble on about some place called Ponyville, and how it was "Too small for his aesthetic tastes, eeuuch!!!" (Okay, to be fair, he wasn't THAT snobbish, but he sounded like someone shoved something large up into one of his nasal passages. I thought it would be the perfect place for me (God, I meant Ponyville! Not his nasal passage! Geez...)

I didn't bother taking the train, I mostly liked to sprint everywhere. keeps you fit. When I got there, I decided to find someone to give me directions, I saw a pink earth pony and approached her.

(Author: Aaaaand, you can guess where this is going...)

When I tried to say hi, she COMPLETELY flipped out and went dashing off in the other direction. Was I THAT ugly?
The next pony I spoke to was a little less insane, but nearly broke my foreleg shaking it. She said her name was "Applejagg" or something, she wore a stetson hat and had her mane tied back. She was quite enthusiastic about me being here. The large red stallion next to her simply replied: "Eeyup."

I decided to head to a large tree that I saw earlier to take a nap, but when I got there...

"Damn, it's someone's house..."

"Excuse me, Can I help you?" Asked a lavender unicorn, no wait, she was a pegasus, how could she... HOLY BUCK SHE"S AN ALICORN!!!

"How can you... I mean you're... I thought that... oh, buck it. Hi, I'm Rhythm Pulse!

"Nice to meet you Rhythm Pulse, My name's Twilight Sparkle. I'm guessing you were a little confused on seeing an alicorn?"

"Well, yeah! I thought the princesses; Celestia, Luna and Mi Amore Cadenza were the only alicorns in existence!"

"Well, I was recently crowned a new princess, it's quite complicated, but it's true."

Rhythm started to take a bow.

"Oh! I am so sorry my pri--"

"Don't worry about it Rhythm, we're friends now, you don't need to bow to me."

"Friends?" Rhythm asked "Normally I would have been sent out of town on a rail by now..."

"What do you mean?"

"Well it's a long story, I should tell you another time, it's getting late."

"Oh, yes! I barely noticed. What did you come here for anyway?"

"To this tree? I just wanted to take a nap, but as I came up to it, I saw it was someone's house, that was when you showed up."

"Okay, that makes sense. Oh, do you have a house yet? If you just arrived today then--"

"Nope. Don't need one."

"Are you sure? I have plenty of space for you to stay in!"

"Nah, it's fine Twilight. I prefer sleeping outdoors!"

"Okay then, well, if you ever change your mind, just--"

Twilight was cut off by a familiar voice.

"Hey Twilight! Is someone out there with you? I could have sworn I heard-- *gasp* RHYTHM!!!

Rhythm knew exactly who it was.

"Spike! I haven't seen you in a long time bro!" He said, giving Spike a noogie.

"Wait, you two know each other?" Twilight asked.

"Of course we do!" Spike told her. "Twilight, do you remember that time I went to Manehattan for that gaming competition? Rhythm was my teammate when we played Colt of Duty!"

"Oh! Did you two win?" She asked.

"Nah" Rhythm added, "We came in second place, if only the other guys didn't have the rocket launcher..."

"Well, Rhythm, I believe that there's somepony waiting at sugarcube corner for you. it's a little ways down the road."

"Really? But I barely know anypo-- waitaminute, is it that crazy pink pony again? I swear, she ran off the second I tried to talk to her."

"Maaaybe..." Twilight grinned.

"Alright, but this had better be worth it." I mumbled

As I was walking down the street to sugarcube corner, I saw a small rainbow flying through the sky. It started to lower, getting faster and faster, and then, it screamed: "SOMEPONY HELP ME!!!"

"Holy buck! It's a mare! And she's gonna CRASH!"

I quickly ran over to the nearest building i could find and started to maneuver my way up the scaffolding (did I mention I was a major parkour freak?), I couldn't let her crash!

(Author: "Again!")

When I got to the top of the building, it would be only mere seconds until she reached me, so I sidestepped and held out my forehooves. When she grabbed them, It felt like I was in the center of a hurricane, and when the spinning finally ceased, I did the only reasonable thing anypony could do.

I went to the side of the building and blew chunks.

All I could see the pegasus doing was sitting on her haunches, with a mad grin on her face.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

She replied: "That... was... AWESOME!!!

I was right.

This town was insane.

Chapter Two: The Party (Or, The Night I met the DJ)

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I was taken aback by what she had just said. To her...

Nearly smashing into the ground was FUN?!

"How is that awesome? You nearly DIED!!!" I said.

"Heh, just a normal day for me." Answered the cyan pegasus. "Hey, you don't look familiar, are you new in town?"

"Yeah, I'm Rhythm Pulse. Nice to meet you!"

"Well I'm Rainbow Dash, the fastest flier in all of Equestria!"

After a few more minutes of her telling me how great she was, I told her I had to go.

"Oh! Are you heading to meet Pinkie Pie?" She asked.

"Who? Are you talking about a pink earth pony, about this high, with a big poofy mane?"

"Yup, that's her, she didn't freak out too much did she? She was just going to set up for the--" Rainbow clamped her mouth shut.

"For what?" You ask.

"Nothing. Didn't say anything."

"Are you sure? I could have sworn I heard you--"

"Nope! Nothing at all! Hey, I'll walk there with you, I have to go there anyway!"

(Author: "Pinkie said Rainbow's number came up.")

After a few minutes of walking, Rainbow and I came up to what looked like a giant gingerbread house. It looked like I'd get a sugar rush by just entering! We walked up to the door, but I hesitated.

"Are you sure we can just walk in? I don't want to just barge in to somepony's house..."

"Of course!" Rainbow answered me. "The main floor's a shop anyway, you're welcome in whenever it's open!"

"But..." I say. "the sign says closed."

"Oh whatever!" Rainbow snaps, pushing me in.

As I enter, I noticed that all the lights are switched off.

"Hey! Why's it so dark, and... oh sh--"


A white pony with a yellow mane in the back asks: "What?"

I double back. I've only had a party once, unfortunately, it was thrown by my fancy-flank parents. I shudder as I remember the day...

"What do you mean that I can't have dubstep?" I ask as my parents scold me.

"It is ungentlecoltly of a noble to listen to such... horrid noise!" My father; Silver Lining tells me.

"Your father is right, Rhythm. You shouldn't listen to that filth. What will the other ponies think?" That was my mother; Loving Care. Pretty ironic, right?

"But... But... It's my favorite music!" I stutter out. "And it's my party! I don't care what anypony else thinks!"

"That is not music, it's radio garbage! You should be more like that Octavia girl from your class!"

I remember Octavia. Her parents thought I was a bad influence on her musical talent, and forbid her from speaking to me. She was one of my good friends, another problem created by dubstep.

"Don't talk about her!" I yell. "It makes me upset and you know it!"

"Excuse me young man! You may not speak to us that way! Go to your room, you will not be having a party!"
Yeah. It pissed me off, and I've hated parties ever since.

Rainbow and I met up with Twilight and her friends, Applejack (as I properly learned), Pinkie Pie (who spoke so fast I couldn't understand anything), Fluttershy (who was a ball of pure d'awww), and Rarity (who loved my "style," even though I only wore my trusty headphones)

I was kind of freaked out at all the ponies there, it looked like everypony in town came to this party! (which Twilight revealed to be true)

To tell the truth, I was kind of bored. there wasn't any music playing, just the sound of talking, chewing, and the ocassional blast of a cannon. There was a lot to do, party games, cake, pie, and cakepie (A concoction of Pinkie's) and quite a few mares looking to hook up with me.


And then, I took action. I stood up on a table, took to my hind legs, and yelled:

"Alright! Is there anypony here who can DROP THE BASS?!"

Honestly, I didn't expect anypony to reply, I thought they'd just kick me out, but then I heard...


I looked up to the DJ station, wait, what? How did I not notice that?! Anyway, I looked to the DJ station and saw a mare with a spiked electric blue mane, violet glasses, and the widest grin on her face.

"I thought you'd never ask!" She gleefully added.

She slammed a record onto her turntables and...

(Author: "Here it cooooomes!!!")

The wubs, the growls, it was so overwhelming, I banged my head around to the Rhythm, (I see what you did there) I was overtaken by the beat, I couldn't help myself, it was the best song I'd ever heard!

Everypony was silent, staring at me, but smiling.

By the time the song finished, I noticed the stares and blushed, I tried to back my way into the crowd, but bumped into a certain somepony instead.

"Oh, sorry, didn't see you there, I'll just--" I stuttered

"Duuude!" It was the mare from onstage. "That was awesome! I never saw somepony enjoy my music so much!"

"Huh? Oh, yeah, I just kinda... got into the song, that's all. hehe..." I say embarrassedly.

"No way! That's an even bigger reaction than I get from most fanboys while I'm up on stage! I'm Vinyl. Vinyl Scratch! What's yours?

"I'm Rhythm Pulse!" I say, finally regaining my composure. "Say, Vinyl Scratch, that sounds familiar, have we met before?"

"Nope, Don't think so. Though you may have heard of me." She said chuckling.

"Hmm? How so?"

"Well, you may have heard my music before." She's now wearing the same grin as before.

"Really? Do you have a stage name or something?"

"Yup! I'm DJ Pon-3!"

"Wait... WHAT?!"

Chapter Three: Rhythm in da house! (Vinyl's house that is)

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"Vinyl! I think he's waking up!"

As I awoke, I notice a grey mare sitting on the bed with me. Wait, bed? Shiiiiit....

I notice a familiar white and blue blur come speeding into the room, at first, I'm happy, then, that feeling slowly fades.

"What the buck Vinyl?!" I shout. "You drugged me?!"

"What? NO! Nonononononononononono... you don't understand!" She utters.

"It's kinda hard to think otherwise! I remember us talking, then all of a sudden, Im in a bed with some random mare! No offense miss."

"None taken."

"Dude, like I said, it's not what you think! You passed out after I told you I was DJ Pon-3!"

"Huh? You're... okay... going down..."

I then feel a freezing sensation across my face, I cough and sputter, and when I finally regain consciousness, I thank Vinyl.

"No problem!" Replied Pinkie, seemingly out of thin air.

"Wait, what? How was she... oh buck it, she's Pinkie."

"Aaaanyway..." Said Vinyl. "The "random mare" sitting on the bed happens to be my close friend Octavia."

"Wait... Octavia?" I ask. "As in, Octavia Melody?"

"The one and only, a pleasure to meet you." She says.

"I can't believe after all these years, I see you again!" I announce.

"What?" Octavia says, confused. "I apologize, I don't think I recognize you."

"Well, maybe these will ring a bell..." I say smiling.






"That sounds familiar, but no."

Then, I have it. the perfect name I used to call her by.

"Zelia Zitherhead"

"I'm sorry, but I--"

Octavia looks at me with wide eyes, then a smile slowly starts to creep up her face.

"PULSEY!!!" She cheers, attack-hugging me.

"Hey!" Vinyl says offendedly. "Don't forget about me! Geronimo!!!" She yells, jumping onto the pile.

After our group-hug is over, Vinyl looks at us smugly.

"Did you do go out once or something?"

"Huh? No, we didn't." I answer her. "We were best friends in school once, ain't that right Zelia?"

Octavia giggles. "Yes, we did, but then, my parents said that you didn't want to be my friend any more, and that you stopped wanting to play with me." She says, slightly angry now.

Vinyl starts chuckling a bit

"What's so funny?" I ask.

"You wanted to play with Octavia." At this, Vinyl bursts out laughing, while Octavia and I simultaneously facehoof.

"Why would you... how could... I mean that's... that's just disgusting Vinyl!" I manage to stutter out.

"And anyway Octavia, I never said anything like that! I came up to your parents house one day, and knocked on the door, to see if you could come play. And Vinyl, if you laugh right now, I swear I'll smack you upside the head with that bucket.
So, when they answered, They told me they "Never wanted to see disgusting filth like me darken their doorway again. A few months later, my parents kicked me out, I was only 10.

"Wow." Vinyl says, dumbstruck. "Harsh."

"I... I'm so sorry Rhythm... I didn't know... I just--"

"It's alright Octavia, I'll be fine, but where's the washroom?" I ask.

"Down the hall and to the left." Vinyl tells me.

"Thank you."

As soon as I get inside, I shut the door, and do it for the second time I've been here in Ponyville.


Chapter Four: Headphone Hunt!

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I really need to stop throwing up!

"Are you okay Rhythm?" Vinyl asked me, worried.

"I should be fine," I tell her. "Just need to take a walk."

"I can come with you if you want, I can show you all the hot-spots in Ponyville!"

"Meh." I respond. "Sure, sounds like fun, just let me get my-- wait, where are they? Where are they!?"

"What're you talking about?" Vinyl asks obliviously.

"My headphones! WHERE DID YOU PUT THEM?!?!"

"Oh, they're right over... wait, they're not on the desk."

"Help me find them Vinyl! I NEED them! Precioussss..."

Little did we know, Rainbow Dash was just outside of Ponyville, holding a "Mysterious Object"

"Hehe... they'll never find it now!"

...Two hours later...

"Vinyl!" I yelled. "Found 'em yet?"

"Not yet Rhythm, but I'm looking!" She replied.

"Look faster! I need my babies!!!"


Wow, did I really say that? "My babies"? *Facehoof* Now I was sounding creepy.

"Hey!" She called. "I think I found them! No, wait, that's blood."

"We'll never find them..." I told her, disappointed.

"Oh, hi Rhythm!" It was Twilight. "I see you met Vinyl, too. What's up?"

"I need my babies!!!"

Yup, creepy.

"His headphones, he lost them last night." Vinyl interjected.

"Oh, okay. Listen Rhythm, I have a favour to ask of you."

"What?" I asked, not really paying attention.

"You're familiar with the website Tumblr, correct?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Well, Princess Celestia has found a connective wavelength to a new world, and she needed somepony to help her teach that world about us ponies, she was wondering if you could open an account to share with the creatures, aparrently called: Humans"


"Really?! Oh, thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!!!" She exclaimed, running off.

"Hey Vinyl..." I ask.


"What did I just agree to?"

Two more hours later...
"I've finally tracked you down!" I announce. "And I will not let you have my headphones..."

I jump on top of the culprit

"...Rainbow Dash?"

"Heh, sorry man." Rainbow tells me sheepishly.

"Why did you have my headphones?!" I yell.

"I-I'm sorry Rhythm! I just couldn't help it, I just found this catchy new song, but my earbuds broke, so I needed to borrow yours. I saw them last night, so I just swiped 'em, like I said, I'm really sorry..."

"It's okay Rainbow, as long as they're not broken, I forgive you."

'What the crap?' Vinyl thought. 'Just a minute ago, he was ready to kill someone!'

"What was the song you we're listening to anyway?" I ask.

"Well, it's kinda... dark... but it's stupidly catchy! Here, I'll play it for you..."

I put on my headphones, and the song starts playing...

The song:


I stare at Rainbow cautiously, somewhat scared.

"Don't worry, that wasn't actually me in the video." She assures me. "Somepony named Glaze wrote it, and even though it's creepy, I kinda like it."

"Well alright, as long as you don't actually kill little foals for... Rainbow, watch out!!!"

I had handed over my headphones to Rainbow Dash, but of course, she dropped them. But they didn't crack or anything, no.

They shattered.

I did nothing, I just stared at her. After a few minutes, I started to cr-- I mean, release liquid pride. I then got up, slapped myself across the face, and moved on.

"Vinyl asked me, "Are you okay? I mean, you seemed pretty upset..."

"Yup, I'm fine. Say, why do you still have your glasses on? I haven't seen you without them at all."

"Well, uh, no reason, I just like them." She stutters.

"What? Seriously, you can tell me."

"I barely know you!"

"You took me to your house last night."

"You were knocked out, what was I supposed to do? Leave you on the floor?"

"You do have a point, but you can tell me!"

"Why won't you just drop it?!"

This was the perfect setup, I couldn't waste it!

"You want me to drop it?"

"Yes. Thank you."

"Then, it's time for me to..."



"Oh, god."


"Please, no."


Vinyl started smiling, and punched me in the shoulder.

"That really sucked, you know that?" She asked me.

"Yeeeaaaahhh... but you liked it anyway."

"Oh, shut up! But... are you sure you won't tell anyone?"

"Absolutely, I'd never do that to a friend."

"Well... okay, It's... it's my eyes. when I was younger, everyone made fun of them for looking weird. I always hated it. My mom told me to pick up some milk at the corner store, but when I got there, I saw these babies..." Vinyl pointed towards her glasses. "And the rest is history. My mom was pissed though, I used the milk money to get 'em."

"Ha! Well, Vinyl, If it's all the same, I'd like to see your eyes, If it's okay with you of course."

"Okay, but you gotta pinkie promise not to laugh!"

"*Sigh* Fine. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."

How did I even know that?

"Okay... here goes..."

She removed her glasses, I was awestruck. she had the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen. A deep, bright shade of crimson, they really complimented her mane.

"Oh, wow..." I said, jaw agape. "They're really beautiful, I mean pretty, I mean nice, I mean... wow..."

"Heh, thanks, let's get to my house, we still haven't had breakfast."

As if on cue, my stomach growled like a manticore, Vinyl chuckled. I thought...

'I might like this town after all.'

Chapter Five: Conversing over tea. (Pancakes)

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"Okay, so Rhythm was all like: "NOMNOMNOM" And Vinyl went: "Yay!" And Octavia went: "Disgusting! I think I'm going to--"

"Okay Pinkie, your fourth-wall breaking time is up."


Sorry my dear readers, I promised Pinkie Pie some time to break the fourth wall. Since she also did such in the last chapter, that was the amount of time I allotted her. Everyone knows you can't break a Pinkie Promise, or else, *shudders*.
Anyway, on to the story! M'yes!

When we got back to the house, Octavia was already at the stove, cooking breakfast. My eyes lit up at the sight of my (second) favourite meal: pancakes and hay bacon.

I reached for the pan to grab a piece of the bacon, when Octavia asked me;

"Is it really worth burning your hoof over?"

I came back to my senses, realizing the burner was still on.

"Oh, yeah. Heheh... the pan's hot..."

"You can eat when it's done cooking." I felt like it was my mother talking.


"Yum! It's pancake time!" Vinyl announces. I sprint to the table, only for Octavia to give me a disapproving look.

I walk back, and walk slowly to the table, Octavia smiles. She was definitely turning into my mother.

"So," Octavia says, now that we were seated. "What exactly did you two do out there?"

"We went looking for Rhythm's headphones." Vinyl tells her. "He lost them on the way into town last night."

"Did you happen to find them?"

"Well yeah, but..."

"But what?" Octavia asks her.

I just stared at the table, picking at my food.

"They kinda... exploded..." Vinyl says sadly.

"Oh, I'm sorry Rhythm, if I could--

"No problem Octavia, don't worry about it." I assure her. "I liked 'em, my parents gave them to me before they died. The quality really sucked, but I kept them for the sentimental reasons. I don't need them though, I don't need headphones to tell my parents loved me, even if they didn't always show it."

"Wow, that's quite brave of you, are you sure you'll be okay?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Oh, I almost forgot, here are some bits to pay for the whole "bed and breakfast deal."

"Nah, don't worry about it." Vinyl told me, holding back my hoof. "Think of it as a gift from a friend!"

She pulls me closer, and whispers: "If you ever tell anypony, I will end you."

I chuckle. "Alright then, I'd better get going, See ya around you two!"

I trot off into the distance.

Octavia says to Vinyl: "You're crushing on him, aren't you?"


Goddammit Pinkie!