Sisters of Magic.

by Night--Mist

First published

What happens when a spell backfires that you meant to use for something else.

Trixie is trying to get up to her old rival Twilight's level. Thing is though, now they are good friends. Twilight is helping her to become 'a' great and powerful unicorn like herself, and Trixie is learning fast, and has also learned the meaning of friendship, which she also has made friends with the other mane 6. Enough on that, so Trixie is practicing a spell, but it then becomes too much for her to handle and before Twilight can intervene, both are struck by the magic. What happen's next you must read to find out. Please Read and Comment. Warning: Level's of cuteness may skyrocket. Diapers, age regression, and other babyish things involved. Do not read if your heart can not withstand this cuteness or this is not your comfort zone. You have been warned. Some comedy involved.

And Then They Were Foals

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"Okay Trixie, now this next spell is very difficult, it took me years to master, but I believe you can do it," Twilight told her new friend Trixie.

Ever since she had made friends with Trixie, she had gotten her away from using her third person way of talking and more of a first person. Trixie agreed to it since she had heard how much ponies were disliking her boasting and using her name in every sentence when she referred to herself. It had taken a while, but now everypony had forgiven Trixie for the past and welcomed her as a friend. Twlight had been training Trixie on how to use her magic, with Princess Celestia's approval, saying that sometimes the student has to become the teacher themselves, and Twilight now knew she had in the past, without even realizing it before hoof.

Princess Celestia also stated to Twilight that Trixie herself had great potential and wished she could have found Trixie sooner to train them along side each other. Trixie had learned fast from Twilight and agreed she would do her best not to show off what she learned, but use it if and when needed. Today Twilight was teaching her a spell that was extremely difficult and Twilight herself had a few mishaps before preforming it right. She was teaching her how to Teleport long distance, which many unicorns their age could only imagine. She warned her that this will cause a good headache, since she herself rarely used it unless it was emergencies. Trixie still had a bit of stubbornness to her and said she was ready, wanting to test her limits. Twilight chose to have her teleport to Canterlot, since she felt the Crystal Empire was too far.

"Okay, so I need to focus on where I am going in order to get there without any mishaps?" Trixie asked.

"Yes, if you don't, you could end up deep in the ocean or high above the clouds, and trust me, that's a truly terrifying experience," Twilight answered.

"Okay, Pony Joe's doughnut shop sounds like a good spot to go to," Trixie said.

"Great option, we can have our favorite doughnuts once I arrive behind you. Now, one last time are you sure your ready for this? I've already warned you about how difficult it is and that it may cause headaches afterwards, but I have every bit of confidence you will succeed," Twilght stated.

"Well, I did have the best teacher next to Celestia herself, so yes, I do feel I am ready," Trixie stated, complimenting her friend and teacher.

"Alright, start concentrating on your magic and focus on where you will be going. I'll be here in case you need help," Twilight cautioned.

"Okay, here we go," Trixie said.

Trixie soon pictured the place she wanted to go and started to produce her magic. Everything appeared to be going good. "That's it Trixie, your doing good keep going," Twilight cheered.

Trixie kept going making sure she would have the right amount of magic. "Okay I'm almost there," Trixie said.

"That's great, soon it'll be enough to teleport to Canterlot," Twilight told her.

Trixie felt she now had enough and replied, "Okay now to teleport to, wooow, what the, my magic I can't..."

Trixie's magic had started to spike beyond what she thought she was capable of and out of her control. "Oh no," Twilight said, now nervous for Trixie. Trixie tried to regain control while Twilight came towards her and said, "Hold on I'll help you get it..."

Before Twilight could utter another word, no pony, not even the Princesses were prepared for what happend next. Both the lavender unicorn and her sky blue unicorn friend were struck by the magic and screamed before they were rendered unconscious.

As Twilight and Trixie awoke they both felt light headed, and were somehow laying on their backs next to each other, eyes still shut. "Oh, my head, sowwy Twiwight," Trixie said.

"It otay I sowt of distwacted you," Twilight stated and opened her eyes before she said, "Now why evewything so dawk, and why I tawk funny?"

Trixie opened her eyes to, and looked around as well. "I not know, but I feew diffewent. Is that how speww supposed to mwake you feew?" Trixie asked.

"No, which is odd, becauwse I feew diffewent too," Twilight answered.

Soon they heard voices coming from what appear to be a room next to wear they were. The voices sounded to be all too familiar to both the unicorns, and they were able to make out, "Oh, sound's like their awake, I better go in and check on them."

They realized it sounded just like Luna when she wasn't around her other subjects. Their thoughts were confirmed when the door opened and Luna's shadow appeared as the light from the next room showed her figure coming in. Before they were able to notice anything else, the light's were turned on and the girls covered their eyes from the sudden change in brightness. When they pulled their hooves away, what they saw shocked both of them beyond reason. They had bars on either side of them, which led them to conclude they were in a crib. But that is not what baffled them most. Luna was looking down at them with what could only be described as, a maternal smile on her face, and not only that, now she looked like a giant to them. When they looked at each other, they were in even more shock. "You'we, you'we a foal," Trixie stated.

" awe you," Twilight said back.

"Oh, my little angels of the night are talking to each other, you are so adorable when you do that," Luna said before she bent down and nuzzled them.

Twilight and Trixie felt weird about what she just said, but as soon as she nuzzled them, they felt safe and content, which they found odd, but they didn't want it to end. After the nuzzling was over, Twilight rolled onto her belly and soon felt a wetness on her flank. She realized she was wearing a diaper and must have used it. She was going to say, "Luna I have a wet diaper," but what came out shocked both her and Trixie. "Mama my diapie wet," Twilight said making her surprise herself she said mama instead of Luna.

Luna smiled as she cooed at the fact Twilight said Mama, and seemed to be the only word she said according to what Luna heard among the baby gibberish. "Oh did my little Twiliy get her diaper all wet? It's okay, you and your sister Trixie are only two weeks old. Don't worry, Mama is gonna change her little angels of the night right now," Luna said

Twilight and Trixie were soon lifted up in Luna's magical dark blue aura and were being levitated to what they knew was a changing table. Soon Luna set them down and started to change both at the same time. As she did the two unicorns thought to themselves. Twilight had called her mama and Luna was even acting the part. They both looked like foals and they were wearing diapers. 'Why did I call Luna "Mama"? And how are we foal sized and wearing diapers, I know we are both stable trained, and that does not explain my diaper being wet and why did she call us her "angels of the night"?' Twilight thought to herself.

Luna seemed to be out of character to them, and they wondered why, especially why they seemed to understand each other but Luna couldn't. 'It's as if we really are foals, but we are still thinking like grownups and are able to talk to each other, but why can't mom, no, Luna understand us?' Twilight asked in her head.

They started to look around the room and it looked like Luna's room only nursery style with the crib, toys, and everything foalproofed for foals. Twilight then noticed something that she could not explain, there was a picture of her and Trixie being held in Luna's arms and she was nuzzling them in the picture and all three were smiling.

This confused Twilight greatly. She knew for certain that even when she and Trixie foals before now, Luna had been on the moon serving her banishment as Nightmare Moon, but this picture clearly showed the three of them together. Then it hit her. 'Mama, no, Luna said Trixie and I are sisters. That can't be right, we never knew each other til she came to Ponyville with her magic show. I mean in, it could make sense in some way, but I don't remember any relation between the three of us. There has got to be an explanation to this. Like why Mama, shoot, no, Luna is calling us her "angels of the night" and why I called her "Mama" instead of Luna and also why I keep thinking of her as mama, and why we seem to be a family now,' Twilight told herself once more in thought.

Trixie had taken notice to the picture as well and was just as confused as Twilight. Then she and Twilight noticed something else. Both of them had wings like Luna in the picture. As Luna sat them up after she finished changing them, it was clear this was no joke. They now concluded as Luna set them on her back and wrapped her wings around them, like a bowl shape to keep them from falling, Luna was their mother, and they were both alicorn, and not just alicorn, but sisters.

"Alright, time to go and see your Aunt Celestia and your cousin Cadence my little ones," Luna said as she trotted out of the nursery.

The only thing that the girls thought through their head as the rode on Luna's back was, 'What have we gotten ourselves into?'

A Day With The Relatives

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As Luna walked out of the nursery, Twilight and Trixie were still trying to contemplate what was happening. As they enter what seems to be Luna's own chambers, they see Cadence in her filly stage and Celestia laying on Luna's bed together. "Awww, did my youngest little nieces get a good nap?" Celestia asked as she cooed at how cute they looked. She was as oblivious as Luna the Twilight and Trixie had their adult minds.

"My little Trixie seemed to have a nightmare that woke them both up after she had a magical surge," Luna says.

'Wait magical surge, that might explain a few things here,' Twilight thought to herself.

"Aww, poor little girls, don't worry, your mama's gonna keep you two safe," Cadence said looking at them sweetly.

Luna soon picks up Twilight and Trixie by the scruff of their necks with her mouth and lays them gently on the bed one at a time. Trixie and Twilight look at each other and then at the princesses before them. Twilight looked around for something that might explain more about their situation here. She then saw a magic book on the floor and started crawling to the edge of the bed, but was stopped before she could reach it. "Woow wow wow wow wow, no you don't little one," Cadence said with a mouth full of Twilight's scruff on her neck.

Twilight flailed to break free, and even tried to use magic to teleport, but soon realized she no longer had the will power to use her magic powers, which made her assume Trixie couldn't either. Also, while she was being lifted, in that brief moment she wasn't bawling in anger. Rather, she laughing in joy, as if she felt it was fun to be picked up, and for some reason, once she was let down between the princesses again, she wanted to try it again.

As she was set down, she saw a picture of Luna alone, and her belly was a lot more round, Luna saw where she was looking and said as she nuzzled Twilight, "That's when you two were still in mommy's tummy sweetie."

Twilight was now realizing this was more and more of a reality then some weird dream or hallucination if there was a picture of Luna pregnant. For some reason, Twilight didn't feel the urge to panic. She felt more calm then ever and didn't know why, and she liked the attention she was receiving from the princesses as well, especially Luna's. Trixie also felt the same and couldn't explain to herself why any more then Twilight.

"Twiwight, you think they undewstawnd us?" Trixie asked.

"I down't think so," Twilight answered as she looked back at Trixie.

"Weww, what you think happened?" Trixie asked.

"Aw look, they're talking in baby talk to each other again. I always wonder what they have to say," Celestia states, confirming to the girls that not even Celestia knew what they were saying or thinking.

"Weww, you wemembew you have magicaw suwge?" Twilight asked and Trixie nodded.

"Weww Mama, rrr, ma, no," Twilight gave up knowing now it was impossible to call her mom Luna.

"Aww, they are talking about you Auntie Luna," Cadence states.

Ignoring the princesses, Twilight continues, "You know who I mwean. She said that da Twixie you is now had magicaw suwge. I tink we in anoder awtewnate weawity (alternate reality). Dat, or pwincesses pway weawy big joke on us."

"But if we in new weawity, whewe othew Twiwight and Twixie minds go?" Trixie asked.

"I tink we become one wit dem, dat why we feew safe awound mama, and, weww, why we tawk funny to each othew, so we pawt of othew Twiwight and Twixie. I don't tink we weave dis weawity. We no have wight magic contwow to do it," Twilight stated.

"So...we stuck wike dis?" Trixie asked.

Twilight nodded, and as Trixie dreaded the answer, she began to cry like the foal she was. "Twiwight, I so sowwy, I not mean to," Trixie wailed.

Twilight crawled over to Trixie and started to nuzzle her, which didn't feel odd, and she thought it was due to the fact that the foal side of her always did this. She then tells Trixie, "It's okay Twixie, neithew of us knew this would appen. I'm actuawwy impwessed."

"W-wealy?" Trixie asked trying to dry her tears.

Celestia, Luna and Cadence all cooed at how Twilight was comforting Trixie as she cried.

Twilight smiled, "Yeah, you pwoved you ave wots of magic wike me, I just didn't think dis would or could appen. I tought we end up in middwe of no whewe at wowst, not in new wowld as Mama's daughtews."

"Why you keep cawwing her Mama Twiwight?" Trixie asked.

"I not, know. I twy to say her name but I say Mama evwey time I twy," Twilight responded.

"Weww, at weast those two ponies won't be fowwowing me evewy day," Trixie said.

"What two ponies?" Twilight asked.

"Dose two ponies who fiwst wowshiped me when I go to Ponyviwwe. I-I not wemembew der names Twiwight," Twixie said scratching her head.

"Der names wewe... I-I not wemembew either, huh," Twilight said.

Instead of panicking, the two alicorns just shrugged. "Weww, what we do now?" Trixie asked.

"Weww, I not know why, but I just wanna way hewe wit Mama and Auntie," Twilight said.

She then covered her mouth surprised she also called her teacher Auntie, but then assumed it was because of her foal part of her mind. Twilight and Trixie then giggled. "What are you two giggling about?" Luna giggled herself as she lowered her head to nuzzle both of her daughters.

The two friends, now turned sisters then started to nuzzle back letting more of their foalish side take over. "Wooks wike we're sisters now, huh Twilwight?" Trixie giggled as Luna's nuzzling tickled them.

"Uhuh, guess we bettew get used to it," Twilight giggled back.

Twilight then heard her tummy growl, and blushed, covering her eyes. Luna giggled at her daughter's cuteness and asked, "Aww, is my little Twily hungry?"

Twilight nodded as she kept her eyes covered. "Aww, don't be embarrassed baby, all foals your age get hungry all the time. It's time for your lunch little ones," Luna says.

Luna lays on her side and lifts her rear leg to reveal her two teats and Twilight and Trixie's adult minds were in shock. They needed to nurse from Luna. They look at each other and Trixie says, "Weww, I guess our fiwwy side has done dis befowe, pwus, I am hungwy and I don't think Mama wiww feed us sowid food yet."

Twilight shrugged, seeing her new sister's logic and said, "Guess youw wight."

As they start to nurse, Luna spreads her wing out over them. 'Weww, guess Mama does care about our privacy,' Trixie thought to herself, and she was surprised that she had referred to Luna as her mother as well as Twilight in her mind instead of thinking of her as just one of her rulers.

As they nurse, they hear the princesses chat away on what they should do with Twilight and Trixie today. "I think we should take them to see the library today," Cadence suggested.

Twilight was all for that idea, and got a little excited as she heard that. "Oh, look's like Twily agrees with you, but the students there wouldn't want a lot of baby noises being made, and you know how excited they get," Luna pointed out, which made Twilight frown that they couldn't go.

"Maybe we could take them to Canterlot gardens and show them all the statues," Luna stated, and this time Trixie got excited for she had never had the chance to see the gardens before.

"Sorry little sister, but the gardens are off limits today to get rid of the wood beetle infestation in the bushes," Celestia apologized.

"Hmmm, oh, I know, we should take them to see Starswirl the Bearded in the Astronomy tower," Luna announced.

This made both the girls drink to much milk at once and start coughing. "Starswiwl, awive, hewe, but how dat even possibwe?" Trixie asked.

"Me not know Twixie, but to see him in de fwesh, dat, dat's so coow," Twilight said excitedly.

"Well, look's like Starswirl it is then," Luna said as she burped her two daughters and soon rolled the stroller over for them to lay in before placing them in there and pushing them out the room with her magic as she walks out herself along with her sister and niece.

She is soon met by Misty, a trusted unicorn maid that for some reason both girls recognize but at the same time she's a stranger. She offered to push the strooler for Luna, but Luna kindly declined her offer, but let Misty come along.

"I haven't visited Starswirl in a while to have a good talk," Celestia said.

"How long has it been Auntie Celestia?" Cadence asked.

"Since before the pre-classical era and then just three days ago," Celestia answered.

'Wait, I remember reading about how he mysteriously disappeared in the pre-classical era. That means...he time traveled, and not only that, he's managed to stay longer then a few seconds, oh if only I could talk to him now as a full grown pony like Mama and Auntie, doe, I did it again, oh, well, may as well get used to it but still, maybe he can shed some light on what happened to him when he disappeared,' Twilight thought as she listened from the stroller.

Her train of thought was broken as Cadence said, "Wow, that's so long and yet so short."

"Ironic isn't it?" Celestia retorts and giggles.

Luna and Cadence laugh with her as they make their way to the astronomy tower and Twilight and Trixie could barely hold their excitement as they were about to come face to face with the most famous unicorn of pre-classical era.

Meeting Starswirl the Bearded

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As Twilight and Trixie were pushed in the stroller by their mom Luna, they laid in there thinking about meeting one of the greatest unicorn spell makers of all time. Their thinking is short lived as Cadence and Misty start to play peek-a-boo with them. Their foal minds take advantage and they start giggling and clapping at this. "Where's Twily and Trixie?...There they are," Cadence says.

A few times she makes silly faces and the two little alicorns laugh out of control, kicking their blanket covered hind legs and belly as they do. Little did the girls know that the more they let their foal minds take control, the more of their previous/alternate memories began to fade. Soon, ponies they barely ever knew were forgotten. They still remembered the other five elements, which then led Twilight to wonder, 'If we are foals in this reality and Cadence is still a filly, I wonder how old our friends from ponyville are? Do they even know each other? Do the Princesses know about them? Guess we'll have to wait and find out.'

The two little alicorns soon hear doors open and guessed they were in the Astronomy tower. "Ah, your highnesses, a pleasure to see you today, I see you brought your young ones along too," the voice of Starswirl says.

"Yes, they seemed pretty excited to come see you today. How are your studies in magic going these days?" Luna asks.

"Better then I could hope for. Some of the magic I have read about in this time have sure impressed me. I'm just glad that one spell I performed didn't transform me into something evil. I had no idea I would be transported to the future. I'm sorry I gave you such a scare so long ago. I know that even though it was immediate for me, it was centuries for you your highnesses," Starswirl states.

"Yes, it was. But now you get to see our niece and my two little angels of the night," Luna says.

Luna soon turns the stroller around and the two sisters see Starswirl the Bearded for the first time. "Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh. It's really him," Twilight says, but to everypony else aside from Trixie in the room, it sounded like baby gibberish.

Both girls were flailing about as they saw him. "Hmhmhm, they really seem to like you Starswirl," Celestia says.

"That they do, and I think for being the cutest alicorn foals I have ever seen, they deserve a reward," Starswirl replies.

Soon he conjured up his magic and soon two little stuffed pony dolls of Clover the Clever appeared. Now their adult minds were trying to fight the urge to play with them but soon the foal mind won and they took the dolls and played with the dolls. "I see that you still think about your apprentice Clover the Clever. I can tell you she did many great things in her era after you disappeared. Many looked up to her and she even outdid the unicorn royal Princess Platinum," Celestia informs him.

"Well, I am very proud of her for that," Starswirl says.

As they continue their conversation for the next few hours also discussing how Starswirl's apprentice had disappeared as well. As the hours pressed on, Twilight and Trixie start to feel drowsy towards the end and began to yawn. "Oh, it looks like it's nap time for my little ones. I'll have to talk with you later Starswirl," Luna states.

"No trouble your majesty. Little ones always need their rest, have a good day," Starswirl kindly replies.

"And you as well Starswirl," Luna says before pushing the stroller back to her room.

Once there, she places her daughters back in their crib as they hold their new dolls. She then starts to hum her lullaby to them as they lay there, and even though their adult side wanted to stay awake, their foal mind and body said otherwise, and soon the two sisters slipped off into dreamland. Luna nuzzled and kissed both of them on the forehead before shutting off the light and closing the door. As the girls slept, they dreampt about their new life. They were crawling around on the floor of their nursery and Luna watched them. A few times they crawled over to her wanting to be held and even though they had their adult minds in tact, they were enjoying their dream. Luna then said to the two of them in their dream, "Mommy loves you two and will never let you two get hurt, no matter what."

As they dream on, Luna was in the room next to them planning for the day ahead, for she knew of one place she would take them tomorrow after seeing Starswirl. Plus, she, her sister, and their niece found humor in going every time they went. After making the arrangements, Luna sat down and read her favorite book series 'Ranger's Apprentice' which dated itself way before the pre-classical era, when viking pony tribes were still at large. She laughed at the humor she would read in the story and grew excited at the suspense. As she finished the end of her book. She heard her little ones crying for her and soon headed into the nursery. "Hello there my little ones, did you have a good nap."

Twilight and Trixie were reaching for her when they hear their tummies growl. "Oops, looks like it's time for your afternoon meal," Luna says.

She soon lifted Twilight and Trixie up and took them to her bed. Knowing the routine, the two girls crawl over to their mother's teats and begin to nurse. Luna smiles as her daughters feed, knowing there would be great things in their future. She then says as they feed, "Guess what girls, we're gonna go see your little friends down in Ponyville today."

Twilight and Trixie were taken by surprise once again. The other five element bearers were their freinds in this reality, but they didn't know if they were older then them and that would mean ponies like the CMC were not born yet. As they finish and Luna burps each of them, they are soon set in their stroller. She soon trots out of the room with them and makes her way to the royal carriage where Celestia and Cadence were waiting. "Are you three ready to go Luna?" Celestia asks.

"Yes, have you sent word to Twilight Velvet that we were coming?" Luna asks as she climbs in with her daughters.

Twilight was once again shocked to know her previous mother now lived in Ponyville, meaning more then likely that her former brother Shining Armor and her former father Night Light lived there as well. "Yes, I let them know so Ponyville has ample time to prepare for our arrival," Celestia says.

"Good we better be on our way then if we're to make it there by tomorrow," Luna says.

Soon all belongings were packed and the carriage was on the move. Twilight and Trixie talk about what might happen once they got there as they rode with their family.

The Carriage Lullaby and a Sisterly Conversation.

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As Twilight and Trixie slept, their Aunt Celestia still had a few hours to rise her sun into the sky to help ponies start going about their day. Luna looked down at her two sleeping daughters as she was curled around them and they shared a blanket covered in stars and moons to keep the warm They had the design of both the unicorn, well alicorn foals past cutie marks from their other reality. They soon approached Ponyville seven miles out and were greeted by the sound of a loud horn blowing, stating they were near. This in turn woke the sisters of magic up with a shock. Scared by the noise, the girls did the only thing they could do, they started to cry.

Luna was quick to try and calm them down as she picked them up and held them close to her chest. "Shh, shh, it's okay girls, Mommy's here. shh," Luna said as she held them.

Twilight and Trixie still cried but Luna's reassuring tone helped them calm down a bit. They were starting realize, they were losing more control with their adult mind as their foal mind battled to take over. Much of the way the reacted was due to how any foal mind would react.

"Um, Auntie Luna, can I suggest something?" Cadence asked.

"Yes dear niece what is it?" Luna asked back.

"Well, maybe we could put up a sound barrier around the carriage so they can sleep some more," Cadence suggested.

"Hmm, that's actually a good idea. I'm surprised none of us thought about it earlier," Luna said.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Celestia asked.

"Oh, right," Luna said before she cast the spell around the carriage.

Twilight and Trixie were having trouble getting back to sleep. For one, their adult side wanted to stay up, and for another their foal side wanted to play as the batted each other's hooves gently, giggling as they did. "Come on you two, you need your rest if your gonna play with you friends later on," Celestia said to her nieces.

Twilight and Trixie just kept playing. "I know, Auntie Luna, how about your lullaby?" Cadence asked.

"Oh, well, I guess that would help now wouldn't it," Luna said.

"Just a moment little sister," Celestia said, as her horn glowed.

Soon there was ear protection on her. "Don't want your sister raising the sun late do you?" Celestia said.

"Hmhmhm, I suppose not. Here we go," Luna says.

She begins her song:

By the time she was finished, two foals had buried their faces into her warm fur as they were now deep in dreamland, protected by their mother's dream shield from the nightmares that tried to get into their heads. They were not the only ones who had fallen asleep, for their older cousin Cadence was now fast asleep laying close to them. Luna and Celestia smiled as the Lunar Princess gently laid her daughters next to their cousin. "Seems you have a talent for making even the toughest fighters surrender to the world of dreams," Celestia said as she removed her ear protection.

"Indeed. Now that Cadence is asleep as well, I was hoping to talk to you sister," Luna said.

"About what dear sister?" Celestia asked.

"It's about my daughters, and I know you know what I mean," Luna said.

"I have a hunch I know where this is going. Is it about the flash of magic we saw yesterday in their nursery?" Celestia asked.

"Yes, you and I both know there are other, alternate worlds out there," Luna said.

"Yes, of course," Celestia stated.

"And that there are many ways to enter those worlds," Luna added.

"Mmhm," Celestia replied.

"But you do also know there is the rare case where worlds combine with one another, right?" Luna asked.

"Yes, and if I am getting this right, you think that it has happened to us," Celestia said.

"Not think, I know it has," Luna said.

"How?" Celestia asked in shock.

"While you were all asleep, I decided to have a peak at my daughter Twilight's dreams, for she seemed to be a little on edge as she slept. As I went into her dreamscape, I was surprised at what I saw. She was there, but as her 'adult' self. The Twilight of another world was in her dreams and was having thoughts of something dark that had happened to me in that Trixie and Twilight's world. I was then met by another me, and she was as real as my night. She told me everything that had happened before her body fused with my own," Luna said.

Celestia was only a tad bit surprised.

"The Twilight and Trixie of that world now have their minds within my daughters of our world, they and one other pony, aside from me discovering, are aware of this. Everypony else seems to have let the minds of the ponies of our world take over the minds of the ponies of the other world within the ponies of our world. I couldn't make out the third name of the third pony. The name that the other Luna gave me was too garbled to hear. Reason I am bringing this up is because I wonder if we can find a way to send the adult minds of the alternate Twilight and Trixie back to their own world?" Luna asked.

"As far as I know little sister, once the worlds fuse, there is no pulling them back apart. Now, I am not saying to lose hope, but chances are slim to none that the other world that fused with us will ever be restored. It is only effecting three ponies at this time. They could soon have no recollection of the other world in a month or so. That's what happens when worlds fuse. Only way we were able to know worlds fuse was when we had one of our ponies travel to these worlds and noticed that a few ponies of the realm acted strange, mainly grown ups. Now, We can look in our books more closely once back in Canterlot, but don't have your hopes too high," Celestia said.

"I know, let us just enjoy today, oh, and sister, your sun," Luna said as she lowered the moon below the horizon.

"Ah yes, thank you little sister," Celestia said as she brought out the sun to start the ponies of Ponyville and Equestria off for the day.

Soon the carriage came to a stop at a familiar house. "Ah, the Sparkles residence, looks like Cadence won't to wake up to see her colt friend coming out," Celestia said.

"Huh, who, wha, I'm up, I'm up," Cadence said as she jumped to her hooves and swung open the carriage door, knocking one of the pegasus guards unconscious when he came to open it.

"Oh no I am so sorry," Cadence said.

"No worries your majesty. If we got a bit for every time a noble knocked us out by accident, we would be just as wealthy as your cousin Prince Blue Blood," Bronze Shield said.

This made everypony aside from the sleeping foals and the unconscious guard have a small laugh. There was soon the sound of a door opening, which revealed a familiar face Cadence had been wanting to see. "Good morning your highnesses, I trust you traveled smoothly on your way to Ponyville?" Shining Armor inquired as he bowed.

"Very smoothly," Luna said as she stepped out of the carriage with her little girls Twilight and Trixe on her back.

"I see the the youngest Lunar princesses had a mostly quiet trip your majesties," Shining Armor stated.

"How very astute of you my little pony," Celestia said.

"Oh, where are my manners? Would you be tempted in having breakfast with our family this morning your majesties?" Shining Armor asked.

"Well, I don't have anywhere else to be at the moment. How about you Luna?" Celestia asked in a joking manner.

"Let me check my schedule here," Luna said as she pulled a schedule book from one of her suitcases.

She flipped through the pages and said, "I am free to have breakfast. Cadence, are you planning to do anything?"

Cadence looked at them and smiled as she rolled her eyes. "As that colt Little Macintosh sometimes says, Eenope," She said, making all the ponies giggle at her Little Mac impression.

"Well, come right this way your highnesses," Shining said as he led them to the door.

He soon opened it and as Cadence walked in after her aunt Luna, he looked at her as she walked in. Celestia smiled and asked, "Were you observing my niece on her way in?"

"Your highness, I-I-I," Shinging stuttered, not knowing how to respond.

"If wish to win her heart, I expect a young colt like you to take on a task few colts dare to try for," Celsetia said, remembering last meeting with the Sparkles revealed that he had mind set on joining the guard.

Shining remained silent, wondering how she figured out he liked Cadence as more then his princess or friend. They soon walked inside the house and Bonze Shield and the other pegasi guard trotted off to park the carriage before a news crew could catch wind that the Princesses had arrived.

Time With the Sparkle Family

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When Twilight and Trixie rubbed their little eyes open, they look around wondering where they are. To Twilight, it felt a little familiar. They soon hear, "Aw, the little princesses are awake."

Twilight and Trixie looked up to see Velvet Sparkle looking at them with a smile on her face. They soon see their mother trot over and she says, "Well, aren't you two gonna say hi to your aunt Velvet."

"Oh Princess Luna, you flatter me. I no aunt to the cutest little Lunar Princesses," Vevet said.

"I don't see why can't you be? We pay you and your family a visit as much as we can. You are always willing to foalsit in case we have business in Ponyville or other towns close by. The doors of the castle are always open to your family, and your mother, rest her kind heart was a big influence during that griffon incident that almost took our two kinds to war. Why, I think the royal family considers you and your family as part of the family. Well... most of the royal family," Luna said.

"So, how is Prince 'So high and mighty' your majesty?" Nightlight Sparkle asked.

"Dad, really?" Shining insisted, not wanting to anger the princesses.

"Hmhm, still trying to have his way with everything. He complained about not being able to come with us, and honestly, I wanted to say it was his snob and bratty attitude that was the reason, but, being a level-headed mare that I am, I politely fibbed the that his mother had insisted he stay in case of an emergency," Celestia said.

"Blueblood is, how many ponies say, full of himself," Luna said as she change her little ones diapers.

"Indeed, thinks that he's so important that he must have ponies do his every wish. I don't know where he gets it from. His mother doesn't show any signs of such crude behavior. And his father never treated anypony in such a manner, granted he did get a bit aggressive with ponies facing prison or ponies insulting the royal family as a whole. Still, I don't see where he gets it from," Celestia said.

"Well, at least we don't have to hear him rant on about how he's a prince and other such nonsense," Cadence said.

"Right you are dear niece," Celestia said.

Soon, Twilight started crawling to her former brother. "Aw, look at little Princess Twilight trying to get moving," Velvet said.

Trixie was soon in pursuit of her sister, seeing what she was up to and wanted to get in on the fun. Soon Twilight bumped onto Shining's hind leg and then reached for him. "I think the my little Twilight wants you to hold her Shining Armor," Luna said.

"A-are you alright with me holding her your highness?" Shining nervously asked.

"Of course, I would have pulled her away if I thought you might hurt her. I know your not that kind of stallion. Besides, this can give you the upper hoof on Prince Blueblood. He never gets to hold them, and I am sure you know why," Luna said.

"Um," Shining said before he was cut off by Twilight reaching for him while bouncing up and down on her bottom.

"Go ahead dear," Luna and Velvet said together.

Shining gently and carefully picked Twilight up and brought her close to his face. She then grabbed his nose as if to hang on to it. "Aww, she likes you. She and Trixie do that to everypony they like. Too bad for Blueblood," Cadence said.

She was soon was interrupted by another little princess of night prodding at her hoof. "Aw, you want up little Trixie?" Cadence asked.

Trixie reached for her as well and Cadence happily obliged. Soon the two little foals were in the young ponies' forelegs and giggling as the swatted at the two young teens muzzles. Soon Luna told them to carry them over to where the family and Princesses would lay after the meal and Trixie and Twilight were placed on the back of the two teens. "Awe you weady when dey way down Twixie?" Twilight asked.

"Weady when you awe Twiwy," Trixie replied.

Twilight nodded and Cadence said, "I sometimes wonder what these to say two each other in baby talk."

"Beats me. I'm not fluent in baby language your highness," Shining said.

Cadence giggled and soon the two layed down next to each other. Then without warning, Twilight and Trixie pushed their heads towards each other and the teens muzzles met in an unexpected kiss. Shining was quick to pull away. "I, uh-uh," was all Shining could say.

Cadence could only look away with a smile on her face and cheeks so red, the put a red apple's color to shame. Twilight and Trixie could only giggle with their hooves over their mouths, satisfied they accomplished their mission. "Are you two troublemakers responsible for that kiss?" Luna asked her angels of the night.

Twilight and Trixie covered their eyes with their hooves, still giggling, all the while not realizing that their foal minds were starting to win over.

"Well Cadence, what do you think their punishment should be?" Celestia asked.

"Hmmm, oh, I know," Cadence said as she levitated the two in front of her and continued, "I think the tickle monster is hungry, raawr!"

Twilight and Trixie could stop laughing as Cadence took turns between them tickling their bellies with her chin. "Nom nom nom... nom nom nom," Cadence said, trying to sound like she was eating them.

"They so take after you Luna," Celestia said as she watched her nieces get tickled.

"Me? Tia, that is all you," Luna said back, remembering how much the two of them got into trouble when they were still young.

Soon Cadence had her fun and let the two foals catch their breath. "Well, we have many other places we wish to visit today, so we'll have to say goodbye for now," Luna said as she took her daughters and placed them back on her back.

"Awwww," Nightlight and Velvet said together.

"I hope you'll accept our invite to our 985th anniversary of becoming Co-rulers of Equestria," Celestia said.

"We wouldn't miss it for the world, especially since this is the first time your daughters will be attending it," Velvet said.

"Plus, we don't want to keep those two crazy lovebirds from seeing each other for too long," Nightlight said.

"Good point. Well, we bid all of you a good day," Luna said.

"And to you as well your highness's," Velvet said.

"Be sure to look in to signing up for the Royal Guard on your next visit Shining," Celestia said.

"You want me to, er, I mean, I shall, your majesties," Shining said.

All five princesses could help giggling at his nervousness as they walked out the door. The guards were quick to bring the carriage out and open the doors for their rulers. Soon the Princesses were seated comfortably, and the carriage was on the move towards the heart of Ponyville.

Time to See Old and New Friends

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As the carriage neared it's destination, trumpets started to play outside to announce the arrival of the Royal Alicorn Family. Twilight and Trixie covered their ears as the trumpets played and Luna pulled them close. "There, there little ones, it's okay," Luna said as she cast a spell to muffle the sound through the carriage for the girls.

"It's gonna be a treat to see all the little ones playing together again," Cadence said.

"Indeed, and you seem to have a nack for foals gathering around you," Celestia stated.

"It's mostly because they want my lovable hugs and kisses," Cadence said.

"Can't argue with her there sister. Even my little ones can't get enough of them, and they see her more often then the rest of the foals," Luna added.

Twilight and Trixie blushed as Luna said this and hid their faces. Soon the carriage came to a halt. The family then heard as they stepped out, "The Royal Alicorn Family. Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadence, Princess Twilight, and Princess Trixie."

"Dats gonna take sthome getting use to," Trixie said.

Twilight replied, "Teww me abowt it."

Soon the family came to look upon a very familiar Sugar Cube Corner. Twilight then thought, "So, all of our friends know each other, even though we are all foals right now. I wonder how that is? Pinkie used to live on a rock farm, and Rainbow and maybe Fluttershy lived in Cloudsdale. That means that only Applejack and Rarity should actually be here Looks like we'll find out once we get to see our friends. But I don't think any of them will believe our story. They'll probably think we're making up a story.

As they entered, Twilight found out how this world differed from theirs, and she was completely baffled. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, along with a tiny little Scootaloo were resting on Kind Heart, Futtershy's mother's, back. Standing right next to her was Spitfire, giving her a nuzzle. Twilight couldn't believe her eyes. The kindest Pegasus and the Wonderbolts captain seemed to be mates, and were both female. She might have seen this with Lyra and Bon Bon, or maybe Octavia and Vinyl Scratch, but she never expected this with what seemed were polar opposites in every meaning. Something that caught her off guard again though was Soarin walking up to them and giving them both a nuzzle, which now was something Twilight could actually comprehend. Now back in her original reality, Soarin had feelings for both Spitfire and Rainbow Dash in equal measure and had not had the guts to ask the two ponies out. In this reality though, it seemed Kind Heart was in Rainbow Dash's place and he did sum up the courage to ask both of them to marry him. It wasn't common, but it wasn't unheard of either. Soarin also seemed to have fathered all three little foals laying Kind Heart's back as she saw him nuzzle them and they nuzzled back with, "Dada."

Next thing she saw was a young colt version of Big Macintosh, pulling a wagon with not one, not two, but three tiny foals, Applejack and Apple Bloom and Babs Seed. Thing that shocked her the most was the fact that the Apple siblings parents and their Grandmother were there and that Babs was their sister and not their cousin. Twilight was on the verge of fainting. The Apple parents passed away in the other reality according to what Applejack had told her. She may have understood this situation if Apple Bloom hadn't been there. In her world, at this point in Applejack's life, Apple Bloom shouldn't be here yet. Nor should Scootaloo or Babs Seed, but here they were. "Seems the apple family's gonna have a bigger cider trough

She then scanned the room for her other two friends. She soon spotted Rarity, and with no surprise to her now, Sweetie Belle was with her, they were playing as with each other in a stroller being pushed by.... Vinyl Scratch and Fancy Pants?! "How in Equestria did those two hook up and become Rarity and Sweetie Belle's parents?" She thought.

She was in for another shock as she then saw a little baby Octavia pop up in the stroller from what seemed like a nap, but she had no horn popping through her mane as most might think that two unicorns mating would spawn more unicorns. Twilight remembered that The cakes had a unicorn girl and a pegasus boy in the other reality, but the Cake parents were Earth ponies themselves. She figured that the same must have happened in this case and somewhere in either Fancy Pants' or Vinyl's ancestry, there had been an earth pony that had been in the family. This was just getting crazier by the minute. The only thing that seemed to be missing now was Pinkie Pie. The rock farm family didn't seem to be anywhere. She waited and looked around as Luna made her way through the crowd to bring her little ones over to the foal playing area. She then spotted something that she never would have guessed. Mr. and Mrs. Cake came walking out with a huge stroller and out popped the heads of... "Pinkie Pie?... Maud Pie?!... Lemon Meringue Pie?! Sweet Celestia what is happening?! Twilight thought.

She could only come to reason that the Pie siblings were never born to the Pie Family of the rock farm, and there was a good possibility that the Pie parents never came here, might not even exist. It still amazed Twilight that Mrs. Cake was able to have more then two foals at once, much less the Pie siblings. All of the Pie siblings seemed to be having fun. Even though Maud had a monotone look to her, she was still smiling. Twilight was starting to get a headache on how much changed in this world. She did get a glimpse of the rock family and soon came to find out the Cakes and Pies were related as they hugged each other and the Pies said hi to their nieces. At least Twilight knew that some old family bonds weren't completely severed from each other, but this was enough to make her head spin.

Trixie didn't know much about the past of the Mane Six, so she took this a lot easier then her sister. Soon Luna laid her little ones in the play area and they were joined by their friends and the siblings of their friends. They went to crawl to their friends who all started to crawl to each other. "Hey everypony, say hi to ouw new wittwe sistew Scootawoo. Mama Spitfiwe let hew out of hew tummy just thwee days ago," baby Rainbow said.

"Dats whewe she was. I tawt babies came fwom baby stowes," Lemon Pie said.

"Well, at least Lemon Pie didn't loose her personality," Twilight thought.

Scootaloo waved to her new friends, and everybody introduced themselves, including Twilight and Trixie, so they wouldn't make the scene awkward for themselves. It seemed that most of the foals were around the age to Twilight and Trixie, with the exception of Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy who were a year older then Pinkie Pie, and were born at the same time by two different mothers. Seems Soarin didn't wan't to leave either out when have a first child and Twilight had been correct in her assumption about the three way marriage. When Twilight Talked to Rarity and her sisters, she found out that Fancy Pants and Vinyl Scratch hooked up when Fancy Pants took a stroll in Canterlot and Vinyl had been performing there. He loved the new music being played and liked the change in tempo compared to the classical music he always had to listen to and grew quite bored of, and her personality was quite unique to him and soon reeled him in to talk with her, and, well, you can pretty much guess the rest from there.

When they talked to the Apple Siblings, it appears that the accident that had claimed the lives of their parents in the other reality had occured but luck had been on the family's side and they made it safely home that day. Babs seemed out of place in the picture, but it was revealed that the family Babs had been born into in the other reality were merely teenagers in this reality and her previous sister wasn't even born yet in this reality.

Now it was the Pies turn. This is where thing got interesting. "Twiwight, Twixie, come ovew hewe wit us," Pinkie Pie said.

The two sisters wasted no time and did what they said as the other foals talked to each other. When they knew the others weren't listening, Maud spoke, "Aww thwee of us know abowt what appen with oder weawity. Our minds awe one with theiws and we wewen't effected wike evewyone ewse, and we knew you wewen't eithew, but dat pawt's because Pwincess Woona visited us whiwe we was sweeping."

The two were in shock. Twilight had been listening to her mom's conversation in the carriage while they slept, but Luna had only mention one other knowing about it. Maybe she didn't want Celestia worrying so much should the three had been in separate areas and might spread word about it and be seen as loonies. "Yep. We'we not mad, but we wewe a bit suwpwised when we woke up hewe fiwst time. But we soon got into da swing a tings," Pinkie Pie said.

"Last time Pinkie told me abowt dis kinda ting, I tawt she was spweaking nonsthensthe, (nonsense)" Lemon Pie said.

Twilight and Trixie found out that the girls kept their last names because Mr. and Mrs. Cake did it out of respect for their now Aunt and Uncle who used to be their parents. Soon the five of them joined the other foals in play time. Twilight and Trixie made new friends in the CMC and with Octavia. Something they hadn't expected before. Now the more puzzling questions were, how would this effect using the Elements of Harmony? If they were just foals, and Nightmare Moon never was, who had control of them? Twilight needed answers, but she did not know how long it might take to get them.