Innocent Beginnings: Preening

by Mercury Zero

First published

While attending Junior Speedster Flight Camp, Rainbow Dash learns about more than she intended when her bunk-mate, Gilda, gives her a very private lesson.

While attending Junior Speedster Flight Camp, Rainbow Dash learns about more than she intended when her bunk-mate, Gilda, gives her a very private lesson.

A simple clop story about Rainbow Dash's first time.

Part of the Innocent Beginnings series:
Filthy Business (Fluttershy)
Making 'Love' (Twilight Sparkle)
Preening (Rainbow Dash)


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Gilda lit her candle and giggled. She slid onto Rainbow Dash's bed and smiled playfully at her. "Did you see her mane? It was nasty. Get some shampoo already." She snorted.

Rainbow Dash was beaming. She enjoyed these late night chats with her bunk mate. At Junior Speedster Flight Camp, you were assigned one bunk mate to share your room, and she considered herself very lucky that she ended up with someone who she could make friends with. She probably almost got set up with someone else, too, because Gilda was to be a couple years older than her, and it wasn't common to be paired up with someone with an age difference, so luck was on her side.

"Pff! Yeah totally!" Rainbow Dash agreed. "It was so wicked messy."

Gilda settled herself on the bed, crossing her hind legs. She lowered her voice. There was always the chance that one of the counselors would fly up to their cloud cabin to make sure they were sleeping, so she had to keep it down. "No way, it wasn't messy. It was so greasy."

Rainbow dash blushed and looked away. "Yeah, totally greasy! It was so nasty."

Gilda smiled smugly. "And she's a dweeb."

Rainbow moved in close to chat with Gilda, crossing her hind legs too. She drew her hindquarters across the bed until she was able to settle, hips wiggling, into a comfortable position. "Yeah totally! She's... um. Pretty dweeby and stuff!" Rainbow agreed emphatically.

Gilda clicked her beak with distaste for the classmate she was mocking. "You don't even know what she did. We were doing the inside loops, and she ran into me! Pff. Some synchronization. She told the coach that I pulled up too soon, and of course he believed her. So I'm, like, grounded early, and I'm doing stupid aerodynamics models."

Rainbow Dash nodded. "Yeah! That's so stupid! Why do they even have those? I mean, it's called flight camp, not 'boring arts and crafts wind tunnel science camp'." She chattered the false name rapidly.

"Totally," Gilda said. "Stupid things don't even work anyway. They go flying all over. The camp's not all bad, though. Did you see that radical flip I did? Nearly spun that dork with the adding machine cutie mark." She snort-laughed.

Rainbow Dash smiled brightly, watching her friend closely. Gilda stared off across the room disinterestedly.

"Yeah it was so cool! I'm totally going to do that too, and it's gonna be even faster," Rainbaw Dash said. "The coach was yelling at you, though. He's such a jerk!"

Gilda scoffed. "Ugh. Yeah, speaking of dweeby cutie marks, that guy had one that looked like vomit."

"That was a jet stream. His mark has all the current patterns."

Gilda waved a wing. "What, you some kind of science weather guy now? I thought you didn't like that stuff. Come on, what the heck, Dash?"

Rainbow Dash frowned and furrowed her brow. "It does totally look stupid though. I mean, the jet stream's completely boring. It's way up high where it's super cold. Who wants to go up there?"

Gilda squirmed her hips a bit so she could face Rainbow Dash more directly. She was careful that the clandestinely lit candle didn't fall off the bed in the process.

"What's the deal with cutie marks anyway? I mean, who wants a stupid tatoo to grow on their butts?"

Rainbow's frown got bigger. She turned to look at her own flank with uncertainty. Her mark was like a piece of her very soul. When it first appeared during the previous summer, she felt like it was familiar. She felt like she had known it and cherished it her entire life.

"Yeah, I dunno. It's totally stupid and ugly an' stuff, but ya know... It's just normal when you're a pony, and we kinda like it. I guess." Rainbow dash looked up to Gilda hopefully.

"Yeah whatever," Gilda inched off to the side so that she could rest her back against the cabin wall next to the bed.

There was an awkward pause. Rainbow dash decided to break the tension by excitedly asking, "Wanna practice our secret hoof bump?"

Gilda rolled her eyes. "You're getting too excited about baby stuff like that. I don't know why I even showed you, and it's not a hoof bump. It's a talon shake."

Rainbow Dash gasped, flaring her wings. "No way! It's totally a hoof bump!" She giggled. "I have a hoof, and it bumps. See?" She punctuated her point by playfully jabbing Gilda in the ribs.

Gilda grinned at the challenge. "No, it's a talon shake, because I have a talon, and it's shaking you!" She grabbed Rainbow Dash's hoof, and started an elaborate series of bumps, slaps, and shakes.

Rainbow Dash played along with the motions as Gilda acted them out. She only missed her cue a couple of times, and Gilda corrected her, telling her the next move in the sequence.

Rainbow giggled with delight, and Gilda shook her head. "Baby," Gilda said through a smile.

Rainbow laughed.

Gilda leaned in a bit, still grinning. "Did you hear that Buttercup is having sex with coach Jetstream?"

Rainbow's smile sunk away into a surprised and embarrassed expression. "Ew. Gross."

"Yeah totally," Gilda said. "The guy is a skeez. He's so old. He's got bald patches on his wings. He's so nasty."

Rainbow was awkwardly silent for a moment, before trying to change the subject. "Buttercup's cutie mark is—"

"Yeah I bet that pervert totally grabs it."

Dash didn't finish her thought. She stared at the bed silently.

"Is it true? About how it all supposedly gets you all super hot when somebody rubs your cutie mark?"

Dash looked down at her cutie mark for a moment, then back up at Gilda, "Yeah I guess it gets a little hot? Or something?"

Gilda scoffed. "That's pretty gross kid!" she said, grinning at her friend's discomfort.

Rainbow Dash looked a bit confused. "Yeah I guess."

Gilda picked up the candle so she could fiddle with its bronze base idly. The shadows danced on the cloud wall.

"You like any of the boys?"

Dash winced at the subject matter. This was getting way too girly for her tastes. "Yeah maybe. I don't know. Thunderlane's pretty cute."

Gilda cackled, nearly dropping her candlestick.

Dash grumbled. "Yeah?! So who do you like then?"

Gilda gave Dash a sidelong glance and thought about it. "I'm not really into ponies."

"What's wrong with ponies?"

Gilda pondered more, "I'm just not into them, okay? I guess? I don't know, I never really thought about it before. This is the first time I've ever been with, like, one-hundred percent ponies in the same place. It's stupid. All these ponies are dweebs anyway. They can go to Tartarus. You're the only cool pony here, Dash."

Dash brightened up. She tried to play it cool, but she couldn't contain her beam. "That's right! I'm the best ever! I'm the fastest, and the smartest, and the most awesomeist, and the fastest!"

Gilda shook her head and smiled. "Besides, Thunderlane's totally uncool and stupid, and I bet he's probably bucking the coach too."

Rainbow Dash frowned. "Wouldn't he get sent home if he hurt the coach?"

Gilda snort-laughed. "Come on, Dash. No way. You don't know what 'bucking' means?"

Rainbow Dash furrowed her brow, then leapt to all fours, bristling, "I do too! I do too know what it means! I'm not dumb! It's when you kick with both hind legs!"

Gilda's laughing only got louder. She nearly slid down the wall into the fetal position.

Rainbow Dash frowned, and loosed a puff of air through her nose like an angry bull.

"It means sex, Dash."

Rainbow Dash was incredulous. "So, then what? Thunderlane is having sex with the coach?"

Gilda shrugged. "Yeah I guess."

Dash slumped back over onto the wrinkled up bed sheets. "Gilda, they're both colts! Bwahahahah!"

Gilda stared down at her prismatic young pony friend with an expression that asked, 'Seriously?'

Dash lay on her back, looking up at Gilda, still laughing at her upside down face, but her laughter petered off quickly under Gilda's strange expression. "What?"

"Two boys can have sex too. Two boys, two girls, you name it."

Dash pondered this intensely. She squinted her eyes. "No way. How would that even work?"

Gilda started to blush. "What are you, like, a baby or something?"

Dash frowned, looking up at Gilda as she slowly rose back up to a sitting position.

"One guy, like, puts his dick under the other guy's tail," Gilda finally explained. She picked slowly at a hardened drip of wax that had accumulated on the side of the candle.

"Gross! Why?" The subject matter sent a rush of tension through Rainbow Dash.

Gilda scoffed. "I don't know, why do guys do anything? Because they want to get off."

"Get off of what?"

"Cum, Dash. You know. Shoot it out? Feel really good?" Dash's curious expression was giving Gilda her own rush of tension. Her blush was quite noticeable now.

Dash made a long 'Ohh'. "That makes sense. That's what they said in health class." Dash said. "Um... but... wait... 'feel really good'?"

Gilda set her candle down on the table beside the bed.

"Don't you even know what an orgasm is?"

Dash shook her head.

Gilda tsked hissingly. "Some health class that was, then."

"What is it?" Dash asked.

"Whatever, Dash," Gilda said. "This stuff isn't for babies."

"I'm not a baby! Tell me!"

Gilda fidgeted, blushing even more brightly than she had been. She turned to look Rainbow Dash over for a moment, then she stared off. Her eyes were unfocused with thought. "You ever... have you ever, you know, felt something when someone was preening you?"

Dash's eyes widened. "What, that's dirty! I'm only supposed to preen myself, otherwise it's dirty."

Gilda growled. "What's dirty about it? I mean, if it's not dirty to put your wings in your own mouth, then why is it dirty to preen someone else's wings?"

Dash pondered this with tingling cheeks. She shrugged. "Because it's bad, I guess?"

"That's just what they're saying to you because they want you to feel bad about yourself," Gilda said with frustration. "They don't want you to reach, you know, the hard to reach spots."

Dash blinked, flaring one wing and examining it. "But, I can reach all the feathers."

Gilda face-winged. "Do you not even know about your wing spots?"

Gilda glanced away silently, but when she looked back Dash's gaze was locked to her, waiting.

"I don't know. Maybe it's not real then. I just heard on a pegasus, if you nibble the right spot... it feels good."

They both looked off across the room, away from each other. The room was very quiet this far away from the city and its enormous rainbow falls, and it was deathly mute now as the uncomfortable youths became lost in their own thoughts.

"So okay you can preen me then," Dash said. "B-but you can't tell anypony!" A knot tightened inside of Dash's belly, and it filled her with a heady surge of nervousness.

Gilda breathed in a quick shot of air, and squirmed on Dash's sheets. She turned to stare at Dash. She was ready to rebuff her, but Dash was already crawling forward on the sheets, pressing her body in close.

Dash placed the front of her neck against Gilda's neck, and wrapped her muzzle around into a neck hug, with her nose up against Gilda's withers, and inches away from Gilda's wing.

Gilda swallowed hard. She stared down wide eyed at the warm, soft, blue body in front of her. Gilda reached out with both front legs to gently embrace her room mate. She drew in a tremulous breath and reached out to gently lay a talon on Dash's side. Her talon drew slowly up to her shoulder, relishing the feeling of her body, and the softness of her coat.

Dash blinked, "Huh? I thought you said it was on my wings?"

Gilda's talon suddenly retracted away from her friend's body. "O-oh. Right. Right um."

Dash groaned with impatience, and tried to pretend that she wasn't really unsure about what she was doing. "Geez, Gilda. You were the one who told me it's not dirty. Why are you so embarrassed? What's with you?" Just, like, bite it and stuff."

Gilda leaned in tight, and her own wing drew up to gently press into Dash's nose as their neck to neck embrace got tighter. Gilda drew in the scent of her friend's wing. Her shampoo smelled like cinnamon and peppermint. Nervously, she nibbled under the bones of Dash's wings, trying to find the spots her friends told her about.

Dash groaned, and giggled, "That tickles!"

"I—I'm sorry. Griffons don't have wing spots, so... I mean. I don't know exactly where it is." She leaned in to nibble some more.

"Hahahah! So now who's a baby who doesn't know anything? Huh? I tho—" Dash gasped sharply. Gilda felt a blast of cool air rush across her wing, then several abrupt hot puffs. "Hahh— hahh—" Dash' wing grew even more stretched and stiff under Gilda's beak. "Wow. You were right."

Gilda drew away from the spot once she found it. "Dash. We—we shouldn't. We shouldn't preen like this."

Dash looked very disappointed as Gilda drew away from her. "But, why? You totally found it? It felt really nice!" Dash tried twisting her head backward to nibble on the spot, but she just couldn't reach. "Oh! Wait, yeah. Duh. I totally forgot that you only wanted to show me so I'd know what an orgasm is. Was that an orgsam?"

Gilda shook her head.

Dash tilted her head. "Yeah, so? Then what? And what does this have to do with sex?"

Gilda licked her beak, and reluctantly explained it to Dash. "An orgasm feels way way way way better. It's like a jillion times better."


Gilda nodded. "I'll preen you some more, and then.. maybe... I'll show you. If you're not super uncool about it. And you can't tell anybody!"

"Yeah. Sure. Heh. Man, is it cold in here?" Dash looked down at herself. She was trembling.

Gilda ignored Dash's question, and reached down to stroke across her trembling body. This time, there was no objection. Dash felt her friend's talons stroking softly up and down her coat, curiously exploring her soft fur. Gilda drew her beak in to firmly nibble at the previously discovered wing spot.

Dash pressed her muzzle into Gilda's wing and arched up her spine at the sudden feeling of stimulation. She puffed soft, quick breaths once more, and closed her eyes, cuddling her face into Gilda's wing while she was worked on.

Dash drew a sudden shudder up her body, and her voice cracked with a soft squeak into Gilda's wing that gently vibrated Gilda's wing.

"Wow," Dash exclaimed breathlessly. "Was that an orgasm?"

Gilda drew back from Dash's wing, and switched to the other one. "Mmm, nope."

Dash's brow furrowed as Gilda started working on her other wing. Her lips parted and her jaw started to hang, before closing tight quickly. She hissed air through her teeth, and released a sultry groan. "Oh! I think that was one!"

Gilda drew back with a sigh. "Q-quit being a dork!" She was trembling too now. "J-just lie on your back and you— when you feel it, you won't have to ask, okay? You'll know."

Dash was perplexed, but Gilda's advice had gotten her this far. She slumped over and started to roll onto her back.

"Ow!" Dash cried. "My wings are really stiff!" She managed to roll onto her back, regardless, with her wings spread majestically behind her on the ruffled sheets.

Gilda nodded down to her friend and lover. "Yeah. That's what happens when a pegasus is horny."

Dash blinked. She had heard that word before. "What? No. I... Is this sex? Is this what happens when two fillies have sex? It feels good?"

Gilda couldn't have been more turned on by the question. Her plumage started to rise, making her fluff up. She nodded, before leaning down to start nibbling at Dash's wing again.

Dash protested half-heartedly. "I'm not supposed to!"

Gilda slid her talon down between Dash's hind legs, and teased at her clit with a digit. Dash's body arched tightly the moment she felt it. Her hind legs stuck out straight and her body writhed sweetly.

One corner of the bed sheets came loose with a pop from all her squirms.

Dash protested, "T-that's dirty! Gilda!" but her cries were cut off by a sharp inhale. She arched her back up, pressing the back of her head into the mattress firmly. "H-how? Gilda, that feels really good."

Gilda was reaching for her own wetness now. "I know. Shut up," she said, stroking herself firmly and quickly enough to illicit a throaty groan.

Dash turned to look between her griffon friend's legs. She was slick, and her wetness had matted down the fur and feathers near her sex. Dash stared at her, and before long, her eyes became fixated on her friend's masturbation. She furrowed her brow with concern at the feelings of pleasure she got from watching.

Gilda loosed a low, loud moan above Rainbow Dash, and the pegasus was shocked by the volume of it. Her talon crashed in and out of her own wet cunt with a clicking, slurping sound. The matting around her mound had grown even bigger, nearly the size of her talon.

Dash squirmed, closing her muzzle tightly to bite down on a fold of the now hopelessly messed up bed sheet. She inhaled deeply through her nose to breathe. There was a scent in the air, and it was making her feel very good.

Gilda moaned out lustily. "Anh! I'm close!" Her voice was sultry and low, and filled with need.

Dash opened her mouth and widened her eyes, "Gilda, I feel... I!"

She couldn't finish her sentence. Her body curled sharply, and she loosed a confused yelp. She stared straight ahead into the darkened room with dilated pupils and shot a sharp breath into her lungs, which she quickly pressed out an almost anguished sounding cry. She curled her muzzle and thrashed as if convulsing against her bed. A wave of tingling in her loins struck through her, sending incredible, blissful pleasure coursing up her body.

Gilda slid a finger inside of Dash's pussy at the moment of orgasm, and her insides involuntarily clenched on it with spasmic contractions. Every contraction shot one more wave up her abdomen and down her hind legs as the flow of her orgasm continued.

Dash's tense muscles finally released, and her arched back collapsed back down onto the bed. She looked up at Gilda's face. Gilda's brow was curled, her eyes were shut tightly, and her beak was clenched. Only moments after Dash's own orgasm started to subside, she witnessed Gilda cum. With a pleasure soaked scream, the griffin bucked and twitched.

Dash's eyes widened at the sight. The sweet flow of afterglow was soaking into her body now, and her tense muscles melted into the bed. By the time Gilda was in the final throes of her release, Dash's eyes were half lidded, and she drew in a deep, relaxed sigh. She was almost shocked by the feelings of bliss running through her.

Gilda collapsed onto Dash, and nestled up to her tightly.

"You were right." Dash said with astonished disbelief. "That felt so awesome. That was what sex is like? Does this mean I'm not a virgin anymore?"

Gilda furrowed her brow. "I guess not."