The Princesses and I

by Distorted Flare

First published

Being the only one of your kind is hard, but when you have no memory of your past and make a living by ending others. Whats a guy to do

Had you told me that three years ago I would not only fail to kill the princess of Equestria but end up marrying both her and her sister, I would have called you crazy. But as I recall my adventure to my daughter I realize that maybe crazy isn't so bad after all!

1000% approved by the Edgy Sperglord Appreciation Society

past mistakes and future gifts

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A gentle wind whistled outside as the crescent moon gently rose and took the sun’s place as it sat proudly atop the night sky. Snow drifted lazily across the beautiful sky, forming a layer of pristine white as ponies hurried home. A small snowflake found itself onto the muzzle of a small white filly, causing her to sneeze as her mother laughed. The two walked silently through the breathtaking scene, their destination clear as the filly nuzzled up against the larger mare.

Canterlot Gardens had always been considered a place of great and ancient magic, where even the most troubled of souls could find peace. It was for this precise reason that the two found themselves in this peaceful place. The filly sat down in front of a large statue, her eyes glowing as her mother joined her wrapping a snow-white wing around the small foal as she held her tight.

“Mommy, how did you and daddy meet?” The childlike curiosity brought a smile to the mare’s face as her horn ignited, drowning the dark in a radiant light as she turned to her foal.

“That, honey, is a funny story indeed,” she chuckled, pondering how she could tell her daughter the tale as she grimaced. The mare sat next to her daughter was none other than Princess Celestia herself. Celestia hummed as she tried to find the right words to start, her daughter’s excited look only making it that much harder as she gulped. Celestia felt her body relax as a pair of familiar arms wrapped around her, pulling her and her foal close as a masculine voice spoke up.

“Funny being the appropriate word,” the voice spoke, followed by a hearty chuckle as Celestia smiled. Twisting her neck Celestia playfully licked her mate, her tongue grazing over his lips as he chuckled. Princess Aurora made gagging noise as she expressed her distaste for her parent’s intimate moment. This only deepened the pair’s amusement as they turned their attention to the smallest member of their family.

“Eww, gross. I just want to hear the story, not see you two get mushy,” she grimaced as her father bundled her up into his arms. The little mare struggled half-heartedly as her father playfully tickled her belly, her mother chuckled as she watched.

“Well honey to tell you the truth the story is a strange one,” the man laughed as he got comfortable.

“Well, it started back…”
The viewer’s version

“How dare you? You come in here and abuse our hospitality and generous offer by throwing it back in our faces!” A griffon spat, glaring at me as I snarled my hand fingering the hilt of my dagger.

“You brought me here and ask me to do the impossible for mere pittance!” I growled as my hand crashed into the hard wooden table, leaving a small dent as the guards around me tense.

“I will repeat my demand: ten million bits minimum, or no deal,” I barked, leaving no room for debate as the griffon silently fumed. Before me sat the arrogant form of the griffon Emperor, his plump form extruding wealth as he sat adorned in beautiful fabrics as well as countless rings and necklaces, each adorned with priceless gems and gold as he snarled at me.

“Don’t look at me like I am robbing you fool, do you realise the severity of this request?” I hissed, my eyes narrowed as I mused with the notion of killing the fat canary.

“I have done countless hits for you at reasonable prices, never questioning my target, but what you ask of me today is beyond the likes of just killing a dragon or taking out a rival. You are asking me to kill a living god for Christ’s sake,” I finished, the griffon shuffling uneasily as I smirked.

“So my final offer is ten million bits for the head of Princess Celestia, goddess of the sun and co-ruler of Equestria,” I finished as the griffon’s claws scraped along the surface of his throne. I imagine that he was sorely tempted to wrap his talons around my throat as I waited for the fuming predator to make his choice.

“Fine, now leave my sight freak,” he scowled as I mockingly bowed, turning on the spot as I left the luxurious throne room. I pulled my hood over my face, masking my appearance as I blended into the night. I tore across the tops of houses, my armour gently clinking as I flitted through the large city. I had a slim, allocated point and if I missed it then the whole hit was down the tubes. I hurriedly made my way to the train station, knowing exactly the train I would require as my target came into view. I eventually boarded the Heavy Wings Express, the train that would take me to my target. I claimed a small apartment near the back only housing a few ponies and griffons as they shuffled away from me.

I would never proclaim myself arrogant enough to call myself an assassin; no, I was a mercenary, pure and simple. I had made a living by ending the others, gaining myself a reputation as I become the go-to guy if someone wanted a job done. I, unlike others, didn’t go in guns blazing. I was discreet and regarded my work as art. Even the smallest of mistakes ruined the whole piece, which was why I was so adamant in my rules and planning.

The target, Princess Celestia would be one of the hardest hits yet and I had to admit I was scared of what would happen if I failed. The ponies and griffons in the compartment gave me a large berth as I smirked the fear in their eyes apparent as I cockily put my feet up settling down as I went over the plan in my head. As with all my hits, I demanded that I be contacted two weeks before the hit so I could plan and map out the area and target. The night I would do it was when I negotiated prices; the bastard had tried to offer me a measly three million for the Alicorn Princess, a price that was downright offensive if you asked me. But those weeks had been long spending days at a time studying the princess’s habits routes and even her bathroom breaks had all been taken in and analysed. In the end it had paid off; I knew when I would strike and where.

The Princess’s guards swapped shifts at exactly 1.22 am, but due to their laziness the guards would leave early to get down to the mess hall first. ‘Stupid bastards’. This gave me exactly one minute and thirteen seconds before the other guards arrived. This was all it would take to plunge the knife into the target’s throat and walk away with ten million. If this hit went off without a hitch I would be able to retire, a prospect I looked forward to.

Sadly, I slightly cringed at what I would do; killing the Princess went against my morals of killing innocents. Unlike most mercs I had at least a speck of conscience and as such children and pregnant females were off limits, to a lesser extent I tended to avoid civilians when I could. I got into this unpleasant business about two years ago. I had been in Equestria for about two months when I was approached by a random pony who offered me five hundred bits to kill a loan shark that had been pestering him and his wife. I had built a slight reputation for getting into fights at bars and at the time and was damn good in a brawl. This, of course, had seen me evicted from many villages and cities and had left me in desperate need of money. I had agreed, tracking down said loan shark and smashing his head in with a brick.

I had, due to sheer luck, got away throwing the bastard’s body into manticore enclosure in a zoo removing any evidence of my evolvement. Despite having no memory of my previous life, something clicked after that night as if I was meant to do this and from there I improved my skills. I had travelled to a place called Ponyville and had bought myself my first proper meal in months, as well as purchasing clothes more suited to my new-found job. A mare named Rarity had been more than happy to make clothes for me, believing my story that I was from Baltimare. As it turned out new species were cropping up every day and traveling to Equestria, so apart from some looks of disgust I was mostly left alone.

The white fashionista mare in the end had designed a pair of black jeans and top, despite her protest I had insisted on the colour as well as a cloak; due to the harsh weather climates in some of the areas, I saw it as a practical piece of kit to have. I kept my old leather boots, instead giving them a firm clean. Finally with the leftover money I bought myself a cheap dagger. My next hit was by a distressed, abused mare that was being used by her womanising bastard of a husband and his friends. It had only paid 250 but it had earned me a reputation as a vigilante merc, killing the evil to protect the innocent and all that shit.

The turning point in my career had been when a pony had offered me ten thousand bits to kill a teenage dragon that had been bullying the town. That had been a bitch, and in the end I had broken twelve bones and I was forced to strangle the bastard to death.

But tonight I had acquired a unique blade that had cost me nearly every bit I had saved up, but the result was worth it; a blade that could kill an alicorn. I toyed with the idea of killing the sister as well and demanding twenty million, but I realised that was a bad idea.

“Excuse me, we are arriving at Canterlot in two minutes,” A small mare informed me, shaking as nerves struck her body. My large frame was intimidating to most of the inhabitants, considering that a pony was on average about three feet tall and only slightly shorter than griffons. The train came to a gentle stop as the doors opened, the cool breeze of night brushing past my face as I pulled my hood up. The six hour train journey had left me slightly stiff as I lightly stretched outside, gaining suspicious glances from the inhabitants as I moved. I easily glided through the trickle of traffic, many ponies in bed as the clock struck midnight.
One hour later.
My watch silently vibrated, alerting me that it was time as I moved. I nimbly made my way over the Canterlot wall, slipping past the patrolling guards as their weapons gave me a grave reminder to what would happen if I failed. I had studied the ponies’ patrol routes, and they were mostly the same making the task far easier as I merely hid when appropriate. As I had expected, the maid had once again opened the window to let fresh air into the stuffy castle. She would continue to clean the hall as the frosty breeze would keep her cool.


One simple punch to the back of the head rendered the mare unconscious as I dragged her out the window, placing her in a bush as I bound her mouth and legs together. Slipping in, I extinguished the maid’s candle as I the area was plunged into darkness.

I made fast progress, avoiding all that approached me as I followed my mental map of the castle. The blueprints for this castle had cost me a fair bit, and to say that I was glad I had them was an understatement as I realised how easy it would have been to lose myself in the maze like corridors. As planned I watched as the silhouettes of two ponies disappeared around the corners. ‘One minute and 20 seconds’, I silently chanted as I reached the door of the Princess. Opening the door, I silently gawked at the wealth the room displayed, beautiful gems, priceless paintings and more silver than you could shake a stick at. Grimacing at the thought of leaving such wealth, I sneakily pocketed a few rubies to sell later.
There in the middle of the room lay the sleeping form of my target, the emperor sized bed low to the floor as the vulnerable form of the Princess lay before me.

My mouth was suddenly dry as I took in her beauty; for a horse she was incredibly easy on the eyes. Moving forward, I fluidly drew my knife, poising it as I came within striking distance. Everything slowed down as silence drowned the room, allowing me to hear my own heartbeat as I struck. Bringing the knife down smirked as it tore through the mare’s chest striking her heart. It was in that instance that I knew something was wrong. The strike had felt right no resistance no feel of flesh and muscle. What disturbed me was the lack of blood or death throes. Retracting the blade I froze as I saw the mare flicker disappearing as the lights were switched on.

“You know you are the first creature to ever get as close as you did,” the cold voice of the Princess spoke filling me with dread as I stiffened.

“In fact had it not been for a certain emperor tipping me off, for a fee of course, I wouldn’t have known you were coming until the wards on my room were tripped. I must say that I commemorate you on your skill, you obviously went to a lot of effort for little old me,” the mare smirked, strutting forward as I realised the situation I was in. The mare stood at about the same height as me, slightly taller as her horn added another foot to her size.
Panicking I threw the knife at her gaining a chuckle from her as she easily batted it aside. I made a run for the window, yelping as it slammed shut, barring me in as I nervously turned. Her eyes bore into mine as she strutted forward, her hips swaying as she got right up into my face. Her lips rested mere millimetres from mine as I gulped.

“Now, what do we do now?” She huskily whispered. What I doubt she expected was for me to lash out with my fist. But for all the damage it did, I doubt it deterred her much.

“Naughty,” she grinned as her horn glowed, throwing me against a wall as I grunted in pain.

“Too bad really, had it been any other time I would have just sent you to the dungeon. But with this nasty Estrus Cycle, I don’t think I can be so lenient. She whispered her tongue darting out as she licked me on the lips. The only warning I received was her horn once again glowing as I found myself tossed onto the bed. I tried to back away from the advancing mare, her magic holding me in place as chains materialised around my wrists and neck. ‘Dear god she is actually going to rape me, what the fuck,’ I mentally screamed as she teasingly started to pull at my trousers. I kicked out wildly trying to keep the mare at bay. I pulled at the chains with all my might as she jumped onto the bed.

“Come now, it will be a lot easier if you just relax,” the wicked mare smirked, no longer the kind, motherly ruler that so many described her as. Now in her stead stood an extremely cunning, intelligent, and above all batshit insane ruler, who had countless millenniums of experience. Her hoof delicately stroked my jaw, her eyes showing mock concern as I glared at her with disgust that before I thought impossible to have for another being. Stripping me of my clothing she laid herself on my naked form, her soft fur coated my body filling me with warmth. Her fur acted as a makeshift blanket for my unprotected body as I stifled a grunt of pain, her body was heavy. Her thighs gently rubbed my member as I reddened, refusing to make eye contact as I felt myself harden.

“Does this turn you on? The thought of me raping you, does it excite you that I am about to ravage and use you like a slut?” she whispered as she clamped onto my ear, nibbling it as I stifled a moan.

“Fuck you,” I spat kneeing her in the gut as she grunted in small annoyance.

“That’s the point sweetheart,” she cooed as she none-too-gently lowered herself onto my now hardened member. Heat engulfed me as I cried out in shock, her cruel eyes showing her delight as she got the process of trying to break me under way. I hissed in pain as she took all of me inside her, causing her to clench which resulted in my personal discomfort. The felling of her walls clenching caused unwanted ripples of pleasure through my still reluctant mind as I came to grips with my eccentric dilemma. I will be honest, I had sworn off sex since arriving in Equestria, the thought of doing it with a pony or griffon filling me with disgust as the slut atop me moaned.

She seemed to have underestimated me, her eyes wide as she tried to withhold a scream of delight as I grunted in pain. Her mouth slammed against mine, tearing my mouth open as her freakishly large tongue invaded it. Her teeth bite my tongue, drawing blood as I grimaced in pain, her tongue ruthlessly beating my wounded tongue into submission as I nearly choke. The ponies here have a near pathetic stamina and endurance when it comes to sex, I was unsurprised when she reached multiple peaks before I finally reached mine her body collapsing on me, crushing me under the weight. I gasped as air struggles to enter my lungs, her weight several times my own as I struggle to push her off of me. A sharp crack rang out as her bodyweight finally proved too much for my body to handle. I suppressed a scream as I felt one of my ribs crack, causing the mare above me to lazily roll off as she smirked at my pained expression.

“Oh, could the poor baby not take the weight of the big, bad mare?” she laughed as I heaved my body in agony as I tried to control my erratic breathing. I was in too much pain to respond, as she continued to mock me, her eyes showing disinterest as my body spasmed in pain. Any regret that I had felt before about taking the nymphomaniac bitch out had long since dried up. She had made this personal and when I got out, I would make the bitch pay. Snarling, I pulled with all my strength, roaring as the mare chuckled at my primitive display.


With one burst of strength I tore through my restraints, my hands clamping around the mare’s throat as she panicked, her legs lashing out as I straddled her. My hands tightened like a vice, slowly snuffing out her oxygen supply as she desperately tried to light her horn. The position I had her in made her horn useless as I forced all my strength into my hands, ignoring the blistering pain that sparked though my chest and ribs as I tried to finish the job.

“SISTER!” a voice cried as I was flung off the Princess, the mare gasping for breath as I was slammed into a wall. The pain from my injury and the blunt trauma to the head quickly snuffed my consciousness as I blacked out. I had sadly failed to kill the mare, as my mind was plagued by the nightmares that would follow my failure.
Celestia’s pov
“Luna,” I croaked as my sister rushed to my side, her muzzle rubbing against mine as she wrapped a wing around me.

“What were thou thinking? Thy would have died had we not heard the commotion,” my sister berated, filling me with shame as I realised what I had done.

“Who was that and why was he trying to kill you?” Luna questioned, abandoning the royal we as she calmed herself.

“He was an assassin, hired by Horus, Emperor of Gryphtania to kill me. Too bad he didn’t know that the emperor was a traitor,” I smiled as Luna gave me a hardened stare.

“Sister, why you would purposely promote an assassination, attempt never mind paying that bucker to send said assassin,” Luna demanded as I grimaced at her crude language.

“Because, dear sister, this creature has killed many, and I wished to end this but sadly my cycle hit me hard, and I regrettably may have overstepped my bounds. Sister, I did a shameful thing in the heat of the moment; I reverted to my old self,” I whispered, shivering as I recalled my dealing with the unconscious male. Luna winced as old memories cropped up of our near tyrannical rule before her banishment. I had been a heartless monster and it had sadly taken fate tearing my sister from me for me to see the way I was acting.

“Sister please tell me you did not,” she whispered memories of what I use to do to those that went against me especially stallions flashing in her mind as she growled.
“Unfortunately I did,” I whispered as Luna’s gasp made me cringe.
“Sister I understand that stallion populations are low, but to rape this creature, I can’t believe you would do this,” Luna spat as I winced

“He tried to kill me, so what if I did? He is scum and I planned to throw him in jail anyway, what do you care?” I snarled as Luna flinched, her eyes boring into mine as I looked away.
“Because you are better than that ‘Tia, you have morals and a conscience, this beast obviously does not. We will discuss this later, in the meantime we should deal with our would-be assassin,” she grunted as I nodded hesitantly.

“Guards take this would-be assassin away,” Luna barked as her night guards swarmed the room, dragging the beaten unconscious being, away as I felt a pang of guilt. I had never meant to take things this far, rough the intruder up to remind him who he was dealing with yes, but a mare’s cycle was a dangerous thing. It turned even the most noble of mares into savage beasts and I was no different as the result showed.

With 73% of the population being mares it meant that many mares were driven to desperation that resulted in innocent stallions getting foalnapped and raped. I myself in my younger years had been the exact same, but unlike others I had abused my power and status as an alicorn to bed more than my fair share of stallions. I sometimes wondered why I even had estrus cycles, no pony could impregnate either me nor my sister and with their being zero alicorn stallions it meant that our race was a dying one.

Shaking my head I crawled onto my bed, taking a sick comfort in the scent of the creature as I settled down for the night. A lone tear trickled down my cheek as I thought of a family I would never be able to have.
I would forever be alone.
One month later.
“Three hundred,” I growled as I once again lifted my body up hanging onto the bar before dropping to the ground. Sweat coated my form as I once again found myself with an audience. The guards had taken to watching me whilst I work out. Their flirtatious looks and looks of lust were to a strange degree flattering, as I put on a little show for them, flexing as I deliberately took my time stretching. I had been stuck in this hole for a month and had to admit that the food wasn’t too bad.

“BACK TO WORK,” The familiar voice of the Princess of the Night roared, sending the mares scattering as they scampered back to their posts.

“Good evening Princess,” I bowed my head in respect as the mare in name raised an eyebrow.

“Thou art in a good mood,” she smirked as I hid a sinister smile.

“Must be something in the food,” I replied as I made myself comfortable, resting my head against the wall as the Princess opened my cell door. The mare’s icy look had long since lost its power as I smirked, resting my hands behind my bed as she went about her usual routine.

“Listen here human, we have been doing this for one month now and I find myself at the end of my patience. Tell us where you are from or else,” she hissed, losing her cool as I smirked. The poor fool was falling into my trap quicker than I expected and she had no idea.

“My dear as I have told your rapist, sorry I mean charming sister, I have no prior knowledge of my home world other than it is called Earth and some very mediocre pieces of information,” I smirked as a vein bulged on the side of the alicorn’s head. Her hoof slammed down, cracking the concrete floor as I looked at her unmoved by her display of power. Her intimidation tactics were very one dimensional; show her power and make threats.

“Now, was there anything else you required as you can see I am incredibly busy,” The sarcasm in my voice seemed to drive her over the edge as she lunged at me, her hoof striking my chest as I grunted in discomfort.

“Won’t you at least buy me dinner first?” I deadpanned as her hoof struck me across the face. Her heavy breathing was all that resounded around the dungeon as the guards crept forward, their inquisitive stares and in some cases glares catching my eye as I felt a smile run across my face.

“Come now my dear; we are in public, surely a more private area would be best if we wish to continue,” I was on a roll, as I could see the mare reaching her breaking point. But to my disappointment rather than trying to kill me, the night blue alicorn instead stormed out, slamming the gate behind her as I silently cursed. My plan had for the last month to enrage the ill-tempered mare into attacking me my goal was that either she kill me or allow me to trap her in the cell giving me the precious seconds I would need to escape.

Settling down I allowed myself to drift off as plans of my escape ran freshly through my head. But for some reason that wasn’t the only thing. My dreams were invaded by blurred images of, family me and surprisingly a mare holding a young foal as our laughter echoed around the dream plane. I could never see the other two’s face but for some reason it filled me with a warmth.
Luna’s pov,

“It couldn’t be,” I gasped as I observed my sister and the human. Their dreams were nearly identical. ‘But that only happened when...’ my mental musing was cut off as the wrenching of my sister could be heard.

“Uh, I don’t feel so good,” my sister whined as she collapsed onto her bed, wallowing in self-pity as she looked at me with pleading eyes.

“Lulu,” she whined as I rolled my eyes, walking up to her I gently rubbed her back a method that our mother had always done when we were ill and something that we had always done for each other.

“Uh, I can’t remember the last time I was this ill,” she complained as I laughed, nuzzling against her as she gingerly sipped on her water.

“Sister, I believe I may have found the reason for your sudden illness these last few days,” I commented as her ears pricked up.

“Really? Thank goodness for that,” she grumbled as I licked my lips, preparing for the backlash.

“Sister, I think you are…”

“I think that is enough for one night,” I spoke as the small filly groaned in protest, her pleading eyes ignored as her father bundle her up in his arms. Soon the small foal fell asleep, her gentle breathing bringing a smile to the two as they retreated to their own quarters

“Hello husband,” Luna greeted me as she got up, nuzzling against my face as I returned her affection. The mare sported a swollen stomach, a proud show of her healthy pregnancy as she settled down. I still found it amazing that I was father to a gorgeous filly and soon to be to another foal as well.

“Is she asleep?” Luna questioned as Celestia gave a curt nod, making herself comfy as I climbed into bed with her.
Celestia extinguished the lamp, throwing the room into a gentle darkness as the light of the moon illuminated the large room.

“That story really brought back some memories,” I chuckled as the two princess’s chuckled there beautiful eyes looking at me with amusement as they nestled into my sides.

“To think that a couple of years ago the mere thought of us being together was ludicrous as it was impractical. Not forgetting the fact that we hated each other with a passion unseen since the feud between my mother and Tirek,” Celestia giggled as Luna snorted in amusement her head resting on my chest as I stroked her back.

“That’s an understatement if I ever heard one,” Luna smirked as she lay sprawled out.
I smiled as the combined warmth of the two mares, removing any trace of the winter chill as there ethereal manes glowed in the low light. I felt fatigue hit me as I closed my eyes the world around me fading away slowly before blackness.

Cravings and an understanding

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"NO DAMN IT I DEMAND AT LEAST ONE SLEEP IN" I shouted defiantly, both Celestia and Luna tried and failed to remove the warm covers. Celestia swore under her breath as she gave another sharp tug before sighing. This had become a routine for us the two crazy alicorns would awake at a god awful hour and would expect me to join them. The two despite having different sleeping patterns some how managed to make the effort to get me up. Alicorns to my dismay only required five hours of sleep and whilst they allowed me the healthy eight that humans needed I was never allowed to sleep in.

"With a shark crack the bitter cold of a winter morning struck me hard as I gasped, the bastards had teleported me onto the floor. Throwing a small tantrum I flopped on the floor much like a fish as I tried to slither under the bed for at least a margin of protection from the ice cold. Luna gave a snort grabbing me by the scruff of the neck as she dragged me along the floor. Despite only being just shy of five feet the mare was incredibly strong.

I kicked and struggled, making a complete scene as Celestia rolled her eyes at my theatrics.

"Husband still thou tongue, or I will remove it!" she growled saliva covering my shirt. I huffed but wisely did as instructed. Groaning I allowed myself to be dragged along the floor my arms folded as I pouted. "Every morning, when will you ever grow up" Luna growled, Celestia dispersed into our daughters bedroom as the mare gently spoke with the still half asleep filly.


"What was it like living with mommy" Aurora questioned nosily chewing on her toast as Celestia lightly scolded her.

"A nightmare" I chuckled the foal giggling as Luna cuffed me.


"YOU KNOW WHAT FUCK YOU, YOU FAT CUNT" I roared storming out the room Celestia in tears as she screamed at me to go buck myself. it had been over three months since the attempted assassination and I was miserable. The sadistic bitches had placed a collar on me that prevented me from killing. Had no idea how it worked but I found out the painful way when I tried to stab the pregnant mare with a pen. Turns out I was to be wed to her in a couple months. I had been told that to keep up image of Celestia being pure they had to make it out that she had mated with her "coltfriend". So in other words I the would be assassin would be wed to a mare I had tried to kill and had then raped me. I was fuming making a mental note to make the emperor's death as painful and bloody as possible.

Grunting I hoisted myself up though a window onto the roof easily navigating the steep tiles as I rested on the top of one of the towers. The scenery was breath taking but did little to quell my foul mood. I idly scratched my neck the collar digging in as I sighed in frustration. Why did the mare manage to wind me up so much I had always had a foul mouth on me as well as a sadistic personalty. Being honest had never liked either but something about the mare made me want to be as cruel as possible. As the sun started to set I groaned streching my legs as the beautiful view at least helped me to forget about my predicament if only momentarily.

"Mind if I join you" Luna asked her hooves poised along the beam of the tower as I gave a small nod. "Tis a beautiful, no?" she spoke up watching me as I rolled my eyes at her attempt at conversation.

"Yeah its real pretty" I replied hoping that she would get the hint and go away. I could barely tolerate her any more than her sister. Yet the mare had really gone out her way to at least be civil to me. I had always been told that Celestia was the kind and patient whilst Luna the brash and quick to angry. Turns out they had it the other way around. "Was there something you wanted or are you just up here for the hell of it" I snapped the mare taking it all in stride.

"I heard the spat between you and my sister and thought you might want somepony to talk to. Heavens above my sister will bite my head off if I even suggest that something is bugging her" the mare chuckled weakly as I cracked a small smile. "Ah so you are capable of expressing emotion other than anger. Tis a most amazing discovery." she cheekily added as I tried not to snort. Despite her reputation the mare was actually really laid back and all for a joke.

"Nothing ever seems to get you down, why is that?" I asked the mare pausing her hoof resting on her lip as she hummed.

"Because I have been down that path before the anger, the hate, the grief. It is better to be positive and optimistic than to constantly waste time worrying over things. You see When the nightmare claimed me I wanted nothing more than to kill my sister nearly did too and for what, because ponies slept during my night and the fact that nobles loved my sister more than me. I threw away one thousand years because of jealousy. You came with the intention of killing my sister, were it not for the foal and the fact that my sisters raped you I would have crushed your skull beneath my hoof. But I do not think that you are evil. From what my sister told me you were filled with sorrow for your actions and seemed reluctant. Though you still had the intent and for what money? Would all the bits in the world have been worth being hunted for the rest of your life never being able to make friends for fear of them seeing you out. Would be a worse fate than death or poverty." she finished hitting to close to home.

"What would you know of death and poverty since you will never experience either!" I replied brushing her off as I growled her lack of response.

"And like that you once again try to push those who wish to help you away. What is it that you fear?" she asked her eyes glimmering in the moon light as I had not even noticed that it was nearly pitch black.

"— I don't fear anything" I spat turning my back to her as I heard her sigh. The soft warmth of her wings made me shiver slightly as she rested her chin on my head her hoofs wrapping around my chest.

"Why do you do this? I have looked into your dreams, you still cry for the ponies and gryphon's you kill not one was innocent, yet you beat yourself up about it, if you are as your title proclaims, a ruthless assassin why do you mourn for the lives you have ended?" the mare whispered as I tried to stifle a sob. "It's okay to cry!" she whispered turning me around as she brought my body to hers, her warm fur fighting off the chill of night as my body shakes.

"I don't have anything to live for." I whispered my thoughts betraying me as I realised that no one would mourn my death or even care. I had no family, friends or even acquaintances.

"You are so young barely a child in our eyes, but if it is of any consolation, Celestia does not completely hate you" Luna softly chuckled using the tips of her wings to wipe away the tears on my check as she gave me a small smile. " If you want to find forgiveness for your past sins then don't live as they did, live an honest life and fight for the weak rather than to line your pockets" Luna finished smiling as she spread her wings propelling herself forward. "Think of what I have said and you will be one step closer to happiness" she shouted her form quickly vanishing in the dark sky.

The nip of the night air brought me back from my brooding as I gently slipped back inside. Only to bump straight into the mare that not forty minutes ago had wanted to castrate me. A small squeak escaped the mare as she fell onto her rump shaking her head as I gently massaged my chest. Her horn may not have been sharp but it still hurt as the mare huffed.

"Eh... sorry" I apologized as the mare slowly got back onto her feet. The alicorn watched me silently, waiting for me to act, her eyes glowing in the moon light as I found myself momentarily lost in the purple orbs. Sighing I shimmied past her being sure not to leave myself vulnerable as the mares wings flickered slightly her eyes never leaving me. Her hair and tail had always made me uneasy.

"Wait!" she objected placing a hood on my hand as I paused. " We have been at each others throats for months. You tried to kill me... I— I raped you. I think for the good of this marriage and for the foal, we should at the very least show some civility to each other. Maybe we could chat? " she offered her eyes sparkling gently as I gave a small incline of my head urging her to continue. "I think we got off on the wrong foot. I was having a very bad dry heat and you had been offered a substantial amount of money for my death. I hope that maybe we could get past this and maybe get to know each other. If we are to be joined in holy matrimony ." she paused licking her lips nervously as I gave a ghost of a smile. Looking at the mare I saw not the cruel evil bastard that had caused this fate but a mare that was equally miserable because like me she had fucked up. She didn't want to be married to me any more than I did to her.

"I know a good coffee shop a couple blocks from the castle?" I proposed the mares face lighting up ever so slightly as she gave a small nod.

"Coffee would be great"

"That was the first time we had ever had a civil conversation" I chuckled, Celestia chuckling as she gently washed the fillies checks. The filly had managed to smear jam into her fur, her muzzle coated as her mothers furiously groomed the messy filly. Aurora listened intently as I described a couple of instances of the two of us getting used to being married as well as the time Celestia had nearly strangled me during her final months of pregnancy. Of course we had to make it age appropriate so a lot of the dark and down right nasty parts were excluded.

"Now that I think about it the only reason this worked out was because of your meddling, you old hag" I joked, Luna scrunching up her nose as he gave me a irradiated glare.

"I made sure to always give you two a small kick in the right direction. Had I not the two of you would have most likely ended up killing each other. I would hardly call that meddling!" she huffed dabbing her lips as she finished her forth plate of pancakes. Luna was quickly entering her eight month of pregnancy and as many doctors had told us had a healthy baby boy growing inside of her. Celestia had nagged the smaller alicorn to let her take over her duties and eventually managed to whittle the stubborn mare protest down to the point that it was easier just to accept it.

Celestia and I had been married for about four years now Luna and I had gotten hitched about a year back when the two of us had started to show interest in each other. Polygamy in pony society was normal given the 2:1 mare to stallion ratio. Strangely enough many species did not practise this Gryphon's and zebras being the only other two that still accepted it. The two mares had been good to me and had even helped me obtain a job as am eclipse guard an elite group that were assigned to restricted or top secret sections of the castle such as Starswirl the bearded's personal study and the restricted section in the library. One guard was assigned to watch and tail one or both of the princesses at all times. Though technically a duke due to my marital status I had declined the position at the time. I had not wanted to be associated with the snobs and slobs that called themselves nobility. I was happy with my job and slightly above average salary, not that money was an issue.

"I got to run my shift starts in ten. I am with you today Celly" I laughed the mare giving me an affectionate nuzzle and a discreet swat to the rear as I exited the hall.

The armour of the eclipse guards was silver showing neutrality to both sides of the crown. The guards did not have preference nor a superior between the two sisters. If both gave different orders then the guard desired which to act apon. As long as it did not breech the three rules.

1. A guard cannot knowingly or purposely allow or cause harm to an innocent

2. A guard may never draw his blade and or attack/ kill anypony and may only be broken as a last resort if his/her life and or other guards/ princesses lives are in danger.

3. A guard may question or out and out refuse to obey a command from the princess if either of the first two are breeched.

Rule three will be override if either princess ever falls to corruption.

"They were rules that were drilled into you from day one. Training was hard but allowed me to redefine my skills as well as use my strength and agility to my advantage to climb in rank above the others. My strength was easily on equal terms with an earth pony and my agility matched only by a pegasi. But my real disadvantage came my form. Unlike ponies my bones were frailer as well as walking on two legs whilst great for balance made it easier to be knocked down by a charging pony. But to counter that I could climb and my arms gave me an distinct advantage in fighting. I had quickly learnt the importance of not relying on a weapon. One of my first jobs with the emperor had been to take out a gryphon whom had ties to a large sex slave industry.

Checking over my equipment I gave a small self assuring nod as I crept along roof tops my foot steps silent as I flitted from roof to roof. My goal was to kill one baron silver plumage. a arrogant and down right evil bastard whom had ties in illegal gambling cockatrice fighting, manticore baiting and worse of all had investments in slave trade. Leaping down I landed on my knee just outside his luscious mansion. His hired thugs patrolled the grounds as I slipped a throwing knife from my pouch. What many ponies and Gryphon's didn't know was that being an mercenary was not all about going in guns blazing. It was about patience calculating how and when the enemy was going to move. Planning weeks in some cases months a head as well as always having a cool head. There were elements similar to that of an assassin but I would never be arrogant enough to call myself that.

I picked up on patterns and certain actions. The guard to the far left would always stop for a few minutes to have a cigarette whilst his friend if you could call him that would have a piss in the baron's pool. The waiting game began now as I sat crouched in one of the thick hedges my lithe black form blending perfectly. Gryphon's were predators and had both feline and avian in them both which were revered for good eye sight. But like most predators they needed movement to lock in on.

With a small leap I landed on the soft grass rolling as I crouched making sure I had not alerted anything as I stalked the gryphon.

"Uh its fucking freezing" he growled his voice heavy as his white condensation escaped his beak. Lunging forward my hands wrapped around the birds neck twisting both my hands in opposite directions. The gryphon went limp his body slumping against mine as I dragged his corpse into a bush. Unlike what many thought breaking someone's neck was not twisting side to side you had to twist the chin in one direction and the neck the other to fully break the neck and crush his throat preventing dying screams or gasps. Knifes were only ever used if you were spotted. These fuckers could detect a drop of blood a mile away which is why stealth and efficient clean kills were so important. If a gryphon even managed to graze me I would have every bastard in this place on me faster than a fat pony who has a one day coupon for burger queen. I silently chuckled at the terrible joke as I moved onto my next target.

The sniper . Each side of the state had three ground patrols and one hiding on the roof with a cross bow. These bastards were dangerous as they were in contact with there squad every thirty minutes. This was done with a unique number of flashes using a flash light. I had fourteen minutes to take him out as well as the other two without rousing suspicion. The other sides called in on each other on the hour every hour so I still had time but my time gap was getting tighter. Removing the cross bow on my back I cautiously took aim adjusting for recoil as the night was mostly wind free. With a sharp twang the bolt sprung from its resting place as I silently waited.

Looking though my scope I gave a small smirk as the dead gryphon lay pinned against the wall. This would make him less noticeable and allowed me to mop up the other two now.

With a sharp sigh I gently dropped the now dead gryphon this one having seen me a split second to early for me to break his neck as I had been forced to wrap my arm around his throat as suffocate him. The beast had put up a hell of a fight but my hand had muffled his cries of panic and fear. Not that it would have mattered his associates were all dead. steeping over the corpse I allowed myself a second to catch my breath sweat trickling down my forehead.

The paranoid bastard did not trust his own guards had meant that I was not getting in thought the front door. A grappling hook though a poor one at that had allowed me to scale the wall, part of me wishing that I had wings. I had quickly smashed in a window making sure I was far enough away so that the noise would hopefully not awake my victim.

I was surprised at how well I had done given what I had to work with I may have appeared well armed but in reality most of my equipment was shit. The cross bow only had a scope because I had spent weeks designing one. using a compact crystal which with a small bit of magic could act as a laser sight though required charging. It was useful but I was defiantly buying a better bow when I got the cash.

Reaching the bastards bedroom I gave a small smirk the thought easy money running though my thoughts as I drew my blade. What I had not expected was to be greeted with a chair to the face knocking me backwards as I feel over the banister. I gave a cry of pain as I landed at the bottom my arms and legs sore as I heard an enraged screech. I barely managed to role to the side the gryphon's talons tearing carpet and chunks of wood out of the floor as he growled at me.

"Darting forward I slashed at him with my knife the baron easily dodging. He swiped at me his claws tearing though fabric and flesh as his claws were straining red with my blood. Hissing in pain I barely had time to react as his clawed fist slammed into my face dazing me as I dropped my knife.

"Pitiful, I expected at least a challenge" he growled grabbing me by the hair as he carelessly tossed me against a wall. I am going to take my time killing you freak. Then I will be having a little chat with that piece of shit of an emperor" he spat laughing as I spat out a mouthful of blood. "You have skill but your arrogance will be your undoing!" he stated punctuating this with a swift kick to the stomach.

With a small growl I sprang forward pinning the gryphon as he snapped at my face his beak catching my lip as I winced. My hands wrapped around the bastards throat as I started to throttle him his hind legs tearing into my stomach as I was forced to knee him in the bollocks.

Little by little the gryphon's struggling grew weaker as he jerked violently. Gasping for air I weakly stabbed the corpse making sure he wasn't faking as I pulled myself to my feet. Groaning I grimaced as the sour taste of blood coated my mouth. Grabbing my dropped blade I cursed as I took in the sight of my destroyed crossbow the impact of the wall leaving a hair line fracture.

"Fuck what I night!"