• Published 4th Apr 2013
  • 29,872 Views, 2,809 Comments

Metroid Equis - Flammenwerfer

A meteor impacts the nation of Equestria, Planet Equis. Tranquility is quickly snuffed out when a poison begins to spread violently. The Princesses cannot combat this unknown threat, as no knowledge of it exists. Help comes from an unexpected source.

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31. Rally Point

Metroid Equis

Chapter 31

Rally Point

[The Crystal Empire | Throne Room]

Human and pony alike gathered at the magical projection of the western front in the center of the throne room, all wondering if they were indeed seeing the same thing: a mechanized-looking alicorn trotting and moving to slam into the Changeling lines. Unicorns particularly skilled with magic had the ability to relay between each other and project images over short to moderate amounts of ‘hoofing’ distance since there were no battlefield video cameras available. Whispers and mutterings never ceased as all, including the Princesses and Federation Officers, tried to wrap their minds around the awesome display of force.

“So, just to be clear, we’re all seeing the same thing, right?” Colonel Borsig was the first to break the collective stunned silence.

“Indeed so,” Celestia replied, eyes transfixed on the display and knowing that this machine was entirely Luna’s doing.

“Yep,” Shining Armor added, having few words that could adequately describe what he was thinking at the sudden entrance of the Warhorse.

“Glad I wasn’t the only one,” Princess Cadance finally had her words. With initial confusion abated, it was clearly seen through the projection that the formerly offending Changelings were now completely on the run. As everyone’s minds began returning rational thought all believed it was a good idea to capitalize on the unexpected yet welcome retreat of the much-more numerous enemy. Borsig fixed his earpiece:

“All units, the Changelings are in full retreat! Pursue the enemy, repeat! Changelings are on the run, give chase!”

“All Equine units are to follow suit! Find out where they came from and we’re gonna chase ‘em back to the depths of Tartarus,” Shining Armor also ordered a full-on counterattack. With Samus, Luna, and that thing leading the front they were almost assured a victory. It would be borderline lying if Shining had not had a bit of revenge on his mind for the semi-recent events of a particular wedding of his.

“Alright, now it looks like we can all breathe a bit easier,” Borsig added, removing his headpiece and ruffling the silver hair under his visorcap. That was the greatest relief to all, as the Changelings were threatening the very existence of the Crystal Empire as a whole, so it appeared that threat was completely wiped out or at the very least diverted… though with what just entered the field, odds are it was gonna be the former.

“So it seems. I’ve tasked Luna’s troops to deal with whatever remains inside the Empire’s borders. Now, it’s time to take the fight back to the enemy and vanquish this threat for good,” Celestia stood firm, taking a very serious and commanding look much unlike the motherly and compassionate leader the ponies have grown to know. She turned to one of the Magickakorps troopers watching the show:

“Pass on an order: Double-time the cleansing of the Empire’s streets. Once it’s safe, I want all of the Element Bearers back here posthaste.”

“Right away, Your Majesty!” the female soldier saluted and teleported out of sight.

“Now,” Celestia turned back to the projection as the Warhorse slammed straight into the front lines. “We find where the Changelings came from, eliminate the hive, and continue dealing with the Phazon.”

[Frozen Overworld]

[Suggested Listening]

Samus did have to admit that ‘trotting’ felt almost too natural as the Warhorse, but even so, she still stumbled every now and then simply due to the fact that her mind was never wired for such a feat. Nevertheless, in the face of a retreating enemy on both the ground and in the air, there was still time for what could be considered more or less as a ‘field tutorial’ with Luna at the head… literally.

“Alright Samus, we need to stabilize your locomotion before we can fully catch up to the retreating Changelings. Remember, movement along the diagonal: left front hoof with right rear, and right front hoof with left rear. Think of how your arms passively swing when you walk,” Luna instructed as she kept a diligent eye on the battlefield as well as the schematics of the machine that were fed into her mind via the magical/neural uplink for the commander.

Samus wordlessly performed as she was told, and Luna’s little algorithm certainly helped her balance tremendously. What little correction was needed was achieved, and the Warhorse was quickly closing distance.

“Concentrate on your ability and charge the horn like you would your grapple beam,” Luna spoke up once more. Samus took no issue with listening to her instruction as she operated the Equine equivalent of Quadraxis. As such, she did as she was told and the Warhorse’s horn glowed luminously teal... it was as if the horn was actually her grapple beam, which sounded utterly ridiculous in hindsight but now was not the time to debate realities and semantics.

"Very good, now concentrate just as you did on the destruction spell to fire a hard-magic projectile. Depending on how skilled you are as well as how wild your imagination may run, you may alter the properties of the offensive magic as you see fit. There's a platoon-sized formation of Changelings on the ground still threatening our forces, five degrees to the left. Eliminate them," Luna casually ordered. Looking to the left through the eyes of the mechanized beast, Samus indeed found what the Lunar Princess was referring to and released the 'charged-shot' with similar high-explosive capabilities of the last. The teal-blue hard-magic 'shell' impacted directly into the center of the offending formation, completely annihilating it and relieving friendly forces, who immediately joined the counterassault.

"Excellent shot, Samus! Press forward!" Luna praised heartily, continuing to survey the battlefield. Her radio, however, notified her of another attempt to contact her:

"Luna, this is Celestia. Are you there?" the Solar Princess broadcast on the channel.

"I read you loud and clear, sister. What can I do for you?" Luna answered with some mix of smugness and elation lacing her words. Obviously she did not seem stressed anymore.

"I'm assuming you have everything to do with the enormous metal alicorn-like machine that just literally popped up from the ground..."

"Your inferential abilities continue to do well by you, Celestia! I'm currently in the head of the machine as we speak and march," Luna confirmed, another magical discharge of energy being sent off into another group of Changelings.

"I do not suppose you have an explanation to how you acquired such a weapon?" Celestia asked sarcastically, knowing full well that this was just another one of Luna's secrets. Samus, on the other hand, was passively listening to the exchange as she took care of the business side of things. The Warhorse had finally reached the defensive trenchline.

"I shall be more than happy to explain once this is all over, but for now, I only wish for you to take events as they are until the Changeling threat has been dealt with accordingly. Can we do that, please?” she asked, wanting to make sure the important events at hand were dealt with first before inevitably getting into another argument with her sister over secrets. Samus’s trek stopped, having finally retaken all lost ground while a sigh from the other end of the radio could be heard after several moments of silence.

"Where is Samus?"

"She is here with me, piloting this mechanoid!"

"Hi Princess," Samus was able to speak (though she did not entirely understand how) and affirm the Day Princess of her presence. Knowing they were both safe, Celestia only sighed once more and conceded to abide by Luna's request.

“Very well, Lu. We averted a disaster with the potentially catastrophic spread of the Phazon should the Empire's shields have been taken down. We cannot afford another sudden emergency. Take the fight back to the Changelings and ensure that they cannot mount another offense. Find their hive and destroy it," Celestia spoke with confidence and authority. Luna could not have had any more respect for her than at the present moment.

"It shall be done, sister. They shall be dealt with swiftly and firmly," Luna responded, the channel going dark once she finished her words. She then switched over to the general battle channel which her troops as well as the Federation had access to:

"Valiant warriors, fear not this machine of metal and magic for Samus and I are within. Rally around us and let us all drive the Changelings back to the pits of their hive, then immolate it in entirety. Onward!" Luna gave the order, to which all soldiers on the ground instantly complied with a tenfold boost in morale. Samus began the trot anew, fully giving chase to the retreating Changeling army. However, it appeared hundreds had taken flight and were on another attack path, Solders and Drones alike.

"Luna, is there a way to deal with airborne enemies?" Samus asked, bracing for another confrontation in which she felt a magical blast of previous proportions would be an inappropriate response to such an attack.

"Yes, unicorn soldiers from long past created the 'No-Fly Zone' spell to knock pegasi and griffons alike out of the sky. The spell generates a three-hundred and sixty degree outward-expanding wave of magic that rips through the wing membranes, paralyzing them, which is not fatal in its own but the inevitable drop and inability to get away from enemy forces is what kills them. Attempt it now!"

Samus internally nodded and proceeded to charge the horn back up. She envisioned knocking all air-combatants out of the sky and once she could perfectly concentrate and visualize the action, the spell released itself. A massive, 'hollow’' pop sounded, in its wake a bright yet transparent teal force-field expanded out in a circle with the horn at its center. True to her word, all airborne Changelings that attempted to intercept either the Warhorse or friendly forces were violently thrown about in the sky before dropping helplessly to the ground. Those that weren’t dispatched by the fall would be overwhelmed by advancing Magickakorps and Federation Troops.

“Well done, Samus! That most likely took over a hundred enemy forces out of combat!”

“I still don’t entirely know what to think about all of this… I’m so used to destroying the giant mechs, not being one,” Samus honestly voiced, taking the first trepidatious step in another trot into the completely open Frozen Overworld. The sheer size of the Warhorse combined with the ease of momentum would ensure that Luna and Samus would leave the Crystal Empire behind in a fairly little amount of time. If that was the case, then the crisis was surely averted and the battle would clearly be drawn elsewhere. All that was necessary was to have the Changelings (hopefully) lead them to their hive.

Another development that came to the forefront was that, while Samus could fire as many projectiles as she had the stamina to cast through the horn, after a while, the horn would refuse to respond for a good while. It appeared that Luna was already noticing this in the commander’s port as well.

“How come I can’t fire continuously?”

“The horn is still mostly metal, unlike the bone and cartilage of an actual organic horn, so to prevent any melting or disfiguring from constant use, it appears a fail-safe was introduced to cut off magical flow so it could cool off… oh my…” Luna explained, but then reacted with subtle surprise as if reading something unexpected.

“What’s wrong?” Samus asked.

“Nothing at all, but the schematics refer to it as the ‘Primary Horn.’” the Princess remarked, staring at the magical diagrams that were fed to her through her own pointed appendage and studying them deeply.

“... Please tell me that’s not an ancient, dirty joke.”

“No, no… I was not able to see anything out of the ordinary at first, but that particular word usage must suggest that somewhere… A-HA!” Luna exclaimed, finding what she was looking for amongst what could be considered a magically-virtual ‘operator’s manual.’ “In addition to the main armament, there exist two secondary horns on either side of the Warhorse’s muzzle. They are smaller, much like an enlarged alicorn horn.”

“So it’s like a coaxial machine-gun… intuitive,” the mentally immersed hunter ‘commented.’

“I suppose, whatever that means,” Luna said. Some new, metallic noise from outside on the muzzle grabbed her attention and she spotted two horns coming into existence on both sides of the muzzle, extending out to about half the length of the mouth. She also noticed that the Changelings were attempting to rally somewhat, and moved into defensive positions to fire upon the Warhorse… though it was negligible as any magical beams that struck it were absorbed into the armor with no damage or ricocheted off. While Samus prefered more of a ‘hands-on’ approach when it came to combat, she had to admit, she could get used to being behind several tons of enchanted armor.

A few-hundred feet farther, they came across the first attempted entrenchment of the Changelings, and for the first time, Samus noticed many of the Drones attempt to take the form of normal ponies and unicorns but the ruse was easily seen through. Before friendly forces caught up, the Hunter decided to test the ‘coaxial-horns,’ which began spitting magical fire at about three rounds a second towards the ground. Each fired simultaneously, Samus spraying the field before her with the deadly equivalent of magical ‘machine-gun fire.’ Hard-magic rounds ripped through exoskeleton like paper and generated shields stood absolutely no chance… entire squadrons were wiped out in seconds, several platoons in well over a minute. The sheer level of destruction this machine was capable of did nothing short of amaze Samus, who could now envision truth when Luna stated that the Warhorse completely routed entire Dragon Hordes.

Pristine white snow was marred with deep-hued green as blood stained the ground from fallen enemies. To say that there was any sort of resistance left would actually be somewhat generous, because once again, the remaining Changelings continued their running retreat, fewer taking flight this time around in fear of getting obliterated much like their other airborne brethren. Samus did well in ceasing her fire and allowing the enemy to gain some distance, as if she annihilated every single Changeling, there would be nothing left to lead her to their hive, which was the ultimate endgoal. This allowed friendly forces to catch up and rally alongside the massive machine, and after taking a small break, the order was given to move forward once again.

As that order to press onward was given, a volunteer reservist unicorn who was part of the second detachment had pulled out a camera to snap a picture of the scene in front of her: Regular Equine troops, Federation Marines, Magickakorps all meshed together as one cohesive unit alongside the ‘Giant Alicorn.’ There were no cliques of ponies and humans merely interacting, rather it was a painted picture of union against a common enemy. Marines helped ponies out of natural trenches, ponies lent helping horns and hooves to exhausted humans, but most of all, they were united; infantry rallied together with the Warhorse.

Little did she know how famous and symbolic that picture would soon become.

“With luck, they shall lead us straight to their hive, but it doesn’t look like we’re headed to the same place you found me in those catacombs. I thought that was close to their hive… or one of them at least?” Luna shook her head.

“No. Those catacombs appeared to be some sort of underground mining operation, not the Hive. Had it been the Hive, the number of Changelings encountered would have been substantially larger,” she explained, which made perfect sense. Another ‘Phazon Mines’ scenario all over again.

Another round from the Main Horn was fired into the retreating Changelings, along with several bursts from the secondary armaments.

“So, we’re just going to be hoping that they don’t all teleport out at some point, and lead us straight there?” Samus asked, starting to find the idea a bit ludicrous, now that she actually gave more in-depth thought to the matter.

“That could also potentially prove to be a problem… however, call it magical intuition from a long life relative to yours, but I have a strong feeling as to where the Hive likely lies, as it adequately explains this obsession and hunger over the Phazon. Fancy a guess as to where that might be?” Luna asked, almost rhetorically as she knew Samus would understand immediately.

“The Impact Crater.”

“The way I observe, we have two options. One, we could follow the remnants of this Changeling force, hope they do not lead us to a dead end nor teleport out at a safe distance; or two, we go on our hunch, destroy this army, and make course straight for the Impact Crater, which would take about an entire day of travel time.”

Samus gave thought to both of the strategies placed in front of her, but it was clear what the right decision would be.

“Technically, my actual assigned mission was to help eradicate the Phazon. Fuck it, let’s hit the Crater and go home,” Samus decided, stopping in her tracks once more to allow Luna to make the necessary arrangements.

“I am not entirely sure if I have mentioned this in passing, but I enjoy the way you think, Samus,” Luna commented before switching to the appropriate communications channels… which were all of them. “All units, this is Princess Luna and there has been a change of plans…”

[The Crystal Empire | Throne Room]

“...the new directive is as follows,” Luna’s regal, highly authoritative and commanding voice sounded through countless radios within the Throne Room which was essentially the de facto command center anyway. Borsig held his hand against the earpiece to ensure he heard clearly, while Celestia, Cadance, and Shining held their hooves to their own respective ears. “We finish off our enemies here, removing the immediate Changeling threat to the Empire, and then Samus and I will turn northward with a reinforced division following behind us towards the Impact Crater. Within the next two days, this will all be over.”

The Lunar Princess’s voice finally cut off, leaving the occupants of the throne room to mull on her decision. While Princess Celestia would normally question her thought process at a time like this, she had to realize that Luna would not make such a decisive move against not only the Changelings, but the Phazon as well, without consultation with Samus. As such, she trusted her sister’s judgement, as long as she made do on her promise to end the fighting as quickly as possible. The white alicorn somberly sighed, having had enough of the destruction and death that engulfed her nation.

“Princess,” a Crystal Guard’s deep voice startled the Solar Alicorn out of her pensive stupor. Turning her attention to him, he gestured over to the throne-room doors, where all six Elemental Bearers had entered through, completely unscathed.

“Twily!” Shining yelled, galloping over to his younger sister’s side and nuzzling her cheek affectionately, a gesture Twilight appreciated more than he would know. Celestia and Cadance also joined them, eager to express their own words of relief at their collective safety. Borsig, however, stayed behind to communicate his findings to the higher authority:

“Admiral Forest, are you getting the battle-feed of this?” the Federation Officer asked via a video transmission on a computer that was brought in for logistics, sending pictures and video-footage taken by his troops straight to the Vogl. A video feed of the Admiral soon popped up on the screen.

“Looking at it right now, Colonel. I must say, when you told me of the Equines having a secret weapon, I certainly didn’t expect something like this,” the Admiral, clad in silver naval-officer’s garb with a corresponding visor-cap, replied. He rested his chin between his thumb and index finger as he carefully studied the footage. His expression was one of gentle fatigue, slight bags having formed under his eyes and facial stubble gracing his normally clean-cut and commanding features.

“None of us did. I don’t even think many of the Equestrians expected that much.”

“What do we know about it?” the Admiral asked, most curious at recent developments due to the tide of the battle turning almost instantaneously. Live footage continued to stream, showing the Warhorse wreaking complete carnage upon enemy forces. All that tried to mount any resistance to it were cut down by a gargantuan blast from the main horn, ripped apart by the rapid-firing secondary horns, or were simply trampled under the massive hooves.

“Other than the easily apparent massive destruction potential and firepower output, the ponies call it the ‘Warhorse.’ Main armament appears to be the large unicorn horn which fires volatile magical rounds, or really whatever the operator wants it to do. It functions like a unicorn would ‘cast magic,’ but for all intents and purposes for us, it’s a high explosive energy weapon. There also exist two secondary ‘horns,’ which appear to act as heavy machine guns.”

“That main armament is most impressive, but what of armor capabilities? It doesn’t seem to look like a glass cannon…” Forest observed, still glued to the video feed.

“All I’ve been able to gather, or anyone here really, is that it’s built of a highly refined steel alloy that we have no knowledge of, apart from magical enhancements or ‘enchantments’ as the ponies call them. Any ability to attack it has been in vain and it remains without a scratch thus far, so one can assume that this mechanoid is at the very least, quite durable. As for specific technical specifications, your guess is as good as mine,” Borsig answered with all the knowledge he could impart. While uncertainty dominated the conversation, it was quite clear that all parties were thoroughly impressed.

“Fair enough, Colonel. I’m gonna forward this to High Command back on Earth and Daiban. I know quite a few people in the upper ranks that would be interested in seeing this, including the Chairman,” the Admiral commented, moving things around on his own computer and typing in commands that sent the battle-feed away to its intended recipients.

“Very well, sir. As well, with the emergence of the Warhorse, offensive action is planned towards the Phazon Impact Crater. Samus will be able to deal with it but in order to give her as much time and breathing room as possible, we may need some more boots on the ground. How’s the battle with the Pirates going?”

“We’ve destroyed what we could of enemy ground forces that were retreating back to their ships and we’re gaining the upper hand on their fleet in orbit. So… that actually frees up quite a few ground forces for a last operation. What do you need, Borsig?” Forest asked, folding his arms in front of his chest.

“First and foremost, supplies. Ammunition, food, water, arms, armor replacements, and especially medical supplies. We’ve got a lot of wounded we need evacuated. In terms of forces, anywhere between five-hundred to a thousand Marines should be more than enough with some armor and air support,” the Colonel reasoned after giving his answer a bit of thought. He was sure that the ponies would appreciate the reinforcements. Admiral Forest wordlessly leaned in towards the screen, focusing elsewhere, as he began keying in commands.

“Done. Seven-hundred troops, twenty tanks, and eight fighter-bombers along with all the supply drops you could ever want. How’s that sound?”

“Perfect. Thank you, sir!” Borsig said, standing straight and saluting his superior, the latter returning the gesture with equal vigor.

“Of course. Good luck out there and let me know if you need anything else. Forest, out.”

Once the video-communication was cut off, the Colonel turned his attention to the group of ponies, deciding to interrupt them as he strode over:

“I do apologize if I’m interrupting any tender moments, but I thought all those in charge would be happy to know that I’ve managed to secure reinforcements as well as much needed supplies, both medical and materiel.”

“That’s wonderful news, Colonel! We’re in desperate need for any sort of medical supplies we can get our hooves on right now,” Shining Armor voiced his relief. Cadance echoed his sentiments with a grateful nod of her own.

“Thank you, Colonel,” Celestia also added in with a respectful bow of her head. He gave a friendly salute in return.

“No trouble at all. I’m just glad that these six...” Borsig gestured to the Elemental Bearers. “... made it back safely.”

“Okay… what in Tartarus that? Twilight finally voiced, catching a glimpse at the live battle-feed and seeing the Warhorse for the first time.

“Somewhat of a long story, but we can explain a little later. Right now, we just need to get you all situated,” Cadance answered. It was apparent that the tide of battle had clearly turned, so that left just one question that needed to be answered:

“So… what now, everypony?” Applejack piped up, wondering where they all went from this point on. Celestia spared another glance at the battle-feed before she answered:

“For us in this room, as of right now, it is time to wait a little while. The next plan of action is out of our hooves until Samus and Luna get closer to the Meteor’s Impact Crater. Either way, within the next two days, we will most likely all have to move up as well. When this is finished, the Elements of Harmony will need to be returned to their physical forms.

“So we’ll get our Elements back?” Rainbow Dash questioned.

“Yes. When the final moment passes, whatever that may mean and whenever that may be, Samus will no longer require them.”

“I just hope she’ll be okay…” Fluttershy added softly, ever worrying about their new friend. The Solar Alicorn smiled, pleased at her concern and living up to her Element through it all.

“She will be just fine. And when Samus emerges after defeating our foe and the Phazon, as a hero she shall return to our warm, grateful, and friendly embrace,” she assured them all, which led to them all looking forward to the near future.

“And a PARTY!!” Pinkie Pie jumped up suddenly, startling the humans around her even more when confetti exploded outward from her body seemingly from nowhere. Borsig visibly recoiled and bore a look of acute confusion. The other Elements, as well as Celestia, Cadance, and Shining seemed to not react at all. The former, however, gave an amused chuckle.

“Yes, Pinkie Pie. You’ll get to throw a grand party.”

[Frozen Overworld]

CV-Squad and any other surrounding soldiers stumbled as another round fired from the Warhorse’s main armament impacted the ground a few hundred feet away. It did little to stem their advance though, as morale had shot through the roof once the giant mechanoid made its presence known on the battlefield. Snowfall had picked up and with the battle raging around, effective view-range on the ground was quickly dropping. Magic and hard-light rounds were being traded from both sides of the ‘white veil,’ though any Changeling fire was of course, green, while friendly forces had a multitude of colors, creating yet another somewhat of a deadly light show.

Using the Warhorse as a rally point with the loss of vision for the infantry resulted in casualty figures dropping sharply. As well, any wounds that were being sustained tended to not be life threatening. Nevertheless, as a consequence to the initial stages of the battle, the number count of the friendly forces was still fairly low by comparison. Even so, the veil had its own problems other than the inhibition of sight: Single Changelings were cloaking themselves, evading the Warhorse, and attacking lone troopers before they themselves got killed. Thus, even though there was a clear advantage to be pressed, all troops, human and pony, were on edge.

“Come on, guys! They’re on the run!” Jacob urged onward, trudging in point position through the thicker snow. Nathan and Windfire took positions on either side while Starry and Radiance teamed together: Radiance would spot with magically augmented thermal vision to see the enemy while Starry would shoot with her loaned rifle. As well, Constance was helping to rally pony reservists and other Magickakorps into makeshift squadrons and Sydney teamed up with Arianna, both carrying the heavy weapons.

“Reunited and you’re already making me carry the heavy shit, I see!” Sydney yelled out in response, hoisting the heavy machine gun on her right shoulder, the bipod having fallen loose and swinging against her breast plate with every step through the thickening snow. Arianna had taken a knee to take a shot through the ‘veil,’ using the aid of her thermal scope. All faces were obscured by either silver armor and blue, opaque glass or black armor and black glass… yet all facial expressions could easily be interpreted amongst each other.

“Look on the bright side!” Radiance called back. “At least that means you don’t get to take full point!”

“That’s not an advantage right now, Radiance!” Constance commented. “The Changelings are artists at stealth!” The Warhorse continued to move forward, firing either from the Main Horn or with the secondaries, generating near-constant noises of battle along with its steps. Both sides, though they could not see each other fully (aside from augmented vision capabilities), continued to exchange fire. Starry had scored another kill on a Soldier Changeling with Radiance’s help when an unlucky Marine got struck in the gut by a hard-magic round.

“Ach... AAAAHHH!” he screamed out, dropping his weapon and lurching forward into the snow whilst clutching his wound as hard as he could. Starry and Radiance looked to each other for a split second before sprinting into action, the former sheathing her weapon on her back. The two crowded around the wounded, moaning Marine and flipped him as gently as they could onto his back.

“You’re gonna be alright!” Radiance assured the faceless Marine as he attempted to cope with the pain. The two unicorns hoisted him up with their magic and did their best to carry him back, his arms draped over their shoulders while they attempted to keep his legs from dragging in the snow and exacerbating his wound. Armor ground against armor as they hefted him away from the front line.

“Come on, big guy… you got this!” Starry encouraged, spotting a Magickakorps medic by a stroke of luck. Without magical stimulants, all unicorns were thoroughly exhausted and as such, the two friends did not have enough to perform any decent healing spells. Thus, they had to find an aforementioned medic that was infinitely more skilled in performing advanced medical magic. Nathan had witnessed the whole ordeal and was gonna move to help, but Arianna beat him to it. She swooped in to help carry the wounded Marine.

“Medic! Over here!” she called out with an appropriate wave of her arm, garnering the black-clad pony soldier. The medic immediately rushed over and they all made a small clearing to lay the Marine down, the former immediately going to work on treatment. All were breathing heavily as a literal weight was lifted off of their shoulders. Starry glanced towards Arianna.


“Thank you,” the sniper replied with gratitude for the selfless act of saving one of her own, patting the unicorn on the back of her neck and turning around so she could quickly take her place next to Sydney once more. However, what she saw once she turned around would haunt her for a long time to come.

Sydney, trudging forward and holding up the rear of their original positioning, barely reacted when a cloaked Soldier Changeling revealed itself about ten meters to her left. Her motion sensor had picked it up but her hands were occupied in lugging the heavy machine gun, so she had no ‘actionable’ weapon.

“SYDNEY!” Arianna frantically yelled out as she aimed and steadied her rifle as quickly as she could.

The moment Syd looked to her left, her eyes widened and she completely froze as she spied the massive Changeling with a charged horn. A high-velocity magical round struck her straight in the side of the neck.

“UUUAAAHHH!!” Sydney’s shrill cry pierced through each one of her squad-mates as the moment unfolded in a blink of an eye. Jacob, Nathan, and Windfire immediately turned to see Sydney get shot and careen onto her back by the force of the impact. Just a moment too late, a hard-light round went straight through the head of the offending Changeling, essentially blowing it off and the carcass dropping lifelessly.

“SYD!!!” Nathan, Arianna, and Jake called out in horror simultaneously. Ari, Radiance, and Starry were the first upon their friend’s body, the young human woman unsure of where to start placing her hands. She quickly decided to get her friend’s helmet off.

“GET A MEDIC!” She yelled to Constance, who had just come onto the scene. She quickly nodded and sped off. Not even a couple of seconds later, the others were by her side.

“Syd! Talk to us!” Jacob’s thoughts began to assume the worst, extreme distress consuming him as he feared that she got killed under his command. She did not respond immediately. “Is she…?” he did not get to finish his sentence as Arianna removed Sydney’s helmet, which elicited a pained cry from the questionably wounded soldier. Partial relief washed over everyone’s (and everypony’s) veiled faces. Sydney, however, continued moaning and growling through bared teeth, the smallest trickle of blood oozing out onto the snow-covered ground, her face becoming wet with her tears and snow that melted on her skin.

“Hold on, Syd, help’s coming!” Nathan pleaded, not knowing how mortally wounded she was since some seared and destroyed under-layer still covered the wound. Before they could truly check, Constance returned with another unicorn medic.

“Sydney! I swear to shit if you die on me…!” Arianna nearly yelled in anger and a mix of other painful emotions after just witnessing one of her best friends take what looked like a fatal shot. The Magickakorps medic wormed her way through and was able to use precision magic to cut and peel back the fractured pieces of under-layer that were covering the impact site (much to the painful chagrin of Sydney), finding a burned but not a piercing wound. There were two lacerations that trickled a tiny amount of blood, but the main wound was a burn, and as such, was cauterized.

“The shot didn't go through her. Burned her skin pretty nicely but she’ll be just fine,” the medic announced, beginning to apply a pain-killing spell after propping her head up on her helmet. All let out deep breaths that they were holding and Arianna rested her face in her hands in pure, unadulterated relief. Sydney’s crying and groaning died down as the pain-killing spell slowly but surely took effect.

“Looks like the Changeling fired right after coming out of another spell, so it wasn’t a fully charged round,” Windfire commented, thinking back to the previous incident of her surviving getting thrown out of the dropship. “All things considered, I can’t tell whether she's extremely lucky or unlucky...”

Arianna wasn’t taking her eyes off of her friend, who was much more calm now that the magic had taken it’s full effect. The medic was currently treating the magical burn with some unknown spell and Sydney finally opened her eyes, seeing all of her friends plus their new unicorn squad-mates around her. Her eyes, however, rested on Arianna, becoming much more… sultry looking.

Ari cocked her head at the bedroom eyes, as did the others.

“Ari… my heeeeroooooo…” she spoke with a seductive, yet completely joking tone. Arianna threw her hands up in anger and frustration. Nathan attempted to suppress his laughter, as did a few of the others, though mostly in elation that she was not only alive, but nearly her normal self. Sydney giggled at her reaction, though quickly regretted it as the pain-killer magic did not cover her that much.

“I’m sorry, Ari… I couldn’t resist,” she softly added, recovering from that spell of deep pain.

“Fuck you, you fucking... fuck!” Arianna yelled at her on her feet, pointing down to her to emphasize her current thoughts. “I thought you were dying, you bitch!” Clearly, Arianna was not in the mood for any jokes. Jacob and the others kept silent, allowing the two of them to have one of their ‘best friend moments,’ though that did not prevent them from grinning under their helmets that Sydney was alive and well, and could easily be patched up with medical magic.

“L-Like I’d leave you alone with these…” Syd weakly gestured to Nathan and Jacob. “...twats.” She quickly motioned towards Jacob: “Respectfully, sir.”

“Oh don’t start the ‘sir’ crap right now,” Jake replied, rolling his eyes. Arianna chose not to reply to that, still somewhat irritated. The unicorn medic finished her work right then:

“Alright, you’re good to go. I was able to heal what I could of the affected area but the rest you’ll have to let heal on its own. The pain-killing magic should remain for that duration, though, so it shouldn’t cause you too much trouble.”

“Thanks, doc,” Sydney thanked the medic, willing energy back into her body in order to turn onto her front, supporting herself with her arms as she slowly began to stand up.

“Not a problem. Stay safe out there!” the medic replied before galloping elsewhere where her services might be needed. Constance handed Sydney’s helmet to her and she gently placed it back over her head as Nathan helped her stand up completely.

“Alright, I’m good! I’m good…” She moved towards the heavy machine gun that she dropped but stopped herself mid-motion.

“Screw you all, I ain’t carrying that anymore,” Syd decreed, equipping her rifle off of her back. The others this time could not help but laugh.

“Deal,” Jake affirmed, all of them forming up and walking forward towards the frontline, quite ready to get on with finishing off the Changeling force before they followed the Warhorse north.

They all protectively stood a bit closer to Sydney this time around, especially Arianna. The latter huffed amusedly internally.


Author's Note:

Alright, FINALLY that's out.

Anyway, as stated in the blog, the original chapter was halved at a proper point, and Chapter 32 will be released much sooner... hopefully. All previous estimates have been moved up by 1 chapter as of right now. Hope you enjoy!

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