• Published 4th Apr 2013
  • 29,872 Views, 2,809 Comments

Metroid Equis - Flammenwerfer

A meteor impacts the nation of Equestria, Planet Equis. Tranquility is quickly snuffed out when a poison begins to spread violently. The Princesses cannot combat this unknown threat, as no knowledge of it exists. Help comes from an unexpected source.

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18.5. Memory Lane

Metroid Equis

Chapter 18.5

Memory Lane

*Location: Zebes*

She was still so young, but her destiny was already set. Samus stood in an abandoned field with nothing but dirt and grass under her bare feet. In front of her was none other than Gray Voice, clad in nothing but simple garments and his staff on his back. Samus, merely twelve going on thirteen at the time and barely starting to develop as a woman physically, lowered into her fighting stance donning nothing but a midriff top and all purpose shorts; ideal for training. Gray Voice didn’t take his traditional warriors pose, as he was instructing the young girl on advanced fighting:

“Samus, you’ve been taught your basic stances and how to maneuver. You’ve learned your technique and now it is time to apply it.”

Samus only hardened her stare, her brilliant blue eyes hardening in thought as her shorter hair swayed with the wind and her natural movements. Gray voice then removed his energy staff from his back, twirled it expertly, and dropped the front into his left hand, pointing it straight at the young warrior-to-be. Samus’s eyes widened.

“D-Don’t I get a weapon?” she asked, starting to fear for her safety as the child inside began to show itself.

“You must assume your enemy will never fight fairly. You must always be under the impression that your enemy is more numerous, better trained, better equipped, and more battle hardened than yourself. Never underestimate what your opponent may do to achieve victory,” Gray responded. He then took his fighting stance and began to slowly advance on the young girl, his large, gray eyes boring into hers. She was afraid… terrified actually. Samus didn’t do anything as Gray moved to strike. Only at the last minute did she roll to the side and miss getting pummeled on the head by his weapon.

“If you do nothing to resist, your enemy will merely wear down your resolve.”

Gray voice swung hard horizontally, aiming for her legs. Her eyes widened and with a grunt of exertion, she jumped and back- flipped over the potential strike, but Gray had anticipated this completely and followed through, spinning completely and striking her in the arm with the opposite end of the staff.

“AAAAHH!” she screamed as she fell on her right side, clutching her left tricep.

“Get up!” Gray Voice commanded, slamming the energy portion of his staff against the ground. Samus complied, but only grudgingly. Her arm was heavily bruised from that strike, but the infusion of Chozo DNA with hers ensured that her bones were nearly unbreakable. Samus cracked her neck on both sides and initiated her fighting stance once more, her resolve hardening as the pain slowly melted away.

The two played a game of attack and defend, with Samus opting for the latter strategy and not having thrown a single offensive strike. Only after several minutes of her getting figuratively massacred, evident by the bruises and bleeding lining her face, arms, legs, and midriff, did she decide to go on the offensive.

She threw a probing jab straight at Gray’s abdomen (considering the height difference), only for him to dash backwards and retaliate with a jab of his staff. Samus parried the staff into the ground, jumped on it, and then used her momentum to deliver a spinning heel to the side of his temple.

It failed… miserably. As soon as Samus jumped onto his energy staff, her left cheek was met with a right elbow, knocking her completely on her back. Gray Voice followed up his attack and swung downwards. Samus rolled her trunk to the left, dodging the crippling attack, and then grabbing hold of it to use as leverage. She tugged hard, rolling under the staff and crushed both her legs around Gray’s controlling hand, forcing him to release grip on the front. From there she delivered a kick straight into his crotch and enabling her to wrest control of the staff. Gray grunted in some pain but still managed to grab hold of one of her legs, swing, and throw her behind him several feet, the staff still in her possession. Samus flipped up onto her feet, holding Gray’s staff (easily twice as large as her) pointed at him.

“Maybe there is an aggressive warrior within you. Decently done…” Gray spoke, closing the distance between him and Samus.

“YAAAHH!” Samus yelled as she swung the staff from left to right, aiming for Gray’s head. He easily used his left hand to catch the strike inches from his temple.

“… perhaps a little too decent…”

He quickly spun right, placing the offending end of the staff under his arm and continuing to turn, the parallel plane of his back and the force of his spin recapturing control over his staff and prying it from Samus’s unskilled hands. She gasped, startled that her weapon was now back in her ‘enemy’s’ hands, and in that half a second that her weapon was removed…


Gray’s right fist met her jaw, throwing her completely off her feet and landing hard on her back. She gagged a little as a little trickle of blood began to fill in the back of her mouth.

“Is that all you’ve truly got?” Gray asked, clanking the bottom of his weapon against the ground.

Samus shakily supported herself with her arms and legs, snarling and grunting in pain the entire time and slowly but surely she got on her feet. Gray Voice twirled his staff once more and aimed it back at her. He took a hard swing vertically at the young Hunter, only for her to cartwheel to the side. Gray followed up with a horizontal swing to her legs as she righted herself from her evasive maneuver, but she again dodged with a horizontal somersault in the air. She then moved to strike. She threw herself at Gray, attempting to knock him off balance, but was met only with his right arm stretched out and grabbing onto her top like a vice. He then planted his other fist in her stomach, evacuating her lungs completely, and then throwing her against the ground where her form bounced once.

Samus breathed labored breaths that were slowly filtering back into her lungs. Her body ached all over and a few tears were spilling from her eyes. Gray Voice tossed his staff away and cracked his knuckles while walking to her side.

“Old Bird was right to insist you be indoctrinated as a warrior of the Chozo. You are making progress, Samus… that is certain.” Samus, beyond her look of agonizing pain, seemed very dejected, and she was inclined to disagree with her caretaker.

“I…*cough* I’m.. *wretch* weak…” Samus spoke out softly and with enormous difficulty. Gray Voice shook his head and knelt down by her side, moving his face closer to hers to be more personable.

“No, Samus… you were weak. Are you not Chozo?”

“I… ughh! I AM… errrhg! Chozo!” Samus was able to get out, spitting up some bile and blood. That part she agreed with. Even though she knew she was human, the Chozo were her family now. She knew no other life. No other upbringing.

“Then Chozo, by definition…” Gray Voice began, tracing one of his fingers on her chin to get her to look at him. “… must be strong!” he finished, giving her a soft grin. Samus coughed a few more times, blinked some tears out of her eyes, and returned the grin with one of her own.

“Come…” he said, extending a hand and helping the beat-up girl to her feet. “Get yourself cleaned up and dinner will be waiting when you’re finished. Then, get some rest. We shall continue tomorrow.”

“Did… Did I do good today, Gray?” Samus asked, unsure of herself.

“As well as I could expect you to do, Samus… maybe even a bit better,” he added a bit of crypticness to his response. “Continue to train your hardest and focus on your weaknesses… and maybe at this rate, you may well earn your Power Suit by your fourteenth birthday.”

Samus couldn’t help but smile at that… a nice smile consisting of some blood and bruises on her face. She let her hair down completely and fell into comfortable step with Gray Voice, heading back home.

Author's Note:

Removed this from Chapter 19 and added it here. No sense in delaying stuff ready to publish. Expect Chapter 19 hopefully by this coming weekend. Hope you enjoyed this little tidbit :)

Do let me know!

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