• Published 4th Apr 2013
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Metroid Equis - Flammenwerfer

A meteor impacts the nation of Equestria, Planet Equis. Tranquility is quickly snuffed out when a poison begins to spread violently. The Princesses cannot combat this unknown threat, as no knowledge of it exists. Help comes from an unexpected source.

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Extra Scene: Bonding

Metroid Equis

Deleted Extra Scene: Bonding

[Location/Time: During Samus's enormous sleep of Chapter 10]

Samus was in the midst of her glorious sleep, that much she knew. Unbeknownst to her, however, Luna had driven away all her nightmares and allowed her a peaceful, uninterrupted slumber. However, a side effect of that magic used was allowing Samus full lucidity within her dreamscape.

And that's where she found herself: a sense of nothing yet in her physical form. Samus was aware of lucid dreams, and she was almost certain this was exactly what she was experiencing. Since she had no desire to wake up anytime soon, she decided to toy around with her dreamscape. A few tweaks in her mind and the void dissolved, revealing Samus standing idly in the city of Chozodia back on Zebes. It was a wonderful time, back when the city was still in excellent condition (and not mere ruins as when she returned to finish her Zero Mission). The only difference was that it was completely empty, devoid of no other Chozo nor creature. However, this wasn't entirely her doing. She felt the presence of much foreign magic that was suddenly acted upon her mental state... so in the end, she knew someone was here with her.

Samus closed her eyes and breathed in and she smelt that familiar scent of fresh Zebesian air... one she longed to smell once more. However, she felt a presence behind her and she slowly came out of her stupor and turned around to face the figure.

Easily over six feet tall, the bird-like life-form stepped forward so Samus could readily see his face.

"Hi Samus..." he spoke in a very familiar voice. Samus's eyes widened a bit in surprise but she stepped forward nonetheless to confirm.

"Gray Voice..."

"I see your sharp sense observation hasn't deteriorated with age and battle," he quipped in return, Samus merely walking closer to him. The two were mere feet from each other as they locked eyes. With no one to see through her exterior but the being in front of her, Samus dropped her stoic face and closed the distance between them, wrapping her arms around Gray Voice's back and embracing him with a smile on her face. Gray smirked and reciprocated the gesture.

"My, how you have grown, my child," he finally spoke, letting them ease their hug and facing each other once more.

"I could say the exact opposite to you," Samus quipped in return.

"Hilarious," Gray responded with a less than enthusiastic reply to her joke. Nevertheless the two devolved into laughter. The two separated finally.

"Come, it's been a while. Let us walk," Gray Voice beckoned as he began to trek in the opposite direction. Samus fell into step beside him as they tread through the park where she initially found herself in. The two fell into a comfortable silence as they gently strode through the soft grass under them, letting the surrounding structures pass by without a sound.

"I'd like to commend you for your work on Aether. The Luminoth are our brothers and I would have hated for them to end up almost fully extinct like our fallen Bryyonian brothers."

"Heh, thanks. I guess you have nothing better to do than watch over things even in death," Samus replied.

"We are Chozo. For eons we have aided in the development in many worlds apart from our own society. Death is of little obstacle to continue that sacred duty. It was the dead, in the form of spirits like myself that aided you in defeating your greatest adversary once more and opening the way for you to defeat the Worm on Tallon IV... of which I'd also like to express gratitude for," Gray explained.

"Gee thanks, Father," Samus spoke with some degree of sarcasm in the first clause. This caused Gray Voice to look at her curiously.

"I believe that's the first time you've ever referred to me as that," he observed with a slight smile.

"Really?? I could have sworn I mentioned something back when you appeared on Zebes during my Zero Mission."

"I suppose. You fully acknowledged it at that point though, so fair enough," he conceded. "Out of curiosity, do you truly feel comfortable with that?"

Samus considered her words for a while before she replied, tucking a stray lock of her hair back in its rightful place.

"I knew my real parents... granted I was only three before... everything happened, but I knew them well, or so I'd like to think. But, while they birthed me, you and Old Bird essentially raised me for all my life on Zebes after you took me in. You were my guardians and caretakers, that much was easy to see... but I still felt that I lacked something to call you by. Then again, this is when I felt you never wanted anything to do with me."

"I apologize if that is how I came across..."

"No matter. Either way, when I learned that your DNA was used as the sample to infuse me with Chozo DNA, it clicked that you, essentially, birthed the newer me on some odd level. You were my Father, and I never had the chance to say it physically before Ridley killed you. During Federation Police and Army days it was Adam who really seemed to fill that void but it really wasn't the same," Samus's tone dropped to a more pensive and somber one.

"Well... better late than never?" Gray Voice proposed with an understanding grin. Samus wordlessly replied with her own. Gray made a sudden turn and Samus stopped in her tracks to see what he was up to. The towering, former Chozo Warrior turned back to the Hunter.

"There's a few things I'd like to show you for purposes of nostalgia here while this figment of your dreamscape and my powers eventually fails. As well, there is much catching up to do," he reasoned. Samus didn't budge.

"How long do we have?"

"Unless you're violently woken up, my abilities can sustain us. Nevertheless we should make use of our time. Old Bird would like to see you too."

"He's here?!" Samus asked excitedly.

"He will be joining us in a little while," Gray replied. Samus thought for a few moments before her expression became one of sarcastic mischievousness.

"On one condition," she said resolutely. Gray cocked his head and replied with his own sarcasm:

"Oh, and just what might that be?"

"That you swear to find me and visit your daughter a little more often. She misses you, and the rest of her Chozo adopted-family," she iterated while her mouth formed a caring smile. Gray chuckled a bit and he grinned in return, replying in the same tone of voice:

"I'll drop by whenever I'm able."

Samus couldn't help but smile back at her 'second' biological father, finally deciding to join and fall into step next to him.

"Just wait until Old Bird sees you!"

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