• Published 11th Apr 2024
  • 62 Views, 2 Comments


A pegasus can't accept his feelings(oc)

  • ...

Tears for friends

Author's Note:

Sorry for taking soooooo long on posting I just was burnt out and dw I will finish this story since I love it:pinkiehappy:p

Sunny watched Bolt walk out the door with a big smile on his face. Sunny sat down with her books in her hooves and planted them down on the table. Daisy tilted her head and said with a confused face,

“We are in the same class. Why do you need so many books? “

“Oh only two out of these thirteen are actually for science, the rest are for my story I'm working on. “, replied Sunny while taking the top book of the pile and opening it up.

“Oh cool, what's your book about? “, Tumble asked , looking like a filly who just asked for ice cream.

“Oh eh it's nothing, erm just a corny romance. “, replied Sunny while blushing.

Sunny you failed to mention it's about a racing stallion pegasus and a nerdy earth mare.

Sunny zoned out thinking about Bolt, she probably should know he doesn't even like her but she would help him get whoever this she was.

“Okay, head out the clouds you're looking like a cat currently also who or what are you thinking about. “, asked Messy who was drinking another cup of coffee.

“Oh nothing, just thinking about my book, also where is Daisy and Tumble. “, asked Sunny with confusion.

Messy looked around to see there was no sight of them.

“Well let's go find them, I'm sure they are doing something interesting. “, said Sunny while grabbing Messy by the arm which made him blush a bit before his face went cold.

“Okay I got a good idea, let's split up. “, said Sunny while heading out of the library and down the stairs.

“That's how you get killed in horror movies but okay. “, replied Messy while walking down the hall.

Sunny instantly went out of the building and saw nothing.

Odd what is up with her.

Sunny walked back inside to look for her but she did need to use the bathroom. She ran to the bathroom and used the first stall. She then heard sniffles and hiccups almost as if somepony was crying in the stall next to hers.

“Hey are you okay random pony you sound like you need help. “, Sunny said to the next stall.

“No I'm fine *sniffle* Yeah you can go”, the mare replied, her voice sounded familiar to Sunny. She got out of the stall and knocked on the stall next to hers.

“Hey I'm not leaving until I help you random.“,said Sunny.

“Please go away I don't anyone to see me like this *sniffle*”, the mare replied and her voice was so familiar to Sunny she was angry she did not know who it was.

“I know everyone wants alone time but you sound like you've been through something that you need help with so please let me help you. “, Sunny asked with a lot of concern in her voice for this mare whose voice she recognized.

The stall opened and a mare looked up at Sunny but this was no random. It was Daisy.

“Oh dear what happened to you, do you want to talk about it and I mean you will because I'm your best friend so I'll help you with this. “, Sunny said while taking Daisy by the arm and walking her outside the college and into the garden of the college.

“So what happened Daisy? “asked Sunny.

“My parents died. “, Daisy replied she looked like she was about to puke and cry at the same time.

“Come here then why did you want to hide that we are here to help you. “, Sunny said while opening her arms to give her a hug. Daisy walked up to her and hugged her she then said,

“It sounds stupid but I thought you guys would make fun of me. “

“Well it is kinda stupid because we are here to help you. We are basically one big family well besides some of us since they are dating and I like Bol…. nevermind but you get the point we are here to help you not judge you that's true friendship. “, Sunny replied while looking at Daisy with a smile.

Daisy started crying again. Sunny just sat with her and played with her hair and made sure she was okay.

“You feel better yet. “, Sunny asked

“Yeah thanks a lot Sunny. “, Daisy replied with a tear in her eye.

Sunny wiped it away and got up and asked Daisy,

“Wanna catch on mischievous stuff to cheer you up like we did back in high school. “

Daisy didn't even reply, she just took Sunny and started running to the entrance to the college. When they got inside they looked around for something to do that was mischievous. Sunny saw Messy talking with Tumble by a window.

“Okay wanna make Messy fall on top of Tumble. “, asked Sunny to Daisy.

They both giggled and walked over to them with Daisy being a distraction and Sunny would push Messy into Tumble.

“Sup guys how's it going. “, Daisy asked while looking at them with a smile.

Tumble pointed at a bush and said,

“Umbrella ferns are so cool, they live in tropical areas and they live in bundles but they are not bushes which is so cool. “, Tumble replied, he currently looked like he was about to pop with the amount of dopamine running through his body.

Messy just sipped on his coffee before dodging Sunny's attempt to push them into each other. Sunny then fell on her face.

“Dammit, how did you guess that? “, Sunny asked while getting up from the ground.

“Mostly because of Daisy's face, I got off to go to my class. Going to become an actor for a reason and I got a wrestling tournament to train for. “, Messy said while leaving.

Tumble left for his botany class. So Sunny and Daisy decided this would be a perfect time to go to their science class.

They both sat down next to each other and started taking down notes. Until Sunny zoned out

Sunny's thoughts
Bolt looked at Sunny and planted a kiss on Sunny's cheek. Sunny blushed and was shocked.
“I love you Sunny more than anything. “
Sunny was shocked. They then kissed Sunny and could feel his strong arms as they kissed. Sunny hugged Bolt and-

“Sunny, you're drooling, what the hell are you thinking about? “, Daisy asked while she tilted her head.


“Oh eh erm huh what did you say oh yeah science yep science. “, Sunny stuttered while she blushed with red colouring her face now.

“It's about Bolt isn't it. “, Daisy asked with a smirk.

“Yeah it is, I love him. “, Sunny replied with a soothing voice before she snapped out of it and said, “Wait what no eh that's not what I.. Shit you got me. “

“I know you too well. “, Daisy nudged her before getting back to work.

AHHHHH Sunny why did you do that now you're embarrassed and blushing but I do wonder what he feels like on top of me and his ches- OH COME ON BRAIN I KNOW WE LIKE HIM BUT STILL but his so dreamy Ahhhhhhh.

Sunny got back to work but her thoughts were loud and very bad currently, Sunny tried her best to just continue like normal. She wrote most of the notes as she summarises stuff to her comprehending of the subject. Both Daisy and Sunny went out of the room and walked through the hallway. Sunny saw Bolt writing or jotting some notes or something like that.

“Hey Bolt, how's it going? “, asked Sunny before hugging Bolt.

“It's good my class was boring to deal with and with some thoughts… ANYWAYS Daisy how's it going for you. “, replied Bolt with a blush on his face and his wings started flapping gently.

“Pfft nothing much, just the same old boring . Also Bolt wanna see Sunny in shot kick action she is awesome. “, Daisy replied before going closer to Bolts ear and whispering something that Sunny couldn't hear but it made Bolt blush and flap his wings aggressively.

“Why did you even have to say that?! “, Bolt said with his face being beet red.

Daisy just laughed and Sunny started walking to the bathroom to change from her black hoodie to her white tank top and blue tracksuit top.

Nice combo me nice one

Sunny walked out of the bathroom(which is also a change room in this college) and started walking to the entrance so she could go around the building to the field.

“Hey do you mind if I walk you there. “, Bolt asked poetically.

Sunny laughed at the sight of him being flirty and leaning against a wall.

“What?”, Bolt asked.

“Are you trying to flirt with me? “, Sunny replied while laughing.

Bolt's face went back to being red. Maybe if he kept up at this rate his face would stay red. They both started walking out the entrance and around the college it was real quiet and peaceful so Sunny didn't mind.

You should mention you're with your husband. OH MY CELESTIA SHUT UP WE ARE NOT EVEN DATING.

Sunny blushed at her thoughts, Bolt did not notice his face was deep with emotions and kinda pissed. Sunny decided to stop staring at him and continued walking. They both got to the field and Sunny left Bolt to go to shot kick. She already qualified for this event for the trials so she could at least try in it. She went to her coach. Ms.P. Ares(31yrs), she was a unicorn with a purple body and red with white stripes in her hair and it had a lot of colourful hair clips. Her cutie mark is a film camera. She was currently just wearing a long black dress which was odd for wearing to help her.

“Celestia, I love my little gummy bear. “, she said while looking at a photo.

“Eh coach, what are you doing? “, Sunny asked with a confused face.

“Oh just looking at a picture of my husband, he's so cute. “, Ms.P(Peace breaker) .Ares replied while hugging the picture of Mr.W(Windshaker) .Ares

“So are we gonna train or are we going to talk about your husband. “, Sunny asked sarcastically.

“Oh my bad darling why are you acting like this when you ma'am have a crush too and you really like him. “, She replied and started walking up to her and laughed.

She's not talking about Bolt right okay she's just trying to mess with me because of her husband.

“Pfft what crush, I don't have one. ” Sunny lied.

“Oh okay, Bolts looking at you! “, Ms. P.Ares replied while pointing into the stands.

“Where! OH FOR FU-”, Sunny said before Ms.P.Ares interrupted while laughing,

“Knew it you are always googly eyed on him while my husband was all googly eyes on me first actually and ponies were surprised when I decided to date him saying he was a loser but I see a champion in him and a very handsome stallion. “

Sunny sighed while slapping her face and replied.

“You sound like a cringy romance book.”

“Pfft you write that stuff but let's get started and let me just quickly look at my topl- I mean picture of my husband. “, Ms.P.Ares replied while having a blush on her face.

She started to practise. It was pretty fun and easy for her. She was tired so Ms.P.Ares gave her a break. She looked into the crowd to see Bolt staring straight at her.

~Bolts thoughts when they made eye contact compared to Sunnys

Wow she/he is pretty.

Sunny quickly turned around and looked at Ms.P.Ares. She was looking at the same picture of Mr. W.Ares but she was not sure what type of picture it was. Ms.P.Ares had a blush on her face and her face was more relaxed so you could see her eye bags.

“Coach, Are you tired and also what is the picture of Ares. “, Sunny asked.

“Oh since you are so concerned about me, yes I am quite tired because of my 3 little fillies and the picture is of Ares' naked sweetie. “, She replied with a soothing voice.

Sunny jumped and blushed.

“Why would you keep that. “

“You would keep it if it was Bolt wouldn't you. “

Sunny stood there blushing and asked,

“How do you even know that? “

“I am PeaceBreaker also it's from your helpful friend Daisy she's an angel. “, she replied while putting the picture of Ares back in her pocket.

“Why did she even decide to tell you that, what other practices should I do? “, Sunny asked with still a blush on her face.

“Well you are actually free to go now. Today's training is finished and the trials are in 3 days so get mentally prepared and I'll need you back here tomorrow at 3pm otherwise bye Bolt's wife. “, Ms.P.Ares replied while giggling to herself.

“Also what's with the dress, it's fashionable but why here? “, Sunny asked.

“Oh just a date with my darling husband and some after work distress if you know what I mean. “, Ms.P.Ares replied while walking off and giving her a wink.

What does she mean?? WAIT A MINUTE

Sunny stood there dumbfounded and blushed.

“Well I mean they are adults but I'm an adult. WHY AM I THINKING ABOUT THIS. “, Sunny said to herself but she thought she was loud so she checked if anyone heard her.

She started walking off the field before she saw a blue blur come before her face.

“Hey Sunny you were amazing! Also I'm here to walk you to well the road that splits our roots. “, Bolt said with a lot of enthusiasm.

Which made Sunny happy to see.

“Thank you Bolt. “, Sunny said while hugging Bolt.

Bolt's thoughts
You are fully in love now NOOO SHUT SHUT UP
Sunny's thoughts
AHHHH I love him

They pulled out of the hug both blushing and it was a bit awkward. They started walking to the exit of the entire college before they heard flapping wings that were not Bolt's. They turned around to see a brown and green dragon holding a light green pegasus in the dragon's arms.

“Scribble? And Hefty, what are you guys doing? “, Bolt asked with a smirk.

They both blushed and looked back at them.

“Oh eh I was just flying her up in the clouds. “, Scribble said while nuzzling Hefty's mane and her blushing.

“It was beautiful and I had to shut him up with kisses because of his nerdy rumbling that he would do every 5 Mins, I don't mind it though it's very cute darling. “, Hefty said while looking at Scribble.

“Jeez it's like you two are married when's the kids huh? “, Sunny joked.

Both of them blushed and looked directly at her. They started to look around trying to ignore the question.

“Scribble if you don't say anything I'll tell Hefty all the thoughts you had of her during our stallion nights. “, Bolt said with a cold tone.

Scribble immediately blushed and said,

“No we are not married… Yet I love her alot like we are married also. What are you doing together?. “

Scribble put down Hefty and planted a kiss on her cheek. Before walking up to Bolt. Sunny saw this and was confused but let him talk to Bolt. Bolt immediately blushed and shouted,

“Shut up dude it's not like that. “

Sunny blushed, maybe he was talking about them or maybe he was talking about his crush.

Calm down, we will learn that later.

Scribble then picked up Hefty and held her while smiling at her and they started to walk down to their apartment buildings.

“Why are you carrying Hefty, Scribble? Any words for that. “, Sunny asked while giggling.

Scribble blushed and looked away before replying,

“While I will just say we were kissing and I accidentally hurt her by falling on her. “

The whole group immediately bursted into laughter well excluding Scribble who was blushing and staying quiet.

“Yeah well he isn't lying that was what happened but some stuff led to that like a cute date at a food place very romantic Scribble. “,

Hefty said while rubbing her tail against his face. They are started walking out of the college and Sunny struck up a conversation with Hefty.

“Hefty how's the relationship with Scribble also are you going to join any marathons or weight lifting competition. “, Sunny asked while smiling.

“Oh eh it's great, I currently have nothing going and my relationship we hang out all the time it's cute and he's cute, hot and…Yeah that's it “, Hefty replied before blushing.

Sunny nudged Hefty.

“Come on tell me. “, Sunny said with a smirk.

Hefty sighed,

“He's a good kisser even though I'm his first marefriend. “

“Aww that's cute but still jeez it is like you guys are married . “, Sunny said while laughing.

Hefty blushed and hit Sunny's arm.

“Oh shut up, when are you going to ask the lover stallion over there to be yours huh? “, Hefty replied while smirking at her.

“Shut up! I mean please don't say that. “, Sunny said while blushing.

Everypony besides Bolt of course got to their apartments. Sunny hugged Bolt before they went and said to him,

“Hey I heard you got 2 more races than you might get into the trials. Nice job also here. “

Sunny handed him a dark chocolate bar.

“It's dark because well you are always so grumpy looking so it fits you. “, Sunny said while smiling at Bolt.

Bolt took it and said,

“Oh thanks, well I'll be off. “

Sunny saw him fly off and she blushed because it was almost like she was seeing off her husband to work.

Ahhhhhhh why do I think like this

Sunny, Hefty and Scribble all went back to their apartment. They took the elevator. Scribble took Hefty in his room while waving bye at Sunny.

Those two are probably going to do something freaky. Wait why am I assuming this about them.

Sunny hit her head with her hoof and walked to her room which had a room number of 189. She walked in to see her stack of papers on her kitchen table and her bed in a mess.

Oh yeah I got to college in a rush

She made sure to clean up everything as it was a mess and she was cleaning under her bed, she found a photo of Bolt kissing her cheek on graduation day of high school.

Oh yeah this picture, he looks so cute and I look amazing. Wow honestly I actually thought I lost this.

She found a lot of high school pictures which made her smile. She then saw an old journal about something she couldn't make out as it was smudged but she could only make out this:

B. Journal
Signed by: Ja

Sunny looked at it confused. Even with glasses she couldn't make out who it was so she decided to read it.

Celestia crushes are annoying, why must I a geek, and have a crush on a beautiful mare like Sunny.

Sunny put the journal down and blushed. She smirked as it could be Bolt who wrote that but she couldn't be too sure as back in their high school there were many stallions with an initial of B and with the surname Jackson.

I need something to clear my mind so let's study…. Like that worked it didn't work in class so… YOGURT

She instantly dashed towards her fridge and looked around for her favourite snack, pineapple yogurt. She found and grabbed it instantly and started to eat it with a plastic spoon. She sat at her table and wondered what she would do tonight. She thought about a thing Daisy said about a party happening soon but she forgot the date.

Hmm I'm not a party animal so no

She continued to eat her yogurt and she was still thinking about what date the party was. She then got up, took out one of her spicy romance books as she was alone and was very bored. The title of this one book she had was A loving reader. She giggled to herself and began to read, she had to also put her glasses in for this as the letters looked too small for her. She read and read and read, it felt like hours but when she looked at the clock it only was 9:10 which meant she only was reading for 30 minutes.

Weird that felt long but I don't care I don't want my night thoughts about Bolt as they were… Not needed right now.

She blushed and continued reading but she couldn't stop thinking about Bolt.

Read brain read brain but ohhh I want that stallions hooves DON'T FINISH THAT

She was now blushing aggressively but she calmed herself down before hearing a knock on her door.

Odd who could that be

She walked up to the door to see it was Scribble, Hefty and Daisy.

“Oh hey peeps what are you guys up to. “, Sunny asked with a smile and confusion.

“Oh we are here for fun and because I think my friend Daisy is tired of hearing bed noises from our room so we decided to come over. “, Hefty said very bluntly, leaving Scribble with a huge blush on his face.

“Why would you tell her about that! “, Scribble squeaked at Hefty.

“Well it's true jeez I don't even know how your standing after that Hefty”, Daisy joked and both Hefty and Daisy started laughing.

Scribble blushed and looked at Sunny.

“Eh yeah just ignore them. “, Hefty said nervously.

Holy shit well I was right eh well having sex isn't really a big issue but imagine that was me and Bollll nope you should be happy for them

“Don't worry about it. “, Sunny said with a blush on her face because of her thoughts.

“Well I mean Daisy you are walking pretty funky you don't want to explain yourself. “, Scribble said while fist pumping Hefty.

“Me! Walking funny! You guys are clearly seeing stuff trust me!”Daisy replied with a crimson blush on her face.

“Anyways come inside we can talk more here so the other apartment mates don't get in on our conversations. “, Daisy replied and opened the door.

All of her friends walked in and instantly sat at the table. She got them drinks not alcohol as she didn't have any alcohol. Then Scribble asked,

“Well Sunny what have you been up to besides of course trying to get that stallion Bolt and of course your brilliant studies in science. “.

Sunny first blushed then calmed down before replying,

“Well not much I've been up to and thank you for that but no nothing much. “

“This is so boring. How about we try some truth or dare. “

Everypony turned their heads to Daisy to see she was smirking.

“Sure why not, I mean you don't have anything to hide right Daisy.

Sunny said while looking at Daisy with her green eyes and smiled.

It was now game time,