> YOU CAN'T OUT SPEED EVERYTHING > by Uwaisgt > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A speedy introduction > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1: Speedy introduction  “Oh this is going to be easy! SEE YOU AT THE FINISH LINE LOSERS! ”,  shouted a  male pegasus that is as blue as the open sea, his mullet has black with yellow stripes which made his hair look like lightning. His eyes were red as blood, his cutie mark was a lighting bolt. This is Bolt Jackson(19yrs) the lighting Bolt. The race started as Mr.W.Ares(32yrs) who was their coach he was a pegasus that is red with white short hair but it was covered by a blue cap today,  a always fresh shaven beard his cutie mark was fencing sword shot a fake gun up making a loud screeching noise that wheezed through the air. Bolt started at the back as he said he would have ran everyone here through the ground if he started in front. They started off fast with Bolt moving between the 20 racers and saying “See ya slow poke” and laughing which made him sound like a crazy person but he did not care as he was the fastest racer. He quickly on the second lap made it to the top 15 and he did this rapidly so most of these pegasui were like they were flying at a snail's pace to Bolt.he made  big air gusts everytime to tell his opponents that Bolt passed them. Lap three he was now gaining on the top 3 as he needed to do this fast. This was the second last lap he looked at his competitors that were flying ahead and shouted,  “GIVE ME A CHALLENGE NEXT TIME. “,  He blitzed through them with ease and he even did a looping move above them for fun.  “ALRIGHT NICE JOB BOLT”,  said Mr.W.Ares like a proud father who just saw his filly walk for the first time. Last lap, Bolt said to himself in his head but he could almost smell victory pie as if the smell of victory pie  was already in his mouth. He bolted to the finish which made a huge gust of wind on the floor which probably put grass in all the college students' hair in the huge stands. The stands could probably fit 15 entire high schools. Mr.W.Ares was at the finish line waiting there for Bolt although he looked pretty excited.  “THAT'S MY RACER.”, shouted Ares  as he grabbed him by the head with his hooves and rustled his hair.If you looked at them from a fair it looked like a father and son but in reality this was just his coach.  “That was hell of a race, nice job Bolt. “,  said an almost shiny silver pegasus with lightning blue eyes and red hair while wearing a Wonderbolt uniform, his cutie mark is a cloud . This was the popular stallion pegasus Horizon. (20yrs) “Hey with that show poser uniform you could've at least given me a little trouble but I GUESS I'M JUST BETTER. “, said Bolt with pride that could only be rivalled by kings in ancient Greece.  The wind was blowing calmly and the sky was as blue as beach ocean water. Bolt talked to his popular friends as they came from practice.  “Hey there Bolt, could you sign this for me. “,said a very bright red and white  mare unicorn.  “Sure thing. “, said Bolt as he winked at the mare.  Bolt signed it and he could hear screaming from the mare's friends.  “Dude some time you got to teach me the ways of the mares. “, said a pegasus that was as yellow as a bumblebee and with black dots, his  long hair was green and it looked like  a lawn that hasn't been cut and his eyes were brown as wood. He was wearing a heavy metal shirt and red jeans. His name was bumble(21yrs) and his cutie mark was a bumblebee funny enough to Bolt.  “Dude you got plenty of mares looking your way you're just blind as hell. “, said Bolt while laughing as loud as a donkey.  “Well me and Bumble are going to leave so see you tomorrow Bolt. “, said Horizon while hitting Bolt on the back.  “ALRIGHT but you better get me that cool drink I wanted, remember our bet.”,shouted Bolt with a grin.  His friends shouted, “Yeah yeah. “ Bolt stood there looking around himself at his huge college as this was Ponyville college. The birds were dead silent today but the sound of the trees was calming.  “YOO Bolt what's up dude.” said a peach earth pony with red bushy hair which made him look like a bush that was dyed red for a prank on your neighbour that was an asshole to you. His eyes were two different colours pink and yellow which made him stand out and this was his high school friend that he met when he was a geek, he still is a geek but he does not want to ruin his reputation with popular ponies . This was his friend Tumble weed (19yrs) and his cutie mark was a carrot in the ground.  “Oh sup dude, where's the rest of our group? “, said Bolt with a calm tone and he looked around himself like he was searching for something he lost when in reality he was making sure no popular ponies were around.  “Oh I think you want to turn around and you'll get your answer pretty quickly. “, said Tumble with a smile revealing some of his teeth which were very white.  “Sup dumbass, it's been a while since I saw you. “ Said Daisy(19yrs) she was a dark green and her tomboyish hair was white, her being green made her look she was in a mossy swamp before they meet up and she was a unicorn with light green eyes but she was one pain in the ass to Bolt in high school as she would tease him for liking one mare and not asking her out. Her cutie mark was a flower being blown in the wind.  “Hiii Bolt, did you grow bigger since I last saw you but you still look good and cuuu- cool yeah that's I meant.” Said Sunny(20yrs) she was a white and grey earth pony she looked like a cow but if the black was a little bit drained out of her black colour and also she had red  long bun up hair and she wore glasses and her cutie mark was two books.Yep this was the mare Bolt got teased for liking and he still liked her but he tries to put aside his feelings as he needs to be the fastest pegasus but still his feelings get in the way for him.  *God She's cute and beautiful … OKAY BRAIN SHUT UP YOU ARE GOING TO BE CHILL ALSO PLEASE FORGET ABOUT THIS CRUSH PLEASE*, said Bolt in his head. “Hey what's up Sunny and Daisy what have you two been up to besides of course your science projects. “,said Bolt with a smile.  “Well besides that I guess just ogres and orglets(Fake name for dnd), will you play this year as dm Bolt. “, said Sunny with a huge grin on her face as she adjusted her glasses.  She and Daisy had a tendency to wear the exact same clothes like right now both wearing blue shirts with the words scientists in the making.  “Well I mean sure I did it last year so why not do it again. “, said Bolt while looking around to see if anyone heard him say that right now.  “Dude, what are you looking for all the time? “ Said Scribble while standing up on two legs and looking for what Bolt was looking at. (20yrs)He was a green dragon with brown frills and wings which when he stood by brown bushes, back in high school it  made him look like he lost his wings and frills. His eyes were yellow and it almost looked snakelike. He is a dragon so it made sense. He was pretty tall when he stood on his two legs but when he was on all fours he was a little bigger than Tumble. He was also a pretty damn good artist.  “Oh eh nothing don't worry about it Scribble it's nothing. “, said Bolt, sounding like a caring mom and that was pretty embarrassing.  “Tell them that you just want to be just popular and leave them”, said Bolt in his head while he was zoning out while looking at Sunny.  “Bolt your making Sunny feel weird, get out of that zone of yours. “ Said Messy while looking depressed (21yrs), he was a light blue with a grey ponytail earth pony, he was the depressed one of the group always being down but also at least trying to be a bit happy his cutie mark is a wrestling helmet.  “Oh sorry dude my bad, just kind of thinking about my racing. “, he lied and had a fake smile.  “Hey where's Hefty?”  said Tumble while nudging Scribble as that was the mare that the group figured out Scribble liked because of his drawing book it had characters for his story, nature and animals and occasionally ponies and dragons but what they noticed was Hefty was on nearly each of his drawing pages and it was like she was Scribbles celebrity crush.  The group looked around where they were as they were in front of the entrance to their college with beautiful  red trees to every side of them but the floor was just black concrete which was disappointing to look at. It kinda matched the vibe of the college boring.  “Sorry I'm *pant* late was busy with an assignment last minute *pant* I nearly forgot to give it in. “ Said Hefty in an exhausted tone(20yrs)She was a light green pegasus with dark blue long hair. She is a very strong mare which is kind of given away by her cutie mark which is a weight. She lifts a lot but she was still slim as the rest of the mares and she liked Scribble back well. They did know each other from 8 years old but the whole group told them that the other one liked them but they are pretty stupid and become flustered easily.  “OH-hey I-it's nothing you didn't miss anything. “, said Scribble with a blush on his face.  Daisy, Messy and Tumble looked at Scribble with huge smirks. They also tease Scribble about his crush but for him they do it more as he gives more of a reaction. “Well you didn't miss anything really besides Bolts going to dm for us for orges and orgelets. “  Said Sunny while almost squealing with excitement, she looked like a balloon that was about to pop.  “Well yeah being the dm is pretty cool as I decide who basically is going to die also who else is going to join us for orges and orgelets?” Said Bolt with a bit of excitement in his voice before he again looked around his college as if he were being stalked.  “Bolt can you stop being paranoid of something or wait….. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A SPECIAL SOMEPONY. “ Shouted Daisy as loud as a siren. Bolt blushed and flapped his wings, he does that when he is nervous or blushing. He then proceeded to nearly jump on Daisy.  “Wow chill out Bolt. “said Daisy before whispering in Bolts ear, “Because I know that somepony is standing right next to me. “ Bolt blushed and flapped his wings more aggressively and his mind said, “Dude you said lose the crush, you can't be having these feelings if you want to be the best but Sunny deserves to be loved, Shut up Bolt.” “Bolt, hey buddy back to Celestia's earth.“, said Tumble before lifting his hoof like he was going to hit Bolt as they did have a promise if you zone out after you call the ponies name hit them.  “Oh sorry dude my bad just don't hit me I got a big race soon also I have an idea, come here. “ Said Bolt with a smirk on his face. He, Tumble, Daisy and Messy got in a circle and discussed basically leaving Hefty and Scribble there as they don't want to leave each other but they got to go to their apartments.  “Hopefully they would damn well confess to each other because they are so cute together ”, said Daisy with a huge smile on her face.  “Yo Hefty and Scribble you guys can stay here we are going to set up a party so you guys can stay here for a while also Sunny you can come with us to set it up and come to us at 5pm sharp. “,explained Bolt.  “OH-hey O-Okay sure got it but also why can't we come with to set it up?”, said Scribble while clawing at the back of his neck and his face being 50 shades of red.  “Well Hefty won a marathon which is damn hard as hell and you won an art competition so this is basically a congratulations. “, said Bolt while high hooving Daisy.  “Okay sure… See you at the party I guess. “, said Scribble while now being blue on the face and awkwardly looking away from Hefty.  The sounds of chatting ponies and clicking hooves sounded more distant and now it was just Scribble and Hefty alone. It was what Scribble would want if he had confidence right now and that juice bar was down but he still was going to make sure this did not get too awkward.  “Want to see some of my drawings. “, said Scribble as he started digging out of his bag for his drawing book and he started to walk to a place with many brown trees and it seemed hidden. He then sat down on the ground and Hefty followed his lead.  “Sure I don't mind. I love your drawings. “, said Hefty while blushing and looking at Scribble > A whole lot of drawings > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2 A whole lot of drawings  “Oh yeah this one is a red serpent that somehow shoots out high pressure water. I have to do more research on that one and oh this one… “, Scribble started rumbling to Hefty, they were so close to each other her fur touched his scales.  “God I want to shut him up with a kiss on the lips….. I mean if he wouldn't mind and maybe he would get weirded out or AHHH why does having a crush have to be so hard. “  said Hefty in her head while she tried to keep up with what Scribble was saying. Hefty was interested and impressed that Scribble knew some much and was good at art and writing stories. Hefty then saw a drawing of her in his book while he was explaining some giant elephant with no tusks.  “Is that me? “, asked Hefty while blushing a crimson red.  Scribble was in full rumbling mode but this question from Hefty was kind of like jamming a bread machine as he just looked at his book and blushed as he realised on that drawing he drew a tiny version of him kissing her.  “Oh yeah that's a drawing of you. “, he said while blushing and shutting his book closed loudly.  “I swear I saw a small version of you there. Can I see it? “, said Hefty who was nearly muzzle to muzzle with the brown dragon.  “Oh eh I hmm I ehhh”, stuttered Scribble as he was now in a state of stress should he show it or not.  “Hey you okay Scribble? “, said Hefty who was now centimetres away from Scribble's face.  “Yeah I'm fine just eh… “, replied Scribble before his voice went to the blue sky and he was blushing like crazy. He looked like he was about to have a fever.  “Okay can I ask you something, it's a bit personal”, asked Hefty to Scribble. Scribble nodded and then Hefty said,  “Do you like me? Like I mean romantically not in the friendship way. “ Hefty looked like she was about to explode and she completely turned around so Scribble could not see her face blushing like crazy.  “Yes I absolutely do. “, replied Scribble to Hefty as they sat in front of each other.  “So does that mean we are-”, Scribble tried to ask Hefty a question but she pounced on him and was now nuzzling him.  “Yes we are dating you big geeky dummy. “, said Hefty while blushing and giggling. They both started laughing and Scribble said,  “To be honest with you I thought you didn't like me. “, he said while laughing at what he just said as he was literally proven wrong.  “Well I guess you were wrong, come here ya big dragon. “, said Hefty before grabbing Scribble's face with her hooves and kissing him on his lips. He was now in heaven until he fell right of heaven as he heard a big.  “AWWWW” Both Hefty and Scribble were blushing like crazy as they were spotted and they thought this place with a bunch of trees would be private enough to wait till 5pm but they looked around the trees to see it was the entire group watching them.  “Exactly the HELL ARE YOU GUYS DOING. “, said Hefty while blushing and her head looked like a steaming pot but I think it was worse for Scribble as he just sat there frozen of course blushing but still dead still as a rock.  “Well I wanted to look at our new couple. “, said Bolt with a teasing voice.  “Well you guys were really adorable but I think we have to unfreeze our I mean Hefty's dragonfriend here. “, said Sunny with a giggle in her voice.  After like 10 minutes they got Scribble out of his trance and they started walking to their apartment buildings in a group. Scribble holding Hefty's hoove with his scaly and clawed hand. The rest of the group were just discussing life. They all reached where they all parted ways and Bolt said,  “ALRIGHT my fellow geeks I'm off as I'm the only one who didn't get in your guys apartment building. “ The group was saying goodbye to Bolt for the day but before he flew off he felt a cold hoof tap his shoulder  and said, “Here you go chocolate for being an absolute monster on the race track and for joining us for O&O to be our Dm. “ Bolt recognized that it was Sunny's voice. He said Thanks and left.  “Celestia, that was a friendly gesture but ahhh her voice is so angelic… DUDE REMEMBER YOUR TRYING TO LOSE THAT CRUSH MAYBE IF I RACER MYSELF TO THERE. maybe I should say that he could just outspeed everything. “, he said to himself out loud. He flew as fast as he could to his apartment because he wanted to relax.  “ALRIGHT I did that 10 seconds flat. “,he said to himself before unlocking the white door with the number 163 on it. He threw his bag to the side and jumped on his bed with a smile, looking at this small blue wrapped chocolate that Sunny gave him. He unwrapped it and bit into it.  “Blegh coconut, maybe next time I should tell her I don't like coconuts in chocolate. “, he said to himself.  He then decided to play some games to kill off time and to try to forget about his feelings. His room was quiet of course because, well maybe because all the party's in this place happen at night. He looked around his room. It was a small room with a fridge, a sink, no table besides a big one for parties and his bedroom just had a closet and a big sleeping pillow to lay on with a thin blue blanket.  “Maybe I should do some of my notes over again since I didn't take that much note in class. “,  said Bolt to himself before looking around and he put on jazz tracks to soothe him.  > Trying to relax > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 Trying to relax Bolt started writing notes on natural disasters and whatnot. He looked at the clock above his door frame. 7:34,it wasn't late at all but knew some parties made from his friends Horizon and Bumble were going to go all out with this party. Horizon may have been the son of Rainbow dash and Soarin but he might as well also been part party pony like pinky pie. Like damn does he have a lot of energy at parties maybe because he drank a lot.Well Bolt didn't care as Horizon was going to become a wonderbolt.  “Stupid Show ponies. I don't even care about them. I'm going to become the fastest pegasus that did not join the wonderbolts. “, said Bolt with an creeping ego in his voice.  He looked around his room to see if anyone had noticed that. He sighed as he continued to write down notes before he went to get something to eat. 7:56pm,was the time and they said the party was very soon like around 9 they would start so Bolt had a choice, Stay at home and go sleep or go to that stupid party that probably was gonna be very awkward for him with everyone dancing and stuff. He grabbed a  blueberry yogurt out of the fridge and got some cereal. Bolts well favourite weird meal was to eat this. He started eating and thinking about the decision he had to make. He sat on the floor with a spoon in hoof and began to think and eat.  “Dude go it'll be fun, many drinks, dances and beautiful mares.”,his brain said trying to convince him.  “Shut up brain why would I Bolt the lighting bolt do that, it's unprofessional and stupid also you have training tomorrow and Sunny… OKAY YOUR GETTING RAILED UP ABOUT A STUPID Crush. Celestia why can't I get rid of this. “, said Bolt in his head while blushing and hitting his head on floor while eating.  Bolt groaned into the ground laying down on the ground belly down and face in the ground. He thought about his thoughts just now, he thought about Sunny of all people seriously why was he like this. He looked at himself in his pyjama's that were blue and looked at his food. He continued to eat but this time in silence which was odd since his thoughts were always in his head when he was quiet.  “Yo Bolt I mean I'm brain you so, why don't you go have some fun and you only live once so do it. “, said Bolt thoughts.  “Nope to be better than Wonderbolts he had to have more confidence and more discipline. “, said Bolt to himself.  “Well wouldn't Horizon beat you to being a funny, cooler and more handsome stallion than you. “, said Bolt's thoughts.  He then really thought about it, he did not want to be beaten to anything and this was no difference but Bolt still tried to say no to himself but he grew more eager to the party.  He finished his bowl and started drinking some cool drink. ” He did not want to do this why would I do this. “, said Bolt to himself with a slap to himself he went to his room and went to take a bath. He put his cool drink down and got his shirt, a black shirt with the words” The best looking stallion around”. He was bathing peacefully with no thoughts in his head as he was trying to relax. He heard loud knocking on his door and looked at the time it was 8:30 pm.  “Odd why would someone be at my door at this time. “, said Bolt to himself as he got out of the bath and put on his shirt and went to the door.  Before he opened the door he heard two voices behind the door.He opened the door to see Horizon and Bumble talking in front of his door.  “Eh hi guys? What do you want?”,said Bolt with a huge confusion, his face looked like a puppy that wanted treats or was curious.  “Oh sup dude, we were wondering if you are going to come to the party, it'll be fun also Diamond Tiara and a whole bunch of ponies will be there and before you ask we are not lying. “, replied Horizon.  Bolt thought to himself in his head, “Nope definitely not, not with her there, she's a pain in the ass to a lot of people so nope. “.  Bolt looked up at both of them with a face with disgust like they both were like the coconut in his chocolate he just ate.  “Nah I'm good I'm probably not gonna go with that asshole there. “, said Bolt.  “I also think a few of your old friends will be there like emmm, Button Mash  was going to be there I heard from some ponies . “, said Bumble.  Bolt was now actually pretty convinced to go as he could meet Spike(the original O&O dm for his group) and the Button Mash, the best Ultra crash ponies player in the whole of Equestria.  “Oh okay fine I'll go but lead me to the room please. “, said Bolt while having pupils as big as plates.  Horizon and Bumble started walking down the hall and it was quite quiet for a place that had 20 thousand parties happening at once but now it was as still as a statue. They continued to walk in silence before both of them stopped and opened the door to room 102. Horizon walked in to the quiet apartment with a lot of ponies “ALRIGHT LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED. “, shouted Horizon with a lot of pride and he almost sounded like a male version of Pinkie Pie. The party started with a loud roar and with a lot of screams, cheers and music. It was almost as loud as a stadium in there and Bolt assumed that there were like 102 ponies in here, maybe also including dragons and griffins. Bolt walked on through the mob of ponies before noticing a purple dragon with green frills and huge wings also he was 2x the size of any pony in this room making him stand out. The purple dragon was talking to a brown pony who had a drink in hand and had light brown curly hair and a gaming keypad cutie mark. Yep Bolt knew these two geeks. Spike(22yrs) and Button Mash(21yrs) were the two.  “Hey my fellow gamers . “, shouted Bolt loudy while looking directly at the two who were by the TV and pool table which Horizon somehow got.  “Hey buddy how's it going I haven't seen you in ages, how's my advice for O&O dming going out. “, replied Spike loudly while patting Bolt on the back. ” Celestia this guy has grown he is now tall and has a bit of muscle. “, said Bolt in his head.  Bolt looked at him and saw that his arm was around a tanned pegasus with pink hair and small wings.  “It's going good also who is the mare you got here Spike. “, asked Bolt with a smirk.  Spike blushed before he spoke, “Oh this is Scootaloo my marefriend, also I'm surprised you didn't see me with her, we like to hang out with each other all the time. Well meet Scoot and Bolt meet Scoot. “ Scootaloo(21yrs) looked at Spike kissed him on the lips and looked back at Bolt.   “Nice to meet you sir Bolt  also you must be shocked to see a geek in a relationship but his a good dragonfriend to me and I let him get me riled up in the bed”, she giggled and she looked at Spike who was blushing.  “OKAY ENOUGH OF ME AND HER TALK. Button, dude it's Bolt. “, shouted Spike while blushing as Scoot was nuzzling him.  Button looked up at Bolt and immediately hit his shoulder and shouted, “AHH yes my Ultra Crash Ponies rival how's it going and after this stupid party wanna play it I haven't got your gamer tag so we couldn't play in a while. “ Bolt looked happily at him and shouted back, “Hell yeah I'm up for that, you're going down also you drink?” “Well I started drinking but I don't do a lot just when I'm partying and when I'm stressed. “, " said Button before taking a sip of his drink.  Bolt looked at how much his friends have changed after the years.  “So what college or university are you guys in and also where's Sweetie Bell and AB. “, asked Bolt with the same face he had earlier with the confusion.  “Oh Both of them were busy with jobs and university and all three of us got into Vanhoover university and I think you will see me at the trials for the equestria games hey Bolt. “, said Spike before hitting Bolt's shoulder.  “ALRIGHT I'LL SEE YOU ON THE TRACK and I'll beat you“, shouted Bolt at Spike as they both had smiles and they knew it was on between them.  Scoot grabbed Spike again by the face and kissed him.  “You look so hot when you're like this but I'm going to beat you both”, flirted and aggressively said Scoot before she nuzzled Spike again.  “Now this is going to be a fun three way fight for 3 spots in the equestria games. “, said Bolt.  Button then said, “Well you guys have your little competition, at least I don't have any competition in the esports side to the  trials. “ “WAIT NO Way, they added esports to the trials and that's cool Button you got this trust me bro. “, shouted Bolt.  They all started laughing and not joking, laughing more laughs of happiness.  “Geez it's fun to meet and talk to you guys again and to think I was going to skip this party because of Diamond Tiara. “, said Bolt with a smile on his face.  “Oh yeah forgot her ass was here well anyways did you ask out Sunny yet Bolt? “, asked Button with a smirk.  “Nope not yet I don't think I'm ready for that just yet. ”, he lied.  “Well I'm sure she likes you as much as I like this dummy over here. ”, said Scoot after drinking a whole bottle of whiskey.  Spike and Scoot nuzzled each other's muzzles before Button said, “Can you guys stop being so lovey dovey and actually talk to me and Bolt. “ “Well I mean I don-”.  Said Bolt before he got grabbed by someone from back and the feminine voice said “Wanna dance Lighting or are you too annoyed with me  as always. ” Bolt's head spun before he turned around to see a light pink earth pony with light purple hair with white bunned hair, she also had a crown on her head and her sparkling dress.  “Shit it's Diamond Tiara(19yrs)”,said Bolt in his head Bolt blushed and looked at the mare before she put her hoof in his chest.  “Your shirt is right, you know, you are the hottest stallion here. “, Flirted Tiara while looking at Bolt seductively.  “Let me guess I'm the 20th pony you're trying to hit on tonight. Am I correct? “, asked Bolt with a pissed tone as he wanted to go back to his friends and talk to them more.  “Nope you're the 1st and the only one I have my eyes on. “, said Tiara while leaning towards Bolt's face.  He blushed and started flapping his wings before he  immediately excused himself to the bathroom. Running through crowds of ponies and shouting sorry when he hit someone. He got to the bathroom distraught and nervous.  “Celestia, what is up with her? I don't even like her but she was pretty. SHUT UP SHUT UP SHIT WHY BRAIN ARE YOU SO STUPID.”, thought Bolt while washing his face.  “Geez what is up with me my brain doesn't even listen to me. “, said Bolt in his head with anger.  Bolt slowly began to leave the bathroom making sure no Diamond was in sight. He began to walk in the direction of his friends but he felt like all eyes were on him, like someone knew what just happened. Bolt tugged his shirt and nervously walked on. He carefully walked through the many crowds of ponies and then he found his friends again.  “Bolt your back bud, dude what even happened it's like you were taken by a horror movie monster. “, said Button while laughing.  Bolts face was nervous and blushing, replaying the moment that just happened in his head he looked around the room, his vision was getting dizzy before he felt a hit on his shoulder.  “Hey dude you okay what happened? “, asked Button with a concerned face and voice.  “Oh yeah well eh I was emm taken by Diamond Tiara and got basically hit on but don't worry she didn't kiss me eh yeah. “, said Bolt nervously looking into the crowd,worried that his stupid decisions were somehow going to catch up to him. He was so caught in thought he yet again didn't hear anyone say anything to him.  “Dude I think you're distressed right now, I think you should head home but don't worry we'll be coming now with you, just got to steal some snacks from her. “, said Spike with laughter.  “Yeah you should leave, we don't want you to miss practice tomorrow and we definitely don't want you tearing your own hair out. “, said Scootaloo while putting a hoof on Bolt's shoulder.  “Okay but meet me at room 163 that's my apartment. “, said Bolt in a quiet tone.  The group said okay so Bolt started trying to get out of this party. He looked around trying to find the door in all these flashing lights and colours, ponies screaming and dancing. He then felt himself getting pulled again.  “Great. “, said Bolt in his head.  He turned and again saw Diamond looking at him with seductive yet angry eyes.  “You know it's rude to keep a mare waiting. “, she said with a low tone.  “Look I'm going home also I don't want to be one of the thousands of stallions you talk to so leave me alone. “, said Bolt with anger.  Diamond looked at him with anger but said, “Alright then but tell me, don't you want at least a kiss from me, the most attractive mare here. “, said Diamond with a seductive tone.  Bolt did think she was the most attractive but she lacked anything else besides looks so he just turned around and walked to the door that  he finally found. He walked out still nervous and stressed, his vision got dizzy again but he kept waking on.  “Dude, get to your apartment and try to relax like you wanted. “, thought Bolt.  Bolt looked at his apartment door, opened it and looked at the time 10:02pm. It was late but he had visitors coming so he didn't mind at all. He sat down in silence, his thoughts aloud, that he should've done it with Diamond but he knew he made the right choice; his mind was in a not so good position right now.He heard a knock on his door and he went to see who it was. He opened the door and heard, “Sup bud we are here for the after geek party. “, said Button with excitement.  Spike, Scootaloo and Button all walked into his apartment. They played games and chatted about gaming nonsense and how Spike and Scoot started dating. They left at 11pm. Bolt was now alone in his apartment again as he went to sleep.  His dreams were weird, dreaming about the party and Sunny, he was pissed and what he was dreaming about. His dreams kept on playing the situation with Diamond and he woke up in a panic.  “Shit”, he groaned to himself before getting out of bed putting on a red shirt with a picture of many red trees on it. He made cereal and grilled cheese before he went to get his bag and left his apartment, double checking if he locked the door or if he forgot anything. He had coffee in a flask and drank it on his way to the elevator. Going down to the ground floor, his face still tired but today was about relaxing besides the training he had to get his mind at ease before the trials. He started walking to the door to leave before he heard someone call him.  “Bolt how's it going dude, how was the party last night? “, said Horizon.  “It was fine I guess I met up with some old friends and eh yeah. “, said Bolt nervously while putting his hoof in his hair.  “Well those geek friends are going to do nothing for you, you do know that and also you are forgetting to tell me something. “, said Horizon with a cold tone and it felt like the lobby room's air just got thicker.  “They are good friends, you know. “ ,said Bolt with a low voice with a bit of embarrassment in his voice. Horizon walked to Bolt and whispered in his ear.  “Well still you don't want that to get out and then we will have a problem as you want to be popular and all but you should leave those friends of yours. Also you should have taken the chance with Diamond. “ Bolt stood there shocked as Horizon left, Bolt felt angry but did not want to hurt anyone so he walked out the building and flew to his college. It had a massive field with many water fountains and a well for some reason but Bolt did not care he needed to relax so he walked inside the college and checked the time. 8:15am. Still 45 minutes before training and he was angry. He went to the library, the only quiet place in the college, he took a book blindly and started reading. He continued to read trying to get his at ease but he got bored and started to look around the library before he saw Sunny in a seat two desks away. Bolt blushed and looked away.  “Ahhhhhhh why does she have to be here now. “, thought Bolt.  Bolt blushed more and looked back at her. She had some bandages on her back hooves and a black jacket on.  “Odd did she hurt herself or what happened? I should ask her… Nah maybe not but she could be in serious pain, okay I'm doing it. “, said Bolt in his head.  Bolt started to walk over to Sunny and she was close to a window and with four book cabinets around her but  5m away from her table. Bolt walked behind her to scare her like they did in high school but then he heard snoring.  “Oh she's sleeping, maybe I should leave her, dude why are you sitting down  next to her. WHY ARE YOU PUTTING HER HEAD ON YOUR SHOULDER. “, thought Bolt.  Now Bolt had Sunny on his shoulder and she was sound asleep and snoring loud. Bolt sat there and blushed looking out the window to see the field they would race on it was pretty neat with flat grass but it was not the 15 laps of Ponyville training they were about to do it would have buildings to dodge, if you went close to the building and boom D.N.F (did not finish) for you. Sunny began to wake up so Bolt put her head on the table and flapped his wings.  “Oh *yawn* Hey Bolt, what are you doing here? “, asked Sunny with a sleepy face and her eyes nearly shut.  “Came to ask about your back hooves, why are they bandaged? “, asked Bolt with concern in his voice.  “Oh that's because *yawn* I started to do shot kick(shot put in mlp) and got hurt on my back hooves, thanks for asking. “, replied Sunny with a smile.  Bolt blushed and spread his wings out(he does that when he is relaxing). He got up, patted her head and left but before he did he said, “Please don't buy me coconut chocolate again it's tastes weird. “ Sunny laughed and replied,  “Sure thing Bolt, I'll get you normal chocolate. “ Bolt smiled and left, looking at the time before leaving. 8:45.  “Did time go by that fast Geez. “, thought Bolt to himself. Bolt started walking to the field walking down a lot of stairs and going through the entrance and flew around the college to the back of it. When he landed he saw Horizon and Bumble warming up. He walked over to them and said,  “Sup dudes ready to lose again. “ Bolt smiled at them before Bumble said with anger, “Dude today we will beat you and it will be me. “ Bolt walked up to him and ruffled Bumble's hair, he shouted at him for it but Bolt didn't talk to Horizon he just looked at him with dead eyes. He reminded him of what he told him before they left the apartment building. He then flew a soft and easy lap around the field track making sure to ease his mind and wings. His wings got relaxed but not his mind, it was in multiple places at once like him thinking about Sunny…. Sunny! seriously dude I thought you forgot that.  “Yeah a lot of thoughts of her and my college stuff and… Wait, writer  back to work bro. “, thought Bolt to himself.  My bad. He continued to think about Sunny blushing as he flew back to the starting line as he saw all the pegasui were there. Mr.W.Ares was shouting at every pony to get ready for today's training. Bolt started warming up and prepared for qualifying(Yes I love f1 shut up).  “OKAY MARES AND STALLIONS WE ARE GOING TO START WITH QUALIFYING AND REMEMBER THERE IS ONLY 20 OF YOU LEFT BUT WE NEED 3 SO DON'T HOLD BACK and Star mist your up. “, shouted Mr.W.Ares.  Starmist was a black pegasus with a light blue wolf cut and she wore a red shirt with a yellow pegasus on it, her cutie being a drama mask. She flew was some incredible pace setting a  1.45.8. It was a pretty damn good job for a mare. Most of the other mares and stallions set similar times but always one or two seconds behind Starmist. It was Bolt's time and he flew around the track with such pace huge gusts of wind were felt by the competition. 1.37.1. “Fuck yeah new  record WOOO. ”, shouted Bolt with a lot of excitement in his voice, he looked like you gave a filly candy.  Bumble's time was embarrassing, getting the slowest time of 1.48.9. All eyes were on Horizon could he beat Bolts time or would he fail. The top 3 was: 1.Bolt 1.37.1 2.Misty Step(Starmists brother) 1.39.1 3. Starmist 1.45.8 Horizon started his lap just as fast as Bolt but with more aggressive he tilted into the corners with a lot of force and when he came across the line it was a 1.45.8. An odd time and to think it was the same as Starmist showed how good she was.  “OKAY NICE JOB EVERYPONY NOW GET READY FOR AN ACTUAL RACE AND REMEMBER TOP 10 GO ON TO NEXT RACE TOMORROW.”, shouted Mr.W.Ares with enthusiasm.  Bolt walked over to Starmist and said,  “Nice job Star, must say you impressed me even though I was faster. “ Starmist jumped and made an EEP. She looked at Bolt with a blush and hid her book away behind her back.  “You okay Star? “, asked Bolt with a confused face.  Starmist put the book she hid back in her bag and replied while blushing ,  “Y Y yeah don't worry about it. “ Bolt was very confused on why she was blushing, he thought maybe it was because of him or maybe it was because he startled her. He did not know what he did to make her blush. He then got his answer as he saw Starmist staring at Horizon, who was talking to her brother.  “You like him don't you? “, asked Bolt with a smirk trying to see if she would say her crush to him.  “Oh Horizon no no way I would like him. “, replied Starmist while blushing.  “Gotcha. “ Bolt said in his head before saying to Starmist, “I didn't say who. “ He saw her face light up with all kinds of reds. She looked like a chameleon. She flew off into a tree and Bolt watched her do it. He then flew after her and he found the big red tree with flowers growing on it.  “Hey relax you got to perform well in the race also if it makes you relaxed, Horizon is single so see you. “, Bolt said in a calming tone before leaving her in a tree to think about what he just said. He then heard squeals from her which sounded like when he signed that one mare's book or page or something he forgot  it, since he thought too much about Sunny.  “Oh come on brain, don't remind me about that. “, he whispered to himself before hearing someone with a quirky female voice say,  “Well what does your brain remind you of. “ Bolt jumped to see it was Starmist.  “It's nothing, don't worry about it please now let's get back to the race. “, said Bolt while blushing and flapping his wings.  They both got back there in time as everyone was getting actually ready for the race. Bolt got back to his spot on the grid the got warmed up. Bolt then felt a tap on his shoulder.  “Hey I'm advising you now, I'm going to beat you so just open the path for me. “, said Horizon with a cold tone.  Bolt looked at him and laughed then he looked back at him to see he was serious.  “Yeah sure I'll open you a grave dude your 4th shut up. “, replied Bolt with a cold tone and his face was filled with anger from what he said at the apartment building.  Both of them stared at each other before Horizon left.  “OKAY EVERYPONY TO YOUR GRID POSITIONS AND GET READY TO RACE. “, shouted Mr.W.Ares with enthusiasm in his voice.  Everypony got to there positions and it was about to start, Bolt looked around and then saw Horizon staring at him from 4th. He smirked and said,  “See you in the ground, pal. “ They saw Mr.W.Ares on the field and he waved the first flag which had a 3 then the 2nd one and then the green flag and the race started. Everypony got off to a great start. Huge gusts of wind were felt by the crowd watching and then they started to cheer. Bolt was first so he just led the pack staying a safe 3 seconds ahead of the grid. For the majority of the race it was like this. In lap 13 close to the end of the race he saw Mr.Ares show the yellow flag which meant no overtaking.  “Bro what's happening…. Shit! “, shouted Bolt. He looked down to see Starmist sprawled up in a ball on the floor with a bit of blood on her face. Bolt immediately flew down and tried to help.  “It's okay I'm gonna help you, you okay Star can you hear me. “, asked Bolt nervously and with a panicking tone.  She mumbled before coughing, her wings looked broken which it probably was. Bolt continued to carry her before seeing Mr.W.Ares coming back with the medical team which took Star from there. Bolt was shocked his face had 70 different colours of blue and grey. Bolt flew back to the crew who were still flying on the track waiting for the race to continue.  “OKAY who the absolute fuck did that huh tell me,she probably is now out of competition to get to the trials now which of you fucks did that. “, shouted Bolt with anger.  “Hey dude it's racing for you, this stuff happens. “, said a cold toned stallion. It was Horizon.  “Dude I know what racing is but that looked like it happened on purpose the only reason I've ever seen another pegasus on the ground was because of wing cramp or pulling a wing muscle never have I seen somepony fall to the ground like that besides hitting a corner of a house (They actually race around and between a circle of Ponyville). “, explained Bolt with anger and outrage, he looked like he was about to explode with anger.  “Okay it was me we were racing and she came too close so I nudged her accidentally. “, said Horizon with a sad face.  Bolt looked at Horizon with a pissed face, he was angry for all he did to today but this was over the top.  “Oh yeah sure “accidentally” she wouldn't be on the ground if it was an accident. “, snapped back Bolt.  Horizon looked away from Bolt and to the ground. Bolt was starting to want to punch Horizon but he stopped himself mentally.  “Okay everypony down here race is cancelled but the top 10 stays the same just one pegasus who was 20th and got 11th is now in the top 10 Bumble that is you but before I say anything else Starmist is in a bad state she broke her wings and both of her back legs which means unfortunately she will not be able to try to get into the trials. “, said Mr.W.Ares with a low tone.  The whole group went silent and it was so thick you could suffocate in it. Bolt held back tears, this was the worst racing case he has seen. Everyone left the training with an awkward silence and no one even said a single word to each other. Bolt walked to the library as his class only started at 11:00am. Bolt walked in there looking like he just went to hell and back. He went to take a seat at a table in the front of the library but then he saw his friends so he went to them.  “Eh sup guys what are you guys doing. “, asked Bolt with a nervous tone.  “Oh we are making our O&O characters. “, replied Tumble.  Bolt looked at the table to realise it was just Messy, Daisy and Tumble. He sat down and just looked at the table before he heard his name being called. “Bolt you okay? You've been looking more nervous and scared. “, asked Daisy with concern.  “Oh it's just eh thoughts and that Starmist literally got thrown into the ground. I'm worried about her because she looked awful. “, said Bolt with a low tone.  Messy spat out a bit of coffee that he was drinking and replied,  “How does that even happen, jeez I see your point of why you are scared but nervous. Maybe you can be nervous about her but you look like you're nervous about something else. “ You know why Bolt it's because of what Horizon said, you want the fame and you don't want to lose your friends so you have a big choice to make tell them about that.  Bolt's thought echoed in his head but he didn't say it out loud as much as he wanted to.  “Im fine trust me, just nervous about her. “, Bolt lied.  His friends tried to see if he was bluffing but they couldn't tell if he was or wasn't.  “Also where's Sunny, Hefty and Scribble. “, asked Bolt trying to switch the topic.  “Oh Sunny is in class, Hefty is with Scribble at a park, they have been stuck to each other like glue ever since they started dating. “, replied Tumble.  Bolt smiled and then looked around again. He was being bugged in the head by thoughts of Sunny and the incident.  “Here have some water dude, you look like you need it. “, said Tumble with a concerned voice.  It was like Tumble always knew what to do to help Bolt. Bolt started to drink the cold water in Tumble's flask.  “You've been thinking about Sunny haven't you. “, said Daisy with a smirk.  Bolt spat and coughed the water that he was just drinking.  “No! Eh no I'm not em. “, stuttered Bolt while blushing and flapping his wings.  “Dude you're so obvious also everyone knows you like her well besides her, herself. “, said Messy in a low tone.  Bolt looked at both of them and tried to play it off.  “I just got surprised that's why I acted like that, also no I don't think about her, got it. “, Bolt lied with some anger in his voice.  Daisy and Messy both looked at Bolt with a face that read basically “Yep I know your lying. “ “Okay Bolt then explain the chocolate wrapper in your pocket, is that not the one Sunny gave you. “, giggled Daisy with a smirk.  Bolt blushed and flapped his wings.  Idiot why did you keep that in your pocket, it's not a good luck charm. But it does mean something to meeee NOOO BOLT SHUT UP Bolt said that in his head, he was blushing and flapping his wings. He looked at Daisy to reply.  “Oh I just forgot to throw it away. “, Bolt lied again for the hundredth time.  “Well you probably think about her and write what you did with her in a book that is in my hooves currently, let's read of yeah she gave me a chocolate, it is now my good luck charm, celestia I love that mare. “, Daisy said with a joking voice while looking at Bolt with a smirk.  I totally forgot about that book. It doesn't matter, just forget this crush. But she deserves.. Just shut it.  Bolt finally came clean and looked at her.  “Yes I do think a lot about her.”, whispered Bolt while blushing and gently flapping his wings.  “Sorry mate couldn't hear you. “, Tumble replied joining in on the fun of teasing Bolt.  “Yes I do think a lot about her there, I said it!”Bolt screamed.  Celestia, that was embarrassing… Hmmm who's touching my shoulder.  Bolt looked behind him to see Sunny standing there.  “Who's this her Bolt, oh I love when people have crushes tell me please who it is. “, Sunny said with an excited tone.  Bolt blushed and flapped his wings. He took the book from Daisy and the whole group besides Sunny laughed and she was confused. Bolt looked at the time it was 10:50am.  Perfect timing.  “Yeah I got to go to my class. I'll talk later, see you guys also here is a gummy bear Sunny. Also later tell me about your shot kick practice.“,Bolt shouted.  Celestia, I love that idiot.  Sunny said to herself in her head.  > Tears for friends > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunny watched Bolt walk out the door with a big smile on his face. Sunny sat down with her books in her hooves and planted them down on the table. Daisy tilted her head and said with a confused face,  “We are in the same class. Why do you need so many books? “ “Oh only two out of these thirteen are actually for science, the rest are for my story I'm working on. “, replied Sunny while taking the top book of the pile and opening it up.  “Oh cool, what's your book about? “, Tumble asked , looking like a filly who just asked for ice cream.  “Oh eh it's nothing, erm just a corny romance. “, replied Sunny while blushing.  Sunny you failed to mention it's about a racing  stallion pegasus and a nerdy earth mare.  Sunny zoned out thinking about Bolt, she probably should know he doesn't even like her but she would help him get whoever this she was. “Okay, head out the clouds you're looking like a cat currently also who or what  are you thinking about. “, asked Messy who was drinking another cup of coffee.  “Oh nothing, just thinking about my book, also where is Daisy and Tumble. “, asked Sunny with confusion.  Messy looked around to see there was no sight of them.  “Well let's go find them, I'm sure they are doing something interesting. “, said Sunny while grabbing Messy by the arm which made him blush a bit before his face went cold.  “Okay I got a good idea, let's split up. “, said Sunny while heading out of the library and down the stairs.  “That's how you get killed in horror movies but okay. “, replied Messy while walking down the hall.  Sunny instantly went out of the building and saw nothing.  Odd what is up with her. Sunny walked back inside to look for her but she did need to use the bathroom. She ran to the bathroom and used the first stall. She then heard sniffles and hiccups almost as if somepony was crying in the stall next to hers.  “Hey are you okay random pony you sound like you need help. “, Sunny said to the next stall.  “No I'm fine *sniffle* Yeah you can go”, the mare replied, her voice sounded familiar to Sunny. She got out of the stall and knocked on the stall next to hers.  “Hey I'm not leaving until I help you random.“,said Sunny.  “Please go away I don't anyone to see me like this *sniffle*”, the mare replied and her voice was so familiar to Sunny she was angry she did not know who it was.  “I know everyone wants alone time but you sound like you've been through something that you need help with so please let me help you. “, Sunny asked with a lot of concern in her voice for this mare whose voice she recognized.  The stall opened and a mare looked up at Sunny but this was no random. It was Daisy.  “Oh dear what happened to you, do you want to talk about it and I mean you will because I'm your best friend so I'll help you with this. “, Sunny said while taking Daisy by the arm and walking her outside the college and into the garden of the college.  “So what happened Daisy? “asked Sunny.  “My parents died. “, Daisy replied she looked like she was about to puke and cry at the same time.  “Come here then why did you want to hide that we are here to help you. “, Sunny said while opening her arms to give her a hug. Daisy walked up to her and hugged her she then said,  “It sounds stupid but I thought you guys would make fun of me. “ “Well it is kinda stupid because we are here to help you. We are basically one big family well besides some of us since they are dating and I like Bol….  nevermind but you get the point we are here to help you not judge you that's true friendship. “, Sunny replied while looking at Daisy with a smile.  Daisy started crying again. Sunny just sat with her and played with her hair and made sure she was okay. “You feel better yet. “, Sunny asked “Yeah thanks a lot Sunny. “, Daisy replied with a tear in her eye.  Sunny wiped it away and got up and asked Daisy,  “Wanna catch on mischievous stuff to cheer you up like we did back in high school. “ Daisy didn't even reply, she just took Sunny and started running to the entrance to the college. When they got inside they looked around for something to do that was mischievous. Sunny saw Messy talking with Tumble by a window.  “Okay wanna make Messy fall on top of Tumble. “, asked Sunny to Daisy.  They both giggled and walked over to them with Daisy being a distraction and Sunny would push Messy into Tumble.  “Sup guys how's it going. “, Daisy asked while looking at them with a smile.  Tumble pointed at a bush and said, “Umbrella ferns are so cool, they live in tropical areas and they live in bundles but they are not bushes which is so cool. “, Tumble replied, he currently looked like he was about to pop with the amount of dopamine running through his body.  Messy just sipped on his coffee before dodging Sunny's attempt to push them into each other. Sunny then fell on her face.  “Dammit, how did you guess that? “, Sunny asked while getting up from the ground.  “Mostly because of Daisy's face, I got off to go to my class. Going to become an actor for a reason and I got a wrestling tournament to train for. “, Messy said while leaving.  Tumble left for his botany class. So Sunny and Daisy decided this would be a perfect time to go to their science class.  They both sat down next to each other and started taking down notes. Until Sunny zoned out Sunny's thoughts Bolt looked at Sunny and planted a kiss on Sunny's cheek. Sunny blushed and was shocked.  “I love you Sunny more than anything. “ Sunny was shocked. They then kissed Sunny and could feel his strong arms as they kissed. Sunny hugged Bolt and- “Sunny, you're drooling, what the hell are you thinking about? “, Daisy asked while she tilted her head.  Shit “Oh eh erm huh what did you say oh yeah science yep science. “, Sunny stuttered while she blushed with red colouring her face now.  “It's about Bolt isn't it. “, Daisy asked with a smirk.  “Yeah it is, I love him. “, Sunny replied with a soothing voice before she snapped out of it and said, “Wait what no eh that's not what I.. Shit you got me. “ “I know you too well. “, Daisy nudged her before getting back to work.  AHHHHH Sunny why did you do that now you're embarrassed and blushing but I do wonder what he feels like on top of me and his ches- OH COME ON BRAIN I KNOW WE LIKE HIM BUT STILL but his so dreamy Ahhhhhhh.  Sunny got back to work but her thoughts were loud and very bad currently, Sunny tried her best to just continue like normal. She wrote most of the notes as she summarises stuff to her comprehending of the subject. Both Daisy and Sunny went out of the room and walked through the hallway. Sunny saw Bolt writing or jotting some notes or something like that.  “Hey Bolt, how's it going? “, asked Sunny before hugging Bolt.  “It's good my class was boring to deal with and with some thoughts… ANYWAYS Daisy how's it going for you. “, replied Bolt with a blush on his face and his wings started flapping gently.  “Pfft nothing much, just the same old boring . Also Bolt wanna see Sunny in shot kick action she is awesome. “, Daisy replied before going closer to Bolts ear and whispering something that Sunny couldn't hear but it made Bolt blush and flap his wings aggressively.  “Why did you even have to say that?! “, Bolt said with his face being beet red.  Daisy just laughed and Sunny started walking to the bathroom to change from her black hoodie to her  white tank top and blue tracksuit top.  Nice combo me nice one Sunny walked out of the bathroom(which is also a change room in this college) and started walking to the entrance so she could go around the building to the field.  “Hey do you mind if I walk you there. “, Bolt asked poetically.  Sunny laughed at the sight of him being flirty and leaning against a wall.  “What?”, Bolt asked.  “Are you trying to flirt with me? “, Sunny replied while laughing.  Bolt's face went back to being red. Maybe if he kept up at this rate his face would stay red. They both started walking out the entrance and around the college it was real quiet and peaceful so Sunny didn't mind.  You should mention you're with your husband. OH MY CELESTIA SHUT UP WE ARE NOT EVEN DATING.  Sunny blushed at her thoughts, Bolt did not notice his face was deep with emotions and kinda pissed. Sunny decided to stop staring at him and continued walking. They both got to the field and Sunny left Bolt to go to shot kick. She already qualified for this event for the trials so she could at least try in it. She went to her coach. Ms.P. Ares(31yrs), she was a unicorn with a purple body and red with white stripes in her hair and it had a lot of colourful hair clips. Her cutie mark is a film camera. She was currently just wearing a long black dress which was odd for wearing to help her.  “Celestia, I love my little gummy bear. “, she said while looking at a photo.  “Eh coach, what are you doing? “, Sunny asked with a confused face.  “Oh just looking at a picture of my husband, he's so cute. “, Ms.P(Peace breaker) .Ares replied while hugging the picture of Mr.W(Windshaker) .Ares  “So are we gonna train or are we going to talk about your husband. “, Sunny asked sarcastically.  “Oh my bad darling why are you acting like this when you ma'am have a crush too and you really like him. “, She replied and started walking up to her and laughed.  She's not talking about Bolt right okay she's just trying to mess with me because of her husband.  “Pfft what crush, I don't have one. ” Sunny lied.  “Oh okay, Bolts looking at you! “, Ms. P.Ares replied while pointing into the stands.  “Where! OH FOR FU-”, Sunny said before Ms.P.Ares interrupted while laughing, “Knew it you are always googly eyed on him while my husband was all googly eyes on me first actually and ponies were surprised when I decided to date him saying he was a loser but I see a champion in him and a very handsome stallion. “ Sunny sighed while slapping her face and replied.  “You sound like a cringy romance book.” “Pfft you write that stuff but let's get started and let me just quickly look at my topl- I mean picture of my husband. “, Ms.P.Ares replied while having a blush on her face.  She started to practise. It was pretty fun and easy for her. She was tired so Ms.P.Ares gave her a break. She looked into the crowd to see Bolt staring straight at her.  ~Bolts thoughts when they made eye contact compared to Sunnys Wow she/he is pretty.  Sunny quickly turned around and looked at Ms.P.Ares. She was looking at the same picture of Mr. W.Ares but she was not sure what type of picture it was. Ms.P.Ares had a blush on her face and her face was more relaxed so you could see her eye bags.  “Coach, Are you tired and also what is the picture of Ares. “, Sunny asked.  “Oh since you are so concerned about me, yes I am quite tired because of my 3 little fillies and the picture is of Ares' naked sweetie. “, She replied with a soothing voice.  Sunny jumped and blushed. “Why would you keep that. “ “You would keep it if it was Bolt wouldn't you. “ Sunny stood there blushing and asked,  “How do you even know that? “ “I am PeaceBreaker also it's from your helpful friend Daisy she's an angel. “, she replied while putting the picture of Ares back in her pocket. “Why did she even decide to tell you that, what other practices should I do? “, Sunny asked with still a blush on her face.  “Well you are actually free to go now. Today's training is finished and the trials are in 3 days so get mentally prepared and I'll need you back here tomorrow at 3pm otherwise bye Bolt's wife. “, Ms.P.Ares replied while giggling to herself.  “Also what's with the dress, it's fashionable but why here? “, Sunny asked.  “Oh just a date with my darling husband and some after work distress if you know what I mean. “, Ms.P.Ares replied while walking off and giving her a wink.  What does she mean?? WAIT A MINUTE Sunny stood there dumbfounded and blushed. “Well I mean they are adults but I'm an adult. WHY AM I THINKING ABOUT THIS. “, Sunny said to herself but she thought she was loud so she checked if anyone heard her.  She started walking off the field before she saw a blue blur come before her face.  “Hey Sunny you were amazing! Also I'm here to walk you to well the road that splits our roots. “, Bolt said with a lot of enthusiasm. Which made Sunny happy to see.  “Thank you Bolt. “, Sunny said while hugging Bolt.  Bolt's thoughts You are fully in love now NOOO SHUT SHUT UP Sunny's thoughts AHHHH I love him They pulled out of the hug both blushing and it was a bit awkward. They started walking to the exit of the entire college before they heard flapping wings that were not Bolt's. They turned around to see a brown and green dragon holding a light green pegasus in the dragon's arms.  “Scribble? And Hefty, what are you guys doing? “, Bolt asked with a smirk.  They both blushed and looked back at them.  “Oh eh I was just flying her up in the clouds. “, Scribble said while nuzzling Hefty's mane and her blushing.  “It was beautiful and I had to shut him up with kisses because of his nerdy rumbling that he would do every 5 Mins, I don't mind it though it's very cute darling. “, Hefty said while looking at Scribble. “Jeez it's like you two are married when's the kids huh? “, Sunny joked.  Both of them blushed and looked directly at her. They started to look around trying to ignore the question.  “Scribble if you don't say anything I'll tell Hefty all the thoughts you had of her during our stallion nights. “, Bolt said with a cold tone.  Scribble immediately blushed and said,  “No we are not married… Yet I love her alot like we are married also. What are you doing together?. “ Scribble put down Hefty and planted a kiss on her cheek. Before walking up to Bolt. Sunny saw this and was confused but let him talk to Bolt. Bolt immediately blushed and shouted,  “Shut up dude it's not like that. “ Sunny blushed, maybe he was talking about them or maybe he was talking about his crush.  Calm down, we will learn that later.  Scribble then picked up Hefty and held her while smiling at her and they started to walk down to their apartment buildings.  “Why are you carrying Hefty, Scribble? Any words for that. “, Sunny asked while giggling.  Scribble blushed and looked away before replying, “While I will just say we were kissing and I accidentally hurt her by falling on her. “ The whole group immediately bursted into laughter well excluding Scribble who was blushing and staying quiet.  “Yeah well he isn't lying that was what happened but some stuff led to that like a cute date at a food place very romantic Scribble. “,  Hefty said while rubbing her tail against his face. They are started walking out of the college and Sunny struck up a conversation with Hefty.  “Hefty how's the relationship with Scribble also are you going to join any marathons or weight lifting competition. “, Sunny asked while smiling.  “Oh eh it's great, I currently have nothing going and my relationship we hang out all the time it's cute and he's cute, hot and…Yeah that's it “, Hefty replied before blushing.  Sunny nudged Hefty.  “Come on tell me. “, Sunny said with a smirk.  Hefty sighed,  “He's a good kisser even though I'm his first marefriend. “ “Aww that's cute but still jeez it is like you guys are married . “, Sunny said while laughing.  Hefty blushed and hit Sunny's arm.  “Oh shut up, when are you going to ask the lover stallion over there to be yours huh? “, Hefty replied while smirking at her.  “Shut up! I mean please don't say that. “, Sunny said while blushing.  Everypony besides Bolt of course got to their apartments. Sunny hugged Bolt before they went and said to him,  “Hey I heard you got 2 more races than you might get into the trials. Nice job also here. “ Sunny handed him a dark chocolate bar.  “It's dark because well you are always so grumpy looking so it fits you. “, Sunny said while smiling at Bolt.  Bolt took it and said,  “Oh thanks, well I'll be off. “ Sunny saw him fly off and she blushed because it was almost like she was seeing off her husband to work.  Ahhhhhhh why do I think like this Sunny, Hefty and Scribble all went back to their apartment. They took the elevator. Scribble took Hefty in his room while waving bye at Sunny.  Those two are probably going to do something freaky. Wait why am I assuming this about them.  Sunny hit her head with her hoof and walked to her room which had a room number of 189. She walked in to see her stack of papers on her kitchen table and her bed in a mess.  Oh yeah I got to college in a rush She made sure to clean up everything as it was a mess and she was cleaning under her bed, she found a photo of Bolt kissing her cheek on graduation day of high school.  Oh yeah this picture, he looks so cute and I look amazing. Wow honestly I actually thought I lost this.  She found a lot of high school pictures which made her smile. She then saw an old journal about something she couldn't make out as it was smudged but she could only make out this: B.    Journal  Don't    Signed by: Ja Sunny looked at it confused. Even with glasses she couldn't make out who it was so she decided to read it.  Celestia crushes are annoying, why must I a geek,  and have a crush on a beautiful mare like Sunny.  Sunny put the journal down and blushed. She smirked as it could be  Bolt who wrote that but she couldn't be too sure as back in their high school there were many stallions with an initial of B and with the surname Jackson.  I need something to clear my mind so let's study…. Like that worked it didn't work in class so… YOGURT She instantly dashed towards her fridge and looked around for her favourite snack, pineapple yogurt. She found and grabbed it instantly and started to eat it with a plastic spoon. She sat at her table and wondered what she would do tonight. She thought about a thing Daisy said about a party happening soon but she forgot the date.  Hmm I'm not a party animal so no She continued to eat her yogurt and she was still thinking about what date the party was. She then got up, took out one of her spicy romance books as she was alone and was very bored. The title of this one book she had was A loving reader. She giggled to herself and began to read, she had to also put her glasses in for this as the letters looked too small for her. She read and read and read, it felt like hours but when she looked at the clock it only was 9:10 which meant she only was reading for 30 minutes.  Weird that felt long but I don't care I don't want my night thoughts about Bolt as they were… Not needed right now.  She blushed and continued reading but she couldn't stop thinking about Bolt.  Read brain read brain but ohhh I want that stallions hooves DON'T FINISH THAT She was now blushing aggressively but she calmed herself down before hearing a knock on her door.  Odd who could that be She walked up to the door to see it was Scribble, Hefty and Daisy.  “Oh hey peeps what are you guys up to. “, Sunny asked with a smile and confusion.  “Oh we are here for fun and because I think my friend Daisy is tired of hearing bed noises from our room so we decided to come over. “, Hefty said very bluntly, leaving Scribble with a huge  blush on his face.  “Why would you tell her about that! “, Scribble squeaked at Hefty.  “Well it's true jeez I don't even know how your standing after that Hefty”, Daisy joked and both Hefty and Daisy started laughing.  Scribble blushed and looked at Sunny.  “Eh yeah just ignore them. “, Hefty said nervously.  Holy shit well I was right eh well having sex isn't really a big issue but imagine that was me and Bollll nope you should be happy for them “Don't worry about it. “, Sunny said with a blush on her face because of her thoughts.  “Well I mean Daisy you are walking pretty funky you don't want to explain yourself. “, Scribble said while fist pumping Hefty.  “Me! Walking funny! You guys are clearly seeing stuff trust me!”Daisy replied with a crimson blush on her face.  “Anyways come inside we can talk more here so the other apartment mates don't get in on our conversations. “, Daisy replied and opened the door.  All of her friends walked in and instantly sat at the table. She got them drinks not alcohol as she didn't have any alcohol. Then Scribble asked,  “Well Sunny what have you been up to besides of course trying to get that stallion Bolt and of course your brilliant studies in science. “.  Sunny first blushed then calmed down before replying,  “Well not much I've been up to and thank you for that but no nothing much. “ “This is so boring. How about we try some truth or dare. “ Everypony turned their heads to Daisy to see she was smirking.  “Sure why not, I mean you don't have anything to hide right Daisy. Sunny said while looking at Daisy with her green eyes and smiled.  It was now game time, > Game decisions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Well what game first. “, Scribble asked.  There was a silence before Hefty shouted,  “Oh wanna play crazy eights! “ “Not to be rude but the fuck is that. “, Daisy replied.  “Oh it's like Uno but on crack. “, Hefty said to Daisy.  “Oh yeah my… Eh cousins taught me this it was so fun I remember thinking when I was small I was  much like a gambler. “, Daisy replied.  They all started laughing at what she just said and they decided to play.  “8 of Diamonds I ask for hearts. “, Scribble said with a smirk.  “Fuck you dude. “, Sunny replied with a really pissed face.  Everypony decided to start laughing.  This is so much fun, much better than just eating and I should invite Bolt to join us sometime and if we are alone.. FUCK OFF “SUNNY PICK UP TEN BUT DOESN'T MATTER I WIN. “, shouted Hefty.  “Wait wha-”,Sunny said with a blush on her face.  “Can you stop thinking about Bolt! “, Daisy replied with a giggle.  Again for like the third time everypony started laughing.  “Well I mean she's not lying. “, Scribble said.  “Well eh shut up, but I got a better idea who wants to play truth or dare?“,Sunny asked with a smirk.  Daisy instantly blushed and looked away from everyone.  “Hell eh uh I'm I I in yeah I'm in. “, Daisy stuttered with a huge blush on her face.  “Ohhhh someone is hiding something. Also one rule is you can't choose the same thing twice. “, Scribble said while smirking at Sunny. Daisy gulped loudly while still blushing  “Good one okayyy let me start…. Hefty truth or dare. “, Sunny asked “Hell yeah but truth please. “, Hefty replied with a happy face.  “Tell me, are you dominant or dominated? “, Sunny said.  “Both. “, Hefty replied before kissing Scribble who was blushing.  Okay Hefty, pick someone. “, Sunny said to Hefty.  “Scribble truth or dare? “, Hefty asked Scribble with a smirk.  “Oh dare that's easy. “, Scribble replied swiftly.  “Run up and down the hall now. “, Hefty replied before she felt a huge gust of wind.  “Well we didn't have to convince him which is nice. “, Sunny laughed.  They waited for Scribble to get back as he had to pick next but Sunny kept on hearing a rapid tapping noise.  “Daisy, why are you shaking your leg. “,Sunny asked Daisy with a calm tone.  “Oh eh nothing, don't worry about me. “, Daisy replied nervously which made both Sunny and Hefty confused as she was always the bold one.  “Are you sure you are okay Daisy? “, Hefty replied with confusion in her voice.  “YEAH I'M FINE! “, she shouted back at Hefty.  They then heard the door open loud and with a bang.  “DONE. “, Scribble said exhausted.  Everypony started laughing besides Daisy who stayed silent.  “OKAY PHEW SUNNY TRUTH OR DARE. “, shouted Scribble.  “Oh dare. “, smirked Sunny.  “Drink pure lemon juice. “ “Oh for fu-” Sunny went to her fridge and got it out. All of her friends were shouting chug besides Daisy which was weird as she normally was the loudest. She started drinking and she thought her throat was closing and her mouth was burning. It was awful. She stopped drinking the juice and then said with a weak voice, “Daisy truth or dare. “ “Truth Oh I meant dare yeah. “, Daisy nervously replied.  “Oh you picked truth well why have you been so quiet. “ “Can I be honest? “ “I mean it is truth, so you have to be. “ “You know that one party I talked about. “ “Yes, I was trying to remember the time when it was supposed to happen. “ “Yeah well at this party I was pretty fine drinking a bit but not until I'm literally drunk then I saw Messy and eh. “ Scribble broke the conversation between Sunny and Daisy and said,  “Then what happened after you saw Messy. “ “We had sex. “ “WHAT! “, Everyone shouted in the room.  “Jeez don't act like that but yeah I asked him to have sex with me and I don't if we broke our bond well I was so confused I ran out of the party. “ “OKAY you should have told this to us earlier also how many rounds did you guys have. “, Hefty replied.  “That's inappropriate right now we need to help her but all I say is you must talk to him sooner or later but how you do it is not our choice. “, Scribble said with a stern voice.  “Yeah I think you're right on that but whatever you want to do is your choice. “, Sunny said before hugging Daisy as she sat there in silence before they heard Sunny's door open wide and with a familiar earth pony standing at the door with his grey ponytail and he was wearing a black shirt. “Totally wrong time huh? “, Messy said while looking Daisy in the eyes with now their thoughts mixing.  He/she is all I need right now as much as it might be embarrassing Both of them blushed before Messy shut the door.  “Scribble go get Messy and I'll put them in my room to talk. “, Hefty said while rubbing his scales. “You sure about this Hefty I think he can go. I'll talk to him another time like maybe tomorrow or some other time. “ “Nope go get him Scribble my knight in shining armour, I'll reward you later~. “, Hefty said while touching his scales gently.  “That feels nice but got it ma'am. “, He said before rushing out the door and hearing a loud yelp.  “Can you let go of me please. “, Messy said with a blush on his face.  He was a bit angry so of course he was trying to get out by shaking and all that. He was blushing, stressed and nervous. You could see him sweating and looking around the room, his eyes nearly looked like Scribble.  “Nope lil guy you are going to talk this out with Daisy. “, Scribble said before he put Messy in the room.  “Just remember it's just you and him. “, Sunny said before grabbing her hoof and putting her in the room with Messy.  Daisy got in the room to see Messy without his ponytail and some of his hair was laying on his shoulders as he was laying on Sunny's bed. If you could drown in silence that was now. Daisy looked around and out the window to see the stars.  Those stars remind me of him that is embarrassing keep that in your head “The stars are pretty nice. “, Daisy said while looking out the window.  She tried to start the conversation with Messy but he just stayed quiet and tapped his foot against the ground rapidly. You could maybe see his regret on his face but that was his normal face.  “So-”, Daisy tried to start the conversation again before she got cut off by Messy.  “I'm sorry for what I did. “, Messy said with a low voice.  Daisy stayed quiet before sitting on the bed with him. She touched his leg which made him jump and she laughed.  “Why did you do that? “, Messy asked.  “Well to lighten the mood. “ “Well just putting this out here I liked what we did also. “Messy said before walking to the door and asking if he could smoke in the apartment which Daisy could tell he got a yes as he pulled out a cigarette and before looking at Daisy waiting for her to light it with her magic as he didn't have a lighter.  So she lit it for him before saying,  “And also what Messy. “ “Oh my bad well you see well this might be embarrassing but I needed you because I was tired of seeing everyone in our group in lovey dovey mode I kinda I guess got jealous of it like I say remember back in high school how I always got rejected or something yeah so I needed what we did but what I think it was you who I needed. “, Messy said while blowing out some smoke and looking her in the eyes.  Daisy laughed before saying “Sorry for laughing at you but did you get that from some fanfic or corny romance book. “ “Eh erm no. “ *Messy thoughts* WHY DID I SAY THAT T THANKS BRAIN FUCKKKK IM TOTALLY WEIRD AND GOING TO GET REJECTED AGAIN FUCK FUCK FUCK Daisy laughed more before she felt Messys hoof on her chin and they kissed.  *Daisy's thoughts* Okay I have to admit I love this idiot his cute that is pretty corny so don't think about that again  *Messys thoughts* Okay you got this don't fuck up what your going to say just be flirty and chill not geeky and ah fuck it “I know the sex was not really meant but do you want to give me a chance…. Do you want to give us a chance? “, Messy said with a huge blush on his face.  Daisy laughed again and this time hit Messy on the arm.  “Sorry sorry just take that as a yes but that was very corny. “ “Should've known that. “, Messy said with a blush but with a straight face.  *his thoughts* HOLY FUCKKKK IT WORKED WHATT HOW WAIT DON'T FREAK OUT Daisy walked out of the room with Messy but when they opened the door, all of her friends fell to the ground.  “What are you guys doing? “, Daisy asked with an angry tone.  “Trying to hear what you guys are talking about. “, Scribble said awkwardly while covering both Hefty and Sunny behind him.  “You little shits! “, Daisy said while grabbing anything that was close to her which was actually a broom.  “Run! “, Hefty giggled.  They all ran away from Daisy and everypony started running in different directions to confuse Daisy.  “Hey get back here!! “, Daisy shouted at everypony.  She ran around still chasing them before she got pulled into a hug.  “Stop being an idiot. “, Messy said with a deep and calming tone *Daisy's thoughts* Holy celestia that is hot Daisy blushed and looked at her friends with a grumpy face before saying,  “Don'-” “AWWW. “interrupted all of them with all of them having puppy eyes.  Daisy blushed more before she looked at Messy who then kissed her on the lips which felt amazing before she heard again,  “Awwwww. “ “Shut the fu-”, she got interrupted by her now coltfriend and he took her out of the apartment and walked her into his room.  “Why did you do that!“, Daisy shouted at Messy with a huge blush on her face.  “You're tired. “ “What? “ “You get angry easily when your tired. “ “Oh weird. “ Daisy did all of a sudden feel tired. She saw Messy pick her up but her in his bed.  “Hey Messy, can I ask you something? “ “Sure what is it?” “Why did you decide to have sex with me? “ “I told you it was because all our groups lovey dovey stuff and because I did like you,well I actually love you but is that too strong of a word for now. “ “No, that's fine with me. I actually kind of like it. “ Daisy said before getting on top of Messy and taking off his shirt. Messy blushed bright red and asked nervously,  “What are you doing? “ “Exactly what you see im doing taking off your shirt. Also do you want to do me~”, Daisy asked seductively before taking off her shirt and kissing her now coltfriend.  “You don't have to if you don't want to. “ “Oh wow eh time moves fast right?. “ “Yes it does darling.  make some more time go bye.''Daisy was speaking like she was drunk in love with Messy.  I want him to do me already  As soon as Daisy thought this she felt Messy kissing her and grabbing her waist. The room's air became heated, and so were their kisses more passionate and more heated than the last. They broke the kiss and started to stare at each other before Daisy said.  “That was amazing but I'm hot and I'm wet. “ Messy snapping back to reality and seeing the mare who was just two seconds ago making out with and replied,  “Want me to eat you out. “ *Messys thoughts* OH WHAT THE FUCK YOUR WAY TOO HORNY TO THINK STRA- Daisy sat better on the bed and spread her legs while looking at him seductively.  “You've been a very good colt so I think you deserve this reward. “ Messy approached Daisy's wet special hole. He put his muzzle on it and licked her thighs. She squirmed at his tongue licking her but made no noises. Messy continued licking her thighs before getting to his main course, he looked at Daisy who was breathing loud and looking at him like she was begging him to just eat her out.  “Please. Messy. “ He instantly inserted his tongue in her and went so slow.  “FUCKKKK Messy more. “ Messy listening to his mares command and went faster, licking every corner that she had in her. She moaned louder and louder with her legs shaking she squeezed Messys head into her pussy and let him continue. He continued, his flow was there and she kept moaning with pleasure and placing her hoof on his head.  “Messy I'm gonna fuckkk why are so good at this. “, Daisy said in between her moans.  Messy then stopped licking to her exhausted but filled with pleasure. After a few minutes she then kissed him on the cheek before she said,  “I think now you are ready for the real main course. “ Messy looked at Daisy as she removed his pants and sat on his stallions pride.  “Ready my good colt~. “ “Yes. “ Daisy then put his wood in her and started to ride him. Messy sighed with pleasure as Daisy continued and moaned softly. Daisy picked up the pace and Messy was high on pleasure just whimpers came out when he wanted to talk and Daisy was now as loud as she was before.  “Can you go rough on me. “ As soon he heard this he took her by the hair and pushed her into the closet pillow and she arched her back allowing Messy to have full control over her. She slapped her behind and he started ramming Daisy, her moans were muffled by her biting the pillow. He continued and bit her shoulder and went faster. They both reached their climaxes and  fell on the bed in a bliss of pleasure.  “You were amazing. “ “Thank you Messy but I'm going to go shower. “ After they both washed they fell asleep in Messys bed.  The next day. Daisy saw Messy laying in her chest peacefully and giving her a tight bear hug.  “Okay Messy I think we should get up. “ Messy opened his eyes and jumped out the bed blushing.  “We have sex and you blush for this. “ “What it's embarrassing.” “Whatever you dork I'm going to make you  something to eat. That isn't me. “ Daisy kissed Messy and went to his kitchen.  Oh my she is hot.  Messy sat there in the bed blushing red and looking stupid before he heard, “ALRIGHT come eat ya cute dork.” “Okay. “ Messy put on a  red shirt with the words. “Chill” in small letters. He then went to go eat. It was just eggs and he looked up to see that Daisy somehow got dressed, she wore one of Messys black jackets and she wore his lucky necklace.  “Why are you wearing my jacket and my necklace? “ “It looks good on me right!” “Yeah eh it does. “ He blushed and finished eating his food.  “So you ready to go babe. “ “Yeah of course I am ya cute dork. “ They left the apartment, took the elevator which took quite a while for some reason and started walking to the college. They talked a lot about wrestling and her science projects.  They got the college still very deep in conversation with each other of course they did kiss a couple of times before they saw Bolt staring at his  flying helmet which was nearly plain black but with red lighting strikes and the number 69. Messy still laughs at the sight of this as on a stallions night sleepover they dared him to make his number permanently while playing some weird mix of spin the wheel(it has yes which means you must do the dare and no which means you avoid it). He still hates them for it but it was funny and on that same day he remembered how Bolt was blushing like a steam pot when Sunny sat next to him and his leg tapped rapidly as both their legs touched it was funny.  Messy then said,  “You alright Bolt. “ He blushed and said while hiding a part on his helmet “Yeah totally yeah eh. Also when did you guys start dating I like your guys couple. “ Daisy then replied,  “Thank you for the compliment but we'll be off come on my good colt. “ Daisy kissed Messy and they left in the distance.  Phew close one Bolt close one He took his hoof off of the part of the helmet that his was hiding to reveal it was a drawing of Sunny and with the words, ”The beautiful mare I like her name is Sunny because she's my sunshine. “ Fuck you Scribble for that stupid dare on Stallions night but then again you did get sit next to Sunny she so pretty. OH FUCK OFF BRAIN