• Published 11th Apr 2024
  • 62 Views, 2 Comments


A pegasus can't accept his feelings(oc)

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A speedy introduction

Chapter 1: Speedy introduction

“Oh this is going to be easy! SEE YOU AT THE FINISH LINE LOSERS! ”,

shouted a male pegasus that is as blue as the open sea, his mullet has black with yellow stripes which made his hair look like lightning. His eyes were red as blood, his cutie mark was a lighting bolt. This is Bolt Jackson(19yrs) the lighting Bolt. The race started as Mr.W.Ares(32yrs) who was their coach he was a pegasus that is red with white short hair but it was covered by a blue cap today, a always fresh shaven beard his cutie mark was fencing sword shot a fake gun up making a loud screeching noise that wheezed through the air. Bolt started at the back as he said he would have ran everyone here through the ground if he started in front. They started off fast with Bolt moving between the 20 racers and saying “See ya slow poke” and laughing which made him sound like a crazy person but he did not care as he was the fastest racer. He quickly on the second lap made it to the top 15 and he did this rapidly so most of these pegasui were like they were flying at a snail's pace to Bolt.he made big air gusts everytime to tell his opponents that Bolt passed them. Lap three he was now gaining on the top 3 as he needed to do this fast. This was the second last lap he looked at his competitors that were flying ahead and shouted,


He blitzed through them with ease and he even did a looping move above them for fun.


said Mr.W.Ares like a proud father who just saw his filly walk for the first time. Last lap, Bolt said to himself in his head but he could almost smell victory pie as if the smell of victory pie was already in his mouth. He bolted to the finish which made a huge gust of wind on the floor which probably put grass in all the college students' hair in the huge stands. The stands could probably fit 15 entire high schools. Mr.W.Ares was at the finish line waiting there for Bolt although he looked pretty excited.

“THAT'S MY RACER.”, shouted Ares

as he grabbed him by the head with his hooves and rustled his hair.If you looked at them from a fair it looked like a father and son but in reality this was just his coach.

“That was hell of a race, nice job Bolt. “,

said an almost shiny silver pegasus with lightning blue eyes and red hair while wearing a Wonderbolt uniform, his cutie mark is a cloud . This was the popular stallion pegasus Horizon. (20yrs)

“Hey with that show poser uniform you could've at least given me a little trouble but I GUESS I'M JUST BETTER. “, said Bolt with pride that could only be rivalled by kings in ancient Greece.

The wind was blowing calmly and the sky was as blue as beach ocean water. Bolt talked to his popular friends as they came from practice.

“Hey there Bolt, could you sign this for me. “,said a very bright red and white mare unicorn.

“Sure thing. “, said Bolt as he winked at the mare.

Bolt signed it and he could hear screaming from the mare's friends.

“Dude some time you got to teach me the ways of the mares. “, said a pegasus that was as yellow as a bumblebee and with black dots, his long hair was green and it looked like
a lawn that hasn't been cut and his eyes were brown as wood. He was wearing a heavy metal shirt and red jeans. His name was bumble(21yrs) and his cutie mark was a bumblebee funny enough to Bolt.

“Dude you got plenty of mares looking your way you're just blind as hell. “, said Bolt while laughing as loud as a donkey.

“Well me and Bumble are going to leave so see you tomorrow Bolt. “, said Horizon while hitting Bolt on the back.

“ALRIGHT but you better get me that cool drink I wanted, remember our bet.”,shouted Bolt with a grin.

His friends shouted, “Yeah yeah. “

Bolt stood there looking around himself at his huge college as this was Ponyville college. The birds were dead silent today but the sound of the trees was calming.

“YOO Bolt what's up dude.”

said a peach earth pony with red bushy hair which made him look like a bush that was dyed red for a prank on your neighbour that was an asshole to you. His eyes were two different colours pink and yellow which made him stand out and this was his high school friend that he met when he was a geek, he still is a geek but he does not want to ruin his reputation with popular ponies . This was his friend Tumble weed (19yrs) and his cutie mark was a carrot in the ground.

“Oh sup dude, where's the rest of our group? “,

said Bolt with a calm tone and he looked around himself like he was searching for something he lost when in reality he was making sure no popular ponies were around.

“Oh I think you want to turn around and you'll get your answer pretty quickly. “, said Tumble with a smile revealing some of his teeth which were very white.

“Sup dumbass, it's been a while since I saw you. “

Said Daisy(19yrs) she was a dark green and her tomboyish hair was white, her being green made her look she was in a mossy swamp before they meet up and she was a unicorn with light green eyes but she was one pain in the ass to Bolt in high school as she would tease him for liking one mare and not asking her out. Her cutie mark was a flower being blown in the wind.

“Hiii Bolt, did you grow bigger since I last saw you but you still look good and cuuu- cool yeah that's I meant.”

Said Sunny(20yrs) she was a white and grey earth pony she looked like a cow but if the black was a little bit drained out of her black colour and also she had red long bun up hair and she wore glasses and her cutie mark was two books.Yep this was the mare Bolt got teased for liking and he still liked her but he tries to put aside his feelings as he needs to be the fastest pegasus but still his feelings get in the way for him.


“Hey what's up Sunny and Daisy what have you two been up to besides of course your science projects. “,said Bolt with a smile.

“Well besides that I guess just ogres and orglets(Fake name for dnd), will you play this year as dm Bolt. “, said Sunny with a huge grin on her face as she adjusted her glasses.

She and Daisy had a tendency to wear the exact same clothes like right now both wearing blue shirts with the words scientists in the making.

“Well I mean sure I did it last year so why not do it again. “, said Bolt while looking around to see if anyone heard him say that right now.

“Dude, what are you looking for all the time? “

Said Scribble while standing up on two legs and looking for what Bolt was looking at. (20yrs)He was a green dragon with brown frills and wings which when he stood by brown bushes, back in high school it made him look like he lost his wings and frills. His eyes were yellow and it almost looked snakelike. He is a dragon so it made sense. He was pretty tall when he stood on his two legs but when he was on all fours he was a little bigger than Tumble. He was also a pretty damn good artist.

“Oh eh nothing don't worry about it Scribble it's nothing. “, said Bolt, sounding like a caring mom and that was pretty embarrassing.

“Tell them that you just want to be just popular and leave them”, said Bolt in his head while he was zoning out while looking at Sunny.

“Bolt your making Sunny feel weird, get out of that zone of yours. “

Said Messy while looking depressed (21yrs), he was a light blue with a grey ponytail earth pony, he was the depressed one of the group always being down but also at least trying to be a bit happy his cutie mark is a wrestling helmet.

“Oh sorry dude my bad, just kind of thinking about my racing. “, he lied and had a fake smile.

“Hey where's Hefty?”

said Tumble while nudging Scribble as that was the mare that the group figured out Scribble liked because of his drawing book it had characters for his story, nature and animals and occasionally ponies and dragons but what they noticed was Hefty was on nearly each of his drawing pages and it was like she was Scribbles celebrity crush.

The group looked around where they were as they were in front of the entrance to their college with beautiful red trees to every side of them but the floor was just black concrete which was disappointing to look at. It kinda matched the vibe of the college boring.

“Sorry I'm *pant* late was busy with an assignment last minute *pant* I nearly forgot to give it in. “

Said Hefty in an exhausted tone(20yrs)She was a light green pegasus with dark blue long hair. She is a very strong mare which is kind of given away by her cutie mark which is a weight. She lifts a lot but she was still slim as the rest of the mares and she liked Scribble back well. They did know each other from 8 years old but the whole group told them that the other one liked them but they are pretty stupid and become flustered easily.

“OH-hey I-it's nothing you didn't miss anything. “, said Scribble with a blush on his face.

Daisy, Messy and Tumble looked at Scribble with huge smirks. They also tease Scribble about his crush but for him they do it more as he gives more of a reaction.

“Well you didn't miss anything really besides Bolts going to dm for us for orges and orgelets. “

Said Sunny while almost squealing with excitement, she looked like a balloon that was about to pop.

“Well yeah being the dm is pretty cool as I decide who basically is going to die also who else is going to join us for orges and orgelets?”

Said Bolt with a bit of excitement in his voice before he again looked around his college as if he were being stalked.

“Bolt can you stop being paranoid of something or wait….. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A SPECIAL SOMEPONY. “

Shouted Daisy as loud as a siren. Bolt blushed and flapped his wings, he does that when he is nervous or blushing. He then proceeded to nearly jump on Daisy.

“Wow chill out Bolt. “said Daisy before whispering in Bolts ear, “Because I know that somepony is standing right next to me. “

Bolt blushed and flapped his wings more aggressively and his mind said, “Dude you said lose the crush, you can't be having these feelings if you want to be the best but Sunny deserves to be loved, Shut up Bolt.”

“Bolt, hey buddy back to Celestia's earth.“, said Tumble before lifting his hoof like he was going to hit Bolt as they did have a promise if you zone out after you call the ponies name hit them.

“Oh sorry dude my bad just don't hit me I got a big race soon also I have an idea, come here. “

Said Bolt with a smirk on his face. He, Tumble, Daisy and Messy got in a circle and discussed basically leaving Hefty and Scribble there as they don't want to leave each other but they got to go to their apartments.

“Hopefully they would damn well confess to each other because they are so cute together ”, said Daisy with a huge smile on her face.

“Yo Hefty and Scribble you guys can stay here we are going to set up a party so you guys can stay here for a while also Sunny you can come with us to set it up and come to us at 5pm sharp. “,explained Bolt.

“OH-hey O-Okay sure got it but also why can't we come with to set it up?”, said Scribble while clawing at the back of his neck and his face being 50 shades of red.

“Well Hefty won a marathon which is damn hard as hell and you won an art competition so this is basically a congratulations. “, said Bolt while high hooving Daisy.

“Okay sure… See you at the party I guess. “, said Scribble while now being blue on the face and awkwardly looking away from Hefty.

The sounds of chatting ponies and clicking hooves sounded more distant and now it was just Scribble and Hefty alone. It was what Scribble would want if he had confidence right now and that juice bar was down but he still was going to make sure this did not get too awkward.

“Want to see some of my drawings. “, said Scribble as he started digging out of his bag for his drawing book and he started to walk to a place with many brown trees and it seemed hidden. He then sat down on the ground and Hefty followed his lead.

“Sure I don't mind. I love your drawings. “, said Hefty while blushing and looking at Scribble

Author's Note:

This is the first chapter and I hope you enjoyed it also this is my first story so feel free for criticize me but useful ones not just making fun or something but ye:eeyup: