• Published 1st Apr 2024
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My Little Pony: The Ghost Rider 2: The Spirits of Vengeance - Big Imagination E

Johnny Blaze along with his new friends are back. And this time on a quest to save Cadance and a young boy from new demons of hell.

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Meeting Nadya and Danny Bonds with Cadance

Johnny, Spike, Shining Armor and the girls all slowly woke up and looked at their surroundings. They can see that they have been attached to some monitors and have some liquid pumping in them. From what they can tell is that they were in a hospital of some sort. Now how they ended up in a hospital was beyond them. But they were glad they weren't left on the ground outside.

"Ow. I feel like I was bashed by an elephant." Rainbow groaned.

"Well that creep must have used some kind of weapon that was stronger to knock us out. He may have gotten away this time but we still need to rescue Danny and Cadance." Twilight said.

Then after she said that a nurse arrived.

"Oh, you all have awake." She said.

"Hi. It's funny, because when you walked in I thought I was still dreaming." Johnny said.

"You have hallucinate?" She asked.

"No, no, no man I'm not hallucinating. Look, I'm flirting with you. You're beautiful." Johnny answered.

"Johnny. Now is clearly not the time to joke around like this. We need to get back out there and find that fucker that has Danny and Cadance." Shining reminded him.

"I know that!" Johnny replied then faced the nurse. "Morphine. You got any morphine?"

"Oh, no, no, morphine, you already have." The nurse said.

"Dilaudid, Valium? What?" Johnny asked.

"Your wounds very weird misters and misses. The polite want to talk to you when you wake up. I tell them you wake." The nurse said.

"No! Please don't." Johnny said as she left.

"Is that lady brain dead or something? I am not dealing with the police again! Especially after what happened last time when Blackheart was running around." Rainbow replied.

"Rainbow. I get we don't want to deal with the police. Let's just get out of here and track down Ray." Twilight said.

Now that was something Johnny can agree on. So he and the gang all got out of their beds and quickly grabbed some meds so their bodies can heal. Then they walked out of the hospital but not til after they saw Nadya. They had a feeling that they all seen her before. She walked away but then Johnny remembered that she was the mother of Danny. So they decided to follow her to see if they can get some answers.

Somewhere on the mountains was Ray and his henchmen. They dragged both Danny and Cadance to the ground as they groaned in pain. Then Danny looked at her.

"Who are you?" Danny asked.

"I'm Cadance. The Princess of Love, ruler of the Crystal Empire and the wife of Shining Armor." Cadance answered.

"Im Danny. But how did you get here?" Danny wondered.

"It's a long story. But I will say that I'm not in a happy place right now." Cadance said.

"Hey! Both of you shut up!!" Ray yelled.

We then cut to a train station where we see Roarke walking to here he needs to be and heard his phone ring. He then picked it up and answered it.

"Carrigan." Roarke said.

"I got your packages, but the cost of doing business with me just went up." Ray said.

"I don't understand." Roarke replied.

"What do you mean you don't understand? I want more. You understand that?" Ray asked.

"We have an agreement Carrigan." Roarke reminded him. "Changing the defined terms of an agreement is something we just don't do."

"You told me to get a kid and a pony. Not a problem. I've done that for people before. And I have history with his bitch of a mom so there's no better guy for the job. But what you didn't tell me is that I'd be walking into the middle of a goddamn horror movie." Ray said.

Roarke can only laugh at that. But Ray was annoyed.

"Oh you think that's funny to you? Four of my guys got turned into matchsticks last night by a dude, A dragon and some gals on motorcycles whose heads were on fire." Ray explained.

Now that caught Roarke's attention as he prepared to listen.

"Come again?"

"You heard me. I've seen things, weird things, bad things. But those things last night? No. I ain't bullshitting you." Ray explained.

"Put the boy and pony on the phone." Roarke ordered.

Ray nodded and went to them. He placed the phone on their ears and commanded them.

"You two. Talk." Ray ordered.

"Danny. Cadance, do you hear me?" Roarke asked. "I want you two to listen over closely. Listen to me."

"I will never listen to what you have to say. All I want is for you and your henchmen to let me and Danny go." Cadance growled.

He ignored her and spoke in a demonic language. Then suddenly Danny couldn't take it anymore of that talk and yelled making Ray drop the phone, make him and Cadance fall unconscious and his cronies back up in fear. Then Ray grabbed the phone and wiped off the dirt.

"What the hell was that?" Ray asked.

"Think of the child and pony as a sort of computer. You know computers, right? I just uploaded a little program. A firewall. Our friends on the motorcycles won't be able to sense them now, to track them. Of course, they still may be able to find you, so I suggest you keep moving." Roarke said as he ended the call.

Ray tried answering back but he wasn't there. That irritated the hell out of him and had him throw a temper tantrum. Then we flash back to Johnny and the gang as they all felt that. Then they decided to follow the lady so that way they could get some answers in hopes to find Danny and Cadance. But suddenly when they thought that they lost her she appeared and aimed a gun at them.

"Who sent you all to find me?! Is it the devil? The devil that walks among men? Does the devil own all of you? Answer me!!" She yelled.

"Whoa easy lady! We ain't working for him!! We just wanted to see if you needed help!" Rainbow said in defense.

"She's right. The kid, Danny. He's your son?" Johnny asked.

"Bullets can't hurt you all when you walk with the demons. But they'll do what they're supposed to right now. Tell me why I should trust you all." She threatened.

"Ma'am please. Put the gun away and we will tell you." Rarity said and she put the gun away. "Now I know it's tough right and we know you can't. But there's this creep named Ray who took Danny and also Shining's wife Cadance. If we don't find them and we'll never forgive ourselves and we be soon as dead."

"So if you wanna pull the trigger.....do it." Johnny said as he grabbed her rist and had the gun at his forehead.

"Are you crazy?! You can't seriously want that!!!" Applejack said.

Then Nadya realized that when she heard that name Ray she immediately backed off and looked at the group again.

"You said something about Ray having Danny and this Cadance. I know him. His full name is Ray Carrigan. And he's bad news. You all managed to track him down last night. Can you all do that again?" Nadya asked.

"We could feel him before. We could sense him and then nothing. And before you get the wrong idea no your son isn't dead. He's just blocked. But you know something." Johnny said.

"Roarke must have done something to block his presence. Ma'am if you wish to see him again then you have to let us help find him." Twilight said.

Nadya didn't want anyone to help. But the more she thought about it she was almost killed last night. So ultimately she decided it was better to take their help.

"Alright. You convinced me. You seem like a nice group. The name's Nadya by the way. Come. We better get going." She said.

So she lead the way as everyone followed her. Then we cut to them all on the road in a truck with Johnny's bike chained onto the back.

"Yeah, okay, well, let me just get something straight. Ray, the guy who kidnapped Danny and my wife Cadance and tried to kill you and blew us up with grenades but you two were like boyfriend, girlfriend?" Shining asked.

"Well somewhat. But Carrigan was a gunrunner, A drug dealer, A mercenary. I didn't care about that. I just saw a ticket out." Nadya started.

"Yeah ok. And Danny is like....?" Spike continued.

"Danny, what, is Carrigan's son? No he's not." Nadya finished.

"Honestly darling. Why be with that horrid man?" Rarity wondered.

"I wasn't with him. Also when you guys met the seducer, he offered you something." Nadya said.

"Yeah! He offered Johnny's dad's life! But shocker he flat out lied to us!!" Pinkie said.

"No kidding. But for me, it was only myself. It was supposed to be big for Carrigan, but it went bad. I made it out of a third floor window. I was choking on my own blood. I knew I was gonna die. I could feel it. And that's when he found me." Nadya explained as a flashback played.

"Roarke. He must have offered you something too. Like how he offered to cure the cancer and reveal Blackheart." Twilight realized.

"Yes. He promised to take the pain away to save my life. But then he asked for something in return." Nadya explained.

"A son?" Fluttershy answered.

"Maybe you can never understand. Like I don't know who this Blackheart guy is." Nadya replied.

"No we get it. You're the devil's baby mama. And I guess that explains why Moreau wants Danny so bad." Johnny said.

"And as for Blackheart he was the son of the devil that kidnapped Celestia and tried getting the contract of San Venganza. He almost succeeded with his plan but we managed to send that idiot back to the underworld." Rainbow explained.

"Moreau?" Nadya said.

"Yeah. Black, French, alcoholic priest, kinda of a dick. Know him?" Johnny wondered.

"He tried to help us. I didn't let him." Nadya said.

"Well considering were all after the same thing I suggest we work on our decision making. So where are we heading to?" Twilight asked.

"Someone I know. He does Carrigan's dirty work. He'll know where to find him." Nadya explained.

So they continued riding to the location to track down the guy Nadya knows in order to locate where Ray Carrigan is. As they did that Johnny explained why the devil uses his greatest power on Earth to live. The power of the deal. They really need to help Nadya save Danny. And they need Cadance back.

Author's Note:

So they got a new ally. But will it be enough to track down Ray Carrigan?