• Published 1st Apr 2024
  • 694 Views, 14 Comments

My Little Pony: The Ghost Rider 2: The Spirits of Vengeance - Big Imagination E

Johnny Blaze along with his new friends are back. And this time on a quest to save Cadance and a young boy from new demons of hell.

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Meeting Moreau and On the Job

In Eastern Europe a man was riding on his motorcycle and into a secret fortress that was under the watchful eye of the priests that run the place. Then the leader came to him. The man on the bike was none other than Moreau.

"Benedict. Is this true?" He asked.

"You have found the boy?" Moreau asked.


He was relieved that they found him. Then he went inside the place but he was still worried about the boy's sake.

"He's not safe here. Not to mention that this creep has some kind of horse." Moreau replied.

"Nonsense, this is a fortress. The full resources of the Order are at our disposal." Benedict assured.

"Respectfully Benedict, this Roarke dude wants this child. And whoever the horse is. Only one place is safe. That is the Sanctuary. The Rider and his team known as the Sinister Six must take them." Moreau said.

Benedict chuckled. "You do enjoy your wine, Moreau. In a few days the winter solstice will be past and with it the hour of the prophecy. Then the boy along with the pink pony will be of no use to anyone."

"By that time brother you will all be dead." Moreau joked as he gulped down more wine.

"This conservation is finished." Benedict said.

Suddenly they heard an explosion and guns firing. Only one thought came to mind when they heard all that. Bad guys have arrived. Everyone in the castle tried to fight them off but the bad guys gained the upper hand. They tried looking for the boy but with they don't know is that a woman named Nadya was escaping with her son and Moreau tried to reason with her that he can protect the boy but she wouldn't listen. Back with Benedict he tried hiding but then a gun was pointed at him and he saw a man who was the leader of all these thugs. This was Ray Carrigan and he was a drug dealer and mercenary who worked for Roarke. He did not look happy.

"Where are they?" He asked.

"Shut up!" Benedict yelled.

Then Ray saw a car break through the door and escaped. This made Ray really angry and shot Benedict in the head.

"That's just great. Guys! Get in the car and let's go after them!! The pink horse isn't enough for the boss!!" Ray shouted.

Moreau overheard that and ran down the steps and got on his motorcycle and rode off.

With Nadya she was trying to escape Ray and his henchmen from getting her son. Moreau was following them in hopes of trying to tell them that he needs to protect the boy. But Ray was hot on their trails and in the car there was a tied up Cadance struggling for life.

"You know! You can't just kidnap someone and expect to get away with it!! You let me go!!" Cadance shouted.

"SHUT UP BITCH!! I don't wanna hear anymore of your yapping! And who is this guy?" Ray said.

The chase was on and Ray was really getting irritated so he decided to get his gun and shoot at them. Then suddenly to their surprise a portal reopened and out came Johnny and his friends as Moreau jumped out his bike and in slow motion shot bullets at the car and made it trip over so Ray couldn't catch the boy. Then they all fell down off the highway and onto the ground. Now Moreau landed on his feet but for the others they hit the ground and went unconscious. When he saw them he sure was shocked and surprised.

"No way. Johnny. And those creatures. I better get them somewhere safe. No use resting out here." Moreau said as he carried the unconscious bodies onto a wagon and attached it to the bike.

With Johnny and the gang they all woke up and groaned a little due to the impact they made with the ground. Then they saw that the cuts and scars they got were healing. They didn't know how but they weren't asking questions. Then the door opened and revealed to be Moreau coming in and was in relief seeing the team alive.

"Oh thank God you guys are okay. I was really getting--" Moreau said.

But Johnny grabbed him by the jacket and threw him to a corner and the ponies stared at him angry.

"Who are you?" Johnny asked.

"Yeah. And how did you know that were in trouble and hurt?" Rainbow also asked.

"My name is Moreau. My brothers are dead as should I be, if not for the intervention of God. And you and Johnny Blaze, Spike and The Main Six also known as Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Applejack and Rarity. Oh and I see you have a new recruit." Moreau explained.

"That 'recruit' is my brother Shining Armor. And I don't know how you know our names but I can tell that you wanna use us for Roarke's evil deeds." Twilight accused.

"No I'm not using you. I just met you and your accusing me? Some hospitality." Moreau said.

"Go away." Johnny said as he released him and went to pack his stuff.

"I can't do that." Moreau said as he sipped down some liquor and threw the bottle at a window shattering it. It likes the dark places."

"We don't know what you're talking about." Johnny said as he continued packing.

"Yeah. Your a crazy nutcase who drinks all day. Now we need to get going." Applejack replied.

"I'm not crazy Applejack. And I know exactly what I'm talking about. The Rider, The Hell Dragon and the Sinister Six." Moreau started to explain getting everyone's attention. "You thought that you all can control it. Make it work for you, huh? That you all were stronger than this deep, hungry thing? This sickness."

Then Johnny grabbed his chain and caught him and Rainbow threw him on the ground.

"Why are you here?! What do you want from us?! Our magic?!" Rainbow yelled.

"No Rainbow! I don't want our magic! Listen please lemme go and I will tell you what I do want. But it is not your magic or the Elements of Harmony!" Moreau begged.

"Rainbow. Johnny. Let him go." Twilight said.

After the two of them calmed down Johnny took the chain and got it off him and Rainbow helped him up and got the dirt off him. She them flew to regroup with the rest of her friends.

"Sorry about that Moreau. Rainbow had a bad experience trusting someone before and it did not end well." Shining apologized.

"It's fine. At least you have a good heart. Just like your sister." Moreau said and Twilight smiled at his compliment. "Anyways I need your help and you kids need your souls. So we can make a deal. You know about making deals, don't you Johnny? Also nice bike."

"Thanks but the last time we made a deal it did not end good." Johnny said.

"He's right darling it was devastating." Rarity agreed. "But we are willing to help."

"Good." Moreau said as he took out a photo. "This child. He is in danger and for more than his life. Also they taken a pink horse that has wings and a horn and was not in a good place. You need to save them."

"Wait. Did you say a pink horse with wings and horn?" Spike asked.

"Yes. Some real bad people got her and they want the boy." Moreau answered.

"Well she's not a horse. She's an ailcorn and that is my wife Cadance. And Twilight's old foalsitter and sister in law. You saw them take her?" Shining said.

"Yes. That's why I need you guys to help me track those assholes down and save those two." Moreau answered.

"I don't save people. Even though I did save Celestia from Blackheart." Johnny admitted.

"Technically Johnny that's considered saving people." Spike reasoned.

"Dragon boy is right. What do you think brought you all here guys? Thousands of miles from your place of birth and your home in another dimension and your dark rebirth. You were all brought here for this." Moreau replied.

Johnny looked at the picture and so did the ponies and Spike.

"What's the boy's name if you don't mind us asking?" Fluttershy asked.

"His name is Danny. And the pony Shining said was know as Cadance?" Moreau replied.

"Yes. That's right." Shining said.

"So this little kid. What makes you think that we can find him and Cadance?" Johnny wondered.

"Because I'm willing to do something in return. That man that you met years ago that put the curse on you and your friends?" Moreau started.

"Wait? How do you know about Mephistopheles?" Twilight asked.

"The devil has many names. And he has lots of different demons that don't obey his orders. Like Roarke. He is the link that connects you to this child. Let the Rider, The Hell Dragon and the Sinister Six follow his stench. It will lead you all to the boy." Moreau finished.

"Ok then. But you said something about a deal you wanted to do in return." Johnny added.

"Oh right that. See the church of my masters happens to be an ancient one. And we are prepared to give you all the one thing you desire most of this world. So here's the deal. Save the boy and Cadance and we will lift you all from the curse." Moreau replied.

The gang all thought about it long and hard. Ultimately they did wanted to be free from this hellish curse and get their lives back. So they faced Moreau and gave him their answer.

"Ok Moreau. You have a deal. We'll do it." Shining said.

He shook his hand and so did the others. Then they all got ready as they headed off to complete their task.

Author's Note:

So they met Moreau. Little rough but they were willing to help him. And in return he will free them from the curse.