• Published 1st Apr 2024
  • 694 Views, 14 Comments

My Little Pony: The Ghost Rider 2: The Spirits of Vengeance - Big Imagination E

Johnny Blaze along with his new friends are back. And this time on a quest to save Cadance and a young boy from new demons of hell.

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The Rider Team Assembled and Trouble Brewing

Somewhere in Eastern Europe was a little village and we see Nadya with her son in a restaurant trying to enjoy a meal. She was staring at a man in a business suit and he noticed her staring at him. So he decided to sit with her in hopes of getting some answers from that.

"Hi. I noticed that you were staring at me." He said.

"Oh was i?" Nadya asked.

So the two was staring to have a conservation and it was a little weird cause she obviously did not know this man at all.

And I think it might be better if she didn't. Cause I think that's Roarke!

Anyways they continued talking til Danny returned back. Then the man in the business suit felt a little embarrassed and decided to leave. But Danny secretly stole his wallet and his mother winked and they left the restaurant. They went back to the car and were about to leave. But unknown to them was Ray and his cronies watching them. Back in the car Danny and Nadya were ready to go.

"Somebody's got a lot of explaining to do." Danny said.

"We won't always have to do this. Okay? I wanna make a life for you." Nadya replied.

"This is a life." Danny reasoned.

Nadya smiled and kissed him on the head. "I love you more then anything in the world."

"I love you too Mama." Danny said.

And so the two drove off. But then Ray started to follow them. Back with Johnny and and friends night time was rolling in and they started to feel the pressure of someone in danger and groaned because they knew that the Rider and his team known as the Sinister Six were starting to take over. Then suddenly they couldn't contain it and longer and they turned into The Ghost Rider, The Hell Dragon and the Sinister Six. Even Shining gained a Ghost Rider form. And Moreau heard all that screaming and went over to see if his friends were okay. But when he got there the building exploded and out the Riders went to track down the sinners. Moreau saw all of that and knew what was going on.

Back with Nadya and Danny she told her son to say in car and lock the doors. He obeyed and stayed in there. She went out and looked around to see where the crooks were. Then suddenly she got tackled by Ray's goons and Danny freaked out. Then suddenly the leader Ray himself got out of the car and went to her.

"Nadya. It's been a long time, pumpkin." Ray said.

"Carrigian." Nadya said.

"I see you're still an unbelievable pain in the ass." Ray replied.

"Look, I don't have time to deal with you! I got people after Danny and me. So just let me go. Let me go!!" Nadya begged.

"Babe. You don't fully understand. I'm the people after you." Ray corrected.

Nadya couldn't believe that this whole time he was the one after her. And when things couldn't get worse one of the goons grabbed her son as he tried fighting his way out but the crook gained the upper hand. Then Nadya unleased her inner warrior and tried fighting to rescue Danny and she too was outnumbered and fell to the ground. Ray could only chuckle at that.

"Unbelievable. Still the fighter." Ray smirked.


"Yes? What is it?" Ray asked.

"Please. He's my son. Let him go." Nadya begged.

"Oh I know that. But he's not mine. And part of you had to know that it might end up like this." Ray said.

Ray then took out his gun and when he was about to shoot her he along with his goons all hear some noises. Then an explosion was heard and out came all the Riders on their bikes and they landed in front of the bad guys. They all stepped off and were ready for a fight as the thugs quaked in fear.

"Alright shithead. Surrender now or face the wrath of all the Riders." Rider Rainbow replied.

"What the hell are those things?!" A thug shouted.

"I don't care what they are! Kill them!!" Ray ordered.

Then the thugs started shooting them but they felt no pain. Then the Ghost Rider unleashed his chain and killed two of them in an instant. Then Spike went to a third thug and breathed hellfire melting his skin as he screamed in pain. The other two could only watch in horror as this happened. Then Ghost Rider charged at the forth thug and grabbed him by the throat as he can only stared in horror.

"I feel hungry. Hungry for your soul!!!" Ghost Rider yelled.

He then started to make the thug feel true fear as he felt a burning sensation in his guts. But while he was doing this Ray told one of his men to get the slugthrowers. And as soon as a drop of Danny's blood fell on a rock The Ghost Rider exploded the previous goon and ran to the next two and fought them. Then The Sinister Six, Spike and Shining helped him out and killed the other goons. Then Ray and his henchman finally got the slugthrowers and blasted the Riders as it sent them flying and crashed into a car. But it wasn't enough to keep them down. Ray reloaded and as the Riders recovered he had one final thing to say.

"Get some." Ray said.

He fired at them and once it made impact the car exploded. Then they grabbed the boy and forced him in the car.

"Move! Now! Get him in the car!" Ray ordered.

They got him in and they drove off leaving Nadya on the ground to rot. Then everything went black. The bad guys may have gotten away this time but next time the Riders will come back stronger and will find them and rescue Danny and Cadence. But they may need a little extra help from someone in order to complete that task.

Author's Note:

Well that didn't work in their favor. But the Rider and his team are not giving up! One way or another they will rescue Danny and Cadance from those dirtbags.