• Published 3rd Feb 2024
  • 552 Views, 77 Comments

Starlight Glimmer Regrets Her Mistakes - MagicS

Now exactly how was Starlight supposed to know that a few changes to the past could cause the space-time continuum to collapse?

  • ...

Competition Not So Fierce

“I’m up,” Sunset raised her hoof in the air as she sharply glared at the Harlequin.

Starlight walked by her and gave her a high-hoof, leaning in to whisper to her. “Careful, he’s an idiot but there’s no telling what he might have in store either.” She nodded to Sunset and went to stand off to the side with Spike, Glimmer, and Moonlight.

“Nice work, I definitely would’ve tried cheating,” Moonlight grinned.

“That was a great job,” Glimmer smiled much more genuinely.

“Let’s hope Sunset can beat him now too,” Spike said.

“Well come on, come on over already!” Harlequin Rainbow clapped for Sunset and the fake audience joined in. “Oh I’m so excited to play against and beat the pathetic Sunset that couldn’t even figure out if she wanted to be good or bad. Compared to the real Sunset you’re not even second rate, you’re third or fourth rate.”

Sunset walked towards him with an angry glare on her face. “You know just a few days ago those words would’ve made me flip out. Primarily at Starlight. But I’m not the same pony I was. I’ve got my own life and I’m making what I want out of it. That’s real enough to me, even if it wasn’t the path I was meant to take from the start. So why don’t you shut up and pick the next game?”

“Ooooh, so haughty. That makes it even more fun when I beat you now,” Harlequin Rainbow snapped his fingers.

The blue curtain at the back of the stage came together and then parted once more to reveal a newly created two-lane bowling alley. The lacquered wood was so squeaky clean that it sparkled.

“Bowling? Seriously?” Sunset looked up at him.

“A true game of champions! Now come on, unless you’re already scared of losing?” He raised an eyebrow at her.

“Not even close. I’ve gone bowling with my friends plenty of time back home,” Sunset huffed as she walked up to the ball returner where several bowling balls were sitting. She rolled one of the balls over with her hoof and frowned. “Okay wait, how am I supposed to bowl like this? In fact, how is any pony in Equestria besides a unicorn expected to use a bowling ball? They still have finger holes!”

I have no problem. And you’re a unicorn so why not use your magic?” Harlequin Rainbow said as he picked up his own bowling ball. “We’ll play three frames.”

Sunset clicked her tongue and looked up at her horn. “I guess it’s never too late to figure out how to do this again...”

She grabbed the bowling ball with her hooves and tried to lift it up, accidentally dropping it on the floor where it cracked the tile. She winced and forced what magic she could into her horn—doing her best to remember her lessons and what used to be pure reflex. Her horn sparked and a colorful aura appeared around the bowling ball. Step one complete. Breathing out, she focused harder and managed to lift the ball back up and hold it in her hooves.

“Okay… magic used to come easy to me after all...” Sunset said.

“Wow, you’ve managed to use simple telekinesis. How impressive,” Harlequin Rainbow sarcastically congratulated her. “Just like before—I’m going first. So watch this Strike.”

Harlequin Rainbow stepped right up to the lane’s edge and pulled his arm back before swinging it forward and rolling the bowling ball onto the lane. The ball zoomed down the lane towards the pins at high speed, curving and spinning completely unnaturally before hitting the center pin dead on and crashing through the rest. Every pin was knocked over and left either spinning around or already thrown back into the throat of the lane.

“Strike,” Harlequin Rainbow grinned at Sunset.

“Someone really wants to win,” Sunset frowned and stepped up to her lane. She awkwardly carried the bowling ball with her, it being a little too heavy just for her magic right now.

“Want me to lift the bumpers up so you can’t get a gutter ball?” Harlequin Rainbow snickered.

“Haha,” Sunset rolled her eyes and stood up on her hind legs, balancing for a moment and chucking the bowling ball down the center of the lane like she was throwing a bag of trash in the dumpster. It bounced more than rolled as it headed towards the pins.

Harlequin Rainbow couldn’t stop himself from laughing as he watched.

Until it smashed into the pins and knocked them all over.

“Wooh!” Sunset cheered for herself.

“…huh,” Harlequin Rainbow scratched his head.

“Gonna roll again?” Sunset smugly raised an eyebrow at him.

His ball came back up from the returner and he nonchalantly grabbed it, getting ready for frame two. “Yes. And if you want a real chance at winning this game you had best try to get a Strike every time.”

This time there was no silly movement from his ball—it shot like a lightning bolt and practically obliterated the pins.

“Strike. Again,” he said to her.

“I don’t know if blowing up your pins should count…” Sunset snorted and got her ball again.

“They’re all still in one piece, it was just for theatrics,” Harlequin Rainbow shrugged.

“Whatever. I’m going to get those pins down my way,” Sunset said and this time put a little more magic into her horn, trying to levitate the bowling ball completely. She raised it over her head and threw it down the lane once more. “I’m gonna need to try this when I go bowling back home next time!”

The bowling ball thudded down the lane and smashed into the pins, once more knocking them all over.

“Yes!” Sunset jumped up in celebration.

“How does that keep happening?!” Harelquin Rainbow shouted in frustration.

“I’m just good at bowling I guess,” Sunset shrugged.

“Tch,” Harlequin Rainbow clicked his tongue and got his ball again, frustration clearly written on his face. He didn’t even take time to focus before unleashing his ball down the lane.

This time it was slightly off course though because of that and only blasted down nine pins instead of the full ten. A vein throbbed on his forehead as his ball came back and he quickly rectified the air, picking up the Spare.

“Oh, just a Spare huh? Well that’s almost as good,” Sunset held a hoof up to her mouth and laughed.

“Well you need a third Strike to win because I’ve just decided on a new rule—all ties go to me,” Harlequin Rainbow glared at her.

Sunset’s face fell but she only grumbled in annoyance before grabbing her ball again. “Okay, if that’s how it’s going to be then there’s only one thing to do.” She walked to the edge of the lane and took a deep breath, becoming much calmer than her previous tries. She placed the bowling ball down and gently pushed it forward with her magic.

Together she and Harlequin Rainbow watched as it slowly spun down the lane towards the pins. Instead of crashing into them it just sort of gently nudged the first few down which then fell into the ones behind them and then the ones behind them until all ten pins had fallen down once more. It was kind of a subdued way to end things but Sunset was more than satisfied with it.

“Turkey!” She shouted.

“How?!” Harlequin Rainbow held his hand out towards the lane. “You have to be cheating!”

“Excuse me? How could I be cheating? You literally made all this stuff,” Sunset scoffed.

“Oh shut up! Get back there with the others, take your stupid little win!” He grumbled and shooed her away.

“Gladly. It’s two to zero now,” Sunset proudly stuck up her head as she walked back to her friends where they all greeted her with smiles and hugs.

“Great job, Sunset!” Starlight said as she wrapped her hooves around her.

“Nice job bowling without fingers,” Spike gave her a thumbs up.

“I’ve never bowled before so I guess we got lucky with that one. I don’t think they even have bowling in Canterlot,” Moonlight said.

“Good job,” Glimmer said and hugged her briefly as well.

“Thanks guys. I think we’ve got this in the bag,” Sunset said to them.

“Puny dragon! You’re next!” Harlequin Rainbow yelled at them.

Spike frowned. “I guess he’s deciding the order now. Alright—wish me luck everybody.”

“Good luck, Spike!” Starlight said, joined by the others as they waved him off while he flew over to Harlequin Rainbow.

Spike plopped down and defiantly folded his arms in front of the tall Draconequus looking down menacingly at him, not showing any fear. “Bring it on.”

Harlequin Rainbow snapped his fingers and two portals opened up above him, dumping out a pair of stools and easels along with a stream of various paint brushes and tubes of paint that all landed perfectly in place. The portals closed back up a moment later and the stage lights once again all turned towards the new objects in the center of things.

“Painting contest,” Harlequin Rainbow said.

Spike scratched the back of his head as he looked at the easels and various painting tools. “Uh… I don’t think I’ve ever really painted before.”

“Exactly,” Harlequin Rainbow grinned.

“You’ve got this, Spike! Just do your best!” Sunset cheered for him.

“Let your creativity flow, Spikey-Wikey!” Rarity shouted from the audience.

“No chatter from the studio audience! Only applause is allowed!” Harlequin Rainbow yelled and Rarity immediately quieted down. “Anyways—let’s get to painting.”

“What are we painting?” Spike asked.

“Anything. We’ll both paint whatever we want for fifteen minutes and whoever has the better painting when time’s up will win,” the Draconequus smirked and sat down on his stool, several paintbrushes and tubes of paint floating up around him. “I’d get started quickly if I were you.”

“Art is subjective!” Moonlight shouted at him.

“The rest of you shut up too when you’re just spectating!” Harlequin Rainbow shouted at her, much more annoyed now after two losses.

Spike gulped and grabbed one of the paintbrushes and a few random tubes of paint, but he still had no idea what to actually create. Meanwhile across from him Harlequin Rainbow was already getting to work, several levitating brushes swiping and painting across his easel. And because they were facing each other Spike had absolutely no idea what he was painting. Spike frowned at he stared at his own blank canvas. What was something he could paint that would really get him passionate? Really make those creative juices flow. He looked down at his hand and saw that one of the tubes he had picked up was for purple paint. He looked at it deeply before staring at his blank canvas and nodded, now he knew what he wanted to paint.

Spike took a deep breath and blotched out some purple on the palette also provided to him before he got to work.

Compared to the previous two matches, this was almost completely silent as both Spike and Harlequin Rainbow focused entirely on their own painting and the audience was too nervous to say anything themselves now. Both painters went through all the colors of the rainbow and more as they diligently worked on their canvases. Splotches and drops of paint sometimes falling to the floor or dripping onto their hands. Not like you could really tell when it came to the tie-dye Draconequus but Spike was noticeably getting messy. He seemed really into it though and that was all anyone could ask for at the moment.

Starlight wasn’t exactly sure how this was going to be judged but she hoped the villain didn’t rig it.

Harlequin Rainbow himself was grinning the whole time, able to do many times as much work as Spike thanks to all the levitating paintbrushes working together. It was clear he was even more confident in winning this time than before.

“Five minutes,” he snidely said after ten minutes had passed.

Spike bit his lip and started to work faster, whatever he was painting was taking a lot of work. “Don’t rush it…” he told himself.

Spike’s eyes were glued to his canvas, his brow furrowed, and his paintbrush flowing over it with color after color being used. He wasn’t sure how good the painting was quality wise, but he was putting his all into it. He may not have ever taken any art classes but he cared about what he was painting right now and what was on the line.

“Time’s up,” Harlequin Rainbow announced and stopped.

“Done,” Spike said and dropped his brush, wiping away some sweat from his brow. “Whew.”

“Well alright then, I’m quite satisfied with what I’ve painted, let’s show them off,” Harlequin Rainbow said and turned his easel around so Spike and the audience could see it. What they saw on his canvas was almost incomprehensible to most of them—in fact only Twilight and Sunburst really knew what they were looking at. It looked to be almost a self-portrait but very broken up and angular with multiple levels of shading all around the tie-dye colors.

“Uh… what am I looking at?” Spike asked.

“It’s me, the best possible subject to paint, in the style of Cubism. Beat that,” Harlequin Rainbow smugly grinned.

“I guess I’ll try…” Spike shrugged and turned his easel around.

What everyone saw was a painting of Spike standing beside Twilight Sparkle and the rest of the Elements of Harmony, with Starlight Glimmer, Shining Armor, Big Mac, and Discord there too. It wasn’t painted super well, in fact it was painted fairly childishly and the ponies and other creatures weren’t exceptionally well-detailed, but the heart was there. They were all standing and smiling together, with a bright blue sky and the sun overhead.

“It’s my friends and family. And my Ogres and Oubliettes buddies. I figured painting who I love most I’d be able to make the best painting possible,” Spike said.

“Aww,” the ponies in the audience cooed.

Harlequin Rainbow rolled his eyes. “Yes, yes, but it’s clearly inferior to my painting in both style and talent.”

“I’d vote for Spike’s painting!” Starlight shouted to him.

“Well you’re not the judge here, I’m bringing in someone impartial,” Harlequin Rainbow said and snapped his fingers, a portal appearing above them and in-between the two paintings.

Out fell Amethyst Star, right onto her stomach. “Oof! What just happened?!” She grumbled and stood up, looking around in confusion. It didn’t take her long for her to realize the strange situation she was in. “Oh great, what have I gotten into now?”

“Forget about it, just look at these two paintings and tell us which one is better,” Harlequin Rainbow said to her.

“Uh…” Amethyst Star frowned and scratched her head as she looked at them both. At Harlequin’s she tilted her head back and forth a couple of times and shrugged, while at Spike’s she merely seemed unimpressed and disinterested. She sat down and thought harder while everyone watched her with bated breath. Until she nodded to herself and stood up. “I like the one with the smiling ponies more, it’s cute.”

“Yeah!” Spike pumped his fist.

“Oh thanks for absolutely nothing!” Harlequin Rainbow shouted and snapped his fingers, a portal appearing beneath Amethyst Star that she immediately fell into.

“WAGH!” The unicorn shouted as she vanished.

“Tch! Fine, take your third win and get back there with the others!” Harlequin Rainbow yelled at Spike and pointed at his friends. “And no gloating! This is outrageous!”

“Fine, fine, I’m going, sheesh,” Spike said and waddled off back to the others.

“Ms. Irrelevant! It’s your turn so hurry up and get over here!” Harlequin Rainbow yelled.

“He means me, right?” Moonlight pointed at herself.

Starlight smiled awkwardly. “Yeahhh...”

“Like I didn’t already figure,” Moonlight rolled her eyes. “I’m coming! And I’m not irrelevant!”

“You’re completely irrelevant. Especially compared to the others, didn’t you realize how out of place you are with them? Shouldn’t you have had the decency to know you were tagging along and being a fifth wheel? Pathetic,” Harlequin Rainbow snorted.

Moonlight’s hooves were shaking with anger for a moment before she gained a little control over herself. “Just start the next game. What are we doing?”

He reached behind his back once more and pulled two objects out—fiddles.

“Fiddle contest,” Harlequin Rainbow smirked and handed one of the fiddles and bows to Moonlight.

“Fiddles? Really?” Sunset raised an eyebrow. Glimmer just shrugged.

“Aint nothing wrong with fiddling!” Applejack cheered from the audience. “You saw that thing good, Starlight!”

“It’s Moonlight right now actually!” Moonlight yelled back to her. She looked at the fiddle and bow, turning it over and inspecting it before glaring up at the Harlequin. “So do we play at the same time and whoever can’t keep up loses or-”

“No,” Harlequin Rainbow propped the fiddle up on his shoulder and against his neck. “I will be playing my piece first and then you can play yours. Whoever’s fiddling is superior wins.” He chuckled. “This time I’ve got this in the bag and I’m about to show you why.”

He dragged the bow across the strings of his fiddle to create a single, sustained, note and then began to quickly cut across it to begin a strong, sizzling, country medley. The bowing was lively and exaggerated, he wasn’t just playing well on a technical level but was putting a lot of showmanship into it for excitement. Suddenly the melody would change from a fast-pitched dance tune to a harder plucking that would’ve signaled everyone to start stomping and clapping in step with the music. There were even some specific songs and traditional dance numbers that Applejack and Pinkie recognized that he started playing, suddenly molding them into his original tune to create an entirely new melody. All the ponies listening, even those not familiar with fiddling, had to admit his playing was both good and surprisingly passionate. It reached a crescendo as he sawed intensely on his fiddle, creating a fast and heart-pumping finale to his music before he finally slid the bow across the strings one last time to drag the finale out. Once he was done he pulled the bow away and took a bow.

The fake and invisible studio audience applauded him loudly, enough to make the ponies in attendance wince.

“Thank you, thank you, I am an amazing fiddler, I know,” Harlequin Rainbow grinned. He then shot a nasty glance at Moonlight. “Your turn.”

Moonlight exhaled through her nose, unimpressed, and stood up to get her fiddle in the right spot. “Alright then.”

She closed her eyes and slowly started to bow, dragging each note out at first almost like she was playing a violin but there was still a noticeably country twang to it. The intro was building up to something slowly but because of that it was already captivating.

Starlight and the others eyes widened in surprise as they listened.

“Do either of you know how to fiddle?” Sunset asked Starlight and Glimmer.

“Nope,” they answered.

Moonlight then sucked in a deep breath and swiftly began sawing at the fiddle relentlessly, already creating a faster-paced tune than anything Harlequin Rainbow played. It wasn’t just random jamming of the bow back and forth either, it was all a careful melody, an amazing tune just being played incredibly fast, the kind of song that made one want to grab a partner and start dancing.

She too played several classics purely from memory but at a higher level than even Applejack had heard any of her relatives play them. It was like she was at an Appleloosan party right now. Moonlight started to get really into it too, tapping one hoof on the ground and grinning madly while playing the fiddle with all her heart. Her short and fast bow strokes brought to mind the fastest paced dancing one could do, the ponies listening shaking in place just from hearing it. The sawing of her bow was getting intense enough where it almost seemed like some of the fiddle’s strings would snap. The country tunes she was creating were on a completely different level from the repeated songs that had been played earlier. And she was starting to get more and more original the longer she went on, reaching a fierce crescendo just like her opponent had but dragging it out even more despite how tired her legs must be getting. She flopped onto her back and started spinning around, pushing herself with her back legs, all while playing the fiddle at the same time. At the end of it she jumped back up and make a few last lightning fast short strokes before coming to a sudden end.

Moonlight breathed out as sweat poured from her brow, panting heavily she dragged a hoof across her forehead and grinned. She dropped the bow and fiddle to the floor and looked up at Harlequin Rainbow. “By the way—I’m an awesome fiddle player.”

“Get back in line,” he glared at her.

“Heh. Four to zero now,” Moonlight said and sauntered back to her friends.

Starlight stared at her in shock as she came back. “Where did you learn to fiddle?”

“Oh, back home there’s this obnoxious violinist who lives next door. I started to take up fiddling just to annoy her and her snobby musician friends,” Moonlight shrugged. “I hate Canterlot.”

Glimmer smiled but it wavered once she realized what had to happen now. “S-So I guess it’s-“

“It’s your turn, Empress,” Harlequin Rainbow called for her.

Glimmer gulped.

“You’ve got this,” Starlight said and placed a hoof on her back.

“Definitely, you can totally do this, you’re a way stronger mare than you think,” Spike said.

“But her Cutie Mark...” Moonlight whispered. “What if she can’t do something because it keeps her equalized?”

“Would it do that?” Sunset raised an eyebrow.

“Don’t worry about that,” Starlight said. “Glimmer, you’ve got this anyways.”

“Okay… at least someone believes in me even if I don’t,” Glimmer said and walked up to Harlequin Rainbow. “What are we playing?”

He snapped his fingers and another table appeared with a small box full of cards on top of it. A stool then sprouted up underneath Glimmer and forced her to sit down on it, right in front of the table. He then grabbed one of the cards from the box and grinned at her. “I saved you for last because I knew you were a guaranteed win for me. You’re the most pathetic of the bunch. What we’re doing is a simple trivia game, I ask you questions and you have to answer correctly. Get even a single one wrong and it’s over.”

“Oh! If it’s a trivia game let me sub in!” Twilight shouted from the audience.

A metal plate bolted itself over her mouth.

“Anyways-” Harlequin Rainbow leaned in and glared at Glimmer. “Do you understand?”

“Y-Yes,” Glimmer nodded.

“Good. First question then,” Harlequin Rainbow said and looked down at the card. “What element has the highest melting point?”

Glimmer’s eyes lit up and she smiled. “Oh—that’s easy, it’s tungsten.”

The card dropped out of his hand as he quietly spoke. “What… why... why do you know that?”

“Well I’ve been living with Twilight Sparkle for a while and pretty much haven’t been doing anything except staying in my room reading. That’s really the only thing I was doing to pass the time, and she has a huge library. I’ve kind of just been soaking up everything,” Glimmer said. “By the way the element with the lowest melting and boiling point is helium.”

Harlequin Rainbow brought a hand to his head, flat out perplexed and just disappointed rather than angry. “I don’t even...” He scowled and grabbed another card. “Next question: Granite is what type of rock?”


“What are the other types of rocks?”

“Sedimentary and Metamorphic.”

He grabbed a new card. “What are the highest forming clouds?”


“Largest weather phenomena?”


“What’s hotter, a lightning bolt or the sun?”

“A lightning bolt.”

He swatted the box of cards away. “What gets wet while drying?”

“A towel—but that’s not-”

“What has legs but doesn’t walk?”

“A table.”

“If you’re running in a race and you pass the pony in second place, what place are you in?”

“Second place.”

Harlequin Rainbow was completely seething as he glared down at Glimmer. “What’s the square root of one million?”

“Oh, um, just one thousand,” Glimmer shrugged. “That’s just simple math, it’s easy when you’re doing anything divisible by ten.”

“Arrrrggggghhhh!” Harlequin Rainbow roared and smashed the table. “Fine! You win!”

“Oh. Thanks,” Glimmer blinked.

“Hooray! We did it!” Starlight yelled and she and the others ran over to congratulate Glimmer.

“Great job, you nailed it!” Spike said to her.

“Wow, even without your Cutie Mark, really impressive,” Moonlight grinned.

“Nice going,” Sunset hugged her.

“T-Thanks… all of you,” Glimmer blushed.

Starlight then smirked up at Harlequin Rainbow. “Well, that’s five wins. You lose.”

The Harlequin glared down at her—before his eyes shifted to the side. “What do you mean? I said you needed six wins.”

“You so did not!” Starlight shouted at him.

“Yeah, what’s the big idea?” Spike asked, frowning.

“You need six wins,” Harlequin Rainbow defiantly put his hands on his “hips”. “Yes, six I say. And you have to win by two.”

“Well we’re already up by five already so...” Moonlight said.

“Shut up!” Harlequin Rainbow snapped his fingers and a baseball appeared in his hand. “Now we’re playing baseball, all of you on a team against me, you’re not winning this time!”


The loud rapport of Starlight’s bat smashing the baseball high over the field and into the stands rang out through the entire stadium. Her teammates cheered as they all started to run around the bases, Starlight bringing them home in a Grand Slam. Spike, on the sidelines, whistled and waved them all in.

Harlequin Rainbow dropped his glove and his jaw in shock as he stood on the pitcher’s mound.

“I turned the ball invisible! How did you hit it?!” He yelled in disbelief. “S-S-Seven! You need to win seven times! Baking contest!”

Spike pulled his newly created cookies out of the oven, sparkling with tiny gemstone chips.

Garble took one bite and gave him a thumb’s up. “Spike wins.”

“Arrggghhh!” Harlequin Rainbow threw his cake to the ground. “Dance contest!”

Sunset and Moonlight tangoed together across the dance floor, the stage lights overhead following their each and every move while the audience watched, thoroughly mesmerized. At the end of it, Sunset dipped Moonlight down low while Moonlight levitated a rose over and stuck it behind Sunset’s ear. Pulling her back up, the pair of unicorns took a bow to the sounds of applause.

Harlequin Rainbow meanwhile kept tripping over his clone’s feet. “Urgh… p-poetry contest!”

“-And to sleep, and to never dream, no, never again,” Glimmer somberly said as she finished up the last line of her poem. The response was muted but no less powerful from the creatures who had been listening and Spike even wiped a tear from his eye.

Harlequin Rainbow tore up his own poem. “Ice sculpting!”

Starlight’s perfectly tuned beams of magic carved up the large block of ice in front of her, for a while it was difficult to tell what she was creating but the intricate details soon emerged. The others watching her ooh’d in wonder as a perfect recreation of Canterlot Castle emerged from the block of ice. It was almost impossible to think that something could’ve been carved so well from ice but she had managed to do it. Starlight stepped away and admired her work with a pleased grin and nod.

Harlequin Rainbow’s ice sculpture of a flying pig paled in comparison.


Moonlight threw Spike to Glimmer, who he jumped off of and through a hoop while Sunset smashed a hockey puck with her stick into a goal and Starlight backflipped into a ball pit.

“Ten points!” Spike shouted.

“No way!” Harlequin Rainbow collapsed to his knees. “No way, no way, no way!”

Starlight climbed out of the ball pit and walked over to the others as they all came together. “Well looks like we won that game too.”

Harlequin Rainbow grabbed his head, his eyes spinning around as he pulled on his scalp. “NUTS TO THIIIIIIIISSSSSS!”

“Hey, they were your rules,” Starlight shrugged.

“Seriously. Sore loser,” Moonlight snorted.

“Yeah you couldn’t even win once,” Sunset said.

“It was pretty stacked in your favor too...” Glimmer said.

“I didn’t expect you to actually win though! I only said that because it would be funnier when you lost!” Harlequin Rainbow stood up and glared at them.

“Well you still lost, so keep up your end of the deal,” Spike folded his arms and glared right back.

“NO!” Harlequin Rainbow shouted. “That’s not happening! I don’t care that I lost, I’m not letting things go this way! I don’t care if it has to be boring now—if it comes down to sheer force, if I have to destroy you all myself, then so be it! Forget having fun, forget beating you fair and square in these silly games, I just want to obliterate you now and flood this world with chaos! You’re done!”

He snapped his fingers and the floor came alive, it turned into a wave that smacked into the five of them and sent them sprawling to the ground.

The captive ponies in the audience who didn’t have their mouths shut yelled out for their friends as they saw the situation start to take a turn for the worse.

“Starlight, look out!” Trixie yelled.

“Spike!” Rarity yelled.

Starlight got up and looked around, Glimmer and Moonlight right next to her while Sunset and Spike were getting up, but Harlequin Rainbow had disappeared. “Everyone—be careful!”

You don’t have to worry about them.”

The voice came right from under her hooves and Starlight looked down to see a dark, oozing, portal right beneath her. Harlequin Rainbow’s head popped out and he grinned at her.

“It’s just you I’m going to destroy right now,” a hand reached out and grabbed her leg, pulling her down.

“Starlight!” Glimmer yelled and grabbed her tail, also getting yanked in right as Moonlight grabbed on as well.

Together the three Starlight Glimmer’s were pulled into darkness—Spike and Sunset jumping right at the dark portal the moment it closed up and turned back into a normal floor. Spike looked on in horror, clawing at the floor, trying to dig into it, even though he knew that it was pointless. Sunset grimaced and shook her head, looking back at the Elements of Harmony and the others tied up in the audience. Now what?