• Published 3rd Feb 2024
  • 552 Views, 77 Comments

Starlight Glimmer Regrets Her Mistakes - MagicS

Now exactly how was Starlight supposed to know that a few changes to the past could cause the space-time continuum to collapse?

  • ...

Let's Take the Day Off

The mood as the four ponies and one dragon traveled through the space between worlds was much improved from last time. Everyone just felt good. It helped that everyone had actually gotten to know one another. Sunset and Spike got along better and she was no longer being nasty to him, Glimmer and Moonlight could converse like normal now and Moonlight didn’t seem quite so annoyed with everything. Starlight really thought things were going pretty well now. Their mission had been continuously successful and now their little party actually felt like friends. It was a pretty darn good feeling. The kaleidoscope of colors around them as they barreled to their next destination even felt a little softer too.

“Wonder where we’ll end up this time,” Spike said as the light ahead of them brightened up, signifying their approaching destination.

“Hopefully wherever it is we don’t get separated again,” Sunset said.

“Seriously, what was up with that anyways?” Moonlight asked.

“I don’t know, it wasn’t like that the other times I’ve traveled through here either,” Glimmer said.

“Discord said he didn’t know either,” Starlight shrugged. “But I’m not surprised weird things would happen considering what we’re doing. I’m not sure what the next world or timeline might be… I can’t think of any major changes that I made before meeting Lightning Dust in Canterlot that we haven’t already resolved.”

“It could be something small or totally unexpected that snowballed into something bigger. I mean, that’s kind of like what happened with Lightning Dust,” Spike said.

Starlight nodded. “That’s true—but there’s nothing we can do now except see what’s coming next.”

Discord stuck his head out of Spike’s bag. “And I’m getting tired of all this ferrying you around and being stuck in here—so hopefully we’re almost done.”

Starlight and the others ignored him as they reached the light and it completely overtook their vision…

Starlight dropped out onto the grassy ground.

Spike dropped out onto the grassy ground.

Glimmer, Moonlight, and Sunset fell on top of them.

“Agh!” Starlight groaned as she was buried under the other ponies. The five bodies now creating a tangled heap of limbs.

“Ughh… I think Discord made us come out like this on purpose…” Spike said, also squished.

“N-Next time, next time we’ll come out better…” Glimmer said.

“Um… howdy. Do y’all need a little help?” An unfamiliar country voice asked them.

The five of them turned to see a burly stallion of a light yellow complexion with a light red mane and tail curiously looking at them with green eyes. He wore a Stetson hat and had a split open apple Cutie Mark on his flank. Apparently they had fallen out from their portal pretty much right in front of him. Lucky that the pony they dropped in front of didn’t run off screaming…

“N-No need,” Starlight said as she extricated herself from the pile and stood up. “Sorry to surprise you like this, we um… we’re just traveling through.”

Spike meanwhile looked around as the others also finally stood up. “Wait a minute…”

“What brought you out to a place like Ponyville then?” The stallion asked. “Here to see the Summer Sun Celebration?”

Starlight blinked and also now realized where she was. “Wait.”

The five of them hadn’t landed just anywhere. They were in the middle of an apple orchard that spread all around them, covered in hundreds, maybe thousands, of the best and healthiest looking apple trees any of them had ever seen. Right now seemed to be the middle of harvest as the trees were bursting with plenty of apples. This was a farm and orchard that Starlight and Spike recognized very well, that even Glimmer recognized quite well too.

“This is Sweet Apple Acres,” Starlight said as she looked around.

The stallion’s face lit up with a bright smile. “You’ve heard of us? Well it’s really nice to meet you then!”

Spike gasped in shock as another realization hit him—he and Starlight had met this stallion before. Briefly. But they had met him.

“Bright Mac?” Spike tilted his head.

Bright Mac’s eyebrows shot up as he looked down at Spike. “You know my name too? But we’ve…” The wheels started to turn in his head as some vague memories resurfaced. “Wait a second… have we met before? I remember years back… a dragon and a lilac unicorn mare came by and helped out at our farm…” He gawked at Spike and Starlight. “Was that the two of you?”

“Applejack’s father…” Starlight mumbled.

“Um, yes, that’s right too,” Bright Mac nodded and looked behind the two of them at the three other ponies. “I… I get the feeling that something strange just fell into my farm.”

“C-Can we talk privately for a moment?” Starlight smiled awkwardly before grabbing Spike and the others with her magic and pulling them behind the nearest tree.

“Go right ahead…” Bright Mac muttered and stood there, a bit flummoxed.

“What’s going on here?” Sunset asked as soon as they got out of earshot.

“Yeah, seriously, what’s the big deal with being here and meeting that stallion?” Moonlight asked.

“It’s because that stallion should be dead,” Glimmer helpfully filled them in. “You don’t know her well enough, but Applejack, the Element of Honesty, her parents died years ago. Bright Mac being alive… the way he spoke and what he said about the Summer Sun Celebration being in Ponyville… he’s lived far longer in this world than mine.” She raised an eyebrow at Starlight and Spike. “And I’m assuming yours?”

Spike nodded. “Yeah. Bright Mac and his wife, uh, Pear Butter? Applejack told Twilight and I the story about them…”

“So we already know one big difference here then,” Moonlight said.

“That’s not a problem to fix though. What does the space-time continuum expect me to do in this situation? Kill them?” Starlight snorted.

“Yeah. No,” Spike frowned. “That’s definitely not going to happen.”

“Even I have to say I’m pretty against that idea,” Sunset said.

“So what actually needs to be done here though? You told us Discord always drops us off nearby the issue we need to fix,” Moonlight said.

“I don’t know. We’ll have to figure things out ourselves,” Starlight shrugged. “I’m not letting a horrible tragedy take place here though. There’s nothing harmonic about that.”

“Can we maybe stop talking like this then and making him suspicious of us? Because if I was him right now I’d be getting ready to alert the authorities,” Glimmer said.

“Good point,” Starlight said and nodded. “Well, I’m going to go back and tell him what we’re doing here.”

“Wait—you’re going to tell him we’re from another dimension?” Spike asked.

“Yep. I know you think it might seem stupid but I honestly don’t think there’s anything to lose by telling the truth. We might as well be honest, make friends, and figure this out. At the very least we clearly aren’t in an Equestria that’s facing an immediate crisis. Let’s just… make some friends for now,” Starlight said.

Spike scratched his head. “I mean… that’s not as dumb as your usual suggestions I guess?”

Sunset grinned and gave him a high-five.

“Thanks,” Starlight rolled her eyes. “I’m pretty sure he’d notice that Glimmer, Moonlight and I aren’t just triplets quickly enough too.”

“Um, Bright Mac? Not that I’m disagreeing with your Apple family hospitality, but do you really think they’re telling the truth about everything?” Pear Butter asked her husband as their living room was taken up by several unexpected guests. “This whole situation is a little bit strange.”

“I know it seems weird and impossible but… have you ever seen two identical mares with identical Cutie Marks? And a third one with that same Cutie Mark hanging around her neck? There’s definitely something special about them. Not to mention dragons are rare enough around here and-” he looked at Sunset. “Well uh, she’s normal I guess. Anyways—that Starlight and Spike, they’re definitely the two who came here those years back. I’m sure of it. And they haven’t aged one bit. They gotta be telling the truth.”

“I suppose there are plenty of other strange things we’ve seen while living in Ponyville...” Pear Butter sighed. It’s not like she was against them being here, she was just understandably confused.

“At least they didn’t end up here the day of the Summer Sun Celebration. That would’ve been a real mess,” Bright Mac chuckled. “Let’s just treat them like we would any guests for the time being.”

“I just wonder what sort of “harmony problem” needs fixing around here...” Pear Butter wondered.

Meanwhile, the living room table in the house of the Apple family was indeed quite busier than normal. After all it had practically double as many ponies as it was used to sitting at it.

“So you’re really triplets and you all three got the same Cutie Mark? Wow! That’s amazing! I aint ever heard of nothing like that,” Apple Bloom said as she talked to Starlight, Glimmer, and Moonlight.

“Y-Yeah, it was very special…” Starlight said, grinning at the filly.

Bright Mac had elected to not tell Apple Bloom the truth of the matter after going over things with Starlight—due to being pretty sure she’d almost immediately try and tell every other pony she knew.

Glimmer and Big Mac were sitting next to each other, the two most taciturn of the groups having a perfectly nice time just not talking. Sunset had offered to help Granny Smith out with getting the food and table ready after recognizing her as the helpful cafeteria lady back from her home. Applejack and Moonlight were actually talking a little bit about how neither one of them liked Canterlot ponies. Things were actually pretty dang decent here at Sweet Apple Acres. And of course because everyone else was busy, curious Apple Bloom had been bombarding Starlight and Spike with questions.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen a dragon before either, where’d y’all come from?” Apple Bloom asked the both of them.

“Umm… we’re all from out of town… kind of from all over...” Starlight awkwardly rubbed the back of her neck.

“I thought dragons were supposed to be bigger too though,” Apple Bloom tilted her head at Spike.

“Maybe one of these days...” Spike sighed.

“Apple Bloom, be a little more courteous to our guests,” Pear Butter said as she came up to the table.

“I’m just curious...” the filly pouted.

“It’s really not a bother either. It’s kind of nice just having a normal conversation,” Starlight smiled.

“Heh, thanks for being so kind to our little one,” Bright Mac said, walking up and ruffling Apple Bloom’s mane.

Granny Smith suddenly whistled and banged a wooden spoon on an empty pan to get the attention of everyone else. “Alright, alright, enough chitter chatter! It’s time to eat!”

With the help of Sunset’s newly practiced magic, several plates and bowls of food were brought over to the crowded table. Apple pies, apple fritters, apple muffins, apple brown betties, and just plain apples covered near every inch of the tablecloth. There were a couple of non-apple related dishes but they were easily outnumbered by the fruits of the farm. Starlight and Spike sat side by side at one end of the table—directly opposite from Granny Smith, while the rest of the Apples scrunched up closer to that end and their group squeezed onto the other.

“I’m glad we could share this meal with a couple of old friends and a few new ones as well,” Bright Mac said before the actual eating began. “Cause that’s the Apple family way.”

“Sure is, Pa, now let’s dig in!” Applejack cheered with gusto.

“Applejack, show a little more manners,” Pear Butter sighed but smiled right after.

“Aint nothing wrong with showing some new mares—and uh, a new dragon—how the Apple family likes to chow down at the kitchen table. Hay, if we held back it’d just be plum dishonest!” Applejack said. “Sides, there’s more than enough food for everyone.” She finished and took a big bite of apple pie.

The rest of the ponies at the table more or less agreed with that sentiment and started to eat as well. A few small conversations went on, some curious questions were asked, but for the most part the two groups merely enjoyed each other’s presence and the food.

A happy realization struck Starlight and she smiled as she watched it all.

“I understand it now,” she quietly said.

Spike heard her and glanced up with a raised eyebrow. “Huh?”

“I know what needs to be done here, Spike,” Starlight said.



“Uh… what?” Spike asked again, still confused.

“Nothing. We’ve already changed what needed to be changed here. We’ve already made things more harmonic… better,” Starlight said to Spike as she looked at Bright Mac and Pear Butter, then at the faces of Granny Smith, Big Mac, Apple Bloom, and Applejack. “Of all the changes I made, whether my intentions were totally noble or not, whether I meant to make any changes or not, this is the one wholly good one. The one truly better world we’ve stumbled into. I don’t think Discord even brought us here on purpose… I think it was just fate. I think it was just something we needed to see.”

She sighed in contentment as she watched her friends and the Apple family. “I’m not going to let this enable any of my bad behavior… but this sure does make me happy.”

Spike watched them too and a smile crawled up his face as well. He nodded. “I think you can at least give yourself a small pat on the back for this one. It makes me pretty happy too.”

“Are you sure about this?” Glimmer asked.

“About fifty/fifty,” Starlight replied.

“But even if we don’t have anything to do here shouldn’t we just go as soon as possible?” Sunset asked.

“Normally I’d agree with you but after the last two worlds we visited? How rushed we were and everything we went through? I think you girls deserve a little rest,” Starlight said.

You girls?” Moonlight raised an eyebrow.

“Yes—give me the benefit of the doubt, I’m not being selfish here. I want you to just have a nice day where we aren’t facing the fate of all reality,” Starlight rolled her eyes.

“I’ll put in a good word for Starlight too,” Spike interjected. “Discord said that the more we fix the more stable things will have become everywhere. With all the worlds we’ve helped, the space-time continuum should be doing much better. I think just taking one day to relax is alright. And I’ve usually been the one trying to keep her focused.”

“That is true...” Sunset considered.

Starlight smirked. “So come on, let’s take the day off here and have some fun with our new friends.”

“Just relax? Help around the farm a little?” Moonlight asked.

“We should help around a bit, I don’t want to impose on them anymore than we already have,” Glimmer said.

“I can guarantee the Apples will be kind enough to show us a good time whatever any of us to decide to do,” Starlight said.

“I’ll make sure Apple Bloom doesn’t feel left out of anything either. After all, I’ve got enough experience with knowing what that feels like,” Spike said.

“Okay, I’m sold,” Sunset shrugged. “Let’s have ourselves a little vacation.”

“Wait, let’s still not use that word,” Spike said, grimacing.

“I’m going to go find Applejack then and talk to her about how much Canterlot sucks. She seemed to be getting a kick out of that earlier,” Moonlight shrugged and wandered off.

“She’s probably somewhere in the orchard bucking trees!” Starlight called after her.

“I’m just… I think I’m just gonna go for a rest outside. I just want to sit down somewhere bright and warm and relax,” Glimmer smiled. She waved to the others and started walking towards the front door of the house, likely going to spend her afternoon on the porch or out by the trees somewhere.

Sunset rubbed the back of her neck as she looked at Starlight nervously. “Do you mind if I… do you mind if I go into town and look around? I promise I wont do anything I just want to sight-see. From what I’ve heard, most of the people I know back at school are ponies from Ponyville. I just… I think it would be cool to see them.”

“You know a couple of worlds ago I would’ve said no. But I trust you, Sunset,” Starlight smiled. “Just don’t get into any big conversations or anything. We need to not really make any changes or do anything here this time around.”

“Thanks,” Sunset smirked and saluted. “I’ll be back in a couple hours.”

“I really do think this is going to be a good day, Spike,” Starlight said as Sunset left.

“Me too,” Spike said and looked up at her. “So what are you going to do then? Me and everyone else already got ideas, what about you?”

Starlight’s eyes glanced over at a picture on the wall. It was a family photo from a few years back when Apple Bloom was still a baby, being carried by her mother. But all of the Apple family was still smiling happily at the camera. “I think I just want to talk to Bright Mac and Pear Butter until we go.”

“Heh, I bet they have a lot of stories to tell. Plenty of time to fill you in on,” Spike said.

Starlight nodded. “Oh yeah. Have fun with Apple Bloom, I think… I think it’s best if we spend the night here and get some actual good rest. Then we can leave first thing tomorrow morning.”

“For as much as time and tomorrow means anything when we’re doing what we’re doing,” Spike smirked.

“Make as many clever comments as you want before we’re done,” Starlight giggled.

And soon each member of the group was having their perfect relaxed day here in the one good timeline. It was something they all deserved too—Starlight was an adamant believer in that. While her own day was progressing, and she was enjoying the friendly conversation she was making with Bright Mac and Pear Butter, she wondered if she should probably not tell anyone back home about this world. Applejack might… not have the best reaction. But it was probably giving her a more profound view and knowledge of one of her close friends, a different sort of appreciation. Either way besides what she was doing—she also saw the others throughout the rest of the day. Spike and Apple Bloom were having a ton of fun just messing around, Glimmer was for one of the first times since she stopped being an Empress just lying down and relaxing without a care in the world, she saw Moonlight and Applejack wandering through the trees together, chatting about who knows what, and it was getting late when Sunset finally arrived back after spending time in town, the other unicorn looking quite pleased and fulfilled.

Starlight wasn’t surprised at all that when she asked if they could spend the night here Bright Mac and Pear Butter immediately responded in the affirmative.

There was plenty of guest room even for the five of them as well, no surprise there with all the family reunions and parties commonly held at Sweet Apple Acres. If the Summer Sun Celebration was soon they were probably getting ready for a big party in the first place well before Starlight and the others dropped in. As Starlight slept she kept a smile on her face the entire time. There was nothing to worry about this time, nothing to be stressed out about, nothing looming over their heads. It was more than just something for her—despite Moonlight’s cynical response, Starlight really wanted to give this gift to the others. They, who didn’t have quite as nice lives to go back to as she did when this was all over, deserved a quiet day of fun.

When morning came around though it was of course time to leave, they still had to save the space-time continuum after all.

“You gotta go so soon?” Bright Mac asked Starlight as the Apple family and the group of friends stood outside the farmhouse.

“Sorry—but yeah,” Starlight smiled apologetically. “Duty calls and all.”

“Huh? I thought you were all just traveling through before the Summer Sun Celebration?” Apple Bloom asked.

Starlight coughed. “Yeah, right, exactly…”

As Apple Bloom looked back at her curiously, and Applejack smiled, Starlight realized something problematic.

“You’ve all… it was a nice day we spent together, wasn’t it?” Starlight asked them. Spike noticed a change in her tone and also raised an eyebrow at her, but Starlight ignored him for now.

“Sure was!” Bright Mac happily replied, looking to his wife. “Right?”

“That’s right, it was great to see you again,” Pear Butter said.

Starlight rubbed the back of her head. “Won’t be forgetting us anytime soon, will you?”

“No way!” Applejack proudly said, shaking her head.

“Yeah, that’s what I thought…” Starlight sighed, and even Glimmer, Moonlight, and Sunset now realized something was up. She looked down at Spike. “Spike? Don’t flip out immediately alright?”

“What are you-” Spike started to ask but before he could finish, Starlight lit her horn up and aimed it at the Apple family.

It wasn’t a beam of magic. It was just a flash. It sparkled right into the eyes of the Apples just like a camera. Their pupils dilated and they all stood up straight, eyes glazing over and going silent, vacantly staring ahead.

“Uhhh…” Sunset said.

“Starlight! What did you do?!” Spike yelled.

“I told you not to just flip out, Spike,” Starlight frowned. “And you can relax, they’re just stunned for a little bit. It’s a simple spell.”

“But may I ask why exactly you decided to stun our new friends?” Glimmer asked her, looking plenty annoyed herself.

“Because I need to remove us from their memories,” Starlight answered.

“What for?” Moonlight frowned.

“Yeah, seriously, what’s going on?” Sunset questioned.

“Think about it, you should understand this quickly too, Spike, what happens when Applejack here meets Twilight Sparkle in a few days?” Starlight said.

Spike’s eyes widened. “She would… she’d see this world’s me with her.”

“And she’d mention that. And Twilight would be surprised. And since we told Applejack and everyone but Apple Bloom about where we’re from, the incessantly curious Twilight Sparkle would never be able to just let that go. Not only that, but what if it changes Applejack’s relationship with Spike and Twilight? What if later on when she meets the me from this world something else unexpected happens too?” Starlight sighed. “We can’t let our presence here change things. So it has to be like we were never here to begin with.” She looked at Sunset. “Your trip into town is okay because no one there was ever going to meet you anyways.”

“Is it really necessary?” Glimmer asked.

“Absolutely,” Starlight nodded. “This timeline can’t be mucked up by our being here. It’s the exact opposite case of the other worlds we’ve visited—we can’t let anything change. I’ll remove us from their memories and they’ll wake up soon thinking yesterday was just like any other.”

Spike scratched his head in consternation. “To be fair, I’m pretty sure Apple Bloom would’ve immediately told the whole school about how she met a dragon today…”

“Oh yeah, you know those Crusaders,” Starlight nodded with a small smile. “Guess I should get started…”

“Darn, I told Applejack a bunch of secrets she could use against those jerks from Canterlot if she ever met them. Oh well,” Moonlight sighed.

“That’s probably good to remove anyways,” Starlight frowned.

“Well at least they’ll still be friends in our hearts…” Glimmer said.

Sunset smirked and put a hoof around Glimmer’s shoulders. “Yep. That’s not so bad.”

Starlight, being Starlight, was able to do her job simply enough and left each member of the Apple family standing in front of their home when she was done. They were still vacantly staring ahead but that portion of the spell would wear off in under an hour. Then it would be like their visit never happened and this world could go on just like it was. In the end, that was probably the best outcome. They didn’t need dimension hoppers here.

To get out of the open, the group traveled a bit into the trees and Spike woke up Discord.

The living flute yawned. “That took a bit longer than usual—what happened here?”

“Not as much as you’d think,” Starlight smirked. “Mind opening up that portal for us again?”

“Of course. Anything to get this over with quicker so I can go back to being my lovely self. I’m getting a little tired of being a wooden flute stuffed in a tiny dragon’s bag,” Discord snorted and snapped his fingers, blue portal opening up.

“Don’t blame me for any of this,” Spike grumbled. “Most of this was your own decision, you know?”

“Yes, yes, let’s just go,” Discord said.

Spike rolled his eyes and was the first to jump into the portal with Discord in hand. Sunset smiled and hopped in right after. Moonlight took one last look at the apple trees before sighing and jumping in as well. Glimmer turned her head to Starlight and smiled, giving her a small nod before daintily stepping into the portal. The unspoken words between the two of them carrying a lot of weight. And lastly, Starlight walked into the portal as well—leaving her one good change behind.

For a moment she thought she saw a tie-dye pony smiling at her as the portal closed up.