• Published 3rd Feb 2024
  • 552 Views, 77 Comments

Starlight Glimmer Regrets Her Mistakes - MagicS

Now exactly how was Starlight supposed to know that a few changes to the past could cause the space-time continuum to collapse?

  • ...

Take A Step Out Your Door

The train ride to Canterlot was a mostly quiet one. The girls, and Spike, finding that they didn’t have much to talk about right now.

“So-” Moonlight suddenly said. “Who wants to bet that things are going to get far more complicated than we expect?”

“No,” Starlight frowned.

“Nobody wants to do that,” Glimmer said.

“Uhh...” Sunset slowly raised a hoof. “I’ll bet on that, actually.”

Starlight rolled her eyes and looked out the window. “Can we maybe not?”

The lands between Ponyville and Canterlot rolled by peacefully, showing that at the very least they had come to another Equestria that was doing well. Spike joined her in looking out the window, waiting to see when the mountain would become visible. The fact that this was their last trip had them both relieved. Once they made it to Canterlot and stepped off the train things would pretty much be over. That’s what they hoped at least. Convincing Twilight Sparkle to move closer to her friends shouldn’t be difficult at all compared to deposing a few tyrants and fixing a mentally drained Celestia and solving the madness of that world where she’s an Alicorn Princess.

She probably shouldn’t put those thoughts into words and jinx it. Nobody would appreciate that.

“I think it’s kind of anti-climactic though if it ends like this. It feels like something more should be happening...” Moonlight sighed as she slumped in her seat.

Sunset smiled and put a comforting hoof around her shoulders. “I think someone’s just a little upset they didn’t get a big moment to shine. Am I right?”

Moonlight snorted. “A little. It’s not just a big moment—it’s not like you really had one either—but I haven’t gotten what I wanted out of this trip yet...”

“I know you were talking about that earlier, don’t worry about it too much. We’ll find something, you’ll find something, even if it has to be at the party at the end of all of this,” Glimmer said.

A small smile graced Moonlight’s features. “Thanks, I suppose.”

“We’re coming up on the mountain, should be at the station soon,” Spike said as he continued to look out the window.

“Good—I really want to finish this today if we can,” Starlight said.

“Where does Twilight Sparkle actually live here in this world?” Sunset asked. “The castle? With her parents?”

“Our world’s Twilight lived in the castle because Celestia didn’t like her to be out of her sight,” Moonlight rolled her eyes.

“This world should be closer to mine and Starlight’s world—and if that’s the case I know exactly where she’s living. I can take us all there once the train stops,” Spike said.

Starlight grinned. “Lead the way, Spike.”

The train chugged up the mountain to the busy Canterlot station right at the edge of Equestria’s capitol city, eventually coming to a stop at the end of the line. When the five of them stepped off they saw that Canterlot looked pretty much the same, just like Ponyville. A busy day like any other with a capitol full of ponies coming and going. Starlight and Spike saw a lot of ponies they recognized from the upper crust of Equestria. The normal scene lent more credence to the fact that this was an Equestria close to how their’s had been at one point.

“Okay, follow me everybody! Let’s go save Twilight Sparkle!” Spike shouted and pointed ahead.

“It’s not that exciting,” Sunset said.

“Hopefully,” Glimmer added.

Their trip through Canterlot was at least a lot better than last time. Not only was the sun out and shining happily down on them, the city wasn’t a gigantic garbage-filled slum.

“Eugh, I still hate this city,” Moonlight stuck out her tongue in disgust.

“It’s not that bad,” Starlight said.

“It’s stuffy and the ponies are annoying.”

“It’s a lot nicer in our world,” Spike shrugged.

“I haven’t been to my Canterlot since, um, the change. So I’m not really sure what it’s like in my world,” Glimmer said.

Sunset looked around the buildings and at the ponies. “It’s... nice, and pretty, but kind of boring to the cities back in the human world. I wish there was a mall here.” She sighed. “And I haven’t had a cigarette in forever now...”

“Good. Maybe you’ll stop needing them,” Starlight said.

“But I want them,” Sunset whined.

The others ignored her as Spike continued to lead them through the now busy streets of Canterlot. They at least didn’t get stopped by anyone or have anything else come up. If it wasn’t for the last world they visited, Starlight would probably consider this the most normal trip they had had so far. And after last world her mood was still up too, all of them still felt like that, they felt good, they felt confident. This was going to be the cherry on the sundae. Even Moonlight still felt good about their success and what they were doing, even if she wanted a little more out of their journey.

They reached one of the more noble and elite sections of Canterlot, which was funny when thinking that it was Twilight Sparkle of all ponies that lived here, and Spike led them right up to her door.

“This is it,” Spike gestured to the unassuming door.

“Alright then, let’s get this finished up and give Twilight Sparkle a happier life,” Starlight said and swiftly knocked on the door a few times.

“What if she’s not even home?” Moonlight asked.

“Uhh...” Starlight didn’t have an answer for that.

It didn’t need to be answered though as a familiar voice shouted from inside the house. “Coming! I’ll be right there!”

The five stood there for a moment right up until the door was swung open and a smiling Twilight Sparkle stood there. Her mane was a little ragged, with a few stray hairs curling up, but her smile was genuine and welcoming.

“Hello! How can I help-” she looked down and noticed Spike. “You? Um—Spike? Weren’t you just-”

“Who is it, Twilight?” Another familiar voice came from behind her and Spike came waddling into view, standing in the entryway to their home along with the unicorn.

This Spike’s eyes widened when he saw his double and Twilight similarly was very confused as she kept looking back and forth between the two of them.

“What’s going on?” Twilight asked.

“Allow me and my friends to explain,” Starlight said, smiling warmly at Twilight. “May we come in?”

Twilight looked at her and then at the two nearly identical mares behind her. “I... yes, you may. Although it certainly looks like a lot of explaining needs to be done.”

“I’ll keep it concise. I’m good at that,” Starlight grinned.

“That is absolutely absurd and not scientifically possible. You expect me to believe any of what you just said?”

“Well if you care about science I expect you to believe your eyes and ears right now,” Starlight’s eye twitched.

“Yeah, Twilight... I mean he does look just like me,” this world’s Spike said, doing an odd mirror routine with Spike. “Aside from the wings. Do I grow wings one day?”

“Sure do, just give it a year or two,” Spike gave him a thumb’s up.


Twilight frowned, looking hard at Starlight, Glimmer, Moonlight, and Sunset. “It’s all so absurd... but I can’t exactly come up with another possible solution for you all being here unless someone is going out of their way to play the biggest practical joke of all time on me.” She glanced at the triplets. “The three of you... there’s never been any case ever recorded of two ponies with the same Cutie Mark.” She looked at Sunset. “And the things you’ve described could only be the truth or the ravings of an absolute madmare. And you don’t seem insane to me.”

“Thanks,” Sunset sarcastically replied.

“I’m telling you the truth. It’s all true,” Starlight said.

“Alright. So you’re a group from multiple different dimensions who have traveled through multiple other different dimensions on a mission to save reality. Let’s say I do fully believe that. But why are you here in this world then? Why did you come to me?” Twilight asked.

“Well let me ask you another question first-” Moonlight interrupted. “Are you happy right now?”

Moonlight,” Starlight frowned.

“What?” Twilight Sparkle furrowed her brow. “Of course I’m happy, why wouldn’t I be?”

“Then let me ask you this—how many close friends do you have?” Moonlight persisted.

“Stop that,” Glimmer put a hoof over her mouth and looked at Starlight. “Continue.”

“Er, what she means with all of that is why aren’t you living in Ponyville? Why aren’t you living closer to all your friends? We know you’re the Element of Magic and you became the Elements of Harmony with them. So why are you still living here in Canterlot?” Starlight asked.

This world’s Spike stopped messing with his near double and glanced up at Twilight, a slight look of worry etched on his face.

“I... um... well does that really matter?” Twilight awkwardly grinned and chuckled.

The unconvinced faces staring back at her told her all she needed to know.

Twilight deflated slightly and sighed, glumly looking down at the floor. “I suppose it does.”

“What’s the matter?” Sunset asked. “What’s the full story behind this? You can start from the beginning.”

“I never thought it was much of a story to tell. But apparently I was wrong,” Twilight thought for a moment before nodding, chiefly to herself, and began to tell her guests about what had happened. “Princess Celestia told me about the Summer Sun Celebration in Ponyville, and there I found my friends and we stopped Nightmare Moon together. But unfortunately I didn’t have a place to live in town. The Princess had told me about that, she said I would have to find a place to stay for the time being and then a more permanent residence if I wanted to stay. At first I scoffed but once the day—er, night—was over, I really wanted to stay there in Ponyville. Applejack and Pinkie Pie both offered me a room if I wanted but I told them that first of all I didn’t want to impose and secondly I still needed to gather a lot of things from Canterlot and bring them here. So I told my new friends that I’d be in Canterlot for a little while longer still working on new living arrangements for when I came back to Ponyville.”

“And for some reason...” Starlight trailed off.

“I...” Twilight frowned. “It got to me on the train ride back to Canterlot. I was so happy but then when I really thought about things, when my friends weren’t around anymore, I got... worried. What if things didn’t turn out well? What if we all started living in Ponyville only for one of us to have a falling out? What if when they got to know me better they stopped liking me? They knew each other for years at that point but I had only known them for a day! What if when they actually spent time with me they thought I was boring, or rude, or annoying, or not a good fit? We... we got along so well just in that small brief moment, I didn’t want to ruin it. I didn’t want to take the chance that I could lose everything. I’m not used to having friends, I didn’t want to screw things up!”

“So instead you stayed in Canterlot, making excuses and only going to Ponyville every now and then?” Glimmer said. “You didn’t want them to get too close to you so you kept things superficial. And your friends are far too nice and friendly themselves to really notice or think anything else of the matter.”

“Reminds me of myself when I first moved to Ponyville a little bit,” Starlight said.

“Did you really think things would go that badly?” Sunset asked her.

“I don’t know!” Twilight screeched and pulled at her mane. “I know my friends are nice—but what if they don’t think I’m nice? They’ve all had plenty of friends before, how do I know I wouldn’t do something wrong?”

“They’d tell you and forgive you because they know you mean well,” Spike said.

“That’s pretty much exactly what I’ve been trying to tell her,” other Spike nodded.

“Twilight-” Starlight came up and put her hooves on the other mare’s shoulders. “You’re too scared. You’re letting the fear of losing your friends keep you from ever becoming truly close to them in the first place. You have to get over this.”

“Why? Why should I?” Twilight frowned and pushed Starlight away. “Things aren’t perfect exactly but they’re still good. We exchange letters, we meet up at least once a month, sometimes I spend a few days visiting Ponyville or they come here for a while. I still have friends even if we aren’t as close as we could be. A-And maybe I like it that way. Maybe I don’t want to risk things!”

“That’s stupid!”

The shout from Moonlight surprised all of them, the other six in the room staring at her in shock.

The unicorn’s eye twitched as she walked up to Twilight and started shaking her by the shoulders. “You could have the best friends any pony could ever ask for and you’re scared?! Are you kidding me?! Do you have any idea how much it sucks to not have friends? How awful it is to be stuck with some boring half-flanked acquaintanceships? How do you think I feel knowing there’s no one I could even try to get as close to as you? I remember how awful it was to not have any friends for a while, but you can bet I would take the chance for some real friendship in my life any day of the week! I wouldn’t let that chance of being miserable again stop me from becoming happy! Take a chance! You stopped Nightmare Moon, you already proved that you can leave your familiar life behind, you know you want some friends, so go out and get them!”

She was panting heavily by the time she finished her rant and everyone was looking at her, silent.

Moonlight caught her breath and calmed down, letting Twilight go and stepping back. “Just... it’s just some food for thought.”

“No, I think you got to the heart of the matter,” Sunset smirked and patted her on the back.

“Well... you did certainly give me something to think about...” Twilight said as she patted down her mane.

“Moonlight is pretty much right,” Starlight nodded. “You’re missing out on the greatest time of your life here.”

Twilight frowned. “But-”

“I promise you. And it’s not just an empty promise because I know from my own personal experience. But I promise you that the more you open yourself up to your friends, the more they’re going to like. The more time you spend with them the closer you’re going to become—not the opposite. Trust me. Believe in all of us, but more importantly believe in the friends you’ve already made,” Starlight smiled.

Twilight was still struggling internally, she looked over at her Spike, she looked at the other ponies here, and she started to pace around in a circle for a moment, trying to avoid a panic attack. “Is it... is it really that simple? Do I just have to open up and be myself? You’re sure they’ll like me?”

“Absolutely. And you’re going to become a mare who can even make friends with a pony as difficult as me,” Starlight winked. “Just gotta take that first step and embrace friendship, even if it’s a little scary at first. It’s worth it.”

“Don’t end up like me,” Moonlight said.

“Well, thank you for the advice,” Twilight said to her.

“Regardless of Moonlight, have we at least convinced you to give it a shot? Will you move to Ponyville and become closer with your friends?” Starlight asked.

Twilight bit her lip but nodded after a moment of hesitation. “Y-Yes. I will. I promise.”

There was a collective sigh of relief in the room and Starlight wiped a hoof across her brow.

“Whew! Awesome!” She said.

“I’m still struggling to accept that this is such a big deal but I’m glad I could help,” Twilight shrugged.

“I’m really glad too,” the other Spike said. “She’s been putting this off for way too long.”

“So what happens now?” Twilight asked.

“Now? You don’t have to worry about anything now. We leave and you get to enjoy your new life,” Starlight said.

“Have fun with it by the way,” Sunset said.

“Good luck,” Glimmer nodded.

“Remember what I told you,” Moonlight said.

Spike grinned at his double. “And you have a fun time living closer to Rarity.”

“Totally will,” other Spike gave him a thumb’s up.

“Then thank you for everything. And good luck finishing your adventure. I won’t forget this meeting,” Twilight said. “The five of you can be my treasured friends as well.”

Starlight smiled. “Thank you, Twilight. I think now we’ll step outside and be on our way, you don’t need us here anymore. Goodbye.”

Twilight Sparkle smiled. “Goodbye.”

“So that’s really it? We can go now?” Sunset asked Starlight and Spike as they all stood in an alley close to Twilight’s home.

“That’s it. We’ve done what we needed to for friendship and harmony, we fixed the worlds that were in a lot of trouble, and got the ball rolling for the worlds that just needed a little extra help. We’ve done it. The space-time continuum, all worlds, everything should be fine. It’s just time to go home now and have everyone get back to where they belong,” Starlight said.

“Feels like this has taken way longer than it really did... I can’t remember the last time I did something so stressful,” Spike groaned.

“And what about you?” Glimmer said as she looked at Moonlight. “It seems like you found your place a little, are you satisfied now?”

Moonlight scoffed and rolled her eyes, but there was a small smile on her face. “It wasn’t a big deal or anything but I suppose I’m happy now. Happier at least. I’m not going to feel like it was a waste when I go back home.”

“I’m... I’m really happy too. I’m almost surprised by how satisfied I am,” Sunset smiled.

“Me too,” Glimmer said as she briefly glanced back at her covered flank. “I-I don’t know if I’m ready to face myself yet... but it was good being able to help others.”

“And now it’s time to party. Wash all the stress away and forget about your worries. You’re coming back to our world for some fun first before you go back to yours,” Spike said, grinning up at the mares.

Starlight nodded and smiled. “You’re absolutely right, Spike. Wake up Discord, we’re going home!”