• Published 25th Jun 2023
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My Little Pony: Friendship Is Cine-magic: Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children - IndyWriter Productions

Not long after the their adventures of Planes, Twilight and her friends are whisked into another world. One that is more sinister and emotional.

  • ...

Part 5: The Revival of a Reunion

While our heroes were on their way back, trouble was brewing back in Midgar. Kadaj and his gang had rounded up all the brainwashed children and had them surround the giant monument. The gang had placed chains around it, all the while the townspeople confronted them by the masses. They all were furious to see their antics. They yelled at them, questioned them, chastised them.

Yazoo's patience was running thin. He gritted his teeth as he looked over to Loz, who nodded at him.

That was the only signal he needed.

He raised his hands which silenced the people. Then, a slight rumble started. The townspeople looked down at the ground right as a shadowy portal opened up. Several large, metallic-looking beasts sprang up and began pouncing on the crowd. Panic ensued; people began running and screaming for their lives as the creatures plowed through.

Amongst the chaotic scuffle, Tifa had made her way to the center of the town. She looked around and spotted Denzel standing idly with his head down. She gasped and ran to him.

"Denzel?!" She called out.

She held him by the shoulders and lightly shook him even calling his name out several times to get a response at of him. Denzel slowly lifted his head. Tifa could only gasp in horror as she stared into his slitted, greenish-blue eyes.

Yazoo and Loz looked on with contempt at the carnage. Now, the next part of their plan. They both began to pull the chains in an attempt to tear down the monument.

"And what are we up to?" A voice distracted them.

The two looked looked over to see Reno and Rude walking up to them. Loz and Yazoo just smiled arrogantly.

"Mother's here, isn't she?" Yazoo asked cynically.

"Oh, yeah?" Rude asked sarcastically.

"Yeah." Loz snapped bitterly. "This...thing? Monument thing? Shinra made it."

Reno gave a cocky smile.

"Oh, no. You're just too clever." He mocked.

"Except, you're wrong." Rude pointed out.

"Wherever she is we just don't know." Reno added.

The two Turks looked at each other and shared a chuckle.

"As if anyone would trust you." Yazoo remarked coldly.

The two Turks looked back at them. Reno growled in offense. He looked back at Rude who fidgeted with his sunglasses, he was just as riled up. It was cleared that they shared the same idea, however. Reno and Rude charged at Loz and Yazoo, ready to fight.

Meanwhile, in one of the newly constructed buildings, Kadaj and Shinra overlooked everything that was going on down below.

"Say, Kadaj. I've got a question for you." Shinra said.

"I've got an answer." Kadaj said haughtily.

"You said you needed Jenova cells in order to become whole again." Shinra explained. "What did you mean by that?"

"Him. He's coming back. Sephiroth." The remnant answered simply.

"The nightmare." Shinra muttered.

"So they say." Kadaj acknowledged.

"You mean..."

"I've never known Sephiroth. It's just...I sense him there." The gang leader explained. "It's unbearable to think that Mother might want Sephiroth more than..."

Kadaj stopped himself. The emotional pain was too great.

"Poor little remnant." Shinra taunted.

"It doesn't matter who she picks. You'll all meet the same end." Kadaj said angrily. "Mother came to this planet after a long journey. To rid the cosmos of fools like you. But, you know as well as I do. Nothing's changed since she got here. I have to change it to make her happy. If Mother willed it, I would do anything."

"Hm. The nightmare returns." The vice-president said plainly.

"As long as you exist. The nightmares will come again and again." Kadaj said sharply.

"The Lifestream courses through our planet. Back and forth across the borders of life and death." Shinra explained in his usual calm tone. "If that cycle is the very truth of life, then history, too, will inevitably repeat itself. So go on, bring your Jenovas and your Sephiroths. It won't matter. We'll do as life dictates and stop you every single time."

"Please, President. Is that your excuse for going after Mother yourself?" Kadaj asked ominously. "You don't seem all that sorry."

"Sorry?" Shinra half-questioned, half-joked. "Why, I've never had this much fun."

Kadaj only grew more upset and enraged Just then, his lower arm began to glow a bright light. He turned to the vice-president.

"Good. Then let's put an end to all this." Kadaj said in a chilling tone.

Kadaj's entire arm was now engulfed in a blueish aura. Shinra looked on without any visible emotion as the gang leader launched a ball of magic into the clouds.

Thunder and lightning began to form as the clouds shaped into a funnel. Some of the panicking people stopped to watch the strange spectacle.

Within the clouds a huge, dragon-like creature began to form. The creature was known as Bahamut SIN. It roared and glided down toward the center of town.

People became even more scared as the monstrous creature bared down on the town. Tifa was still trying to get Denzel to move. She looked around trying to think of something.

"Denzel, we've got to get away." She said fearfully.

The thumping of paws alerted her that one of the shadow creatures was heading right for her. She turned and readied herself for a fight. Just as the creature was about to attack, a pair of even larger feet landing right on top of it. Tifa looked up in shock to find Bahamut SIN right in front of her. It gave a mighty roar as Tifa held on to Denzel protectively. The mighty Bahamut creature eyed the monument with consideration. Then, it leaped up and perched itself on top of it.

Reno and Rude we busy battling Yazoo and Loz when Reno stopped in his tracks, accidentally whacking his friend in the face with his taser rod. He stared in awe at the massive creature in front of him. Rude got up and was about to punch Reno in the head when he, too, saw the monster. He stared at it in dread.

"Hello." Reno squeaked.

"Hell no." Rude muttered.

They both made a run for it. Loz and Yazoo gave chase. Reno made an effort to grab one of the infected kids. Though this proved to be difficult since the kid was resisting. Loz suddenly came in ready for a round two, but Reno continued to run with the child in-tow.

Bahamut SIN thrusted up into the air and began charging an attack. A blue light began to form within it's mouth.

"Is it after us?" Reno asked in a panic.

"I'm not looking." Rude said.

They didn't have sense the Bahamut fired right on top of the monument. The blast completely destroyed it. People and debris flew everywhere from the shockwave. Looking down at the destruction, the Bahamut let out a victorious roar.

Amongst the smoldering debris, Reno and Rude slowly began to get up. Unaware to them, Loz and Yazoo were standing right behind them.

Yazoo chuckled at their expense.

"Are we having fun yet?" He taunted.

"The time of my life." Reno yelled as tried to place a kick right in Yazoo's face.

He missed his target, but he and Rude were up on their feet and ready to fight once more. Rude handled Loz while Reno took on Yazoo. The remnant dodged every kick and swing from the fire-haired Turk. Yazoo connected a kick to Reno's face sending him flying back several feet.

He got back up and charged.

"When are you gonna call it a day?" Reno asked as he swung his electro rod.

Yazoo dodged and jumped onto a building.

What? Just as soon as you give back Mother. That'll be the end of everything." Yazoo replied.

Reno growled and gritted his teeth. He angrily scaled the building wall and swung.

Meanwhile, Rude was trying to hold his own against Loz. They locked hands, both trying to overpower the other.

"Damned punks. What do you need Jenova's head for?" Rude asked as he headbutted the gang member.

This was followed up with several knee strikes. He then went for an open suplex, but to his utter shock, Loz was able to land on his feet. The remnant smiled viscously. He lifted the Turk up and threw him clear down the street.

Back with the other two, Yazoo and Reno were dodging and blocking each other's attacks.

"Forget your little Reunion and get a grip!" Reno yelled in irritation.

He swung wildly, but Lazoo was there to counterattack.

"All we want is to be with Mother!" He said harshly.

A single kick by Yazoo sent Reno flying. At the same time, Rude landed in a garbage heap. Loz landed not far from him while Rude struggled to get up.

"Mother will win. When she gets here, she'll decide what's best." Loz declared. "Now, where's Mother?"

There was a brief stand-off between the two until a large sign fell and bonked Rude in the head. He stumbled a bit, but then Reno landed on top of him causing him to collapse completely.

Reno was quick to stand back up, but in doing so, accidentally broke Rude's sunglasses. Rude looked at the crumbled glasses in awe. Thankfully, he had another pair with him which he swiftly put on.

"Mother, shmother. It's Jenova's frigging head!" Reno said in annoyance.

"Hey!" Loz yelled angrily.

"I will not have you refer to Mother that way." Yazoo said, sounding offended.

"You meanie!" Loz added.

Reno dusted himself off.

"Our apologies." Rude said

"You ma's cool." Reno added. "What the hell am I saying?!"

Reno jumped up with Yazoo meeting him in the air. Loz was too distracted by Reno's action to react to Rude charging at him and landing a shoulder bash and a right hook to the face. Reno was successful in striking Yazoo with his electro rod. He landed and gave his partner a thumbs up. Unfortunately, Loz immediately got up and charged back at them. Before Reno could even get back up properly, Loz connected a devastating punch to his face, sending both Turks flying backward. The tumbled and scraped to a stop. They got back up, facing each other's backs. Loz and Yazoo took either side, both smiling devilishly.

Back at the now destroyed monument, Bahamut SIN landed on the still intact podium. It roared and began tearing apart the ground around it. Denzel lay just a couple dozen feet away with an unconscious Tifa on top of him. He slowly woke up and got his bearings. He was no longer under the remnants' control. He turned to Tifa who was still out cold.

"Tifa?" He said softly.

He received no answer. Filled with grief and anger, he looked over at the monster responsible for all this chaos.

"Son of a bitch!" He yelled in fury.

He ran for the Bahamut determined to make him pay for hurting his surrogate mother. Unknown to him, Tifa began to stir and wake up. The monster roared, ready to kill him. Denzel didn't stop, he charged, only to be stop by a mechanical hand which quickly transformed into a cannon that began firing at the beast.

The mechanical hand belonged to a dark-skinned man that wore a white, sleeveless jacket and fish net shirt and green sweatpants.

"You look after Mom." The man ordered.

"Barret." Tifa said, overjoyed.

"Marlene better be safe, huh?" Barret directed.

He ran toward the Bahamut. He was soon followed by a large, red dog with a black and white cat riding on its back. They were Red XIII and Cait Sith.

Red XIII launched himself and clamped his jaws onto the beast. Bahamut SIN screeched in pain, all the while Barret opened fire. The creature dived down and weaved everywhere to get the dog off it.

"We can't handle this!" Cait said in a panic.

Bahamut threw the two creatures off. Luckily, Red XIII landing safely with Cait landing on his back. The Bahamut was about to attack when it was blasted with a charged shot from Barret's cannon. It's attention was now him. The creature flew over to him, ready to eat him whole. Barret didn't have enough time to charge another shot, he could only stand there. He thought it was over for him until a giant shuriken collided with the monster.

Tifa and Denzel looked up to see a girl parachuting down to the ground. The girl wore a blue, floral shirt under a open, green jacket, tan shorts, black band on her head, and long, white shoes. Her name was Yuffie. She landed and giggled at Tifa.

"All right, who's been touching my materia?" Yuffie asked agressively.

"The bad guys, naturally." Tifa answered.

"Ooh." Yuffie growled irritably.

"Who's that?" Denzel asked.

Before Tifa could answer, four shadow monsters leapt up aiming right for them. Tifa shielded Denzel from the oncoming attack when another person came in and sliced all four away with a giant lance.

The man wore a blue shirt, green pants with a tan sweater tied around his waist. He also wore goggles and a red band on his left arm. His name was Cid.

"She's a beaut." He said pointing up. "Say hello to Shera, the latest model."

He ran for the beast where the others were battling.

"Where can I buy a phone?" Another voiced asked.

Tifa turned to see Vincent casually strolling toward the fight.

"Who's he?" Denzel asked again.

"They're our friends." Tifa answered simply.

Denzel looked at Tifa. Then he heard the sound of screeching tires. Cloud and the Main 7 had arrived in his bike. Cloud stopped and pulled a sword from his bike.

"Marlene's safe. I took her home." Cloud affirmed.

"Yes. The little darling's home, safe an-WHAT IN EQUESTRIA IS THAT?!" Rarity squealed in terror, pointing at Bahamut SIN.

The Main 7 were all visibly mortified, Fluttershy nearly fainted. Twilight was the first to compose herself.

"Whatever it is, were all going to stop it for this world and our friends. Right everypony?" The purple princess asked.

"Ya got it Twi." Applejack said confidently.

"like you have to ask?" Rainbow said proudly.

Everypony and dragon were in agreeance. All except Rarity.

"But, darlings. Are you seeing that beast?" Rarity asked, still frightened.

"We've taken on worst." Rainbow pointed out. "C'mon, Rarity. Where's your faith?"

Rarity was still unsure, but the fact was that they were brought here for a reason. If reason was to take on a giant metal monster, then that's what she going to do.

"I suppose your right, Rainbow." The fashionista relented. "I just hope it will end the same, too."

"Are you ready, Cloud?" Twilight asked.

Cloud watched the Bahamut fly through the air. He was recollecting himself.

"I feel lighter." He said.

The others looked in confusion.

"What do you mean?" Fluttershy asked softly.

"Maybe I lost some weight from the dilly-dally." Cloud said calmly.

Tifa smiled. She understood what Cloud meant.

"Who are the colorful ponies?" Denzel asked.

"They're our new friends. Apparently they've been missioned to help us." Tifa said.

"That's right. And don't worry kid, we'll have that thing taken care of no sweat." Rainbow said as she began to fly.

Denzel nodded.

"I'm going back to the bar. I'll be waiting with Marlene." He said

Denzel ran, only to stop briefly and turn to Cloud.

"We'll see you there, won't we Cloud?" He asked.

Cloud nodded which made the boy smile. Then, he continued heading to the bar.

"Such a sweet boy." Rarity said.

"Uh, girls. Remember the monster." Spike said.

"Right. Let's go." Twilight called.

Tifa jumped aboard Cloud's bike and our heroes sped off toward Bahamut SIN. Meanwhile, Cloud's other friends scaled up the buildings to keep in range of the monster.

Barret fired rounds of bullets at the creature. Bahamut SIN swooped down and took aim at the cannon-armed mercenary. Barret didn't have time to fire all he could do was jump out of the way. The Bahamut fired a charged blast which destroyed the support. Barret was sent flying, but suddenly felt something grab his hand. He looked up to see a flying, blue pony.

"Thought you needed a lift." Rainbow said coolly. "Gosh, you're heavy."

"Hey! I worked hard to get this body." Barret vexed. "Thanks for the save though."

"No prob. Not everypony gets to say they were rescued by THE RAINBOW DASH!" Rainbow yelled victoriously.

"Right." Barret said nonchalantly.

Meanwhile Vincent kept the Bahamut distracted while Cid ran ahead. The pilot jumped forward and stab his lance deep into the Bahamut's back. It roared in pain, desperate to get the attacker off it. Cid held on tight, but was subsequently grabbed by Red XIII, just as Bahamut slammed into a tower.

Vincent continued his assault on the Bahamut. Twilight showed up by his side.

"Need any help?" She asked.

"That would be appreciated." Vincent replied.

Vincent continued his barrage of bullets while Twilight casted magical blasts. Both narrowly avoided The Bahamut's attacks, but, they kept up the pressure. Yuffie joined in throwing her shuriken at the Bahamut's eyes. Her acrobatics landed right next to Rarity.

"Shouldn't you be doing something?" Yuffie asked.

"Darling, offensive magical attacks are not really more strong-suit. I make dresses for a living." The ivory unicorn explained.

Then they noticed the monster charging up another blast right at them.

"Eek! I'm too young to die!" Rarity wailed as she pulled up a magical shield.

They both braced, but then Cid came in and drove his lance into the Bahamut's muzzle. He yanked and swung, trying to force the creature to turn. Spike came in a blew a gout of fire at the Bahamut's face to keep it distracted. Then a lasso tied itself around the Bahamut's left horn.

"You ain't hurtin mah friends on mah watched." Applejack said fiercely.

She pulled hard on her trusty lasso. The sudden tug forceed the Bahamut to fire up right at a tower connection. Thousands of pounds of fiery metal rained down. Barret was unlucky enough to be underneath it all. He looked up and gasped as the chunks of metal fell down towards him.

"Rainbow gal! I could use your assistance, again." He called.

This time however, Cloud was the one to swoop down and haul Barret onto a safer position.

"Hey, how you been?" Barret greeted.

Cloud didn't answered, he was too focused on Bahamut SIN. Cid, Vincent, Twilight were eyeing it, too, when Tifa, Pinkie, fluttershy, and Rainbow, and Spike showed up.

"Rarity's with Yuffie and AJ's over there." Rainbow said pointed to the orange earth pony.

"Good. Glad everypony's okay." Twilight said, relieved.

"Oh, I don't know about this." Spike said, clutching Rainbow's mane.

"C'mon. Where's your sense of excitement, Spike?" Rainbow asked pompously.

"Yeah, we do this all the time and we can have a big celebration afterward." Pinkie said excitedly.

Cloud was the first to strike. He jumped off the girder and swung his sword, but Bahamut caught in its teeth. It threw him forward and gave chase. Cloud blocked each strike with his swords. He grunted as the Bahamut flung him again. He landed on a tower support which gave him time to combine his two swords together. The Bahamut charged forward, but Cloud launched forward and struck again and again. The Bahamut swatted back, but Cloud was ready. He jumped up and back down slamming his blade into the monster's face, the impact pushed the it down into twisted wreckage below. The metallic dragon roared with rage and began charging up another ball. Everyone looked on in concern.

"What is it doing now?" Twilight asked.

Bahamut SIN regained it's footing before it started flying upwards.

Meanwhile, back at the building, Kadaj and Shinra watched the action unfold.

"This is too fun, sir. Any requests for the next act?" Kadaj asked cockily.

He turned to the vice-president, who was now out of his wheelchair. He threw his cloak aside exposing his bandaged body. In his hands, was a small capsule.

Kadaj was in shock while Shinra kept his smug smile.

"Mother!" Kadaj said in surprise.

"A good son would have known." Shinra said cheekily.

Then, without hesitation, he through the capsule over the edge. Kadaj watched the capsule fall, then looked back at Shinra. His face contorted between horror and fury. He screamed as the aura overcame his entire arm.

Back with our heroes, Bahamut SIN flew higher and higher into the clouds. Cloud knew what it was trying to do and gave chase. Barret was there to grab his hand.

"Alley-oop!" He yelled, throwing his friends after the monster.

Cloud tried to get in a shot, But the giant dragon blocked it and kicked him back down. Cloud tumbled down, but Cid was there to help him out. He swung his lance, which let Cloud land on it. The rest of the momentum launched Cloud back up. Next, Red XIII took his shirt collar in his mouth and threw him higher. Yuffie came next, lifting Cloud by his leg. Then Applejack lassoed his arm and tossed him further up.

"Ain't nothin to it, partner." She called.

Vincent came next. He leapt forward and grabbed Cloud's hand, throwing him even further up.

"Fly." He said.

Then it was Pinkie's turn. Rarity's magic kept her afloat while she held Cloud by his shoulders

"Tell the mean dragon I said "hi" Pinkie said happily.

She tossed him up even higher before landing on a girder right next to Rarity and Spike.

"Thanks for the boost, Rarity." Pinkie said, smiling.

"Your welcome, darling. But, let's not do that again. I was worried I might accidentally drop you." The fashionista said thoughtfully.

"Yeah, that would've been horrible." Spike added.

"No promises." Pinkie giggled while she winked at the unicorn.

Rarity and Spike gave her an incredulous look.

Next, Tifa caught Cloud's hand just as the top of the tower came upon them.

"No giving up." She encouraged.

She threw him up further. Finally, Twilight, Rainbow, and Fluttershy all held on to him.

"Go kick that dragon's butt." Rainbow encouraged.

"You got this, Cloud." Twilight said.

"Um. Please be safe up there, Mr. Strife." Fluttershy cautioned.

Then, together, they threw Cloud toward the Bahamut. As Cloud got closer, Bahamut SIN launched the massive ball of energy down onto Midgar. Cloud readied his sword and dove right into it.

The other's looked up in worry. They all hoped their friend was still alive.

Cloud braved through the turbulent passage of the energy ball. Suddenly, he could see a female figure in front of him. He knew who it was. She lifted out her hand for him to grab it.

"Are you ready?" She asked.

Cloud answered by bringing his hand out to her. He grabbed and felt a sense of peace come over him. He came out through the other side of the energy ball where Bahamut SIN was waiting. He avoided it's mouth and plunged his sword into the back of the Bahamut's head. Then, he ran forward, slicing into the Bahamut with all his might. Blue fire engulfed the creature. He jumped off as the Bahamut sailed down to the ground. The Bahamut roared in pain as it took down and girders and supports before crashing down unto earth in an explosion fire and smoke.

Cloud then landed soon after. He caught his breath, but then sensed that something was happening. He turned to see a bright blue light in the distance.

"NOOOO!" Kadaj yelled furiously, trying to shoot Shinra.

Shinra dodged it by jumping off the building floor. He smiled as he pulled out a gun and fired at Kadaj. The remnant scowled at the vice-president before his eyes fell on the falling capsule.

"Mother!" He called out.

He jumped out the building just as the entire fell became incinerated by the magic blast. Kadaj dove toward the capsule. Reno and Rude were on the ground when they saw their boss in free-fall.

"Sir, no!" They both yelled, panicked.

Cloud was already on his way there with the Main 7 on his bike.

"Seriously? We take down one bad guy and now we have to deal with another?" Rainbow asked incredulously.

"Need I remind you of Kadaj and his gang." Cloud pointed out.

The blue pegasus remembered the run-in they had with them at the Forgotten City.

"Oh, right." She said sheepishly.

Kadaj was inching closer to the capsule. Shinra continued to shoot at the gang leader. One bullet punctured the capsule, causing it to leak it's contents. Two Turks shot safety nets over the ground, breaking Shinra's fall. Kadaj, on the other hand, landed on his feet unscathed.

Reno and Rude were beguiled to see Kadaj unhurt and with the capsule.

Kadaj inspected the capsule. Green fluid was leaking from it. He glared at Reno and Rude who had their eyes on Loz and Yazoo still. Then he saw Cloud and the Main 7 racing towards him.

Kadaj was not going to fight. He ran over and got onto his bike and began to drive off. Loz and Yazoo followed suit. Reno and Rude climbed up the building wall to rescue their boss, leaving Cloud and the Main 7 with Kadaj and his gang.

They tore down the streets of Midgar. Kadaj's gang then turned right onto a freeway on-ramp. Cloud and the Main 7 followed after

"It's never that simple is it." Rarity moaned. "We take care of that giant beast and now we have to deal with these ruffians."

"They have what they've been looking for. We can't let them get away." Cloud said.

"Oh, yeah. Something about "Mother?" Spike asked in confusion.

"Yeah. Cloud said something about they need her to control this world. We certainly can't let that happen." Twilight said.

"And it's a high-speed chase, too. Ha, I was born for this." Rainbow boasted as she pumped her wings even faster.

Applejack rolled her eyes.

The Main 7 knew things weren't over yet. What they're unaware of is just how far it is from being over.