• Published 25th Jun 2023
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My Little Pony: Friendship Is Cine-magic: Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children - IndyWriter Productions

Not long after the their adventures of Planes, Twilight and her friends are whisked into another world. One that is more sinister and emotional.

  • ...

Part 2: Cloud's Predicament

There was a tense silence for what seemed like hours. Then the figure spoke, again.

"You know what? Never mind. I have more important things to do." He said gruffly, before turning back on his bike.

"Wait, listen. I know what I'm going to say is crazy, but, please hear us out." Twilight pleaded.

"I really couldn't care less right now." The guy answered back aggressively.

"C'mon, partner. We're needed here." Applejack said.

The figure stopped suddenly and turn back.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

His tone taking a more threatening aura.

"Listen, sir...or whoever. We're from another world and we've been tasked to do a "friendship mission." It's what we do." Twilight explained.

"Yupper-do! Team Friendship all the way!" Pinkie cheered.

The figure just looked at them with disdain.

"As if I already have enough on my mind." He grumbled to himself.

"I beg you're pardon." Rarity said.

"Whatever. Do what you need to do. It doesn't concern me." The figure responded.

"Well, we don't what we need to do exactly. Maybe you might know." Twilight said.

"This world has a lot of problems. Especially after Shinra's actions." The figure spoke.

"Shinra? Who's that?" Spike asked.

"That's not any of your concern." The figure spoke with a raised tone.

The Main 7 were taken aback by his outburst. Rainbow was about to say something, but Twilight cut in first.

"Look, I know this must be a lot to take in right now." The purple alicorn said. "But, we're here to help in any way we can."

"Yeah, besides, you look like some company could do you some good." Rainbow added.

The figure inhaled and exhaled deeply.

I'm probably going to regret this.

"Okay, fine. You can come along. Just stay out of my way." The figure said.

"Awesome!" Rainbow yelled. "By the way, we don't know your name."

"...Cloud Strife." Cloud answered.

"Oooo, that's a cozy name." Pinkie giggled.

“And who are you guys?” Cloud asked.

“Oh, right I forget introductions.” The purple alicorn said. “My name is Twilight Sparkle, but just “Twilight” is fine.”

“Mah names Applejack and it’s nice to meet ya partner.”

“You’re talking to the Rainbow Dash! Fastest flyer in all of Equestria!”

“My name is Rarity.”

“I’m Pinkie Pie and I like to make parties, and make sweets, and make friends, and—“

“Pinkie! I think you’ve made your point.” Rainbow pointed out.

“My name is Spike.” The little dragon said, wary. He hid himself behind Twilight’s legs.

“Um…I’m Fluttershy.” The shy pegasus whispered.

“If you’re too shy to say your name then don’t say it at all.” The mercenary said dishearteningly.

Fluttershy gasped a little. Her face contorted into a slight glare while she puffed up her cheeks.

“I said, my name is Fluttershy.” She said as best she could muster.

Cloud rolled his eyes in indignation.

“Whatever, just get ready.” He grumbled.

The Main 7 all climbed onto Cloud's bike. The mercenary put his goggles on, but just as they were about to set off, Cloud was hit with a wave of horrible memories and flashbacks. He winced and clutched his arm.

"Everything alright, sugarcube?" AJ asked with slight concern.

Cloud didn't answered, instead tearing out of their current location. The Main 7 held on tight as to not fall off.

"Warn us next time you do that!" Twilight cried.

As they raced along the dead-looking desert. None of them were aware of a trio of bikers on higher elevation.

They stopped alongside a rusty blade embedded into the earth. One of them kicked it away, while the other two stared at the structure in front of them.

"Hey, Kadaj? Is that where Big Brother lives?" One of them asked.

"Yeah." Kadaji said sharply.

"Do you think he'll be happy to see us?" The same person asked.

"Not a chance." Kadaj said.

"Don't cry, Yazoo." The third toughly.

"But, Mother's with him?" Yazoo asked.

"Maybe not." Kadaj responded.

"Don't cry, Loz." Yazoo said coldly.

Despite his "Brother's" words, Loz still couldn't keep himself from sniffling. That was when Kadaj spotted the group sailing across the sand.

He grinned.

"Hold on. Look who's here." He said.

The other two looked down to see what their "brother" was referring to.

"What is he doing with those colorful animals?" Loz asked.

"Who cares. He's pretty much by himself." Yazoo said.

Loz nodded. They both burned rubber and leap off the rock-face.

"Where are we even going?" Rarity asked impatiently.

Before Cloud could answer. A dreadful feeling came over him. He looked to see the two riders practically pouncing on them.

"Ack! Who are those two!?" Spike asked fearfully.

"Not the time." Cloud yelled.

Suddenly, they were being tail-gated by a bunch of large, armored, wolf-like creatures.

"What is happening!" Fluttershy asked in fright.

Cloud pulled out a sword from his hidden stash and began slashing the creatures away. He weaved and swayed the bike with the Main 7 hanging on for dear life. The dark creatures were growing in numbers, however. If that wasn't bad enough The two riders jockeyed for position alongside Cloud's bike.

"Where's Mother?" Loz demanded, pulling out a spiked glove and swinging at the gang.

"Watch it!" Rainbow yelled defensively.

"What mother?" Twilight asked.

Cloud began to zig-zag to avoid more confrontation, but then, Lazoo pulled out a gun and began shooting at them.

"What is wrong with these guys?" The apple farmer shrieked.

"We know you hid her, Brother." Yazoo said dementedly.

"Wait! You guys are related!?" Pinkie asked in an overly surprised manner.

"NO!" Cloud yelled as he block the bullets.

One of the creatures managed to collide into Cloud's bike. He struggled for control as more began to surround them.

Yazoo and Loz whipped back to continue fighting.

"C'mon, we have to help." Twilight called.

She charged up her horn and fired at one of the riders.

"Hey!" Loz yelled, narrowly avoiding the magical projectile.

While the fight continued the escalate, Kadaj was on the phone with someone.

"Don't tell me you're leading me on?"

"Because, I think you do have Mother there."

"No need to shout."

"I don't want to talk to you. Put the President on."

"You're starting to bother me."

Back with the gang, they were holding there one. Cloud, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack were doing there best to rid of the unknown creatures. All the while avoiding gunfire.

Loz tried to intentionally crash Cloud by drifting towards him. The mercenary simply leaped over him.

Loz then readied his spiked glove. Cloud readied his sword. and two swung at each other.

"You can do it, Cloud!" Spike cheered.

At the worst possible time, another brief flashback overcame Cloud. He winced and looked at his left arm again. Shaking it off he drove his sword at Loz.

Loz caught it and threw it into the distance. The Main 7 watched in shock as the blade sailed behind some rocks. Cloud looked in front, only to find Yazoo driving head-on with him. Before Cloud or the gang could react, Yazoo flipped forward and shot at the first class SOLDIER. Cloud's goggles were able keep the blow from being fatal, but blood began to slide down his face.

"Cloud! Are you okay?!" Twilight asked in a panic.

Without warning the dark creature began multiplying and soon surrounded Cloud's back. Loz and Yazoo looked on with twisted glee as the creature all simultaneously pounced on the gang. Cloud could only gave a lost look as the Main 7 screamed in fear.

Immediately, all the creatures dissipated into black mist. Cloud and the Main 7 looked around in confusion. Unknown to them Kadaj had lifted his hand up, signifying a tactical retreat. Loz and Yazoo sniggered as they drove away. Cloud came to a stop and stared at Kadaj who just chuckled darkly and drove off, leaving are heroes confused.

"Okay. What in Equestria was that?" Rainbow asked still reeling from the whole ordeal.

"And who were those people?" Fluttershy asked.

Cloud sighed.

"Alright. I suppose I should give an explanation." He said.

"Ya sure do." Applejack said.

Okay, I need to explain this first. This world has something called the "Lifestream." Cloud began.

"What does it do?" Twilight asked.

"Don't interrupt." The spike-haired teen hissed. "It's a river of life that circles our planet, giving life to the world and everything in it. The Shinra Electric Power Company discovered a way to use the Lifestream as an energy source. Because of Shinra's energy, we were able to live comfortable lives. Many believed that it was because we were taking away from the planet's life. Shinra used their power to try and stop anybody who got in their way. They had a special group of warriors called SOLDIER. I was one of them. All the SOLDIERs had Jenova cells put inside them. Jenova was a calamity that fell from the sky a long time ago and tried to destroy the planet. Anyway, there was one SOLIDER named Sephiroth, who was better than the rest. But when he found out about the terrible experiments that made him, he turned against Shinra. Then, he began to hate everything. Shinra and the people against them. Sephiroth, wished to erase the planet all together and the people who tried to stop him. Many battles were fought, many lives were lost. the would all go back to the Lifestream. Then, one day, the planet itself put a stop to all the battles for good. It used the Lifestream as a weapon and when it burst out, all the fighting, sadness, and greed ended. But, now everything is struggling to heal. There's a terrible sickness going on, infecting children. It's called geostigma, nobody knows why or how it's happening or how to cure it. Society has been struggling ever since."

With his explanation over, the Main 7 were now taking all that Cloud said.

"So, that's why everything looks deserted." Twilight said sadly.

"Oh, these poor kids." The yellow pegasus whimpered tearfully.

"Well, ya'll. Ah think we got our work cut out for us." Applejack said, her tone slightly faltering.

"Don't worry." Pinkie said hopefully. "Nothing can make a foal happier than a par-"

"Pinkie, this is serious. A party isn't going to fix this." The rainbow pony said annoyed.

"Maybe not, but it would make this a bit more lively." Pinkie said in a sing-song voice.

"What are we going to do?" Spike wondered hopelessly.

"We go where I'm needed. Tifa wanted me to go to Healin for something." Cloud said.

"Oh, that's where we're going." Rarity said.

"What are you needed for anyway?" Rainbow asked.

"I don't know. But I'm going to find out." Cloud said harshly.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's shimmy!” The party pony said excitedly.

Much later

The bleached sands of the desert was slowly replaced by tall rock-faces and luscious trees. As they travelled along the path, Cloud received some more messages.

"What up, fool, It's Barret. I am the man! Oil, Cloud! I just found the biggest damn oil field you ever seen! Surveying's done so I should be able to get out there and see Marlene real soon. You let her know, all right, Spiky?"

Reno called again. He says to hurry, but he sounded kind of strange. Be careful, okay?

The messages ended as Cloud near their destination.

*Snort* “Spikey." Pinkie laughed.

"So, what is this place, exactly?" Twilight asked.

"It's a sanatorium for the disease I talked about earlier." Cloud responded simply.

The bike came to stop. The Main 7 hopped off as Cloud parked it.

"Finally, it was starting to get bumpy." Rarity criticized.

"Oh, quit yer bellyachin, Rarity. We got work to do." Applejack said sorely

The team climbed the stairs and opened the door. Cloud pulled out his sword just in time to counter someone wielding a telescope.

The guy's only distinguishing feature was that he had bright orange hair.

Realizing his failed attack, the man walked back and charged, only for Cloud to slide out of the way. Now the man was outside and ready for another attack if it weren't for Applejack slamming to door in his face.

"What in tarnation is that guy's problem?" She asked irritated.

"Don't worry about it." Cloud said simply.

"Okay, so you're good." The guy said through the door.

Cloud locked it just as another door swung open. Out came another man, this time he was bald and had a slight beard. He stared hard the group.

"Yeah, Rude, looking sharp!" The first guy said.

The bald guy said nothing and readied a dagger, but Cloud was quicker and held his sword against the man's face. There was stunned silence as the ponies and dragon looked on.

"Hey, what's going on in there?" The guy outside asked.

"Will you shut up, already." Rainbow said angrily.

The bald man acted more leisurely and hmphed.

"Good. You fight like the SOLDIER you once claimed to be." Another voice came.

"Who's there?" Twilight asked.

through the door, a cloaked man in a wheelchair rolled out and parked in front of Cloud.

"You haven't rusted a bit." He said monotonously

"Rufus Shinra?" Cloud said in slight surprise. "Do I feel bad for you."

"Shinra. Was he the one who took the Lifestream energy?" Twilight said to herself.

Rufus heard her and cleared his throat.

"The day of the explosion-" He started.

"What do you want from me?" Cloud cut him off.

"I managed to get out..."

"Who were the guys that attacked us?"

"Before it colla--"

"I'm leaving." Cloud said angrily.

Silence once again.

"That escalated quickly." Spike whispered.

Twilight nodded weakly.

"We need your assistance, Cloud?" Rufus gave in.

"Not interest--"

"I acknowledge that Shinra...owes the planet a lot. It goes without saying that my company and I are the ones who put the world in the sorry state it's in. Therefore, it's our responsibility to set things right." Rufus said.

"So you were the one who took the Lifestream energy." Twilight point an accusatory hoof at the wheelchair-bounded man.

"Yes." He said simply. "And I pay the price everyday."

"I'm still out here." The orange-haired man said.

"Well. Let me just say that you should be ashamed of what you've done. You're the reason this planet is in ruins as it seems." Rarity reprimanded.

"Darn tootin." Applejack agreed.

"We've already taken the first step by conducting an investigation in Sephiroth's wake." Rufus explained.

"Yup, at the Northern Cave." The outside man said.

"What do you think we found?" Rufus asked.

"Cupcakes?" Pinkie bounced excitedly.

Rufus turned to her before responding.

"Nothing. Nothing at all. You can relax." He said. "However, not all went as planned."

"What do you mean?" The purple dragon asked.

"We were interrupted. It was the three who attacked you. Kadaj and his gang." Rufus explained.

"Kadaj?" Cloud inquired.

"It would seem he doesn't want us finishing what we started." Rufus said. "Really, what could they be thinking?"

"What does that have to do with me?" Cloud asked.

"You're our buddy, aren't you?" The outside man said.

Cloud responded by kicking the door.

"Somethin's tellin me that ain’t the case." Applejack said.

"Kadaj's group is young and violent. As dangerous as they come." Rufus said. "That's why we decided it might be in our interest to hire a little muscle."

"Too bad. I'm a delivery boy now. Tough luck." Cloud said gruffly.

"You're all we have." Rufus said. "Cloud, look, you're an ex-SOLDIER."

Cloud just snerked.

"In my head." He replied

He turned to the door and opened it. Just as the door lurched open, Cloud stopped at the entrance.

"What's this "Mother" crap about?" He asked

"Why? Did Kadaj say something to you?" Rufus asked. "No surprise."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Rainbow asked bitterly.

"There are plenty of kids who miss their mothers. That's the world we live in." Rufus said smartly. "I hear there are orphans living with you."

Cloud didn't reply.

"Think about it. Don't you want to put smiles back on their faces? All we want in the end is to rebuild out world, Cloud." Rufus raised his hand out.

"Do we just not exist to you in that aspect?" Rarity asked offensively.

"You lot aren't supposed to even be here." Rufus said coldly.

"Oh, really? Well how about--" Rainbow started

Cloud swiftly turned back around, killing whatever argument was heating up. His expression conveyed a deep confliction within him.

"But, I..."

"Come on, Cloud. Think about it. Together we could rebuild Shinra." The man outside said.

After a few short seconds, Cloud came up to his decision.

"Not interested." He said nonchalantly.

The Main 7 followed after him.

"Reno!" Both men said as the door shut.

The gang walked down the stair with varying feelings.

"So, what was all that?" Twilight asked.

"Rufus thinks he can right his wrongs and use me as some sort of crutch. That's what he's trying to do basically." Cloud said.

"Sounds like you two have a bit of history." Fluttershy said feebly.

"...Yeah." Cloud said.

No other words were spoken.