• Published 25th Jun 2023
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My Little Pony: Friendship Is Cine-magic: Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children - IndyWriter Productions

Not long after the their adventures of Planes, Twilight and her friends are whisked into another world. One that is more sinister and emotional.

  • ...

Part 4: The Forgotten City

It had grown cloudy over Midgar. The atmosphere had gotten dreary and depressing. For Cloud, it was nothing new. He stared through the window watching the gloomy clouds overhead. Twilight was with him sitting on the bed. She watched him with contemplation.

Rarity, Pinkie, Applejack, and Spike were downstairs while Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy had insisted on helping Reno and Rude find the missing children. As she looked on at the blond mercenary, Tifa stirred. She groaned and sat up, opening her eyes.

Cloud walked over to the other bed Twilight was on.

"Reno and Rude are out looking." He said.

"So are Fluttershy and Rainbow."

Tifa did a double-take.

"Wait, who are they? And further more, who are you?" She asked.

"Oh, right." Twilight remembered she hadn't introduced herself. "My name is Twilight Sparkle. And Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash are two of my friends. They wanted to help look for the missing children."

"Well, that's good. And it's nice to meet you Miss Sparkle." Tifa smiled.

"Please, just call me Twilight. Some of my other friends are downstairs. Their names are Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Spike." Twilight added.

"Are they ponies just like you?" Tifa asked.

"Yes, except Spike. He's a baby dragon." Twilight replied.

Tifa nodded then turned to Cloud.

"You have Geostigma, don't you?" She asked. "You're gonna give up and die. Is that it?"

The purple alicorn looked back to Cloud in shock. Cloud didn't say anything. Tifa adjusted on her bed.

"So it is." She said simply.

"There's no cure." Cloud retorted.

"That's not stopping Denzel from fighting." Tifa countered.

"Is he one of the missing children?" Twilight asked.

"Yes. He and Marlene. We were taking care of them." Tifa said sadly.

Then she turned back to Cloud.

"Don't run. Let's fight it together." Tifa insisted. "We can help each other, I know we can."

Her expression darkened.

"I guess that only works for real families." She said.

Twilight was about to say something to object, but Cloud cut in first.

"Tifa." He said.

The martial artist looked over.

"I'm not fit to help anyone." Cloud said with a defeated look. "Not my family, not my friends. Nobody."

"That's not true, Cloud." Twilight reassured. "Just because you can't save everypony, doesn't mean you're unfit to help."

Cloud continued to look down. Twilight let out a doleful sigh.

"Dilly-dally, shilly-shally." Tifa exhaled.

Cloud slowly looked back at her. Twilight sat there confused.

"Dilly-dally, shilly-shally? What do you mean by that?" She asked.

"Dilly-dally, shilly-shally." Tifa said again, sounding more irritated.

Twilight and Cloud looked at each other.

"I think she wants you to move on, man." Said a voice.

All three turned to see Reno, Rude, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy in the room.

"Oh, thank goodness. You made it back." Twilight said, relieved.

"Oh, ye of little faith, Twi." Rainbow said coolly.

"Did you find them?" Tifa asked desperately

"No. Only a witness." Reno said. "Kadaj's gang took the kids."

"But, why? What do they want with them?" Twilight asked with worry.

"We don't know." Fluttershy said sadly.

"They're at their base now." Rude said darkly.

"The Forgotten City."

Cloud and the Main 7 thundered through the depraved lands on his motorcycle. The ponies and dragon took in the unsettling landscape.

"Why are the trees glowing?" Twilight asked.

"And where are the leaves?" Spike added.

"Why does everything else look dead?" Applejack asked.

"Focus on what's important right now." Cloud said.

"Oh, I hope those children are okay." Rarity said worriedly.


All the children stood around the large body of water that surrounded a crystal-like structure. Kadaj and his gang stood on the other side. Marlene stood with them against her will.

"Mother has given me a very special gift." Kadaj announced. "The power to fight...against a planet that torments humanity."

Marlene tried to flee, but Loz's grip on her was too strong.

"She gave this gift to all her children." Kadaj continued. "That's right. You and I are brethren. Brothers and Sisters chosen when we inherited Mother's memetic legacy through the Lifestream."

He rose his arms to emphasize his point.

"But...the planet doesn't approve of that at all. It's doing everything it can to hold us back. That's why it's racking our bodies with pain, filling our hearts with doubt."

Kadaj viscously pointed at the children who had varying looks of disturbance.

"Now I shall heal you. And you will go with Mother together." He said as a veiled aura surrounded his entire body. "We will join as a family and strike back at the planet!"

The children looked on with surprise and fear. When Kadaj calmed down, he gave one simple order.

"Do as I do."

He slowly stepped into the lake. Almost immediately the water turned black and hazy, looking more like sludge than water. Kadaj dipped his hands in and cupped them together. Lifting them up with a fill of the liquid, he gulped down every last drop. Kadaj breathed out in satisfaction then chuckled sinisterly to himself.

One by one the children stepped into the lake and began drinking from the darkened water as well. Among these was Denzel who hesitantly cupped his hands into the water.

"Denzel." Marlene called out.

Denzel either didn't hear her or didn't bother responding. He drank the water without further indecision.

"Denzel." Marlene called out, sounding more alarmed.

Kadaj and his gang looked on maliciously. As soon as he was done drinking, Denzel's bright blue eyes gained a greenish hue and his pupil became slitted.

Transformation had begun.


Cloud and the Main 7 continued riding down the dying terrain. Twilight and her friends talked amongst themselves while Cloud kept to himself.

One moment, he was sitting on his bike. Next moment he was stumbly in a white void. He was shocked and confusion as he recovered from the sudden transition.

“You came." A female voice said. "Even though you're about to break."

Cloud new who that voice belonged too. It felt like it came from behind him. The figure placed a hand on his left arm.

"That's a good sign." She continued.

Cloud looked down, noticing the ground was replaced with white and yellow flowers.

"So, why did you come?" She asked.

"I think...I want to be forgiven." He said sincerely. "More than anything."

"By who?" The figure asked.

Cloud turned to her, but as soon as he did he was back to reality. As he took in what happened, he heard gunshots. Cloud swerved to avoid getting shot.

"Looks like we've got company." Rainbow said conservatively.

"Ya think. We're headin towards an evil gang." Applejack said blatantly.

"Whatever they are, DUCK!" Rarity screeched fearfully.

The Main 7 lay as low as possible to avoid getting hit. Cloud pulled out one of his swords to deflect the oncoming bullets.
As the got closer, Kadaj pulled out his blade and made a round-up gesture with his hand. Suddenly, children dropped down from the trees completely blocking Cloud's path.

"Cloud, watch out!" Twilight yelled in horror.

Cloud braked as hard as he could. He tilted the bike so much that he and the Main 7 tumbled off it and onto the ground. The bike slid onwards. Thankfully, the children moved out of the way. It finally came to a stop when Loz jammed his foot against it.

Cloud and the Main 7 slowly got up as Kadaj loomed over them.

"At least we avoided the children." Spike wheezed in pain.

"I'm glad you could make it." Kadaj said with a crazed tone.

"We only came for the kids." Cloud reasoned.

"But, the gangs right there so we can just deal with them right now." Rainbow pointed out.

"Remember our priorities, Rainbow." Rarity said, dusting herself off.

"Regardless, these kids don't belong here. So let them go!" The Princess of Friendship demanded.

"I don't think so." Kadaj said in a sinister tone. "See this man? He's our big brother. But alas...in our happy flock, he's what you call a black sheep. And his sappy, little friends makes things worse."

"Now hold on just a darn second. We're only tryin to help'em." Applejack rebuked.

"Cloud!" Marlene called in angst.

Kadaj looked back, which was all the distraction Cloud needed. He grabbed his Fusion Sword and swung, but Kadaj jumped out of the way. Yazoo began firing away. Twilight, thinking on her hooves, created a magic shield that deflected the bullets.

"We got your back, Cloud." She said confidently.

The mercenary nodded. As Yazoo continued shooting, Loz ran for them, whizzing in and out of gunfire. He leaped forward ready to pummel Cloud into the dirt, but was met with a powerful buck to his fist which halted all his momentum. He stumbled back to find Applejack giving him a dangerous glare.

"Ah don't think so, ya no-good varmint." She said fiercely.

Loz growled and went for another strike. This time he was met with a punch to the jaw. He stumbled backward a bit.

"You're not the only one with amazing speed." Rainbow said cockily.

Loz was growing more enraged by the second.

"FINE! You want to play? Bring it on!" He roared.

While that was going on, Twilight was firing magical bursts at Yazoo. Rarity had put up a shield spell of her own to keep the gunfire at bay. Fluttershy and Spike stood behind the snow white unicorn to avoid the barrage of bullets.

"This is going to be tougher than I originally thought it would be." Rarity strained.

"When has it ever been what we've thought?" Twilight pointed out.

"Fair enough." Rarity replied.

Yazoo kept firing when Pinkie popped out for behind when of the trees.

"Bet ya can't get a bullseye." The pink mare taunted.

She had a target strapped onto her head. Yazoo looked over causing Pinkie to blow a raspberry at him. Yazoo fired, but Pinkie ducked behind the tree.

"Missed me." She giggled, poking out behind another tree.

Yazoo fired again. Pinkie ducked once again.

"Missed me again." She said with excitement.

Meanwhile Cloud was dealing with Kadaj. They traded sword blow after sword blow. They jumped and danced around each other, but it was apparent that Cloud was struggling.

Even though Loz was busy with Rainbow Dash and Applejack, he saw an opportunity. He winded up and slammed his fist into a the ground. The impact created a wave that broke through the ground, heading for Cloud and Kadaj.

"Cloud, incoming!" Rainbow called out.

Kadaj smiled wickedly and jumped out of the way of the wave. But, Cloud was prepared, too. A blueish energy emanated from his sword. He swung forward, launching a limit blade beam toward the wave. They collided, causing a massive explosion. Before Cloud could think of his next move however, Loz was already right there and punched him in the abdomen. Cloud was launched back and Kadaj leaped after him and fired his guns.

Cloud blocked the bullets with his sword, but he was getting increasingly overwhelmed with both Loz and Kadaj attacking him. Just then, a certain rainbow-maned pegasus zoomed in to even the odds.

"AJ's gone to help the others, leaving me to help you with these buffoons." She said bumptiously.

"Fine." Cloud said.

And so the fighting continued. Cloud would trade blows with Kadaj and when Loz tried to get a free hit, Rainbow was there to deliver a counterstrike. Still, the two gang members had the evasion to keep actual body strikes at a minimum.

Cloud jumped high into the air to avoid another punch from Loz. Rainbow flew after him for support. Loz then launched Kadaj into the air. The three met up and an air battle ensued. Cloud kept up the defensive, block as many of Kadaj's sword strikes as possible. Rainbow kicked and punched at the evil remnant, but he was able to block her as well.

"Gah! This is getting annoying. Just let me hit you already." Rainbow said in frustration.

Kadaj didn't relent. In fact, he landed a shot right at one of Cloud's swords causing it fall from his grasp. It lodged itself on a tree. Cloud went after it, landing on one of the branches.

That left Rainbow alone with Kadaj. While she was fast enough to avoid the onslaught of bullets, those guns doubled as blades, too. Rainbow swooped in for a tackle, but Kadaj readied the blades. Realizing her potentially fatal mistake, Rainbow bolted upwards, narrowly avoiding getting sliced in two.

"If I can't get close to him, what am I supposed to do?" She thought to herself.

Cloud jumped from the branch and onto the lodged sword. He looked down to see Loz with a demented smile on his face. The remnant laughed and punched the tree with such force it obliterated the entire stump. Now without foundation, the tree began to lurch and fall to the ground. Cloud was now standing practically upright on the collapsing tree.

Kadaj then showed up and began firing once again. Cloud pulled out his sword and blocked. Rainbow swooped in to try and hinder Kadaj. Down below, Loz jumped up and punch through the tree, shattering it into pieces. Cloud and Rainbow blocked and attacked with everything thing had to keep Loz and Kadaj from making any sort of damage.

Loz kicked them away and Kadaj fired at them. Cloud pushed the blue pegasus behind him and block the bullets, shielding her from the storm of lead. The both landed on another tree. The ex-SOLDIER combined his two blades together to make a more effective sword

"Heh, thanks for the save." Rainbow acknowledged.

"It's not over yet." Cloud said, eyeing Kadaj.

He just stood there menacingly. Cloud launched forward and swung his sword overhead. He gritted his teeth, ready to bring the blade down on Kadaj's head.

Kadaj merely blocked it with his sword. They traded more blows, but Kadaj got the upper hand and launched Cloud upward. He leaped after him ready to slice him apart. But, by some miracle, a stray shot connected with his blade, throwing Kadaj out of balance.

Angered, he looked over to see who shot at him. He was met with a shredded, red cloak flying towards him. The remnant did a backflip, dodging whatever was attacking him. Kadaj landed safely, but Cloud flopped onto the ground, nobody had noticed his cellphone drop from his pocket and into a deep puddle.

Rainbow was by his side immediately.

"Cloud are you alright?" She asked with worry.

All of a sudden, the cloaked being hovered down and covered them both. All the while firing at Kadaj who perilously blocked the bullets. Loz and Yazoo initiated a counterattack, but the cloaked being evaded them and flew away with Cloud and Rainbow.

"Tch." Kadaj seethed.


Cloud sat against the water's edge. The Main 7 stood around, but they weren't looking at Cloud. They were looking at the new figure before them.

"See. I knew I'd be no help." Cloud said despondently.

"Come on, Cloud. You're not giving yourself enough credit." Rainbow said. Displeased by Cloud's depressed demeanor

"Right, let's all just ignore the intimidating figure right beside us right now." Rarity said with a mix of sarcasm and anxiety.

"I bring you no harm. I did, after all, save you from Kadaj and his group." The figure said.

The figure had black clothing and straps, save for his left arm, which was completely mechanical. he had long, black hair and crimson eyes. But the most distinguishing thing about him was the large red cloak he wore.

"Vincent. What do you know about this?" Cloud asked.

"I come here often." Vincent replied in a gruff voice.

He moved his cloak out of the way of his feet. He walked over to Cloud.

"I've seen what Kadaj's group is doing." Vincent said.

He grabbed Cloud's left arm causing him to wince. He stared dead into Cloud's eyes. The Main 7 looked on with uncertainty. Rainbow was about to go over and stand up to Vincent, but Twilight put a hoof on her shoulder and shook her head.

"The stigma. It's a symptom of alien matter infesting the body." The shapeshifter explained. "The body tries to eliminate it and overcompensates."

Vincent got up and walked on.

"Inside our bodies is a current. Like the Lifestream. The current is what fights off any malevolent intruders." Vincent continued.

Cloud pondered for a second.

"What do you mean by "intruders?" He asked.

"The Sephiroth gene. Jenova's memetic legacy. Call it what you want." Vincent replied.

"Wait. Didn't you say something about some "Sephiroth" being from your story, Cloud?" Twilight asked.

"Yes. He was the one that caused most of this to happen." Cloud said.

The Main 7 remained silent. Cloud then turned back to Vincent.

"You're well-informed." He said.

"Tseng and Elena. They were brought here half-dead." Vincent said. "They most have been brutally tortured."

The Main 7 all gasped at this information.

"That's horrible." Fluttershy said mournfully.

"Whoever had done that to them must be sick." Rainbow hissed angrily.

"I did what I could to save them. But, well...we'll see." Vincent said

"Tortured?" Cloud asked.

"They had it coming. They got their hands on Jenova's head."

"What's so special about a head?" Spike asked in confusion.

"Jenova's head helped Sephiroth merge with the Lifestream. And nearly destroyed the planet as a whole." Cloud explained.

Spike stood in awe. Twilight furiously wrote down notes.

"Then when Kadaj said he was looking for Mother..." Cloud said.

"Heaven's dark harbinger. The calamity, Jenova." Vincent paraphrased. "If they wanted to, they could make another Sephiroth."

"That definitely doesn't sound good." Rarity said with wary.

"Yeah. This Seph-er-rie-ith guy sounds like a no-good meanie." Pinkie said tenaciously.

"Kadaj. What is he?" Cloud asked.

"I'd rather not know." Vincent said.

Suddenly, Cloud and the others could hear rustling within the bushes behind them. Everyone readied themselves for another attack. However, instead of being Kadaaj and his gang, it was Marlene that right out of the shrubbery.

Cloud looked surprised as the young girl hugged him for dear life.

"Marlene." Cloud said in relief.'

"Cloud! Denzel and Tifa!" Marlene wailed in panic.

"Tifa is all right." Cloud assured.

"I wanna talk to her." Marlene said desperately.

Cloud dug through his pocket to find his cellphone. But, he couldn't find it. Marlene looked up with pleading eyes. Then she turned Vincent.

"May I?" She asked politely.

Vincent opened his cloak to showing no sign of cellular communication.

"You don't have a phone?" She asked incredulously.

Vincent shrugged.

"What about you all?" She asked the Main 7

"I can say for all of us that we don't have a...phone." Twilight said. "Whatever that is."

"Vincent, will you take Marlene and the others back to Tifa?" Cloud asked. "I'm gonna go see Shinra to get some answers."

"Are you referring to us?" Twilight asked.

"I can't do that." Vincent said.

"But I-" Cloud began, but stopped himself.

Marlene then stepped away from the mercenary.

"Forget it, Cloud!" She snapped bitterly. "Why don't you ever pay any attention to us?"

She then ran over and hid within Vincent's cloak.

"Seems like she's upset with your attitude." Twilight said.

"Can't say ah blame her. Ya haven't really shown much care to Marlene or Denzel." Applejack said rather harshly.

“Exactly! Would it really kill you to not act so cold to us? Especially to those who are trying to help?” Rarity emphasized her point by pointing to her friends.

The others were all in agreement. Cloud gave a heavy sigh.

"Marlene, please give me some time." Cloud pleaded. "There's a battle to be fought. But it's not as simple as just fighting it. Understand?"

"No, I don't." Marlene said angrily.

"Cloud. You sure this is about fighting?" Vincent asked.

“Good point. Back from where we’re from, fighting is the last thing we want to do.” Twilight explained.

“None of us wanted to fight, but we were left with no choice.” Cloud said coldly.

“But should you act like it’s an endless one? Even with all that’s happening, should you act so distant and hasty with us all?” The alicorn pressed further.

Cloud thought about it. He remembered what was said back at the bar.

"Where are they?"

"They're at their base now."

"The Forgotten City."

The others stood silent. All except Twilight.

"What's the Forgotten City?" She asked.

"It's a long-lost city located in Corel Valley. Aerith had to go there to invoke Holy. It was the only way to stop Sephiroth's plan on planet annihilation." Cloud answered.

"Right." Twilight said slowly, mildly disturbed.

"Go." Cloud said, turning to Reno and Rude.

Neither of them responded. Cloud then got up from the bed.

"I have to talk to Rufus." He went on.

"Stop running!" Tifa said with annoyance. "I know. Even if you find the kids, you might not be able to help them. Maybe something will happen that can never unhappen. That scares you, doesn't it? But you need to think about now. Really take it in. Look at you. You think you got it so damn hard. Well you hate being alone so let people in. Sure you won't answer the phone, but I don't see you throwing it away either."

With her sentimental rant done, the room fell silent again.

"She sounded like you for a second there, Twilight." Rainbow said, chuckling.

"Ha, ha, ha. Very funny." The alicorn said sarcastically.

"You go. The base is all yours." Reno said as he and Rude walk out of the room.

"Which is it? A memory or us?" She asked with aspiration.

With Cloud deep in his thoughts, he suddenly found himself in a white void.

"But I let you die.

"Hmmm. Dilly-dally, shilly-shally. Isn't it time you do the forgiving."

With the memories still fresh in his head, Cloud looked over to Vincent.

"Are sins ever forgiven?" He asked.

"I've never tried." Vincent answered honestly.

"You mean. Never tried." Cloud muttered.

He looked down at the ground, as if he was deep in thought. A realization hit him. Cloud looked back up.

"Marlene, let's go." Cloud said passionately.

Marlene came out of Vincent's cloak and nodded happily.

"Well I'm gonna try." Cloud said confidently. "I'll phone in the verdict."

With that, Cloud made his way out of the valley. Marlene held his hand and the Main 7 followed after him.

"There now that's somethin ah like to see." Applejack said complimented.

"Glad you're starting to see things more positively." Twilight said joyfully.

"Woo-hoo. That's one point for positivity." Pinkie hopped in excitement.

"That sounds good to me." Rainbow said.

"Finally we can leave this weird place." Rarity said relieved.

"I wonder what's gonna happen now?" Spike wondered.

"Yay." Fluttershy said softly and quietly.

Cloud's cellphone slowly sank down to the bottom of the water pool. As it gently glided downward, messages began to go off.

"It's me, Reeve. How's work going? I saw your flyer. How in the world do you stay in business? Heh. You never change, Cloud. I was thinking about helping you out, but I guess I'll call you back another time. Goodbye.”

“Surprise! It's me, Yuffie. So, hey, all the kids are missing from Wutai. Have you heard anything? Give me a ring and fill me in, okay?”

The messages went on and on. Finally, the ended just as the phone reached the bottom of the pool.

"I never blamed you, not once. You came for me. That's all that matters."

Author's Note:

Holy crap. That was probably the longest amount of time to type up a chapter. But, it’s finally out. Hooray.

Also, did you find the chills reference?