• Published 26th Apr 2023
  • 255 Views, 14 Comments

The Adventures of the Equestria Girls - SaiakuMonoNarrator

Magic, heroes, drama, dark themes, and mystery. And a nice dose of comedy. = The Adventures of the Equestria Girls

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Hey this is the one I’m in! Thanks for reading this far!

Bodies were laying on the ground, some screaming, some burning, a bunch were both. As Jakalov slowly limped his way forward, he pointed his gun at her, and spat up some blood on the ground. “Any last words you bitch?” He said as he smirked at the bloodied costumed girl before him. who looked at him with rage before grinning and fluffing her pink hair.


Suddenly, everything stopped, before a moving certain pink skinned girl was thrown onto the screen.

“Hey! What was that for? I didn’t-” She stopped as she looked behind herself and pausing. “Oooooh!” She said before she started laughing. “I started near the end,” She said between laughs. “when I should have started at the beginning-HAHAHAHA! That’s funny!” She said before she fell over. After a minute, she was able to stand up. “Okay, breathe in, breathe out, remember what Sunset taught you.” She said as slowly inhaled and exhaled to calm herself down. She then smiled sheepishly to the audience.

“Let’s start from the beginning.” Pinkie Pie said before snapping her fingers. Suddenly, the scene was Pinkie's room, and said girls eyes went from closed to wired open as she gasped. Pinkie shot out of her bed before bouncing around her room. She landed face first on the floor before moving into an upside down cross legged position. As she placed her hand to her chin, her sister came into her room.

“What was that?” Maud Pie (Nov 2nd) asked in her monotone voice, but still recognized this as unusual behavior for Pinkie. Pinkie regarded her with a smile before shifting back to her serious face.

“Something’s gonna happen Maud, something big.”


The Adventures of the Equestria Girls

“Colors are nice, ergo all the colors combined into one should be amazing! But whenever I do it in art class it always becomes brown. Doesn’t that seem weird?” Pinkie asked Maud as she ate her pancakes.


“See! All the others always say it’s just how the chemicals and ingredients react with each other, so I was thinking, maybe there’s a way I can combine all the colors together without the chemicals and ingredients mixing with each other and just keep the color! What do you think?”


“I knew you’d understand!” Pinkie said before she looked at the clock. “Wuh oh! Gotta get to school! Bye Maud I love you bye!” She said as she rushed out of the kitchen, leaving her dish in a clean state next to the sink, despite it being covered in syrup earlier.

“...” Maud simply looked at her sister, or rather where she was. “Somethings new with her.” She said as she kept the blank look on her face, the smallest bit of concern dotting her face.

If grass blades all rose up and started partying, would they be really loud because there’s a lot of em? Or really quiet because, well, they’re grass blades? Why are they called blades anyway? Grass doesn’t look remotely like a sword! Also, why did they make another name for sword when they already had the word sword? You don’t need to call a sword a blade if you’re already calling it a sword. Also why is sword spelled sword and sord? You never pronounce the W unless you’re making a point, or try to sound pretentious, or is it flashy? Or is it showy? Hey, why do both those words sound like they end with E when really they end with Y?

“Pinkie?” “AH!” She screamed out as she noticed Sunset (March 14th) which knocked her out of her train of thought. Her yellow and red hair billowing in the air, and her yellow skinned face sketched with concern, she looked at her. “Are you okay?” She said as she looked around, noticing she was right outside the school. Had she already walked here?

“Yeah of course I’m fine! Unless I’m not, which wouldn’t be fine, but I am. So I’m fine!”

“...Okay? What was it you were saying about blades of grass?” Awww, she was talking out loud again wasn’t she? She had been trying to stop that but it was so hard to keep her thoughts in her head when they just built up so much they teamed up, and broke out of her head through her mouth, and then they probably went on heinous acts of thoughtery, before gett-

“Pinkie.” Sunset said as she put her hands on her shoulders and caused her to stop talking. “Breathe with me.” Breathe with her? Did that mean they were going to- FOCUS PINKIE! She watched as Sunset slowly breathed in through her mouth, her chest slightly lifting, before doing the same. As air flowed into her lungs, she matched Sunset’s actions of holding it for… like 30 seconds? 35? Either way, she then felt the air exit her lungs through her mouth as she matched Sunsets actions.

“There, you calmed down now?”

“Yeah,” She said sheepishly,“thanks a lot Sunset.” She then got close to her face and hugged her. “I’m so lucky to have you as a friend.” It was then she noticed Sunset’s face grow… red? “Oh no! Are you sick?!” She said as she reached into her bag and pulled out a blanket and sat her up on the bench, much to the red and yellow haired girl's shock. She then reached into her hair and pulled out a thermometer and stuck it into her mouth. After a solid minute, she pulled it out.

“Okay, your temperature’s good, you don’t look like you’re running a fever, so what gives? Oh no! Maybe you’ve caught some unknown disease and-” She was stopped by Sunset putting her hand to her mouth, before rapidly pulling it back.

“I’m fine, but thank you.” She said as she gave Pinkie her stuff back. The girl in question sighed in relief before putting it all away and following her into the school. She briefly wondered what had happened with her before shrugging. Sunset was her best friend after all. They could tell each other everything .

“So you just have all of that stuff on you?” Sunset asked after they had entered the halls.

“Of course I do! You never know when someone’s gonna need this stuff, or any sorts of stuff.” She said before her hair started twitching. “Speaking of which…” She said as she pulled out an umbrella to hold over a passing student, who looked at her oddly.

“What the…” He said before a rogue water balloon heading towards him was blocked by the umbrella.

“Sorry about that!” Rainbow (Jan 24th) said from afar. The student thanked her before heading to class. Sunset looked at her knowingly. “I’ll never understand how that Pinkie sense of yours works.”

“What a coinky dink! Neither will I!” She said happily as she put the umbrella away. “But it helps me help others help themselves be happy! So far be it from me to question things.” She said with a smile on her face as they continued to class. Sunset looked at her before laughing. “What’s so funny? Is it the ceiling?” She said as she looked upwards. Sunset continued laughing before bringing her in closer to whisper something.

“No, it’s just…”

After getting to class, school commenced as normal… well, normal for Pinkie Pie at least. It was sprinkled with the helping of rejecting a lover, comforting that lover, helping said lover ask the other to be their significant other the proper way, and that was all before lunch! Sunset looked at her meal and always said she should watch her blood sugar levels, but eating two mini chocolate cakes was completely fine! Her school day ended with her cheering up some students who just had a pop quiz with her good old fashioned, MINIATURE PARTY CANNON!!!!! After an intense day of school, and helping people, Pinkie would have been elated to head back home… NOT!

“Time to get to work!” She said as she practically slid into the diner she worked at before twirling around like a magical girl to change into uniform. When she was finished, she was wearing her waitress outfit and ready to serve.

“Pinkie! Oh thank goodness!” She turned around to see her friend and work buddy, Sera Ving (August 6th) looking at her frantically. “We’ve got a full house here!” As she spoke, Pinkie looked around to see all the seats packed with people pandering for pastries! What a predicament! For anyone but Pinkamena Diane Pie! “I’m on it!” She said as she turned her hat backwards. She then got into a starting position on the skates and looked forward, calculating her trajectory, angle of velocity, and how fast she’d need to go to get maximum speed and keep the food from falling off.

“Let’s go.” And she was off.

Five hours later…

The door flew open as Pinkie slumped into her room and flopped onto her bed. So… the people had been there for a while, and had appetites to match, but it was all good! She finally got to go to sl- Why does it feel like I’m forgetting something? She thought as she looked around her room. Let’s see… bed, pillow, blanket, light, chair, superhero outfit that I left laying around because I wanted to admire it and never put it on, closet, door, alligator, books, ba- WAIT! My door should be closed! She thought as she closed her door to avoid… actually she didn’t have a reason to close, unless of course she had a secret she needed to hi- Oh right my superhero duties are tonight. As she thought about this, her face dropped… right before she picked it back up again! Who wouldn’t want to go be a superhero in the middle of the night after a long day of school, and work, and… Time to go be a hero! Wait! She thought before checking around the house, making sure everyone else was asleep, before grinning and getting into her hero costume, after pausing and looking at the audience before covering their view with a book.

“Just a precaution.” She said sheepishly and out of view.

A few minutes later, the book was removed to reveal she was finished changing. She posed in a heroic fashion. She had the same padded black outfit, hood with hot pink horse ears, mask, and goggles, however down her right leg ran a combined stripe of yellow and blue. She smiled to herself as she admired her costume, before her ear started twitching, followed by eye starting to flutter, finished by her knee twitching. She gasped before she turned off the light before she jumped into bed and pulled the blanket over herself to cover her body.

A few seconds later, the door opened as Maud Pie looked into the room. Seeing that her sister was in bed, she closed the door. After counting a full minute and fighting the urge to fall asleep in the bed, Pinkie pulled herself out of bed. That was close, now how to get to the city? She pondered, before pounding her fist into her open hand. That’ll work. She said as she then walked around the room, before speaking out loud.

“Well they think I can’t get to the city?” She said to no one before she smiled smugly as she braced alongside everything as it rapidly spun before stopping, sending Pinkie off balance. Once she corrected herself, she checked her surroundings to see she was now standing on the rooftop of a warehouse in the middle of the city. She smiled as she continued her sentence. “How about now?” She said haughtily, herself being a bit shocked it worked.

She had learned she had the ability to do things like that a while ago. She hadn’t really told anyone, and they always put it off as her being her, which she definitely was! Unless she wasn’t, which would suck because she loved being her! Anyway, apparently her pony self could do things like that as well, though that place was magic filled so it made more sense. When she looked up stuff like this online, it was regarded as ‘toon force’ she just called it having fun. It didn’t always work though, which didn’t really make sense, but she never minded! Why should she?

Anyway, the rooftops were always a good place to find crime to fight. But it was always a fight to find it because of all the noise. Did that mean the noise was technically an accomplice in the crime? Wait no, it would track back to the person who made the noise. Actually, all these buildings were in the way of her seeing anything, so maybe it should trace back to whoever made the buildings, or would it be whoever designed them?

As she pondered the potential conspiracy that architects could have made, she was pulled out of her thoughts by a sudden pain in her knee. After wincing at it, she gasped before hiding near a window she ended up looking into. She saw what looked like a bunch workers in handcuffs, surrounded by men with guns.

“We have been working for your lazy ass for so fucking long I don’t even remember! Let us go!” One of them begged a man in a suit. Weirdly enough, the man he was begging towards had purple hair that was combed back in a wild fashion. As the worker sobbed, the man in the suit raised a strange gun-like device and pointed the part where the bullet would come out at the workers head. Pinkie tensed, unable to move as he pulled the trigger. Her eyes closed in anticipation, but slowly opened as she realized the worker was okay. It was then the man spoke. “I’m a fair man, take the day off.” He said before the worker's entire body was evaporated in a flash of light, leaving nothing but smoking ash as the man continued with a grin on his face.

“...and the day after that, and the day after that, and the day after that, and the day after that, and the day after that, and the day after that, and the day after that, and the day after that, and the day after that, and the day after that, and the day after that…” As the man continued, Pinkie was frozen in absolute horror.

“Mr. Jakalov, the shipments should be ready in about an hour.” One of the armed men stated. The purple haired man regarded this before tidying himself up, as if he had actually touched the ash.

“Very good,” The man, now known as Jakalov said before regarding the rest of the workers, who tensed in fear. “What on earth are you all waiting for? Back to work with the lot of ya!” He said as he pointed his gun at them, causing them all to rush back to their stations. At least, that’s what Pinkie assumed they were. With all the conveyor belts what else could they be? She watched as they took white powder and stuffed it into bags before moving on to the next one.

Not that any of this registered to Pinkie, who looked at the spot where the man had been before he died. Not vanished, not teleported, not disappeared, not hid, died . This was to much for her, she needed to get backup, she needed help, she-

Rarity(Sept 24th) yawned as she nearly fell asleep in class.


Fluttershy(Dec 13th) was jolted awake in pain as she massaged bruises she had gotten.


Sunset put an ice cold drink to her head, likely due to the beating she had received last night.

…couldn’t bother them. It was her night, she’d deal with the problems! Besides, how hard could it be? On the opposing side, there was a guy with a gun that made you evaporate with an army of thugs with guns that just killed you. And on her side was… the ability to make sugar explode. Okay, this might be a bit harder than I thought. Okay… what would the others do? Suddenly, an imaginary Sunset appeared next to her. “Before you do anything, take a deep breath. Then calmly thin through your options.” She said before disappearing into glitter.

“Thanks Imaginary Sunset!” She said as she started breathing more calmly. Okay, Applejack (May 8th) and Rainbow would- Suddenly, two imaginary versions of her aforementioned friends appeared next to her on different sides.

“It’s simple, just run circles around them and take their weapons before they even realize what’s going on.” Imaginary Rainbow said smugly as she leaned back. Imaginary Applejack scoffed as she rolled her eyes, causing Rainbow to look sharply at her. “What?”

“No no, it’s a good plan, if ya want a stray bullet to hit one of the hostages while they’re trying to hit ya! Here’s what ya want to do. Just draw all the attention to ya, get some cover, probably a car to use as a shield, then take them all out at your leisure.”

“Are you kidding?” Imaginary Rainbow said incredulously. “That plan sucks!”

“I don’t see ya offering anything better!”

“I just gave a foolproof plan!”

“Ma point exactly.”

“GUYS!” Pinkie said as both imaginary constructs looked to her. “I don’t have super speed or super strength, I can’t do any of those things.” Both of them looked sheepishly as they realized the follies of both their plans. “Ya should try Rarity.” Imaginary Applejack said. “She’d probably have an idea or two.”

“Or you’re just saying that cause she’s your girlfriend.” Imaginary Applejack blushed at this. “Now if you want a plan try Fluttershy.”

“Oh, now who’s playing favorites?” Rainbow blushed at this. “At least Ah’m in a relationship, little miss can’t tell her crush!”

“You didn’t even-” They both vanished in a puff of glitter as they retreated back into her mind, likey to continue arguing. Okay, that wasn’t very helpful. Maybe Rar-

Suddenly, an Imaginary version of Rarity appeared, hunched over a sewing machine. She was frantically going at it, only briefly pausing to look back at Pinkie. “Sorry darling, but my deadline is two days from now and I’ve only had time to just begin the basework!” She said before going back to it.

Pinkie stood flabbergasted at this. “B-But you’re in my head! How do you even-” She stopped as Imaginary Rarity disappeared in a puff of glitter. …Maybe Fluttersh- Her thoughts were interrupted by an imaginary version of Fluttershy appearing.

Which would’ve been all well and good, and swell and sgood, only she was standing over a sleeping imaginary bear! Imaginary Fluttershy immediately turned to her and put her fingers to her lips to signify silence, which Pinkie complied with full-heartedly before Imaginary Fluttershy used some tweezers to pull something from the bears nostrils, causing it to wake up with some tell tale anger.


The rage was cutoff as it and Imaginary Fluttershy disappeared into a puff off glitter. Pinkie stood back, gasping at the intenseness of what she had just witnessed. I’’m almost scared to think, but I have no choice. T-

“Oh you aren’t gonna have much luck with her.” She jumped back as Imaginary Sunset came from behind her till she was right in front of her. “She’s busy using the Separation Separatrix to solve for world peace.”

“…Is that even how math works?” Pinkie asked, exasperated at her own mind.

Imaginary Sunset shrugged as she moved up to the window. “It’s your mind so… actually, maybe I could help. What’s the situation?” Pinkie sighed before smiling.

“Well, there are like fifteen guys with guys, and that Jakalov guy who has this gun that fires something that makes you evaporate. Thirt- twenty nine,” she tensed as she corrected herself. “Hostages, all preparing what looks like drugs.” She tried to think of something, anything, but came up blank. “Please tell me you have a plan Imaginary Sunset.” She said as she got on her knees and begged. Imaginary Sunset smirked as she gestured for her to get up.

“Well, it looks like they’re preparing cocaine, so…” she said before going into thought. After a minute, her eyes widened. “You remember that cop movie we saw that one time?”

“Yeah, Game Cop! The action intense movie about a cop who has to clean up the streets in the videogame "Great Stealing Car!”

“Well do you remember how those criminals cut cocaine?”

“Yeah they-OOOOOH. Smart.” She said before smirking.

She could do this.

One minute later…

She yelled as she was thrown against the wall. As she looked up she saw the barrel of a gun pointing straight at her.

“What the hell are you supposed to be?” One of the armed men said as he looked at her. Okay, maybe talking to Imaginary Sunset while sneaking in wasn’t the best idea. Especially considering that she can’t help me in a fight because she’s imaginary! Wait, calm down, I can do this.

“Superhero at your service.” She said from her sitting down position. Only to curl into herself as the barrel was pushed to her head.

“Gimme one reason I don’t blow your brains out.” He was gonna do it, he wasn’t lying in the slightest.

“…I have candy in my back pocket?” Please take the bait. Please take the bait. Please take the bait. “It’s really good?”

The armed guard looked at her in confusion before motioning her to turn around. She complied as she sat with her face towards the wall. She smirked as the man rummaged around in her back pocket. Come on…

“What is this? Snickers?” She smiled at her success. “Yeah, cause you’re not you when you’re hungry.” She said as she activated her power on the candy bar she had touched earlier. She whirled around in time to see the bar explode in the man's hand. Using the distraction, she hit the guy in the head with his own gun, disorienting him even more. She then used what little training she had to expertly take him down… by punching him a lot.

Once she was sure he was knocked out, she slumped him against the wall and reached into her hood. After pulling out some sticky notes, she wrote something down and stuck it to his head. Alright, now that that is over with- Her thoughts were interrupted as she heard something coming from inside the building.

“Did you guys hear something? Sounded like someone repeatedly punching one of us. I should go check.” One of the men inside stated.

“Let’s all four of us check!” Pinkie paled at the confirmation of the other guys before realizing she needed a plan. Um… Um… Oh this isn’t working, I need a cupcake! She thought as she pulled a box out of hair and brought one to her mouth. Ah, Sugarcube Corner, source of delicious, sweet, sugary… oh. She thought before she begrudgingly placed them all in a line right outside the door. As she did so, she realized this would probably alert everyone inside, so she readied some candy sprinkles and, in emergencies, a ring of donuts.

Really hope I don’t have to use these. I’ve been saving them all day. She thought before the door opened and the four guys streamed out. “How’s it going everyone?” She said before the cupcakes exploded in the guards' surprised faces. Normally, the cupcakes would’ve just knocked the guards back, maybe unconscious if she was lucky. However, these were the super sugar frosted ones she had got to savor alongside the donuts, so even the doors were blown off their hinges, much to the attention of everyone inside the building.

Here we go.

Jakalov was a man of… integrity? Maybe. He was a man of… wealth? Well yes, but that wasn’t it. He was a man of… punctuality. That was it. He liked to be on schedule, and when things interfered with that, he got angry. So one worker complaining which drew the attention of the others away from packing cocaine would naturally incur his wrath. He was thankful for the device he had been given. It was very useful for getting rid of bodies. Speaking of which, since they were almost done here, it looked like he would have use for it once more. Especially since it was risky transporting the same workers around.

Much better to wipe the slate clean before… recruiting new ones.

And it would all be done in a quick fashion. He grinned at this as he looked at the poor unfortunate souls from the upper floor of the warehouse. His favorite kind.

Suddenly, the doors to the room blew inwards, along with four of his men. The hell? Were they under attack? The guards, after recovering from their period of shock, aimed their weapons at the door, ready for anything. Except one girl rushing forward into the room, propelled by… were those pink explosions? He watched in wonder as she was propelled through the air, and over his armed men, ans towards his workers. In amazement, he witnessed her pour… sprinkles? Onto their hand and leg cuffs as she ran past them. What on earth is she trying to do? He soon got his answer as moments later, the cuffs exploded in a color of pink.

“GO!” She yelled before she pulled out… no way. He watched as she hesitantly threw out six donuts. As the workers he collected ran out the door, thoroughly freaked out at they were seeing, not that he could relate. The wonder in his eyes increased as he watched donuts emit a pink glow that expanded and engulfed everything in a beautiful work of art.


The delicious delightful delectable donuts caused some damage, but it wasn’t that devasting. She cursed herslef for not aiming closer to the armed men, for it looked like they would be up soon enough. Whatever, should be enough time for me to do what I need to do. Hopefully. She had used the cover to where they were storing the cocaine till they would transport it. If she could detonate sugar she could in theory detonate cocaine. Those two were practically the same thing after all! Of course… she thought from where she was hiding. …there’s the whole issue of the metal crate between me and the cocaine. True she was happy for the place to hid but… everyone could see the issue here.

“Fan out and search the area!” She paled as Jakalov started barking orders. “She can’t have gotten far!” She was forced to face facts. This wasn’t the biggest warehouse in the city. In fact, as a kid, it was likely buillied by its older siblings for being the smallest tin the warehouse pack! So it left and- Shut up Pinkie! Just shut up! She was shocked at her own harsh thoughts, but they helped her come to a realization. This was too much for her. She couldn’t handle this. She was a party girl who memorized everyones birthdays! Not some sort of superhero! She never should’ve done this. She never should’ve agreed to this. She… She wanted to go home.

Guns clicked as she heard them come closer. In a few minutes, they were gonna find her, and everything would be over. She was never gonna do anything ever again! She was never gonna plan a party! Work at the diner! Never… see her friends again. At this thought, her body steeled. She stood up and looked at the metal crate between her and the coke. Okay, I’ve been activating my power through touch while I was wearing gloves, and even beofre that I made a sprinkles thing explode while touching the container! So in theory I should be able to (hopefully) explode all this coke even through the metal crate. She thought depserately as she placed her hands on the crate. Think explosives thoughts, come on! Late work hours!

The men drew closer, having heard someone grunting.

Always having to carry around all that stuff!

Sunset flashed through her mind as the men pointed their guns forward as they drew closer to the area behind the crate. Jakalov smirked as he came behind them, curious to see what the girl had been doing.

Never seeing my friends again!

Their view finally set on to her and they fired their guns…

…right as the inside of the metal crate glowed pink.


A few minutes later…

Pinkie gasped as she opened her eyes, before immediately closing them again at the intense heat that surrounded her. She definitely heard crackling, but not the crackling of a good s’more campfire, no. This building was definitely on fire.

She groaned as she got up and checked her costume. Half of her face mask had been destroyed, luckily most of her face was still covered, or else she’d be burnt. Some of her hood was gone so some of her hair was out. She looked around to see if anyone else was conscious, only to see nothing but bodies laying still.

Deathly still.

She paled at the thought of what she might have done before an intense pain shot through her arms, alongside the sound of gunfire. She screamed before falling to the ground in shock before looking to where the sound had come from, and gasped as seeing Jakalov holding a freshly fired gun. Luckily, it wasn’t the one that vaporized the guy. Though that didn’t help her when he fired it at her four more times as she tried crawling away.

Uh oh…

“You know, I am definitely amazed by you.” He said as he limped forward. Guess he hadn’t been completely unaffected by the blast. “I thought I was one of the only people with access to magic.” He said as he gestured to his fancy gun, which was now pointing at her. That explained a lot. “Course, because of you, I have been sent way off schedule, and you need to pay for that. So…” he said as he pointed his gun at her, ready to turn her to dust. “…any last words you bitch?”

This was it, she was gonna die. She was never gonna see any of her friends again. And she was gonna die in a pool of her blood.

You really should watch your blood sugar levels

She looked at the blood coming from her arm and put her hand to it, before using her other hand to fluff her pink hair as she grinned at him. “Fuck you.”

And then she activated her power.

The effect was noticeable immediately. The pool of blood didn’t explode, but instead was set ablaze with pink fire. What she didn’t account for was the blood inside her. She started spazzing out as fire literally flowed through her viens. To the outside person, it was as if she was having a seizure in a pool of fire. Her screams were like that of a finished kettle but horrified and in pain.

”WHY THE FUCK DID I DO THIS!!!!!!” She screeched as her body failed to even produce words. Likely the result of vocal chords burning.

Jakalov looked at her incredulously, wondering what the hell she had done to herself, before looking at her in terror as it looked as if flesh was melting off her bones. Speaking of which, her bones were now black as the night sky. What did she think was going to happen when she ignited her blood sugar? Yes, he had been able to deduce her ability, which was why he now regretted cutting the cocaine, given they used sugar in that process, it was likely what she used to detonate it.

Suddenly, a beeping sound came from the device he used to vaporize the worker. Ah, recharge times over. He thought before taking out the gun.

Well, might as well get rid of the body and put her out of her misery. He thought as he pointed his gun at the somehow still moving girl.

“See you around bitch.”

Everything was dark. Actually, to be more accurate, there was nothing anywhere. Except two voices.

Pinkie you need to get up.

No, I don’t want to.

But you have to, this man is about to kill you.

So what? He’s putting… me out of my misery.

You’re slipping away, you have to get up.

What do you… care? Who even… are you?

That’s not important. Without you, your friends will fall apart.

I don’t… want… that… to happen.

So you need to get up. Now!

But… I can’t… everything… hurts… I hurt.

… Pinkie, you spend so much time making everyone happy…

Wait…I… know… those… words.

…But really…

They’re… from… someone… I know.

…if anyones friends with you…

From… my… friend.

…Then all they need to be happy…

From… her.

…Is you being happy.

…Sunset makes me happy. I want to be happy. I WANT TO BE HAPPY!!!!!

As those words were spoken, the nothingness was enveloped in fire, but not the kind that burned red. No.

This fire burnt a hot pink.

Suddenly, the corpse started moving, but it was like it was out of a horror movie. Jakalov watched in fear as the black skeleton stood up, engulfed in its own flames. It then slowly titled its head up to point its lifeless eyeholes at him, and then it started walking towards him.

He screamed as he fired his magical weapon at it in attempt to vaporize it, only to look aghast as the attacks did nothing. Is that pink fire so hot it negates the vaporization? That’s impossible.

But as he looked at the ground beneath the monsters feet, he was proven wrong as it was aglow with mass amounts of temperature. He watched in terror as it grew closer, him unable to runaway due to the limp, and it just about…


…what? He watched as it lightly tapped his shoulder, before retracting its hand. He looked flabbergasted at what he had witnessed. “Is that seriously all you- AAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ” He screamed as his right arm was suddenly set ablaze in pink flames. He watched in abject intense pain as the flesh melted off his bones. It was like watching a s’more melt off a stick! His screams continued as all that remained as black brittle unusable bone.

As he continued to scream, the pink flamed skeleton looked at him, its featureless skeleton head unable to convey emotions, before turning away and slowly, shakily, leaving the scene. Leaving Jakalov in agony.

Luckily, the skeleton had enough sense to stay in the alleyway, away from peoples sight as it left the warehouse. It naturally wanted to return home, or at least, where it remembered home as. Luckily, that was on the way to Pinkies house.

Suddenly, a clapping sound filled the air as Imaginary Sunset appeared sitting on a dumpster. “Well done. Magnificent indeed.” It turned to her as it tilted its head in curiosity.

“Oh, I just didn’t know when I goaded Pinkie to do that reckless plan it would awaken such a beast. No offense, actually the exact opposite.” It tilted its head even further. “Don’t worry, either way, it’s time for you to go back inside.” This provoked a reaction. It roared an eerie screech as it lunged at her before it stopped as its flames went out and it was replaced with Pinkie.

Who unfortunately had not been wearing flame retardant clothing.

Pinkie fell to the ground, looking around in a daze as she wondered what had happened. “W-Waht?” Also disoriented. Good. “Imagiary Sunset?” So she noticed her. Good.

“Go to sleep Pinkie. When you wake up, you’ll be back at your house, fully rested, and fully clothed.” She said as she smiled downwards at the currently disrobed and disoriented girl.

“Taht’s goodie. Tankies.” She said sluggishly as she fell asleep, dreaming of how she had just stopped a drug operation in the city. And as she did so, a smile grew upon her sleeping face.

Pinkies eyes shot open as she woke up in her bed. She immediately looked at the clock and saw she still had a whole whopping two hours to go before school even got close to starting! But for some reason, she didn’t feel remotely tired. If anything she felt she was energized beyond belief!

She whooped as she started to bounce around the room. This felt amazing! She continued to do so as she cheered at the rush of energy she felt before her ear started twitching, followed by eye starting to flutter, finished by her knee twitching. She gasped before she turned off the light before she jumped into bed and pulled the blanket over herself to cover her body.

A few seconds later, the door opened as Maud Pie looked into the room. Seeing once again that her sister was in bed, she closed the door. Under her covers, Pinkie smiled as she realized the first thing she wanted to do with all her newfound energy.

One hour later…

“So seeing as you were an integral part of my activity yesterday succeeding.” Pinkie said as she stood with her pose upright and hands on her hips. “I’ve decided to bake you your very own cake! And it’s naturally it’s your favorite flavor! And naturally I’m pushing to get it on the menu at the diner I work at.” She said as she winked at the girl in question she was talking to.

Sunset looked at the girl who was currently covered in hot pink glitter who had just burst from out of her locker after screaming ‘surprise!’, a blush evident on her face before she started grinning, not a word leaving her mouth. Pinkie was shocked at this, wondering if Sunset was mocking her, before she found two arms wrapped around her body. She froze in shock before Sunset whispered something into her ear.

“You’re welcome. I’ll always be here for you.”

Pinkie grin practically split her face in two, which would’ve been bad for most people, but for her, two times the face meant two times the smiles.

She felt her hair start twitching, but she decided to do the one thing she’d never thought she’d do.

Ignore it in favor of what she was doing right now. Distantly, she heard a groan as someone slipped and broke something, but for once, she didn’t need to care. She just needed to worry about herself.

And herself was happy.

“So aside from that, I’ve been living my life. It’s WAAAAAAAAAAY less stressful now that I’m worrying about every little thing.” Pinkie said to Trixie as she laid with her stomach on the couch with her legs kicking back and forth.

“That’s good, anything else you’d like to report? You know, given how close we are to the meeting ending.” Trixie said, not wanting to be caught in a blindside… AGAIN.

“Nope!” She said happily as she looked upwards with a dazed look on her face. Though this one looked… happy. Or…

“Something on your mind Pinkie?” She said, her eye trained on the clock.

“Oh… nothing… it’s just lately whenever I think of Sunset I get all dazey and fluttery, though Fluttershy’s nowhere to be found. I wonder what that means.” She said before the alarm sounded, causing Trixie to break her clipboard in half as Pinkie shot out the room.


Chief Shining Armor looked at the scene before him. Ten dead. Four brutally injured. One with his freaking arm burnt off.

Jolly good.

Whoever did this was a psycho. Sure, they had busted a cocaine selling business, but there was no need for whoever did this to go this far. This was the work of a psycho, possibly trying to justify their own actions by doing to people who sold drugs. But that wasn’t gonna stop them for long. He looked at the note in his hand.

Luckily, he had at least had their handwriting.

“…I believe the situation has more than called for my help. And before you ask, everyone and their mother knows about the brightest, least stealthy raid in the history of raids.”

“That we can agree on.”

“So, can I assume I will have access to your resources if I can bring you those girls dead on a platter?”


“Jolly, this should be fun.”

“Pleasure doing business with you, Jokai.”

Author's Note:

I have a Ko-fi account now so that's new
