• Published 26th Apr 2023
  • 256 Views, 14 Comments

The Adventures of the Equestria Girls - SaiakuMonoNarrator

Magic, heroes, drama, dark themes, and mystery. And a nice dose of comedy. = The Adventures of the Equestria Girls

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Dinner Itself

Things. Were. Perfect.

The sun was smiling with his dopey grin, the people were shining with their brilliant hue, and her pie-cake factory was pumping out pie-cake after cake-pie, each sounding more happy than the last.

“All reports show premium productivity in perfect position for our pie-cakes President Pinkie.” A lab coated Sunset said as she held her clipboard. The girl she was talking to turned around in her spinning chair and smiled.

“Excellent alliteration Madame Vice President.” She smiled as she leaped onto her desk before diving into her friend while hugging her. “And an even more excellent report!” She said as she nuzzled into her like a dog. She then looked to her face, intent on expressing even more of her grat-


Only to see a black skull engulfed in pink flames. She screamed in terror and tried to get away, but the thing had already wrapped its skeleton arms around her. And that wasn’t the only thing on pink fire, everything else in her dream burned the same color of flame, and it was slowly engulfing her.


Pinkie Pie shot up in her bed, soaked in sweat and gasping desperately. She looked around before patting herself down to make sure she wasn’t on fire before calming down slightly. Once she regulated herself, she started sobbing quietly.

You’re alive, You’re alive,You’re alive.

Ever since she realized what she did at the warehouse, she had been getting nightmares about this… thing , in her mind. A black skeleton engulfed in hot pink flames, burning everything it touched, terrifying her awake before it could do whatever it wanted to her.

Very, very, very, very, very, not pleasant.

She had already gotten her friends in trouble with what she did at the warehouse, so there was no way she was involving them in this. Besides, it was only a dream. Or dreams, given they were happening more than once and almost daily. The effects were only in her head, and in her heart, and on her sleeping schedule.

That was until now.

She desperately ran water under right index finger with the intent of drowning it out and making it disappear, or at least put the fire out. After a few minutes she raised it to her face, seeing a soaking wet, black finger bone.

Okay, it’s not on fire anymore so that’s good. I could paint it pink and-NO!

She was interrupted by the bone suddenly bursting into flames once more, causing her to panic as she started wagging her finger at herself like- Wait, I’m not doing that. W-why would I wag my finger at myself? She thought before she came to a horrific realization the fire started to slowly spread from her finger.

I’m not in control of my finger, it is.

The Adventures of the Equestria Girls

“So, what anniversary are we celebrating?” Shining Armor asked as he sat down at the table, taking in the lovely set up they had placed in the backyard. A long dining table covered in a white cloth, with white plates set up with appropriate utensils. All the other girls aside from Sunset and Pinkie were sitting at the table.

“Glad you asked.” Rainbow said as she stood up in her chair before lighting a flashlight under face. “On this day, over a hundred years ago in the Taisho Era, an emperor's son fell ill. When the royal medics couldn’t fix him, he proposed a decree.” She then deepened her voice.

“To the one who can heal my son, I shall make it so that you want for nothing!” She then set her voice back to normal.

“Healers from across the land flocked to the Royal Palace, intent on seeking the reward for themselves. Unfortunately, they could only diagnose what was wrong with the prince. His heart had been unfit for his body, and was slowly failing him. The Emperor specified this in a renewed message throughout the land, but no one came.”

Hold on, this sounds familiar. Fluttershy thought as she listened to the story.

“Elsewhere, a young girl was playing with herself. She was poor, and an orphan, but she always found a way to make her life enjoyable. In her playtime, she had found a most peculiar object, it was metallic, but there was something about it that gave off an almost… magical , type of feeling. She had heard the message made throughout the land by the Emperor. And just felt this could help. So she brought it to the prince, who’s situation had worsened to the point where he could no longer leave his bed.”

“She held the object above his beating chest before it glowed and… sunk into his chest. Suddenly, the boy shot up, hacking and coughing, but it was more action than he had shown in the past month. He then spat out his useless, failing heart, to which the girl realized looked just like the magical object that had gone into his body. When he had finished, the boy was now more energetic and lively than all the people in the kingdom. The Emperor rejoiced and promised the girl anything she wanted through his tears of joy as he hugged his son, but the girl simply smiled and said, ‘I came to help your son, for I would want someone to help me if I was in his position.’ and left to go back to her life. The Prince and Emperor were astounded by this, as they likely would not have saved her if she was in this situation, and so the Prince made a choice.

“With his fathers wealth he purchased a house in the area she lived and went there. And from then on, he would attempt to gain her heart. The girl laughed at him every time, but over many years, she saw him as a friend.. They went on many adventures together, and she eventually agreed to move into his house. After 4 years, they shared their first kiss. The Prince would buy house after house, each time going over it with the girl for her approval, and each house would land them closer and closer to the Palace. After 4 more years, they would arrive at the very steps of the Palace where they had first met, and the Prince would get down on one knee and ask for her hand in marriage. To which she simply answered with a kiss.” With that, Rainbow sat back into her chair as everyone clapped their hands.

“That was an amazing legend, absolutely incredible.” Shining Armor said as Fluttershy was sipping her glass. I didn’t expect her to give such an in depth report. Well, we are going on a field trip to Japan soon so maybe she just got into it? I’m glad to see she’s applying herself. She thought sweetly.

“Oh that’s the best part, it isn’t a legend.” Fluttershy spit the water to the ground to avoid drawing attention before she looked at Rainbow. “A couple years ago they dug up this Emperor's tomb and had this exact legend on the tomb. He wanted his story to be remembered by everyone so much that when the Prince became Emperor he decreed his tale be inscribed on his tomb! And I bet is someone opened it up they’d find-”

“RainbowheycanIspeakwithyou?” Fluttershy said rapidly before she pulled Rainbow out of her chair and into the house.

Rarity, Applejack, Twilight and Shining Armor looked at that questioningly before they looked at each other.

“Do you guys know what that was about?” Shining asked before some animals came from under the table, causing the girls to daaaw.

“No, but Fluttershy’s work as back up entertainment has been well fulfilled. Yes it has, Yes it has.” Rarity said as she cuddled with Opaline while Winona was licking Applejack's face. Twilight ,however, looked after the two and whispered something into Spike's ear, who then nodded and ran into the house.

Shining looked at this in suspicion before rubbing the chin of the tortoise who was still slowly coming out from underneath the table before doing a double take. “Did you say back up entertainment?”

“Alright Fluttershy, what is it?” Rainbow said now that they were both inside and in the kitchen, before wincing at the glare she received. Oh boy, the stare. She thought before sighing. “So you figured me out?”

“If by ‘figure you out’ you mean I know you’re planning on checking that tomb to see if that heart exists so you can give it to Scootaloo on our field trip to Japan, then yes, yes I have figured you out.” She said curtly in anger.

Sunset had checked everything here, where was that damn computer. From what Twilight had told her, their parents lived a bit aways from Canterlot, so this house was actually Shining Armors and Twilight lived here now that she didn’t live in the dorms of Crystal Prep. So he would obviously keep the computer that would receive the email somewhere here. She thought as she continuously checked his bedroom. I’m just glad his wife is out of the house right now. She was incredibly relieved because she did not want to explain to her why she was rifling through her husband's bedroom where- Nope! Don’t go there! She thankfully interrupted herself before things could get R-rated.

Where is that- Who turned on the shower? The sounds of a shower being turned on entered her ears as she raised her eyebrow and left the room to head to the bathroom. This is where Pinkie went, did she not leave?

“Uh Pinkie?” She said as she knocked on the door. “Everything okay?” Concern seeped into her voice as she heard a yelp from inside.

“Uh Y-yeah! Everythings fine!” She said before Sunset saw a bit of smoke come into her face. What the? She said as she saw a bit more come from underneath the door. “Pinkie is something on fire?” She said, concern fully in her voice as she tried to get the door open. “Are you alright?”

“Yeah! I’m fine! Everythings fine!” There was more smoke now, wait was she sobbing? Okay, this is gonna hurt. She screwed the mission as she rammed into the door shoulder first and got into the bathroom, only to widen her eyes at the scene before her.

The source of the fire was the shower curtain(Why was it pink?) , but the source of what caused it to be on fire was a bit more weird. Pinkie was currently sobbing and curled into a ball in the tub while her left arm was gripping her right arm, which was currently nothing but black bone and currently engulfed in pink fire. The shower was spraying onto her but she didn’t seem all that wet, and if she was, the pink fire maintaining its while the right arm was trying to free itself was definitely speaking against that.

“Okay, this is… new.”

“Okay, before you get mad-” Rainbow started before Fluttershy interrupted her.

“You’re planning on desecrating a corpse for a magical artifact that may or not be real.” Fluttershy stated plainly with a look that told her she was already mad.

“Oh it’s real all right. After our little scuffle I looked for ways to get Scootaloo a new heart, only to find out they were really expensive. So I looked through the book of magical stuff Princess Twilight gave us, maybe find a humanoid creature with three hearts or something.”


“Only to find something WAY better.” She said as she pulled up a picture on her phone of an artifact that looked like a human heart. “The Heart of Atalasia. Made to bring life to an army of stone pony statues. It was lost to time after the 2nd war between Ponies, Dragons, and Griffons, and judging on when this was, that was around the time the girl found the magical heart from the story in the Taisho Era!”

“...You didn’t even want to read a chapter of a history book.” The light pink haired girl said in shock and kind of judgment.

“Okay, that’s a different thing entirely.” Rainbow said before Fluttershy sighed.

“Look, I agree we should get Scootaloo a new heart, I am with you on that. But maybe there’s a better way than desecrating a corpse .” She said, placing emphasis on the last part, causing Rainbow to groan.

“Scootaloo’s blood type is AB Negative, that’s the rarest blood type in like… ever . And she’s a kid, the odds of an AB Negative kid dying and leaving behind a perfectly intact heart for her to use is like one in a billion! This heart is her only hope.”

“Right, and that’s why you were gonna give a presentation to us in hope that would help you?” She said as she raised her eyebrow.

“...Maybe.” Fluttershy sighed before continuing. “Look, I want to help her, but maybe you should reconsider this. You don’t exactly have the best judgment when it comes to your sister.” She said before she eeped and covered her mouth as Rainbow winced.

“Sorry I-”

“No, you’re right, and I am not doing anything like that again, but I thought she was dead, and if she was I’d do it again. I know it’s a dumb, lame, and stupid excuse, and that I should take responsibility but any one of you would’ve killed those guys.” She said coldly. “And you agree with me, or else you wouldn’t have hid the bodies.”

“WHAT?!” Both of their heads bolted towards the floor where they saw Spike, who’s eyes were widened as he backed away, fear on his face. Rainbow's eyes darted at super speeds around the room before she found what she was looking for, and in a rainbow flash, the dog was muzzled and his legs were bound with duct tape. Fluttershy gasped as she saw this.


“Don’t worry!” She said as she tried to calm Spike down. “I’m not gonna hurt you, I’m just gonna try and convince you not to tell the others what we did.” She said before running away, and after a few minutes, coming back with a whole bag of dog kibble, to which Spike started wagging his tail in anticipation to which Rainbow smirked.

“I take it this is enough to buy your silence?” She said before she started breathing heavily. Giant bags of dog kibble were heavier than she thought. Suddenly, Spike stopped wagging his tail and closed his eyes shut and turned his head away. Rainbow groaned before putting her palm to her face.

“Okay, good thing the pet shop’s still open.” She said as she turned to Fluttershy. “Care to tell me what dogs like?”

Sunset immediately exclaimed once the shock wore off.“Pinkie! You look… great.” She continued in a calmer voice. “You get a new… arm?” Pinkie sobbed at her question while Sunset got the shower curtain soaked and deflamed.

“So I take it this is what got you asking about if our magic came from living things?” Pinkie continued to sob as she shakily nodded her head.

“Okay, this is good. I take it the reason this is happening is because of what happened at the warehouse?” For the first time, Pinkie spoke.

“Y-yeah, I was gonna g-get killed so I set m-m-m-m-my blood on fire and…I think I died.” Sunset's eyes widened to the point where she was worried they’d burst out of her sockets. “A-anand now, I get n-nightmare of this th-thing coming for me and I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO!” She wailed as she was sent back to noises of sorrow.

This wasn’t good, and it had to happen now ? When they we- Calm down Sunset, she needs you right now. She sighed before thinking things over, and eventually coming up with a plan, or rather an idea.

She slipped off her leather jacket before getting into the tub with her, and getting soaked all the same. She didn’t really mind “Okay, Pinkie, I’m going to try and use my power on your arm.” She said slowly, though that didn’t really help.

“NO!” She backed further into the corner of the tub and looked away from her. “You might get hurt and I-I wouldn’t know what to do to help you and-”

“Pinkie.” She said as she reached for the flaming arm. “Whatever this thing is, it spent a lot of time inside you. I refuse to believe anything that comes from you can be all bad, or even sort of bad.” She said as she watched her curly haired friend slowly look at her. “You just need to believe in yourself. And if you can’t do that, just believe in me, your… best friend.” As much she wanted to be more than that, now was not the time. “Because I believe in you. Do you believe in me?” She said as she looked at her intently, before smiling at the nodding of her hyperactive crush. “Good.”

And then she touched the arm.

Flashes of seven creatures standing around a stone went through her mind, before they were replaced with the stone glowing seven colors before it split into two pieces, one keeping the seven colors, and the other glowing a sickly green. It was then erased with the image of a black flaming skeleton suddenly popping into existence in a white space and seeing Pinkie bleeding on the ground through a screen like thing, causing it to roar.

And then they ended.

She gasped as she came back to reality. “That was… interesting.” She said before seeing the flaming skeleton arm stop trying to move. “Uh Pinks? I think you can let the arm go now. I don’t think it’s trying to do anything to you now, thinking back on it now, I don’t think it has.” Pinkie slowly nodded before letting the arm go, only for it to wrap around her left shoulder and start patting her back. Pinkie panicked at this before being calmed down by Sunset.

“Don’t worry, I think it’s just trying to… apologize for scaring you?” She received approval as the arm gave a thumbs up before gesturing to Pinkie's body, causing Sunset to blush as she gestured to… certain parts, and curves, and-

“Oh! I think it’s saying that it’s a she?” She said before her mind could wander. Another skeletal thumbs up. “Okay, based on what I saw, I think she was trying to protect you by taking over at the warehouse when she SAW THAT YOU WERE GOING TO DIE!” She suddenly wrapped her arms around while checking her over for injuries. “Are you alright? Did you get a concussion? Did you-” She was cut off by a sound flowing into her ears before she grinned. As the skeletal arm went back to normal Pinkie Pie skin, she basked in something she hadn't heard since that damn news report came out.

Pinkamena Diane Pie laughing.

“So, we have three whole things of dog kibble, two doggy beds, a bunch of socks, four chew toys, and the addresses of all the cute lady dogs in the area. Is that enough to buy your silence?” Rainbow asked as she panted from having run back and forth from the pet shop so many times.

Spike looked at the mound of all the stuff with wide eyes before turning away. Rainbow screamed in rage and kicked over the bag of kibble. “We’re screwed!” she said as she turned to Fluttershy, who was now incredibly nervous, and breathed in and out before placing her hands on her shoulders. “Hey, don’t worry. We’re not going to go to jail. We’ll flee the country if we have to.”

“W-what?” Fluttershy said as she stammered. “We can’t do that!”

“Well it’s our only option! They may have reacted well to Pinkie but they cannot be allowed to know our secret.”

“What secret?” They both froze as Spike glowed purple and was suddenly lifted upwards and moved in the air by an unseen force before the duct tape on him was undone and he was floating next to one angry Twilight Sparkle, who viewed the scene with shock. “Why was my dog wrapped in duct tape? And why were you trying so desperately to bribe him?”

“Ummm-” They both said, unable to think of any words.

“You know what?” She said as she raised her hand. “It’s fine. I’ll just ask Spike.” She said as she turned to the dog who viewed his owner's face along with the panicked faces of his owner's friends.

“They are…” All the looks in the room intensified as he spoke, causing him to yell the last part.

“DATING!” He yelled, much to the shock of everyone in the room. What? Both girls who were at risk because of the dog thought before realizing they didn’t have much of a choice.

“Y-YEAH!” Rainbow stuttered. “W-we've been dating for a while!” She said as she grasped Fluttershy's hand, who realized she needed to take the lead on this.

“We wanted to keep it a secret and announce it to the group, so we’re pretty desperate to prevent it from getting out. Or we were .” She said in an accusatory tone to Twilight, who widened her eyes before apologizing profusely.

“I’m so sorry! I just really wanted everything to go well so we could get attention off of Pinkie Pie! Please forgive me!” She said as she clasped her hands together. Rainbow and Fluttershy gave each other a successful look before turning to Twilight.

“It’s fine, just don’t tell anyone else. We want to surprise them at a special time.” Fluttershy said while Rainbow nodded in agreement. Suddenly, Rainbow froze. “Wait, we want to make sure your brother doesn’t find out we’re secretly heroes, right?” They both turned to her and nodded, not seeing why she was bringing that up now.

“Then was leaving them with the girl who’s easily flattered and the girl who can’t lie a good idea?”

Everyone froze.

“So, I hear you two are quite talented.” Shining said as he stuck his fork into his food. Grinning as Rarity blushed and Applejack thanked him for the compliment. “So how about you tell me more about yourselves?”

“So you practically run a farm and you’ve hosted a parade?” He asked intently while the two girls smiled at the compliment. “Talk about a power couple.” The two girlfriends smiled at this before he frowned.

“Rarity, it makes me wish you would’ve designed those costumes those Equestria Girls wear.”

Rarity liked to think she was above most things. A mean word, a couple of boo’s, life ending danger, that type of thing. She had always made sure to show that on the outside, words never affected her.

Of course, it was a completely different matter on the inside. She was quite obsessive over every single syllable, if it came from someone of importance. An important designer, her boss, the Chief of Police.

“I mean sure, legally you’d be labeled a criminal but at least they’d look decent.” He said as Rarity gripped the table while Applejack gripped her girlfriend's hand, trying to get her to calm down.

“What’s wrong with how they look?” She asked simply, not coming close to even conveying a fraction of her fury.

“Oh I just think black is so boring, whoever made those costumes could’ve easily made them a darker shade of any other color. Honestly, it seems lazy on their part now that I think about it.” Rarity gritted her teeth as he ate his food. Applejack realized what Shining was doing easily.

Pinkie’s a suspect, but she’s no designer, he’s scouting us out and starting with the one he can get to the easiest. And neither of us can confront him on it or we’ll blow the whole thing open. Don’t fall for it, Rare. She thought as she watched her lover tighten her grip on the table, which was actually just a diamond platform with a giant table cloth over it.

Just as the purple haired girl was about to open her mouth. The door burst open and out came Twilight, Rainbow, and Fluttershy.

“H-Hey guys, how we doing?” Rainbow said as the three girls sat down at the table as Shining smiled.

“Just fine, I was just talking about how gaudy those outfits are that the Equestria Girls wear. I think Rarity could have some ideas on how to make them better, not that those would be in short supply.” They all tensed at the remark before seeing Rarity look angrier than they had seen her before. Hell, they even saw a vein!

“I’ll tell you exactly what I think about those outfits y-” Suddenly, two people jumped from the upstairs window and landed on the table.

“Hey Sunset?” Pinkie said as she gestured to her flame haired friend.

“Yeah Pinkie?” She over exaggeratedly said as she looked at the hot-pink haired girl.

“What did the driver say when he was pulled over by the officer who asked if he was drinking because his eyes were bloodshot?” She asked as she picked up the aforementioned vegetable.

“Why I have no idea? What did the driver say when he was pulled over by the officer who asked if he was drinking because his eyes were bloodshot?”

“He said…” She paused as she let the dramatic tension build up over the course of seven seconds as everyone slightly leaned in on instinct.

“...your eyes are glazed over. Have you been eating do-”

Shining Armor shut the door in the seven girls' faces now that they were out of the house and on the doorstep, all the pets at their sides.

The seven girls looked angrily at Pinkie who sweat dropped. “Umm, maybe I could’ve picked a better joke?”

“Yes, that could’ve been done. Sunset please tell me you found his computer, or anything he would receive emails on?” Sunset looked downwards.

“I couldn’t find anything, and I checked his whole room.” She said as she scratched her head while Twilight started questioning things.

“Then how is he-” Twilight then panicked as she heard her brother's phone ringing, at the time scheduled for the supposed email to be sent. “His phone! Ugh, he’s receiving the results over an automated phone call!” She said in despair as the girls all tensed in silence, at least wanting to hear their doom.

“Hello?” They hushed themselves as they listened in. “What do you mean, results inconclusive?” They all then heard him groan before he headed upstairs.

They stood there in silence for a few minutes before it was broken.“What on earth was that?” Rarity said as everyone else wondered the same thing.

“Results inconclusive… But that would mean it didn’t match any sample in the database when it was scanned.” She muttered to herself for a couple of seconds before turning to Pinkie. “What did you write the sample you left at the warehouse with?”

The girl in question turned to her with a raised eyebrow.“Frosting, why?” The other six girls and animals all managed to unify their response as they all slapped their palms to their faces, with Rainbow noticing Tanks speed and rapidly moved the foot to his face to give him the satisfaction of doing it with everyone else.

“So that was all fer nothing.” The cowgirl said as she laid down on a bean bag with the other girls at Pinkie's house. At least Shining kicking Twilight out of the house had given them an opportunity for an impromptu sleepover.

“Not really.” Rainbow contradicted. “I managed to get his review before he kicked us out of the house.”

“And I managed to learn some bits and pieces about the origin of the geodes.” Sunset said as Pinkie giggled and… blushed?

“And I’ve been doing some thinking.” Fluttershy said as she drew the attention of everyone before lowering the volume of her voice. “Maybe we should go on that field trip to Japan? Or at least some of us.” The others girls gained confused looks as they heard this.

“I’m not against it.” Sunset started. “But why?”

Fluttershy looked at Rainbow, who smiled. “You two are in for a treat.” She said to Sunset and Pinkie. “On this day, over a hundred years ago…”

Shining Armor wasn’t in a good mood.

He had seen many things that could fall under ‘dog gifts’ in his kitchen, which Rainbow said they had brought inside.

Upon inspection to the area around the door in the front, there was an indentation in the wall where the doorknob would hit, if it was repeatedly slammed open multiple times at high speeds.

His shower curtain was burnt, but how could that have happened? He kept the lighter stored away where not even Twily knew. It was as if someone brought their own. Or had their own.

Finally, a piece of pencil lead was split into two in the corner of the door. A little trickle employed to see if anyone went into his room. And into his room someone did go.

He didn’t have solid evidence aside from the personal type, something that didn’t hold up in the court of the law. But he was close. He was lucky he had the foresight to send those girls away so he could review the house.

I don’t want to believe those girls are criminals, but the Equestria Girls already have a body count. Twily… if you and your friends truly are the Equestria Girls I will have to bring you in. He thought solemnly.

“Sweetie! I’m ho-What’s with all the dog stuff?” He smiled as he heard his wife come in.

“Oh that, just a gift from Twilys friend Rainbow.” He said as she kissed him on the lips.

“Oh those girls are so nice. How was the little get together you guys had?”

“It kind of fell off towards the end, but all in all, it was very… informative.”

Shining Armor was in a great mood.

Author's Note:

I have a Ko-fi account now so that's new
