• Published 26th Apr 2023
  • 256 Views, 14 Comments

The Adventures of the Equestria Girls - SaiakuMonoNarrator

Magic, heroes, drama, dark themes, and mystery. And a nice dose of comedy. = The Adventures of the Equestria Girls

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Farm Hand Rarity

The boutique where a certain fashionista worked was always made to be in peak visual shape. Not a speck of dust out of place, and this fashionista always made sure to have it so. When it came to that boutique the word ‘mess’ might as well have been a foreign word from some far off land. And surely the same would apply to the certain fashionista’s room.

Sweetie Belle looked at Rarity sobbing on her fainting couch (As dubbed by literally everyone who had ever seen her in a distressed state) while eating ice cream. Her room was a mess, shockingly there were clothes… on the floor!

“Rarity! What’s going on!?” She yelled, concerned for her sister's mental health. She once chastised her for leaving her hat on the floor. Her hat! Her exclamation drew Rarity’s attention to her, causing her to stop crying and look at her in silence. At first, Sweetie Belle thought that Rarity might have finally calmed down, only for her to break into tears once more.

“Oh youth! Sweet innocent youth! How fortunate art thou to not have to deal with such problems!” She sobbed as she rolled off her couch and crawled over to Sweetie Belle, who looked at this in shock. “Umm…” She then yelped as Rarity grabbed her arms and pulled her down to her level. “Promise me you shalt not take thy youth for granted and squander it chasing foolish ideals! Treasure the carefreeness that comes with it!”

“Rarity, you aren’t even that older than me.”


“Geez! Yes I promise!” She watched as her older sister let go of her and began to crawl back to her couch acting like she didn’t even have legs. She groaned and walked in front of her and looked down upon her. “Now tell me what’s going on. You’ve never gotten quite this bad. And you’ve been like this the whole weekend.” She had avoided her sister's room because of the crying, but there was a time to intervene and it was now! Her sister froze before picking herself up and walking towards the couch where she lay down on it in a dramatic pose.

“Unfortunately dear, your sister has found herself a crsuh!” Immediately, a confused look appeared upon the younger sister's face. This was cause for celebration! Right?

“With Applejack!”

…Well, that complicated things a bit.

The Adventures of the Equestria Girls

“......I don’t get it, why is that bad?” She could see the situation, being in love with someone you see everyday, there were issues but it was mostly good. They knew each other well enough, liked each other, communicated well. And unlike most teen crushes they saw each other on a daily basis and Applejack wasn’t a celebrity or exchange student from some far off place.

“Because she’s my best friend!”

“Again this seems exclusively beneficial.”

“We’ve known each other forever!”

“You are actively adding positives to my side of this argument.”

“What if me admitting my love to her ruins our friendship!? Or worse, she says yes and she realizes that I can’t live on a farm?”

“Who said you had to?”

“There’s so many ways this could end badly! I’m left with no one, half of my friends all know nothing of love and Fluttershy, the one who could give the best advice for nurturing something has been absent from technology!”

“Did you try finding her in person?”

“I’ve never been so alone!” She spoke, ignoring Sweetie Belle’s question.

“I’m standing right here.”

“I am an island with no one to respond to my beautifully made S.O.S. signal!”

“...You know what?” Sweetie Belle sat next to Rarity as she tried to recall something. Maybe getting her to talk about it would make things better? “How did you even realize you had a crush on her?”

“Oh I was just remembering when we performed at the theme park and I realized how lucky I was to have her, then I couldn’t stop thinking about her and I realized I had butterflies in my stomach and then I realized what I felt and then I started crying and th-”

“Okay I get the idea!” She said quickly before her older sister could spiral into a sobbing mess again. “How about you come with me?” She proposed. She had talked with Applebloom yestreday and a topic had come up that might just help her sister with her problem.


Applejack yawned as she readied herself for another day of work when she heard the doorbell ring. Her eyebrow raised curiously as she went to the door and opened it. Her mouth gaped as she saw Sweetie Belle presenting someone she knew very well with jazz hands. Oddly enough, her friend was clad in overalls and a plain white shirt with a bandana in her hair, a far cry from anything she usually wore.

“Presenting Farm Hand Rarity!”


Flashback to earlier…

“Apparently somethings been messing with the apples over at the Apples farm, so their trying to harvest all the apples now so whatevers been doing lately can’t get to them, and to do that, their gonna need all the help they can get.” Sweetie Belle said as she rooted through clothing article after clothing article to find something suitable for farm work. “You’ll spend all day with Applejack and you can tell her how you feel, simple as that.” She smiled as she found what she was looking for.


Back to now…

That is what led to Rarity standing in front of her crush waving and blushing like an idiot. “H-hello, daring, I-I mean, darling.” she corrected. Oh this was much harder than she expected. She was so pretty. And kind. And friendly. And beautiful. And muscula- Her eyes shot up before she could go down that particular trail of thought.

Applejack looked at her in curiosity before speaking. “Umm, what are you-?”

“She heard you’ve been having trouble with the farm and volunteered us to help with the farm.” Sweetie Belle answered for her currently unable sister. “I can help Big Mac.” It was then Apple Bloom came in from behind Applejack.

“But wait, Ah might need help with mine!” Apple Bloom said in a tone that sounded slightly rehearsed.

“Oh in that case I can help both you and Big Mac!” Sweetie Belle said in response before looking down with her hands on her hips. “Oh wait, that means Applejack won’t have anyone helping her. Darn it.”

“Yeah, that’s a bummer, if only there was someone who could help ma big sis, preferably someone of her own size.” Applebloom said dejectedly as she looked at the older sister of her friend.

“Ah actually don’t need that mu-“ she was cut off by Rarity grunting as if she was just elbowed in the side.

“Ow! I mean, Oh, I can help you. With your chores! And nothing else! Because that’s what I’m here for. You. I-I mean, your chores! Picking the apples and what not.” Rarity said as she stuttered over every other sentence.

Applejack paused as she watched her friend stutter over her words, thinking she heard the sound of two hands facepalming. She then thought about how weird it was that Rarity wanted to work on a farm. Something was up, buuuuut, she did need the help. And working with your friend made time go faster so…

“Sure, Ah guess Ah could use the help.” There wasn’t really any harm in her being around. She watched as Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle grinned before running off, stating that they’d leave them to it. She assumed it meant the work she had to do. And just like that, the two super powered teens were alone.

“Ahhh, maybe show me the ropes so I know what to do?” Rarity asked after a minute of silence.

“Yeah, that seems…logical.” She replied slowly with the same smile on her face, still not sure what was going on, or used to Rarity volunteering to work on a farm, before straightening up and leading her towards the tool shed. “The others haven’t seen you outside all weekend, something wrong?” She said before checking to make sure no one was near and leaning in close to her, not noticing the evident blush on Rarity's naturally white face. “Sweetie Belle didn’t find out anything about our…abilities or late night activities, did she?”

If there was one thing they were grateful for, it was magic and special effects. Through a miracle, or perhaps multiple, no one at school knew about their abilities, thinking they only went magical in times of magical crisis. As far as anyone knew about their average life, it was filled with nothing but regular activities. And if anyone asked, well that's where special effects came in. Performance at school the other day? Wires and colored smoke bombs. Rainbow running at speeds throughout the halls? Trick of the light, she’s fast but not that fast. Applejack stopping a parade float with her bare hands? It was all part of the show, it stopped on purpose. You guys had superpowers when you saved everyone on the yacht and in Camp Everfree! Yeah but only in reaction to the out of control magic. Pinkie Pie just made a cake explode! It’s Pinkie.

No one knew that when Rainbow was playing soccer, she could easily score a hundred times over before the first minute passed. That when you high fived Applejack, she had the ability to slam you into the ground with little more force than ripping paper. That when Fluttershy calmed down animals, she actually understood them.

And they preferred to keep it that way. Not that they hated the abilities, the exact opposite in fact. They just knew that if everyone knew they had these powers things could get… out of control. How would the public react? How would their friends react? How would their parents react?

Luckily they were good enough to live life on their own natural abilities. Though Rainbow might have wanted to become a superhero nightly in addition to everything else they did, the others didn;t have an urge to. Sure they’d help when they see it but honestly? They weren’t going to go out and stop crime. At least, that was before they realized the effect it was having on their friend. They knew if she continued to do this on her own things would end badly, but that didn’t mean they were actually invested in protecting the populace from threats in the middle of the night.

Call them heartless…

Applejack opened up the shed to reveal all the equipment they had.

…But their everyday lives were stressful enough.

It was then Rarity snapped out of whatever daze she was in. “N-no darling! Of course not! No one knows anything about anything about anything!” She repeated, sounding oddly like a pink haired person they both knew.

“Okay,” She said, concerned. “You feeling all right? Ah think there was something like a reddish hue on your face.”

“Oh! Ummm, let’s get to work!” She said as she grabbed one of the tools and started towards the apple farm.

Weird. She thought before she realized something. “Wait, that’s a weed wacker!”

After taking back the tool, Applejack explained what they were doing. “We just need to feed the animals, water the plants, and then finally pick the apples. The first two don’t take too long so we should just be spending the most of today apple picking.”

“Ah, yes.” Applejack raised her eyebrow as she heard the short response before speaking. “Ya know it’s fine if yah don’t wanna do this. Ah won’t think less of ya for not wanting to spend your day with-”

“OF COURSE I WANT TO SPEND THE DAY WITH YOU LET US GO!” Rarity screamed interrupted as she sped off towards the animals to go feed them.

“...the animals, sweat, and elbow grease.” She finished before following her. Okay, something was definitely up. But what?

“Um darling?” The animal pen came into view, and Applejacks eyes widened. Rarity was now on the chicken coop while all the pigs and chickens were circling around it. The buckets of slop and chicken feed were dangling from her hands, each morsel of food that fell down urged the animals on more and more.

“I believe I might have done something wrong.”

This was going to take a while.


Many hours later…

So, apparently working on the farm was… a bit harder than sh- Oh who was she kidding it was horrible! It had taken hours for Applejack to save her from the animals which she couldn’t just gem plate away from due to being out in the open where people could see her! Then there was the matter of actually feeding the animals! Apparently these things sensed weakness and she was just chock full of it! She ended up being run into the ground by pigs, chickens and, oh lets not forget the cows! They had cows too! By the time they had finished feeding the animals it was already noon! Then there was watering the plants.

There was a sprinkler system that watered the entire area of plants. And there was a wheel that operated the whole thing, though it had to be monitored carefully for both amount and time or else the plants would be overflowed. Simple right? Well, apparently there was a hose that led from the water to the sprinkler system. And guess who ended up stepping on it while she turned the wheel to unleash the water, and kept spinning the wheel more and more, curious as to why a water tank that should be open was currently letting out no water? Hint: It wasn’t Applejack.

When she finally gave up and walked away all of the water flooded into the sprinkler system, ergo, flooding the garden. Luckily it was so hot outside that the water only ruined some of the plants. Oh ho, and that’s not even the worst part. Since she was so close to the sprinkler system when she stepped off of it, she was drenched! She didn’t mind getting all dirty, but the mud and being drenched did nothing yo

All in all, she was looking forward to a nice simple session of plucking apples with the one she had a gut wrenching crush on and telling her feelings of romance and love to her!

“All right, things took a bit longer than Ah thought.” Rarity blushed at this. “But this is just apple picking, nothing too complicated. Just pick an apple that looks the right size for picking. The ones ready for picking should already be on the ground. Just take a basket and once it's full, empty it into the cart.” She gestured to the wagon she had brought with them. “And you know the best part? Granny’s inside and our siblings are on the other side of the farm, so…” She smiled as she flicked an apple tree, causing all the apples to fall down. “... We can probably work a bit faster.”

Rarity smiled as she put aside the basket she had been given and created a gem construct basket to scoop up all the apples that fell. And so began the first thing all day that she could truly call ‘fun’. Applejack would ‘tap’ the trees with her strength, and she would catch the apples that fell. It was very efficient now that they could use their powers. And so they ran, happily gathering apple after apple, for lack of better term, they would better describe this as frolicking.

Eventually, the afternoon turned to evening, and they stopped to take a break. During this, rarity saw quite the lovely looking apple. Thinking it would be a nice treat they could share together, and maybe give a confession from one to the other, she left Applejack sitting against a tree to go pluck it. Oh this is going to be so… sweet? She thought in confusion as the apple stayed on the branch. Come on! She thought as she used her powers to try and chop it off the stem. Evidently that didn’t work. She kept using her powers to pull it down, unintentionally making the tree lean towards her.

After making countless attempts, she gave up and dispelled all the crystals while holding onto the apple. Unfortunately, that meant the tree snapped back to position. If this was a cartoon, she would flung into another tree, but this was real life. So naturally, she was flung right into the ground on an opposing side she was standing on, as was non fictional logic. And as the tree righted itself into its proper position, Rarity’s eye twitched.

Now, Rarity considered herself a person of patience, relatively hard to screw with. But the combined weight of everything that had screwed with her merged with the pain of being flung into the ground. To put it shortly, she snapped.

“FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!” She cursed loud enough that the whole orchard heard. As she hoisted her self up, she realized she hadn’t broken any bones. She then resumed her rant. “I’ve had enough of this stupid farm and its stupid animals, and its stupid pipe system. Just use a fucking hose! Your animals should eat less they look like pigs! And this stupid, maze like, dirt screwing, filthy, sweatshop of an orchard! And one more thing!”


“WHAT!?” She screamed as she turned around, only to freeze as she realized who she just screamed, and also who just heard her entire rant. Applejack stood there, frozen at what she had just heard. “I-I can expla-”

“Ah think ya should go.”

There was no emotion in her voice, but her eyes showed everything. The pain, the sadness, the betrayal.

“W- I don’t have to leave, there’s still stuff we need to-”

“Ya know? I was wondering why out of nowhere ya just up and decided to help on the farm. I wanted ta believe the best. But ya just purposefully insulted the farm that’s been in ma family for generations after coming here uninvited, and after being given multiple opportunities ta leave. I don’t care why you’re here. Just go.”

Tears formed in Rarity’s eyes as she shielded them from AppleJacks sight and ran away, sobbing.

As she watched this, Applejack's eyes glistened, shining with tears. Why had Rarity said that? Things were going so well. She turned to look at the tree she had been hanging around. Weird, it only had one apple left. One perfect, likely juicy, ready to pick, scrumptious, succulent- Wait, since when did she say succulent? Even more so, why was she so interested in a single…apple! Her eyes darted to the sky. How long until the sun- She watched as it sank below the horizon. -set. She whirled around as felt the earth around her start shaking, and a roar came from the tree in front of her.

“Aw shoot.”


Rarity cried as she ran. Everything was finally going to go right! Why on earth did she have to go and lose her temper right there? Now her relationship with her crush, and debatably more important, her best friend, was ruined!

Suddenly, her ears were ‘graced’ with the sound of roar. Oh if only it could silence the wails of her broken he- Wait that was a roar? Didn’t sound like any animal she ever heard, though Fluttershy was the animal expert. Oh, maybe that was what was eating the apples. It came from where… Applejack was! Rarity ended up crying again, too depressed about her chances with Applejack being ruined to do anything else.

At least, until she heard a crash come from the roar and Applejack's direction. She gasped as she came back to her senses and looked around to make sure no one was there. She then tapped her geode and transformed into her custom made by her hero outfit. To her disappointment, they had all agreed it was better to hide as much of their skin and hair as possible. Though she could see their point, it wouldn’t take long to figure out Pinkie Pie was running around as a vigilante when said vigilante had pink skin and pink hair. Didn’t mean she had to like it. It essentially looked just like Sunset’s only instead of having flames she had jewels and likes embedded around the outfit. She could still have some fun with the design.

With that, she was off. Using her gems as stepping plates, she ran through the air, only to stop as she saw Applejack battling an…apple tree?

“What!?” She said dumbfounded as the apple tree and jack froze to turn to her. Applejack took this time to explain.

“It’s a Pommier!” She said before the apple tree leaned back to swing down on her like a rubber hammer, only for Rarity to use her constructs to make a hand and grab her right before she was nailed. Hahaaaa, who said Pinkie alway had to be the funny one?

“Is that supposed to mean something?” She said as she brought her closer, but not so close that they could touch each other. She ended up moving her back and forth before settling on a proper distance. When she settled on how close she should be to her, she noticed the ‘her’ in question looking flabbergasted.

“From Sunsets book she got from Twilight!”


“The one detailing magical objects, artifacts, weapons, and beasts that went missing without a trace, implying they might’ve found themselves here?”

“You’d really think I’d remember this.” She said as she nervously chuckled.

“You thought the cover was absolutely dreadful and made a new one with sequins?” She deadpanned.

“Oh! That book detailing magical objects, artifacts, weapons, and beasts that went missing without a trace, implying they might’ve found themselves here!” Now she remembered, though she didn’t do much reading as she immediately put all of her brain functions into making a new cover. But it could be argued with a more than full proof case that reading it and making it look fabulous were equally important.

Applejack groaned in her construct hand. “I didn’t read too much of it but I remember that.” She pointed to the tree, which was now bending back and smashing everything in its radius. “The Pommier, a beast that sneaks into places with apples and disguises itself as one. It eats the apples in the surrounding area leaving the one apple we saw the only around. And it’s not just an apple either, it’s how it emits its magic to anyone who sees it. Lay an eye on it, and unless you're full and content, you’ll spend all day trying to get-” She winced as the tree slammed down once more. “-it, leaving you tired to run away when the thing wakes up at…night.” She looked at Rarity to see her laughing. “What’s gotten you laughing more than a mouse who just saw a cat just bite metal?”

“I-it’s just, h-how is that going to eat anythinghahahahha!” She laughed, not noticing the dirt around it being pushed upwards.

“That’s not the Pommier it’s his tail!” Rarity froze as she heard this, allowing her to notice the tree rising. She watched as root gave way to green, scaly flesh. Once it was out, she could see the true Pommier. A giant lizard like creature with claws and jagged teeth, the the sharp spine it had that gave way to tree as it headed towards the tail. She’d say it was twice as big as her.

“Ah, yes this is very terrifying.”

The Pommier roared before it ran towards their apples and started scarfing on them. They watched in morbid curiosity as it demolished all the apples they had gathered before turning to them and hissing before turning tail and running away.

“Hey! Where are you going? Do you know how long it took us to gather those?!” Rarity said as she followed it from above, switching her gem stepping stones for a larger both she and Applejack could stand on and following after him, she assumed it was a him.

“Based on what it just did, it’s likely following its natural instincts.”

“When did you start talking like Twilight?”

“Since there was a creature that was literally designed to be an apple tree that might be in this world where I have a farm FULL of apple trees!”

Fair point.

“Anyway, it still has an objective to leave the one on its tail the only apple around for miles, that’s why it dove at such a concentrated source of them. Since it’s ignorin us and all the other apples, it’s heading to another….” It was then they both realized something…

They weren’t the only ones who were gathering apples all day.


Author's Note:

I have a Ko-fi account now so that's new
