• Published 28th Aug 2022
  • 1,275 Views, 103 Comments

Sonic: Make Your Mark - Idiotboy24

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Personal Problems

Crystal Brighthouse

The group walked through the front door and went to go and to the kitchen, Izzy on the other hand had to talk to Pipp.

“Pipp! Pipp! Pipp! I want to show you something!” She exclaimed.

They both went upstairs, and Sonic couldn’t help but think back to the encounter with Posey. He had guilt swell up inside of him, it was powerful something that really affected him.

It wasn’t really noticeable at first, but it had been more showing as time progressed. Zipp was the first to take notice of this change, he was usually optimistic, funny and caring.

But now he looked neutral and quiet, even his jokes didn’t have as much effort put into them. But Zipp didn’t try to ask anything, just in case it made him feel worse.

Crystal Brighthouse: Kitchen

The group were all making pizza, Izzy and Pipp came down stairs not too long after they arrived in the room.

While Sunny, Izzy, Hitch and Pipp were all making the delicious food. Sonic and Zipp sat at a counter with heavy thoughts, these thoughts kept weighing in on them.

“Guys! Guys! Guys!” Pipp screamed landing next to them, breaking their trains of thought.

“I have been asking you two if you want extra cheese on your pizza for, like, ten minutes! What's up with you two?” Pipp asked.

Zipp immediately responded. “Oh. sorry. Just thinking about something weird that happened earlier.”

Sonic however didn’t respond, he just sat there with a lost expression. He didn’t want to tell them, and even if he wanted to… he just… couldn’t.

Thankfully he wouldn’t need to anwser. “The thing with Posey?”

“Oh, uh… yeah. That.” Zipp answered, Sonic nodded to that, trying to rub off suspicion.

“Same here. How could she not love magic?” Sunny inquired.

“Earth ponies have never had magic before. Maybe Posey's jealous.” Hitch added while rolling some dough.

“Jealous?” Sonic asked quizzically.

Hitch elaborated further. “I know I am. Magic seems a little scary, but it would be pretty cool to be able to levitate things.”

“Like this?” Izzy laughed, as she lifted the pizza she was making into the air. It spun around quickly and the group watched in awe.

A crab walked by distracting Izzy who let go of the pizza, it dropped down onto her horn and went through getting stabbed. “Worth it!~” Izzy sung as she licked the sauce from her face.

“Ah, you're right, Hitch. That is soooo much better than flying.” Pipp admitted walking over to help them.

What none of them realised was that when Sonic looked at Pipp, his pupils were enlarged. ‘What was that?’ He asked himself.

Zipp stood up and walked up to Sunny. “So have you figured out the whole "magical wings and horn appearing at random times" thing yet?” She asked her friend curiously.

“No. And it's been getting worse.” Sunny replied upset.


Sunny was doing her normal business, of selling smoothies to Ponies. Nothing could have been better for her or anyone else, it was just perfect.

After giving a pony a smoothie she received some money and smiled, but then yellow sparks appeared around her body along with her fur becoming bright.

Then her wings and horn appeared, creating a mini shockwave and flash. This knocked everything away from her, and caused the pony in front to gasp in surprise.

Sunny was shocked and terrified, but it wouldn’t last long as she slipped over a spilled smoothie on the floor. This caused her to crash against the wall behind her, causing the entire stand to fall over with a loud thud.

Sunny popped out from the window, with her horn and wings still present. Two birds flew down next to her as the horn and wings disappeared, then some smoothies fell on the two birds and another fell on Sunny’s head.

She inwardly groaned, this whole Alicorn magic was just getting worse by the minute. And the worst part was, she couldn’t control it.

End Flashback

Crystal Brighthouse: Kitchen

Sunny shivered at the memory. “Maybe Posey has a point. Magic is unpredictable.” Zipp admitted.

Sunny turned away it was true after all, Magic was something no one could really see coming. The sound of a ding was heard from the oven, prompting the mare to walk over and get the pizza out.

Sunny placed the pizza holder on top of the stove and faced her Pegasus friend. “It may be unpredictable, but it's not dangerous.” She explained.

She then grabbed the pizza holder again and walked over to the group, to which she then threw the delicious food up into the air. Izzy then used her magic to break it into six slices, one for each member in the group.

“We just need to show the Earth ponies that magic is nothing to be afraid of. It makes Equestria a... a better place. And it's fun!” The others agreed in silence as they enjoyed their slices.

Sonic on the other hand felt conflicted, he could see both sides of the coin in this situation. On one hand magic was a good thing, it expanded what Ponies could do and allowed for more great opportunities.

But on the other, it wasn’t exactly the safest thing in the world. But he wasn’t going to go against his friends wishes, because he was leaning more on the side of magic being a good thing.

With all of this mind, he was snapped out of his thoughts as Izzy spoke of an idea. “Wow! Are you guys thinking what I'm thinking?” She asked excitedly.

“Maybe.” Sonic joked.

“All right, everypony. On the count of three. One... two... three... Floating parade! Right?” They we’re definitely not thinking of that.

“Not exactly, but close. We're going to use Maretime Bay Day as our chance to show off all the amazing things magic can do! Then everypony will remember just how special it is that we have friendship and magic in our lives again! Are you guys in?” Sunny told with detail.

Sonic raised his hand up in the air. “Uh… I still have no idea what exactly, Maretime Bay day is.” He told them.

“Don’t worry we’ll tell you later.” Hitch reassured the Hedgehog.

Sonic nodded and decided to go upstairs. “I’m just gonna go get some air, up top just to let you know.” After receiving nods, he walked towards the elevator that lead to the balcony of the lighthouse.

Upon arriving he heard hoofsteps coming his way, which turned out to be Zipp with her phone out. It was buzzing indicating someone was calling her.

“Going up?” He asked the Pegasus who nodded in response. He then pushed the button to which the elevator began rising closer to the top.

Crystal Brighthouse: Balcony

Upon arriving at the top Sonic walked up to the edge of the balcony, and leaned over watching the amazing view. At times like these, peace was all that was needed.

After standing there he caught wind of the conversation Zipp was having. “What?! No! No way!” Sonic turned his attention fully towards the Pegasus.

“I know you've had your fun with your new friends and all, but you're a princess, darling. You're going to be queen one day.” Queen Haven explained.

“I know. What about Pipp though?” Zipp asked.

“Well, your sister has little salon project, and while I do like the idea of you being there to keep an eye on her, let's face it, she livestreams everything, so that's not really necessary. You're the one I need here, studying my every move and representing the royal family.” Zipp looked unsure.

“But I'm not sure if I'm ready to leave just yet.” Zipp admitted.

Haven brow raised. “And why wouldn't you be?”

Zipp became nervous. “Ummm... there's a festival soon?”

Haven brightened at that. “Hmm. I do suppose festival planning does count as a useful skill for your future on the throne. As queen, you'll be responsible for arranging state dinners, teas, parties...” Zipp got pretty tired of this.

“Uh... Oh! [mimicking static] You're... breaking... up!” She then ended the call and groaned.

Walking towards the balcony she saw Sonic looking at her, he obviously heard what was happening.

“Hey you ok?” He asked, she seemed hesitant to explain how she felt.

“Yeah. It's just that... I love it here in Maretime Bay so much. I don't want to leave yet.” She explained.

“Leave?” A new voice appeared. They both turned to see Sunny who had come up.

“Go back to Zephyr Heights.” Sunny was still in shock. “But you just got here!”

Zipp faced her friend with an unreadable expression. “I know. I'm not ready to become a full-time, heir-to-the-throne princess yet. Not the way my mom expects me to be anyway. But... I'm not sure if I fit in here either.”

Sunny spoke up against that. “Of course you do!”

Zipp wasn’t convinced. “Even if all I do is fly around and try out new moves?” Sunny nodded.

“It's what you love to do! As Izzy would say... [imitating Izzy] "It makes your sparkle shine really bright!" This made Sonic chuckle.

Zipp still seemed unsure. “I don't know. Maybe my mom is right. Maybe I should just go back to Zephyr Heights and really try to be the kind of princess everypony is hoping for. Besides I'm going to have to do it someday.”

“At least stay until Maretime Bay Day. Then you can decide.” Sunny requested. This made her Pegasus friend brighten. “Okay, yeah. I guess I can't miss that.” She faced her Earth Pony friend who smiled at her.

“Now come on. We have a festival to plan, and it needs your magic, too.” Sunny walked away, and went down the elevator.

Zipp was about to as well when she saw Sonic, leaning on the edge. “Hey Sonic, you coming.” The Hedgehog faced her with a sad expression.

Zipp knew something was wrong, and it had something to do with what happens with Posey earlier. “Is it about Posey?” She asked him. The Hedgehog nodded silently, he was feeling the guilt come back.

“You can tell me, if it bothers you that much.” This made Sonic smile a little bit. “Okay, I’ll tell you what happend.”

He faced Maretime Bay again. “It was a few weeks ago, and it was your average night in Maretime Bay. Everything was fine until it happened.”


It was night time in the small town, ponies were walking about doing things normally, but this was around when most also went home. Then Sonic came round the corner of the street and was running, he laughed happily as he felt the breeze pass by him.

Then all of a sudden he crashed into someone and fell backwards, he looked up at the Pony he crashed into. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t see you there!”he apologised.

The Pony giggled. “Don’t worry I know you didn’t mean it.” She stood up and offered her hoof out to him.

Her fur was pink and she had a yellow mane, with a bow attached to her hair. Sonic took the hoof and stood up as well, smiling at the mare. “Thanks.” The mare nodded.

The moment was interrupted when Sonic noticed Chip’s bracelet orb flashing, it got faster and faster until all of a sudden a bright flash appeared. This temporarily blinded Sonic, who shielded his eyes.

When he looked again the mare was gone, no where in sight. “Where did she go?” He asked in worry.

He looked down and saw the bow on the floor, he kneeled down and picked it up. “What just happened, she just disappeared into thin air.”

His thoughts were stopped when a voice appeared. “What did you do!” Sonic looked up and saw a familiar yellow Earth Pony with a pink mane, running over to him.

“Uhhhh…” Sonic scratched the back of his head. “Where’s my mom!” The Pony demanded.

Sonic’s eyes widened, the pony he had talked to was Posey’s mom. He looked back down at the bow in his hand, it’s green colour reflecting the moons light.

Posey also looked at where he was staring and gasped, her mom’s bow was in his hands. And she disappeared in front of her eyes.

She growled angrily and snarled at the Hedgehog. “You… You took her away! Bring her back, now!” Sonic stepped back and realised she saw the whole thing.

“I don’t know how?! I don’t even know what happened?!” He answered with honesty, he didn’t understand why it happened.

“Lies! And it’s all because of that stupid bracelet!” She pointed at the accessory, around Sonic’s wrist. He felt the guilt pound at his heart and before he knew it, he bolted away at high speeds dropping the bow.

He didn’t care where he went, just as long as he wasn’t near her. He had screwed up, and worst of all he took Posey’s one family away.

‘What have I done?’ He asked himself.

End Flashback

Crystal Brighthouse: Balcony

“And that’s why she hates me.” Sonic finished, he looked at the Pegasus who looked shocked. He understood if she gets mad at him.

Who wouldn’t? He had taken away something very important, from someone and he couldn’t reverse it.

“I’ll understand if you hate me.” He said without a hint of hesitation.

This caught Zipp off guard. “What?! No! I don’t hate you, in fact I don’t believe it was your fault!” This made Sonic look at her with shock now.

“But it is my fault. Posey’s mom is gone, because of me.” Zipp shook her head, not wanting to believe it.

“Listen, you don’t know it was going to happen. In fact there’s no way you could have seen it coming, or want to do it at all.

Sure she may be gone, but you didn’t have control of it. But I know that you’ve not only regretted it, but are wanting to fix it. And I know that deep down, you’ll be able to do so!” She said with confidence.

Sonic was surprised to say the least, he expected her to be disappointed in him. But no, she was trying to help him try and fix it. “Wow… I don’t know what to say.”

Zipp chuckled and shook her head. “No need to. After all, we’ve got a festival to plan. Plus I’ll help you, find out what happened.”

Sonic’s smile came back, he felt better already. “Thanks Zipp.” The Pegasus nodded.

He stopped leaning on the balcony and stepped on top of it. “Come on, let’s go have some fun!” He and Zipp were ready to go down when they saw two Pegasi flying by.

They flew past the Brighthouse, when all of a sudden their wings flashed a few times. They then fell and screamed. “That’s not good.” Sonic stated obviously.

He and Zipp got ready to save the fallen ponies, when they suddenly continued to fly and held their phones. “Weird.” Zipp commented.

Both sighed in relief and made their way off the balcony, with Zipp flying down. While Sonic jumped.

But unknown to the both of them, the crystals glitched. Something was wrong. And no one knew, at all.

Author's Note:

New chapter done.

Sonic’s dilemma with Posey isn’t over, and Zipp doesn’t want to leave Maretime Bay.

What will happen? Stay tuned.