• Published 28th Aug 2022
  • 1,276 Views, 103 Comments

Sonic: Make Your Mark - Idiotboy24

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Void Rescue & Forgivness is earned

Maretime Bay

The hole that appeared on the ground, began to grow in size slowly but surely. “What is that thing?!” Queen Haven asked.

Zipp flew down closer to inspect it while still keeping a safe distance, she saw it go far down seeming to never end. “It’s some sort of void!” She exclaimed.

Sunny looked out towards the crowd. “Everypony, get back!” They all did so and ran as fast as they could, many were screaming but it would become futile when the Earth Ponies hooves got stuck, with a purple like substance that didn’t go away.

“But we're stuck!” An Earth Pony yelled.

“Please let us go!” Another one begged to a Unicorn, who was confused.

“It’s not us!” The Unicorn mare exclaimed as her magic disappeared.

The lightning continued to strike as it caused damage, managing to hit a tree and destroyed almost all of its leaves. Posey was also trapped and couldn’t run, Windy ran next to her seeing she was stuck. “Can't you ponies with magic do something?!” Posey asked desperately now starting to regret everything she said prior.

Windy tried to fly but failed. “Our magic isn’t working!” She yelled, but knew leaving Posey behind would be bad, and so like everyone else began trying to help get Posey free.

Sonic went to run over and help an Earth Pony, but when he dashed towards him instead of running normally, he seemed to warp right on over.

Even though he was confused by how he just did that, he put it aside for now and began helping trying to free the Earth Pony.

Hitch was stuck at the front of the Sheriff Station holding the egg, he was terrified just like everyone else. “Aah! I do not like this! No! I do not!”

The void continued to grow and eventually it reached both Windy and Posey, who both fell in screaming Sunny saw what happened. “Posey! Windy! No! Come on, Alicorn magic! Work!” Sunny tried all she could but failed.

Sonic ran over after freeing the Earth Pony and he saw what happened. “We have to save them!” But Zipp came over. “But the magic! I-It's gone!” she cried out.

Sunny looked back at the void determined. “Then I'll have to try without it! I'm going in!” Izzy then came up beside her. “Not without us!” But when Izzy said that, her magic began to come back.

“That's it! The magic will come back to us if we can work together! Come on, unicorns! Come on, Pegasi! Help the Earth ponies!” Everyone heard what she said, and began to do so.

Izzy managed to free one Earth Pony, while Zipp and Pipp freed Hitch. But Sonic he looked at the void and he wasn’t going to let others suffer, for something that was out of their control even though Posey may have been rude to him, she just misunderstood.

He looked at Sunny and then walked towards the void with his electricity still going around him. “Sonic what are you doing?!” Sunny asked.

“Something so stupid and reckless!” He then to the shock of everyone, jumped into the void without warning.

“Sonic!” The Mane five yelled, Zipp then looked at Sunny with determination. “You got this, Sunny!” She exclaimed.

Izzy came over with Sunny’s lantern. “It's too dark in there! Take this!” Izzy proceeded to float the lantern over, but her magic stopped working causing it to fall into the void.

But Sunny quickly jumped in, and managed to grab it with her mouth and fall into the darkness.

The others could only watch and wait, as their Earth Pony and Hedgehog friends were down there. And they hoped they were okay otherwise they would be heartbroken.

Dark Void

Sunny had the lantern in her mouth, she didn’t let go of it and she wasn’t going to let that happen. Suddenly her cutie mark glowed as her wings and horn appeared allowing her to fly, she then took the lantern from her mouth and held it in her hoof.

She smiled that her Alicorn magic was working, but remembered that Sonic, Posey and Windy were down below and flew after them as quickly as she could.

But while she was still a bit of distance away Sonic had dived down as quickly as he could, not once letting up his speed, his electricity still going on strong. He closed in on his two targets which were Posey and Windy, they were still screaming but they noticed him coming.

Then without warning he warped down to them and grabbed the both of them, he held a firm grip not intending to let go. “Don’t worry I got you both!” The two ponies calmed down a little bit, and were glad they wouldn’t have to scream anymore.

Sonic noticed Sunny coming and smiled at his friend, but then he looked down and noticed something else. It was another pony this one was familiar, one that Sonic recognised she had pink fur and a yellow mane.

‘Posey’s mom!’ He knew what to do now, he then saw Sunny getting closer and with a determined face looked into his friend’s eyes. “Sunny you take these two back up top! I have to do something!” Sunny gasped.

“Sonic you can’t do that!” She yelled to him, majorly confused as to why he would say that.

“Look just do it please! Trust me!” He explained Sunny looked conflicted she wanted to just take all three of them up, but after a few moments of thinking she was convinced.

“Okay I trust you.” Sonic nodded with a smile, he threw both Posey and Windy towards Sunny. “I’ll be back soon!” And with that said Sonic turned to face below him and proceeded to dive again.

Sunny who managed to conjure up a golden bubble of magic to safely bring both, Posey and Windy back up to the surface she also took note of Sonic’s Electric look. ‘I wonder why he looks like that, and how he managed to activate it!’

But she couldn’t think about it any longer and refocused on getting back up to her friends, Posey and Windy watched where Sonic once was the both of them showing looks of worry.

Maretime Bay

Everyone watched in anticipation of when the three ponies and one Hedgehog would return from the void, none more so than the Mane four who were stressing heavily. Then both Posey and Windy floated out in the golden bubble, and were safely planted on the ground with Sunny flying out afterwards.

“Sunny!” Izzy called out as she ran over to her friend glad she was safe, the others did so as well but then noticed that Sonic wasn’t there. “Wait where is he?” Pipp asked.

But Sunny only pointed at the void that stopped growing, in fact it was starting to get smaller and close up this caused worry to go through their chests. “Why wasn’t he with you?” Hitch asked while holding the egg.

Sunny shook her head showing confusion. “I don’t know! He said he had to do something!” She continued looking at the void along with the others.

“But will he make it?!” Zipp asked but no one had an answer, as they all continued to wait for him to come back up.

Dark Void

Sonic was diving as fast as he could not daring to slow down, he got progressively closer and closer and was determined to fix his biggest mistake here in Equestria.

Eventually he managed to grab hold of the mare and he held her firmly, not wanting a single finger to let go or get loose. He then realised he couldn’t fly back up and even if he could, it wouldn’t be enough time to do so.

All of his thinking then got him remembering his sudden warping ability from earlier, it only started happening when he had his electricity powers. He noticed how it was still in affect on him, suddenly he had an idea that just might work.

With all of his effort he concentrated on getting back to Maretime Bay, thinking of the residents, the Brighthouse and his friends. These thoughts kept on coming making his determination grow, never letting up.

The electricity crackled loudly as it became more erratic getting bigger and more powerful, until he suddenly disappeared along with the Earth Pony mare in a flash of blue light.

Leaving no trace of them anywhere in sight.

Maretime Bay

The Mane five and everyone else waited with their hope getting dimmer as the void was almost closed, they were all sweating from how intense the tension in the air was.

“Come on, come on, come on!” Pipp said to herself over and over again holding on tight to the slightest slither of hope.

But right before it closed a sudden blue light appeared and as quickly as it came, it disappeared to reveal Sonic standing up on his two legs with a Mare in his arms. His blue electricity slowly dimmed until it was gone, like it was never there in the first place.

The others all sighed in relief that he was okay, but before questions could be asked a sudden rainbow beam shot out from the void, and flew towards the Brighthouse coming in contact with the crystals.

This caused the walls to grow the same vines Sonic and Zipp saw, as well as make the crystals shake with how much power they received. They then released a mini explosion of magic, that caused the vines to grow towards Maretime Bay.

It traveled across the ground and to the hooves of the Earth Ponies, which glowed green, Hitch even felt ticklish because of it. “That tickles!”

Suddenly under a box two seagulls, one crab and one bunny came out and walked over to Hitch, and proceeded to make normal animal noises. “I know, I know! I totally agree with everything you guys are saying.” He then did a double take.

“Did you just... talk?! Did I just... understand you?! Whaaaaat?!” He was majorly confused even the animals were as the seagull continued chirping.

“Wow, that's a lot of information. Well, nice to meet you, Kenneth. I'm Hitch!” He greeted them to which they also greeted him back.

Posey who was standing next to Windy looked at her glowing hoof, she jumped over and carefully placed it onto the ground causing flowers to grow in front of her. “Flower... power?!” She said with excitement.

Many of the other ponies tried out their new magic getting all sorts of results, they even managed to fix up the damaged tree. Hitch looked on in wonder and was more than happy, like everyone else.

“Earth Pony magic?” Sunny asked in disbelief.

“But that's never happened before!” Izzy pointed out while bouncing over.

“When we work together, maybe we can invent new magic.” Zipp suggested, to which Sunny agreed.

“You're right, Zipp. Actually, you and Sonic were both right about everything. I'm sorry I didn't believe you both. I should've been a better friend and listened. I was just so focused on hoping magic was okay that I lost sight of everything else. Can you forgive me?” Sunny pleaded.

To which Zipp smirked. “Obviously.” The both of them hugged with smiles feeling better than ever, but they then realised a certain Blue Hedgehog wasn’t with them.

They turned to see Sonic standing there with his back turned, they walked on over to him slowly wondering what he was doing. “Hey Sonic what are you—“ Sunny’s question was cut short when she saw him holding an unconscious Mare in his arms.

He looked down at the Mare with a smile. “She’s alive and breathing thankfully, but she must’ve been in there long enough to have fallen unconscious.” The Mane five were in shock to say the least.

“Wait is that Posey’s mom?” Zipp asked, to which Sonic nodded making them gasp. “So that’s why you stayed behind.” Sunny said in awe.

But that stopped when Sonic looked over at Posey, who seemed to be testing out her newfound magic. He walked over slowly with the rest of the group following him, they eventually got close enough to where Sonic cleared his throat catching Posey’s attention.

“Hey I’d like to say that this is my way of apologising.” Posey gasped when she saw her mom in his arms, and ran over to him.

“B-B-But how?” She asked with major confusion.

Sonic shrugged. “I don’t know, I guess when she disappeared she ended up in that void, and somehow time worked differently cause she’s still alive, and doesn’t seem too affected.” He explained as best as he could.

Posey couldn’t find the words to say anything she was just in pure shock that somehow, her mom was still here and that she was saved by the one who she despised. “T-Thank you Sonic.” Posey thanked.

Sonic smiled back at Posey accepting it, suddenly the Mare began to move making their attention be diverted to her face waiting to see her wake up. After a few seconds her eyes fluttered open, she saw Posey and The Mane five in front of her she then looked up, and saw Sonic looking down at her with a warm smile.

“Hey Mrs. Bloom you feeling okay?” He asked seeing if she was hurt in anyway.

“I feel wonderful like I was filly.” This made them laugh a little bit until Sonic slowly, but carefully placed her down on her hooves. She stumbled a little bit but managed to stay standing and slowly walk over to her daughter.

“I have to say thank you Mr. Sonic for your kindness.” The Hedgehog chuckled at that and waved his hand in the air.

“Eh it was nothing and please mam just call me Sonic.” She nodded in understanding and was glad to be home, Posey then walked forward towards Sonic and stopped right in front of him, She looked down at the ground. “I wanted to say I’m sorry for believing you took my mom away, it was too fast and I just jumped to conclusions.” She apologised.

Sonic looked at her for a few moments before nodding in approval. “I accept your apology and I should say sorry too, for not trying to explain myself and just running off.” Posey smiled at him as he smiled back that was until he extended his hand out to her.

“Friends?” He asked, to which Posey then lifted her hoof and came into contact with his white glove. “Friends.”

They smiled at each other before letting go and returning their hand/hoof back to their respected places. “Zephyrina! There you are! My hoofness, what an ordeal! Gather your things. We need to hit the sky if we're going to make it back to the palace by sundown.” They all saw Queen Haven coming and heard what she said, but Zipp wasn’t on board.

“Mom! I'm not going back with you!” Zipp stated making her mom confused.

“We agreed that you were to resume your studies.” Haven argued but Zipp didn’t back down.

“My place is here in Maretime Bay with my friends. I just need more time to figure things out. To investigate magic. To explore who I am before I take on my royal duty. And... you know what? I think who I am is somepony who likes figuring things out.” She explained in great detail and to her relief her mom smiled.

“Yes, you certainly are, my little princess investigator.” She lifted her daughters head with her hoof showing she was proud of her.

“Mom? Would you do me a favor?” Zipp asked.

“Anything, darling.” Haven responded.

“Would you mind just calling me Zipp for now?” She requested to which her mother nodded.

“Of course... Zipp.” Haven responded agreeing to do so, Cloudpuff walked pass them and barked at Hitch.

“I’m sorry, it’s a what?” Hitch said with confusion.

Cloudpuff continued barking as the egg began moving, breaking until it fully broke and revealed a small green dragon.

“A dragon...?!” Hitch admired in awe as it lifted its hands towards his face seeing him as the father.

“But dragons haven't been seen in Equestria for generations!” Sunny exclaimed with excitement.

The dragon hugged Hitch as the others expressed how cute he was while Sonic smiled off to the side. “He’s definitely gonna be a side character.” He joked to himself while still smiling.

Posey who was still standing beside her mom looked at the Mane five. “I also just wanted to say I'm sorry for the way I acted. I think I just felt...” but Zipp beat her to it.

“Left out?” She guessed.

“Yeah! Exactly!” Posey admitted.

“We'll make sure that doesn't happen again. Right, guys?” Sunny asked her friends to which they nodded in agreement.

Posey then looked towards Pipp. “Pipp? Would you mind... singing your new Maretime Bay song?” She requested.

Pipp nodded. “I will on one condition – if you'll sing it with me.” She brought out her lucky microphone.

“I’ll do the harmony!” Posey exclaimed with excitement as she took the microphone, all of them followed after her to the stage while Sonic smiled.

“Some things never change.” He joked to himself before following after them as well.

The group along with Posey sans Sonic all sung the new Maretime Bay day song, and the crowd cheered for them.

But they all noticed Sonic was missing and went looking for him, only to find him backstage holding an electric guitar more specifically a Seymour Duncan JB Model Humbucker.

“Woah where did you get that from?” Zipp asked to which Sonic simply looked at her and said with a cheeky tone. “A pony who called himself Idiotboy24.”

They all stood there in confusion but chose not to say anything about it. “Okay what are you going to do?” Pipp asked.

“My contribution to the Festival.” He replied, making them all ‘oh’ in response, this made him laugh a little bit. “Yeah anyway I’m going to give it a shot.” And with that said he went out onto the stage.

They all decided to go and watch from within the crowd to get the best view, everyone waited in anticipation for what he would do.

The sound of him whistling while playing the guitar became audible as all of them listened in, and soon enough the sound of drums, pianos and strings could be heard as if they were apart of the song.

He then started singing.

After he finished all of the crowd cheered loudly at his performance, to which he went backstage and out of sight. Once behind the stage he smiled proud to know he could still play a song, without problems.

“Man I’m still a pro!” He then walked out from behind the stage to his friends, who watched him in awe.

“I never knew you could play or sing like that!” Pipp yelled in excitement.

“What are you saying you doubted me?” Sonic retorted playfully.

Pipp blushed at that. “W-What?! N-No not at all!” She replied. ‘Why was I so nervous to speak to him? That’s never happened before.’

Her thoughts were interrupted when a sonic laughed. “I’m just messing with you Pipp.”

Pipp laughed as well. “Y-Yeah.” She replied. ‘What’s going on with me?’ She thought once more.

“I think we should go back to the Brighthouse, after all the Festival is wrapping up now.” Sunny suggested to which they all agreed.

Soon enough all of them with their new dragon all made their way back to the Brighthouse.

Author's Note:

If this chapter had worst writing than most of the other chapters it was because I was tired.

So there’s the reason, anyway see you all soon when I wrap up the story in the next chapter.

Until then please enjoy.