• Published 28th Aug 2022
  • 1,275 Views, 103 Comments

Sonic: Make Your Mark - Idiotboy24

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Hassle at the Festival

Crystal Brighthouse: Bedroom

The morning sun had risen and the group sans Hitch were all asleep, Izzy however was the first to wake up and gasped when she realised what today was. “It's here! The big day is here!” She woke up both Sunny and Pipp who smiled at her excitement.

“The big day is heeeere!” This made Sonic and Zipp wake up, who stretched their limbs. Sonic held a small smile while Zipp frowned knowing that things might go wrong.

They both got out of their respective beds and fixed them up, they then made their way to the elevator both of them sharing the same concerns, and hoping things went well.

Crystal Brighthouse: Balcony

Both of them reached the top and looked at the floating Unity Crystals, neither of them diverting their attention from the artefacts. “Don’t worry. We got you.” Zipp said with determination as Sonic nodded with her, he was going to attend this Festival even if he was disliked by others for doing so.

Crystal Brighthouse

All five of them began to leave and head towards Maretime Bay, Pipp and Zipp lead while Sunny, Sonic and Izzy were following behind them. “Sunny! Sunny, wait!” Izzy suddenly called.

Both Sunny and Sonic turned to look at their Unicorn friend. “Happy Maretime Bay Day!” She said as a present floated from behind, this confused both Sunny and Sonic.

“We don't usually exchange gifts.” Sunny spoke as the gift floated over to her. “I know, but just open it!” Izzy encouraged to which Sunny did so to reveal…

“It's... It's the lantern my dad made for me. I-I thought it was beyond repair. Thank you so much, Izzy!” Sunny exclaimed happily.

“Sometimes, when you add a little bit of magic, you can fix anything.” Izzy stated, Sonic watched in amazement until a thought came to mind.

“Wait a minute.” He spoke quietly while thinking back to a few days ago.


The group walked through the front door and went to go into the kitchen, Izzy on the other hand had to talk to Pipp.

“Pipp! Pipp! Pipp! I want to show you something!” She exclaimed.

They both went upstairs, as Sonic and the others went to the kitchen.

End Flashback

“So that’s why you went upstairs a few days ago!” Sonic exclaimed with a smile, to which Izzy returned one of her own. “Yep that’s why because I wanted to make sure, that there was still something for Sunny to remember her dad by.”

The Hedgehog nodded his head in approval. “Well played my friend. Well played.” Sunny also agreed.

“You're right. Now let's go add some magic to today and fix this.” The confidence boost made Sonic and Izzy nod in agreement, and all three of them proceeded to follow after their Pegasi friends.

But they were gonna be in for a truly troublesome time.

Maretime Bay

The Festival was on balloons were floating around, banners were held up high and ponies seemed to be having a good time. The group now accompanied with Hitch were all smiling, even Sonic was as well seeing as Nopony here seemed to have issues with him so far. ‘Maybe they got over yesterday, and realised it wasn’t worth getting mad at me.’

Izzy who held an ice cream was the happiest of them all. “Oh, look! Look, look! Ponies showed up after all!” She pointed at all of the ponies, then looked at the sky and gasped heavily. “And there's the queen!”

Queen Haven had arrived along with Zoom, Thunder and Cloudpuff by her side as a trumpet fanfare went off, along with cheering coming from the crowd.

“Hello, your Majesticness!” Izzy welcomed and proceeded to walk over to greet her, Pipp who was on her phone looked up to see her as well. “Mom!” She also walked over while Zipp who was standing at the back, ran away in the opposite direction to avoid facing her mother.

Both Sunny and Hitch waved at all the ponies in front of them. “Happy Maretime Bay Day, everypony! Welcome!” Sunny greeted to which Hitch leaned over to her. “So far, so good.”

Sunny looked over to him as well. “Now we just gotta keep it up.” Their ears suddenly caught wind of some ponies talking to their left, causing them to look over and listen. “Spoons in the wreaths? Ugh, yuck! I liked the old decorations better.”

They walked past Sunny and Hitch as Posey commented. “I could not agree more.”

Sunny’s ears dropped as she looked down, disappointed that the Earth Ponies were still not happy about the new ideas brought in for the Festival.

Maretime Bay: Beach

At the beach Izzy was going around seeing all of the sand castles being built, she was in awe of every single one of them until she came across a big one, that was built by Windy.

She flew up the top and placed a shell as the flag and flew back down, to receive a trophy from a Unicorn.

When she did Posey and some of the other Earth Ponies weren’t exactly happy, and came on over. “Ahem!” Windy’s attention went to Posey and the other Earth Ponies. “Pegasi have an unfair advantage!” Posey exclaimed pointing at Windy.

This caused arguing amongst the ponies until the loud sound of Thunder echoed across the beach, with storm clouds forming above them. Zipp and Pipp stood next to each other, they both realised that this was getting worse by the second.

Maretime Bay

In the middle of the festival, ponies are enjoying themselves as some of them head to the stands. And then in an ice cream stand, a unicorn mare gives an Earth Pony stallion a green moss look ice cream.

“Moss ice cream?” The stallion questioned as he licked it to taste it, but regretted it. “Bleghhh!” He cringes from the taste, tossing it away, not liking it one bit.

Then three other earth ponies each tried out different types of treats, but cringe in disgust, not liking it as they throw them away in the trash, before the tart was thrown in, a Unicorn stallion grabs it. “Waste not, want not!” He said as he ate the tarp before chomping in the trash, Toots and an earth pony stallion next to her are grossed out.

Sonic who had been watching from afar was also disgusted somewhat. “Okay I’ll admit that isn’t great, but I guess Unicorns aren’t so used to this whole Unity thing.” Suddenly the winds grew strong making Sonic confused, he then saw Toots and her Stallion friend lose their cotton candy in the wind.

“Oh, no!” Pipp yelled as she tried to catch them but failed as her wings glitched, she tried again only for them to glitch again. “My wings won't work!” She exclaimed.

Hitch tried to help only for his hooves to get stuck. “Neither will my hooves!” Sonic without thinking ran quickly and jumped, managing to catch the cotton candies.

He then quickly returned them to their rightful owners, and within a flash was gone but many other Earth Ponies hooves were also stuck and they couldn’t move. “Our hooves... are stuck! What's going on?!” An Earth Pony demanded to know.

Zipp and the others knew all to well. “The glitches! They're getting worse!” The loud crackles of Thunder became more frequent, along with the winds getting stronger.

At a stage that was set up a bunch of Earth Ponies had gathered around, while Sunny saw them all and was growing more nervous but she went behind the curtain, to see her friends except for Sonic.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Sunny asked Pipp with concern. “Nothing has gone to plan today.” She pointed out.

“I have to give it my best shot. We still need all the positivity we can get, right?” Pipp asked with concern knowing it could go so wrong.

Suddenly Sonic arrived. “Sorry about not being here. But man you wouldn’t believe how hard it is to avoid Posey, because she’s been looking for me.” He explained with an annoyed voice.

“She still believes you’re the cause of all of this, doesn’t she?” Pipp asked, to which Sonic nodded.

Zipp then came up to her sister. “Maybe this will help.” She revealed the lucky microphone and gave it to her.

“My lucky mic! Okay!” She did a few warm-up trills to get her voice right. “Yes, we're ready! All right!” She then used her singing voice. “Showtiiiiime!” With that said she began flying upwards.

“Break a hoof, Pipp! But not really. Actually, be really careful.” Izzy requested, to which Sonic gave a light chuckle.

Sunny then walked out on the stage. “Everypony, please welcome pop star Princess Pipp Petals to sing the brand-new Maretime Bay Day song!” Pipp flew down from the sky and landed on the stage, while the crowd muttered amongst themselves.

“That my daughter!” Queen announced as she flew up the air.

Pipp was about to start when she was suddenly cut off. “We want to hear the real Maretime Bay song! Sung by an Earth pony!” The crowd all agreed making Pipp feel uncomfortable.

The lightning got bigger and louder alongside the clouds scaring the ponies in the crowd, some of the Unicorns horns started to glitch but what nobody knew was that the crystals were being affected, but then a crack appeared on them.

The rest of the group came out onto the stage, looking at the crowd with concern. “Hey! Be nice! Sheriff's orders!”

However they didn’t take it all that well. “Are you on their side?!” An Earth Pony demanded to know, but Sonic who had been silent walked up to the front of the stage.

“Now listen here! I don’t know what’s gotten into all of you, but you’re all being super racist and are making this situation worse! Look around you does this look good to you!” He asked waiting for an answer.

“I think I know something!” Everyone turned their heads towards Posey, who glared heavily at the Hedgehog. “Is that you are the one at fault!” She stated.

“And how is that exactly?!” Sonic asked annoyed, to which Posey walked through the crowd and hopped up onto the stage. “Because you keep on creating problems, and we shouldn’t even trust you! Who knows maybe you’re trying to destroy us all!” This caused much muttering within the crowd.

“Ok that’s a lot coming from you, considering you can’t even go five seconds without complaining about Unicorns or Pegasi!” The comment made Posey’s snarl growl larger.

“My mother would still be here if it wasn’t for you!” Posey screamed, making everyone go silent. The truth had come out everyone seemed to be in shock but Sonic he was different.

He looked down at the ground, then looked back at Posey his guilt was replaced with anger. “You don’t get it do you.” This caused everyone’s attention to be diverted to the Hedgehog.

“I never meant for that to happen… it was completely random, and I didn’t know what to do.” No one spoke up to interrupt him.

“She disappeared and I could do nothing about it… I’ve felt guilty for what happened, because I felt like I was responsible.” Posey had never seen this side of him before but she still held a glare.

“But from what I can tell you never cared enough to ask me about it. You’ve had every opportunity to talk to me, without resorting to hate. But what did you do?” The question caught Posey off guard.

“What did you do? Oh I know. You made it seem like all of this was my fault, that I’m the one causing problems! But in reality it was you!” He pointed at her, to which she grew a snarl again.

“Like you did any better! You took my mom away from me! She’s gone because of that stupid bracelet!” Sonic grew angry as the blue aura appeared on him.

The Storm clouds became larger and the lightning became louder. “Don’t you ever say that again! One of my best friends owned this bracelet and he sacrificed himself to save me, and left it as a way to remind me that he’s still here with me!”

The blue aura grew thicker and was noticed by the Mane five, who had looks of concern. “And here’s the thing Posey, I’ve tried to think of how to bring back your mother but I don’t know how because it’s out of my control!”

Posey also saw the blue aura but didn’t back down. “Lies! Nothing but lies!” The crowd all seemed to side with Posey except for Unicorns and Pegasi who were nervous, the Mane five were really concerned and looked at Sonic, who was holding his ears to block out the noise.

But the noise didn’t stay quiet and he couldn’t take it anymore, he then crossed his arms across his chest and quickly spread them out while shouting. “STOP IT!!!”

As soon as he said that, a blue blast came out of him causing everyone to fall down but thankfully none were hurt. Posey looked to where Sonic was but instead of him looking normal, his eyes were glowing blue while electricity crackled around his body, a lot of his quills glowed a bright blue and he had a snarl of his own.

He was staring down Posey with his back turned to her, and she was terrified along with everyone else.

“Are you finished yet?” He growled loud enough to send shivers down everyone’s spines, he was really pissed now.

“No, no, no! T-The magic! It's dying!” Sunny shouted as the group including Sonic, turned to see the Pris-beam glitching wildly showing that magic was getting more unstable by the second.

The lightning starting striking closer to the ground with its first major target being the Sheriff Station, Hitch went wide eyed and gasped. “Eggy!” He ran off to the station.

The rest of the group continued watching the lightning strike, until one hit the floor in front of the stage causing a hole to open up. ‘Oh no.’ Sonic thought with the blue electricity still crackling around him.

Author's Note:

Now before anyone else says anything, Sonic can’t just access these powers on the whim whenever he wants to, because I wanted to put my own little twist to it.

Why? You may ask. Well that explanation will come soon enough, but for now please enjoy the chapter. And I’ll see you all next time.