• Published 28th Jun 2021
  • 278 Views, 4 Comments

The Twilight Evangelion Excursion - Kentavritsa

Life in Twilight Town nice pleasant, with her friends, under the rule of the Mayor and owner of the Stylus responsible for creation itself. However, Twilight is curious; she wants to know, to see the world outside.

  • ...

In the Mail: 7

Author's Note:

Angeline Shy's POV

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Next chapter: Diane's Morning


This is a wonderful morning, and the sun is beaming; beating down on anyone and everything on the ground. Not that I mind, though.

I had slipped into my bikini, enjoying its tight constraints on my rump and breasts. It is all I need, to know I am not nude, presentable enough to go out.

While barefoot, I am stepping up to the door, opening it with ease; stepping out, leaving it hatched to the wall. I enjoy the sensations of the hard, hot stone tiles underfoot; as I walk over to the mailbox on the fence, by the street.

"Wonder what is in the mail, today.." I ponder; "I hope there is something fun!" I conclude

It would have sucked, if it had been empty; not to mention, something as trivial and boring as bills. Nothing worse, than bills in the mail; next to the official or officious notifications.

The mailbox is not empty, but quite full; stuffed, like a pig who stuffed her face all day.

I have what appears to be two letters, two small packages and a large package. I pick them all up, before I turn back to the door; enjoying the short walk, over the still quite hot stones.

As I am reaching the door, I step in and close the door behind myself; continuing into our home, walking over to the table in the kitchen.

I read the addresses on the mail: Angeline Shy, Dess di'Mona Shy.

"Hmm, who wrote me a letter?" I ponder, snickering.

"Flutters, you have mail!" I exclaim, in amusement.

"Thank you, for fetching it.." she responds, in her usual quiet murmur.

"Oh, and you are quite welcome!" I merely respond.

"Let's see, who is it from?" I ponder; "Rarity 'Generosity' Diamond Filigree" reads her address.

"Twilight Town" I read, further.

I open the envelope, slipping the letter out; placing the paper onto the table, before reading.


"Dear Angeline Shy,

I hope this letter will find you well.

Including your private gift and the ensembles for you to share with your sister.

It's just a small token of friendship, a gift for the two of you to enjoy.

Yours Sincerely, Rarity"


"Dear Angeline Shy,

"Yay, mail!" Dess exclaims, still in her usual hushed voice.

"Yes, Desu!" I respond; "You've got mail!" I conclude, snickering at the pun.

She is sitting down, quietly picking up her envelope; opening and pulling the letter out, before reading..


"Dear Dess di'Mona Shy,

I hope this letter will find you well.

Including your private gift and the ensembles for you to share with your sister.

It's just a small token of friendship, a gift for the two of you to enjoy.

Yours Sincerely, Rarity"


Naturally, I had been watching my sister; as she was reading her letter, before I picked up my package and place hers before her; "Open it, it is addressed to you!" I explain, as I hand it over.

"Thanks, Sis!" she responds.

"You are quite welcome, Sis!" I merely utter, as I am breaking the seal of the package before me; knowing she does the same, for her very own package.

I had found a regular cardboard box; but inside is clear, hard plastic and then the white foam plastic for insulation. Once I lift up the first half of the foam-plastic; I find the gift, in the form of a highly advanced head-set. Custom built, with my exact measurements and all. It is even my skin tone as well.

"Uhm.. did you get a head-set, too?" she mumbles from her side of the table, as she is fetching the gift.

"Yes!" I respond, head-set in hand; "but it felt a bit cold at first; only now, it is almost warm!" I add.

"Whoa?" she exclaims.

"Exactly!" I respond, placing the head-set onto my head.

While I can still hear her, but that is all I can hear; no noise, whistling or other sounds are heard over the line.

For a long moment, the virtual room is quiet, with only the sounds from my sister intruding.

She could see me picking up my head-set and putting it on, just as I could see her picking up hers, putting it on. However, this does not make it easier to see the head-set; once it is on, it is all virtually invisible all the same. Both the colour, matching the skin, and the exact design is responsible for this effect.

Just as expected, the hue of my head-set is an off, mate white with a furry effect to it.

What I had failed to notice, is how the head-set is not even covering my ears; just a diminutive bud slipping into the right and left ear respectively. While it is powered down, inactive; it would look like any regular headset, in the matching white hue. However, this would change radically once powered up and active.

"Is this one of these new, modern Wi-Fi head-sets?" my sister Desu inquires.

"Maybe, because I could find neither a jack or the cable to connect!" I respond.

Of course, the sound had changed, once the head-set had activated; but I had failed to realize it, as had my sister. If it made any difference, but I guess it is all the same now

Once the head-set is on, active, I barely feel it; but after a moment, the sensations had zoned out completely. Maybe the virtual invisibility had been taken one step further; leaving no trace on my face, or my reactions hinting towards it even being there on my head.

On an impulse, I lift my hands up to my head; but what little I feel, only leads to my fingers sliding up along the mounting running up my head. In the process, I had inadvertently activating what appears to be a pair of Bunny ears, otherwise matching my natural skin-tone. The curious effect, is how it now hides my regular human ears.

"Bunny, Bunny.." Desu whispers; "Cute and cuddly!" she continues.

As I am looking up, I notice how she has a pair of light yellow equine ears; in place of the ears she had before, in what should have been a more human form.

"Poni, Poni, Poni!" I just echo in response, with an inward snicker.

As she is lifting up her hands, probing the sides of her head; she realizes her ears are nowhere to be found, but in their place she finds the new Equine ears I had just mentioned

"Curious.." she exclaims, now sporting the on-rush of a blush.

"Yes, Desu; the fluttery flutters!" I mumble, but soon realize she had heard it, loud and clear.

"I heard that!" she just mumble back, which I could not help but pick up on.

"Convenient, but embarrassing?" I mumble.

"Yes.." she responds, as we shift our focus onto the final package.

"Rarity 'Generosity' Diamond Filigree"

"Mane Street 03"

"Twilight Town" reads the address of the sender.

"Funny Address!" I suggest; "But, whatever is inside is still ours?" Desu inquires; "Yes!" I just respond.

Among the first things I find, on the top layer, is a set of boxes containing panties in: White, Yellow, Clear, Black, Red, Blue and Silver. Each package curiously enough contains five pairs of panties in different models. From the minimal string, to the once that would cover my hips and Pi inches over my belly button. Or hers, if my sister were to put them on.

The next we discover, is the top and the skirt; the same colours and cuts of course. She had indeed gone all out with these.

Of course, she had included stocking and gloves as well. Just as she had included Pants and tights of course. Shirts and blouses was also included, but why not? If her address stipulates 'Generosity' as part of her name.

Each box as an image of the respective garment, with the respective colour. Each garment named, and model included. However, the size is not anywhere on the package of any of these garments included.

"While these packages look as if they had been commercial in origin.." I observe; "but something makes it appear, as if they were original fashion pieces?" she inquires.

"I can find no reference to the material of these garments.." I observe; "the image describing the garment looks almost like a photo; yet, there is nothing looking like fabrics!" she fills in.

"Let us carry the package up to the bed room.." I suggest; "then we can try them out, at our own leisure!" she fills in.

With that, she is helping me to carry the box up the flight of stairs. We only stop, before the door; I open the door, before she is following me into the room with the package. She is closing the door, with her left foot; before we continue up to the bed, depositing the bock on the bed-cover.

"Mind if I take the white?" I inquire; "No, but then I take the yellow!" she responds, snickering.

With that, I am extracting the white packages, and she consequently picks the yellow packages for herself. I don't complain, and neither does she. As I look, I notice her grinning at me. I had been assuming, the white would be matching my skin, just as she had assumed the yellow would match hers; we had not been wrong, but neither of us had tried the panties on yet.

"We can as well try these out, and see if they fit.." I offer; "yes, and then we can decide if they are right and if we like them!" she responds.

I break the seal of the box of white panties, as she is breaking the seal of the yellow once. I extract a pair of panties, as I watch her following suit.

Slipping out of my panties, kicking them up; catching them in my right hand, only to place them on the foot-end of the bed. She just mirror my action.

"Five different models of panties?" I inquire; "Yes, that is what I have too!" she responds.

I step into my panties, knowing she is once more mirroring my action; affording the panties a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice. In bemused surprise, I find the panties a perfect fit, while the material had a smooth sensation of liquid elasticity.

"Silicon?" she inquires; "Yes, but it does feel surprisingly good to wear"; I concede; "Agreed!" she merely mumbles, in response.

"I guess this confirms.." I offer; "that she had not sent them to us, by mistake!" she confirms.

"Ultra hygienic.." I suggest; "and just as easy to clean if and when needed or desired!" she fills in.

"I barely feel my panties.." she mumbles; "Me neither; but, isn't that the beauty of it?" I inquire.

"Yes.." she mumbles, with a slight hint of an embarrassed blush on her cheeks.

"I can barely see your panties on, and I know you wear them.." I offer; "I can't see yours either, just as I can't even feel the once I am wearing.." she confirms, now stroking the mound, just to make sure she is actually wearing the panties.

Now I am pulling my top up over my head, placing it onto the bed by the side of my panties; before I am extracting the new brassiere, pulling it down over my head. With a few tentative tugs, in order to ascertain the ever so elusive perfect fit: once, twice and thrice.

As I return my attention to my sister; Desu; I notice, she had managed to change into her new brassiere as well.

"Looking good.." I respond; "You too.." she merely echoes.

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Pass: Author

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