• Published 28th Jun 2021
  • 278 Views, 4 Comments

The Twilight Evangelion Excursion - Kentavritsa

Life in Twilight Town nice pleasant, with her friends, under the rule of the Mayor and owner of the Stylus responsible for creation itself. However, Twilight is curious; she wants to know, to see the world outside.

  • ...

6 :Diane's Morning: 6


I still do recall the day before. Not that I had ever had a problem recalling the day before; but it is just a bit more vivid, than I had been expecting.

Of course I had gone to bed, the other night; just as I had gone to bed, every night.

Though one thing sticks out, like a sore thumb, in my mind; the girl I had been encountering, at the store. It isn't so much, in the vivid colour of the bright purple hair or mane; but the companion, who had been following her as companion in the store.

This had been the first time, I see Twilight Sparkle; as May Trotter had guided her into the store the other day. As if I had ever seen a talking Horse before; purple or otherwise, not to mention a Unicorn.

Neither Ponies, nor Horses are talking, around here, let alone going out on town shopping.

"How could she possibly have known my name is Diane? Even if it is my second or middle name, but still!" I ponder.

As I wake up, early in the morning; the ceiling feels empty and void with no balloons and just a plain white.

"Maybe, just maybe; I could do something, about my ceiling?" I ponder, with a snicker.

I had never been bothered by the naked, plain white ceiling before, so why is it bothering me this particular morning?

"If only I had a few balloons?" I ponder, snickering exuberantly.

"Wait, what was that?" I ponder, in stark realization; "My giggles are off, more like the sounds of Equine snickering?" I continue.

I fold the quilt up against the wall, sliding my feet out from under the quilt; sitting up. The next moment, I push myself off of the bed; setting foot onto the floor, with a distinct thud.

As I am looking down, I notice that my toe-nails had turned pink as if I had been polished them the other day; as I lift up my hands, I notice my finger-nails in the same hue. Even if their shape had changed, drastically enough for me to make a double-take.

"Oh, but that is curious?" I exclaim, in sheer surprise.

"The nails are looking, as if they had been hooves; kind of, like the hooves on a pink plastic horse?" I propose in mild disbelief.

"Something happened to me, the other day; or I am still dreaming, going by how everything is looking!" I mumble.

"Should I tell them, I am an Equestrian; if someone is asking me, about it?" I ponder, snickering in bemusement.

Of course the mere thought is amusing, even if some may considering the fact of the experience much less so; to the point of being eerie and horrifying, even. Should I be blaming them, or laughing my arse off? Wait, that would be rude; no fun, no funny at all. I could never make myself doing it, even on purpose.

"Wait.." I ponder; "Cerise fore-hooves?" I snicker, as I ponder my situation and how it had been changed.

After a moment of further consideration, I fold the quilt back down; before I am walking over to my wardrobe, pulling the door up before me. I do need to change, into my daily wear; before I could face the day, or the crowd.

Naturally, I only have my regular boring clothes in the wardrobe.

Since I had been sleeping all night; I am only wearing the white cotton panties and top. I never wear anything else, while I sleep; it's just a hassle, to put on more; for no good reason, since the quilt is over my entire body.

My bed room is cool, not frigid cold; the quilt is all I need, to keep warm enough to sleep comfortably.

I like my room cool, as I sleep during the night; it isn't, as if I spend time in the room after that.

Now, I slip my panties down, kicking them up and place them in the washing bin. From there, I slip the top up over my head, depositing it on the pile of clothes waiting to be washed.

I extract a pair of black daytime cotton panties; stepping into them; pulling them all the way, only to afford them a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice; in order to acquire that perfect fit, for comfort.

With the panties on; I am picking up the matching top. Slipping it down over my head; pulling it down, before I afford it a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice.

"There!" I pronounce.

With the underwear on, I choose a bright cerise skirt; stepping into it, before I am pulling it all the way up.

"Let me see, what am I in the mood for wearing?" I mumble to myself; as I am going through, what I have in the wardrobe.

The bright cerise should be just right with my light pinkish complexion, shouldn't it? The vivid coloured cotton feels just right on my pale, mate skin. Why shouldn't it?

I extract the skirt, from within my wardrobe, pulling it out for me to examining it. I step right into the garment, right and left; pulling it all the way up over my waist, only to afford it a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice; in order to achieve that ever so elusive perfect fit. It eagerly hugs my waist, staying up as if its life was depending upon it. However, it is hanging fairly loosely as it is a regular cotton skirt; while it is reaching almost all the way down to my knees.

Since I had let go of the skirt, I return my attention back to my wardrobe; extracting a matching top, pulling it down over my head. While I never particularly cared to show of flesh, I am content with a jewel neckline. This top is covering my arms halfway down to my elbows and just three inches under my rib cage. Perfectly fine for the weather we have today; and the season we are in, currently.

"Just one more item, before I can have my breakfast; a pair of socks, and I am done here!" I mumble to myself, as I am extracting a pair of knee-length pink cotton socks; slipping my feet in, right and left.

"There, that ought to do it; I'm starving!" I mumble to myself.

Since I had dressed myself up, I close the door and turn around; walking up to the door out of my bed room, before I am opening it and stepping out of the room. From there, I am closing the door behind myself; walking to the stairs, bouncing all the flight down to the ground floor.

With a squeak, I stop, as I reach the floor; turning as I walk over to the kitchen. I open the door, stepping in; before I open the door to the fridge and extract a bowl of salad and a large plate of yesterday's muffins

I close the door, to the fridge; before I walk over to the table and deposit my breakfast on the table. I only pick a single muffin, slipping it into my mouth and chew on it in delight; before I turn around, fetching a bottle of apple juice and return to the table.

Distracted, I am chewing the salad; only picking a cupcake, chewing and swallowing it before I am returning to the salad. This is breakfast, my breakfast; I need my muffins, to get me going.

I intermittently poor myself a glass of juice, putting the pitcher back on the table; before I take a swing, washing down the food with my juice as I continue enjoying myself.

Just as am finishing the breakfast, there is a knock on the door; as I get up, opening the door, there is a large package on my porch.

"Compliments of Rarity's" the message on the package reads.

"Rarity?" I ponder, as I am lifting up the package; pulling it inside and slams the door shut, behind myself.

"Wait, why does the name sound so familiar?" I ponder; as I am walking back to my bed room with the large box on my chest.

The package is perfectly inconspicuous; but in place of the commonly brown or beige, this package is a pristine white denying even a speck of dust to stick. That, is curious.

Since the package is white, and as clean as I could have imagined it; I place it onto my bed, without a single thought. It will leave no stain on the bed, so why worry? I know it, a fact; no doubt in my mind.

After a moment, of consideration and examination of the box; I am breaking its seal, ripping the tape off of it with a single tug. While the tape initially refused to let go, it soon relents and permits me to break its seal.

There is a letter, looking as if it had been hand written; though something still screams to me, that it had been printed. Well, maybe horn writing is a thing for a Unicorn like Rarity?


"Dear (Pinkamena) Diane Pie (Pinkie Pie)

Since Twilight mentioned seeing you in the store the other day, I found myself compelled to create a new wardrobe for you.

I just hope it is not too presumptuous of me, but I just had to do this for you.

How could I just leave you, to wearing anything less than I could have made for you?

These should be your size; but if they by any means does not fit you perfectly, or you need something more, please let me know and I will correct this with all due post haste.

Yours truly, Rarity


Of course, I do recognize her style, knowing what she means. Just as I instantly recognize her seal, the three blue diamonds. How could I not?

The fact that I never had seen her before, is no excuse; she is Rarity, and a very dear friend of mine.

While Rarity had promised me a wardrobe, the first thing I find is a smaller box in pink and purple stripes containing a head-set. I open the box, finding the gift I had been offered; picking it up, slowly.

A moment later, I feel it starting to grow warm; as it is activated, by my body heat. I place the delicate device on my head, finding it a perfect fit; almost perfectly invisible, once in place.

"Whoa!!" I exclaim.

"That, is weird!" I ponder.

"Diane?" a voice on the other end is inquiring.

"Yes, that is me!" I respond.

"Then you have picked up the small gift.." the voice responds.

"Hiya, Rarity.." I offer; "if the headset I am currently wearing, was included in the gift you are speaking of; then I have indeed found your gift!" I continue.

"Yes, it is indeed!" Rarity responds; I place it on top, on purpose; a compliment, from our Patron May Trotter!" she now explains.

"Thank you, Rarity; and thank May, on my behalf, while you are at it.." I offer.

"You are quite welcome, Pinkie.." she offers; "and of course, I will.." she continues; "Twilight told me, she met you earlier; so I could not help myself, but simply had to offer you a small token of appreciation!" she concludes.

"Pinkie Pie!" I ponder; I had noticed it, but pretend I hadn't picked up on it, just for the fun of it.

This is the same design, Trotter had created; in order to speak to the original Twilight Sparkle, face-to-face. Just that it had been applied, for each of the Ponies in Twilight town; and now, for her friends, outside as well.

This is effectively a mobile phone, just without all the hassle that comes with holding it; even if I guess it isn't housing some of the features the phone has, but it is only the camera I can't use now. Isn't it? Yet, if I can see her as if she stood before me; maybe I did get the better deal, all the same.

If this head set is using my eyes, as a stand-in for a camera; can I snap photos, of what I can see before me?

"If this is just a token, I do need to see the actual gift!" I put forth; I am curious, what you intended to give me!" I continue.

"Yes, it is.." she responds; "However, you can still explore the gift in your own time; if you have anything important, to take care of!" she is admitting.

"I think I have enough time, to unpack what you gave me.." I respond; "but I feel as if I need to step into my bed room; so I can tend to it, in private!" I point out.

"At least, I can carry the box up; while talking to Rarity!" I ponder, as I am carrying the box up to my room.

"There, now we can go over everything in private!" I mumble, as I am closing the door to my bed room behind myself.

"Good." she exclaim; "I really am curious, to hear your opinion of my gift!" she concedes.

"I know.." I giggle, as I place the white box onto my bed.

As I am looking down, into the box, I notice how she had packaged everything individually. There is a mark, on each individual package; sporting my three signature balloons. However, the left balloon is a bright cerise in place of the blue one on the right; while the topmost balloon in the middle still is the customary yellow one.

"Curious.." I mumble.

I pick up a pair of panties, a brassiere, a skirt and a short blouse top in order; before I am picking up a pair of matching knee length socks

"I think I will have to try these on, but then I have to change; since I am wearing clothes, already!" I point out.

"By all means, take your time; it isn't as if either of us pay by the minute, for a phone-call!" she points out, explaining the situation.

"Oh, but of course.." I merely snicker, in response.

With this head set, I can change, in peace; no worries in the world, even as I have her on the line. How convenient. Considering, how I love chatting away with all my friends

Could I reach anyone else, while using this head set? I do not know, curious as I may be; but right now; I already have Rarity before me, and am eager to try out the wardrobe she is offering me. Even if I may choose, to just try a single ensemble; to stand in, for everything else in the wardrobe I had been offered.

I slip the skirt and panties of, pretending I had not been wearing them now; picking up the panties I had been offered, slipping the bright cerise garment on. These are smooth, slippery and sleek; much more so, than the silk I had almost taken them for at first. These are crafted out of cerise silicone; sporting my signature mark of three balloons up front over my mound. Well, why not? These are after all my panties, now it is obvious for all the world to see.

With the panties on, I am picking up the skirt; stepping into it, before I pull it all the way up over my waist. I afford them a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice; in order to acquire that ever so elusive perfect fit, finding the wears quite comfortable.

Now, I am pulling the top and the brassiere up over my head; pretending I had not put them on today. I pick up the brassiere Rarity had given me; pulling it down over my head, before I am affording it a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice. Once I am satisfied with the fit; I pick up the blouse, pulling it down over my head; affording it a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice.

"There, almost done; but these are comfortable and looks just right!" I exclaim, excitedly.

"Thank you, Pinkie!" she responds.

"Just the socks, and I am ready to go!" I point out; picking up the knee length socks I had chosen.

I slip my old socks off of my feet; right and left, respectively. With my feet bare, I pick up the right sock; slipping the foot in, sliding it all the way down. Only to pick up the left sock, slipping the foot down; pulling up the sock, feeling my foot slide all the way down.

"Thank you, Rarity; you are the best!" I admit.

"Any time, Pinkie; any time.." she responds.

With the old clothes in a neat pile on my bed, I walk over to my wardrobe and open the door; before I slip the clothes back, as if I had changed my mind before I had put them on. With that out of the way, I close the door once more; turning around, returning to the box.

I have several sets of clothes; for daytime, nighttime. Both casual and smart wear, for every day and special occasions like parties. I also have several bikinis and bathing-suits or swim-suits. Of course, I have ankle socks, regular, knee length, thigh high and full-length stockings as well.

Shirts, blouses; skirts and dresses. Even gowns, by the looks of it.

Regular socks and stockings, as well as the toe-variant and more.

"She is crazy, but my kind of crazy; I love her, the way she is!" I ponder.

As I had gone over everything, the box is containing; I stack the box in my wardrobe, where I can extract what I need.

An idea strikes me, just as I finish. I pull at a blue balloon, on the right side of my skirt; only to blow it up and tie it, in a single motion. I hear a gasp, from the other end of the line; before she gathers her composure, and calms down. She had seen my trick, as I had pulled the balloon right off of my flank. Not everyone is prepared to see such a feat; I know it, but I just could not stop myself.

Once I had one, I continue; one blue balloon at the time, filling the ceiling of my bed room with a sea of blue balloons. Metallic electric blue balloons, now covering the entire ceiling.

"Thank you, Rarity; that takes care of an issue, that bothered me before!" I point out.

"How typically you, Pinkie; but this is, why we all love you so dearly!" Rarity exclaims, in response.

"Deer-ly!" I snicker; pretending it is what she had said, ignoring what she had indeed told me for but this one moment.

"Well; why not, Pinkie?" she merely responds, already knowing this had been coming.

"Yes, exactly!" I just snicker.

"Good thing, I had prepared for it; just in case, you were feeling in that mood!" she now concedes.

"You never know, Rarity; you never know, but that is the beauty of it all!" I continue to snicker; "But alas, Rarity; thank you, again!" I then offer.

"You are quite welcome, Pinkie; and I know, how much you will be enjoying your new wardrobe!" she concludes.

"If the rest of the clothes you offered me, is anything the likes of what I am currently wearing, I love them all, I know it and so do you!" I just muse.

"Yes, but of course!" she simply responds, matter-of-fact.

"There is a reason why the third balloon is cerise!" I ponder, pulling one right off of my flank; blowing it up and ties the knot, releasing it, only to see it shyly slink in under my bed.

I repeat the process, as I watch each balloon slinking in under the bed.

Only once the space had been filled, fully populated; do I stop myself, leaving the balloon as is.

"That, is curious; but I love it!" I exclaim.

I turn back, to the box of clothes Rarity had given me; only to find a box containing a pair of pink or cerise shoes. I pick up the box, and the next, and then a few more.

"I will have to try these shoes on!" I ponder.

However, I leave the rest in the box for now; only slipping it in, under the bed. I pick up the box of shoes, and all the rest of my new foot wear; carry it out of the room, depositing the boxes in the cloaking room.

Since I had already dressed up, I am picking the regular shoes out of the box; slipping my right and left foot into the shoes.

"Maybe I should be going out, for a walk; just to see, how they feel?" I ponder.

Of course, I had to trust Rarity to give me the perfect fit; I barely feel these shoes on my feet, even just as I am putting them on. They feel, as if I had been walking in them for ages; but do look as if they are new, true to Rarity.

The Pink or cerise may have been looking out of place, on anyone else; but they are perfectly me, and she had known it all along. I love the sparkly and glossy look.

"Rarity!" I just giggle, knowingly.

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Author's Note:

Diane Pie's POV

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Next chapter: In the Mail