The Twilight Evangelion Excursion

by Kentavritsa

First published

Life in Twilight Town nice pleasant, with her friends, under the rule of the Mayor and owner of the Stylus responsible for creation itself. However, Twilight is curious; she wants to know, to see the world outside.

Twilight Sparkle had found herself sleeping with a Stylus as a pillow; the Stylus owned by the girl who drew her.

Twilight had met the girl, enjoying the conversation and the time together.

Of course, the girl had helped her with numerous little things; making the life in what is now known as Twilight Town easy and pleasant.

Twilight's library is containing numerous books on various subjects; including Mechanics and Quantum Theory. Who knew, what these books could do; what ideas they could spark in the head of an inches tall Pony going by the name Twilight Sparkle?

This is the story, of one such path taken.

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Written by: Kentavritsa
Edited by: Kentavritsa
Re-edited by: ???

Ps: I will be ignoring that a last season has ever happened; and continue as if the show will be going on for years to come, within this continuity.

Dawn: 1

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Once the library she had promised me, had opened; I had searched the books, for the promised knowledge. She had offered me the promised land.

Many a night, I have spent in this library, enjoying to read what she had offered me.

I had poured my very soul into this project, reading all the new books she had given me. Just that some books found me readily available in the end. I had enjoyed books on topics such as mechanics and quantum theory.

With each and every book I had read; I had made new inquiries, on its given topic and sometimes a topic entangled.

These were not just mere stories of fiction. Eventually, they planted seeds of inspiration in my mind. A project I can and now must endeavour. An excursion into the world outside now open to me.

At least, if what these books are promising is true; I can build myself the vehicle, with which I can experience the world outside.

At first, one would think the project impossible with the means at hoof; but I had learned differently, by someone who had breached the veil for me. I am here, as the living proof of what is possible; now I am going forth, to venture out on the excursion.

Just as I lay the book to the side, as I had closed it on its final chapter; an idea struck me, my muse knocking on the door. I raise to my hooves, trotting over to the door opening to invite her into my home.

I had grown accustomed, to this figure of speech, and I am ready to go with it. Now, I just hope you are too.

As I open the door, I am lighting my horn. I feel the surge of energy or magic flowing through me.

The small purple orb appears on the tip of my horn, growing larger and more intense as I focus on the energy I am channeling. Slowly this orb of light grows to the given size; before it spreads down the entire length of my horn, like an avalanche. I feel its radiant heat hitting my forehead, with a gentle touch.

The next instant; I find myself, by the side of the Stylus.

Her room is dark, in twilight; it is apparently still night, so I am totally alone at this point.

Ideas, swirling through my mind; as the concepts coalesce into a concrete idea, I can materializes into physical form.

While I know I do not have the strength, but her Stylus does; I can but hope, I am not draining if of its magic in the process. If I did, I would cease to exist and everything else I had had ever been would never have happened. Even if I would never know I had existed; more than anyone else, ever would.

Maybe one could take this, as a small piece of solace?

Technically speaking, I know I just need to build my robot or mecha. Just as it only needs to be large enough, for me to venture out into the world of humans like may. Maybe four, or five feet tall should do it. I do not wish to overdo it; lest I scare the people, threatening them into defending themselves and possibly even attack me. What would be the point in that?

While I still have every image she had been drawing, readily available to me; stored in the memory of the stylus itself, but I feel an urge to draw this all by myself.

My instinct told me, to draw myself as I am; but I tried to make myself in the image of who I am, just with her equine flares and inspiration. The initial sketch does come out pretty well; so I start cleaning up the lines the best I can, with the tools I have at hoof. Her drawing program feels quite intuitive and competent to me.

Once I do have the form of my vehicle down, I start sketching up a suit for me to wear, while I am inside piloting the vehicle. This time, I am limited by the form of my body, such as she gave it to me.

As I print my suit, it is coming out as a purple silicone membrane I can slip into. It is almost, as if I had been drawing up some manner of hazmat suit. However, it contains all the means to connect and control the vehicle I had been sketching up.

The Mecha's form is that of a much more advanced Alicorn than I am at the time in my current age and level of maturation. It's slender and lanky in the manner similar to Celestia herself, such as I now recall her. Of course, my horn is at least double the relative length of my own. However, I did not draw my wings to be available in this state. Yet, I will be able to activate wings if and when I so choose.

Step by step, and I stop several minutes to contemplate what I have; considering what I have, as well as what I want to add and why. Contemplating each feature built into what I have before me.

As my design is complete, I press "Enter"; secure in what I have before me, knowing it will give me the chance to see the world before me. Not just Twilight Town and May Trotters room.

"Ping!" is heard, as the render is complete.

The sleeping beauty, resting on the floor of her room. As I am watching, she is raising to her hooves; standing up, facing me.

A moment later, she is extending her muzzle towards me, opening her mouth in order to permit me entrance. With the suit on, she is recognizing me; permitting me to enter, so I can be the pilot. On her own, she is still capable of independent thought and motion; but only with me inside as the pilot, can she realize her full potential.

With my suit on, her tongue is like a carpet to me; the Red Carpet, welcoming me inside.

I am trotting in, into the fairly cramped cavern that is her mouth. However, her throat is far too cramped, for her to be able to swallow me whole; while she does have teeth just like me, she makes no sign of trying to chew me.

As she is closing her mouth behind me, I find myself teleported into the control-center of hers; I am effectively her brain, for the duration of my stay.

The teleportation, or transformation is odd and unfamiliar, to me. Now it feels, as if I am standing on her floor, five foot tall; not as if I had been inside the Mecha, I had just built and entered.

I feel the floor under my hooves, underhoof; as if I had been the Pony, standing on her floor. Likewise, I see the room, as if I had been looking at it with my very own two eyes. I feel the slight pressure of the air, just as I can sense the scent of her; where she lies, sleeping before me.

The transference of power and control, just as swift as I had been experiencing it.

Of course, I can not lie in or on her bed; just as there is no room, for a second bed in her room. I had known it, even before I had initiated this project.

There is no hiding myself, or my body now; but is there even a point in trying, or do I really need to try to hide?

Tired, after burning so much of my Midnight-oil; I yawn, in exhaustion.

I collect my legs under myself, lying down by the side of her bed.

I do a new yawn, before I close my eyes. With no pillow to rest my head upon; but maybe I do not need one.

The next moment, I finally fall asleep, content in the result of the conclusion of my project.

I just hope, I do not shock her; as she finds me, as she is opening her eyes after she has woken up.

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A New Day: 2

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The sun of Celestia is already getting up, and the room is starting to go bright with the rays slowly filling the room up.

Just that there is something off and unfamiliar in the room. Something had changed; during the night, while I was sleeping.

There is a clearly audible snoring just a few feet from me; but I know, I never could hear the Ponies and Twilight snore from within the village of Twilight Town before.

In surprise, I slowly open my eyes; looking at what is before me, largely just the ceiling of my room. My bed room. Though I have no other room. I am after all still living with my parents, under their roof. I have no problem with this, I am not quite old enough to move out.

But, there it is again; the sound of someone breathing, just a few feet away.

Now I am consciously folding the quilt up towards the wall; before I slide my feet out of bed, effectively finding myself sitting up on my bed.

"Hmm!" I ponder, giggling.

As I am looking around, I can see everything in the room; left exactly where I had left it, even the Stylus resting on my desk.

The Ponies are all indoors; probably enjoying their breakfast, right now. Or, at least; so I would think, going by what I know. It is not as if I have anything to do with their personalities, or habits; I just drew them, rendered them; so that Twilight have more friends, rather than just being alone.

However, there is still someone, or some Pony in the room.

While I know I had heard the sounds of her sleeping, but the sounds she makes are changing; I can but guess, she is waking up.

As I am standing up, on my own two feet, I soon spot the sleeping pony before me.

She is huge. The surprise almost made me scream.

However, she is Twilight; Twilight Sparkle, to be exact.

She is the same Lavender hue as I know her to be. Just as before, she is a Unicorn, just the size of a fully grown horse mare in the stature of an Alicorn from what I can see.

She had been soundly asleep, before; maybe it is the sound of the thud, as my feet hit the floor waking her up. Maybe, I could not be sure. It could as easily have been pure coincidence. Not that I trust Coincidence. Why, there is no such thing. We have the word; because we like to tell ourselves, or fool others to believe.

Either way, now she is gathering her hooves under herself; as she is raising up, standing before me.

I notice; that she had opened her eyes, as she is turning her head towards me.

"Good morning, May.." she exclaim; "I trust, you did sleep well!" she then continues.

"Good morning, Twilight!" I respond; "Yes, I did; but I trust, so did you!" I continue.

"Then, I guess it is time for your breakfast!" she points out.

"Yes, I guess it is!" I respond; "would you join me?" I inquire.

"Yes, thank you for asking.." she responds; "but I don't need quite as much, as you probably suspect!" she continues.

"I will just put something on, to make myself presentable; before I step out of the room, so we can have breakfast together!" I suggest.

"Of course!" she agrees; "It could be cold out there, but I guess it is more in your instinctive need to cover yourself?" she then inquires, snickering warmly.

I walk over to my wardrobe, opening the door; before I am dropping my panties, kicking them up and grab them in order to slip them into the washing bin. Now I am picking up a fresh pair of panties, I intend to wear for the day; stepping into them right and left, before I pull them all the way up. Now I just afford them a few tentative tugs, for that ever elusive fit: once, twice and thrice.

As I am letting go, the panties feel comfortably secure on.

With that; I pull the top or brassier up over my head; slipping it into the washing bin, in order for it to be washed. I pick up the fresh top for the day.

A moment later, I extend my right hand, picking up the skirt; stepping into it right and left, pulling it up over my waist. Now I pick up a shirt, pulling it down over my head; letting go of it, as it feels as if it is sitting on just right.

The final item, for me to put on, is a pair of silver gray knee socks. I pick them up, right and left; slipping my feet on in order, just putting the foot down before slipping the next on.

It feels natural to me, wearing the white underwear; both panties and top. Just regular white cotton underwear; nothing fancy, or questionable by any means.

As a girl, I find myself more comfortable wearing the skirt and shirt. Purple, or lavender is the colour of my choice.

"There.." I exclaim, as I am comfortably dressed up for the day; closing the door, to my wardrobe before I turn to face Twilight.

"Silver metallic stockings?" Twilight responds, with a renewed snicker.

"I'm in the mood for something just a tad bit fancy!" I respond, as I am walking over the floor of my room.

"Clip, clop; clip, clop.." is heard, as Twilight is following me towards the door.

I only stop before the door, before I open it and step right out of the room; she follows me out into the hall, before she is closing the door behind herself.

"Almost, like having my very own pet dog!" I mumble.

"Just much larger, than a dog?" she inquires; "and more fun to have a conversation with.." she then adds.

"Well, I doubt I would ever have that large a pet anything.." I respond; "and I can't for my life, picture myself; having a conversation with a pet, either!" I continue.

Not that I had ever been interested, in owning a pet before in the first place. Now, I have the perfect companion in Twilight Sparkle. I could discuss anything and everything with her; without the fear of going over her head, or insulting her.

Maybe I could even enroll her, in my studies and home-work? Not because I like home-work, but I do enjoy getting ahead in my studies; Twilight would be the perfect companion, in the fields of study.

If I had worried about mentioning Twilight or her friends before; but now I can be confident, in explaining everything. I could just let them meet her, if and when I so chose to. I just have to ask Twilight herself, of course.

"Clip, clop; clip, clop.." is heard, as she is trotting a mere step behind me.

Of course, I could not even dream of hiding her now; when she is a full five foot tall, as she is trotting behind me. Knowing she is showing behind me, as she easily is towering over me.

As I continue towards the kitchen, I notice a purple light behind me; Twilight lighting her horn, preparing to act. This time, she is opening the door to the kitchen; so we can step right in; only for her to close the door, behind us.

Before I know it, she is opening the door to the fridge; pulling out the food, I would have been looking for. She opens several other doors, in quick succession; pulling out this and that; only to close each door, as she had extracted whatever she had in mind.

Plates standing on the table, waiting for us. Glasses, juice and everything else.

Of course, there is an egg cup full of shredded carrots on her place.

Once she had made the table for the two of us competently; she is stopping before the table, opening her mouth. A moment later, she steps out onto the table; trotting up to her meal.

"Breakfast is served!" she points out; "Now, just dig in and enjoy yourself!" she then adds.

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Seeing the Day: 3

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I had been looking at her, May; as she was eating her food, as she was enjoying her breakfast with me as her company.

Of course, I had enjoyed the shredded carrots and the orange juice she had been offering me; these seems to be fairly common staples, of the human diet as well. Should I be asking her for oats, and other supplements as well? I will be requiring salt, but I can't quite make up my mind in which form I will be preferring it.

Either way, I will need to supplement my diet with the salt.

The meal inevitably came to a conclusion. I had enjoyed the carrots she provided me with, just as the orange juice had been delicious; I can't deny it, but why? Why bother? It would just have been a lie.

While it is a bit strange, to eat, while wearing the suit and being inside this vehicle; but it does not present me with a problem, or any issues. I am after all free to move around inside. The head is quite spacious, for one as small as I.

I am not small, for a Pony, but I am still living in a world of Humans. This is, why I had built this larger version of myself. Now I can interact with them, on a more equal level.

I can go out, to trot in the sunshine of the day. Even if this sun does not belong to Celestia; our beloved Princess of the day. I will just have to get to terms with this fact.

Just as the Sun does not belong to Celestia, the Moon does not belong to Luna; but neither do we have Nightmare Night, nor Summer Sun celebration either. However, it would appear they have Halloween and Fourth of July? Oh, and where is the Winter Wrapup? I had been looking forwards to this special day, so much.

Of course, our fair village of Twilight Town can not house a proper winter with cold and snow anyway. But still. Maybe I could still introduce May, and her friends to this special tradition. All assuming they have some manner of winter with snow here.

While I am on it, should I be installing some manner of solar panels to power this Mecha?

I don't want to draw on the magic supplied by May's stylus, my personal mana reserves or their electric energy they pay for by any means.

There is but the one solution, but I will have to draw up what I have in mind; in the hopes I can affect, the production and installation by myself. I can not ask for help. However, I guess this could be put off, for a while; I can look into it later, tonight should be just fine.

I had permitted my thoughts to wonder, to stray to pastures greener; exploring my situation, but it is distracting me from the hear and now. Maybe it had not been an issue, a problem; but it will be, if I permit this to get in the way of what is at hoof.

She had finished her meal, her breakfast too; just as I had a few minutes before her. Now, she is pushing the chair back, standing up; I help her, dealing with the aftermath of our meal. Putting everything back, is no problem to me; it is as easy as thinking of the act, and I see it happening. My focus is prime, and ready; based on numerous years of practice, and study. This, is what Princess Celestia had taught me at her school; right along with every other spell and numerous other tricks and trickeries.

I had been her faithful pupil, her Prodigy for years; while I had been studying directly under her, learning everything she had put before me. That, had been before that fateful day; when I had realized what the signs meant, that Nightmare Night is before us. This, had been the night or day; when Nightmare Moon was to return, but we saved her in turning her back into the beloved Princess Luna.

With the meal concluded, we can play or go out as we please.

Of course, as a Pony or Horse as they would refer to me as; I do not need or require a chair, so I had remained standing, while I had been enjoying my meal. If it is good, or bad; but it is who I am, and I don't even feel like changing it. Not now, not ever.

Since she is wearing a skirt, blouse and a vest; aside from her silver metallic socks, she can go out with me. However, I do not imagine I do need to wear anything as a Pony, or Horse.

I follow may out, to the cloaking room, only opening the door before me and closing it behind her; opening the door to the cloaking room before me and closing it behind her.

While I am or may not need to wear anything, I had prepared a set of matching shoes for me to wear; slipping them on, as I watch her pulling her shoes on. The shoes will protect her delicate feet, just as they will be protect my sensitive hooves.

"There, I guess it is time to go out and face the day!" I suggest.

"Yes, Twilight; I would believe it is the time, to cease the day!" she responds.

With that; I open the door and step out, with May in tow, just a step behind. I close the door behind her, just as she had stepped out.

"Clip, clop; clip, clop; clip, clop.." is heard, as I am trotting alongside May.

Of course, there is a porch; just outside the door, and its floor was made with hard oaken wood. Someone had had the joy to oil in the wood, for the purpose of longevity; from what I can see and feel, as I step over the hard wood.

"Clip, clop; clip, clop!" is heard, as I am navigating the stairs down to the path to the street.

Both the stairs, and the path is laid with red stone. Smooth, feels good under my hooves. Though I guess it is a strange noise, from May's feet; as she is walking towards the road.

If I am to say so, the sounds her shoes give of is more of the squeak; with the soles make out of a softer latex rubber and all. Though I find it amusing, with the cerise hue to the soles of her shoes.

"Such beautiful, green grass; covering the lawn, around the house!" I mumble, as I am looking around; on my way towards the street.

As I reach the fence, I can see the mailbox; but only the names of her parents, no May Trotter.

Maybe I should have been expecting it? I don't say anything; because I find it pointless, to point it out. She is bound to know this, far better than I am. I had after all only lived in the house for a few short weeks, by now. Most of this time, I had been hidden away; as a secret, she could not share openly.

As she is reaching the street; she takes to the right, towards the center of the community. I am following her, to where she is going; exploring all the new, she is introducing me to.

Since it is early in the day, and we had just had our breakfast; the street is currently fairly sparse trafficked, for a while longer. Maybe this is for the better? I don't need to, and I certainly do not feel an urge; to throw myself onto the blade, of the bustle of an active city street. Not right now, and probably not ever.

While I had spent several of my years, in Canterlot; the Royal Capital, but most of this time had been in the shelter of Princess Celestia, and in the Royal castle itself. After this, I had spent much; if not most of my time, in the quiet village of Ponyville. I am not a big city Pony, at heart. I much prefer the slow, laid-back life in the village of Ponyville.

"Clip, clop; clip, clop.." is heard, as I continue, following her along the street, hopefully taking us into the center.

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Out Shopping (with Twilight): 4

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My friend, Twilight had chosen to follow me to town; for some shopping with me, today. While I am acutely aware, about how she does have no cash and no funds with her; but I guess I could try to string her along for the day.

It is safer, and more fun; having a companion by my side, than it would have been alone and on my own. I am quite sure, she is more than capable to take care of herself; if and when this would be in issue. I just don't see it happen, with the two of us taking a walk down to town.

What I could see, however; is people stopping, to gawk at her. She is after all the latest novelty in town. Not every day, one is lucky enough to see a purple unicorn in town. I know, I certainly have not seen one in this town before.

The most exotic pet I have seen this far; would be the pink Poodle. Even if I guess there may be one or two walking their Cat or Rabbit Bunny? While unusual, I guess; neither of these are exotic, or exciting to me. But then, maybe it is just me?

The Pavement I am trotting on, is laid with grey stone tiles; not exotic, but it's fine to trot or walk on.

For now, the street is lined with regular residential buildings; the kind of in which you may choose to live, if you are fortunate enough to afford your own home. The cottages along this street, are all private property.

Each of these cottages is surrounded by luscious green lawns. The path to the porch lined with large rose bushes on the right and left. A few Peonies, on each side of the porch is looking like the popular norm; not that I have an issue with this, it's quite pretty. The lavender Peony seems to be the colour of choice; something I do find amusing, right now. Does Twilight Sparkle have anything to do with my sense of amusement; when she is trotting by my side, as we continue down the street towards the center of town?

"Clip, clop; clip, clop.." is heard; as she is trotting by my side, along the street.

"This is the first time, I am trotting down the street with you; in this town, can you believe it?" she prompts, as she is turning her head towards me.

"Yes, I believe it would be.." I respond; "But, this is the first time; you are big enough, to actually be trotting safely on the street with me!" I then add.

"Oh.." she mumbles; "yeah!" she then adds.

"But; I do love having you by my side, Twilight!" I promptly point out.

"So I have come to notice; but the feelings are mutual, because I do enjoy having you walking by my side too!" she now responds; with a widening of her grin, as a response.

"I chose you for a reason, Twilight; even if I never would have imagined, to find you on my desk for any reason!" I offer.

"I think I can see your point, May; even if I never would have been drawing you, or any other Human back in Ponyville!" she points out; "But right now; I am curious, as to what we will be finding in town!" she offers.

"Understandable; Twilight; since this is your first time there, after all!" I respond, in confirmation.

"There are a few items, I would be interested in; just in case we can find, what I had in mind!" Twilight explains.

"If it is something, I am permitted to buy and own; I will see what I can do, to help you!" I exclaim, assuring her, I will get what I can for her

"Firstly, some vegetables: Potatoes, Celery, Parsnip, Parsley and Oats; but also some fabrics for Rarity to use in her crafts, of course. Cotton, Silk, Nylon and Leather; aside from threads so she can create all the useful items we are used to her spoiling us with!" Twilight clarifies.

"If Rarity is creating something of physical fabrics; how would this be affected, by the result of my Stylus running out of magic?" I ponder, as she is listing the items of priority and interest on her part.

I do not know; but it is not as if I intend to try anything, in order to find out.

Would I end up, with a pile of supplies for Ponies who never existed? The concept scares me, just to think of; if I stop to think of it, for just a moment. My mind deflects the notion, rejecting the possibility out of hand.

Before that thought, or line of reasoning could take root; I turn my attention back to Twilight, and the surroundings we had reached. I love having Twilight Sparkle as my friend; with me, where I can talk to her. I want her by my side, for all it is worth; even after the costs on my account, and whatever is being exacted on my social standing as well.

Once she is by my side, she is no longer a figment of my imagination; a made up friend, or a fictional character. She is not an escape from reality; now, she is part of this reality.

I watch her, in the corner of my eye; as she is trotting by my side, chatting amiably with me to her heart's content.

Everyone looking my way, can clearly see the purple Unicorn known as Twilight Sparkle by my side; just as everyone in earshot, can hear her speak to me. I am not imagining, or making it up. Even if I guess, you could rationalize hearing only one side; of a conversation, and claim I have a phone with head-set on. You could, but now you don't have to make up the excuse; she is there, for everyone to see.

Since the street is currently empty, no-one is staring at me, her or us; but I imagine a few little girls peering out the window, at any time now: Possibly with a digital camera, or a mobile phone in hand; snapping a picture or a few; just for personal use or the bragging-rights of the best possible picture of the personal hero. Or, just to have something real to remember her by.

Though the walk, and trot is progressing without as much as a hint of an incident; as we continue down the street, towards the shops of interest.

"Clip, clop; clip, clop; clip, clop.." is heard, as she continues to trot by my side; as if nothing had happened, on an ordinary everyday.

Eventually, we do reach the center and the shopping district; where all the interesting shops can be found.

"This is looking promising.." Twilight is exclaiming, as she is spotting a store selling fruits and vegetables.

I notice, how she is sniffing and snorting in the light; examining the scents from the story just before we enter, noticing the quality of the products inside. Of course, as a Pony; Twilight is bound to be better, at picking up on this from outside.

As we enter the store, even I can't help but picking up on the scents of fresh produce; as we move along examining, the products to see what we are looking for. Even if it is technically Twilight, who is looking for food; for herself, and her friends back in Twilight Town.

The room is cool, but well lit; leaving the produce to last longer, while still offering us ample opportunity to explore and examine what we are looking for.

"Clippi, clop, clippi, clop.." is heard, as Twilight is leading the way along the shelves holding the vegetables of her choice.

Of course, it is Twilight leading the way; I am just following her arround, because she needs me to pay for the produce. I don't really mind, because I love seeing her happy; while I am not enjoying the thought, of her vanishing overnight. The produce will guarantee her comfort and well-being, after all. Besides, vegetables are thankfully going for the cheap, anyway.

While I do know we, and in extension Twilight Sparkle had been observed since we entered the shop; it had not bothered me in the least, and we had not been approached for as long as we were acting as their regular customers. Maybe the fact that Twilight Sparkle is a full five foot tall, and is speaking perfect English may have a hand or hoof in this affair; but so long as we do not step out of line, or by any means act strange I guess.

Seconds, and minutes are ticking by; as Twilight is picking and choosing her desired produce, and we end up by the counter. The girl behind the counter is looking up, somewhat bemused as she is recognizing Twilight; yet she is expedient, as she is registering everything for her in the process.

I pull out my phone, with which I complete the payment in Twilight's name; drawing a smile from the girl behind the counter.

"There has to be a first time, for everything?" she inquires, as I am completing the payment.

"Yes, I believe that seems to be the case!" Twilight responds, with a snicker as the smile on her muzzle is widening a bit.

"So this is, what Ponies are eating; or is it just your personal taste?" the girl braves to inquire.

"Yes, Ponies does enjoy these; but these would be my personal favourites, too!" Twilight responds.

"Whoa!!" the girl ponders; "but, she is so elegant; I could have mistaken her, for Royalty!" she considers.

"Yesterday's Apples are the best!" Twilight explains with a snicker.

Of course; Twilight Sparkle would have been a Princess back in Ponyville, Equestria: where she came from, but she isn't there now. She has no official backing from Princess Celestia or Equestria at large right now. How could one even work out the details, pushing through the details with all the red tape for such an act, if it was at all possible?

Once I had paid for the vegetables, thus concluding the deal; we continue, stepping out of the store. Twilight Teleports her produce home; leaving the bag under my desk, where I can extract it for her.

"That went well.." Twilight puts forth; "She is kind of cute, for a Human, too!" she then adds; almost as if it had been an afterthought, on her part.

"We usually do not have the wildly varied colour-pallet; just the few select hues to go with, even if I could change the colour of my hair!" I observe, in response.

"You would stick out, like a sore hoof; if you had been anything, but that light pink hue!" Twilight responds, grinning at the situation.

"At least, I am getting away with purple hair and nails; looking eerily similar to your mane, and tail!" I prompt, with a giggle.

"Yes, I guess you do; thankfully!" she merely responds, as we continue down the street towards the next shop of interest.

"I'm eternally thankful, for not being a regular dumb old blond with dirty yellowish to grey hair!" I ponder, shivering at the mere thought.

It isn't so much that I have a problem with, or don't like the look; I just do not enjoy it, for myself. I enjoy the purple hair, as it is now; particularly, after my friend Twilight Sparkle helped me perfecting the style. It may not be a mane, per se; but the style is close enough, to that of Twilight's mane. Just the way I like it.

While it is true; I had arranged my hair in a similar enough style, all by myself. But maybe; just maybe it is in how Twilight had helped me arranging it, that is making it so special to me.

"Could I have gotten away, with a light pink skin-tone; similar to that of Pinkie Pie, if I had chosen it?" I ponder; making a silly grimace, in the process.

Thankfully, we are still alone. Just Twilight, by my side. None watching me, or us.

I enjoy the intimate moment, in the middle of town; as I am following Twilight, as we are out on town. Just shopping, like a pair of regular girls.

I cast a glance at Twilight, musing; considering, just how fortunate I am, having her as a friend by my side. Not everyone may be quite as fortunate. Even if I had to draw her by myself; in order for me to have her, with me.

A few minutes after we had left the fruit-store, I find myself slipping into the next store on our list; where they are selling fabrics by the yard in bulk. I browse the store, for the various fabrics I need; in each of the colours I imagine Rarity would have liked, picking up small snippets of spare fabrics in what the Ponies would still be considered bulk; even if the pieces are so small, they barely bother charging me for them.

However, I do pick up a few yards of fabric and leather in a total of what should amount to a yard or so, roughly. Enough, for the girl managing the store not to complain, at the very least.

"Maybe Rarity could create something for me.." I ponder; "and possibly a fancy saddle bag for you too?" I suggest.

"A real, fancy saddle bag for me would be great.." Twilight responds, snickering; as her grin is growing wider.

"A saddle bag?" a girl inquires, confused, as she apparently had overheard Twilight.

"It's like a backpack, or a rucksack; but for a Horse or Pony, you see I am a bit of an Equestrian!" Twilight explains; before the girl has the time to consider further, as Twilight had explained it to her.

"Oh, yeah; you're an Equestrian?" the girl inquires; without realizing what Twilight had really meant, thinking she just enjoys horseback riding.

"Now, that is smooth; but I know she means physical and not fancy, considering how much Twilight herself cares for these things!" I ponder, in disguised amusement.

"May knows me, only too well; but that is, why I can use this manner of expressions with her!" Twilight considers, being the book horse she is.

Oh, and Book Horse is just right now; in the size and stature, of a Horse in place of the Pony she truly is. It is not bothering Twilight in the least, as she is enjoying the fact; how well her friend is knowing her, now. Even if her status as a Book Horse and an egghead had been the cause of her being the subject of teasing, in the past. A past, no longer existing in this world; considering, how the Ponies doesn't exist here either.

Twilight selectively holds on, to what matters to her in the hear and now; ignoring, or forgetting the rest as if it had never happened.

It is with a bemused smile, she is over writing a part of her past now; with a new memory, on top of what had been her original past. In this time and place, she is enjoying a different history to draw upon. New friends, and new opportunities. Just that she is refusing to let go, of the strengths she had been given; by old friends, in situations she can never return to.

Even if Equus and Equestria may be real here; it is not a place she can return to, partially due to the fact that none knows she is even missing. She is not gone, because she never disappeared.

Of course, the Equestrian Pony known as Twilight Sparkle is still in her castle; oblivious of the adventures Twilight is exploring, with her new friend May.

"Yes, there is something special about Horses.." I mumble in response.

Cotton, silk, nylon and leather; now, I do have them all. Aside from a few other fabrics and materials I had not considered before I left home; knowing Rarity would enjoy having them, in her inventory.

"Some of my best friends, are Ponies!" Twilight offers, as addition.

"Oh!" the girl exclaims.

"Wait, the matching threads?" Twilight mumbles.

"Oh, yeah; can't forget these, or it would be for nothing!" I respond.

I follow Twilight, as she is searching for the threads she is looking for; the girl in tow, I soon realize. I find it amusing, so I don't let on; just respond, to her continued questions.

"A purple Horse, or is it Pony?" the girl ponders, as she finally does get a good look, recognizing Twilight.

"I'd be.." the girl exclaims.

"What if I.." Twilight mumbles; "Yes, she would look just right with a tail!" I then respond, quietly.

"Yes.." the girl responds; "maybe pink?" she continues; not realizing, what she is responding to.

"Is your name by chance Diane?" Twilight muses; asking the girl, without actually asking her who she is.

"Wait.." the girl puts forth; "but, but, but; how did you know?" she inquires.

"Maybe, just maybe; you remind me of a friend, but I know you can't be her!" Twilight responds.

"However, I believe you would look great with the pink mane.." Twilight offers, as some manner of outlandish explanation.

Twilight winks, at the girl; as she is lighting up her horn, preparing to cast the spell. I can see the purple orb of bright light at the edge of her horn; then it grows in size and intensity, until it is reaching the given size. Now the light spreads down the length of her horn; like an avalanche, and Twilight finally does cast the spell.

"Oh!" the girl we now know as Diane exclaims; just as her hair or mane is turning a bright pink to cerise and explodes into a fluffy curly mass.

"I hope you enjoy the new look!" I offer, watching the smile grow on the face of Diane.

"I guess; this is the Diane, of this world?" I ponder, in stark realization.

What the girl had not yet noticed; is the tail she had been sprouting, in a hue matching her hair.

"I love making new friends!" Diane exclaims; "But, how did you know?" she then inquires.

"Trust your instinct.." I offer; "use the force.." I continue, teasing her.

"Seriously?" inquires Twilight; "But you still have to trust your instincts, Diane!" Twilight points out.

"Sorry, but the reference was just too obvious!" I respond.

"No problem, May; don't sweat it.." Diane responds with a snicker, as her grin widens.

The next instant, Twilight is casting a second spell; Diane's nails all turns a vivid and bright cerise, merrily glossy. However, her fingernails takes on the appearance of miniature hooves, as they are growing a bit wider and change shape.

"I hope, you do not mind, Diane!" Twilight offers.

"This, is so utterly me!" Diane responds, snickering even more as the grin on her face continues to grow wider.

"Somehow; I thought you would say that; but hearing you say it, still feels great!" Twilight puts forth.

While Twilight is speaking to Diane, I am picking up the last thread for Rarity back home; walking over to the counter, paying for the purchases.

"I hope to see you again, Diane!" Twilight exclaims, as I return; and she is following me out of the store.

"That, was interesting.." Twilight prompts, a moment after we had left the store.

With that, she is once more lighting up her horn, teleporting the supplies home; depositing it by the side of our vegetables, under my desk.

"I had never expected, to see so many interesting people; just because you are by my side, but it is not as if I am about to complain!" I respond, giggling.

"You never know, May; but the sight of a new face, puts you in all these new and unpredictable situations.." Twilight puts forth; "though I am sure; Rarity will be ecstatic, as we are presenting her with these new things!" she continues.

"Yes, Twilight; of that, I am quite certain!" I respond; "then you can have the latest Twilight Town fashion to wear, and you could have those fancy saddle bags to carry; when you follow me out to town, next time!" I promptly offer.

"That would possibly be useful!" Twilight responds.

"I do want you, to feel right at home; these items, should be a part of that, or so I imagine!" I offer.

"Could we, should we.." Twilight ponders, as she notices the sign of the University Library.

"Enter?" I promptly propose, as I notice, where she is looking.

"It's a veritable Gold mine of books.." Twilight responds, with a dreamy expression, spreading out over her face.

The double sliding doors open, on the hint of our approach. There is but a swooshing sound, as the doors eagerly slides up; we enter, and the doors slide shut behind us. The castle of learning; sealing us in, within it's expansive space.

It is quiet, still. Almost as if it had been a grave; but with the scent of death and festering replaced, by the obvious odour of ink on the paper of printed books of learning.

These, are not childs' books; but venerable prints of reputable stature, mostly in the form of dusty and old leather bound tomes.

"I was half by half hoping to enter a place like this; once I have finished my studies, at the level I am currently at.." I whisper reverently.

As quiet as my voice had been, it is hushed down by the apparent atmosphere of the room; yet, Twilight still manages to pick up on what I had said. Of course she had; considering her sharp and acute equine hearing; aside from the fact that both she, and I am wearing the head-set I had previously produced for the two of us to share this intimate communication.

At first, one may have been expected us to just browse aimlessly; walking around, in the hopes to find something or just get lost in the sea of books and knowledge. However, Twilight Sparkle is a learned Pony; well acquainted with libraries and library layouts. The system is not a mystery to her. She is aiming for specific areas, holding the books she believes would be of interest to her. The once she had not expected to find, in the regular open library or the bookstore on the town.

I can see her, taking notes of titles and numbers identifying what she is picking up; enabling her, to find these books at a later date.

"Pony, and Horse; Anatomy and Sociology" the title of one book reads.

"Whoa!!" I ponder; "she really do dig into it with gusto!" I realize with a distinct pang.

"I could as well learn, who my local cousins are; what they are like and what they look like?" Twilight promptly explains.

"Of course.." I respond, nodding vigorously, in response.

"Genetics, and Engineering" the next book's title reads.

"Horses, and their respective Breeds" a third title reads.

"Equine usage; Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow" another title reads.

"Isn't this a bit of Overkill?" I hear a voice from behind my back inquiring.

"Not to Twilight, apparently!" I respond with a bemused grin.

While the titles may be expensive, valuable and deep; this is by no means a restricted section, holding restricted information. Just that most people never would even reach this far, not to mention bother looking up these many titles in this section.

"On second thought, humour me; is she trying to recreate a long lost breed, of her homeland, or something?" the voice no suggests.

"When you put it like that, what if she was doing exactly that?" I offer.

"To your, or her credit; you certainly do know your way around, in a library.. I will give you that!" the voice responds.

"Thank you!" Twilight responds; "I have been in a few libraries, and I practically lied in a library for years.." she then confesses, almost as if it had been an embarrassing secret of hers.

"Why does this, come off; as if she had been an Alien, possibly spearheading an invasion?" the voice now stops and ponders.

"Interesting proposition.." Twilight muses, in a teasing voice.

The voice shudders, for a moment; in reaction, to Twilight's proposition.

After a moment longer, however; Twilight is trotting off, to the next section of the library. She is mumbling, musing; to herself, as she goes. I just follow her; in part not to get lost, but also to keep track of where my friend is going.

She managed to dig up a plethora of books on topics such as; Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Medicine, Mechanics, Electronics, Digital Sentience and Robotization.

Naturally, she also picked up titles on a numerous of languages such as; English, Japanese, Russian, Arabic and Latin. She was musing and gushing over the wealth of information, she had been claiming the references to; in the hopes she would be able to enjoy the contents, of these books.

"But, neither Ponish nor Zebricon anywhere to be found?" she declared in overly obvious disappointment.

"You know, Twilight; I think we can come back, tomorrow!" I point out, at this point.

"Yes, I believe you are right; we probably could come back, tomorrow!" Twilight responds, snickering maniacally; like a young dragon on her first hoard of rubies the size of Pony skulls.

"You behave, as if you belong here; just by showing you know how to find your way around, while maintaining the somber tone proving you respect where you are!" I offer.

"This was my sanctum, my retreat once upon a time, I hid away in the library, enjoying the company of books!" Twilight points out, explaining the relation, far too elegantly to be ignored.

"That would make sense.." I respond.

"As opposed to Discord, I love making sense; but I guess I could blame my library upbringing, on this?" she suggests; "Though we made a killing, here; retreating, while I am ahead is a sensible tactics!" she then prompts, as she is leading me out of the library.

"That is a drastic expression, but you are quite correct.." I respond.

The doors quietly slide up, before Twilight as she is trotting out with me in tow.

"There is but the one final spot, on my list.." Twilight offers; "But I am sure, you wanted to see something while we are out?" she then inquires.

"The baking supplies?" I inquire.

"Yes, these would be just right for Pinkie Pie!" Twilight responds, snickering.

--- --- ---

5 :Construction (Upgrade): 5

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I had been doing some thinking, considering what I could do; upgrading my situation, ensuring she would never run out of magic. I don't know how much she is spending, or if any of it may be recuperated or restored. This is worrying me.

Though I had realized, this Mecha was rendered with full batteries; keeping more than enough power, for me to move freely on town for the entire trip and still have energy to spare. Thankfully.

Maneuvering my Mecha is surprisingly relaxing, easy for me; just as it is not relying on my mana reserves, by any means. Not even casting traditional spells rely on my personal mana reserves. This part came out as a bit of a shock and choker on me.

While my original fears had been evaporating, as I experience the ride; but I still do need to power this Mecha,, in order for me to be able to ride it. Maybe I could have used my magic, to refill the power reserves; but even this would still be taxing on me in the long run.

There is but the one, final solution for me; I need to construct a means for me to power my Mecha long-term. I can't hook it up to the local net the Trotters is paying for, so I have to build something else; something entirely different that does by no means affect the environment. A renewable source I can rely upon to be there for me. My option falls upon solar power, of course; this should be able to power up both the Mecha and the entire Twilight Town, but also give us all the hot water we could possibly need. No effort on my part, once it had been successfully installed.

Once I had returned, safely; with May by my side, I had returned to her room and Twilight Town.

Maybe the name is a bit too much on the muzzle? But now I am stuck with it. This is not Ponyville; so I guess I could not refer to it, as such. However, I can still call it my home all the same.

I still do have some of my closest friends with me, in Twilight Town; even if I still do miss all the other Ponies of Ponyville and Princess Celestia of course. I can't quite push her out of my mind.

Once the door to May's room had closed behind me, I trot up to the desk; leaning my muzzle up towards the desktop. With that, I open my mouth; finding myself teleported back into the mouth, from which I trot out of the Mecha. With that, the excursion, the adventure to town is at an end as I trot down onto her desk. I am once more back home, with all the friends I have.

Well, I do have a few other friends now; but they don't live at this address, with us. I had made a few friends, as we were out on town. I am looking forwards, to seeing them again; next time, we go out.

First, I am trotting home; calling up all the files I have, on Solar Power. Reading up on all the details I could possibly need; before I step back out, returning to her Stylus.

Once I had managed to reach the desired destination, I am stopping before her Stylus; collecting my thoughts, as the ideas are coalescing in my head and forms a concrete design.

Now, I start sketching up, what I had had in mind all along; step-by-step, building up what I need. Little by little, the item is building up, on the screen before me.

As a Unicorn, it is not hard to draw on her Stylus; using the tools, she had inadvertently exposed me to. Considering, just how experienced and skilled a Unicorn I am; makes this into foal's play, no more challenging than what you do in kindergarten. Being a mature adult would explain it all.

While both parts of the construct is multi-layered; but it is a dual-layer construct, on the surface. One solar-power unit to heat the water, hidden under the conventional solar panel, generating all the electric power I could possibly need. Ever. I draw the panels to cover the entire roof of the building.

However, I will just have to replace the roof cover entirely. This could not be helped; based on the design I had chosen, but that is the trade-off. The panels will be integrated directly into the building; not mounted onto the top, of the roof.

I had just added a layer of crystal-clear Diamond and Sapphire to coat and protect the panels.

Once I had finished drawing up the design, I press render. With that, the process is initiated; all I need to do now, is to wait for the process to complete.

As the solar panels are rendering, I draw up the connections and the cables; before I continue to the converters and the batteries, I will be needing to store all the power generated. Of course, I have limited space, under the ceiling. I had added the converters for the batteries, as well as the one for me to hook up to charge my Mecha.

Knowing I can only store so much power, I will be hooking up my batteries to feed the surplus into our home to repay for my usage. At least, this is my reasoning; even if I had never asked, and they have not asked for this either.

Since I had read up, on my electronics and how to install and draw the wiring; I feel secure in producing a professional and proficient job. The power entering the cable will be complying with all the local regulations, applying to the county, state and nation within which I am currently living. Just in case.

With safety in mind, I had opted for a modular approach; even if the wires are all connected, to the respective components. This way, it will be easy to replace faulty equipment. Just as it means; I can swap a unit if and when the safety standard is tightened up, or I just need to upgrade the unit for higher effect and efficiency.

The safety standards, is easily accessed by anyone; but I don't know the exact output, or what I will be needing. I just put in the effort; in following the strictest available standards and maximizing the output.

Naturally, I had checked for any subsidies this installation could be entitled to; applying for this, beforehand. I had filled in all the details, to the letter; including every detail required, including the account into which the funds where to be deposited. Naturally, I had top apply for this account, before I could specify the details into the application; but I had completed the form.

"Okay, that was fun!" I mumble; "At least; Celestia did teach me, how to fill out a form.." I ponder, snickering.

There is a "Ping" heard, for each component render completed.

Since I had completed my work, drawing up each and every component; I teleport up to the attic, where I inspect the handiwork I had just drawn up. It all looks great, spotless; each component up to specs, installed flawlessly. I can see the panels soaking up the sunlight, converting the energy into electric power; I lead down into the batteries, storied for later use.

As the power, stored in the first battery reaches the level; I start charging the Mecha, for the use.

Since the installation is complete, I had inspected the work; now I am teleporting back, down to the desk in May's room. I trot over to my Mecha; watching it move back into a resting position, before it is accepting the charge.

"I hope I have enough charge, for a trot on the town by tomorrow; if and when I choose to go out again!" I ponder; as I trot back to my home, exhausted from the excursion.

--- --- ---

6 :Diane's Morning: 6

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I still do recall the day before. Not that I had ever had a problem recalling the day before; but it is just a bit more vivid, than I had been expecting.

Of course I had gone to bed, the other night; just as I had gone to bed, every night.

Though one thing sticks out, like a sore thumb, in my mind; the girl I had been encountering, at the store. It isn't so much, in the vivid colour of the bright purple hair or mane; but the companion, who had been following her as companion in the store.

This had been the first time, I see Twilight Sparkle; as May Trotter had guided her into the store the other day. As if I had ever seen a talking Horse before; purple or otherwise, not to mention a Unicorn.

Neither Ponies, nor Horses are talking, around here, let alone going out on town shopping.

"How could she possibly have known my name is Diane? Even if it is my second or middle name, but still!" I ponder.

As I wake up, early in the morning; the ceiling feels empty and void with no balloons and just a plain white.

"Maybe, just maybe; I could do something, about my ceiling?" I ponder, with a snicker.

I had never been bothered by the naked, plain white ceiling before, so why is it bothering me this particular morning?

"If only I had a few balloons?" I ponder, snickering exuberantly.

"Wait, what was that?" I ponder, in stark realization; "My giggles are off, more like the sounds of Equine snickering?" I continue.

I fold the quilt up against the wall, sliding my feet out from under the quilt; sitting up. The next moment, I push myself off of the bed; setting foot onto the floor, with a distinct thud.

As I am looking down, I notice that my toe-nails had turned pink as if I had been polished them the other day; as I lift up my hands, I notice my finger-nails in the same hue. Even if their shape had changed, drastically enough for me to make a double-take.

"Oh, but that is curious?" I exclaim, in sheer surprise.

"The nails are looking, as if they had been hooves; kind of, like the hooves on a pink plastic horse?" I propose in mild disbelief.

"Something happened to me, the other day; or I am still dreaming, going by how everything is looking!" I mumble.

"Should I tell them, I am an Equestrian; if someone is asking me, about it?" I ponder, snickering in bemusement.

Of course the mere thought is amusing, even if some may considering the fact of the experience much less so; to the point of being eerie and horrifying, even. Should I be blaming them, or laughing my arse off? Wait, that would be rude; no fun, no funny at all. I could never make myself doing it, even on purpose.

"Wait.." I ponder; "Cerise fore-hooves?" I snicker, as I ponder my situation and how it had been changed.

After a moment of further consideration, I fold the quilt back down; before I am walking over to my wardrobe, pulling the door up before me. I do need to change, into my daily wear; before I could face the day, or the crowd.

Naturally, I only have my regular boring clothes in the wardrobe.

Since I had been sleeping all night; I am only wearing the white cotton panties and top. I never wear anything else, while I sleep; it's just a hassle, to put on more; for no good reason, since the quilt is over my entire body.

My bed room is cool, not frigid cold; the quilt is all I need, to keep warm enough to sleep comfortably.

I like my room cool, as I sleep during the night; it isn't, as if I spend time in the room after that.

Now, I slip my panties down, kicking them up and place them in the washing bin. From there, I slip the top up over my head, depositing it on the pile of clothes waiting to be washed.

I extract a pair of black daytime cotton panties; stepping into them; pulling them all the way, only to afford them a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice; in order to acquire that perfect fit, for comfort.

With the panties on; I am picking up the matching top. Slipping it down over my head; pulling it down, before I afford it a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice.

"There!" I pronounce.

With the underwear on, I choose a bright cerise skirt; stepping into it, before I am pulling it all the way up.

"Let me see, what am I in the mood for wearing?" I mumble to myself; as I am going through, what I have in the wardrobe.

The bright cerise should be just right with my light pinkish complexion, shouldn't it? The vivid coloured cotton feels just right on my pale, mate skin. Why shouldn't it?

I extract the skirt, from within my wardrobe, pulling it out for me to examining it. I step right into the garment, right and left; pulling it all the way up over my waist, only to afford it a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice; in order to achieve that ever so elusive perfect fit. It eagerly hugs my waist, staying up as if its life was depending upon it. However, it is hanging fairly loosely as it is a regular cotton skirt; while it is reaching almost all the way down to my knees.

Since I had let go of the skirt, I return my attention back to my wardrobe; extracting a matching top, pulling it down over my head. While I never particularly cared to show of flesh, I am content with a jewel neckline. This top is covering my arms halfway down to my elbows and just three inches under my rib cage. Perfectly fine for the weather we have today; and the season we are in, currently.

"Just one more item, before I can have my breakfast; a pair of socks, and I am done here!" I mumble to myself, as I am extracting a pair of knee-length pink cotton socks; slipping my feet in, right and left.

"There, that ought to do it; I'm starving!" I mumble to myself.

Since I had dressed myself up, I close the door and turn around; walking up to the door out of my bed room, before I am opening it and stepping out of the room. From there, I am closing the door behind myself; walking to the stairs, bouncing all the flight down to the ground floor.

With a squeak, I stop, as I reach the floor; turning as I walk over to the kitchen. I open the door, stepping in; before I open the door to the fridge and extract a bowl of salad and a large plate of yesterday's muffins

I close the door, to the fridge; before I walk over to the table and deposit my breakfast on the table. I only pick a single muffin, slipping it into my mouth and chew on it in delight; before I turn around, fetching a bottle of apple juice and return to the table.

Distracted, I am chewing the salad; only picking a cupcake, chewing and swallowing it before I am returning to the salad. This is breakfast, my breakfast; I need my muffins, to get me going.

I intermittently poor myself a glass of juice, putting the pitcher back on the table; before I take a swing, washing down the food with my juice as I continue enjoying myself.

Just as am finishing the breakfast, there is a knock on the door; as I get up, opening the door, there is a large package on my porch.

"Compliments of Rarity's" the message on the package reads.

"Rarity?" I ponder, as I am lifting up the package; pulling it inside and slams the door shut, behind myself.

"Wait, why does the name sound so familiar?" I ponder; as I am walking back to my bed room with the large box on my chest.

The package is perfectly inconspicuous; but in place of the commonly brown or beige, this package is a pristine white denying even a speck of dust to stick. That, is curious.

Since the package is white, and as clean as I could have imagined it; I place it onto my bed, without a single thought. It will leave no stain on the bed, so why worry? I know it, a fact; no doubt in my mind.

After a moment, of consideration and examination of the box; I am breaking its seal, ripping the tape off of it with a single tug. While the tape initially refused to let go, it soon relents and permits me to break its seal.

There is a letter, looking as if it had been hand written; though something still screams to me, that it had been printed. Well, maybe horn writing is a thing for a Unicorn like Rarity?


"Dear (Pinkamena) Diane Pie (Pinkie Pie)

Since Twilight mentioned seeing you in the store the other day, I found myself compelled to create a new wardrobe for you.

I just hope it is not too presumptuous of me, but I just had to do this for you.

How could I just leave you, to wearing anything less than I could have made for you?

These should be your size; but if they by any means does not fit you perfectly, or you need something more, please let me know and I will correct this with all due post haste.

Yours truly, Rarity


Of course, I do recognize her style, knowing what she means. Just as I instantly recognize her seal, the three blue diamonds. How could I not?

The fact that I never had seen her before, is no excuse; she is Rarity, and a very dear friend of mine.

While Rarity had promised me a wardrobe, the first thing I find is a smaller box in pink and purple stripes containing a head-set. I open the box, finding the gift I had been offered; picking it up, slowly.

A moment later, I feel it starting to grow warm; as it is activated, by my body heat. I place the delicate device on my head, finding it a perfect fit; almost perfectly invisible, once in place.

"Whoa!!" I exclaim.

"That, is weird!" I ponder.

"Diane?" a voice on the other end is inquiring.

"Yes, that is me!" I respond.

"Then you have picked up the small gift.." the voice responds.

"Hiya, Rarity.." I offer; "if the headset I am currently wearing, was included in the gift you are speaking of; then I have indeed found your gift!" I continue.

"Yes, it is indeed!" Rarity responds; I place it on top, on purpose; a compliment, from our Patron May Trotter!" she now explains.

"Thank you, Rarity; and thank May, on my behalf, while you are at it.." I offer.

"You are quite welcome, Pinkie.." she offers; "and of course, I will.." she continues; "Twilight told me, she met you earlier; so I could not help myself, but simply had to offer you a small token of appreciation!" she concludes.

"Pinkie Pie!" I ponder; I had noticed it, but pretend I hadn't picked up on it, just for the fun of it.

This is the same design, Trotter had created; in order to speak to the original Twilight Sparkle, face-to-face. Just that it had been applied, for each of the Ponies in Twilight town; and now, for her friends, outside as well.

This is effectively a mobile phone, just without all the hassle that comes with holding it; even if I guess it isn't housing some of the features the phone has, but it is only the camera I can't use now. Isn't it? Yet, if I can see her as if she stood before me; maybe I did get the better deal, all the same.

If this head set is using my eyes, as a stand-in for a camera; can I snap photos, of what I can see before me?

"If this is just a token, I do need to see the actual gift!" I put forth; I am curious, what you intended to give me!" I continue.

"Yes, it is.." she responds; "However, you can still explore the gift in your own time; if you have anything important, to take care of!" she is admitting.

"I think I have enough time, to unpack what you gave me.." I respond; "but I feel as if I need to step into my bed room; so I can tend to it, in private!" I point out.

"At least, I can carry the box up; while talking to Rarity!" I ponder, as I am carrying the box up to my room.

"There, now we can go over everything in private!" I mumble, as I am closing the door to my bed room behind myself.

"Good." she exclaim; "I really am curious, to hear your opinion of my gift!" she concedes.

"I know.." I giggle, as I place the white box onto my bed.

As I am looking down, into the box, I notice how she had packaged everything individually. There is a mark, on each individual package; sporting my three signature balloons. However, the left balloon is a bright cerise in place of the blue one on the right; while the topmost balloon in the middle still is the customary yellow one.

"Curious.." I mumble.

I pick up a pair of panties, a brassiere, a skirt and a short blouse top in order; before I am picking up a pair of matching knee length socks

"I think I will have to try these on, but then I have to change; since I am wearing clothes, already!" I point out.

"By all means, take your time; it isn't as if either of us pay by the minute, for a phone-call!" she points out, explaining the situation.

"Oh, but of course.." I merely snicker, in response.

With this head set, I can change, in peace; no worries in the world, even as I have her on the line. How convenient. Considering, how I love chatting away with all my friends

Could I reach anyone else, while using this head set? I do not know, curious as I may be; but right now; I already have Rarity before me, and am eager to try out the wardrobe she is offering me. Even if I may choose, to just try a single ensemble; to stand in, for everything else in the wardrobe I had been offered.

I slip the skirt and panties of, pretending I had not been wearing them now; picking up the panties I had been offered, slipping the bright cerise garment on. These are smooth, slippery and sleek; much more so, than the silk I had almost taken them for at first. These are crafted out of cerise silicone; sporting my signature mark of three balloons up front over my mound. Well, why not? These are after all my panties, now it is obvious for all the world to see.

With the panties on, I am picking up the skirt; stepping into it, before I pull it all the way up over my waist. I afford them a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice; in order to acquire that ever so elusive perfect fit, finding the wears quite comfortable.

Now, I am pulling the top and the brassiere up over my head; pretending I had not put them on today. I pick up the brassiere Rarity had given me; pulling it down over my head, before I am affording it a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice. Once I am satisfied with the fit; I pick up the blouse, pulling it down over my head; affording it a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice.

"There, almost done; but these are comfortable and looks just right!" I exclaim, excitedly.

"Thank you, Pinkie!" she responds.

"Just the socks, and I am ready to go!" I point out; picking up the knee length socks I had chosen.

I slip my old socks off of my feet; right and left, respectively. With my feet bare, I pick up the right sock; slipping the foot in, sliding it all the way down. Only to pick up the left sock, slipping the foot down; pulling up the sock, feeling my foot slide all the way down.

"Thank you, Rarity; you are the best!" I admit.

"Any time, Pinkie; any time.." she responds.

With the old clothes in a neat pile on my bed, I walk over to my wardrobe and open the door; before I slip the clothes back, as if I had changed my mind before I had put them on. With that out of the way, I close the door once more; turning around, returning to the box.

I have several sets of clothes; for daytime, nighttime. Both casual and smart wear, for every day and special occasions like parties. I also have several bikinis and bathing-suits or swim-suits. Of course, I have ankle socks, regular, knee length, thigh high and full-length stockings as well.

Shirts, blouses; skirts and dresses. Even gowns, by the looks of it.

Regular socks and stockings, as well as the toe-variant and more.

"She is crazy, but my kind of crazy; I love her, the way she is!" I ponder.

As I had gone over everything, the box is containing; I stack the box in my wardrobe, where I can extract what I need.

An idea strikes me, just as I finish. I pull at a blue balloon, on the right side of my skirt; only to blow it up and tie it, in a single motion. I hear a gasp, from the other end of the line; before she gathers her composure, and calms down. She had seen my trick, as I had pulled the balloon right off of my flank. Not everyone is prepared to see such a feat; I know it, but I just could not stop myself.

Once I had one, I continue; one blue balloon at the time, filling the ceiling of my bed room with a sea of blue balloons. Metallic electric blue balloons, now covering the entire ceiling.

"Thank you, Rarity; that takes care of an issue, that bothered me before!" I point out.

"How typically you, Pinkie; but this is, why we all love you so dearly!" Rarity exclaims, in response.

"Deer-ly!" I snicker; pretending it is what she had said, ignoring what she had indeed told me for but this one moment.

"Well; why not, Pinkie?" she merely responds, already knowing this had been coming.

"Yes, exactly!" I just snicker.

"Good thing, I had prepared for it; just in case, you were feeling in that mood!" she now concedes.

"You never know, Rarity; you never know, but that is the beauty of it all!" I continue to snicker; "But alas, Rarity; thank you, again!" I then offer.

"You are quite welcome, Pinkie; and I know, how much you will be enjoying your new wardrobe!" she concludes.

"If the rest of the clothes you offered me, is anything the likes of what I am currently wearing, I love them all, I know it and so do you!" I just muse.

"Yes, but of course!" she simply responds, matter-of-fact.

"There is a reason why the third balloon is cerise!" I ponder, pulling one right off of my flank; blowing it up and ties the knot, releasing it, only to see it shyly slink in under my bed.

I repeat the process, as I watch each balloon slinking in under the bed.

Only once the space had been filled, fully populated; do I stop myself, leaving the balloon as is.

"That, is curious; but I love it!" I exclaim.

I turn back, to the box of clothes Rarity had given me; only to find a box containing a pair of pink or cerise shoes. I pick up the box, and the next, and then a few more.

"I will have to try these shoes on!" I ponder.

However, I leave the rest in the box for now; only slipping it in, under the bed. I pick up the box of shoes, and all the rest of my new foot wear; carry it out of the room, depositing the boxes in the cloaking room.

Since I had already dressed up, I am picking the regular shoes out of the box; slipping my right and left foot into the shoes.

"Maybe I should be going out, for a walk; just to see, how they feel?" I ponder.

Of course, I had to trust Rarity to give me the perfect fit; I barely feel these shoes on my feet, even just as I am putting them on. They feel, as if I had been walking in them for ages; but do look as if they are new, true to Rarity.

The Pink or cerise may have been looking out of place, on anyone else; but they are perfectly me, and she had known it all along. I love the sparkly and glossy look.

"Rarity!" I just giggle, knowingly.

--- --- ---

In the Mail: 7

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This is a wonderful morning, and the sun is beaming; beating down on anyone and everything on the ground. Not that I mind, though.

I had slipped into my bikini, enjoying its tight constraints on my rump and breasts. It is all I need, to know I am not nude, presentable enough to go out.

While barefoot, I am stepping up to the door, opening it with ease; stepping out, leaving it hatched to the wall. I enjoy the sensations of the hard, hot stone tiles underfoot; as I walk over to the mailbox on the fence, by the street.

"Wonder what is in the mail, today.." I ponder; "I hope there is something fun!" I conclude

It would have sucked, if it had been empty; not to mention, something as trivial and boring as bills. Nothing worse, than bills in the mail; next to the official or officious notifications.

The mailbox is not empty, but quite full; stuffed, like a pig who stuffed her face all day.

I have what appears to be two letters, two small packages and a large package. I pick them all up, before I turn back to the door; enjoying the short walk, over the still quite hot stones.

As I am reaching the door, I step in and close the door behind myself; continuing into our home, walking over to the table in the kitchen.

I read the addresses on the mail: Angeline Shy, Dess di'Mona Shy.

"Hmm, who wrote me a letter?" I ponder, snickering.

"Flutters, you have mail!" I exclaim, in amusement.

"Thank you, for fetching it.." she responds, in her usual quiet murmur.

"Oh, and you are quite welcome!" I merely respond.

"Let's see, who is it from?" I ponder; "Rarity 'Generosity' Diamond Filigree" reads her address.

"Twilight Town" I read, further.

I open the envelope, slipping the letter out; placing the paper onto the table, before reading.


"Dear Angeline Shy,

I hope this letter will find you well.

Including your private gift and the ensembles for you to share with your sister.

It's just a small token of friendship, a gift for the two of you to enjoy.

Yours Sincerely, Rarity"


"Dear Angeline Shy,

"Yay, mail!" Dess exclaims, still in her usual hushed voice.

"Yes, Desu!" I respond; "You've got mail!" I conclude, snickering at the pun.

She is sitting down, quietly picking up her envelope; opening and pulling the letter out, before reading..


"Dear Dess di'Mona Shy,

I hope this letter will find you well.

Including your private gift and the ensembles for you to share with your sister.

It's just a small token of friendship, a gift for the two of you to enjoy.

Yours Sincerely, Rarity"


Naturally, I had been watching my sister; as she was reading her letter, before I picked up my package and place hers before her; "Open it, it is addressed to you!" I explain, as I hand it over.

"Thanks, Sis!" she responds.

"You are quite welcome, Sis!" I merely utter, as I am breaking the seal of the package before me; knowing she does the same, for her very own package.

I had found a regular cardboard box; but inside is clear, hard plastic and then the white foam plastic for insulation. Once I lift up the first half of the foam-plastic; I find the gift, in the form of a highly advanced head-set. Custom built, with my exact measurements and all. It is even my skin tone as well.

"Uhm.. did you get a head-set, too?" she mumbles from her side of the table, as she is fetching the gift.

"Yes!" I respond, head-set in hand; "but it felt a bit cold at first; only now, it is almost warm!" I add.

"Whoa?" she exclaims.

"Exactly!" I respond, placing the head-set onto my head.

While I can still hear her, but that is all I can hear; no noise, whistling or other sounds are heard over the line.

For a long moment, the virtual room is quiet, with only the sounds from my sister intruding.

She could see me picking up my head-set and putting it on, just as I could see her picking up hers, putting it on. However, this does not make it easier to see the head-set; once it is on, it is all virtually invisible all the same. Both the colour, matching the skin, and the exact design is responsible for this effect.

Just as expected, the hue of my head-set is an off, mate white with a furry effect to it.

What I had failed to notice, is how the head-set is not even covering my ears; just a diminutive bud slipping into the right and left ear respectively. While it is powered down, inactive; it would look like any regular headset, in the matching white hue. However, this would change radically once powered up and active.

"Is this one of these new, modern Wi-Fi head-sets?" my sister Desu inquires.

"Maybe, because I could find neither a jack or the cable to connect!" I respond.

Of course, the sound had changed, once the head-set had activated; but I had failed to realize it, as had my sister. If it made any difference, but I guess it is all the same now

Once the head-set is on, active, I barely feel it; but after a moment, the sensations had zoned out completely. Maybe the virtual invisibility had been taken one step further; leaving no trace on my face, or my reactions hinting towards it even being there on my head.

On an impulse, I lift my hands up to my head; but what little I feel, only leads to my fingers sliding up along the mounting running up my head. In the process, I had inadvertently activating what appears to be a pair of Bunny ears, otherwise matching my natural skin-tone. The curious effect, is how it now hides my regular human ears.

"Bunny, Bunny.." Desu whispers; "Cute and cuddly!" she continues.

As I am looking up, I notice how she has a pair of light yellow equine ears; in place of the ears she had before, in what should have been a more human form.

"Poni, Poni, Poni!" I just echo in response, with an inward snicker.

As she is lifting up her hands, probing the sides of her head; she realizes her ears are nowhere to be found, but in their place she finds the new Equine ears I had just mentioned

"Curious.." she exclaims, now sporting the on-rush of a blush.

"Yes, Desu; the fluttery flutters!" I mumble, but soon realize she had heard it, loud and clear.

"I heard that!" she just mumble back, which I could not help but pick up on.

"Convenient, but embarrassing?" I mumble.

"Yes.." she responds, as we shift our focus onto the final package.

"Rarity 'Generosity' Diamond Filigree"

"Mane Street 03"

"Twilight Town" reads the address of the sender.

"Funny Address!" I suggest; "But, whatever is inside is still ours?" Desu inquires; "Yes!" I just respond.

Among the first things I find, on the top layer, is a set of boxes containing panties in: White, Yellow, Clear, Black, Red, Blue and Silver. Each package curiously enough contains five pairs of panties in different models. From the minimal string, to the once that would cover my hips and Pi inches over my belly button. Or hers, if my sister were to put them on.

The next we discover, is the top and the skirt; the same colours and cuts of course. She had indeed gone all out with these.

Of course, she had included stocking and gloves as well. Just as she had included Pants and tights of course. Shirts and blouses was also included, but why not? If her address stipulates 'Generosity' as part of her name.

Each box as an image of the respective garment, with the respective colour. Each garment named, and model included. However, the size is not anywhere on the package of any of these garments included.

"While these packages look as if they had been commercial in origin.." I observe; "but something makes it appear, as if they were original fashion pieces?" she inquires.

"I can find no reference to the material of these garments.." I observe; "the image describing the garment looks almost like a photo; yet, there is nothing looking like fabrics!" she fills in.

"Let us carry the package up to the bed room.." I suggest; "then we can try them out, at our own leisure!" she fills in.

With that, she is helping me to carry the box up the flight of stairs. We only stop, before the door; I open the door, before she is following me into the room with the package. She is closing the door, with her left foot; before we continue up to the bed, depositing the bock on the bed-cover.

"Mind if I take the white?" I inquire; "No, but then I take the yellow!" she responds, snickering.

With that, I am extracting the white packages, and she consequently picks the yellow packages for herself. I don't complain, and neither does she. As I look, I notice her grinning at me. I had been assuming, the white would be matching my skin, just as she had assumed the yellow would match hers; we had not been wrong, but neither of us had tried the panties on yet.

"We can as well try these out, and see if they fit.." I offer; "yes, and then we can decide if they are right and if we like them!" she responds.

I break the seal of the box of white panties, as she is breaking the seal of the yellow once. I extract a pair of panties, as I watch her following suit.

Slipping out of my panties, kicking them up; catching them in my right hand, only to place them on the foot-end of the bed. She just mirror my action.

"Five different models of panties?" I inquire; "Yes, that is what I have too!" she responds.

I step into my panties, knowing she is once more mirroring my action; affording the panties a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice. In bemused surprise, I find the panties a perfect fit, while the material had a smooth sensation of liquid elasticity.

"Silicon?" she inquires; "Yes, but it does feel surprisingly good to wear"; I concede; "Agreed!" she merely mumbles, in response.

"I guess this confirms.." I offer; "that she had not sent them to us, by mistake!" she confirms.

"Ultra hygienic.." I suggest; "and just as easy to clean if and when needed or desired!" she fills in.

"I barely feel my panties.." she mumbles; "Me neither; but, isn't that the beauty of it?" I inquire.

"Yes.." she mumbles, with a slight hint of an embarrassed blush on her cheeks.

"I can barely see your panties on, and I know you wear them.." I offer; "I can't see yours either, just as I can't even feel the once I am wearing.." she confirms, now stroking the mound, just to make sure she is actually wearing the panties.

Now I am pulling my top up over my head, placing it onto the bed by the side of my panties; before I am extracting the new brassiere, pulling it down over my head. With a few tentative tugs, in order to ascertain the ever so elusive perfect fit: once, twice and thrice.

As I return my attention to my sister; Desu; I notice, she had managed to change into her new brassiere as well.

"Looking good.." I respond; "You too.." she merely echoes.

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