• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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373. Acme Renascence Glitch.

-???, Oleander-

“Who’s a good undead boy, who’s a good undead boy, you are!” I stated to pet the zombie as I made sure to magically force the eyeball back into its head, dark magic would certainly help with his complexion.

“Oleander, I don’t think you’re friend Pom would appreciate this one.” Wait was Buttina actually…

“Wait, you’re actually are being the responsible one for once?” Wrex asked as I was thinking it.

“Oh no, don’t tell anyone about this Wrex, it’d ruin my reputation as a gun toting idiot who doesn’t think things through!” Buttina whined while putting her hooves to her face.

“This one is not for Pom… it’s for me!” Honestly now I’m not getting rid of this Putrefido thing, it’s an adorable dark undead dog thing that Fred can’t accidentally kill since it’s already dead!

I’ll just keep it on the Halo…

-Pokémon Realm, Mystery Dungeon Anchor Point, Icy Ruins Special Zone, Icy Ruins Library, Pom-

As Skull X stood back up and was on approach for Dolly and me, Fou came charging in through the hole to roar his one sound cue that he had returned.

“Fou!” While I was glad I didn’t kill him, I’m surprised he got back up or even healed after I dented his skull with the paralance. Skull X started charging us at the same time Fou did.

“Float!” Goodness knows Dolly was going to abuse the new spell she learned to Tartarus and back, how does she even learn them in the first place? Wait, why wasn’t Skull X floating in the air and still charging at us, I would think Dolly would target the more dangerous being here. “Hey, back up with me a bit Pom!”

We did so, moving towards the back wall as Skull X got closer and then it was blindsided by a fast floating, spinning and flailing Fou to the head that unbalanced Skull X. It was concerning how well Dolly had that timed.

I fired a bark buster next to the inner side of Skull X’s left ankle and blasted it in that direction.

As Skull X’s right foot was right slightly off the ground when its head was struck and was knocked off balance and along with the fact that we’ve managed to knock it down to half its original full size, all those factors are the reason for why I managed to successfully topple it. The end result also sent Fou careening into the ceiling from Skull X’s head bouncing off the floor, before he came floating back down to just helplessly floating above the floor.

We would have to eventually find out the limitations of this ‘Float’ spell to know when to use it, but for right now I think Dolly had a handle on it. We had to quickly deal with Skull X and keep Fou from interfering with restoring Dormarch to his body.

“You don’t have much fight left in you, do you Pom?” Dolly was asking for honesty here.

“No, my body can’t take much more of a beating.” Don’t think about Shock-Ram, there’s no way I’d survive it a third time, twice was already pushing it and I wanted to live through this. I’ve got too much counting on me to die here.

“Hey we got this Pom, just got to think of a way to accomplish what we want from all of this!” Which was a lot Dolly. “At least we got Dexterity beaten down to Gladiator level right? So that means we can both touch it and get Dormarch back.”

“Incorrect user Dolly, Skull Chaosdramon X’s current combat strength is that of an Ultimate currently sliding towards Champion.” Yggdrasil System stated from the Digivice. “I advise forcing Skull X to waste far more energy as a survival tactic, you cannot do much without a digimon partner and should evacuate the area. Priority alert! Currently detecting signs of special digital destined crest manifestation… this unknown factor may prove to be blessing if you survive proximity to the ‘Ultimate’ strength Mega Level Digimon present for a time.”

We wanted Dormarch back, we wanted to stop Skull X from terrorizing Nixtorm and we wanted to maybe get Fou to leave me alone too. We also had to get out of the Mystery Dungeon alive and that might be more of a challenge than getting to this point.

“What do you mean Yiggy?” I asked as looked over to Dolly. I did this while keeping one eye on Skull X, as it was already in the process of getting up as Fou continued to flail angrily through the air aimlessly.

“Digital Energy is being siphoned from enemy Skull Chaosdramon X into users Pom and Dolly. It is unknown where that energy is going to or what purpose it is accomplishing.” It didn’t seem like Yggdrasil System understood what was happening, but I certainly did! “Caution is advised.”

I immediately checked my bond to Dolly and found that a completely destroyed bond was strengthening itself and returning bit by bit, clawing itself from the depths of being utterly torn apart by Dormarch’s half death. It was a bit interesting to witness personally considering how many bonds I have pending to reconnect to me.

I could even feel Dormarch growing in strength, it felt small at first, but it was beginning to accelerate exponentially.

Just once question, how was he doing that?

-Bond between Pom and Dolly, Dormarch Mind and Heart-

What is this thing shining from my forehead, at least I saw it on the forehead of my heart and it was on the forehead of my mind too from his sight. I wonder why my emotions seemed so happy, I can feel their happiness because they are my emotions and it was getting quite warm and cozy.

Like that one time I was hugged by mom…

I think I’ve heard of this before, but… what does this symbol mean? At least it’s making me more coherent at the very… where did my emotions go!

Oh… what the… they… how did that even?! They can’t be fused with me, I don’t even have my digital core to hold myself together like this! What’s happening?! So warm, is this what digital evolution feels like?

The glow was so bright… I… want to be by your side Pom, because…

“She needs all the help she can get!” I sighed out, wondering how I was gaining energy. It was almost like I could feel my core from here and if I could draw from it, then…

-Skull X systems-

Error, Digital System Energy compromised….

Error, Saint Graph Core System Energy compromised…

Error, Digital Monster Core System compromised…

Trying to delete unknown source of errors…

Failure… fatal error… glitch found… attempting to delete aberrant code…

Error cannot delete aberrant code… code is overriding Digital Monster Core and is effecting fused Saint Graph Core.

Trying to quarantine aberrant code… Error… abberant code cannot be quarantined.

Error… Abberant Code is increasing in strength, it is attacking from outside the system… no outside system connection detected… Error… data manipulation coming from within systems safety parameteres… Error.

Systems Error Notification Error… Error… Error… Error…

Emergency priority, deal with priority target immediately. Imminent collapse and full system failure error is determined to stem from their continued existence.

“….!” Abberant Code detected, unable to delete Glitch Error Abberant Code… not part of system… is inside system… Error… Error… Error…


“Pom… is that Dormarch?!” An excited Dolly asked with a wide grin and a wagging tail that could light on fire from how fast it was going, I had a small smile on my face personally.

“He’s taking a part in this with us… I think. We just need to weaken and touch Skull X at the same time to transfer him back into his body alright?” I glared at Skull X as it roared and its roar distorted halfway through and its movements suddenly seemed much jerkier than before as it tried to move forward.

Dormarch was doing something from our bond… goodness knows what. Whatever it was, he seemed to be helping things by slowing down Skull X.

-Pom and Dolly (Danger Duo) Vs. Skull X (Even more corrupted data monster) Vs. Fou (Return of a comparable problem)-

Skull X tried to charge forward only to take slow shaky step or two, when it tried to spin up its right grasping claw it stuttered and couldn’t spin up quickly enough to be a drill.

Pom quickly rushed forward spear in hooves and slid under the awkward left arm swing of its blades, opening the paralance up, she dug the edge of it into the right leg and used that to haul herself up to hooking into the right arms elbows as it tried to reorient to deal with her.

“Float.” Dolly, while Pom was busy, was levitating the fallen pillar that had topple onto Skull X and was looking at Skull X’s left shoulder as she looked up at the pillar. The unfortunate problem was that she didn’t control the floating object or its rotation and was waiting for one of the pillars ends to align with her needs.

Skull X quickly angled and attempted to extend its set of claws towards Pom hanging off its right arm, its weapon stop halfway extension and then completed the rest of it at double the speed.

Pom had long since avoided the attack entirely, having got her right hind leg up on the arm above her and used the leverage she received to push herself upwards out of the path of the blades.

Slamming the bladed edge of the open canopy into the right shoulder, Pom got her hooves in place and closed up the spear to jab it up into Skull X’s right cheek doing a minimal amounts of damage.

Skull X turned its head in an attempt to quickly bite Pom, she just exhaled leapt over its head and landed on the other shoulder.

Pom was taking Skull X seriously even at its current size, strength and capabilities, even if it was moving more rigidly than before she was paying attention to what it’s arms, legs and tail were doing as its head rotated towards her to gnash it’s degraded metal teeth at her.

Leaping away, Pom watched as the Pillar Dolly has been trying to line up ripped into Skull X’s shoulder and the left side of its face damaging it greatly and staggering it away. The pillar continued onwards into the back wall of the building burrowing itself halfway into it.

As she landed on the floor, Pom was about to do a follow up attack when she felt a set of claws raking her across the back and knocking her to the floor.

Gritting her teeth, Pom could just see out of the corner of her eye that Fou going for a lethal bite at the back of her neck and she tumbled forward out of the way.

While her back was pressed against the floor during the roll Pom used what wool she could to stitch the wound shut, also leaving a bloody smear on the floor, upon getting to her hooves she quickly dove to the side as she nearly got stomped by a shrinking Skull X.

The shockwave sent Pom sprawling as she bounced against the floor several times, leaving several splotches of red in her wake. Pom was finally beginning to start looking sick from the blood loss, she was tired, breathing rapidly and her face was quite pale as Fou tried to attack her again while she was weak.

Fou lunged… only for Dolly to use Gravity to slingshot herself into the left side of his face with her board, she slammed it home into his face and sent Fou flying with a momentum boosted strike to send them into a pillar on the right side of the room.

“Float!” Dolly called out and then lashed out with the skateboard strap to wrap around Pom’s torso as she began hovering into the air along with the paranormal lance she still had a grip on. Following that Dolly kicked her left leg against the floor while adding as much momentum to her board as she could and pulled away from the spot and Skull X slammed into the floor nearby launching a shockwave their way.

Dolly kicked the board into the air and rode it up the back wall to avoid the shockwave, she eventually popped off the wall and landed on the nearby stone walkway with a slightly insensate Pom dragging behind her like a helium filled party balloon as she zipped along the walkway.

Behind the skateboarding dog, Skull X clambered onto the walkway and the zombie robot dragon monster started actually sounding and looking more like a zombie by the second given its distorted roar as it gave chase.

“Haha, there’s no way that thing could catc….huh… whoa!” Dolly skidded to stop as a figure landed in front of them.

“Fou!” Fou was quite angry and surged forward to attack Dolly with his left claw, to receive the blunt tip of the paralance jammed into the center of his face from above between the eyes.

The blow stunned him as much as it stunned Pom that she could put that much strength into it while she was floating in the air.

“Dolly… move…” Pom stated weakly as she turned to look behind them.

Using Pom’s lack of weight at the moment, Dolly immediately kicked off the walkway and began gliding for all she was worth for another section of stone walkway. A second later, swinging a spinning malfunction grasping claw tore through the part of the walkway wall acting like a jackhammer as it spun like a drill. A large sections of the walkway broke and Fou leapt away to avoid being part of the falling debris.

“Hmmm…” Pom narrowed her eyes at the X shaped bit of walkway, they’ve destroyed three of the sections and the last section wouldn’t take much to collapse on top of Skull X and it’d be a much larger one than she dropped on him before.

“What?” Dolly asked as she looked up at her.

“Can you… lure Skull X under that…. bit of walkway while avoiding Fou?” After Pom asked this Dolly closed her eyes and got a gander at what Pom was looking at.

“Yeah, I can do that!” Dolly appreciated the idea, because fighting Skull X directly was a losing proposition thus far and with Fou back in the picture it would be that much harder.

The big decayed looking monster needs a few more good blows or just one really heavy one and Dolly figured she could use gravity to make the force of a large falling chunk of walkway really hit home.

“Bait.” Pom tapped herself on the chest with her left hoof, while watching Fou and Skull X go at it, Surprisingly Fou was doing quite a bit of damage now.

Fou was still on the losing end of things when the blades on the left arm extended wildly and skewered Fou. The bladed retracted as it sent him flying from the back in a spray of blood coming from his slashed open guts, bouncing towards the collapsed entrance.

“Pom, why would I ever use you as bait?!” It was meant to be rhetorical and Dolly still received an answer she didn’t want to hear.

“Do you have…. a better lure… than me?” Pom had the right of it, Skull X definitively wanted to kill her. “Need to set up… quickly…”

Pom had a bit of coughing fit when she tried to spit a bark buster, several globules of faintly glowing blood flecks spilled out of her mouth. A small grin crossed Pom’s face as an idea occurred to her.

“In the form of a… sacrifice… it should be enough to work.” Pom was referring her flecks of bloody phlegm, she might have had a minor internal injury from being slashed in the back badly by Fou. She was going to need healing soon if she was to live after this fight, the onset of anemia was going to worsen when she does set up the trap.

Last time Pom needed a Bark Breaker and three Bark Busters to collapse a walkway… what would the sacrifice of some blood for a bloody version of a Bark Buster do?

Skull X was climbing up onto the walkway they were on so there wasn’t much time to discuss it, they needed something big and damaging to do to Skull X.

“Go…” Pom gathered some saliva and loose blood into her throat.

“Can I point out that not only what you’re about to do is gross, but sadly on brand for you.” Stated Dolly as she tugged them forward and away from Skull X as they finally got up on the walkway, the random glitch twitches slowed them down from climbing up until Pom and Dolly got far enough away.

It was becoming apparent that proximity to Pom and Dolly was the cause for Skull X’s current twitchy nature.

Once they got close enough to where Pom needed to spit, Dolly slowed down. Pom fired a red bark buster and the glob of blood and magic wobbled a bit where it landed ready to be detonated.

With that Dolly popped them off the walkway and moved them underneath the large platform barely being held up by the two of five walkways still connected to it.

Groaning Pom clutched her head, she really couldn’t lose too much more blood. She slowly reached into her bag and pulled out some of King Oberon’s Snacks and quickly forced one down her throat. Just in time too as Skull X slammed into the floor nearby.

Pom watched as it approached them at a run and then a sound around its right foot was heard and it tripped, it continued to crawl towards them jerkily on its elbows and knees roaring as its weapons started to spin up and rotate.

“I swear I’ve seen a movie like this once, was it Time Exterminators?” Dolly stated as the monster closed in on them and was about to pull away quickly when Pom slapped against the floor grunting in pain as Float wore off. “Darn it, sorry Pom, float!”

After getting Pom back to floating, Dolly kicked them forward as Skull X turned their head sideways and surged at them with its mouth wide open.

Pom remotely detonated the Bloody Bark Buster and the walkway above started to creak and lower, but didn’t immediately fall and Skull X was almost on them.

“Gah Gravity!” Dolly shouted while pointing a paw above the far too close monster and dark orb struck the underside of the walk way and then it slammed down snapped off the last portion, crushing a massive amount of cubes out of Skull X.

Skull X groaned from under the rubble and started to still try and pull itself out from under it and was rapidly shrinking.

“Now…, …!” Pom didn’t have time to say anything she took control of Dolly’s body and forced her to jump high in the air as Pom drifted to the right a bit and Fou slashed her across the cheek lightly.

Pom immediately sealed the wound, she didn’t have much wool that wasn’t occupied with holding her together. Dolly sped them out of the way of Fou’s second lunge and swerved back around for Skull X.

“Come on, come on, we just need to touch his body right?!” Dolly sped them towards the half free monstrosity with Fou on their backsides.

Kicking them up in the air, Dolly aimed to slap her right paw at Skull X’s face and turned her head to look behind her and see Fou coming at them. She looked up at Pom and then at Skull X in slow motion.

Coming to a decision, Dolly let Pom free of the strap and she floated upwards as Dolly went downwards from the sudden loss of buoyancy. Fou slammed face first into Skull X’s bladed horn.

While that painful event for Fou was happening, Dolly forced the nose of her board into the rubble and slapped her right paw onto Skull X’s face. She looked to Pom who was floating way too high to touch Skull X and would have float past had she not reach out with her left hoof and snagged the back ot the top portion of Skull X’s horn.

A pulse of gold appeared from Pom’s head and Dolly’s chest and swirled into the shrunken Skull X, the thing let out a pained roar.

Following that Dolly, kicked the back end of the board and launched towards Pom, who let go of the horn and was back to having her torso wrapped by the strap as Dolly pass her by and dragged her away a fair distance from Fou and Skull X.

Fou looked between Dolly and Pom, then Skull X. Skull X was easily some of the most powerful prey Fou had ever followed around, if he was being left to kill the prey then he would get to his other prey afterwards.

-Inside Skull X-

“Retriever Bark!” Dormarch then fired off his attack and was already fighting for control. “Search Hunter! Wild Bark!”

Thankfully he was only dealing with a virtual intelligence as otherwise, this would have been much harder than it was.

It was Dormarch’s digital core this mindless monster was using and it was responding to Dormarch and only him now that he was back. The secondary core on top of his core however was strange and very much alien to him, but he had to conquer it if he ultimately wanted his body back in time to help Pom and Dolly.

Dormarch was rupturing code left and right at a breakneck speed and the virtual intelligence couldn’t keep up with the constant Error Reports overloading it’s system coming from a rampant Dalmatian with three fish tails.

-The battle continued-

Fou, who now had a large diagonal slash mark from left hip to right shoulder, was now savaging Skull X’s upper torso as both Pom and Dolly watched, they obviously couldn’t let him destroy Skull X or else that would kill Dormarch before he had a chance to take back what once belonged to him.

“Leave him… nhghh…. alone!” The sudden shout and concern for Fou’s other prey led to some confusion, especially when Fou took a secretly magical lance to the right side of his chest that crunched his ribcage and lung to pulp with how hard it had been thrown.

If he were a ghost or a goblin Fou would have definitely keeled over from it. Fou’s ability to survive lethal injuries was quite impressive, but that wasn’t what drew his attention away from Dormarch’s body temporarily as he picked up the paralance and threw it far away from Pom and Dolly.

What drew his attention as he tore chunks of metal that turned into cubes of light off the unnatural fallen half crushed metallic monster was that she was trying to defend it now. Instead of attacking Pom or Dolly as expected, he kept laying into Dormarch’s body.

If Dormarch’s body was important to Pom, then Fou would hurt her somewhat through destroying the monster he had been tracking for a while. Also Fou wanted to get both of his prey here, so he figured if he killed one the other might stay to avenge them.

“Dolly… do something!” Pom asked as Dolly stood there watching as Fou ripped open the throat of Dormarch’s body.

“Hey, the dudes going to mulch me for fertilizer for my neighbors garden… for my little bro!” Dolly immediately let Pom loose and left her floating in the air, she shot forward and launched herself at Fou who was continuing to tear into Dormarch’s body that was getting progressively smaller the more damage Fou dealt.

Fou turned and swung his left claw at Dolly. Dolly blocking the attack and getting knocked back in the air then tried to glide forward and swing her board only to see something green flashing in her eyes as Fou reacted to her attack far faster than she could hope to deal with.

The triangle happened again, Dolly didn’t hesitate on it. She knew it meant something good or helpful would happen. She rapidly spun and wind built up around her to deflect the claw and then her board went flying out of her grip and took the wind with it.

Dolly just floated there, slowly falling to the floor in her slow glide, and watched her board go spinning away with the swirling winds.

“What the dog was that!” Dolly stated exasperatedly as her board soared away and left her floating in the air exposed with only her bare paws and helmet to fight with.

Fou leapt and tried to bite her and she flipped backwards in the air to avoid it while dropping to the floor.

Dolly tried to pop up into his throat helmet first, missed since Fou stepped back and grabbed her by the left hind leg with his right claw.

Dolly was about to speak a spell when the board came roaring back into the back of Fou’s head and his sudden flailing movement made him release her leg.

With an acrobatic flip, Dolly caught her board and surprisingly landed on her hind legs. She was a little more than shocked that she had managed to stick the landing from the sudden change in situation.

Shaking her head, Dolly leapt and rammed the nose of her board into Fou’s belly and quickly bit his left side before kicking off with her hind legs.

Dolly brought her board up to block a two claw rightward power swipe that sent her flying towards the front left of the library from how powerful the blow was. Managing to absorb the energy from the impact Dolly then tried to get Fou away from Dormarch and Pom by using magic.

“Float!” However when Dolly used this on Fou he didn’t float into the air, his claws clenched at the floor as he power walked over to Skull X to continue attacking them. “Gravity!”

The gravity spell made Fou falter a bit, but he resisted the effect and after a moment unclenched his toes and didn’t immediately float uncontrollably into the air.

“No way, he can resist my spells, well resist this Aerora!” Not technically having the energy for after using Float and Gravity, Dolly grabbed at her skull as a sharp pain erupted with the powerful swirling winds that struck at Fou and sliced into him.

Still this didn’t slow Fou down as he tore a chunk out of the jaw of the unmoving Skull Chaosdramon X that had ceased healing from its injuries by shrinking to a smaller size of itself.

There was no clue as to what was happening inside the rotted machine monster as Fou ignored the biting winds to continue attacking Dormarch’s dormant body.

Pom had surprisingly started running on air in a controllable manner until she was close enough to the tornado trying to tear apart an uncaring Fou. Once close enough she struck her two hooves together to ignite the powerful tornado in an explosive manner.

The blast sent Pom careening for the ceiling and she barely managed to reorient her hind legs to take the shock of hitting the top of the dome. Kicking off, she went flying back for Fou’s back who was attempting to rip the entirety of the right arm off the Skull X body by tearing into the shoulder.

Dolly assisted by lunging at him from the side on her board.

Dolly took the sudden back claw on her board and shot off in the direction she last saw the paralance in.

Fou turned his continued left back claw into a right claw swipe for Pom who simply floated out the way, having figured out something about the float spell enough to maneuver while floating.

“Let’s see how you like a variant of one of my closest friend’s attacks!” Pom rapidly started flipping forward, getting quick dizzy she lashed her left leg upwards and out and brought it down towards Fou. “Wolf Cutlass!”

Fou turned again and took the magical wolf claw dropping axe kick, on his right arm that started bleeding. He grabbed Pom by her leg with his left and right claw, then slung her at the nearest pillar, where she dropped to the floor with Floats effects having worn off for unknown reasons.

“Uhnn…” Pom tried to get up, but was finding it hard to do, the blood loss from the claw to the back and a Bloody Bark Buster really left her without much energy to fight.

She slowly sat up and watched as Fou deflected a blur that turned out to be the paralance thrown at him by Dolly.

Fou grinned, finally a victory was at claw, the very same one that he was currently flexing. He pulled back his right claw and rammed it through Skull X’s chest.

Slowly Skull X’s body started to piece by piece fall apart, chunks of it just falling off and cubes slowly disappearing and soon the upper torso was a mass of digital monster blood coming off of it in a shower of golden light that faded away as Skull X’s body collapsed it motes of light.

“No… we were so close… Dormarch…” Pom started to hyperventilate as she felt the bond that was once strengthening started to fade.

Fou turned towards her and started stalking towards her as Dolly streaked for him on her board. She was angry and she tried to stand, but her body couldn’t currently take much more.

Fou turned towards Dolly and she aggressively attack him with everything she had, the beast of comparison didn’t see her as much of a threat at this point. He narrowly avoided clawing her belly open with his right claw. His left suddenly came up and slashed Dolly across the right side of her face and she yelped as she went to the ground clutching at her face with her paws.

“Dolly!” Pom started standing up and charging up Chrysomallus energy without the canine side to be a barrier for the negative aspects that using her personal curse would bring.

However, Pom felt some things. For one Dolly wasn’t dead, but she was hurting. Where did a portion of the golden Chrysomallus energy she was generating going to?

While Pom was distracted, Fou slammed her back against the pillar with his left claw on Pom’s chest, his right on her belly and his maw opened to take a bite out of her face.

Pom might as well blow the energy while she still had it and take Fou with her, when she was about to a voice stopped her and it seized her heart in an instant.

“Search Hunter!” A flash of golden furred form appeared in front of Pom three tails billowing outwards to fan protectively in front of her face as Fou reflexively flinched backwards. The golden glowing black spotted, three fish tailed wonder appeared I could see the shine of symbol imposing itself on Fou’s body as Dormarch hovered in front of me. The symbol was two diamonds at top and bottom, two triangles pointing to the left and right with a strange M shape being the centerpiece of the pyramid like shape. “Executing Noble Phantasm Program: Shooting Stars Miracle!”

Golden flash blew Fou into the air ripping a large hole straight through his chest, what followed was Dormarch launching up after Fou and the world distorted around him. He started throwing rapid fire claw jabs creating burning plasma with each attack, mimicking my Fiery Flurry… he then flashed by Fou multiple times mimicking Dolly’s Counter Rave and then he stopped.

Fou was badly mangled, by that point, but still alive.

Calmly he spread out his legs and a huge ball of building energy appeared in front of Dormarch.

“The stars, what life will we see around them? I am among them and I will always cherish my time with them, since I’m burning through the sky as one... among many…” The world cracked as the ball of energy flew forward out of the crack and then gained five points that spread out, then in a flash like what Dormarch does, the star vanished and a quarter of the domes roof was just missing.

It had just been so noiseless.

We successfully brought Dormarch back... then a black and white spotted body slapped to the floor in front of me.

I simply lay there staring and slowly my eyes slid shut as tears came to them as I felt a weight press up against me, a smile on my face as all was quiet and a bond firmly reaffirmed itself in my heart as I passed out.


All was quiet in the dome of the icy ruins library at the anchor, however if one were to look beyond the hole a shooting star made in the roof they would see a sky in the Mystery Dungeon that wasn't there before where a star sparkled brightly.

-Origin Space, Arceus-

Well that was interesting... I'm going to wonder how Fou survived that unless Dormarch's intentions were not to kill. They still had to get out of the dungeon, but it should be a little bit easier.

"They have about twelve hours to get out of there before the dungeon collapses on them..." Mew stated with a haunting certainty.

Well never mind then.

Author's Note:

Ending Episode Theme- Don't Stop Me Now, Queen.

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