• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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338. Mental Compound Fracture, Pt. 4.

Author's Note:

My Cellulitis is almost done with, so I'm feeling much better and finished the last of medication plan.

Not sure how I feel about this page though... so much going on.

Also I have Pikmin 4 now. So there is that.

-Equus, Ponyville, Gallus-

“Okay so Tianhuo is the good cop in this routine, Fizzlepop is the bad cop… so who’s the doughnut cop?” My question had a lot of people thinking.

“Does there have to be a doughnut cop?” Fœnum Pom asked quietly in a meek manner.

“Well yeah, someone has to bring the fun energy to the team.” Fœnum Arizona brought up.

“Well it as obvious as the floof on my chest…” Fœnum Velvet seemed the most like her counterpart, no apparent attraction to Arizona aside from friendship though. She glanced at a particular Fœnum Fighter.

“Paprika?” Fœnum Tianhuo intoned, she was busier watching our world’s Tianhuo.

A series of completely incomprehensible noises came from our next dimensional neighbor Alpaca.

Fœnum Paprika proceeded to place a basket on the table and started pulling a near infinite amount of doughnuts out of it, all of them were heart shaped and some smelled like they had apple or jam in them. The variety they came in was fairly amazing for the fact that they were always heart shaped. I even saw her smile at me as she placed one covered in seeds on the table with waggling eyebrows.

Our world’s version of Paprika had fluff and hug focused abilities, and somewhat better etiquette apparently, their world’s Paprika was more magic focused and capable of pulling infinite snacks out of a basket. Just as long as nobody noticed or questioned that there is no possible way that a basket could even contain the amount of snacks she eventually pulled from it.

“Eh, close enough.” Fizzle muttered, she levitated a doughnut to herself and bit into it. She turned to me. “So anyway, you’ve managed to actually do what the other guards haven’t yet. That is defeat Fœnum Pom while she’s running around like a chicken with a bucket dropped on its head, with and without the help of her sheep dogs.”

“I’m not proud of myself, but I’m amazed I even did that much damage...” F.om wasn’t going to point out that it didn’t matter what they were male, female, Pegasus, Unicorn or Earth Pony, the royal guard were still somewhat royally bad at guarding things.

At least the royal guard were, surprisingly enough, at the competence level of scaring off Manticores… dealing with them is another issue, unless they were purple.

Apparently Manticores had an excessive fear of the color purple for some reason, or at least ponies with the color purple as part of their appearance. Fizzle caused the biggest reaction to a rather specific one, immediately flew for the horizon the second it saw her.

“Still can’t take Equus Pom’s Canis Minor, those little guys are from Tartarus.” I held out a talon and pointed out Exhibit A, four Canis Minor puppies dragging a tied up and struggling dragon at least twenty times their size.

“That dragon was warned to not cause problem here in Equestria, I believe her current situation speaks for itself.” Equus Tianhuo sighed and shook her head as Pom’s Canis Minor puppies continued to train by pulling the massive weight of a dragon they beat into the ground behind them with ropes.

Those little guys were terrifying and it made me wonder what E.om taught them that they were like that.

Our Equus Tianhuo didn’t look like she’s been getting much sleep lately because we haven’t heard from Pom, Ocellus or Smolder in a while. We were all quite worried and there’s still the fact that big sis Jaded was collecting information on what exactly Pom being a Chrysomallus entails.

Oh my goodness, I actually called her big sister in my head. I think needed a psychiatrist… I think I’m kind of being bullied into having and accepting a family. Was it a bad thing that I was starting to appreciate it? I still liked Grandpa Gruff and Gilda too, which says some things about me when it comes to be friendly with hard flanks.

There were no psychiatrists in Griffonstone, but there were plenty of them here. So why did I feel very unlucky about actually finding a decent one?

-Pokémon Realm, Ransei Region, Illusio, Cerebrum City, Middle Tier, near Rebel Headquarters, Canard-

Organizing with the rebels wasn’t going as poorly as I thought, but the information network they currently had was a little slow. So I was going to set out to check on something personally, the movements of the enemy forces in the city have become quite suspect once I got the information on where most of the beings were going.

“Gyeh-heh-heh, hello there~.” Looking up at Cotton Murkrow sitting on a stone ledge, I could see she was going to continue being a thorn and has been one since we got here.

What was her end game here?

“What do you want?” I narrowed my eyes at her, because of course she’s here to do something. Like slow down… “Are you going to try and slow down the rebels attempt to send a force to the prison to help Pom or are you going to stall the rebels to prevent them from noticing something important? To what end though?”

“The big muscular Psyduck is having too much of a big brain, oh woe is me.” Cotton was being overdramatic. Even if I’ve figured her out in this instance, I didn’t know her overall goals or why she was interfering with everyone so much. More specifically why she destroyed the airship, led some Sigilyphs towards us, bribed those Mandibuzz to attack at the storage depot and then there’s all other sightings of her around the city. “Look hon, I don’t want to be the one to tell you or your strange companion this, but you might want to get the rebels moving top side before it is too late. You see, I figured out long ago that Gilgamesh was working on breaking the ‘Seal of the Hoopa’ on himself and once he does that, he’ll be mighty hard to stop. You do not want to fight an unbound Hoopa, especially not this guy with how powerful he already is.”

“So you’re messing with a no win scenario. If we go to help Pom we’ll be too late, if we try to build up force on top of this floating continent… that’ll also be no win.” It just occurred to me why Cotton was here right now in this instance. I sighed, she was attempting to slow me down specifically. “So why are you even… oh… I see.”

“Do you now?” Ignoring Cotton’s tilting head and curious glance, I quickly motioned for Sami to follow me.

“There’s a third option!” I shouted back at Cotton.

Cotton didn’t attack or get in our way she just stared after us as we set off. Out of the corner of my eye I could see concerned look on her beak.

Was she going to be a friend or foe?


Hmmm… that might be a slight bit iffy, but still somewhat on track. At least some people around here are aware of the way things are about to go.

Things are in place already, but Gilgamesh is still far too much to deal with.

He’s being very smart and the build-up of Psychic energy can’t be halted at this point… so my plans are going to bear some fruit at least as far as stunting him goes. Destroying the Ponyta Prowlers ship was a part of that.

I now needed to make sure that the prison break wasn’t stalled out!

I quickly took off and blasted a Feather Dance into a number of Woobat’s noses as I tried fly to the upper tier through one of the five pillars. My feathers clogged them up so badly that they couldn’t follow my scent trail as I quickly flew to fix a slight issue.

I had to stick to the shadows as the patrols in the direction of the prison has increased significantly… Gilgamesh was likely going to crush Pom and her friends before they could make any attempt at escape.

Not on my watch, my ex-per-tease is going to shine like the brightest bauble! We Murkrow love shiny things, like Poké, and I’m paid exceptionally well to do a job that needs doing.

Even if my methods are quite questionable after the fact. At least Xatu will be totally fine.

-Nearby, Kenshin-

“Hm… Kaoru, start building up our forces and make a move on the top tier, I’ll go get some forces by helping out the Rescue Team Leader. Send someone to tell Sanosuke his next orders to start building up forces for an attack on the top tier, we need to go all in now.” Several Kirlia, a Gardevoir, two Gallades and a few Ralts moved to support me. “No, I’ll be going alone, support Kaoru and Sanosuke, I’ll meet up with you later up top. Cerebrum City is… ask any civilian if they would be willing to fight, we’re going to need everyone we can get, but we can’t force them to fight… we can however send them away to safety through the teleporter. Secure the teleporter to the ground and start immediately moving those who won’t or can’t fight out of Cerebrum. We’ll need Mentalis to secure the ground portal for the refugees, send a message to secure the static ground teleporter.”

“Kenshin… we’re evacuating Cerebrum?” Kaoru, don’t look so sad, I already had an idea what Gilgamesh was up to when all the psychic energy in the region started building up to such a degree… also I was sensitive to the movements of the city.

The entire city was floating to the east, drifting away from central Illusio and towards the massive lake of eastern Illusio from what I understand of what was happening. The city was about to become very unsafe to be on.

That Murkrow…. a well-played idea, as much as it was curious in its intentions. If I wasn’t aware of some of her movements, then things would be going much worse. Of course she likely let her movements be known for this very reason, given she’s Cotton Murkrow of Avia.

“We’re going with you.” Mundo approached with Cleffa and Shine. “If our friends are in terrible trouble, then we should seek to relieve them!”

“Where is Mr. Thunderbeak going?” Cleffa asked innocently.

“We’re sticking with the Morpeko.” Understandable of the Leavanny, they didn’t want to be driven insane again by all the psychic pressure.

“Just going to tell you now, we’re going to move for top side when we can confirm our friends are freed up.” One of the three Morpeko stated, the Leavanny looked a little upset, but they firmed their resolve.

“I think I have an idea as to what Canard intends to do… but can he pull it off?” I didn’t say that those wanted to come with me couldn’t, but there were many important things happening now and I didn’t have the time to tell them no. He had his friend with him and she looked as tough as he did for her short stature, the guy obviously worked well in small groups. He was a rebel himself at one point and he survived the occupation he’s been through and managed to save his people, now he was here trying to save other people he didn’t even known or would appreciate his efforts. “Don’t worry about him, he’ll be fine if he doesn’t get captured. He’s not likely to be caught, given the movements of Gilgamesh’s faction are currently converging at two points in the city given Sanosuke’s attempts to lure them away from those locations has failed. I will have to use my sword soon.”

Said two points were the top of Cerebrum City for a climactic battle and the Prison Compound to prevent Pom’s group from succeeding in a prison break.

I don’t think this city could truly be saved anymore given all the things being set in motion… but we could still save the people!

Saving our enemies was going to be a lot harder, but I would not lose sleep over it if we couldn’t save a majority of them.

They made their choices, just I have made mine, and our choices are always our own. Maybe there was one last final kill I needed to fulfill before I can find true peace in my life.

As I started my way forward I noticed Shine appraising with a frown.

-Upper Tier, Prison Compound, Dark Type Cellblock, ???-

I stalked in the shadows and reached out to pull down a Wobbuffet, my strong arms started choking them until they stopped flailing so much. I carefully dragged them towards the back while trying not to make a sound.

Zoroark like me were good at befuddling Psychic Types, our illusions were much more problematic to deal with than that of Psychics.

The goat was working on getting more than a few of the cells open and I had to make sure nobody noticed her opening them, the Mightyena the goat set free after me was hopefully aware that we needed to be subtle if we were to escape without being bombarded instantly by Fairy Type moves.

We also needed for a good number of us to be free before we could think of doing anything overt.

I’ve already taking out several Woobat, a Jynx and a now this Wobbuffet. I looked back and saw Mightyena and a Houndoom taking up a protective position for the goat as she worked on a cell as a quivering Espurr exited a cell with two Dark Types.

The Dark Types were supporting the Espurr and seemed worried about him, curious that a Psychic Type was in the Dark Type Cellblock… likely was one of the original prison guards before Gilgamesh’s regime formed.

Stuffing him in a cell with Dark Types was cruelty personified, to think some people called us Dark Types nasty. He seems to have made some friends with them. He would be more helpful if he didn’t look so frail from his time spent imprisoned.

The less between us and the exit the more chances we will all have at freedom. To that end, I noticed some guards near the entrance at the top of the cellblock exiting in a full unit formation. They had been alerted by something, probably whoever was with the goat that was freeing us. They were about to be in quite some trouble as a Woobat unit flew out.

-Somewhere between Reception and the Dark Type Cellblock, Favela-

“We, got incoming Pom!” I was a little worried given we were about to be besieged by multiple Woobat.

“I’ll take care of the warden, try to handle it Favela!” Still had some reservations about Pom, but we were kind of between a rock and a hard place, especially when this second Meowstic was as powerful as the first and we didn’t have any extra help.

At least they were just Woobat… it was still not easy handling multiple Woobat at once unless…

I started to use surf, there was no way they could dodge when this tightly packed in a hallway! The unfortunate problem of me doing this is that it’ll attract more guards… I didn’t know if they found Shanty or not, but if they had there would probably be more noise coming from that direction.

I filled the half the hallway with water and then the wave rose up to encompass the entirety of the hallways as I sent the wave down it, there was no dodging that. As soon as I sent the wave, I immediately started another one and had to stumble to the right a bit when a powerful psychic attack struck near my hooves to the left.

Calm, breathe Favela, you wanted adventure, well you were getting it and then some and momma Vetali didn’t raise no weaklings!

I sent out another surf, because at this point, stealth was no longer an option and I hoped to keep pushing back any units assaulting us from the nearby cellblock.

-Nearby, Pom-

Okay, concentrate, think of a way to take down the warden quickly… my Buster Wolf: Cross got them pretty good and rattled at least, she didn’t expect to be clawed and I don’ think that would work twice. Definitely took the haughtiness out of her and cranked up her seriousness quite a bit.

“Let’s see how you deal with this…” As she said this, Meowstic’s eyes narrowed and her ears showed the hidden eye marks as she stared at me, I started to feel some pressure on me like what the Wobbuffets do with their Shadow Tag ability… right up until Dolly mentally kicked me. She had managed to bring down the Sigilyph, but was worried that more were coming and was a bit tired from some kind of heavy exertion. “A powerful protective bond… how queer. Well that’s going to put a slight damper on my plans to luxuriate myself on your body. ‘SIGH’ I guess we’ll have to take you in the hard way then!”

She started hovering off the floor and her eyes narrowed at me. Not only did I have to pay attention to the Meowstic in front of me, I had to make sure that she didn’t target Favela behind me again like she did a second ago.

If Psychic Types were anything like unicorns, then they needed concentration to keep using their power. I just had to keep my opponent off balance and incapable of actually putting up a fight.

I quick breathe and I entered Dancing Flame to boost up to her, she immediately went to Quick Guard and then fired a psychic blast. I didn’t hit her Quick Guard, I didn’t even need to dodge her Psychic Blast.

She confusedly had aimed at where I would be if I had hit her Quick Guard and opened my mouth to unleash a powerful point blank Howl Blast that slammed her into the far wall. Her body was visibly shaking from the blow and she was physically slowed down by the magical howl attack.

In this hallway, there was no dodging the attack for her and it might have caused my throat some discomfort, but it also made her reaction time slower.

“What kind of effect is this?” The Meowstic was mad that her body was moving slower, but she apparently didn’t need to move her body to attack quickly with her mind. “No matter, I do not need my body to move swiftly to beat you!”

Energy encased my body and I felt myself get raised into the air as she floated up and approached me, a crushing force appeared all around me and I could feel my body creaking.

Inhaling through my nose I spat a quick bark and the female Meowstic hovered back a bit to avoid what I just spat out.

“Really spitting at me, did you seriously think that would be so distracting to…AGH!?!” Triggering the explosive liquid magic of my bark buster in the middle of Meowstic’s sentence, it blasted upwards into her back and sent her flying at me in a small upwards arc. My left hoof slammed home into her face and she plowed into the floor and went flipping and skidding until she caught herself with her energy before she hit the wall.

She looked quite angry now and I was already charging for her, she smirked just as I reached her...

Narrowing my eyes at the sudden change in demeanor I quickly inhaled and exhaled.

“I hope you like to… Play Rough?” She leapt for me and with a blink I kicked backwards as a dust cloud built in front of me. “Darn it, I missed?! You even created an afterimage of yourself, I’m fairly impressed! Had you not slowed me down that would have worked.”

Now that I think I knew all of her moves, I think I knew how to deal with her.

I inhaled and then sharply exhaled, then bursts forward at the female Meowstic.

“Quick Guard!” As Meowstic said this I stopped short of actually hitting the barrier, wound up my hooves together covering them in thick hardened wool and then swung them down to slam them home into her body with a full moon hammer blow the moment her barrier move went down. “Oof… huh… nonono!”

She didn’t go flying away as she stuck fast to my wool. Continuing my swing I heaved her up and over to fall backwards into slamming the back of her skull jarringly into the floor as I released her. Following that I rolled so that my front right knee went into position on her chest to to pin her as I hardened the wool on my forehead. I brought my head back and slammed it down knocking the Meowstic out while she was still dazed.

Quick Guard as the name suggests is to stop a single attack, problem being the attack has to actually come quickly. Slowing down gave me the time to start a wind up for a full moon hammer blow time to hit right at the end of how long the barrier lasted.

“Pom!” Favela yelped as she quickly backpedaled from the evolved form of a Woobat that lashed out at her with its twisted tail, I raised my left hoof and fired a Thousand Spear and the bat monster evaded in the air, but they were moved further away from Favela at the least giving her some breathing space to fire off a Seed Bomb to blast it making it retreat further.

That wasn’t the only Pokémon coming at us, I saw several Jynx that were… oh my goodness!

I burst forward grabbed Favela and rolled us to the left and out of the way of flying icicles, they didn’t seem to care that the warden was even in the line of fire. Says a lot about how nasty she was when the prison guards didn’t care about her safety.

Hefting up Favela with my right leg, I hopped backwards as frigid blasts of snow and ice came at us. Favela whimpered in my leg as I jumped and clung to the wall and watched as the unconscious Female Meowstic was hit with the ice cold attacks. Right Grass type, weak to ice, fire, poison, flying and bugs… Favela was not a happy camper under this assault icy assault as I retreated.

Huh? Dolly can you hold out with Lit until we get there? We’re kind of under attack here… well that’s not good.

“We’re retreating!” I called out as I turned and leapt from the wall and kicked off another to turn the corner and started running as the Jynx gave chase, I don’t think they even bothered to check the female Meowstic.

“Good idea!” Favela whined out as I held her close and tight to my chest. I couldn’t tell if she was heavy or not because of the speed of fear and hysterical adrenaline.

Dolly and Lit were currently trying to hold the front using the desk and we had several Psychic Types trying to get in.

-Prison Reception, Dolly-

Lit couldn’t keep putting up electrified webs to block the way in, he was finally starting to run dry of energy. At least it kept the nose bats away, but they were slowly attacking their way through the webbing Lit put up one layer at a time.

My body was still sore after being crushed into the floor and the nearby Sigil thing was still out as much as the autistic cat we had webbed up and stuck upside down under the desk. Took a bit of doing to even roll the Sigil thing over to the corner and out of the crater I made with its body.

“Lit, you’re looking really tired there buddy, you need to take a break and let me handle things for a bit.” The pitiful squeak I received for trying to relieve him from having to push his tiny body was upsetting on a number of levels. Still he listened, climbed up onto my back and took a break immediately. That he can understand just about anything anyone say was a little odd. “Don’t worry Pom will be here soon enough with Favela… not that she isn’t bringing trouble with her.”

Also I should warn Pom that Sleepies and Hypno Toads were here, because I could see them trying to slowly tear their way through the webbing clogging the hallway in or out of this place.

-Sleepless Cellblock, Dazzle-

A wobbuffet came to a stop in front of Chimecho’s cell.

“Wobba wobb!” He stated angrily, I quickly lashed out with a fire lash and yanked him into the cell door, then I got my arm through the bars and slammed a closed fist down on their head. “Uffet!”

Yeah he was upset and despite my two free hits on him, he still managed to get free from my grasp easily, the bars were a bit hard to reach through. He turned around and prepared to say something only to get the large metal bird foot to the side of his skull that punted him up the cellblock.

I quickly made my way through the gap in the cells and exited out of Dodo’s cell, he warbled back at me in a chipper mood, before he jerked his head forward and seemed upset about something.

“What, what is it?” It seemed something had Dodo kind of upset, he pointed to me with a wing and then the way we were brought into the cellblock. “I… need to get moving?”

Dodo nodded frantically and pointed to himself with a metal wing and then to the cells.

“Right, I’ll leave this to you then!” Jumping to a nearby wall I clung to it and started climbing for the exit, it couldn’t be too hard to pass through the lighter security here.

-Lower Tier, Canard-

“What exactly are we doing back down here… and where are all the Sigilyph?” That’s a good question Sami, I think they were all most likely converging on Pom’s group or were preparing topside of the city to get into a huge fight with the rebels.

“It’s not a hunch if I’m right, so my answer is that Cotton has been doing a lot of stuff behind the scenes.” When we got to the airship docks I gained a grim grin on my beak. “Now tell me, how many airships were in the dock the last time we were here?”

“There were none, but…” There’s a large one here now Sami, doesn’t that invite some questions as there were still Sigilyph guarding the air around Cerebrum City. They wouldn’t just let one through on purpose without a good reason, it looked like it had weapons and it definitely wasn’t made of exploding wood. “If the airship docks aren’t in use, then what is that one doing here specifically?”

“You’ll find out soon enough, because we need to board that ship and take it.” I glanced at Sami. “Are you up for the challenge of piloting it?”

“Sure I’m up to the task.” To explain this to Sami how we got here might take a bit too long, but I’ll give her the abridged version. “Also you know I’ll follow you no matter what anyway, in for a digi credit in for a massive hailstorm of sewage being absolutely poured into some fans running full blast in my general direction. It wouldn’t be new to me Canard.”

“I’ve pieced a number of things together that Pom needs to know about at the soonest convenient time we can come across her… which will likely be topside if Cotton successfully helps her team at the jail.” Now for the rub of things. “I’m already of the opinion that Gilgamesh would have known all about our activities had we landed in Cerebrum and offloaded normally without the Sigilyph noticing us. Cotton destroyed the Ponyta Prowlers airship for a very good reason and I’m certain that reason involves this airship being here.”

The nearby Sigilyph were definitely ignoring anything happening with this airship.

I started towards the docked airship, there didn’t seem to be anyone around to attack us or even be aggressive to halting what we were about to do here. We both boarded the airship and quickly made our way to the cabin where we found a major piece of the entire puzzle of what Cotton has been doing waiting for us.

It was a bound and gagged green bird with eyes staring off into the distance.

“Hopefully this guy will answer all the questions I have about what’s been happening here.” I quickly removed the gag from the green bird’s beak and he still seemed to be staring off into space weirdly. “I think this might be the rebels missing major informant Xatu.”

“It’s a bit late of me to say this, but Cotton has already set in motion the destruction of the city. There’s nothing we can do to stop it.” The bird stated blandly after waiting for me to finish talking. “Also as you might surmise this airship arrived barely two hours ago, Cotton would give her regards if she isn’t doing everything she can to slow down Gilgamesh’s taking up his unbound form. We have a few hours at least before he does.”

“Which is why we’re here to hear what you know.” Pointing my left thumb at my chest, I then crossed my arms and glared at the guy. “So what was everything that Cotton did exactly?”

“My future sight is iffy, especially around those who have fates touch… lot of that going on around here. The Castle of Illusion can be saved, but at this point who would want to? It’s easier to look into the past than the future at times, because the past has already happened, barring interference from Celebi or Lord Dialga.” The green bird grumbled as we helped him stand and he put his wings over his body, his eyes still seem somewhat distant and vacant. “Cotton knows what she’s doing at least, but I really wish she hadn’t caught me. So let me give you a rundown of Cotton’s path through Cerebrum City since her arrival.”

“What’s this unbound form you’re talking about and what has Cotton been doing?” That was the most urgent in my mind.

“First introductions, I am Xatu, rebel oracle and… well… Cotton is a known entity to me and she’s trouble, but she’s not villainous.” Xatu was about to tell us something that could change the course of things drastically as far as our friends were concerned.

Cotton had been stalling things since we met her. The destruction of the Ponyta Prowlers ship was actually calculated and important as I thought. Using us as Decoys led to Cotton being able to kidnap Xatu. She hired the Mandibuzz from Yaksha who were already going to attack the warehouse and were otherwise going to do it anyway, Cotton gave them some incentive to fight even harder instead of running and cutting their losses. She went to the upper tier to destroy something that would have let Gilgamesh immediately break into his unbound form much sooner. She was the reason why Pom wasn’t captured by the force that knew that she’d be at the warehouse, the Mandibuzz were there to stall her from being caught with everyone else that were taken to the prison compound, thus changing Gilgamesh’s plans to luring her into the compound where he will have a number of his forces descend on her.

Cotton brought Xatu to the airship after it arrived and was left unattended, this airship was very special in the fact that it was the only one allowed to currently be in the surrounding airspace. The Sigilyph would not target it on Gilgamesh’s orders.

“So this airship belongs to Gilgamesh’s regime?” Right now Cotton was going to help Pom’s attempt at a successful jailbreak, Gilgamesh was focusing a quarter of his forces on attempting to crush Pom and her friends right then and there.

Gilgamesh knew what Pom was, what she could do and wanted her to, bizarrely enough, succeed at what she was currently doing and wanted her to fight her way to facing him. He wanted Pom to struggle, he was trying to force Pom to become a ‘designated hero’ as Xatu put it.

Failing to raise heroes strong enough to face the future, he wanted succeed in his own plans and give everyone a quick death.

“So he’s doing all of this because… of an ideal of survival of the strongest?” I asked in slight confusion.

“No, he wants to make a hero strong enough to survive the imminent disaster that is currently building around all of Ransei and possibly save the world by stopping it. Barring that he’s going to destroy absolutely everything if a hero that isn’t strong enough doesn’t rise up to stop him from succeeding his current plans, I’m of the opinion that Gilgamesh either wants to die or wants everyone else to die if they can’t stop him. Whatever the incoming disaster is, it’s not related to him and him entering his unbound form.” Xatu shook his head somberly, still wide eye glass look, but apparently this was normal for him. “I have divined, with the possible guidance of our god Arceus, that it involves something to do with the word ‘Moon’ and a cyclic civilization destroying eye. As for what a Hoopa’s unbound form is like, well Hoopa start out in bound form and can only enter their unbound form under certain special conditions. In this case Gilgamesh is going to use all the psychic energy he can grasp at once in Illusio and will turn into a nigh unstoppable massive giant with six floating arms with incredible destructive power. The object Cotton successfully destroyed in the upper tier before it could reach Gilgamesh was called a prison bottle.”

“What can we do from here?” This was a lot to take in, out of the fire of having to escape from that Skull Chaosdramon X getting out of the Digimon World and into the fire of dealing with godly continent shaking threats. Pom definitely needed all the help she could get.

“Fly this airship and crash it at an opportune moment, I can only feel out better timelines where that happens. Actually seeing the better possibilities has become quite impossible given the dangers to this world.” At least we know those dangers are coming Xatu. “I will aid you in combat as much as I am able, since it is no longer important to be able to see the future, it has become quite important that we fight for it with everything we have.”

-Cerebrum City, Upper Tier, Prison Reception, Pom-

Favela ran ahead and I let a bark blast fire off behind me, I can see why the Jynx worked well as part of the Wobble Wardens. Wobbuffet locks you in place and the Jynx can freeze or slow you down for a quick capture if they can’t knock you out by putting you to sleep. I vaguely see Drowzee, Hypno and several other psychic types slowly working their way through a mass of webbing and Dolly gave me a worried look.

“Stuck between a rock and a hard place… we need to deal with all the internal guards quickly.” I sighed as I turned around to face the incoming Jynx and shifted my wool. “Arrooo!”

-Between Sleepless Cellblock and Reception, Dazzle-

“Pom?” Hold on, I’ll be there soon. It was going to take Dodo a while to free enough Pokemon.

“At the tone of my chime, it’s butt-kicking time!” The Chimeco said as they followed me, we already dealt with the guards in the Sleepless Cellblock and all we needed was time for Dodo to free up more Pokemon there.

-Sleepers Cellblock, Ocellus-


I got another Araquanid up, so that makes two, my progress was exceedingly slow and there were still a whole bunch of sleeping bodies that aren’t moving. I really needed help, but… if Pom needed help… things were quite dire.

It’s like when changelings cocooned up ponies, but at least we feed nutrients to the ponies bodies when we were still acting as parasites… some of these bodies looked to be unhealthy and malnourished. Like they were being forced to sleep to… oh… they are.

“Go, help Pom and the others!” The Araquanid slowly set out, they weren’t fast, but they could hit hard and if Pom was entering ‘wooly wolf’ mode, she obviously needed the help.

-Dark Type Cellblock, Shanty-

Dodo be telling me that he would be able to fly better soon, I not be having an idea what he means by that, but I be excited at the very least to have a familiar that can fly with me on its back.

I be hearing Pom’s howl as it echoed throughout the prison spooking the Psychic Types that worked here and they started to send more units Pom’s way.

“We need to be moving faster, can some of you be attacking the guards before they be sending more out after our friends holding the entrance.” At least four units worth of Dark Types were being free on all levels and as soon as I opened the next cell Quetal came out.

“Good to see you Shanty, but as you just said Pom’s in trouble and I’ve got to move to lend my aid. Keep freeing the Dark Types here.” He be looking healthy enough to be fighting, he be leaping towards the nearby wall and started using his clawed feet and claws arms to climb up and across the ceiling towards the entrance.

The dog Pokémon that be calling themselves Mightyena and Houndoom nodded to each other, then they be firing off spheres of darkness into some of the guards. This immediately turned their attention to us.

Another dark sphere slammed into a couple of Woobat from below and the tall biped that be able to disappear in plain sight be shouting at them.

“Prison break!” The bipedal fox like being shouted and this alerted all the other Dark Types who can’t be seeing us to figure out ways to start helping, they be waking up to his voice. “Try to figure out ways out of your cells, avoid Fairy Type attacks, protect the cell breaker at all costs and hit them hard!”

He be quickly disappearing from sight, despite the area he was in being well lit. Several guards launched attacks his way, but they didn’t be hitting anything. I guess I was being the ‘cell breaker’ then.

Bentley said this might be turning into chaos, he wasn’t being wrong. Now if only I didn’t have to be doing this one at a time!

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