• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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28. Solid Shanty.

-Streets of Gongmen, evening, Shanty-

The sun be setting soon and we be needing to reach the Tower of the Sacred Flame to help out. We were just being held up a bit…

I sat in the dark with my eye pressed up against the hole with my ears flicking to hear if they were still outside.

“Shen’s worried about the panda that fought the boss on equal footing.” The wolf patrol finally started walking away. “That’s why the patrols have increased you ingrates and Lord Shen is…”

“They… be gone.” We poked our heads out of the box and climbed out once we were sure things were completely clear.

“This is going to be a bit more difficult than we thought.” Ocellus said with a slight whine in her voice and she was being a bit fearful of the patrols.

“Are you sure that Pom be saying this was okay?” I needed to ask because this be a very dangerous plan to us.

Po and the Furious Five be wanting to help the people of Gongmen, they also be honor bound to do it for the sake of kung fu. We be having less of a stake in all this.

“Yes, but Pom wants us to stay together, to not get caught and to pull out while letting the others handle things if things get too dangerous. She had a list of things defining too dangerous that I agree with written on the back of this copy of the cannon locations.” Yes, all that be making sense Ocellus and that is being very much like Pom. “We’ll be fine Shanty, just… just don’t leave our sight for anything and we’ll watch each other’s backs like we’ve been doing.”

Since Po’s fought with the Wolf Boss throughout the city of Gongmen, Shen is being quite paranoid that a panda who can fight is after him.

“I be wondering something…” This has been bothering me quite a bit. “Are we still speaking the same language we were back in our world?”

“Actually there’s a thing about dimensional barriers and language barriers being intertwined. It’s an unsupported magic theory that no matter where you travel to, you are likely to end up in a dimension where the language you speak is understandable by everyone.” Ocellus tapped her chin with her left hoof. “We haven’t had any problems with it thus far.”

“So it’s obviously nothing to worry about until it becomes a problem, we can understand the people here perfectly and we really shouldn’t be thinking about it too hard. Aside from a few cultural problems that might rise up, like unintentional insults to some people’s grandmothers.” Smolder glanced at Ocellus who wince. “So do you really think things will work out alright once we get started Ocellus?”

“We told the others what to do to disable or destroy the cannons, we should be good to go.” Ocellus then turned to keep trotting forwards as we followed along down the street wary of the patrols we were slipping by.

I be noticing someone walking towards us with a weak frown and the streets were mostly empty this evening because of all the wolves patrolling them. The patrols be getting heavier the closer to the tower we got.

“Hello there, might I have a moment of your time?” She seemed like a kindly old goat as she be glancing us over.

“Sure, but make it quick, we have somewhere we need to be lady.” Though Smolder is being rude, we be wanting to help with those cannons. We certainly understood them and their danger better than Po and the Furious Five did.

“Smolder! Sorry about her, she doesn’t have very many elders she respects from her own culture.” Ocellus’s ears wilted a bit as she bowed lightly. “So, what did you need ma’am? It isn’t safe to be on the streets at the moment if you hadn’t noticed.”

“I’ll be fine, no need to worry about this old goat. I’m simply known as The Soothsayer, the one who predicted Shen’s fall to a black and white warrior.” The Soothsayer suddenly had our attentions, we be hearing a lot about the prophecy and why Shen went after the pandas from the local citizens. “I’ve a warning for the three of you.”

“Can I be asking something first.” It be bothering me. “Why did Shen choose to go after the pandas, they are not being the only black and white creatures around.”

“It was partially my fault the pandas were attacked by the young lord I used to be a nanny to. It’s an understatement to say that Shen didn’t take my prediction very well, but it was him who chose to target the pandas. They were quiet, unassuming and large in both number and size, so Shen’s paranoia chose them as the major target where other more volatile black and white beings flew underneath his gaze as being a major threat to his inevitable rule before his parents sadly disowned him. If only he knew that he cause the future he was trying to prevent…” The Soothsayer closed her eyes, shook her head and exhaled softly. “With all the extraordinary insights I have into the future, I can’t really do much to change what will happen and it’s considered a blessing to have a second sight. Shen will perish either by his own wing or by the paw of the panda that I spoke with before coming here to meet you, he needed some insight to find balance within himself. At least the future is brighter than what will soon happen, what a horrible night to have a curse.”

“So what was the warning you wanted to tell us about?” Ocellus asked while fidgeting with her hooves shyly. “We’re kind of in hurry.”

“It is sad that Shen didn’t’ change his ways when I warned him to do so and his demise is set in stone. The how is still yet to be determined.” The old goat lady now be grinning and sighing with relief, she seemed to be looking beyond us despite her eyes staring directly at us. “When a powerful flame bursts in the sky, this will mark the ancestral home of the peacocks fall. For all of you to stay safe from that moment forward, you must merely do nothing at all. Not a move, just stay standing, laying or otherwise in the spots you happen to be in the end, you may land if you are flying, but only do so facing the wind.”

“Uh… okay… so if we see something explode high in the sky, we should try to stay still?” Smolder rubbed her head and idly flicked her combat ribbon back and forth a bit with her right claw.

“Exactly, also be wary of your caretaker’s health… for you and her have many fights ahead in the future that she won’t survive without all of you being there to support her. There are so many wondrous things you’ll see, most of them I don’t understand aside from the obvious great evils.” With that the old goat bowed her head to us. “I have taken up as much of your time as I am willing so things do not change for the worse, good luck to you and remember my words well. It might actually save her life…”

The Soothsayer started to walk off tapping her cane against the street as she did, she didn’t seem to be afraid of being seen by the patrols like we were.

“Did she just be saying that Pom might die?” My heart be squeezing in my chest at the thought.

“Hey, Pom is quite tough Shanty, she survived saving you and temporarily pushing back Tai Lung. I’m more worried about the fact that The Soothsayer implied that we’re going to cross worlds more dangerous than this one before we get close to being home again.” Not that it could be held against Smolder, much less Ocellus, but I still not be having a place to return to. “I’m really missing Gallus’s sarcastic remarks, Sandbars brotherly feels, Yona’s bluntness and of course Silver Stream being bubbly about every single thing.”

They be having families and friends, what do I be having?

I be having some friends that really care about me, I’m learning a lot about how to survive and at least I’m not going hungry. So I be having little room to complain.

-A few minutes later, Ocellus-

We carefully made our approach towards the outer wall around the Tower of the Sacred Flame at one edge of the city. There were a lot of wolves around the large gated entrance. There were four watch towers coming off the main wall at the corners, the only way in on foot was through the large gate house protecting the entrance.

Climbing up to a nearby roof to get a better vantage point we could see inside the wall were some buildings being used as barracks for the mercenaries that used to be for the servants of the peacocks, guests quarters and food preparation areas. There were also some gardens to the left of the entrance and trees all around the area to hide in.

A small river flowed around all these buildings and the main central structure, a large spiky tower sitting in the middle of the area. We were responsible for a few of the cannons near the entrance on the wall. If we can’t get to them, then either problems may occur or the others will deal with them.

It was a rather daunting fortress for nine people to attack.

“Okay, we’ll make our approach to that ninety degree inward angled walls to the right of the gate house, we can easily fly up that corner while carrying Shanty without being seen.” I pointed it out with my right hoof and they nodded. “Now I’ll go over the plan one last time. Po, Tigress and Monkey will attack the gate directly, we’ll be in position to open the gates for them if they have problems doing it themselves. Crane will take down the watch towers, but first he’ll drop off Viper and Mantis to...”

-Ten minutes later, Shanty-

Getting close to the wall surrounding the Sacred Flame tower was harder than finding an all you can eat buffet that would let me in again. Well…. after the first time that is.

I ducked behind a buildings corner as I saw a wolf look my way holding his torch out and scrutinizing the area, he eventually turned back to looking forward while watching the area out of the corner of his eyes.

Once he stopped doing that, I be quickly crossing the road and diving into a bush. I stayed still and the guard didn’t move, he thankfully hadn’t noticed me.

Ocellus and Smolder already be in position to carry me up to the top of the wall from the base of it.

I be looking up at the watch tower right of the entrance nobody peeking out, I looked back towards the guard and crept forward from the bush.

There was a shape moving against the darkened sky, it looked like Crane be taking out the tower nearest to us right now.

Thankfully all the wolves, while alert, had gazes that be focused mostly outwards and not upwards. The shadow silently swooped into the tower.

“There sure are a lot of them… remind me, how many mercenaries are we expecting to see again?” Ocellus whispered as her eyes darted around and her body shivered as I quickly reached them.

“Stop worrying about that Ozzy and help me lift Shanty up onto the wall, we need to get started before things can really kick off.” With that said Smolder wrapped her arms around my chest and she started trying to lift me, Ocellus joined by wrapping her hooves around my waist. “Have you ever thought about going on a diet Shanty? You weigh for more than you look like you do.”

“Yes, a seeing food diet.” I glanced around as my hooves left the ground and we stayed close to the corner in between the two walls, hopefully nobody be looking this way from above as we slowly rose. “I see the food, it soon be in my stomach.”

“Quaint.” Ocellus muttered as she seemed to struggle with flapping her wings faster.

“I be fearing that you will drop me…” I not be afraid of heights, but that is usually being because my hooves were attached to something.

“We’re not going to drop you Shanty, now quiet and don’t squirm.” Smolder looked up and frowned, we neared the top of the wall when we heard voices.

Smolder got us high enough to see the top of the wall and several guards we came up behind. I not be knowing what they were discussing, but I be glad we weren’t in front of them as they moved towards the gatehouse.

I was dropped on to the path behind them, followed by Smolder landing next to me and Ocellus behind us. Smolder be pulled the combat ribbon from her robe and Ocellus turned to look along the wall behind us.

In front of us were two guards walking away from us.

“This’ll be easy.” smolder whispered, I nodded and we started to move forward after the guard carefully. Ocellus followed us slowly while sending glances behind us.

“I be getting the left one.” I stated before I prepared to dart forward, Smolder nodded and twirled the ribbon above her head in a tight circle.

We continued our approach slowly, Smolder made the first move by whipped out the ribbon to wrap it around the right wolf’s neck. With a sudden hard downwards yank, the wolf’s head was smashed against the ground and he bounced slightly.

The other wolf started turning in shock and was about to yell something while bringing their blade about, but he be too slow. I already be leaping at him to thrust both my hind legs into the top of his skull.

The sickening sound of flesh being harshly smashed and bones cracking rung in my ears as the wolf’s head snapped to the left. He dropped his blade with a clatter on the ground and toppled over as I tumbled forward into a standing position.

I quickly be checking if they be breathing to be sure they were unconscious, mine wasn’t bleeding too badly from the blow and should be fine.

“Some of the cannons should be up ahead in the gatehouse.” Ocellus made us jump, she was levitating the two torches the guards had been holding and the map she was levitating was swiftly rolled up and put it away in her carapace.

“What do we do about them?” Smolder tilted her head at the two unconscious guards.

“They’ll wake up eventually, but they aren’t currently a problem at the moment.” Ocellus continued to stare at the burning torches and began slowly levitating them closer.

“Ocellus, bad cuddle bug, focus.” Hissed Smolder softly as she slapped Ocellus lightly.

Ocellus blushed and rubbed at the back of her head.

“Sorry Smolder…” Ocellus put out both the torches collected their weapons in her magic and dropping everything off the side of the wall into the grass below. We started to carefully move forward in the dark towards the gatehouse after that odd interaction. “You’re getting really good with that ribbon.”

“Thanks, been getting plenty of practice in lately.” Smolder held the ribbon at the ready as we continued forward along the wall at a slow pace. “It’s cute, fun and functional in a fight, also Viper is a pretty good teacher for having no limbs other than her tail.”

We be quietly coming up to the lit pyre outside the middle floor of the gatehouse, we saw four wolves idling around inside the entryway. They were far enough apart to just be a problem, two were watching the direction of the gate’s entrance and the other two were watching the room itself.

I not be seeing cannons here, but I be seeing stairs going up to where they likely were.

Peeking through the entryway at the four I pulled my head back before they could notice me and looked to the other two staying near the pyre, Smolder was keeping an eye on Ocellus around the glowing flames.

The guards on the left were watching the gates entrance below at the railing, the other guards were at the back to our right watching the middle of the room and sometimes the entrances including the stairs.

“How we be handling this?” Any noise and we’d have to take them out quickly or risk attracting more guards from the floor above and the guards at the gate below us, we were not able to fight a group larger than five without a lot of trouble.

“Ocellus, can you get them all with a single spell?” As she asked this Smolder was hovering above the doorways entrance and Ocellus moved to be the opposite of me.

“They’d have to group up first, but yes, I can do it.” Ocellus seemed to be nervous, she was not okay with violence and neither were we. We were only knocking them out, they would try to kill us. “How are we going to do that though? We draw attention to ourselves and they’ll call more people in to deal with us and we don’t want to make trouble for Po and the others.”

“Speaking of trouble, something is up.” Smolder saw the two guards near the railing overlooking the gate point at something. “Looks like Po, Tigress and Monkey are starting their attack, Ocellus you and Shanty get the two at the back I’ll try to get both the ones in the front. We need to rush them.”

I look to Ocellus, she nodded. I darted through the doorway and target the one closest to my right, the farther one saw me and started to move forward only to duck a blast of magic from Ocellus.

I couldn’t go for a flying buck as the wolf be ready for me with that club, I did not want to be a baseball. So I chose to instead go for a dish dive.

Charging right for him I dodged back and away from his swung and then dove for his ankles with both my front hooves. When I connected, he toppled right over me and I slid slightly on my belly to end up behind him where I planted my front hooves and scrunched up.

I launched a high blind buck behind me and connected with his back, making him yell in pain. I charged for the wall and leapt up to kick off it into a backflip and then brought all four of my hooves down on his skull.

I kicked off the wolves head, twisted in the air and landed in front of their toppled form to see the wolf Smolder wasn’t dealing with starting to panic when he saw me looking his way. Ocellus was busy dodging crossbow bolts and trying to hit the other wolf.

Once my gaze went back to the last wolf he was heading for the entrance opposite of the one we came from.

I charged straight for him head first, but him be getting outside and opening his mouth to yell before I could reach him.

Crane suddenly swooped in and kicked him in the chin to close his mouth, making him stumble back towards me and I rammed him in the back with my small horns knocking him to the ground face first where Crane kicked him in the face as he tried to get up.

“You girls okay?” Crane looked over his shoulder along the wall to make sure nobody was climbing any stairs or ladders behind him.

“Yes, but we be needing a little help.” “How many wolves are at the top of the gate house?”

“There’s actually two gorillas, three wolves and two snow leopards. I was a bit worried about you when I saw you go in and then chased that wolf out. Viper and Mantis are almost done with their cannons, but Tigress, Monkey and Po are having problems getting through the gate.” He be very fast with his information. “If I take care of the upper floor and the cannons up there can you get the gate open?”

“Yes, we can be doing that.” I heard a scuffle behind me and I turned to see Ocellus blasting the wolf Smolder had wrapped up in the face. He was down and the two turned to me and Crane looking ready.

“Right, meet me upstairs and only jump in when you think you…” The wall along the left side exploded making both of us snap our gazes in that direction. We saw the lithe figure of Viper’s silhouette pass by a brazier and leapt as a portion of the wall toppled. “Well if they didn’t know we were here before... you three stay safe and get the gate open!”

Crane swept his wings downwards and shot upwards in a spiral and then with a single flap he shot into the room above us talons first. I be turning to Ocellus and Smolder.

“Crane be helping us with these cannons, we be needing to get the gate below.” The two nodded and we made our way for the stairs down. We looked at the stairs going up as we heard fighting, but we still headed down the stairs cautiously.

We stopped halfway down the stairs when we saw that there were seven wolves milling around down there.

“What’s going on?” One of the wolves asked.

“We’re under attack dimwit!” Another wolf answered.

“Must be the panda and his friends messing with the patrols outside, they’ll never get through the gate.” A third wolf stated with confidence.

“One of the walls is crumbling. I think they might already be inside, we need to alert everyone in the barracks to surround the tower!” That be the smart one.

“Ocellus hit that one, he be too smart.” My left hoof started pointing to the wooden beam barring the door. “Smolder can you be breathing a fireball accurately to hit the beam?”

Smolder looked quite angry with me.

“I’m insulted that you even have to ask, of course I can do that. Any dragon worth their scales can master fire breathing by the age of six.” Smolder then narrowed her eyes on me. “What about you, what are you going to be doing?”

“I be doing this.” I leapt from the stairs while curling up and the world rapidly spun, this be making me quite dizzy.

I uncurled and lashed my rear hooves downwards into the chest of a surprised wolf, bounced off and be landing on my hooves.

Diving into a roll to my right as a blade came down right where I used to be. I now be surrounded by a pack of wolves that all be staring at me with glares. The one I hit the chest swiped his left paw to pick up his dropped blade.

I narrowed my eyes and swept my sight around myself while tightening the muscles in my flanks, I be distracting six of them enough that the smart one that started running was being taken down by Ocellus and dragged out of sight. Smolder already set the beam on fire and was clawing at it to break it faster.

The first of the wolves lunged forward with his club coming at my head from the left.

I ducked under it and dove forward to roll between his legs as a blade lashed out for my rear.

As I came out of the roll something slammed into my head and everything be going black.

I was on my side, blinking blearily, with a blade coming down towards my neck.

Author's Note:

Well I'm feeling drained...

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