• Published 3rd Jul 2019
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Fire and Steel - shirotora

A man finds himself in a strange world in a body he knows very little about. Now, with a little help from his reluctant acquaintance Ember, he must either find a way home, or a reason to stay

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Chapter 52: Ju-Long

Smolder panted, as she flew in the direction her friend was thrown. Tears trickled down her face, in part because of the throbbing pain in her arm and body, but mostly out of fear of what might have happened to Occelus.

She tried to keep up with her, she really did. As soon as that wave threw Occelus out the window, she flew after. However, she was still exhausted from the fighting and she soon lost track of her.

Why? she thought to herself. Why would they do that to her? After everything she did for them.

Of course, the logical side of her mind knew that the ponies didn’t know what she did, but logic wasn’t exactly in control at the moment.

Suddenly, her battered and weary body decided it had enough, and sent a sharp pain through her wings. It took every ounce of willpower to control her fall and not crash. She still landed hard, but the pain was minimal.

Well, the pain of the fall, anyway.

Her fear for her friend was excruciating.

Her mind kept showing her images of a broken, twisted body. Or a body impaled on a tree branch. Or some ravenous creature devouring Occelus’ helpless form.

She couldn’t stop the tears from falling as she curled up, hugging herself. “Please... be okay...”

I came too with what felt like the worst hangover of my life.

“What the hell happened?” I asked whoever might have been around.

“Luke!” Ember threw her arms around me. “You’re okay! Don’t you ever scare me like that.”

“How long was I out?” I asked.

“Only a couple minutes,” she replied.

I looked around and noticed the only other one in the room was Garble on the other side of the room where he sat still guarding the egg.

“Okay, but what happened? What actually was that?” I asked again.

“We’re not entirely sure, but it threw the invaders out of the city,” Ember said. “Sunflower left to try to find out what’s going on.”

“Wait, it threw the changelings out? What about Occelus?” I asked.

Ember grimaced. “They were thrown, too. Smolder went after them, but they were flying pretty fast. It was strange, though. When the wave hit them, they weren’t just thrown, they were pushed out windows and doors, even if they had to be pulled a little, first. It was like whatever it was purposely made sure they weren’t hurt before throwing them.”

“Except the jerk,” Garble interjected. “He was slammed into the wall a couple times before being flung out. Serves him right, threatening the egg.”

A part of me wondered how much of his protectiveness over the egg was just his instincts and how much was him. I could sense a little bit of self loathing and shame. Did he blame himself for the egg being in danger?

“I won’t let it happen again,” Garble declared. “As long as I’m breathing, this egg won’t even get a scratch.”

As soon as he said that, a faint ‘crack’ was heard.

Smolder didn’t know how long she had laid there, crying and praying her friend was safe. It had to have been at least a half hour.

Eventually, she managed to pull herself together. She knew she couldn’t just lay there, wallowing in self pity. She had to find her friend, no matter what she’ll find when she does.

She stood and stretched her wings. They were still too stiff to fly, but that wouldn’t stop her. She would run if she had to.

But why would she run when she had magic.

She had tried to use Ember’s magic claw spell and wasn’t that good at it, but that didn’t mean she didn’t learn from it. She focused her magic, just like Ember would when casting her claw spell, but instead of making a claw, she flattened it into a big, floating disk.

She slowly crawled up onto it, testing it to make sure it would carry her. When it held, she settled into the center and slowly tried commanding it. It jerked and jolted as she tried to get used to controlling it.

After a few bumps and nearly falling off once or twice, she got used to it enough to rise above the surrounding buildings. Without the obstacles of the buildings around her, she could clumsily fly off in the direction she last saw her friend flying.

As she flew, she noticed a single figure heading toward the city.

Huh... who would be coming here, now of all times? I might as well make sure they know what happened so they don’t freak out..

Sergeant Shine’s horn faded as the last of the magic soaked into the wards. They might not have had the resources to create a barrier like they had before, but at least they would be able to detect any creatures using illusion or transformation spells.

He looked over to see the other wards flaring to life, one after another, creating a ring of detection magic around the city.

“Let’s see those bugs get past us, now,” Corporal Bulwark said.

“This won’t stop them,” Shine said. “It’ll just detect them and, hopefully, strip their disguise.”

“Hopefully? You don’t know?” Corporal Crosshair asked.

“We don’t really know how their disguises work, so no. Not completely, anyway,” Shine said. “That means stay vigilant. If a crowd approaches, we have to make sure they pass one at a time.”

“Well, we’re going to get to test it out, already.” Crosshair said. “We got somepony coming.”

“If they’re a pony it won’t be much of a test,” Shine said.

As the pony approached, Crosshair called out, jokingly, “Hey, you wouldn’t happen to be a changeling, would you?”

The three Guards chuckled.

“Actually... yes. I am.”

They stopped laughing. “What was that?”

The ‘pony’ sighed. “I am a changeling, and I’m here to surrender.”

Crosshair lifted his crossbow while Bulwark readied his spear.

“Is this some kind of joke?” Shine said, accusingly.

“No sir,” the supposed changeling said. “I’m a changeling.”

“Step through the ward,” Shine commanded.

The changeling did as he was told and sure enough, the ward flared red, but his disguise didn’t fall.

“Drop the disguise,” Shine ordered.

The changeling did as he was told. His fur burned away in green flame, leaving a black carapace.

“So much for taking away their disguise,” Bulwark said.

“I can help you fix that,” the changeling said. “As a show of good will.”

“Not a chance,” Shine said.

“What the heck’s going on here?”

The ponies and changeling looked up to see a dragon on a disk floating toward them.

Smolder looked on in confusion at the small group, confused as to what was going on.

“Miss Smolder,” the changeling said, looking at her with a smile. “I’m glad to see you. I have a message from Occelus.”

Smolder lept from the disk and ran over to them. “Is she okay?! Where is she?!”

“She’s fine. Most of us are,” the changeling said. “For some reason those of us that followed her weren’t thrown as far as the others.”

“Aren’t you the dragon empress’ aide?” Shine asked. “How do you know this changeling?”

“Well, I don’t really know him, personally,” Smolder said. “But Occelus is a friend of mine.”

“Quarter Staff said a bunch of changelings saved him and his squad,” Crosshair said. “I didn’t believe him, though.”

Shine groaned. “This is above my paygrade. We’ll take you to the upper dungeons and let someone else figure it out.”

Smolder growled. “What do you mean you’re throwing him in the dungeon?! I just told you, he helped save a lot of you ponies.”

“We’re taking him to the upper dungeon,” Shine said. “Those cells are actually rather nice. They’re used for ponies that need protection more than potential criminals.”

“It’s okay, Miss Smolder,” the changeling said. “I figured this would happen. Though, I was expecting the regular dungeon.”

“Yeah, well, thank Smolder for that,” Shine said. “Put your disguise back on. I don’t want ponies freaking out. If you try anything funny, we’ll put you down. Bulwark, stay here. I’ll send a squad to relieve you soon. Let’s move. Miss Smolder, I’m sorry, but I’ll have to ask that you not accompany us. Your familiarity with this changeling could cause complications.”

Smolder knew what he meant. They couldn’t know she hadn't been brainwashed.

“That’s fine. I could use a nice long walk to clear my head,” Smolder said.

“Where will you be, in case we need to speak to you?” Shine asked.

Smolder thought for a moment. “I heard something about a mega spell being let off near the university. I might go check that out.”

“Alright. Stay safe,” Shine said.

We all froze, like deer caught in the headlights.

“W-was that...” I tried to say, my mind failed to grasp what we heard.

Then, as one, we all rushed to the crib.

I stared, unable to comprehend what I was seeing. I knew what it was, but I couldn’t believe it.

I stared as the crack in the egg grew.

“Come on,” Ember encouraged. “You can do it.”

A part of me wanted to help, but I somehow knew that doing so would be bad.

Finally, a piece of egg fell away and we saw the first glimpse of our child. A little claw peeked through the shell before tearing away a larger chunk. The egg rolled a bit as a tinny form forced its way out.

My breath hitched as I took in the sight of my child for the first time.

Ember, more calmly and gentlely than I’ve ever seen her, reached into the crib and lifted the child. She pulled it to her chest as she started cooing. “There’s my strong boy. Momma’s so proud of you.”

“A... a boy? I have a son?” I asked. “How can you tell?”

Ember rolled her eyes. “Yeah, you’re daddy’s kinda dumb. Males are born with spines. Females aren’t.”

“Oh...” was all I could say.

“Here. Why don’t you meet your daddy,” Ember said, offering him to me.

I was terrified as I took the tiny thing in my arms. He was a dragon, alright, though he kinda looked like me. He had the same blue shade with a black stripe across his eyes and a cream colored belly.

He looked up at me and smiled.

<“My son,”> I said. <“My beautiful boy.”>

“What are we going to name him?” Ember asked?

“You want me to choose?” I asked.

Ember shrugged. “Unless you want him to be named Bone Shatter.”

I chuckled as I thought. What would be the perfect name? I smiled as I looked down at him. “Ju-Long. It was my grandfather's name. It means ‘powerful dragon’.”

Ember hummed as she tested the name. “Ju-long... Ju-long... Powerful Dragon.” She leaned over to nuzzle our son. “What do you think? Do you like Ju-Long?”

Our son laughed before hiccuping... and shooting a little aura blast at the ceiling.

Garble just laughed. “I think that’s a yes. Ju-Long, huh... Yeah, I gotta admit, I kinda like it, too.”

<“Welcome to the world, Ju-Long. I think you’re going to like it here.”>

Author's Note:

What?! Luke's egg hatched?! Bet you never saw that coming, did you?! Unless you read Equestrian Eeveelution. Damn Sym, spoiling my story :twilightangry2:

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