• Published 3rd Jul 2019
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Fire and Steel - shirotora

A man finds himself in a strange world in a body he knows very little about. Now, with a little help from his reluctant acquaintance Ember, he must either find a way home, or a reason to stay

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Chapter 50: Rebel-ception

Bolt never really had any regrets in his life. He was powerful, feared, and took whatever he wanted and no one could challenge him. Now, however, as he ran for his life from an insane lucario, or whatever it had become, he was starting to regret a lot. He regretted getting sucked into this weird world. He regretted not just fucking off and doing whatever he wanted instead of what that creepy little mon told him. Most of all, though, he regretted toying with that damn lucario instead of just killing him.

Maybe mum was right. Maybe I should have taken after Ion more. She never has to deal with crap like this.

That was quickly becoming another regret. His sister barely had to do much and the humans of the town she protected just gave her stuff.

Another of those glowy ball things zipped at him so fast he was barely able to dodge.

Arceus, if I get out of this alive, I swear I’ll change my ways. No more bullying weaker mon, no more torturing my food. I’ll be good, I swear!

Smolder found herself learning a valuable lesson; that despite knowing what your opponent’s best move is, it doesn’t necessarily mean you can easily defend against it. Her arm hanging limp and useless at her side was testament to that.

Not only was this ‘dragon’s’ uppercut powerful, but it was really good at landing it. It seemed no matter what, any idea she had to avoid the punch only seemed to play into it.

She barely had time to think as another blow came, a left hook aimed at her head. She stepped into it and countered with a right cross, throwing the strike off.

The creature lifted its chin, causing the blow to pass under his head. Before she could recover, another uppercut caught her just in front of the elbow, forcing her arm up. However, her arm couldn’t go up, as the creature’s chin was in the way. Still, the power of its strike didn’t care if something was stopping her arm from moving, it went anyway until the arm gave way and bent where it was never meant to.

Smolder let out an agonizing scream as the bones in her forearm snapped like dry twigs. She scrambled away, clutching her arm to her chest as panic started to settle in.

“Ranga, Ja Jara,” the creature said, almost sadly.

Smolder didn’t need to speak whatever language they did to understand what they were saying. It was going to kill her, and she could no longer defend herself.

Smolder always thought she was tough, that she could stand up to anything and not be afraid. As she stood there, though, her death looking at her with pitying eyes, she was terrified.

I... I don’t want to die. Ember... Luke... Mom... anyone...

The monster loomed over her, its size never really mattered before then. Its massive, armored fist raised to deliver the killing blow. Smolder could only close her eyes and wait for the inevitable.

The sound of the blow echoed out throughout the street.

Still, Smolder waited.

“Smolder?!” a familiar voice rang out, full of worry.

Smolder finally found the courage to peek one eye open to be met with a black, chitinous face, looking at her in concern.

Smolder gasped and scooted away before recognition set in. “O... Occelus?”

“Yeah, we’re here to help,” the young changeling replied.

Smolder gave her a confused look. “We?”

Occelus stood proud as a dozen other changelings landed nearby, one wielding a strange looking, clay red spear. “That’s right. We.”


Occelus couldn’t believe it. Her father lied to her. About all of it. He was responsible for all of the fighting and death.

And she helped him.

“No!” she berated herself. “The only thing I’m guilty of was believing my father.” She let out a sigh. Still, he needs to be stopped. I still believe in what he told me, even if he didn’t, himself, and I know others do, too.

Occelus took a breath and steeled her nerves. “I can’t let the queen or my father win.”

She took off toward the workers’ rest chamber. It wasn’t far, and thankfully when she arrived, she found only a few changelings that she knew she could trust.

“We need to talk,” she said. “There’s been a development you all need to know about.”

She cast a quick ward spell that would ensure they wouldn’t be overheard and explained what her father told her. Their expressions followed pretty much the same progression as her own when she learned what she was saying. Confusion, denial, realisation, disgust, and anger.

“That... that bastard,” Cobalt growled. “I’m sorry, O, but your dad just hit the top of my least favorite lings list.”

“I understand,” Occelus said.

“So... everything we’ve done...” Shadow had stopped at ‘disgust’, and Occelus could tell who she was disgusted with. “All the horrible things... we tortured that dragon to bring a monster into the world... we started a war... for a power grab?”

“No!” Occelus said. “We did it to stop a demented, misguided ruler from leading us into ruin, and that’s still our goal. Only now...” Occelus swallowed, feeling like she was gargling with sand just at the thought of what she was going to say. “Now... we have two. Spread the word. Gather as many changelings as you can that still believe in what we were supposed to be doing and meet me at Six Pillars Park. We’re going to fix this, starting with stopping those other monsters we brought.”

“Oh, w-OW... so... your dad really is a bad guy, huh?” Smolder asked, wincing in pain as the changeling medic set her forearm.

Occelus couldn’t even look Smolder in the eye as she nodded. “Yeah. I’m so, so sorry. I thought everything we did to you was worth it because it was for a greater good... but... it was just to replace one tyrant with another. Can you ever forgive me?”

“You know, I’ve had a long time to think about it, and I gotta say, I’m not sure I would have done any different if I were you.” Smoulder admitted. “I mean, if hurting one pony could save the entire dragon race... I don’t know if I could say no to that.”

“Trust me, it isn’t worth it,” Occelus said with a ghost of a smile.

“Besides, you saved my butt. That thing was... it was about too...” Smoulder couldn’t even finish that thought. “How did you kill that thing, anyway? It was ridiculously tough.”

Occelus pointed to the changeling wielding the strange spear. “Magic disrupting spear. They’re very rare and very old, but... we kind of stole one from a dragon’s hoard. That's the only one we have, though.”

“Damn. How many more of those monsters are there?” Smolder asked as the medic started to apply some weird green stuff to her arm.

“Of that type specifically? None,” Occelus replied. “However, father summoned two other monsters that are even worse.”

Smolder’s breath hitched at that. “W-worse? Than that?! How?!”

“One is a three headed beast of pure rage and hunger and the other is like lightning made flesh. To make things worse, both were given magical items that make them even more dangerous. The first was given a collar that makes magic slide off of it, and the second was given one that forces it to remain summoned even when it takes heavy damage.”

“Holy shit,” Smolder said. “Where are they?”

“The first was sent after the dragon Empress and the second her mate,” Occelus said.

“You mean Ember and Luke are fighting things even worse than that one?” Smolder exclaimed as she jumped to her feet. “We gotta go!”

“You’re injured,” Occelus said.

“And they might be dead!” Smolder countered. “I still have one arm. That’s all I need for magic.”

Occelus wanted to argue, to convince her to stay put. Occelus was also smart enough to know not to waste her breath when a dragon’s already made her decision. “Fine, but you are to stay back and not strain yourself.

“Great! Where to?” Smolder asked.

“The palace. Ember’s still fighting the monster sent for her over there,”Occelus explained.

“What about Luke?” Smolder asked, worried.

“We... aren’t sure,” Occelus admitted.

Smolder rounded on her, “What do you mean you aren’t sure?”

“They were fighting by the university, but something happened to the... to Luke,” Occelus said. “He changed and then... Well, our watchers couldn’t keep up.”

“He... woah, did he evolve?” Smolder asked.

Occelus raised an eyebrow. “Um... no. Evolution happens over thousands of generations. It isn’t-”

“Nevermind. I’ll explain later,” Smolder cut her off. “Let’s go! We don’t have time to sit around any more!”

Occelus placed a hoof on Smolder’s shoulder. “Don’t worry. There’s a lot more of us. We have larger groups going to help whoever they can help. A few are keeping an eye on Ember, and Luke seemed to have the upper hand before we lost sight of him.”

Smolder relaxed slightly at that. “Still, I want to make sure they’re okay.”

The trek through the city was difficult. They had to avoid both changeling and Royal Guard patrols whenever possible. The few times they came across skirmishes between the two, they intervened when they could, helping out the Royal Guard while taking the changelings down as harmlessly as possible.

Their numbers made that part easy, as most patrols were only a half dozen or so and they never suspected their own would turn on them. At least, the physical part of it was easy.

"Why?" One of the gold clad guards asked.

"Because we aren't bad creatures," Occelus explained. "We're just led by a bad queen. Enough blood has been shed."

"I mean, why would you attack your own?" He clarified.

Occelus winced. "Because… it's the right thing to do... even if it hurts."

After that, the guards didn't even try to stop them from leaving. Even if they could, what would be the point?

Eventually, the palace side gates came into view, as well as a grisly sight. Royal Guard and changeling alike laid scattered across the path, ripped apart by something monstrous.

"Holy shit…" Smolder muttered. "Is… is this the monster? The one Ember's fighting?"

"Y-yes… it has to be," Occelus said, a touch of green coloring her black chitin.

They heard a roar come from around the corner just before a large chunk of marble slammed down nearby.

No one needed to say anything. They headed straight for the origin and found Ember flying around, giving the monster a chase. Ember was clearly faster, but she looked like she was exhausted and slowing while the monster had energy to spare.

"Quick, gimme the spear!" Smolder demanded.

Without thinking, the spear toting changeling obeyed, too stunned to object.

Smolder took the spear and yelled out, "Ember! Magic spear!" and threw it with her magic. Ember barely noticed them in time to catch it.

"It's got a magic collar!" Occelus called. "Hit it in the neck and then use ice magic!"

Ember nodded before having to duck beams of energy the monster projected from each of its mouths. The monster lunged, snapping at her as she flew up and thrust with the spear. She hit it right behind the neck. Something flashed before one of the mouths grabbed hold of the spear and yanked it out of Ember's claw before snapping it in half.

Ember responded by unleashing a ray of frosty blue energy, hitting it right in the other side mouth. Unlike every spell she tried before, this one finally seemed to do something.

The monster roared in pain and attacked again, but Ember, emboldened by the turn in fortune, pressed an attack of her own. She threw a knife of ice, hitting it square in the chest before the knife exploded, covering the beast in frost.

Ember gave a vicious smirk as she growled. "Chill out!"

She unleashed a torrent of ice in a cone of cold magic that surrounded the monster like a tornado. When the storm settled, the monster was struggling to move.

Ember thrust out her claws and a pair of her magic hands shot out, each grabbing the opposite head and yanking. The center head roared in pain before the others were ripped from its body.

Its body didn't even hit the ground before dissolving back into the ether.

With the fight over and the adrenaline fading, Ember found her strength wasn't even enough to keep her aloft.

Occelus shot forward to catch the falling Empress and brought her safely to the ground.

Ember looked at her curiously. "Uh… thanks, but aren't we enemies?"

"This is Occelus," Smolder said.

Understanding filled Ember's expression. "Ah, that makes more sense. Finally realized your dad's plan sucked?"

Occelus winced. "More like I found out what his plan actually was."

"Oh," Ember grimaced. "I take it it's bad?"

Occelus just nodded.

"Now we just have to find Luke and help him with his monster," Smolder said.

"Wait, Luke's fighting one of those, too?" Ember asked, jumping to her feet.

"Not the same kind but something equally dangerous," Occelus clarified. "But how would we even help? That thing broke the spear. That's if we could even find him. Remember, they both disappeared."

As if fate was waiting for just that, the palace wall exploded and a yellow blur skidded across the lawn.

Occelus could only stare in awe. This monster, arguably more powerful than the other two, was laying in a tangled mess of limbs. Three limbs, to be specific. Two arms and a leg. She could see the collar still on the summon, and it looked intact.

It should have been nearly indestructible without high level magic, yet it looked like it went toe to toe with the entire Circle of the Sun.

"Luke?" Ember gasped in disbelief.

Occelus looked up to see a creature that resembled the strange bipedal jackal, but at the same time he was totally different. Not only was he larger, with longer head tendrils, more spikes and blood red fur in places, but he felt cold, heartless. As if emotion had been completely removed from him. That along with his razor focus on the wounded summon gave the impression of a machine, with a singular purpose.

"Luke!" Ember hobbled toward him.

Occelus was about to stop her when she felt a sliver of emotion from him. He locked eyes with her and that emotion bloomed, as did a light surrounding him.

When it faded, he seemed to be back to normal. He blinked at Ember, as if he was having trouble figuring out where he was.

“Ember? When did you get here?”

Author's Note:

Alternate chapter name; Yo Dog, I Heard You Like Rebellions

Also, writer's block sucks.

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