• Published 3rd Jul 2019
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Fire and Steel - shirotora

A man finds himself in a strange world in a body he knows very little about. Now, with a little help from his reluctant acquaintance Ember, he must either find a way home, or a reason to stay

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Chapter 15: New Friends and Old

“Hey Spike!”

Spike smiled at the sight of his new friend. “Hey Barb!”

The young dragoness waved him over. As Spike ran over, Luke and Ember’s teasing came back to him. Barb’s pale jade scales certainly were quite nice, and her long, pointy, pink spines and quartet of tiny horns framed her face quite nice.

He shook his head. Yeah, she was pretty, but his heart was Rarity’s and Rarity’s alone. Besides, she was his new friend, and he didn’t want to mess that up.

“We’re getting ready to play King of the Hoard. You wanna play?” Barb asked.

"Uh, sure," Spike said. "But I don't really know what that is. How do you play?"

"It's simple," Barb explained. "You just have to get to the top of the hoard and knock everydrake else off."

"Oh, okay," Spike said. "I can do that."

"Alright, come on!" Barb said, waving him on as she went toward a big pile of pebbles and small rocks.

"Wait, that's not a hoard," Spike said, looking confused.

Barb rolled her eyes. "Well, no duh. We can't have a hoard, we haven't molted yet. You wanna go feral?"

"Wait, are you talking about greed growth?" Spike asked.

"Greed growth?" Barb giggled. "Never heard it called that before, but it sounds about right. You get really mean and greedy, taking everything you can, getting bigger and bigger."

Spike shuddered. "Yeah, I learned about that the hard way. I went totally crazy and wrecked half the town."

Barb scoffed. "Yeah, right. That's impossible. Once you go feral, there's no going back."

"Well, I did," Spike said. "I don't remember it very well, but I remember seeing somepony very special to me. She said something that kinda just, snapped me out of it. I gave her a fire ruby I was keeping and turned back."

Barb stared at him as if he had just said he had saved the world one afternoon.

"You're serious?" she asked. "That's... Woah. You know, you're pretty awesome."

Spike blushed, feeling his heart flutter, just like it did whenever Rarity was around.

He shook his head. No! Rarity is my one and only!

"Well, come on, before they start without us!" Barb called as she ran toward the pile of rocks. "I'm queen of the hoard!"

A trio of dragons talked amongst themselves as they watched the hatchlings play. Ember had need of Star’s wisdom, and hoped to find the answer she hoped for.

Star pondered for a moment. “Theoretically, it is possible. However, I’m afraid I’m not entirely sure how to do it.”

“Really?” Smoulder said, excitedly. “So, Ember just has to figure out how it works, and she can do it? She can actually give me magic powers?”

Ember asked, “But how am I supposed to figure it out?”

“I’m not sure,” Star said. “I will have to ponder this. Perhaps I should meditate on it. If I search my memories, I may find some hint.”

“Alright,” Ember said. “I would like to give Smoulder magic before we go to Canterlot, but if we can’t figure it out before then it won’t be the end of the world.”

“Yeah, I want to be able to practice while you’re gone,” Smoulder said.

Ember chuckled. “Oh, you’re coming with us.”

“I am?” Smoulder asked, surprised.

“Of course,” Ember said. “If I give you magic before we leave, they can help you learn, and if I don’t then might be able to figure out how I can.”

Star smiled. “A wise plan.”

“So, I gotta go with you to namby pamby pony land?” Smoulder complained.

Ember shrugged. “It comes with being my protege. If I have to suffer them, so do you.”

I sat on the edge of the cliff in front of our cave meditating, focusing on my power. I was going to unlock my abilities, and I knew the first one I wanted to work on.

I was going to live up to Yomega's nickname for me.

Using my aura as a guide, I focused my will onto a rock, commanding it to move.

But, like rocks tend to be, it was too stubborn to give in and just laid there.

With a sigh, I decided to take a break.

Ember and Smoulder were with Spike on the other mountain so he could play with his little girlfriend. Seeing as I didn’t exactly know how to be a dragon, I wasn’t essential to his education. So, instead, I was trying to make our cave a little more comfortable for four.

Ember had gotten a second bed and separated the cave into three parts with stone walls, two bedrooms and an ‘everything else’ room.

Ember gave me permission to sift through her hoard to find things to decorate the rooms with. She had some pretty great stuff. Including an old set of armor that I thought could probably be adjusted to fit her. I had no idea why she would need it, but it might be cool.

There were some dinnerware, candelabras, sculptures, a few paintings, some old weaponry, and quite a lot of other stuff.

I was in the middle of hanging up a pair of cutlasses when I heard Smoulder’s voice call out.

“Hey, Luke, you here?” she asked.

“In your room,” I replied.

Smoulder walked into the room and took a look around. “Oh, cool. It’s starting to look pretty awesome. Love the swords.”

I smirked and took one in hand, swinging it and falling into a fighting stance. “Yeah, they’re pretty good quality, too.” I ran through a few moves, swinging the sword around a little.

“You actually know how to use those?” Smoulder asked.

I shrugged and went back to hammering in a hook for it. “Kind of. I trained with a Chinese broadsword, which isn’t too different. So, what brings you back here?”

Smoulder shrugged, “Ember wanted Spike to talk to a dragon that was actually a mother, so they went to meet Barb’s mom. I wasn’t really interested. My mom is enough. So... think you can teach me how to use one of those?”

I chuckled. “We’d have to ask Ember. They’re her swords.”

“Well... can you teach me how to do some of the other stuff you do? Like, the punching and the kicking?” she pleaded.

I laughed. “Yeah, that I can teach, but right now, I want to make this place a little nicer. You want to help?”

Smoulder shrugged. “Yeah, sure. Might as well. Ember wont get mad I touched her stuff, will she?”

“If she does, I’ll tell her I told you to,” I assured her. “There’s a hammer and nail by the door. Go ahead and hang up that painting over there. Star traded for those nails. They have some kind of pony magic that let them penetrate stone.”

“Oh, cool,” She said as she grabbed the tools. “So. Ember wants me to go with you guys to that Canterlot place.”

“Oh? By the sound of it, you aren’t too thrilled about that,” I observed.

“It’s not that I don’t want to go with you guys,” she said, hesitantly. “I just... I’ve never really been around ponies, before. I always heard they’re wussy and weak, but after meeting those three I’m not sure. I mean, I like Rainbow Dash. She’s the complete opposite of what everydrake says. The other two seemed cool, too... but... do you really think dragons and ponies can get along?”

I turned back around to look at her before setting down my tools and taking a seat on the bed. “Come here. Sit down and tell me what’s really bothering you.”

She tensed up, slightly. “Wh-what makes you think something else is bothering me?” I just flexed my dreadlocks.

"Oh... right," Smoulder winced.

She hesitated for a moment before she sighed and said, "it's just... I'm not sure how well I'm going to fit in there. Ponies are kinda wussy, but they're also friendly and smart and pretty and... dragons aren't. We're mean, barbaric and scary."

I couldn't hold back a laugh. “That doesn't describe you or Ember, at all. I mean, sure, you're both rough and tough, and you aren't afraid to get rough, but from what I've seen, you're both plenty friendly, smart, and pretty.”

Smoulder blushed a little at that. "You really think so? I mean, I guess I can see the friendly part, but smart and pretty?"

I nodded. "Sure, you may not have book smarts, but you have a good head on your shoulders. You're clever and learn fast. I bet if you went to any school, the book smarts would come easy.

"And of course you're pretty. You're strong, have a great figure, what's not pretty about you?"

I knew that was going to bring out some romantic feelings from her, but I felt she needed to feel good about herself.

I was surprised, though, when I didn't really feel that. I felt a ton of platonic love but not romantic.

What else I wasn't expecting was how much desire I felt.

Feeling that, though, it was less of a surprise when Smoulder said, "So... since we got the place to ourselves... you wanna have some fun?"

“uh... I, uh... I don't know...”

"Ember already said she's cool with it," Smoulder said.

I knew casual sex was normal in Dragon society, but it was still strange to me.

“Maybe another time,” I said. “I'm still not sure I'm cool with it. My people only ever do that with their mate.”

"Really? That's weird. Even when it’s not mating season?"

I chuckled. “It’s always mating season. That’s the main reason for the way my people treat sex. There’s almost always a risk of pregnancy.”

“Well, whatever,” Smoulder said, getting to her feet. “I’ll help you finish decorating, kay?”

I smiled, following suit. “Sounds like a plan.”

Star entered her cave, smiling to herself. She had to admit, that little hatchling Spike was quite the treat. He was so different from other dragons. Perhaps he would stay and that attitude will spread.

She chuckled to herself. That was quite unlikely, unfortunately. Still, if even some of him rubs off on the other hatchlings, it could only do them good.

There was time enough to ponder the fate of the next generation. She told Ember she would look into a way for her to awaken another dragon’s magic.

Star made her way to the back of her cave to a shelf filled with clear crystals. Her gaze slid along the labels, looking for one that may hold the answers.

She placed a claw against one and it began to glow. After a moment, Star grunted and did the same to another.

She repeated the motion a dozen times before she huffed. “Well, those are all useless. I guess I have no choice.”

Star went to the back wall and placed her claw against the stone. She felt the familiar pulse of psychic energy that would keep any from becoming too curious With a rumble, the rock face slid down, revealing a chamber beyond.

Star stepped inside, the chamber lighting with braziers holding glowing crystals, all surrounding a pedestal that held an ornate mirror.

Star approached and bowed. “Aki tor, volish ka do myra.”

The light dimmed and the reflections in the mirror swirled. The image was replaced with that of an ancient throne room.

“Rise, dear Star,” came a voice. “It is good to see you again.”

Star stood back up, a warm smile on her face. “And you, master.”

“Something tells me this is not a social call.”

Star sighed. “No... not this time, my Empress.”

Author's Note:

Bet y'all didn't see that comin'?

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