• Published 26th Jun 2017
  • 14,347 Views, 981 Comments

Born In Light, Forged In Darkness - Jest

Twilight Sparkle's entrance exam has not gone well, she cannot hatch the dragon egg and in her desperation has begun to panic. Little does she know failure is going to be the least of her worries.

  • ...

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Trial Twelve: An Even Shorter Meeting

Kanathara reclined on a long leather couch, a glass of wine held aloft in her magic moving in slow, lazy circles. Though she looked relaxed to the casual observer, any who knew her would be able to tell that was not the case. Her brow was furrowed ever so slightly, and her magic was brighter than what was necessary for such a simple spell.

Her gaze was distant, occasionally glancing down from the clifftop where she had set up her sitting spot. Below lay the small city that was the allied war camp, its various sects and groups separated by mere feet. Necromancers camped next to paladins, who in turn pitched tents alongside demons and their cultist masters.

Many would assume that things would be tense, especially with the arrival of a few pegasus supremacists and a griffon mercenary house who had just switched sides, yet it was anything but. The atmosphere was almost jovial in a way, with the sound of music emanating from several areas, creating a strangely harmonious tune. Their differences were seemingly forgotten, lost amidst the realization of their larger, more dangerous foe.

It wasn't perfect, not by a long shot, as arguments were frequent, but thankfully brief. Some more pious paladins were making a stink over their proximity to demons. A handful of militia members had spotted family members amongst the ranks of the dead and were demanding they be buried. It seemed as though only the ranger remnants were free from conflict, though that may have been due to the fact that they numbered less than fifty.

The small group had fallen in with Rarity’s dogs and were mostly occupied with gawking at the seemingly tame grootslang. Who was sprawled out on the snowy ground and getting her belly rubbed by Rarity, her wife standing nervously a few feet behind her. Adding to the overall chaos was the slow influx of volunteers and late arrivals from Cloudsdale or elsewhere.

Already the field they had chosen to occupy had been completely cleared and was now full. The encampment had little room left for new arrivals, and tents began to pop up in the surrounding woods. Ponies liberated from town arrived with little more than the clothes on their back, eager to help protect their country and world.

“Kinda inspiring, ain't it?” Rainbow Dash offered, trotting up next to the couch. “They got nothing and instead of hiding in the dirt, they are out here on hooves and knees begging for a chance to fight back.”

“It's the logical course of action,” Kanathara stated. “To not fight is to aid Nightmare Moon in the destruction of their entire plane and thus everyone they’ve ever known.”

“Yeah but most people don't think of it that way. Either that, or they simply don't believe you when you tell them it's old Shadow Pants who's really the big bad,” Rainbow Dash pointed out.

Kanathara snorted. “I can't imagine why.”

Rainbow Dash chuckled and plopped down in front of the keeper of secrets, nestling between her lover’s forehooves.

“So, got anything to mention before we spend the next few days fighting against a godlike demon of unimaginable power?” Rainbow Dash asked.

Kanathara hummed thoughtfully. “Not particularly. You know my feelings for you, and you know I don't plan for failure.”

“Yeah yeah,” Rainbow Dash dismissed. “This just seems like the perfect time to admit your undying love for me, or declare that after this, we’re going to start having kids.”

“Do you want kids?” Kanathara muttered in shock.

“Hell no,” Rainbow Dash immediately replied. “I just thought that sounded like the normal, cliche dialogue you would expect in this situation.”

“I don't think either of us are what anyone would call normal,” Kanathara deadpanned.

“True,” Rainbow Dash admitted, pausing in order to enjoy the view along with her mistress. “You know this is going to be the last alone time we’ll get until ol’ Moony is dust, right?”

Kanathara raised an eyebrow. “If you are trying to talk me into going for another round in our tent-”

“No no, nothing like that,” Rainbow Dash interrupted. “I’m just… not scared, but anxious, ya know? This will be the biggest thing we’ve ever done and with the highest stakes too. Like, if we bomb here, then everyone dies.”

Kanathara chuckled. “Are you sure you aren't scared? ‘Cause that sure sounds like fear to me.”

“Oh fine, I admit it. The thought of losing Fluttershy after just getting her back terrifies me. Plus I guess those other weirdos we sorta befriended are important too,” Rainbow Dash added with mock flippancy.

“Glad to hear you haven't forgotten about little old me,” proclaimed a joyful, yet hardened voice.

“Ahh, Pinkie Pie, a moment,” Kanthara gently wiggled her way further up the couch and looked into Rainbow Dash’s eyes. “It’s okay to be afraid, I am too, but so long as we stick together, we’ll make it through this.”

“I sure hope so. I’d hate to look like a fool in front of all these mortals,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“And why would that be a bad thing?” Pinkie Pie replied, plunking down in a nearby snow drift next to the cliff’s edge. “My great-grandmother was a court jester, you know.”

Kanathara chuckled. “Now I can't help but imagine Rainbow Dash ditching the armor and trotting around in the garb of a juggler or something.”

“Keep dreaming, I couldn't juggle if my life depended on it,” Rainbow Dash muttered.

Kanathara sat up straight on the couch and turned to Pinkie Pie. “So, what brings you to our little camp?”

“Well, Tirek wanted you to join them down in the command tent, but I also kinda wanted to pick your brain a little,” Pinkie Pie replied, lounging in the snow drift, seemingly unbothered by the cold. “Ya see, we got the last bunch of reports from Canterlot, and things are… interesting.”

“Oh?” Rainbow Dash asked, hopping up. “Any information on ol’ Spooky Pants?”

“Plenty!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed. “She woke the windigos from their ancient slumber. The city is very well fortified and almost completely lost.”

“Wait, windigos? I thought they were wiped out,” Kanathara questioned.

“Nah, early ponies didn't know how to kill them,” Pinkie Pie answered. “They were just lulled into some kinda deep sleep by how peaceful Equestria was, but with everything going on, they were starting to wake up. Nightmare Moon sped up the process somehow and has seemingly allied with the things.”

“So, there are no paladins left? What about their tower thingy, or what was left of it?” Rainbow Dash pressed.

“Went kablooey,” Pinkie Pie proclaimed, throwing a hoofful of snow into the air. “Nightmare Moon blew it up, but most managed to get out and are apparently holed up in a few places across the city. Last I heard, they were still fighting, but were really really outnumbered.”

“We likely won't be able to count on their support when we enter the city,” Kanathara reasoned. “Though rescuing the remnants may give us an intelligence edge given the observations they’ve likely made.”

“Plus saving them is the right thing to do,” Pinkie Pie added.

“And there's that, I guess,” Rainbow Dash muttered.

“What else?” Kanathara inquired.

Pinkie Pie shrugged. “That's about it. Tons of demons running around the street, windigos flying overhead, and a whole ton of super well-defended districts. Oh, and the Nightmare has apparently started plucking creatures from the void.”

“What now?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“The paladins were able to detect a whole bunch of really wacky magic right before they were hit by a demon which had apparently been given their final death earlier that day,” Pinkie Pie explained.

“Like Stygian,” Kanathara reasoned.

“I wonder what other crazy stuff Nightmare Moon will have prepared for us by the time we get there,” Rainbow Dash wondered.

“Who knows? She’ll certainly see us coming,” Pinkie Pie pointed out.

“Irrelevant,” declared Kanathara. “She should still be occupied fighting Celestia.”

“The boss lady ain't gone yet, if that's what you're asking,” Pinkie Pie replied. “She was supposedly disrupting Ol’ Spooky Pants’ attempts to pull the moon out of orbit.”

Kanathara blanched. “She can do that?”

“Not with Celestia still around,” Pinkie Pie answered.

“Thank all the gods in all the worlds,” Rainbow Dash muttered. “I don't think we could fight the moon.”

“Nah. So long as Celestia’s alive, Nightmare Moon won't be able to do anything too crazy,” Pinkie Pie remarked.

“I’ve got ninety-nine problems, but the moon ain't one,” Kanathara murmured.

“Heh, nice,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“Is that a song or something? It sounds familiar,” Pinkie Pie added.

“Don't worry about it, it's from another plane of existence. One that is even more warlike, yet peaceful than this one,” Kanathara exclaimed, rising from the couch along with Rainbow Dash.

The keeper of secrets then used her magic to return the couch to her pocket dimension before doing the same to the rest of her small camp. This took a few minutes, but once done, the clifftop was clear and little evidence of their stay was left behind. Only a few indents in the snow and a square patch of grass free from the ever-present ice.

“Right, let's get this meeting over and done with. I want to start marching already,” Kanathara exclaimed.

“No kidding. All this waiting around is starting to bore me,” Rainbow Dash added.

“Well, at least all the stragglers caught up. Something tells me we’re going to need every last volunteer if we are going to have a hope of cracking Canterlot,” Pinkie Pie added, hopping alongside the two demons.

“Quite,” Kanathara replied.

Pinkie Pie raised an eyebrow and watched as the keeper of secrets stared off into space, clearly deep in thought. With one of her conversation partners no longer participating, the earth pony turned to Rainbow Dash. Who just seemed bored and was looking around at the menagerie of fighters assembled in the wet field.

Together the three trotted down from the cliff, around the rocky outcropping, and through a small copse of trees. Once out on the other side, they found themselves at ground level with the rest of the camp. Where they immediately met a pair of pony guards who leapt to attention upon spotting the small group.

Realization settled in almost immediately, and the two poorly armed pegasi quickly relaxed. Though not completely, as they watched Rainbow Dash and Kanathara with a close, curious eye. Pinkie Pie was completely forgotten, so much so that she probably could have stolen their pants and they wouldn't have even noticed.

The ranger merely shook her head, as she knew exactly where the stallions’ attention had gone. She also made a note to drill some discipline into them both before the fighting really got started. Until then, they would make decent camp guards, though that was about the extent of their usefulness. Thankfully the true soldiers were further in the camp and were resting up after smashing the mercenary forces.

Though most were better trained than the volunteer militia, that didn't mean they were much better organized. Equipment lay scattered everywhere, ferried around by creatures of all shapes and sizes. Food was being cooked on open fires mere feet from where a latrine was being dug, and no one seemed to notice. That didn't mean it was completely disorganized, rather it seemed as though none of the groups coordinated very well with one another.

“That will have to change,” Pinkie Pie muttered to herself.

The earth pony hastened her step, easily catching up with the retreating form of her two friends. Who had reached the central-most area of the camp, where the largest tents had been erected. There at least was a proper cordon and a chest-high wall of conjured earth guarded by several warlike demons.

Who ignored Kanathara, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie as the trio trotted through the single available opening. Once they had passed fully into the central area, they were greeted by the sight of a much more orderly camp. Here everything had a place, and everyone seemed to know this fact.

Approaching the biggest of the tents, Kanathara and Rainbow Dash paused in front of a rather tall demon. Wearing the familiar garb of a seer, the demonic entity seemed both frustrated and completely at peace at the same time.

“Hey, Pythias. Not joining the big meeting?” Rainbow Dash offered.

The hooded demon shook her head. “I’m afraid not,” she whispered.

“I assume there are too many variables to see clearly,” Kanathara half asked, half stated.

“Glimpsing the end of this final confrontation is all but impossible. I can, however, guide individual soldiers and help ensure that they survive the coming battles,” Pythias explained.

“Good luck,” Kanathara remarked.

“You’ll need it. Some of these ponies are greener than the grass they eat,” Rainbow Dash added.

“I will have my work cut out for me, but I am hopeful,” Pythias murmured before silently drifting away.

“A friend of yours?” Pinkie Pie inquired, trotting up alongside the pair.

“A great friend, and one of the only reasons I am hesitant to kill Celestia,” Kanathara remarked.

“Whysat?” Pinkie Pie questioned.

“She has some sort of unfinished business with the alicorn,” Rainbow Dash replied. “Neither of us quite understand it, but we got the impression that she both wants to see Celestia again and dreads meeting her.”

“Sounds like they have history together,” Pinkie Pie mused.

“I assume as much, though it's difficult to get any straight answers out of her. There is a lot of hurt there,” Kanathara finished.

PInkie Pie hummed thoughtfully as she watched the seer glide gracefully through the camp. Stopping at a seemingly random mare doing drills with a spear, the demon began offering pointers. The advice only served to startle the pony, though she quickly adapted and seemed confused before finally becoming appreciative.

“She seems nice,” Pinkie Pie offered.

“That she is. Come on, let's get this meeting over with already. I have a feeling they are waiting for us,” Kanathara declared.

Pinkie Pie nodded and trotted into the tent along with her companions, passing by another duo of demonic guards. Like the others, they simply ignored the new arrivals and remained impassive, their gaze hidden beneath their deep helmets. The earth pony could still feel their eyes on her, right up until she passed through the flap and entered the tent fully.

Then she went from feeling slightly out of her depth to so far outside her comfort zone that she nearly took off running. Only the expectant look from her superior, the ranger general, kept her from fleeing. The older mare also stepped aside, creating just enough space at the large round table for Pinkie Pie to join them.

Which the earth pony hesitated to do, as her curious gaze strayed about the room.

The walls of which were marked by nearly a dozen attendants, most of whom were ponies, though there were several demons. There was also a griffon, a minotaur, and even a dragon, though they were in the clear minority. These assistants and support staff were serving a wide variety of creatures who were representing an equally diverse number of factions.

Paladins, royal guard, militia members, town guard, police, mercenaries, cultists, demons, necromancers, and more were present. There were even a few bog witches, though they remained silent and seemed more intent on watching from a distance. Regardless of their loyalties, everyone who had gathered around the large map table were engaged in calm discussion.

Though there was an air of trepidation in the room, there was also a palpable sense of hope as well. Whatever their jobs or duties had been yesterday, now they were united beneath a strange all-encompassing banner. Even those who had sworn an oath to destroy the very people they now served under were calm and focused.

Trotting up next to the general, Pinkie Pie leaned in close.

“What did I miss?” asked the young ranger.

“Not much. We’ve been discussing troop movements and patrols,” answered the other mare. “It seems like Nightmare Moon is content to simply rile up whoever she can and isn't making any concerted attempt to patrol the lowlands leading to Canterlot.”

“That should make advancing up to Canterlot easier, but that means she's got all her forces there,” Pinkie Pie reasoned.

Her superior nodded. “That's what the consensus is. Though there might be some surprises waiting for us.”

“Sorry we're late, darlings. My ward was quite nervous amongst all these strangers,” Rarity greeted as she stepped into the room. “Oh my, quite the menagerie, aren't we?”

“Please, join us,” bade Pear Butter, who was now no larger than the average adult stallion. “We were about to get started.”

“Of course,” Rarity replied, trotting swiftly up to the offered position to Pear Butter’s left.

“Is that everyone?” Tirek asked, glancing about the room. “Because I’d rather not repeat myself.”

“That's everyone,” declared Mrs Shy.

Tirek stood up next to the map and pointed down to where a small x had been placed.

“As you all know, we will soon be marching on Canterlot, where we will be engaging Nightmare Moon’s forces,” Tirek began. “In order to give us a better chance of success, I believe we should split into two groups. One will remain on the ground and will attack more directly while the other attacks from above, using Cloudsdale as a mobile base.”

“How will these two teams be split?” whispered Fluttershy.

“It's simple, those with wings and a select few others will be on Cloudsdale,” Tirek answered.

“Namely a few demons, as well as a handful of paladins,” Pear Butter added. “The ability to rain down spells and rapidly reinforce any who may be in trouble will prove a great boon.”

“Quite,” agreed the stern royal guard captain. “I will have every unicorn trained in cloudwalking assemble and be prepared immediately.”

“And I’ll round up a few summoners, as well as a handful of aerial fighters to aid you,” Velvet offered.

“I… appreciate it,” murmured the royal guard.

“The rest should be fairly obvious,” Tirek continued. “Kanathara, Pear Butter, and I will be with the main strike force. We will be joined by the militia elements we've gathered, the necromancers, royal guard, rangers, paladins, and the diamond dogs.”

“While house Ebon Wind will command the aerial force alongside Velvet, Rainbow Dash, and the royal guard liaison chosen by our associate,” Pear Butter finished, nodding to the royal guard.

“I’ll have someone picked out after the meeting,” he answered.

“Do we expect any obstacles leading up to Canterlot?” questioned Rarity. “I had heard that there were little more than bandits who may get in the way.”

“That is the current assumption,” Tirek answered.

“And what about help from any of the other major cities like Manehattan, Baltimare, or Fillydelphia?” inquired Pinkie Pie.

Pear Butter shook her head grimly. “They are all occupied, and what little of the Equestrian military is left will be scattered across the continent. Like most of Equestria, they were split from within by infiltrators under the command of Nightmare Moon.”

“That explains why the eastern detachment never reported back. Damn that easily influenced lieutenant of mine,” muttered the royal guard captain.

“The rangers at least are undivided and will be with you through it all,” proclaimed the general.

“Probably because you were beneath her notice, but regardless I am happy you are here,” remarked Dawn Hammer. “Something tells me we are going to be fighting a lot of monsters from here on out.”

The ranger general snorted. “Their underestimation will be their downfall.”

“Let us hope so, because this will not be easy,” Dawn Hammer pointed out.

“The finer details of the plan will be fleshed out when we make camp at the base of the Canterhorn,” Tirek explained. “From there we should have a better understanding of our enemy and how their forces are arrayed.”

“I’ll gather my swiftest scouts. We’ll have their positions mapped before we even arrive,” Mrs Shy declared.

“Good. I don't like walking into a fight this big without a good idea of what's going on,” Applejack exclaimed, tapping her hoof on the table. “Our supply lines aren't exactly reinforced either, so we’ll have what little we can carry with us and that'll be about it.”

“Is there no hope in getting restocked?” Rarity asked.

Applejack snorted. “Not unless those yellow-bellied bandits got a whole bunch of food and weapons just lying around.”

“That's not impossible,” Rarity pointed out.

“Regardless,” Tirek interrupted. “I don't think supplies will be our biggest issue here. We have enough to get us to Canterlot and keep us well fed for a week or so. If we haven't killed Nightmare Moon in that time, we’re likely already dead.”

“That's grim,” mutterted Rainbow Dash.

“That is the reality of the situation, however,” Kanathara declared. “Temperatures will only keep decreasing until it becomes so inhospitable that any large-scale offensive will be impossible.”

“The snow is bad enough as is. If we get another blizzard, there's a good chance we just get stuck out here,” Applejack pointed out.

“We are loath to raise anymore of the dead, but they at least do not mind the cold,” Aloe remarked.

“Nor do they require jackets, sustenance, or rest as we all do,” Lotus added. “Perhaps they will be of assistance.”

“I too am loath to agree with you, but I believe it may be necessary to stop at the local cemetery,” offered Dawn Hammer.

“You should also go through the various camps and ask everyone if they would be willing to donate their body upon death,” Kanathara offered. “Giving those who agree a badge of some kind will help to ensure that those who do not consent do not get raised.”

“A grim proposition,” Lotus muttered.

“Though a necessary one,” Aloe stated.

“As grim as it is, you can add my name to that list, and I figure most of my people will feel the same way,” Applejack declared. “I’ll have some kinda badge made up by the time you find your way over to our end of the camp.”

“I hate what that monster has done to us, what she's made us sink to,” muttered the royal guard captain. “I can't wait until she's in the dirt.”

“We’ll need everyone to work together to ensure that happens though,” Fluttershy piped up.

“Exactly,” Kanathara exclaimed. “I know many of you may not appreciate the allies you’ve been forced to make, but know that doing so is necessary. Any fractures, infighting, or conflict within our ranks will only aid Nightmare Moon.”

“You won't have any concerns from us at least,” Dawn Hammer offered. “Everyone knows the stakes and understands the necessity of our current coalition.”

“Things will be difficult once Nightmare Moon is dealt with, but thinking that far ahead will only serve to make our situation even more dire,” remarked the royal guard captain.

“That is good to hear,” Tirek replied. “Because I’m going to be honest with you all. It's going to be difficult, and even the smallest distraction may spell doom for this world.”

“Understood,” declared Applejack.

“Now then, are there any other questions before we begin preparations?” Tirek offered.

The room was silent for several long seconds before finally Tirek nodded.

“Then save any concerns or suggestions for when we make camp at the base of the Canterhorn. We move in six hours, make sure your forces are ready by then,” Tirek stated.

There was a murmur of agreement and a few whispered comments before everyone began to depart. When Rarity, Fluttershy, and Applejack attempted to do so, however, they found themselves held in place by Kanathara’s magic.

“We have something to discuss before we move out,” Kanathara explained.

“I assume you're going to explain why you kept saying we were important to saving the world,” Rarity offered.

“Yup!” Rainbow Dash replied. “And to cut to the chase, it's because we are the Elements of Harmony.”

“I thought the Elements of Harmony were those shiny doohickies you guys stole?” Pinkie Pie half asked, half stated.

“You are partially correct. But it's not that simple. With harmonic magic, it never is,” Kanathara answered.

“So what exactly are ya sayin’?” Applejack pressed.

“I’m saying that when the time comes, we will need to gather together and attack Nightmare Moon as a group,” Kanathara explained.

“Some of us aren't exactly fighters,” Fluttershy whispered.

“That won't matter,” Rainbow Dash interrupted. “We really only need you to be there. You don't have to fight in the traditional sense.”

“Or at least we hope not,” Kanathara added.

“So in practical terms we just gotta meet back up before we make our final push to the castle,” Rarity reasoned.

“And don't die,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. “I can't emphasize that point enough. If you do, there is a chance that the whole world is screwed.”

“We’ll try not to,” Applejack remarked somewhat sarcastically.

“See to it that you do,” Kanathara reiterated. “Because this entire plan hinges on all of us being able to get to the castle in one piece.”

“Is that everything, darling?” Rarity inquired. “Because I’d like to get back to my wife before she inevitably pisses off our rather large pet.”

“That's everything,” Kanathara replied.

“Great. Now I get a whole heck of a lot of work ahead of me, so if you’ll excuse me,” Applejack stated as she rose from her spot at the table.

“Do stay warm,” Rarity offered as she joined Applejack in leaving.

“I should really check on mom. Stay safe, everyone,” Fluttershy added, trotting hastily out of the tent.

“So…” Kanathara turned to Pinkie Pie. “You have been quiet.”

“I’ve been thinking,” Pinkie Pie murmured.

“About what?” Rainbow Dash prompted.

“Would you girls consider the rest of us friends?” Pinkie Pie asked, gesturing around the empty table where the other elements had been seated a minute earlier.

“More of acquaintances really, though I’ve grown fond of Applejack,” Kanathara admitted.

“Fluttershy is my friend, and I suppose Applejack is as well. Rarity’s a bit persnickety, and I haven't exactly been around you long enough to come to a decision one way or the other,” Rainbow Dash added.

Pinkie Pie rose from her spot. “Just consider it, okay? Something tells me it's important that we trust one another.”

“Of course we trust you girls. You all want to live to see the sun again,” Kanathara reasoned.

“You don't trust us,” Pinkie Pie retorted, shaking her head. “You trust that we want to stay alive. Those aren't the same things.”

“I suppose not,” Kanathara murmured.

“Is there a point to this?” Rainbow Dash asked.

Pinkie Pie shrugged. “Not really I guess. Just… think about it, okay?”

Kanathara nodded. “We will.”

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