• Published 26th Jun 2017
  • 14,347 Views, 981 Comments

Born In Light, Forged In Darkness - Jest

Twilight Sparkle's entrance exam has not gone well, she cannot hatch the dragon egg and in her desperation has begun to panic. Little does she know failure is going to be the least of her worries.

  • ...

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Trial Five: Smash-

By the time Rainbow Dash and Kanathara entered the other room, Velvet had already retrieved a map from under a small mountain of books and was busy laying it out on the table. The mare used random objects to hold down the edges of the paper before pulling up a chair and stopping just as she was about to sit. For a moment the pony seemed confused, before she grabbed one of the crystals she was using as paper weight and gasped.

“That's right. I nearly forgot!” Velvet exclaimed, planting a hoof against her forehead.

“Nearly forgot what?” Rainbow Dash asked, the demon seating herself across from the pony.

“Kanathara’s memories! I nearly forgot that I’m close to finding a way to bring them back,” Velvet exclaimed, turning to the keeper in question.

Who frowned. “Look, I can appreciate that you want me to think of you as my mother, but even with the return of my memories, nothing will change in that regard,” Kanathara stated.

“How can you say that if you don't even know what those memories contain?” Velvet retorted.

The keeper sighed. “Fine. How do you even intend on bringing them back anyway? Everything I’ve tried has only brought back bits and pieces.”

“Time manipulation magic,” Velvet declared, tapping the crystal in emphasis. “These crystals can be used to alter the flow of time for a brief period, and combining them with mind magic, we can bring back your lost memories.”

Kanathara seized Velvet’s pink crystal in her magic and brought it close to her face. “Seems normal to me, even if it's a little thin and remarkably well-cut,” remarked the demon.

“It's completely natural. An associate of mine, Mister Cortex, has been collecting them for years and never managed to find any use for them until I came along,” Velvet continued before taking the crystal back from Kanathara and placing it on the edge of her map.

“Okay, so you're going to use some crystals and get her memories back,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed with a shrug. “What's the big deal, wouldn't she be like ten or whatever?”

“You're not wrong. But it is important,” Velvet declared. “Imagine if you forgot the last ten years of your life. Wouldn't you want those memories back?”

“I guess,” Rainbow Dash admitted.

“Look, I may not think those memories are particularly valuable, but I would still like them back. If for no other reason, then to help me feel complete,” Kanathara stated.

“Exactly. And you won't have to wait terribly long either. I just need to wrap up a few more tests, and all your memories will be returned to you,” Velvet finished before grabbing a piece of paper and handing it to Kanathara. “Take this. It will enable me to get in contact with you when it's done, and teleport you back to the lab.”

Kanathara nodded, taking the rune-inscribed paper and tucking it into her pocket dimension. “I appreciate it. And though I find this topic intriguing, I’d like to get back to the matter at hoof if at all possible. We can talk about my memories more once you know for sure I can get them back.”

“Yes, of course,” Velvet muttered before jabbing a hoof into nearly the middle of the map. “The first Element of Harmony is here, in Ponyville and you may have already passed by the building that houses it.”

“Really? It wasn't in that ranger base by chance, was it?” Kanathara replied.

“Now that would be great. I’d love to whoop those losers again,” Rainbow Dash added, clanging a hoof against her armored chest.

“No actually, it's in the town hall, disguised as a statue,” Velvet explained. “It’s inside of an old Celestia totem to be exact. All you have to do is sneak past the singular night guard they have, steal it and then smash it in order to retrieve the Element hidden inside.”

“Pfft, that's easy,” Rainbow Dash announced with a smirk.

“In my opinion this should be your first target,” Velvet stated, tapping the map for emphasis. “The statue is the only thing of value in the museum, so it will likely be passed off as a routine burglary, provided you don't get caught. Plus after you steal it, I’ll start selling copies of the statue on the black market to further confuse the guard.”

“That's a very well-thought out plan,” Kanathara admitted.

“Thank you. Oh, and if our intel is correct, the Element contained within will be Honesty,” Velvet remarked.

“Honesty? That's corny,” Rainbow Dash muttered.

“Yes well, they only get cornier, I’m afraid,” Velvet warned.

Kanathara sighed. “At least it will allow us to check up on father and Pear Butter, given their proximity to Ponyville.”

“You could, but I would suggest grabbing the Element first. Nightmare Moon isn't exactly patient, and if she sees you passing up an easy opportunity, she may make things harder on you,” Velvet warned.

“Fine. I suppose that wouldn't be too much of a distraction. What's the next one?” Kanathara asked while glancing at the map.

“The next one is Laughter, and is being held in Cloudsdale by a pegasus supremacy cult called the Last Battalion.” Velvet scowled, while tapping Cloudsdale on the map. “These psychopaths believe that the power of flight means they are above all other beings and thus should rule them.” She paused. “Pun not intended.”

“That name sounds familiar. The Last Battalion,” Rainbow Dash murmured. “I feel like I’ve heard it somewhere before. Maybe at Fluttershy’s house? Or did my dad mention it one time?”

“What do you know about these supremacists?” Kanathara asked.

“I know they utilize low level demons and are ardent supporters of slavery,” Velvet spat. “Other than that, they’ve kept their head down until recently. We aren't sure what changed, as they’ve managed to keep a hold on the Element of Kindness for a few hundred years, but whatever the reason is, it's made them bolder.”

“Why haven't the paladins kicked down their door?” Rainbow Dash inquired.

“Good question. It seems like something they would be all over,” Kanathara added.

“The Battalion have most of the local guard paid off, and they are remarkably good at avoiding attention for some reason.” Velvet shrugged. “Either way, we’ve been able to locate where they’ve been keeping the Element, and I’ll mark it on your map. Unfortunately it will be up to you to survey the area from there however as most of our spies haven't been able to get very close to the place.”

“We can handle a little recon,” Kanathara stated confidently, prompting Rainbow Dash to nod in agreement.

“Plus after that we could go check out the… you know,” Rainbow Dash muttered, gently poking her mistress in the side.

“I’ll make sure to leave enough time for that as well,” Kanathara assured.

“Either way, don't take too much time away from your goal. The last ones won't be quite so easy,” Velvet cautioned.

“Oh? And why is that?” Kanathara pressed.

Velvet tapped another point on the map, this one much further east than the rest. “Kindness is third, and it is being held in Manehattan in much the same manner that Honesty is.”

“So a cheap third rate museum?” Rainbow Dash asked with a snort.

“I’m afraid the only thing Honesty and Kindness have in common is the fact that they are both hidden in museums,” Velvet began. “This one will be guarded by a large private security force and hidden away within a vault that will be nearly impossible to crack.”

“Oooh, a heist. I love heists,” Rainbow Dash muttered excitedly.

“Correction, you like heist novels. Heists themselves are forty percent waiting, forty percent mind-numbingly repetitive tasks, and twenty percent running,” Kanathara exclaimed.

Rainbow Dash frowned and crossed her hooves over her chest. “Why must you always make everything sound so lame?”

“Lame or not, this is going to be a hard nut to crack,” Velvet interrupted. “I’ve got my own people on standby to assist you, but you're going to have to case the joint and figure out what kind of help you’ll need.”

“And don't get caught or trip an alarm,” Kanathara muttered while stroking her chin. “We can't let Celestia know we are going after these things until we already got most of ‘em.”

“Exactly,” Velvet agreed.

“Okay, so that's three, which means there are three left, right?” Rainbow Dash inquired.

“Indeed, and acquiring Generosity will likely be a much bloodier affair than the rest of them, I’m afraid,” Velvet informed.

“Why would you apologize about that? I love straightforward missions,” Rainbow Dash replied with a wide, eager grin.

Kanathara smirked. “Sometimes I do enjoy it when things are simple.”

“Well, I wouldn't say this one will be simple, but it certainly will be bloody,” Velvet exclaimed before leaning forward and tapping a location far to the south. “You’ll have to go here, which has been recently claimed by an ambitious group of diamond dogs.”

“I read about those things. I heard they are known to take slaves and are incredibly stupid,” Kanathara casually remarked.

“That they are, but don't dismiss them completely. I’ve heard tales that some diamond dogs have interbred with demons, giving them strange abilities that their normal kin don't have,” Velvet told the two incredulous demons.

“So some primitive screwheads might be a little stronger than the other mortals, big whoop,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“All I’m saying is don't underestimate them. They are cruel slavers who would relish the opportunity to use you as forced labor,” Velvet replied, the mare jabbing a hoof at Rainbow Dash.

“We’ll be careful, Velvet, don't worry,” Kanathara declared.

“You better. Ponies in general haven't had to deal with them in centuries and generally consider them little more than animals,” Velvet continued to explain.

“So after we put down some dogs, what's next?” Rainbow Dash asked.

The older mare pulled out another map, this one much smaller, and depicting only Canterlot itself, as well as the mountain it sat upon. “At the very top of mount Canter is the Sky Citadel. It's a secretive castle located on the tallest point in Equestria, and it serves as the paladins’ main base of operations,” Velvet remarked sternly. “It is also where you will find the final two elements, Loyalty and Magic.”

“Acquiring them does not sound like a simple matter,” Kanathara exclaimed.

“It won't be. The location makes approach from both ground and air difficult due to the strong updrafts and jagged terrain.” Velvet pointed to the top of the mountain. “It is well-defended and every attempt at infiltration has utterly failed.”

“Then how the hell does she expect us to break in there?” Rainbow Dash muttered bitterly.

“Leave that to me,” Velvet declared. “I’ve had my own spies picking away at their defences for months now. It's only a matter of time before they discover something important.”

“I don't like it,” Kanathara exclaimed while scratching her chin. “I almost feel like the citadel should be our first target, as it will only become more reinforced if they discover what we are doing.”

“But it is also where they will bring the Elements should they beat you to one of them,” Velvet countered. “Leaving it to last means my spies will be able to gather more information, and should you fail, the Elements will all be in one spot.”

“And how do you know this, huh?” Rainbow Dash asked pointedly.

“It's the only logical location to store them,” Velvet stated evenly. “It is the most secure building in Equestria, and with it being so far away from Canterlot proper, it is one of the few places that Celestia can unleash her magic should it be attacked.”

“Well, let’s just hope it doesn't come to that. I don't think I packed nearly enough sunscreen,” Kanathara muttered with a smirk.

“Heh, nice,” Rainbow Dash added.

Velvet rolled up the maps and handed them to Kanathara, who tucked them into her pocket dimension. “Celestia’s abilities are no laughing matter,” Velvet warned. “The sun is teeming with holy magic, and a single blast from it could incinerate your very soul.”

“I am aware,” Kanathara exclaimed. “I am also aware that her time is rather split nowadays and she cannot run off the moment something happens.”

“That is true, but don't count on her being too busy to respond. She still has absolute authority, so no matter how much red tape we throw at her, she could simply cut through it if pressed,” Velvet stated.

“So we only face Celestia after we steal the Elements for ol’ moon booty. No big deal,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“Or not at all, if Nightmare Moon does it for us,” Kanathara pointed out.

“But that doesn't sound like fun at all,” whined Rainbow Dash.

Velvet rolled her eyes and stood up from her desk. “I have a few safehouses across Equestria, as well as agents in most major towns and cities, so if you need help, I won't be far.”

“Thank you,” Kanathara acknowledged, with a slight bow of her head.

“It's no problem at all. Can't exactly lose you after spending a decade getting you back, now can I?” Velvet exclaimed with a smirk.

“I guess not,” Kanathara muttered, a slight blush crossing her face.

Rainbow Dash wrapped a hoof about her mistress’ shoulder. “So we rolling out tonight or what?”

“I suppose we could sleep on the train after we find some food. It is what, seven o’clock already?” Kanathara murmured.

“It is, and that sounds like an excellent plan,” lauded Velvet. “Just make sure to allot enough time to get a good meal here. Something tells me that Ponyville won't exactly cater to your unique tastes.”

“Yes, Velvet,” Kanathara muttered while rolling her eyes.

Rainbow Dash smirked. “Come on, we better get going before she grounds you.”

“Don't tempt me,” warned Velvet, who watched as the two demons turned to leave.

Kanathara stopped at the door and glanced over her shoulder. “Thank you, Velvet. I promise we will speak again soon.”

“I’ll hold you to it,” Velvet declared with a smile. “Oh, and I included some intelligence along with your maps, make sure to read it!”

“We will!” shouted the demons.

“Are you sure these disguises will work?” Rainbow Dash whispered as she looked down at her now brown hoof.

Across from her sat Kanathara, who was currently looking out the window of the train, her attention clearly elsewhere.

“Yo boss, you in there?” Rainbow Dash asked, jabbing the other demon in the leg.

Kanathara shook her head and turned to her familiar. “Sorry, did you say something?”

“I asked if these disguises are really going to work?” Rainbow Dash asked while opening her forelegs, revealing her brown coat, orange mane and new cutie mark which were of three orange leaves.

“Yes, Falling Leaves. I do indeed think you look wonderful today,” Kanathara shot back.

The other demon rolled her eyes. “You don't need to talk like that. There is no one else in the whole damn carriage.”

“I know. I’m just teasing you,” Kanathara replied with a smirk.

Rainbow Dash grumbled and crossed her hooves. “You know I’m still pissed that you made me an earth pony and so damn small.”

“We couldn't exactly go in there looking like we did last time, now could we?” Kanathara pointed out.

“I know that, but did you really have to make me so short? I feel like the real you could tuck me under her leg like a handbag,” Rainbow Dash whined.

“Hey, at least you still look like the same gender,” Kanathara replied, before opening her forehooves and revealing her teal coat, white mane, and new cutie mark, which was of a piece of floss. She also had far more masculine features as well as a short stubby horn in addition to standing a few inches taller than her companion.

“Well, at least you can still use your magic,” Rainbow Dash continued to grumble.

“It will be fine,” Kanathara assured. “I inspected the underlying workings of the shield when we stayed at the inn. In order for this disguise to fail, they would need to have rebuilt the entire dome from the ground up.”

“And who's to say they didn't do that, huh?” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, jabbing a hoof at her mistress.

“For one, that would take weeks to do, and two, I took a peek using Velvet’s scrying orb. They hardly even touched it,” Kanathara pointed out.

“Fine, Mister Mint Floss, let’s just steal this thing so we can go check on Tirek and Pear Butter. I don't like that a group of paladins were heading in their direction,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“I’m sure it's fine,” Kanathara proclaimed with a hint of nervousness. “I mean, Velvet’s reports only mentioned that they left this afternoon, and the Everfree is a big place.”

“I suppose you are right, but that still doesn't exactly leave me with a lot of confidence. They may have already dismantled most of their camp in Ponyville and returned to Canterlot, but knowing that your brother is out there looking for the big boss is-” Rainbow Dash continued.

“He is not my brother,” Kanathara growled.

“Look, all I’m saying is that Velvet’s intel has been good until now, and this situation is making me nervous, is all,” Rainbow Dash explained.

“You think I’m not nervous as well?” Kanathara asked pointedly.

The vengant raised her hooves defensively. “I know you are, boss. I’m just hopin’ you got a plan for all this in case things start going sideways.”

“I do, but it's not a very good one,” Kanathara pointed out.

“Well, at least we have something,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

Kanathara sighed and looked out the window of the train where Canterlot still hung above them as the train trundled down the mountainside. “Let’s get some rest. Something tells me we are going to need it,” Kanathara warned.

When no response came, the keeper looked back to find that Rainbow Dash was already asleep, the demon sprawled out all across her seat.

Shaking her head, Kanathara pulled down the shade on her window and sprawled out across from the other demon. “Good night, Rainbow,” she whispered before closing her eyes.

Emerging into the cool night air, the two disguised demons plod slowly through town while also doing their best to look the part of exhausted travelers. Something that wasn't exactly hard due to the fact that they had both recently woken up from a nap and were now groggily making their way to the objective. Around them the town was quiet, with only a few guards and a scattering of random ponies walking the streets at such a late hour. The guards gave them a few odd looks, but none seemed overly concerned with the demons’ presence.

They must still be confident in their shield, Kanathara thought to herself. Or too tired to bother, given that it's after midnight already.

Brushing off that thought, Kanathara and Rainbow Dash slipped down a back alley and emerged near a tall circular building near the center of town. Sneaking up to the exterior of the structure was easy, and after they had done that, Kanathara quickly located a window and lit her horn. Only to find that it was unlocked, making her entire plan irrelevant, and so she simply lifted it open and slipped inside. Rainbow Dash was quick on her heels, landing next to the keeper and quickly surveying the area.

Sure enough, Velvet’s intel was correct, and the small area at the back of the hall was indeed used as a sort of museum dedicated to the history of the town. Glass cases were scattered about the area, most of which had small plaques explaining the item’s significance. Kanathara lit her horn once more, scanning for any unseen traps or alarms, only to come up with absolutely nothing.

Exchanging a nod with her familiar, they quickly spread out, searching for the Celestia statue they were told was here. Due to the small size of the museum this didn't take long, and Kanathara stopped in front of a small glass case. A mental command told her familiar that she had located their prize, after which the keeper began scanning in earnest.

No traps or alarms were placed upon the statue or the area around it, but the case was at least locked, an obstacle that took Kanathara all of three seconds to bypass. Once done, she removed the glass and set it aside before taking a good look at her most recent acquisition. It was short and primitive, only a foot or so tall, and though its exterior was indeed gold, it was obviously some form of paint and was not in fact made of gold. It was also fairly plain as far as statues go, with it depicting Celestia with one hoof raised in victory, a confident look on her tiny face.

“Is that it?” Rainbow Dash asked. “I know this was supposed to be easy, but come on. This is too easy.”

“Velvet did say that this was one that Celestia lost over the years,” Kanathara replied.

“I guess that makes sense, I certainly wouldn't leave something so valuable in this hick town. Let's just get out of here. Maybe if we hurry we can hunt down those paladins looking for Tirek’s base and get a real fight,” Rainbow Dash declared.

Kanathara rolled her eyes. “I am not risking my life just because you are bored. Besides, we still gotta bust this thing open.”

Rainbow Dash watched as the keeper grabbed the statue and tucked it under her foreleg. “But it's totally not a risk. I mean, have you seen how awesome we are now?”

“We are pretty awesome,” Kanathara admitted, before gesturing back to the window. “Come on, let’s go before their ninety-year-old guard makes his hourly check.”

Rainbow Dash snickered. “I wouldn't worry about it. I bet it would take him like ten minutes to get his walker up the steps.”

Kanathara stifled a laugh before pushing open the window and gesturing toward it. “Age before beauty.”

“What are you, twelve?” Rainbow Dash muttered while slipping through the open window.

“If you only count the years I remember, then technically I’m only ten,” Kanathara exclaimed with a smirk before stepping through after her familiar, while being careful not to drop the statue quite yet.

“I guess I should feel bad for this beatin’ I’m about to deliver then,” stated a voice.

The two demons spun around to face an irritated Applejack who wore her bulky armor, a full helmet and spike-shod hoof coverings.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Rainbow Dash demanded, jabbing a hoof at the mare.

“Tracking your demonic asses down. You wouldn't think to tie a better alarm system to the shield after your last little stunt, eh?” Applejack stated with a smirk. “Pretty soon the whole guard will be coming down on ya.”

“We don't have time for this,” Kanathara hissed. “Let’s just leave this ground pony and get out of here.”

“No, stay for dinner. I insist!” Applejack shouted before lurching forward, hoof raised and ready to strike.

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This update was made possible by the wonderful support of readers like you: Apollyon, Astor, BeenMcsqueen, Blade Tech, Calum, Canary in the Coal Mine, Ceepert, Corey, Craig, Dale, DioKyro, Doomgooey, Facinus, Free, GruB, I am Unknown, Ivar, Jacob, Jeffrey, Kali, Lich-Lord Krosis, M, Makani, Megatyrant, Menthol Qtip, Mephia, Mike, Mikhalia, Mirvra, Mophop, Nathan, Neverborn, Nfreak, Octavia and lowbar, Pacsik, Peter,Prysm, Random reader, soundtea, Starless, Steven, Tiwake, Todd, Trash Panda, Vigilant Watch, annnnnnnd Xvos!

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