• Published 26th Jun 2017
  • 14,347 Views, 981 Comments

Born In Light, Forged In Darkness - Jest

Twilight Sparkle's entrance exam has not gone well, she cannot hatch the dragon egg and in her desperation has begun to panic. Little does she know failure is going to be the least of her worries.

  • ...

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Trial Five: -and Grab

Rainbow Dash reacted by calling upon her armor, only to be stopped by Kanathara who reminded her that they needed to keep up their disguise. The vengant had no time to complain about this command however as she noticed the earth pony was already mid attack. Stepping in front of the charging mare, Rainbow Dash smacked the pony’s hoof up and away from her body. The demon followed it up with a punch of her own, though that blow was softened by the fact that her demonic powers were partially sealed by her disguise.

Still, the ensuing impact was enough to make Applejack take a step back and eye them in a different light. “So it is you,” she muttered.

“So it's me,” Rainbow Dash replied in a mocking tone. “You're such a drama queen.”

“I am not!” Applejack shouted before lunging forward once more.

Kanathara rolled her eyes as the demon and the pony exchanged a flurry of blows. “Come on, Falling Leaves, we gotta get outta here before the rest of the guards show up,” Kanathara urged.

“Just--” Rainbow Dash ducked under a punch before leaping over a sweeping leg. “--a sec!” she yelled back.

Kanathara sighed and watched as the two continued to fight, with Rainbow Dash’s speed being enough to keep her ahead of every blow delivered by the pony. The vengant couldn't capitalize on this however, as the disguise she wore ensured that she couldn't access the full breadth of her powers. Still, the two were surprisingly well-matched, with Applejack being remarkably sturdy, shrugging off every blow Rainbow Dash delivered.

“We don't have time for this,” Kanathara growled while lighting her horn. “If you won’t end this, I will.”

A lightning bolt erupted from the disguised demon’s horn, only for the attack to fizzle as soon as it got a foot away from the armored pony.

Who smirked. “Gotcha.” She mouthed before winding up and decking a surprised Rainbow Dash with a hook that was far faster and far more explosive than any she had launched so far.

The vengant was sent flying, a bright flash of white erupting from her chin before the demon became airborne. A startled cry of surprise was all the disguised demon could manage before she was spinning head over heels. Kanathara blinked in shock, having seen such an effect enough times to know exactly what she was looking at.

“A redirection enchantment. Smart,” Kanathara remarked.

“I’ll be sure to pass on your compliment to Rarity after I finish knocking your teeth out!” Applejack exclaimed.

Kanathara dodged the first few blows with ease, though her movements were hampered by the statue under her foreleg. The tiny Celestia wasn't terribly cumbersome, but it was just big enough to get in the way at least, slowing the demon down and forcing her to put far more effort into just dodging. The keeper silently cursed herself for not simply putting the statue in her pocket dimension before they left. She didn't have time for regrets though, and she quickly began to concoct a plan that would allow them to escape without being pursued.

Light the building on fire, I’ll hold off Applejerk, Kanathara commanded.

Good thinking, boss, I’m on it, Rainbow Dash replied.

Growling, Applejack lurched forward, extending her forelegs in an attempt to grapple the demon. A move that was far too slow to catch Kanathara, if she didn't have one hoof occupied by a statue however. Pulling back, the demon was able to slip out of reach, though her package wasn't quite so lucky, and Applejack grabbed hold of Celestia’s outstretched hoof.

“Let go, you idiot,” Kanathara growled, while tugging on her end of the statue.

“Never. This is a valuable piece of Ponyville history,” Applejack growled.

Kanathara glanced over her shoulder to where Rainbow Dash was busy setting the town hall on fire, her disguise falling just enough to let her release a gout of flames from her mouth. “Oh really? What about all the rest of the junk in that stupid museum?” Kanathara asked with a smirk.

“Yes, obviously. Why do you…” Applejack’s jaw hung open as she stared through the open window and caught a glimpse of the flames which were crawling up the side of the wall.

“So what's it going to be, AJ? One stupid statue or the entire hall?” Kanathara pressed.

“I’ll let you go if you leave the statue,” Applejack declared, their eyes meeting.

“Really? And would you call off the guards as well?” Kanathara inquired, her curiosity getting the better of her.

Applejack bit her lip and glanced inside one final time before nodding. “Yes, I would.”

Both demon and pony were startled by the statue that had begun to glow a faint orange, the light radiating out from the torso of the statue. Kanathara held on, but in her shock, Applejack wasn't quite so lucky, and she let go of the statue. Reacting quickly, the keeper opened her pocket dimension and quickly tossed the statue inside.

“Until we meet again,” Kanathara exclaimed before releasing a burst of light.

Applejack raised her hooves, expecting an attack to come, only to be surprised when none did. Lowering her defences, the pony saw the two disguised demons sprinting across the market square, rangers and guards in close pursuit. From her vantage point it looked possible that they would be able to catch their quarry, but one look at the town hall made Applejack change her mind.

“Stop chasing them and get to the hall!” she shouted, making the ponies stop in place. “Pegasi, gather rain clouds, earth ponies, get a bucket train going, unicorns prepare your water spells!”

A few of the guards glanced at their fleeting prey while most were already following Applejack’s orders. “I said get to it or the whole damn hall is going to go up in smoke!” Applejack added, stomping her hoof in emphasis.

The last guards turned and began to join their fellows, some taking wing, while others ran over to the nearest well.

Applejack’s gaze lingered on the disguised demons who quickly turned a corner and vanished out of sight. “One day you are going to slip up and when you do, I’ll be there,” she muttered before turning and joining the line.

“Ya think we lost ‘em?” Rainbow Dash asked, the demon pressing her back against a tree just outside of the shield.

Kanthara lit her horn and discarded their disguises before glancing back out of the forest. “Looks like it. Great work, by the way,” she replied.

“Heh, it was nothing. I’m just glad you spending all that time on these disguises was worth it and that for once your paranoia paid off,” Rainbow Dash quipped.

“My paranoia pays off all the time. Besides, it wasn't that paranoid to think we might come back here,” Kanathara countered.

The vengant shrugged. “Now what?”

Kanathara paused and glanced up at the sky. “It won't be long before the sun rises. I say we find a cave, a deer, and enjoy a good meal and some sleep.”

“What about Tirek? Aren't you still worried that they will get found out?” Rainbow Dash inquired.

The keeper shook her head. “Father can handle himself and if he is being attacked, I wouldn't be able to do much anyway. Those disguises were exhausting to maintain.”

Rainbow Dash nodded. “Well, you just relax then, I’ll take over from here.”

Kanathara smiled, her form beginning to dissipate and turn into a thick black mist. “Thanks, Rainbow Dash. I owe you one.”

“Use the last of your magic to conjure us up a decent bed, and I’ll call it even,” replied the vengant with a smirk.

Kanathara blushed and nodded. “Deal.”

Kanathara yawned and rolled out of bed, the demon stretching like a cat and causing her back to crack sporadically. Wincing, the keeper of secrets ran a hoof through her starry, ethereal mane and down her side. Her tough leathery exterior felt oddly soft today, and the demon smiled as she turned and trotted towards the exit of the cave. Only to pause and glance back at Rainbow Dash, who lay sprawled out under the covers of their conjured bed.

The bed itself was simple and relatively small, but the pair didn't exactly take up much space given their penchant for cuddling, so that wasn't a concern. Kanathara couldn't help but smile as she looked down on her familiar’s sleeping form, the keeper shaking her head as the vengant slowly sprawled out, taking up the entire bed.

Looking away, the demon slipped through the winding natural cave system to the entrance, the morning sun illuminating the last leg of her ascend. Once she stepped hoof outside, Kanathara breathed deeply, filling her lungs with the wild, fresh air of the Everfree Forest. It was a pleasing scent, one that tickled the demon’s nose due to all the chaotic magic that was present throughout the forest.

We need to get back to the base and while we’re at it, hopefully find out where Shining Armor is along the way. Not too hard, all things considered, Kanathara thought to herself. Now to wake up Sleeping Beauty.

Lighting her horn, Kanathara dismissed her summoned objects and stood there expectantly, a smirk on her face.

A second later a flaming black and red blur shot out of the depths of the cave and stopped before her, revealing an angry, partially armored vengant that had smoke billowing out of her nose. “Not cool, Kathy,” Rainbow Dash seethed.

Kanathara chuckled. “Come on. We have work to do.”

Rainbow Dash sighed and ran a hoof through her fiery mane. “Alright, you want to fly, I presume?”

“If you don't mind,” Kanathara replied.

Rainbow Dash nodded. “Sounds good to me. Two sets of eyes are better than one, after all.”

Kanathara’s form quickly turned to a black mist before seeping into Rainbow Dash’s body. Once done, the vengant shook herself before extending her wings and stretching all four legs.

“Alright, let's get moving,” declared the vengant before leaping into the air.

A few hard flaps and they had gained a significant amount of distance between them and their temporary home. A minute later and they were soaring over the treetops at a good pace, with Kanathara watching the forest beneath them while Rainbow Dash focused mainly on flying. The tag team worked well, and they quickly covered a good amount of area, though they didn't find anything out of the ordinary.

The forest was truly massive, and though Kanathara was focused on her goal of locating Shining Armor, she couldn't help but find herself getting distracted. The sheer amount of chaos within the forest was a curious thing indeed, and during the first hour of flight she saw many strange sights. Fights between monsters and demons were plenty common, with the victor usually consuming the loser. The damage they left behind was also rapidly regrown, with the forest filling in the gaps left behind after a particularly climactic battle.

Hydras, manticores, and more could all be seen flitting their way through the dense forest, each one intent on seeking out prey or a mate. Either way, Kanathara was happy that she wasn't walking through the forest, though that didn't mean there were other things to worry about. Spine-spewing plants occasionally targeted them, but they were far too slow to hit such an excellent flier like Rainbow Dash.

A few other flying creatures gave them the odd look, only for the vengant to inevitably end up leaving them in the dust when they decided to chase them. Even with those distractions, Kanathara was able to safely say that she had not seen hide nor hair of the paladins or Shining Armor. That was until they flew over a particularly rocky area near a dry river bed, then her gaze caught the familiar gleam of sun on metal.

There, go a little slower, Kanathara commanded.

Rainbow Dash nodded and angled down a little bit, allowing them to look down on the chaotic melee happening below them. Dozens of paladins were in the middle of a fight with imps of varying size, shape and kind. They outnumbered the ponies three to one, but even then the fight was terribly one-sided, with the paladins having a clear edge. When it came down to it, the paladins’ coordination combined with holy magic meant that the Tartarus-born fiends were little match for the warriors.

A quick calculation told Kanathara that even if the cadre of armored ponies wasn't lost, it wasn't likely that the paladins would reach Tirek’s base for a long while. With that pleasant thought in mind, Rainbow Dash picked up speed and began to go on a long, winding course towards Tirek’s base of operations. A plan which Kanathara approved of, as the keeper didn't want to accidentally lead the paladins to her father’s doorstep.

No matter how unlikely that was in the first place.

So it was that a few hours later the pair landed on the other side of the secret waterfall, with Kanathara reforming and Rainbow Dash shaking herself free of the ice-cold water that clung to her.

“That was a lot less cool the second time,” Rainbow Dash muttered.

Kanathara chuckled. “Yeah once you get over the whole hidden waterfall entrance thing, it's just cold and annoying.”

“Totally takes the magic out of the experience,” Rainbow Dash added.

“Agreed,” Kanathara exclaimed.

Together the two demons quickly bypassed the usual traps, obstacles, and magical defences before entering the base itself. The rather grungy store room was more organized than before, with the boxes having been arranged in a defensive formation. Though no one actually stood on guard right now, there were at least a few dozen spears as well as some other weapons set out, ready for a defender to use them.

It was there that Rainbow Dash paused and held out a hoof, stopping Kanathara in place.

“What is it, Dash?” Kanathara asked.

“Have you checked that paper recently?” inquired the vengant. “Velvet said it wouldn't be long before the memory thing was done, right?”

“I mean yeah, but it's only been what? Less than twenty-four hours,” Kanathara replied.

“Hey, ya never know. Maybe we’ll get lucky,” Rainbow Dash declared with a shrug.

“Fine. But I’m not getting my hopes up,” Kanathara muttered before reaching into her pocket dimension and rooting around for her target. After a few moments of searching, the demon found what she was looking for and the rune-inscribed piece of paper emerged from the blackened portal.

The demon turned the piece of parchment over to reveal the side which was now glowing a faint red. The light pulsed occasionally, illuminating the small box-filled room and startling Kanathara out of her shock.

“Well?” Rainbow Dash asked expectantly, gesturing to the glowing piece of parchment.

“Well what?” Kanathara replied.

“Are we going to use it and teleport back to Velvet’s place or what?” Rainbow Dash pressed.

“We just came all this way, but she did mention that it would also be able to return us to the same spot we left from,” Kanathara murmured. “I’m still not sure though.”

“What's there to think about? You want your memories back, and Tirek and Pear Butter can wait a little longer. Plus when are we going to get a better chance than now?” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“We are going to have to really get moving on the next Elements as time will be a factor,” Kanathara remarked before sighing. “I suppose this is the best chance we are going to get.”

“Damn right it is,” Rainbow Dash stated.

“Okay, gimme a second,” Kanathara announced before leaning down and placing the glowing parchment on the ground.

After that she lit her horn and cast a quick spell, causing the rune-bound paper to grow and stretch until it slithered under their hooves and covered a much wider area. As that happened the glow became brighter and brighter until it was hard to even look at anymore. Once that occurred, Kanathara could sense that whatever spell placed on it was complete, and all she needed to do was activate it with a bit of her magic.

Yet when it came time to do so, she hesitated, unsure if she even wanted those memories back. There was a large part of her that wanted to be whole once more, and to be able to recall her entire life with clarity, but there was a small, but vocal part of her that made her pause. That part warned that this was a path that would end up changing her and Tirek’s relationship forever and probably not for the better.

After all, Kanathara knew that she had been foalnapped as a child, but even that knowledge felt distant, as if it had happened to someone else and not her. Witnessing it, remembering it would make that fact really hit home, and would inevitably make the demon see the centaur in a new light. It wasn't like she thought he was infallible or anything as she had long since abandoned such childish notions, yet the fear of losing him made her wonder if this was even a good idea.

“You alright, boss?” Rainbow Dash questioned, the vengant draping a hoof over the keeper’s shoulders.

“Y-yeah. Just thinking about stuff,” Kanathara muttered.

“About my butt, right?” Rainbow Dash teased, squeezing the other demon’s shoulder gently. “It's okay, you can just come out and say it if you want.”

Kanathara rolled her eyes. “I wish it was about your butt. Alas, it is not that simple.”

“Talk to me, boss. I know that look in your eye, you're getting all wound up and need to let it out,” Rainbow Dash urged.

The keeper sighed. “Just wondering if we should go through with this. One way or another, it will change things, you know?”

“I know you, and I know you aren't going to back down now,” Rainbow Dash stated. “The only question left is if you can live with the consequences of your actions.”

“Yeah…” Kanathara shook her head. “I guess we’ll just have to see, right?”

“That we will. And I’ll be by your side the whole time,” Rainbow Dash declared.

Kanathara smiled and kissed the other demon’s cheek. “Thank you, Rainbow. Now come on. Let's get my memories back and put this whole mess to rest.”

“Hell yeah. Let's do this thing!” shouted the vengant before banging a hoof against her armored chest.

Kanathara lit her horn and in a flash they were gone.

A second later they appeared inside of Velvet’s messy main living area, which had been reorganized to allow a large summoning circle to be painted on the ground. The cultist herself stood a few feet away with a surprised look on her face, and what looked like a peanut butter and banana sandwich in her hoof. Placing the food aside, the mare quickly trotted up to the demons just as they were regaining their bearings.

“I’m assuming you got my message then?” she asked.

“We did,” Kanathara replied after a short pause.

“And I’m assuming you're ready to do the procedure immediately?” Velvet continued.

The keeper nodded slowly. “I am.”

“Well, alright then. Give me a moment to get things set up,” Velvet announced before turning and walking away, only to stop and come back for her sandwich before ducking out of the room.

“You sure you're still not overthinking this? You seem tense, boss,” Rainbow Dash pointed out.

“I am kinda tense and I don't think it's going to go away until this is over and done with, I’m afraid,” Kanathara admitted.

“So long as you don't get all squirrely on me again,” Rainbow Dash muttered.

The keeper took the other demon’s hoof in her own, squeezing it tightly. “Just promise me you won't be far. Okay?”

“You got it, boss,” Rainbow Dash replied with a smile and a squeeze.

Velvet opened the door a crack and peeked inside. “We’re all ready for you now,” she announced.

“Good. Let's just get this over with already,” Kanathara muttered before releasing Rainbow’s hoof and stepping through the door.

Velvet closed the wooden portal after the two demons had exited and turned to the left. “It's just in the room over here. Oh, and please don’t touch anything. This equipment is incredibly sophisticated, and any movement could throw the whole thing out of whack.”

Rainbow Dash blinked. “Why are you both looking at me?”

“No reason at all,” Kanathara muttered.

Rainbow Dash frowned and grumbled under her breath as she followed Velvet into the next room.

This one was much like the last, save for the fact that it had no bathroom and was all one large open space. It was also dominated by a single massive construct of wire and crystal which was situated around, on and under a simple wooden chair. On the ground beneath it was a massive and rather complex array of several dozen intertwined runes which glowed a faint purple. To Rainbow Dash it didn't make a lick of sense, and she quickly stood next to the door, ensuring she was well out of the way.

“Wow, this is quite something,” Kanathara exclaimed as she looked over the several floating circles of wire and crystal which levitated around the chair.

“Remind me to explain it to you sometime. It is really quite fascinating,” Velvet remarked.

“I most certainly will,” Kanathara declared, only to frown. “How exactly do I get into position anyway?”

“I’m afraid you’ll have to either teleport or simply reform within the seat. Oh, and please remove your greeves. I’m not sure if they will interfere, but I’d rather not add any more variables while I’m messing with your head,” Velvet warned.

Kanathara removed the bracers while eying the pony closely. “You know, I’m not really sure how comfortable I am with you digging around in my skull.”

“Well, unless you got a spell to make Rainbow over here grow a horn, I’m about the only one who can do this for you,” Velvet remarked with a smile. “But seriously, don't worry. I built this entire procedure to work for you and only you. It's perfectly safe.”

Kanathara couldn't help but relax, despite the logical part of her mind telling her to be even more wary of the mare after being reassured by her. “Thanks, Velvet. I appreciate this,” Kanathara whispered, giving the pony’s shoulder a gentle touch.

Velvet reached up and took the demon’s hoof in her own, squeezing it tightly. “I swear to you. This will work, and it is safe. Just relax and do as I say, and everything will work out fine.”

Should I keep an eye on her? Rainbow Dash asked.

Watch her closely, but don't do anything to interrupt the procedure. Something tells me that won't end well, Kanathara swiftly replied.

“I’m ready,” proclaimed the keeper of secrets.

“Go ahead and get into position. Final preparation will only take a minute,” explained the pony, who had already lit her horn.

Kanathara took a breath, gave her familiar one final reassuring glance and turned to smoke, slipping between the rings of wire and crystal before reforming in the chair.

I’ll be right there with you, boss, Rainbow Dash assured, standing tall and proud as she looked down on the seated keeper.

Thank you again, Rainbow, replied Kanathara.

Within moments the machinery began to hum, startling the demon and diverting her attention to the rings which had begun to slowly spin, each layer going in the direction opposite to the one below it. Within moments the circles were a blur of pink energy, the hum of magic quickly growing to the point that it would have drowned out any attempt at conversation. Within the center of the swirling mass of light and sound sat Kanathara, the demon remaining stock still even as she was tempted to move or flee.

The sheer amount of energy that built beneath and around her was immense, making her horn ache and her hooves tingle. Though she had lost sight of Rainbow Dash and Velvet due to the brightness of the pink light, Kanathara knew they hadn't moved. The vengant would no doubt be wearing the same confident look on her face while Velvet tried to do her best, but still ended up looking a little nervous.

Kanathara breathed deeply and did her best to soothe her worries while at the same time bracing for a flash or something that marked the end of the spell. Yet there was nothing to signal the completion of the machine and one moment she was in a rather uncomfortable chair while the next she was flung backwards into her own mind. The swirl of color, light, and sensations she experienced immediately after created a bizarre synthesia which made it difficult to discern what exactly was going on.

She could taste the color of somepony’s fur, smell what the first bite of breakfast tasted like and hear the soft sensation of her bed beneath her hooves. As time passed things began to make slightly more sense, though it never became perfect, as there was always a hint of unreality to what she experienced. But at least Kanathara could tell what was happening, and what memories she was experiencing at least.

Memories that seemed to be early for lack of a better description. The feeling of her bed beneath her body, the taste of milk on her tongue, the sound of her parents talking to one another or her. The memories were still garbled, but Kanathara could tell that she was revisiting what felt like her very early years. This was evidenced by the odd things she seemed to remember, like a pony’s necklace, but not the pony’s face, or another pony’s mane, but not what their eyes looked like.

Those memories were thankfully few in number, and were easily absorbed, sliding right into place. Already Kanathara felt… different somehow, as if she were more of a pony than she had been a minute ago. The demon didn't have long to contemplate this strange shift in feelings however, as the memories were becoming more intense, and this time they were far more complete.

There were still patches missing, but they were less numerous and mainly had to do with small, seemingly insignificant details. They also brought with them far more sensations that didn't easily fit into the simple range of touch, smell, or taste. Sensations like love and familial connection, which, although not completely foreign, were startlingly intense. Especially considering the fact that she was feeling these things for ponies that she had either never met or only known for a matter of days.

Late night discussions with her pony father spent on the roof of their family home came back to her as if she had never forgotten them. Training sessions with her brother in their backyard, rushed to the forefront of her attention, filling her mind with small details about the stallion. Meals made with her pony mother were also quite poignant, the small lessons Twilight Velvet sprinkled within were also quite endearing.

All of these memories felt both new and old, her mind both accepting and rejecting them at the same time. Their familiarity was perhaps the greatest sticking point for Kanathara, who found herself unnerved by how intimately she now knew these strangers. Yet they were not truly strangers, not anymore at least, her memories informed her of that much.

Her ruminations were brushed aside when another surge of memories came to mind, these ones being far more recent. They also felt final, as if these were the last ones she would get before she was abducted and forced to become Tirek’s adopted daughter. Then her thoughts were brushed aside, her mind focused utterly on reabsorbing what had been lost but was now found.

Images of school, thoughts of failure, dreams of the future, all that and more were forced upon her, leaving the demon both confused and oddly nostalgic. Grades flew by one after another, each one easily passed and fairly similar. She had few friends, few enemies, and cared little for others as the young pony focused completely on what lay ahead of her.

Until the fateful day arrived that she would receive the most grueling test of her young life, in order to possibly enter the most prestigious of schools. The sight of Celestia made young Twilight squeal with joy while Kanathara writhed in confused rage. The object of her hatred was nothing but kind though, and the brief interaction they had upon entering the school left Kanathara feeling queasy for some reason.

Then it was gone, and she was face to face with the egg and the test, her efforts growing increasingly desperate. Twilight’s desperation was disgusting to the demon, yet she couldn't help but understand why Twilight had tried so hard. This would make her pony mother, father, and brother all incredibly proud, and accomplish a dream that Twilight had since she was very young. Kanathara didn't have long to think on that topic for long however, as the focus and exertion she felt was quickly replaced by pain.

It was unbearable and all-consuming, eclipsing what she had gone through during her more rigorous trials. Even her rebirth as a keeper of secrets was nothing compared to this pain, and the agony of being captured by a pain elemental didn't hold a candle to what she now remembered. She wanted to escape, to get out of this memory, yet it dragged on, her sense of time warped by the sheer intensity of the memory.

And then she was sitting on the chair, breathing heavily as inky sweat dripped down her body. Eyes wide and ethereal mane billowing behind her, the demon stared up at the ceiling, waiting for the memory to fade, to slip into the back of her mind, yet still it remained. Some part of her knew that the memory had dulled the experience somewhat, but that was a small comfort to the pony turned demon.

As she lay there, Kanathara wondered if it had been worth all the agony both emotional and physical that she had just gone through. An easy answer never came however, no matter which angle she considered things from, or how she looked at it. Either way the loss of her family was now a stinging reminder of what had been taken from her, and the pain of her arrival in Tartarus stayed with her constantly.

“Boss? Kanathara? Are you okay?” whispered a nervous voice.

Twilight looked over to an apprehensive vengeant who stood a few feet away, ears pinned to the back of her head, pointed teeth revealed between tightly drawn lips. The sight made Kanathara feel relieved, and Twilight worried, a mix that made the demon growl in frustration. Thankfully that split managed to remedy itself rather quickly, with her memories settling into place and her being aligning once more.

“I’m….” Kanathara gulped, “I’m fine.”

“Well, you sure don't look fine,” Rainbow Dash countered.

Kanathara ran a hoof across her face, only to bump into her horn and prompt her to look up to the curved, khopesh-shaped piece of bone with newfound appreciation. A tentative hoof touched the long appendage, and she quickly recoiled, realizing how strange she must look right now.

“Is there any dizziness? Itching or irritation of any kind?” Velvet asked nervously, the scarred older mare taking a nervous step forward.

It took everything Kanathara had not to leap into the pony’s hooves and begin crying tears of joy. A reaction that Velvet seemed to notice, as she quickly broke the circles of crystal and wire, casting them aside and allowing Kanathara to stand on weary hooves. For a split second the demon wasn't sure if she was too tall or too short, as her body felt both foreign and familiar. That too passed quickly, and soon she was able to stand without fear of falling over.

“Are you sure you are okay there, boss?” Rainbow Dash pressed.

“I’m perfectly fine, Rainbow Dash,” Kanathara declared before leaning forward and planting a kiss on the other demon’s lips.

Rainbow Dash blushed and kissed her back before awkwardly parting. “Well, I guess that settles that,” she whispered.

“Do you remember everything?” Velvet asked, the mare’s voice dripping with trepidation.

“I do,” Kanathara declared before turning to the door. “And we are going to meet with Tirek, right bloody now.”

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