• Published 22nd Dec 2016
  • 4,767 Views, 105 Comments

Gears of War: Down, But Not Out - Helljumper206

A Gear thats fighting in the Hollow, finds out what happens when you take a bunch of Imulsion, a blast from Lightmass bomb, and extreamely out of place spell put together does.

  • ...

Somethings off [Rewrite]

Equestria, Ponyville outskirts.

Abigail POV

"After I apologize for my stupid actions they accepted me after everything I did, then Princess Twilight took me as her student to learn under to study the magic of friendship." Starlight finished explaining.

"Wow... Just wow, didn't expect to hear something like that..." I said in awe. Amassed at the story she was just told and was slightly fearful of the unicorn that is Starlight.

We were slowly coming up on Ponyville. Starlight had just been telling me how she became the student of Princess Twilight. Along with a few other stories about Twilight and the element bearers, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Applejack. That's what were they called themselves anyway learned. To learn that those six had saved the world several times including from Starlight's time crazy wrath was starting to overwhelm her. And the villains of this world? A shadow king that can cast black magic? This worlds version of the Locust, minus the firearms with shapeshifting abilities. A giant centaur that sucks up magic from ponies to the point of near death. This place is crazy I tell you.

To think Starlight was a villain and can time travel in all this was a little concerning. Mainly the part where she went back in time and cause multiple wildcat time sequences to the event where all life on the land gets destroyed. If Starlight could do something like that, I hate to be on the receiving end of the unicorns wrath. I rather go up against a pair of Brumaks on foot then to deal with any enemy that could simply go back in time and kill you when your an infant.

In addition to the stories she told me. Starlight has also been showing me all sorts of magic and been teaching me a few things. Starlight has been showing me all kinds of magic to better help me with dealing with this world. I didn't know teleportation was possible till Starlight demonstrated it in front of me. Along with some training on how to fine tune my levitation to the point they were like working a set of hands for me. Now I can work my weapons without any problems about lack of fingers.

"So there was this old wizard, and he made a spell to go back in time, but it only got him to go back a week. Then you came and did work on it to make you go back a decade in the past?" I asked, getting a nod of confirmation from the student. "How is it that you have not been approached or contacted in by privet or government officials to take part in some random and advance scientific projects. Or be taken in by the military for civilian contacting to some significant top secret military base to do some secret military program?" She asked with a series tone. "Or even be executed on how dangerous you are out of pure fear of you doing it again?"

That stopped the mare cold as she looked at her friend. Seeing the mare halt in her tracks and looked back to see the sight of realization and fear plastered on Starlight's face. Like I had just dumped a pitcher of water over her face to clear out the gunk that was covering it. "I didn't realize it? I mean, I've never got a letter from anypony to come and do anything like that. With being princes' Twilights student must have pushed the military away if they haven't tried contacting me about anything. But Equestria doesn't have a death penalty. Not for centuries!"

"If you did a shit storm like that back in the COG you would either be in prison under heavy guard, left to rot, executed or be taken to a secure research lab where you would be forced to develop some new tech for the government. Possibly weapons or some other R&D project."

"I don't know if I like any of those options." Starlight said warily.

"Then be glad your not in the COG."

"What is this COG you two keep talking about?" Asked the show mare.

"Um..." Shit. I forgot that Trixie was with them. Ok new plan for her backstory lets mix it up a bit. "Th-their called the 'Coalition of Ordered Governments.' The locals and outsiders refer to them as the 'COG' to say it easier. It's a mouthful," I might have to give up some things about herself but not everything. She looked like the type of person to accept haft truths.

"I, Trixie have traveled all over Equestria and not once did I have ever even heard of this 'COG' before. How come you have, and I haven't, hmmm?" She questioned.

"That's because it's not in Equestria silly." Which is true, "Its a string of islands outside of Equestria in a place they call the Tyus coast," I explained. She wasn't technically lying to the show mare but she need to give some her info. The Tyus island chain is part of the COG territory that the Locust haven't been able to attack very well from the strong navy we have guarding them along with the storms they regularly have on the coast. Making it a good defense to any outside attacks. "They're a very closed off the bunch, and rarely leave their homeland. For you not knowing how they are means that's exactly what they want."

"Then pry tell, how did you know about it?"

"I was on the guard detail was sent over with our ambassadors and again for when we went with the princess." Putting my hoof to her chin, making it look like I was thinking hard about it to remember. "That was nine years ago I think for when those happen. It's an interesting place; It was even where I spent my last three years in the guard. I even stayed there when my time was up as an emissary. Both to help get them into the notion of breaking them out of there Isolation and improve the idea of outsiders living there." I bullshitted. Trixie look of suspicion had faded a bit. "If you don't believe it was they who inspired me to make this kind of armor," I said while I tapped my Onyx plated chest.

That seamed to satisfy her mood a little bit. "Alright Trixie will except this for now but may require more proof in the future." She declared.

'Yea, If I'm still around that is.' I thought.

They then entered the town and got a good look at the town in full swing. For some reason, this place looked more colorful than when they left town. Ponies were mingling in the street, and an actual food market was here down the road. I still wondered what other foods are around here. It was already the middle of the day, and so lunch was within reason. I also noticed a few ponies giving me weird looks, like wide eye stairs and raised eyebrows. 'Must be the armor that's doing it.' I thought simply. None of these ponies know war like me so seeing another pony in full Combat kit might send out a few wrong signals.

I decided to ignore them and put in favor of food. I wonder what other foods these ponies can make. That vegetable soup that Spike made for them was the best. Like something you would create at the end of the week to show off your resolve how that you totally deserved it. Or something like that. An the food she had for the last three days with Trixie and Starlight was indeed better then what she had in the army.

The continued thought process of food made me more oblivious to my surrounding. Making me almost miss the bright pink jumping pony in their path till Starlight called out to her, snapping me out of my little food craving stupor.

"Hey Pinkie Pie!" Starlight called out before quickly making her way over party mare. With myself and Trixie following at a slower pace.

Pinkie stopped her bouncing and turned back around to face us. Pinkies eyes spotted Starlight her eyes widen for a sec before giver her a big smile. "Hey, umm. You." Greeted pinkie Pie.

Starlight looked a little nerve's before speaking to Pinkie. "So... Your probably wondering why I'm back so soon?"

"Where were you?" The pink pony asked.

I looked at the Pink pony in confusion. 'Wasn't she with us when we left for the festival?' I thought. Starlight was also confused as well. "I went to my old village... For the festival?" Starlight explained to the mare.

"Ohuuu sounds fun, how was it?" Pinkie said happily.

"Haaa it was kind of a deserter. I came back early because I freaked out." Starlight explained feeling down at what happen to her.

"Ehheew, sounds awful, bye!!" Pinkie happily said before leaving.

"What the..." I just stop at what had happened. Anger was slowly building up inside me at that point. It felt like an out of boot privet just insulted an NCO right in front of me and was about to go after her to whoop that ass of her's till she knew what respect was.

"That was strange.." Starlight said in a suspicious tone while turning to Trixie and me. Trixie didn't look that effected by it. "Isn't she always strange?'

"Yeah but not like that?" Starlight said before turning back to the road to see Rarity and Applejack walking by. "Hey!" Called out Starlight. Gaining the attention of the two ponies as she trotted up to the two. "I'm back early."

"Ah welcome back." Replied Rarity

"Have you two noticed Pinkie acting a little strange?" Starlight asked.

"Pinkie pie always acts strange," answered Applejack with Rarity nodding her head in agreement.

"Told you," Trixie said looking a little proud that she was right. I bumped into her side, getting her eyes on me and giving her a 'your not helping look'.

"Anyway I wanted to take to all of you. Things didn't go the way I thought they were going to go with sunset festival."

"What happened?" Asked Rarity.

"I kinda freaked out and ran out of the village." Starlight explained sadly.

The sad moment was ruined when both element barrier ponies burst out laughing in front of them. "You freaked out and ran away from vegetable festival, ah ah, that's the funniest dang thing I've heard all day." Applejack taunted happily while Rarity laughed with her.

"Oh let me guess, the decorations were terrifying." Rarity said before the pair laughed some more.

Starlight and Trixie were looking at each other wondering what was even funny about this. While I on the other hand-hoof felt like wanting to kill something really badly, and these two mother fuckers were about to be on the top of my shit list. I was about to teach them a lesson in manners when two more ponies showed up from the air. The tomboyish Rainbow Dash and shy Pegasus Fluttershy.

Their laughter got cut short when Fluttershy whispered something into Rarity's ear while Rainbow just pushed Applejack the side a little rougher then ones 'friend' would do before addressing them. "Hello, ponies." Rainbow said with a voice that sounded a bit high for her, like she was losing it and a tone that I did not like. "We need Rarity and Applejack, vary important friendship business." then the four of them all turned around and walked the other way. With Rainbow swooshing her tail at the tree with a little bit of dirt.

I didn't know why but my six sense of danger was kicking into overdrive at that moment. Like it did back at the crystal castle, it was trying to tell me something is wrong here, and she needed her weapon out like right now. Before my thoughts on my danger sense could continue Starlight burst out running in the direction of the castle. My focus then went to the show mare.

"Trixie, take your home and park it near the castle. I got a bad feeling about this and whatever is going on can't be anything good. So stay alert and be safe." I finished before sprinting off after the student while leaving a very confused show mare behind.

Quickly reaching Trixie's trailer, I grabbed my helmet and chased after Starlight. Even without the heavy combat armor and weapons that on my back. I made just in time to block Starlight before she reached the front door. "Hold it Star." I said while holding Starlight in place.

"What why are you stopping me? I need to get in there and see Princess Twilight." She said urgently. Tring to get past the gear being unsuccessful.

"I know, but you're not going in there unprepared," I explained before levitating some tiny metal disk with black rubber cover out of my ear.

"What is that?" Starlight said now stopping her struggling and catching her attention.

"It's a communications earpiece," I said, using my magic to tweak a small dial on the little dial on it and placed it in Starlight left ear that was partly covered by her hair. "It's a two-way radio earpiece, this what soldiers like me use to communicate with other squads or to our higher ups if they are within radio range. I just changed it to my frequency, so it will allow the both of us to talk to each other. I set this to listen to what everything it hears in a ten-foot area through that device for when you go in to speak to your princess." I explained before donning my helmet. "I got an extra in my helmet here to listen in with; I'll remain out here and watch your back. If your in any trouble I'll hear it and come running to knock some heads around." Starlight had a look of wonder as she thought about the metal disk that's hidden within her ear.


"Go over there little ways," Abigail asked. Starlight walked a little bit away from the Gear before turning back around. Abigail put her hoof to the side of her helmet to press the transmit button. "Hello." She said simply and received a cute 'epp' out the mare. Making me laugh at how adorable it was. "Do not worry about doing anything with it right now and focus on what's going on. Head up when you're ready and watch yourself. Also, try not to freak out when I try talking to you. It would make you look less crazy."

"Alright. I don't know about this thing, but I trust you with this." Starlight then turned around to the door, while I hid behind a large tree down the road. Looking from behind my tree, I saw Starlight was unsuccessful in opening it and resorted to knocking.

Putting a hoof to the earpiece, I didn't have to wait long before the familiar voice Spike coming through load and clear. Though his voice sounded way less cute than before. "What do you want? Twilight's very busy," he said in an obviously annoyed voice.

"Spike I really need to speak with her." Starlight replied.

"Make an appointment, she's a princess after all." the sound of a door shutting was all he heard through the mike. 'Doesn't Starlight live in the castle?' I thought.

"What's wrong with all of you? Why are you all being so-"

"Rude." Came the cutting voice of Princess Twilight Sparkle, continuing what Starlight was about to say. 'Now to get some answers.'

"I think a certain dragon didn't get his nap today." Twilight snarked.

The sound of something dragging on the ground made by the small speaker followed by the less cute voice of Spike. "Yeah, whatever."

"Sorry, he's been acting a little off all day. I think he missed a meal or something." She explained.

"He's not the only one, everypony seems to be acting a little strange today. Starlight said to the Princess.

"Yes, it's certainly been one of those days, how are you?" Twilight said as she tried to dodge the question. She sounded a bit nerves to Starlight from the way Twilight sounded over the mike.

The sad voice of Starlight filled her com piece to answer. "You're probably wondering, why I'm back from the village so early?"

"I didn't want to bring it up but yeah it did seem strange, did it not go well?"

"The towns pony's kept asking me things like they expected me to be in charge again. But being a leader is the last thing I want to be. So we left. Very suddenly. In a literal puff of smoke."

"Wow, you should definitely never go back to that village."

"What?" Both Starlight and Abigail said at the same time.

"If you were worried about what they thought of you before it's probably way worse now. I cut my losses." Twilight explained. If my face weren't hidden by my helmets mask, everyone would see how slack-jawed at what Starlight and I just heard.

"That's surprising advice coming from you?" Starlight said uncertainly.

"I agree, that doesn't sound right at all," I whispered into my mike to Starlight.

"Trust me; I'm the princess of friendship. You don't need those ponies; you can always make more friends." Twilight said sounding happy at her words. I was very conflicted right now. What in the ever living hell is happening around here?

"Speaking of friends," the voice of Twilight was heard again. "If you'll excuse me, I've important business to attend to!" She said in an urgent voice soon followed by the sound of another door slam.

"Abigail?" Starlight whispered to the mike.

"Yes, Star?" I answered back.

"Did you hear all that?"

"Ever. Single. Word."

"What should I do?" Starlight asked. With a voice that was dripping with worry. "Something seems very wrong here, and I don't feel-"

"Starlight Glimmer!" I called out over the comm.

"Yes?!" she replied in a scared tone.

"Deep breaths. Calm yourself. Do it now." I ordered with a firm voice.

The sound of several deep breaths could be heard through her helmet's speakers till they were even out. "Better?"

"Much.." Was Star's reply.

"Alright, are you alone?"

"Yes, I'm by myself."

"Ok here is what you're going to do Starlight. I want you to tell me who is in the castle at this very moment." She ordered. A few seconds later she got a reply.

"Ok... Well, there's Twilight and Spike you heard from, I also saw Rainbow Dash at the Map rooms doors, so maybe the rest of the elements are probably in there. They shut the door behind them, so I can't tell." Starlight listed over.

"Alright Star here's what we are going to do. I want you to take a position somewhere close by and watch them, call me if anything happens. I'll be right back." I instructed.

"Wait where are you going?" Starlight asked with panic returning to her.

"Relax girl I ant going far." She said calmly. "Trixie's trailer home is nearby. I'm going to downgrade my armor to be less out of place here in town. I mean come on? I stick out like more than pink suited businessman at an army training camp." That got Starlight laugh a little improving the mares mood. "Also you left your bags there with all of your money it. Can't leave that kind of stuff lying around you know. Also, I need to write you an IOU."


"I'm going to relieve your money pouch. I don't have any money, I'm going to that marketplace we passed by, so I'm going to buy us some food and will eat a late lunch together. What do you like?" I explained.

"You're going to use my bits to buy food for a lunch date with me?" She asked.

I could imagine the blush that was on the mare right now. "Well now, if you put it that way. It makes me sound like an ass..." I teased. "So you don't want anything?"

"... A blueberry muffin at Sugar Cube Corner and some apples if you please..." Starlight asked silently, making the Gear smile.

"That's better; I'll be back as soon as I can. Also, can you turn the small dial on your earpiece counterclockwise by two clicks? That way its power supply will last longer and not die on you. Only press and hold down the button whenever you need to talk to me."

"Alright, when will you get back?" Starlight asked.

"I'll be back soon. Keep a low profile till I get back ok."

"...Ok." She said.

Lifting my hoof off the side of the helmet, I gave the massive structure a look over from an outsiders view. 'What is going on here?' I thought to herself. It's like all their personalities had been changed to be nearly the opposites of what they were. As if they were brainwashed or replaced with someone that looks like them. "Something is definitely wrong here. I don't know what but I got a feeling I'll know it soon." I declared, right before my stomach growled.

"But let us get some food before trouble comes. No fun fighting on an empty stomach." I finished before making her way to Trixie's.