• Published 22nd Dec 2016
  • 4,755 Views, 105 Comments

Gears of War: Down, But Not Out - Helljumper206

A Gear thats fighting in the Hollow, finds out what happens when you take a bunch of Imulsion, a blast from Lightmass bomb, and extreamely out of place spell put together does.

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'Equestria, Canterlot Castile'

Abigail POV

'Best party I've had in years.' I declared.

Pinky Pie had just finished throwing a small on the spot get well soon party for me being alive. I hadn't been able to attend many parties over the years due to constant deployments of the war and everything. But I was grateful for the chance to have fun without having to look over my shoulder for anything wanting to kill me.

The party had gone on for a few hours, and thou I was bedridden for the whole thing. Pinkie, Starlight and the others made sure I was doing something productive and fed. Oh, how they kept me fed. The food, oh how that had brought out my inner child. Some of the sweets and party foods Pinkie had brought I hadn't seen since before the war. To say that I broke down in tears of joy when I tasted Applejacks cinnamon apple pie from the plate when it was offered would be putting it mildly. I smiled at the image of everyone looking at her in worry before I scarfed it all down and grabbed every little cinnamon apple that was within my reach. Pinkie also told me they were going to have another party with the new 'reformed' changelings and celebrating their successful rescue. I just hoped things go on without a hitch for when the party starts.

Back to the current party, the company I talked to wasn't half bad either. Although, having to explain to a princess about me killing their changeling doubles in her home was a bit awkward. I did thank Discord for cleaning up the mess I made in the castle. I do wonder where he put their corpses; it's not like you can drop them anywhere without someone out there noticing them.

Needless to say, Twilight was not happy about her home becoming part of a battleground while she was away. Her mood did cool down after Pinkie gave her a chocolate covered peanut bar, that seemed to calm the princes down.

Overall the rest of then offered their gratitude for her help in their rescue over the course of the party. Which in turn made her feel even better. I couldn't count the number of times a civilian or stranded gave me and the Gears shit for not being able to push back the Locust hoard. It was something of common currents to us. So being able to hear such a thing brought a much-needed warmth in me.

I had fun talking to Princess Luna when she came over to talk. Luna spoke about how 'magnificent' I was from her point of view. Abernethy, I scared her for a moment when I was yelling at Chrysalis worried for my safety if the queen would kill me because of it. Luna told me that my eyes glowed white with magic before I killed the bug queen with my smoke grenade. Which I still couldn't believe I did that. Death from breathing in little smoke? Well, that's something I will have to brag about when I get back home... If I ever do get back, that is. Or want to for that matter.

That was another issue for me to deal with, do I want to go back? Sure I was no longer human, and there is relatively safe from the Locust ever finding me and possibly eating me. Thou I had only been in this world for only a brief period, I did not want to leave. Here I could have a chance for a new life that is carefree from war like I always wanted. Settle down, find someone to be with for the rest of her life and start a family. Be a mom.

A tear was beginning to run down my cheek at the memory of my mother flashed before me. It had been nearly fifteen years since the last time I saw her smiling face. Always supportive, no matter what I did or did not. She was always proud of her. Always there for when I needed someone to listen to her frustrations or accomplishments. Mom wasn't very supportive of her choice of joining the military academy but was proud of me for the achievement in doing so.

Pushing the covers off me, I made my way off the bed. Sometime during the party, the doctor came in and took me off the IV and heart monitor. Saying that now I was awake my life would no longer be in any danger. He explained that they fixed everything inside of me but wasn't able to wake me up. Now that I was awake I didn't need all the fancy gear keeping my body running. Sliding off the bed and onto the floor was the easy part, getting up off the said floor after body slamming on it turned out to be another story. I had to remember that I'd been in bed for over two weeks. Not something one could dust off in a few seconds. Putting my four legs under me, I pushed herself up in a standing straight before I started walking my stiff body to the rooms biggest set of windows in my room.

Luckily for me, the window was unlocked for all my sightseeing pleaser, giving it a little push was it took for me to see the outside world again.

The sight left me breathless at the view before me. Right out over the ledge was 'the' best view in the world. The city was vast and high on a mountainside. I could see over the high walls of the castle that looked a far into the horizon. I could see everything from miles around, even the crystal castle in Ponyville could be seen clearly in the moonlight from where I sat. Looking all over the sights from large forests, crystal blue lakes and the quiet towns that lay between them, made me look on in wonder. All of it.

The world now felt so small now. For the first time, in a long time I Abigail Terrell, felt peace inside me.

I became relaxed and deft to the world around me. Letting go of all the mental discipline, the training, and senses that I put up over the years down. Leaving only the dark blue sky and-and the scenery to occupy my thoughts.

The world moved without me in silence. I didn't know how much time had passed me by, minutes? Hours...? I didn't care. The view was great, and I felt great despite the injuries. After a while, my mind did wonder about past events and started to have questions about my life now. Like 'What's next?' or 'Will I ever get home?'

My mind also drifted to the ponies I had befriended and fought beside. Like the show mare Trixie, with her loyalty to fight for her friends. The Changeling turncoat turned king who risked life and death against his kind to save others from a fate worse than what he nearly went through. Discord was a lunatic in his turn right and didn't think much of him, but stuck with us anyway for the one he stalks for, poor Fluttershy.

Then there was Starlight, the mare who didn't want to be a leader but got stuck in one anyway. I smiled at the memories of the shy purple mare that came out and befriended me first. Sure Twilight and the others tried to help me when I first got here but didn't think much about friendships all that much. I was more interested in their magic rather than friendship at the time. But after the battle, I went through with our ragtag group of misfits of ex-villains. I started to like the mare more and more as time went on. Sure she seemed rough around the edges and could use a helping hand here and there, but when it matters, I saw the girl can be great when her time to step up to the plate for those that need her.

My smile disappeared at the last image I saw of my before blacking out and nearly dying. The panic look of horror on Starlights face as she stood over me watching someone she considers a friend, bleed out in under her. I had been in her position before. On more than one firefight.

The last time I had been in that spot was just a few months ago. I remembered a Grinder tore up this one Gear pretty severely; his lower body lower body was a mess of bloody holes. I could recall the damage very well and what those things weapons could do too. The Gear's legs were like shredded paper, and his lower innards were punctured and were leaking blood and other fluids out. I tried to ignore those memories if I can, but every so often they return. Lifting one of my forelegs to my face, and looks at my bright peach coat. The feeling of a man's dying grip just before he passes away is not something one can forget.


I was brought back to reality by the sound of my name, making me turn towards the voice that spoke it. Starlight Glimmer.

I must have been quite out of it to not of heard the door open. I then saw my friend make her way over to me.

"Are you alright? Why are you up you should be resting and, are you crying?" She asked. Giving me a worried look as she got close me. Putting a hoof to my face, she saw that I was indeed crying, wiping them away I tried my best to look more control again.

"I'm okay, Star. Just thinking back about a few thing that's happened is all. I'll be fine, really." I said quickly. But Starlight remand unconvinced as she got closer, "What are you doing here anyway?"

"I've been by your side all this time Abby worrying my head off about you. I'm just here to make sure you are alright, and I was right. Your not." She said clearly as she sat down in front of me.

"Now tell me, what's on your mind?"

I wanted to look away, but her eyes remained on her friend. Not one to lie to others I answered back, "You."

Starlight was taken back by her response, "What?" She said, looking a little surprised, "Me?" Getting a nod from Abby.

"What got you so awake that you be thinking about me?" She settled down from her initial response. "Is it about what we did earlier?" She asked with a slight blush.

"Well, at first I was bored and wanted to get the hell out of bed, so I went the window here and saw what was out there. Then I started thinking about everything that's happened to me, and then you popped in, both mentally and now physically." I answered.

"But why were you crying?" Starlight pressed.

"I was thinking about how you were watching me die just them and remembered how I was in your position before." Starlights eye's widened at tears of her's began to show up. "I have seen war Star, you have only taken small pieces of it, and by the sight of it, you didn't come out with your share of scars. The kind that doesn't show on the outside." I then brought my friend into a tight hug, getting a small cute squeak from the mare. "I'm sorry Star, so so sorry." I then felt Starlight's limbs fall wrap around her as she returned the hug.

"Don't be; I was the one that brought you with me on that rescue mission. It's me that should be saying sorry."

"But I went along anyway damn it."

"Then it's both our faults so let us leave it at that." Starlight declared. As she unwrapped herself off of Abby, their snouts were almost touching, I then realized this first, and idea formed in her head as a small smile spread on her face.

"You know," I said slowly. "I was also wondering what I should get for you as a thank you gift from me for taking care of me while I was out. Now I now what to." The smile on her face grew.

Starlight, being oblivious to her plan, went to object. "No, you don't because that what a friend dommmm!!" Starlight started before being silenced her lips with mine.

I felt Starlight tense up from the straightforward kiss. It was soon I felt my friends shock from the initial contact relaxed into it, I was slightly taken back when my friend leaned forward and returned it.

Our heads parted from each other and just stared into each other's eyes with different reactions. I looked at Starlight's face as I examined the dreamy look that crossed her face and the sparkles that danced in her eyes. She almost seemed like her world was shaken by that kiss, almost like she was on a drug that made a person high. Starlight shook herself out of it, and a deep blush was visible even in the little light that the room was in. I decided to start off the conversation.

"Starlight I've seen how you look at me, how you steal glances my way every so often when we walked together before the rescue. It might have been me flirting that set you off, but I wanted you to know what I felt about you too."

"About me? You've had feelings for me?" She asked, and getting a nod in return.

"I'm attracted to individuals who can take care of themselves and can take the initiative in doing the right thing. As Trixie said back in the Hive, "You may not like being in charge, but you're really good at it," those things are really attractive to me."

"You also kept yourself calm in a situation where most would crumble from the presser of being killed, with no military training and none of your magic abilities to assist. You did better then what most people would do when facing a situation like what we pulled off and not fail.

...And you trusted me." I finished.

Starlight looked at me with a curious eye, "What are you talking about? After what you did for us at the castle and staying with afterward you stayed and followed next to us into that deathtrap, I thought you wouldn't be with us me, I mean us when you..." I put a hoof up to Starlight's lips. Giving her friend a smile,

"I get that, and I'm sorry you saw that. But now all that's in the past, and we're here in the present so no use in crying over spilled milk. What we can focus on is the now and what comes next, besides." Before leaning a little closer to my friend's face. "I'm not done giving you your reward for taking care of me these last few weeks, now consider this payment for all the sponge baths you've given me."

Starlight's face went red as a tomato as I closed the gap between us. Putting my mouth up against her ear, emitting a small whisper, "I may have the mind of another species, but I am also interested in what this pony body can do." I swear there was steam coming out of Starlight's ears when I pulled away from Starlight before giving the girl another kiss. To which Starlight let out another squeak as I pulled her into a hug. I felt my friends back stiffen as I found my chest pressed against hers, our snouts touching together. I fought the urge to lick her lips again.

I pulled back a bit to look Starlight over, an odd smile played on her lips. Not quite teasing or sly, more warm and affectionate.

I didn't know why she just did. This light purple pony from another reality just clicked with me on some mental level. Not quite love, but little more than a friend. Someone I didn't want to lose and would be damned to hell if I wasn't going to leave this to chance.

I felt soft lips went up pressed against mine. From this close I felt the heart of my friend leap up against her rib cage, time seemed to slow down as we gave in to the kiss. Warmth. Starlight let a small breath on her face, their soft coats touching and rubbing against one another, a lock of purple hair with a single aqua stripe mane tickling between her eyes. So intimate, but so innocent. Somehow seemed to put what I was feeling at this moment. Breaking away, ending the kiss all too soon it seems. I drew back and fixed Starlight with a grin.

"Let's take this to the bed, it's softer then it looks, and it's my turn to take care of you," I added as I dragged Starlight with me, getting no resistance from the mad blushing, wide-eyed unicorn.