• Published 22nd Dec 2016
  • 4,755 Views, 105 Comments

Gears of War: Down, But Not Out - Helljumper206

A Gear thats fighting in the Hollow, finds out what happens when you take a bunch of Imulsion, a blast from Lightmass bomb, and extreamely out of place spell put together does.

  • ...

How we did things back in the COG

Badlands, Changeling Hive

Abigail's POV

"Thorax... Explain to me why are we lost?" I said, trying to keep my voice down. "Because how can we be lost in a home that you use to live in? For most of your life, I might add." His reply was too shy away from the Gear fearing what I would do to him.

"Oh great," Trixie said with a small fit as she threw her bag to the side. "We might as well just sit here and wait for the changelings to soak up all of our love or whatever gross thing that they do. How often do you all get hungry?" Trixie asked from her spot on the floor.

Thorax rubbed a hoof at his chin, making him look like he was thinking up an answer before he spoke back. "Actually, I haven't been hungry since I met Spike, and changelings are always hungry? We can never get enough love." The changeling explained. But the gears in my head was turning at what Thorax had said.

'What did he mean by not being hungry anymore?' And I wasn't the only one to think the same thing.

"Well that's just super-" Trixie began to say before Starlight shoved a hoof into her mouth, silencing the mare.

"But you aren't hungry at all now?" Starlight questioned, making Thorax think again of his own words.

"Huh.. Once I made a few friends I guess I just sort of forgot about the whole feeding thing," he chirped with a buzz of his shiny wings.

"Is that about the same time your wings changed?"

"I guess so?" He said showing them off to her. My mind felt like I was starting to piece together a puzzle at what I'd been hearing and seeing.

'Force feeding on others emotions? Endless hunger for emotions, shapeshifting magic, queen hell bent on domination of others species? Now Thorax's wings and his end of hunger? Something here ant right with this picture. Like looking at two different sides of the same coin. With this Queen on the one hand and Thorax on the other. One for endless hunger and the other for something good?' I thought, trying to make sense of it all. It was as if Thorax might have stumbled onto something, something that was kept hidden from changelings in general. What that is exactly still eluded her.

I mentally sighed at her thinking. "Why can't everything that enthralls magic be simple in this wretched world?" She muttered to no one.

"While I would love to sit around chit-chatting about feeding and not feeding. I have a Fluttershy to SAVE!!!" His voice boomed off the walls.

My eyes went from hole to hole in the walls waiting for any enemies to pop out. Drawing the Lancer, I quickly tried to cover as much ground I can. Meanwhile, I could hear, Trixie bickering with the most prominent stalker on this plane of existence. "Can you please lower your voice...! you're going to get us all captured!" She hissed.

Discord, on the other hand, didn't look concerned as he looked around. "You keep saying that, but I haven't seen an actual changeling since we got into this hive." A low buzzing sound that hummed in the air and could be heard as it echoed off the walls meaning one thing to the Gear.

'They know we're here.'

"What's that?" Trixie hesitantly asked.

"An alarm," I said simply as she leveled her Lancer in the direction of the noise. "They know someone has invaded the Hive and are now coming this way. Everybody thank Discord before the firefight begins."

Thorax stood straight with panic. "A changeling patrol!"

Stealth was now no longer an option at this point thanks to Discord's stupidity; they know someone has invaded there home. "Don't worry people. We knew this was bound to happen when we came here. Stick behind me and prepare to fight if they get close. This is about to get ugly."

As soon as I said that two changeling came out around the corner. I hadn't tried shooting with hooves like this as it felt like trying to shoot with a rifle all over again. From another standpoint, it might have made her look like she was firing from the hip as she was trying to aim. Letting a small burst of fire; I got lucky in catching the first bug in the head and fell down in one of the changing wall holes before it closed back up. The second one didn't see what happened to his compatriot, so it just continued to fly at them. With the Drone coming closer in fast, The former Onyx guard pulled the secondary charging handle down on the Lance and revved up her chainsaw bayonet. The changing foolishly flew straight at me, probably thinking it could overpower me in some way. The last mistake it made as I brought my weapon down with a downwards left sided swing.

She just implied a tad to much force to the changeling's chest, causing the blades to stop on the changeling hard shell for a moment before continuing and ripping it apart, making it shout in pain. Pushing the changeling aside, I watched as it slipped off the edge and fell into the darkness below. Looking back at my group, Discord had a look of relief on his face while Trixie looked at me in horror, probably cause of how quickly she deposed of the two changelings. Starlight was at Thorax side trying in an ill attempt to calm him down at the panic attack he was in from the way he was breathing heavily. I had to remember that these guys were not used to the level of combat I've known for years. Fighting the grubs had made my skin tough. Compared to the other ponies of this world and me, I am hard as iron, and they are soft like fruit.

Seeing a bunch of blood and shredded guts like this was considered ' a normal day in the office' for me. Dealing down on those two changelings had been easier than a walk in the park for her. The sound of more changelings wings could be heard buzzing from down the tunnel the other two had just come from and from the sound of it there were more than two on the way. I wished she had a machinegun turret right about now, or at the very least more people with guns to fight.

"Now seems like one of those moments where we need a plan.." Discord said with a hint of worry in his voice. Trixie looked back at the draconequus with malice in her eyes.

"What kind of plan?! And it's not like my illusions are going to save us!" She fumed.

For some reason, it looked like a lightbulb had just gone on in Starlight head to the Gear before she went up to Trixie with an exited look. "Do you have any more of your smoke bombs?" She asked the show mare. Trixie gave her friend that literally said 'do you even need to ask?.'

"Are you kidding?"

The sight made smiled with a small amount of excitement behind the masked helmet. "Oh, this should be good."

Starlight quickly explained plan worked perfectly. From her hidden spot, she would cover Thorax (who disguised himself as Trixie) led the seven enemy changelings to him where he would confuse them with a disappearing act away from the real Trixie. Who'd reveal herself on the other side of the cesium and taunting them to come at her before disappearing in a cloud of smoke. All the while, the real Trixie then "reappear' in a different part of the room. They did the disappearing act well on them as well. Discord, Starlight and I will then proceed to throw their smoke bombs on random platforms confusing them to chase after the smoke. Then the changelings would see and chase after Thorax (Still looking like Trixie) while running down the passage where I will set myself a small free-fire zone for the changelings. I didn't expect for the changeling to split before they were within her kill zone. She watched as two of the changelings divided from the rest enter another passageway with the wall sealing up behind them.

'That might be trouble later.' At least she shot down the others when they got into view. Like mowing the lawn as it was that easy. The first two didn't even know what hit them till it was already too late while the third and forth manage to get a look at me before falling over with a few more holes in it. The last of them got lucky at dodging her shots before charging at me. When one got in close, I rewarded him with a chainsaw bayonet slice that he never saw coming.

'That had to be the satisfying ambush I had ever participated in,' I mused as I reloaded my Lancer with a new mag. Now I was on my way back to the others which took a little more time than the others cause I was on the other side of the big gap. It was a bit difficult for me to move around in this place without Thorax. No wonder the guy got us lost, everything in here looks the same. Couldn't they have put in some signs here or there?

Walking around another corner, I see my four comrades talking about their next move. They all see her walk up with uneasy looks as I approach them. 'Giving the shape-shifting bugs that are around I who could blame them. Starlight was the one who said the challenge word "Klutzy?"

Pulling off my helmet I happily gave her the counter, "Draconequus."

Everyone relaxed as they now know it was her. Except for Discord as he muttered something to himself. Starlight was the next one to talk. "Good, you've made it. Now that we're all here we can go..." She said, sounding nerviest.

I made another note of this since the start of this rescue began I keep seeing Starlight second-guessing herself. It's the same when COG promotes someone to a leadership position in the COG. It was a common thing given the way the war back home was going. Now that she thought of it, Starlight was acting like she doesn't deserve giving out her opinion on anything given how she panicked back at her village. I'll have to pull her aside at some point and talk it out with her if this keeps up.

"Do we even know where to go? Did you remember Thorax?" I asked the grub pony. Thorax shook his head.

"No, Starlight figured out those two that before they got caught in your ambush left to protect the queen. We're following them in hopes to find the throne." He explained, which made sense to me.

"And in hopes of finding the prisoners as well. Good thinking Star." I said to my friend, making sure there was a little praise in it to hear. That got Starlight to visibly relax a little and sprout a small blush from her too.

We soon found a spiral stairway leading up; we soon reached the top that led to another open area. This one not being empty as the last one. Looking around, I can hear that all the noise changeling wings made downstairs really woke up the rest of the hive up top. Several changelings were flying around in small groups in and out of random places along the walls. When the coast was clear, I waved everybody up and ascended the next flight of stairs. I didn't want to risk a firefight if I could avoid it, here with them in an open area like this with little cover. That's a disaster in of its self. With her being the only one with weapons to fight I couldn't protect everyone from everything.

After a few minutes of close calls on the way up, we reached the top. Looking over the last few steps we see a few changelings go through a massive archway with several armored changelings guarding the way. Looking closely at their armor, I could tell it was more for scare tactics then made for actual combat.

A few shots with my Lacer could take them down, but that just be ringing the bell to the whole hive.

"Now what?" Trixie asked in a hushed voice.

"We go in," Starlight replied. Thorax just ducked down and put his hooves over his head.

"Even if I wanted to! There's no way past the guards, will be spotted for sure!" Said the panicked voice of Thorax as he sat behind me

"We need some kind of distraction." Starlight suggested.

"I'm fresh out of smoke bombs," Trixie said while she searched her pack.

"I could take them out, but that would take too long and would attract more unwanted attention, and we don't need or want right now."

"Normally I'm the most distracting thing I can think of, but without magic.." Discord said sadly. Starlight, on the other hand, had a sly smile that could make my old Drill Sargent pause.

"You shouldn't underestimate yourself." Starlight answered.

A simile had formed up again behind my mask, and it was about to get fun again. I watched as Starlight pulled out a microphone'?' from Trixie's pack and lent me over to Discord. "All you've got to do is be yourself. With all the guard's attention on you, we will be able to slip by, then when they start chasing you find someplace to hide and head back here. Will wait for you." She explained. then handed over the microphone "Use that too, now get out there and do what you were made to do."

A sound plan. Especially the silent attempt of sacrificing Discord to the changelings. A bit cold I thought, but then again I was surrounded by former criminals and supervillains according to the stories Starlight had told me the other day, all trying to do good by rescuing there country's leaders and friends. Sounds like the plot of several movies to me from back when there were movies back home. This should be fun.

Herself, Starlight, Trixie and Thorax watch as Discord grabbed the mic from Starlight and walked out into the open. Once out and got the attention of the guards, Discord did something I would never think I see on a rescue mission.

Distracting the enemy, with the use of stand up comedy!

Tapping on his microphone, he addressed his 'audience.'

"Hello, changelings and changelets! Believe me; I was just as surprised as you are I'm here. When I heard I was playing for a bunch of changelings I was 'beside' myself. Then I realized it was one of you." He finished his intro with a toothy smile.

I was so happy that my face was covered as everyone would have seen her cheeks slightly puffing out from holding back my laughter. I couldn't understand why. That opening pick up was so cheesy there was enough of it to make a sixteen inch in diameter cheese wheel. So why was I about to laugh? The changeling guards, on the other hand, weren't so amused as the approached Discord. He back-upped with a chuckle before moving on to his next joke.

"Haha, but seriously this isn't the toughest crowd I've been in front of but it's definitely the easiest to bug!" That last one stopped them in confused a bit. I thought it was rather funny tho, wonder if changelings have any funny bones in them. "To bug? Is this thing on?" Discord asked as he tipped the mic. The changelings then started to advance again with looks of anger on them. Probably realized that he was making fun of them.

I and co decided now were the time to slip by the guards. We went to the archway and slipped through its cracks in the door. The voice of an outraged Discord followed us through the arch as well along with a dropped mic. "Well if you think that you can do better be my guest!" He shouted at the changelings before running off with his 'audience' in tow.

We all saw him leave with at least six guards trying to catch him as they made their way down one of the many hallways. Trixie looked at us with an unamused face decided to voice her opinion. "It is absolutely ridiculous that work."

"I don't know what you're talking about, that plan worked pretty well in my book, all that's left is for Discord is not to die or get captured and will be set," I said, giving Starlight my stamp of approval before addressing the next step. "Now, how long are we to wait for him? I don't think we can wait here forever for Discord to return."

"Will give Discord a few minutes to lose those following him then, will have to assume he's been captured."

"Thorax, are you sure this the only way up to the throne room?" I asked. He rubbed his head a little bit before answering. "Um. Well for you, yes it is. The hive is full of access tunnels, but you all won't be able to move through them, not without having wings like us changeling." He said. "Too many places to fall for someponies like you three and they are too tight to carry someone else through."

"Makes sense... Whelp how long has it been?" I said looking over to Starlight.

"Not that long but we should wait a little longer. We can't just leave him out there." Thorax was looking around between both the way they entered and the way they're going.

"We can't keep waiting for Discord. Between him, Trixie and Abigail's loud weapons. The castle would be crawling with guards soon." He told the three.

"But if we do manage to destroy Chrysalis throne we'll need him. He could take out the entire changeling army just by sneezing if he wanted to." Starlight explained. "Also with just the four of us even with magic won't be able to last long against them."

"He's probably already been captured!" Voiced Trixie in a low toned.


Turning to strange voice, we see Discord come through where they came from. "Fellow rescuers?" He whispered out loud as he tried to find us.

Slightly relieved that he made it and somewhat not, we approached Discord. Thorax was looking a bit antsy to me. I also was getting a bad feeling too and did not like it. And Discords goofy, toothy smile was not helping to ease it at all. "We can't stay here we gotta find the throne." Starlight said.

At the mentioning of the throne Discords smile became more crazed like with glee. "Oh, I heard some of the changelings. Who were chasing me say that they know where it is." He stated in a child-like happy voice. All that did was set up a multitude of red flags to me as I inched a hoof towards my Lancer. Starlight and Trixie were exchanging chances before looking at her. Giving them a nod that she was ready, Trixie said the challenge word "Klutzy?"

'Discord' looked on in confusion at Trixie before he smiled again along with a giggle. "Mm? Oh ha ha ha, oh yeah I can be klutzy." His smile then became one of confusion as he stared down the muzzle of my Lancer. "What's going on, friends?" He asked the group.

I just grinned like a fool under my masked helmet at my target. "You made three mistakes." I stated directly to the 'spirit of chaos.'

"One. Did you think we were stupid to not have contingencies in place just if one of us gets captured by one of you shape shifters?" I said and was loving the small twitching that came off his face as to what he just realized he fucked up.

"Two. Discord doesn't sound like that. Discord, by questionable means, is an adult, and you make him sound like a playfully dumb seven-year-old." I then could see the panic sweat marks droppings coming down from 'Discord's' face.

"And three you may be wondering. We aren't friends with Discord. The only real friend that I know of Discords is Fluttershy, and I'm planning on putting the biggest restraining order on him for her sake and everyone else's." I could feel the shock and confused looks from the others at the mention of the restraining order but ignored them as I leveled my weapon between his eyes.

"So here's your situation. It's either A: You die looking like a peace mismatch crap or B: You can change back into whatever you looked like before. Or C: where you turn around and run for your life and don't come after us and die. You got three seconds to decide." My trigger was starting to tug back when I said "One." After which a fast green flame covered 'Discord' to reveal the changeling under the mask. It hissed at me as it reared back to try and attack. I never gave it a chance to come forwarded.

Unloading my weapon on the changeling, turning its face and head into mush before it slumped dead on the floor. I then turned to the group behind me.

"We need to move, now!" I ordered before grabbing Thorax by his leg and dragging him from behind. He looked like was going to be sick from if the looks I was receiving but followed us and ran. I also pushed Trixie and Starlight along then pushed Thorax in front. Now I had all three of them in front of me where I can see them.

Passing by the next corridor the hum of incest wings became known and load. "Run faster!" I insisted to the others. After a good solid minute of running, we stopped at a cross junction to catch our breath. Though the hum of insect wings was still present, "They're going to be here any second anyone got a plan?" Thorax asked.

I wished I could do something. I want some god dammed frag grenades right now instead of the lone smoke I had left. Instead, I only had my Lancer that would bog them down for a short time with the few mags I had left.

"Ok. I've got this." Trixie had declared before she started walking back the way they came. "You three get ready to run when I give the signal."

"Wait, What?!" Starlight and I said together. Shocked that Trixie would propose something that stupid. They then went to stop their friend from committing suicide.

"Trixie you can't! I won't know what do! We already lost Discord and without magic? I won't lose you too!" Starlight pleaded with her friend, I joined in on the conversation butting in as well.

"Not only that but going at them yourself is beyond stupid," I told the show performer. The next thing that happened shocked me, Trixie looked at us just smiled. Not just any smile, the smile one gives to their friends for confidence.

"Starlight. You've got us this with just my illusions, Discords annoying personality and Abigail's strange magicless weapons. You don't need magic to figure out what to do next." Trixie then puts a hoof on Starlight's shoulder. "I know you're afraid to be in charge, but you're really good at it. Listen to your best friend." She then grabs Starlight and pulls her into an embrace before parting then turning to me. "Take care of her." She said quietly before turning away. I, on the other hand, had another idea in mind as I stopped with a hoof before she could run off.

"Hold a moment, Trixie," I said before pulling out some string and her pistol. "Thorax, use your magic to loop this through there and tie a not here." He looked worried for a moment before doing as he was told.

"What you doing?" Trixie asked.

"Hold out your hoof Trixie." I did so and gave the weapon to her. "Going off to fight an enemy without a weapon is stupid. You've watched how I handle my weapon, yes? It is the same thing as this, only smaller and you have to pull the trigger for each shot. Watch the kickback, or it will fly out of your hoof." I told the show mare, Trixie looked at me in slight awe before smiling.

"Thanks, Abigail."

"My friends call me Abby, Trix." I pulled her helmet off to show off her smile. "Make them work for it. My friend." I finished to the mare.

Trixie then stood up back straight and gave me a mock salute with her hoof. To which, I returned proudly before she went running off to meet the swarm.

Trixies POV

'Well this was a good idea,' I thought as I ran towards the rising number of changelings.

If you would have me a year ago, I was going to be fighting changelings without my magic to give time for her friends to rescue the princesses of Equestria. Then I would have shouted at them to go away. Now, however, my mind began to wonder about all her decisions that led up to this moment. Her foalhood, becoming a traveling showmare, the Ursa minor in Ponyville. Followed by working on a rock farm, obtaining the Alicorn amulet and becoming influenced by its dark magic then later defeated and later on becoming best friends with Starlight Glimmer.

Now this, with a bunch of love sucking bug pony ready to pounce on her with only an unfamiliar weapon as her only means of defense.

Rounding the next corner, I was stopped at the sight of the hoard of changelings. When they sam me, they also stopped. A lot of them had looks of surprise.

Thinking about what I had to do, my mind suddenly thought of Discord. How Discord was probably captured because he distracted the changeling guards. Now it was my time, Trixie's time to shine.

"My turn."

The great and powerful Trixie then lifting the unfamiliar weapon up to the first changeling.

Abigail POV

I then felt something tug at my heart as I watched Trixie go. Like the pit of my stomach just deepened a bit. It was probably the sight of another sister in arms going off to battle to die that made her feel this way. Setting my helmet back on, the sound of Trixie's semi-automatic pistol shots echoed down the hall. "Move!" I ordered again as they ran down the corridor again.

The hissing and wing beats of more changeling were loader this time around as more and more just kept coming. 'Is the whole hive up here or something?!' I screamed into my head. It sounded like they were everywhere and we were running out of options and room. Starlight then pointed to Thorax to the hole in the wall that went left, to which he nodded in reply before running off. Splitting up was not something I wanted to do but went with it as Starlight pointed at the hole for me that led up as Starlight went right. Deciding to go with it and worry about getting captured later, I did as asked. Running up the hole and ended up in a small labyrinth of tunnels.

"These must be the access tunnels Thorax mentioned," I muttered. Not trying to make much noise. From the way, the walls and halls looked I understood why we didn't come this way. Too many safety hazards here for those without wings and some holes looked like they could go on forever. After a moment of wondering, I heard an evil villain style laugh coming from down one of the tunnels. Making my way over, I saw that I was overlooked a large room with a throne at the end, the throne room. Then the voice started to speak made my body get goosebumps.

"One little pony all by herself."

Keeping myself hidden inside of my little hole, I up looked to where the voice was speaking. The sight of what I saw made me body go slightly cold.

Back on Sera, I heard random stranded stories of Locust taking people but never believed in them. Although if I did believe them, I would think it would be very similar to what I saw right now. There was everyone we were trying to save, all trapped in green cocoons hanging from the ceiling. I could see Twilight, Rainbow, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack and Spike grouped together. I also saw Trixie and Discord up there too. That gave me some comfort at knowing they were alive too. There were also others that I didn't recognize, most likely the countries leaders. Then my searched stop when two of the pods shifted to the side and out came from between them the ugliest thing bug I have seen in this world.

"Oh, how will I prevent this daring rescue?" The thing said in a mocking voice while upside down. Then did something that will haunt my dreams forever. Her head proceeded to twist a full one-eighty looking down at her friend.

"I need to start drinking once this mission is over," I said as I looked at the abomination of changelings.

Author's Note:

Wanted to add a Trixie POV, Never done Trixie before so wanted her to have more of say in the story with my one flare in it instead of the TV version. Trixie's POV time reminded me of when you see Grunt again in Mass Effect 3 against the Reaper Racni at the ending.

I've been playing those again as of late and influenced me a bit.

See you all over the web:twilightsmile: