• Published 10th May 2016
  • 6,056 Views, 109 Comments

Kazemon of The Wind - Masters-of-the-Elements

I was just a normal deadbeat, workng as extra muscle at a Con, when something happened to me, I don't quite remember and now I'm in a strange land, in a strange body. This is my story, of how I finally found my family

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Ride the Train, Wind

Kazemon of the Wind:
Ride the Train, Wind

I had planned to return to my hideout and tear into these delicious looking apples, but I saw something that kept me from doing just that, a newspaper in a stand. It was a few weeks old, if I’m reading the date, right. What a outdated paper was still doing on the stand I didn’t know, but I didn’t care at the moment as I was looking at the headline.

“…Kazemon of the Wind?” I read softly.

So...I was thinking that these ponies either didn’t have a culture based around Japan or didn’t have much interaction with that culture…or at least, the guy who wrote the headline. Kaze roughly means wind in Japanese, so the whole “Kazemon of the wind” thing seemed a little…silly.

Still, it wasn’t my concern, though I think I might cringe for a while when somepony use that name to describe me, and I was about to head back to my hideout, when a pony walking by me stopped, and looked at me adorably.

“Well bust my buttons,” the pony cooed, “Aren’t you the most adorable little filly I have ever seen. And you look so much cuter holding up that bundle of apples.”

I blinked three times and looked down at my cloaked body. I may not know much about horses, but I did know that a young, female horse was called a filly. So why would she call me that?

I looked back at the blue mare with the orange hair and wearing a black outfit, and said as politely as possible, “Excuse me, Miss, but I must be going?”

I then hurried off before the pony could get a word in edgewise. I think I ran in a random direction for least two minutes before I stopped because the running was starting to irritate my midsection. As I was catching my second wind, and lightly rubbed my injured section to let some of the tension out, I happened to see myself reflection in a store window.

I was only mildly surprised to see a wing filly starting back at me, her slightly shocked expression matching the one I was wearing under my cloak. I quickly recovered and put the pieces together. It had to be the cloak I was wearing; it probably had a spell on that hid my true self. That would explain why pony were just looking at me like some cute little filly.

Though I wouldn’t deny, even if it’s just an illusion, that I made one cute little filly.

GAHHH, there I go again! I couldn’t deny the fact that I was becoming more like a girl the longer I was like this. I really should find out how and why I here and why I’m turned into a character from a Japanese cartoon. I sighed as I quickly realized why I hadn’t been doing that; until my memories fully returned, it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack.

I sighed and let out all of these thoughts go for the time being. I was about to get my bearings so I could head back my hideout when I saw something that made me blinked three times. Across the street I saw that unicorn that helped me out earlier, Rarity I think she said her name was, leaving a little café.

I thought about hiding, but I realized that was pointless as the kind unicorn didn’t notice me and headed in off to some place. Part of me felt like running up to her and trying to return the apples she brought me, but I knew that was pointless. Rarity seemed like the kind that once their minds were made up they were no changing it.

Besides, I was hungry, and didn’t want the apples to go to waste.

“Watch where you’re standing, you idiot,” a pony, Pegasus I think they’re called, said rudely as he bumped into me, and caused me to stumble a bit.

I kept myself upright, and looked at the pony that bumped into me. I wanted to get him a piece of my mind, there was plenty of room in the streets so there was no reason he couldn’t go around me.

Whatever words I had for the pony died once I saw the strange green light shining in the crimson pony with a white mane eyes. I was shocked by this and by fact that I felt something was wrong with this pony in general. Unfortunately, I didn’t get a chance to look into this further as the pony just humphed, and walked around me.

I watched as the Pegasus joined with three other ponies, two unicorns and another pegasus, and all four headed in the same direction that Rarity was heading in.

I had lived a very hard life, back when I was still a guy, and that had left me with a little bit of paranoia. Still, I couldn’t shake the feeling that something wasn’t right with that group of ponies, and after a quick debut, I decided to follow them.

So, I took out an apple and munched on it as followed that group of ponies.


So I was right about those ponies, I kept my distance from them and followed them into a train station and I watched them as they watched Rarity and her friend, Princess Twilight Sparkles, I think I heard her name was, board the train. I first thought that things would end there, but I watched as the two unicorns in the group cast some sort of spell, causing a dome to form around them. The ponies around the station paid them no mind, which meant that dome was a spell meant to misdirect.

The dome was brought down a few seconds later, and the two unicorns were replaced with Pegasi. Changeling, I would like to say I wasn’t all that surprised, but I was as the changelings jumped into the last car as the train was leaving. Here I thought these guys were just creepy, not down right evil…and you had to be evil to hop a train!

So, here’s the dilemma I face…do I continue to follow them and see what they’re up too? But to follow them, I would also need to hop the train, and that wasn’t sitting right with me. On the other hand, if those changelings were targeting Rarity and her friends they could be in a lot of danger…especially if you took into account the orbs that could summon a digimon.

So, with a reluctant sigh, took off and found a nice spot to hide. Once I knew I wasn’t in danger of being seen, put down my half-eaten bag of apples and took off my cloak. I next took out my Digivice and spirit evolved into my new alter-ego. Once the process was finished, I bent down to pick up my stuff and felt a mild pain go through my side. A quick searched revealed the source of my latest pain was none other than the Digivice I found before leaving my hideout.

Why it didn’t change with the rest of me I didn’t know, nor did I have the time to figure it out, either. So I adjusted the device so it wasn’t poking me in my side, and gathered up my stuff. I made one more check and when I knew the cost was clear, I took to the skies and followed the train.

I was able to catch up with the train easily, given that it didn’t have a long head-start, my injuries wouldn’t causing me problems and I was filled with energy from all the apples I had ate. I landed on the back of the last cart, changed back into my human form, and put on my cloak. Once everything was set, I checked the door and opened it when I found it unlocked. I opened it slowly so not make a sound and cautious entered.

I tried to fight off my shock when I noticed the final car had little amount of supplies stored in it. I know the world I currently in was based on a cartoon, but seriously, crates on a passenger train…that just cliché. Still, I was happy for the small hiding places the crates of different supplies offer, as I heard voices and darted between the spaces between the crates.

You know, I still wondered why I couldn’t make it in the army…I mean I had been putting the training I got during that time to good use. Then again, I now sported a smaller-and let's not forget-healthier body then boot camp, and-this really wasn’t the place to be thinking about “what-ifs” and instead focused on the changelings’ conversation.

“Are you sure nopony would bother us?” one of the changeling said in guff but female sounding voice.

“Of course,” another one said in tone that sounded strangely Scottish. “I stole a glamour spell before leaving that palace.”

I frown as I thought over this new bit information, but quickly abandoned it when I realized I didn’t know the first thing of magic, but I knew enough about tones to know these changelings believed themselves save for the time being. Me, on the hand, leaned my head out cautious, so I may get a better view of the changelings. The four had dropped their disguises and the only thing that I could tell that was different between the four was their heights.

“We need a report, 3-3-6-O-9,” the tallest one said in the female voice I heard just now as she looked at the smallest one in the group.

The smallest, I think I would call him Pata after Patamon, arguable one of the smallest rookie digimon out there, nodded and then address the entire group.

“It is how we all feared,” Pata said in a downhearted voice. “A warrior from the red-hive is meeting us at the empire.”

At the mention of this red-hive, a round of groans escaped from the group…except for largest changeling, Lady-D as I would call her, growled in anger.

“Why is the High-King sending a warrior from that hive-” Lady-D spit the word hive out and ironically a small spit ball hit the changeling to her right in the eye, “-We don’t need those arrogant, queen-less warriors’ aid.”

“It’s understandable,” the changeling that was spat on said, calmly wiping his face clear of saliva. “After our bunched mission to gather the love of the ponies during that celebration, it’s only logical that we would be need of aid…at least, for a higher viewpoint.”

Lady-D didn’t like that answer as she backhanded Tento, the name I choose for the poor fellow, and was sent flying into a wall. The other changelings took a few steps back as the largest of their numbers flew into a mad rage. Even I was a little surprise by this, but I kept myself from making any sounds that might put me in danger.

“It’s not fair!” Lady-D screamed frantically. “I had it all planned out. I would gather massive love energy from those pathetic ponies, and than I would kidnap the white friend from the new Princess and drain her dry. I would finally gather enough energy to become a queen-in-waiting!!”

The last few words she said were lost on me as I rushed out of my hiding spot, D-tector in hand, and was already in the process of spirit evolving. The changeling noticed me as my transformation completed itself and I threw my cloak aside, and sent a burst of wind at them. The three changelings were sent into the wall where that other changeling had finally gathered its wit and was peeling itself from the wall, only to have its friends crash into him.

I surprised myself slightly when I sent another burst of wind on them. Than again, all I kept seeing was the gentle smile of Rarity being replaced by an empty husk and that caused me to send another attack at the pony-like bugs, just for good measure. I watched as the four slid to the floor, and waited with a held breath. I began to breathe again when I realized they were down for count.

With a light sigh, I began to change back, only to stop myself midway, surprising myself in the process, and looked at the changelings. If there was one thing I learned from my hard life it’s this; you need to take any edge you could find. At least one of these changelings was at the mess two weeks ago, and I may get some information that may be useful. But first things first…I need bonds these things before they wake up.


Finding something to tie the changeling up wasn’t all that heard, this was a cargo cart and some rope was hanging on the wall for emergencies. I didn’t even need to wait long for the changelings to regain consciousness, about 20 minutes past before they all began to stir. The largest changeling didn’t like what she saw once she became alert enough to see what state she was in.

“What is the meaning of this?” Lady-D barked angrily, kicking her back legs fiercely when she noticed she was tied up and hanging off the off the wall. When I came into view her eyes narrowed into a fierce glare. “You! I demanded you release me at once, you filthy creature!!”

I scoffed at the tallest changeling in the group, and leveled a glare at her, not that she could see it thanks to the visor that covered most of my face. The picture of a dried-up husk of the pony who was kind and generous to me continued to flash in my mind as I looked at the large changeling, and I felt my anger built, but I choose to let it out instead of trying to keep it at bay like I normally do, and aimed it at Lady-D.

“No, you listen to me,” I said in what I hoped was a menacing tone. “I had my own demands and I want them answered.”

Lady-D just scoffed at me and said in a condescending tone, “And why would someone of the true master race of Equestria talk to such a lower creature like you…slave!!”

And here I was thinking things couldn’t get any more clichéd, I mean I’m in a cargo cart on a passenger train interrogating creatures who thought themselves superior to their foes. Yeah…when did my life become a bad fanfic again?

I quickly decided use this new development to my own ends and held up my left hand, made a partial fist with my index finger out and let a small stream of wind out of the tip. Time to see which one of us was the better actor.

“You know, I can create winds sharp enough to cut through most things.” to drive my point home I used a blade of wind to cut the top of the rope that kept Lady-d on the wall and caught the rope before the changeling hit the ground and lifted her so she was eye level with me. “So unless you want me to start cutting, I suggest you talk.”

I would like to say I wasn’t surprised by my actions, but I was…I had nearly forgotten how different I was when I was angry. That one of the reason I avoid conflict, I don’t want to hurt anyone if I get mad. Still, I wouldn’t deny the results my little threat brought forth; Lady-D’s eyes were wide and I think she was shaking a bit.

“Okay, okay,” the big changeling said frantically. “The High-King has plans, plans to bring Equestria to ruin and rebuilt it in his imagine. But he thinks the new princess and her friends will-hello, my name is Bob but friends call me Bob that Bob spelled backward?”

I blinked under my visor so much I think I might had damaged it in someway. What just happened, the changeling was ready to reveal her leader’s big plans, and suddenly her eyes lost their focus and began talking in a near computerize tone, without the female voice I had come to know.

“What?” was the only response that I could think of after the shock wore a off slightly.

“Hello, my name is Bob but friend Call me Bob that Bob spelled backwards.”

I looked over at my other prisoners and they had the same blink expression as Lady-D and spoke in the same voice at the same time. I gave my head a shake and looked back at Lady-D. Given the elements that live in this world, I put all of money that these changelings were under a spell, and that meant I was screwed.

So much for my hopes of this turning out like an cliché moment from a cartoon and that I might had been able to get some information out of these guys. But couldn’t be a total loss, that spell couldn’t last for long, right?

Author's Note:

We're getting closer, just one more chapter to go and it's crossover time!