• Published 10th May 2016
  • 6,060 Views, 109 Comments

Kazemon of The Wind - Masters-of-the-Elements

I was just a normal deadbeat, workng as extra muscle at a Con, when something happened to me, I don't quite remember and now I'm in a strange land, in a strange body. This is my story, of how I finally found my family

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Origin Special: The Past We Want to Leave Behind, For the Future, We Wish to Create

Kazemon of the Wind:

Origin special:

The Past we Want to Leave behind, for the Future we Wish to create

It has been nearly two months since the battle at the empire, and during that time I had completely healed from my injuries and had settled into the small town of Ponyville. And, with the exception of a few-namely Rarity’s little sister, her friends and a mare that had become strangely obsessed with my hands-I had found the residents of the town to quite easy going, and they had welcomed me with open hooves.

I wonder what the townsfolk would think if they knew I, the strange creature among them, was also the hero that was quickly gain stream around the nation. I giggled as I realized that Princess Celestia suggestion was the right call. It seems that keeping my identity as Kazemon a secret from the rest of the nation had allowed me to keep a low profile, and that had allowed me time to rest and gather myself.

But, I think I digressing, distracting myself with these wayward thoughts from the task I wanted to do. With a light sigh, I looked around my surroundings as I mentally prepare for the workout I was about to undertake.

I was in a clearing, not too far from Ponyville, the hour was early, so early in fact that only the early morning weather crew was out, setting everything up for the day’s weather. I looked over everything I needed for my morning workout, and after making sure my workout outfit, of a pair of black sweatpants, a lavender tank-top, and my sneaker weren't caused me any problems, I kneeled down and took out my D-Tector from the bag I brought with me.

I held the device in both hands and closed my eyes as I concentrated on the spirit dwelling within it. I could feel the power within my digivice surge into me, but the power wasn’t enough to evolve me into Kazemon. Instead, the power just gave me enough to boost my physical prowess to near-superhuman abilities.

I put down my D-Tector and looked at the items in front of me, giving myself one final minute to prepare myself before starting my workout.

This ability I’m about to use was discovered by Twilight when I loaned my digivice to her for a study. She had found this feature by accident, and told me about it when I went to pick it up.

But I’m digressing again, I realized as I sigh mutely and broke into a light sprint. I bent long and picked up a baton and twirled it in my right hand. I tossed the baton into the air and went into a cartwheel. I turned my cartwheel into a series of hand flips as the baton came down and I caught it in my left hand.

I spent the next 2 minutes doing basic tricks and turning it into a sort of rhythmic dance, using the power I gotten from my digivice to stay light on my feet.

I put the baton on the ground and picked up a pair of acrobatic ribbons and gave them a quick snap. I once again broke into a light sprint, the ribbons flying behind me as I picked up speed. I pushed off my feet and want into a flip as I used the ribbons to imitate one of my Digimon form’s attacks and hit some poorly made targets.

I dropped the ribbons as I folded into a ball and rolled into a hoop. I shoot up, hoop in hand and tossed it into the air. I watched as the hoop soared in the air, watching at it turned about. When the hoop was about even in the air, I jumped with all of my might.

I gracefully soared through the hoop and did a near Ballina twirl as my right feet slightly tipped the tip of the hoop. I arch my back as the hoop snapped up and caught it in my hands. Balling my body up slightly, I kept my hands at my side and began twirling the hoop around my body in a graceful manner, as I came back to the ground.

I made a gracefully landing, crunching low at the knees as I positioned the hoop behind me for a halo-like effect. A sudden clipping sound broke my connection to my digivice, and I turned around. With the connection to my D-Tector broken, I lost all of the grace and poise I had just seconds ago, and I tripped landing hard on my side, which knocked the wind right out of me.

I guess I should be thankful that I’m completely recovered or that fall could have hurt a lot worse.

“I’m terribly sorry, dear. I didn’t mean to broke your connection like I did,” I heard Rarity said apologetically, as I got into a sitting position.

“it okay,” I replied offhandedly. “But what are you doing here so early?”

Something in Rarity changed after I said that; she put on a light scowl and got a little closer to me. I could feel her eyes looking over my entire being, checking for any new injuries.

I swear, when she gets like this, Rarity is almost motherly.

“I believe that’s a question I should be asking you, young lady-” I flinched a bit when she said “young lady”, but thankfully she didn’t notice and just continued to lecture, “-it’s not even five in the morning. So, I would like to know where you have been coming out at such a dreadful hour?”

I sigh faintly as I stood up, dusted myself off and went about collecting my equipment. After all, the local gym loan this stuff to me. So the least I could do was make sure it doesn’t get to damage.

Rarity followed me as I got my stuff, giving me a motherly glare as she waited on my answer. Part of me thought about lying to her, or at the very least, tell her a half-truth. I quickly decided against that action, the mare has been nothing but kind to me, so it would make me feel very dirty if I lied to her.

“If you must know,” I said softly, “I was trying to strengthen my bond with my spirit.”

Rarity gave me a look at a strange mix of motherly concern and confusion. “Why would you want to do that, darling?” she asked curiously.

“So I wouldn’t be useless next time something bad happened.”

I thought I had said that part under my breath, but I knew was wrong when I felt a hoof gently caress my right wrist and I looked into the motherly concern-filled eyes of the white unicorn.

“Darling, you shouldn’t feel ashamed,” Rarity said encouragingly, “What happened wasn’t your fault. Not only were you new when you fought at Canterlot, but you were injured at the Crystal Empire, so I doubt anypony would hold against you from what transpired.”

“Well, I hold it against me, with what my aunty taught me growing up.”

Again, I thought I spoke that sentence under my breath, and I was again surprised when Rarity said, in that scolding, motherly tone she seems only to use on me, “Zoe Orimoto. When we return to the boutique, you and I are going to have a long overdue Chit-chat.”

I nodded, knowing full well that when she gets like this, Rarity wouldn’t take no for an answer. So I gathered up the rest of my equipment, and together with Rarity by my side, we headed back into town.


After getting back to the boutique, I took a long bath, at Rarity’s request, changed into my usual outfit, minus my hat, and joined my host in the kitchen. So, here I now sit, a cup of hot choco rapidly cooling as I waited on Rarity to gather her thoughts and ask whatever she wanted to ask.

That was proving to be easier said than done; gone was that motherly aura that Rarity had worn during the entire walk back to the shop. Instead, she seemed like a teenager at this point, trying to work up the nerve to tell a dear friend something. I watched as she lifted her own mug of choco, held it close to her mouth and put it back on the table without taking a sip from it.

Finally, she sighed faintly and looked at me with uncertainty in her eyes. “Since there’s no way to avoid any sort of awkwardness here, I’m just going to blunt and asked...May I ask why you’re like this?” Rarity asked awkwardly.

Well, she was right about this getting awkward, because I truly didn’t know what she was talking about. Thankfully, Rarity seems to get the motto, and jumped in before thing really get weird.

“It just I noticed some things about you, darling,” I notice how soft her voice became when she called me darling and filed into the back of my head. “The way how you compose yourself suggests that you led a very...difficult life, but try to live by something somepony instill in you.”

I was stun, no, paralyzed as this sudden turn, and was feeling so overwhelmed that I looked at my mug just so I didn’t have to look in Rarity’s eyes. I really couldn’t believe this, I was so careful when dealing with others, as I have learned from personal experience that not everyone you meet would be kind and considerate with the information you gave them.

“I’m really that transparent?”

For the third time in the last 20 minutes, I was surprised when Rarity responded to something I believed I had said to myself, in the form of a humorless laugh.

“Well, darling, I like to believe that somepony who had similar experiences would know the signs.” I looked up at Rarity and saw that her motherly aura had returned somewhat. “And as such, I wouldn’t consider putting you through anything that might cause you pain.”

I looked down at my choco as I thought things over. It not that my life story was painful, I had come to terms with a lot, maybe more so now that I had become someone else entirely and didn’t have to look at my birth face in the mirror every morning.

Still, it was one of those kinds of things that never gets easier, even with everything that happened to me. But, I wasn’t going to deny what was asked of me, especially if that somepony was Rarity.

So, with a long sigh, I downed my semi-cold choco in one go and looked at Rarity.

“No, I think you deserve to know happened to me before coming to this world.”

I got up from the table and took my mug to the sink, running some water in it, to keep it from straining, and returned to the table, but sat beside my host instead of across from her like before.

“I guess, everything started with my parents. I was told that they were quite the wild people, caring from only two things; themselves and each other. One wild night caused my mother to begin carrying me, but instead of embracing their new roles, my parents decided to give me up when I was born.”

Rarity gasped and covered mouth, and when I saw the look of shock in the mare’s eyes, I knew that withholding the whole truth was the right call, that my mother planned to have an abortion, and my aunt basically bribed her with a thousand dollar check just to go through with my birth.

“What kind of brutes would give up their child?” Rarity asked after the shock had worn off, and clearly appalled by the action.

I just sighed and replied in a flat voice, “There are just some people in my world who aren’t meant to be parents. Thankfully, my aunt conceived my mom to allow her to take care of me. I think since my aunt Rosa couldn’t have any children of her own due to an accident, raising a nephew was the next best thing.”

When I noticed the white mare’s eyes sparkling at my aunt noble actions I decided never to tell her that it was my mother who caused the incident that ruined my aunt’s chances of having children of her own.

“However, my life was never an easy one. My aunt wasn’t in the best of health when she took me in, but she tried her best, and I would never forget her for that. I even went as far to keep my problems to myself, and I think that cost me more than I first realized.”

I closed my eyes as I gathered my thoughts and tried to picture my aunt’s face. I remember she had shimming red eyes and fine black hair that she usually kept short. But beyond a mole she had around the base of her neck, I really couldn't remember much else, and I only wish that because of that memory issues I have been having since coming here, but I knew that wasn’t the case.

A heavy sigh escaped me as all of these thoughts weigh heavily on me, and I pushed them aside for the time being and went on with my life story.

“As I said, my life was never easy; I was often the target of some the worst bullies in my school, and they didn’t use simple words on me either,” I thought I heard Rarity whisper something, but I was to focus on my past to really do any about it.

“My aunt took notice of my state and decided self-defense classes were the best action. Unfortunately, in my case, it wasn’t. I took my frustrations out during my classes and hurt two of my classmate when I learn some of the basics. In the end, I was forced out of the class to avoid legal action.”

The memories of those time suddenly came rushing forward, and I looked down at the table as I become overwhelmed by them. I could still remember the look of disappointment my aunt wore when she learned of what happened, even if I can’t fully recall her face.

Once the storm in my head settled enough for me to continue, I began once again but kept my eyes on the table.

“After that, I got good at running, so I could at least keep my aunt from worrying. But, my problems were only beginning. Turns out my aunt was downplaying the accident that robbed of her ability to have children, and her health was slowly getting worse. She put on a brave-no, she was one of the strongest women I had ever known and was able to hold out until I was old enough to take care of myself. I lost her shortly after I graduated.”

I closed my eyes as I remembered the last time I saw my aunt, and though she was weak, with a body thinner than any human should be, she was smiling as she looked at me. By that point, she was too weak to speak, but words weren’t truly needed at that point. I could still remember how cold her hand felt when I held it as she slowly slipped away from me.

With the memory passed, and another sigh escaping, and looked back at my host and was surprised to see her openly crying. I got the feeling she wanted to hug me something fierce, but she kept herself in check and urged me on silently as she used her unsoiled napkin to dry her eyes.

“I decided that I didn’t want to live in my hometown after losing the only person I truly cared about and didn’t want to use the trust fund my aunt set up for me, so I enlisted in the army. I barely made past boot camp and three months into my first tour-of-duty when I realized that the army life wasn’t for me. Thankfully, I wasn’t the only one who thought that, and I was discharged. After that, I led a pretty boring life. I got myself a job at a small restaurant not too far from where I was stationed, and for the next six years, things weren’t all that bad. Then it happened.”

I closed my eyes and prepared for the next part of my story. I could feel the anger from that event building, but I had enough experience to push it down and keep it down.

“What happened?” I thought I heard Rarity asked herself and I sighed once more.

“What happened,” I repeated and looked my host in the eyes. “I met my parents, that’s happened.”

I let the sentence hang in the air, as I felt my anger trying to break free, and I pushed it back down again, as I told the event that turned me into the person I am today...on the inside, at least.

“My aunt never hid her hatred for my parents, but she never forced that hatred on me, either. So, when I meant them, I was not even disappointed when I learned that they were the people my aunt made them out to be. I even found myself able to ignored them as I want about my business that night. Then I learned they had another child and used that same tactic they pulled with my aunt.”

“Oh my,” I heard Rarity gasped, but I was too far into my memories to respond.

“Something happened at that moment; the anger and frustration I had in for so long just came gushing out, and before I knew was happened, I was attacking my father, beating him without mercy.”

I heard Rarity gasped at this, as I rubbed my right knuckles. No matter how much time passes, I could still feel that lingering heat from my father’s blood. I could still recall my mother’s face when I came to my senses...everyone who there at the time, and some I considered friends at the time, looked at me with such fear it made me sick to my stomach just thinking about it.

“I don’t remember much after that, just when I came to senses my father’s face was nearly beaten in, and I learned later that a broken rib nearly pierced a lung. Once again, I found myself in an uncertain future, as the restaurant was forced to let me go to avoid any nasty business, and since the town I lived in was small, it wasn’t long before word spread and I found myself able to get jobs that only the questionable sorts would even consider taking.

“Sadly, the event with my father had really shaken me, and found I was unable to defend myself when something was leveled against me and I found myself bouncing from one job to another, burning through my trust funds, until I landed at the private security where I became the person you see before you.”

Rarity most had figured that I was finished, as she got out of her chair and gave me a hug with such force, it nearly knocked me out of my chair.

“It alright now darling!” she cried, sobbing heavily into my shirt. “that horrid time in your life is over. You had been given a rare chance to make a better life for yourself. So, if you need to cry, you can do it. I don’t even kind if you get my coat wet, you can lean on me, dearie!!”

The simple but effective action left me in a state of shock, as I recalled the last time someone held me. I was close to eighteen, I think, and I was in my room doing some homework when my aunt came in. She suddenly hugged me from behind and tearfully told me about her condition.

I clearly remember crying my heart out when I learned what was happening, but to my surprise, when I came out of my flashback, I realized I was crying for real...and all over Rarity’s coat as well. Still, I didn’t stop, just held my host a little tighter, and let all the anger, grief, and sorrow I held in for nearly twenty years out.

I didn’t know how long it took for my tears to dry, but when I was done I felt better, lighter even, than I had in years. I gently pulled myself apart from the white mare and offered her a small, but gentle smile. Rarity returned the gesture with a soft, motherly smile, and just seeing that smile gave me enough confidence to ask her something.

“So, can I ask for your story?” I inquired politely.

Rarity had a mild look of shock on her face as she squeaked out, “My, am I really that obvious?”

Now it was my turn to let out a humorless laugh and retorted flatly, “It’s like you said.”

I decided not to tell her about how I noticed the look of longing she had when we got back to the shop, as I knew that look all too well. It was the same look I gave when I left the house I had grown up, knowing full well I would never see it again.

“Yes, yes, ensnared by words,” Rarity’s said with a hollow laugh that turned into a sigh.

The fashionista suddenly fell into silence and I waited for her to gather her thoughts in peace. I think it was a full minute later before she looked at me, and I noted the sorrow in her eyes.

“I wish my tale was a heart-wrenching as the one you so gorgeous shared with me, but at least, it just a tale of rotten luck.” Rarity returned to her spot at the table and finished off her now cold choco before continuing.

“I actually inherited this boutique from my aunt Emerald Belle-” I blinked as I remember the picture I saw when Rarity took me to have dinner with her entire family, to break the ice. I remember seeing a mare next to Rarity’s dad who looked surprisingly like the stallion, and it didn’t take me long to put the pieces together, “-and she was a lot like me, a mare born and raised in Ponyville, but had class and grace that didn’t befit her upbringing.”

Rarity got up from the table and walked over to the sink to rinse out her cup as she continued to talk.

“It was her dream to one-day open boutiques all across Equestria, but it wasn’t meant to be; a wild night of passion left my aunt with the horrid disease soft hooves.”

“Soft hooves,” I couldn’t help but repeat that name, as I felt my dread growing. I had a feeling I know where this was going, but I didn’t stop my host from continuing.

“It a disease one can inherit from family or by other means like my aunt did. What I told what happens is that the muscles near the hooves generally grew weaker. Now, with a unicorn, that wouldn’t be so bad, but Auntie Emma had gotten a really horrid case and it eventually spread to her entire body. I told her, on her deathbed, that I would keep her dream alive and one day, ponykind would know of my aunt’s masterpieces.”

I began to play with my necklace as I thought things over. Not only did this world had STDs, but in-borne diseases as well, who would have thought. And this soft hooves thing, I might not be an expert on the matter, but that sounded a lot like a degenerative muscle disease.

“Zoe, dear, I also been meaning ask about that locket you wear,” I heard Rarity asked, snapping me back to reality.

I blinked twice and slowly looked down at the item hanging from my neck. With a sigh, I undid the chain and held out for the mare.

“I honestly don’t know much about it myself,” I informed my host as she gently took it into her magic. “I found it shortly after coming to this world. I think it has something to do with how I came here and why I change, but I can’t figure out how to open the thing.”

Rarity examined the item for a bit and soon let out a soft giggle. “Oh my, I haven’t seen one of these since I was Sweetie’s age.”

I suddenly felt my heart began to race, and before I know what was happening, I was out of my seat and looking over the fashionista's shoulder.

“You know this locket is?” I asked eagerly.

“Oh Yes,” Rarity replied longingly. “This is called a Heart-Secret-locket. It was a novel little idea that came out when I was a filly. It was made to have a secret lock on it; that way a darling little filly such as myself could say she had a coltfriend and use the hidden lock to ensure no pony saw into it. Hmm… looks like it just a standard lock and not a custom one.”

I blinked as I felt a strange sense of anger and pity build in me. So, the only reason I couldn’t open the blasted thing was because of some stupid gimmick, how cliche can you get? I mean, that straight out of a semi-bad fanfic idea.

I quickly shook my head and clear it, now wasn’t the time to get sidetracked by some wayward thoughts, and focused on the locket held in Rarity’s magical “hands”.

I watched as Rarity tipped what I thought was a mold error in the lower right corner, and slowly, almost gingerly, rotate the knob counterclockwise. As the knob moved upwards, I watched as a groove slowly opened across the center. Once the knob had reached the upper right corner, the groove had opened enough that the knob could run through it, and Rarity did just that.

I heard a faint click, and we both knew that the locket was finally opened. Rarity turned around the locket and opened it. What was inside shouldn’t have been all that surprising, but I still felt like somepony could knock me with a leaf when I saw the picture of myself and my Digimon form inside of the locket.

I suddenly gasp when a shimmer of light travel across the pictures, and my body just went limp, causing me to fall right onto my host. To her credit, Rarity was able to support my weight, but I did hear a low groan escape her.

“Zoe, are you okay?” the white unicorn asked, concern lacing her voice she struggled to keep herself and myself upright. “Zoe! Please, answer me!!!”

I moan lightly as I came to my senses and gave my head a fierce shook. The action didn’t do much to clear my head, but I regain enough of my senses to push myself from my host and make my way back to my chair. Rarity didn’t take any chances and stayed close so I could lean on her if I wanted.

I really appreciate her generous nature, I was shakier than I thought and probably wouldn’t have made to my chair on my own if I didn’t put a hand on her back to steady myself. For the next few minutes, I sat there looking at the floor as my breath came out in short, horsed gasp. I could feel the worried looks Rarity was giving me, but I was thankful for the space she was giving me.

Finally, after what felt like hours, I looked up at Rarity and said, “I remember...I remember how I got here.”

Rarity’s eyes snapped open and before I knew it, she was running out the door, no doubt to get the others. I sigh faintly as I looked at the locket, which fell from my host’s hold when I fell onto her. I picked it up, and closed it, causing it to lock back up. I put it back onto my neck and made my way to the fridge.

There was no sense telling my story on an empty stomach, right?


I figured it would take Rarity roughly ten minutes to get everyone and make their way back here, so I decided to try and make my all time favorite sandwich in the meantime.

I thought I would have to leave the B of the BLT sandwich, but to my surprise, I found a package of pre-cooked bacon hidden behind some tomatoes, and wouldn’t deny my slight discomfort at the sight. I tried to shake my discomfort off by telling myself that the bacon was probably wheat or soy-based substance, and made my sandwich.

I was about halfway through my meal when the others arrived, with Rainbow Dash being the first to actually arrive. To bad for the cyan mare, she wasn’t able to put on the brakes fast enough and she hit a wall. This caused the twin Salamon she was carrying on her back to go flying, and the one we nicknamed Seafoam, due to her liking of seafoam colored items, to land right on my head.

This, of course, caused me to lose my lunch all over the floor and looked at the flyer with the intent to gave her a talking to; if there’s one thing I can’t stand it was wasting food. I didn’t get the chance to, however, as Rarity trotted into the kitchen in an angry manner.

“Rainbow Dash,” the fashionista said in a stern, angry tone. “How many time I told not to go rushing into my place of work? This isn’t Twilight place you know.”

The cyan pony shrugged off whatever effects the crush may have had on her, and looked at her friend in a lazy manner.

“Oh, give it a rest, Rarity,” the rainbow mane mare said offhandedly. “I have waited to months to hear this.”

Rarity didn’t like her friend’s tone, not one bit, and looked ready to gave her a piece of her mind. The arrival of the other ponies put a stop to that plan, and I couldn’t help but stare at the group, and the Digimon they now call partners.

Next to the young princess was another Salamon, who we can call Goggles, mainly because this Digimon had somewhat poor eyesight and wears glasses in the shape of goggles. Riding on Applejack’s head was Juice, a Patamon, peacefully sleeping the day away.

I noted that even though they had been together from nearly two months, Fluttershy still seemed a little uneasy by the slightly fierce appearance of Tanner, her Agumon partner.

About the only ponies in the group that didn’t have Digimon partners yet were Rarity and Pinkie Pie. The reason behind that was because the changelings that the Crystal Guard had caught only had some many summon orbs on them, and the was only so much to go around.

But neither my host or the party planner seems to mind, Pinkie had even said that all we needed to do was wait for a few “chapters” to be surprised, whatever that meant.

Once every pony had settled into the room, all eyes turned in me, without words being spoken. I sighed and decided it was best to get this only with.

“I guess Rarity told you all,” I said, more stating the fact than asking, and the group nodded. “Well, I guess the only thing to do is tell you all how I happened to come here.”

I quickly noticed that every single creature in the room was giving their undivided attention; Juice was even awake, and Bit, Rainbow’s other Salamon, who was known to be easily distracted, maybe even more than Pinkie, was interested in what I had to say.

I let out another sigh and began to weave my tale of how I became a Displaced.

(Close to three months ago, in another world.)

“I am very disappointed in each and every single one of you,” my current employer Eric Match said disappointedly. “None of you stepped up when it matters the most. So, to correct this, we will be drawing lots. I want you to line up in a single file. Once you have your lot, you can get your costume that is being a gorgeous loaned to us for the event. I can’t stress this enough, but try to keep the damages to the costumes as minor as you can.”

I could feel the groans that were being suppressed by my co-workers as we did what was were told. As I waited for my turn, I couldn’t help but pick up on a talk some of my co-workers were having.

“This is so stupid. Why do we have to dress up like some lamb anime character just to do our jobs, at a lamb Comic-Con?”

“The answer to that is actually simple in of itself,” I heard a voice said in a condescending manner and titled my head just enough to see who had decided to give his two cents.

Mitch Peterson was probably one of the smartest guys I had meant in the last couple of years. I remember he once boasted that he could easily win the presidential election with his intelligence alone.

It does make one wonder, though, if he was as smart as he says, why is currently working for a failing security firm?

I decided to listen in on what Mitch had to say, as it would still a few minutes before my turn, and I was curious to see what Mitch’s take on things was.

“These events are a good source of advertisement, and even with the serial kidnappings that begin a few years prior, a lot of these companies aren’t willing to get that up, just because a few people had gone missing.

“So, the logical answer would be to hire more security for the event. That, however, is a problem all to itself. The higher level of security would mean that the companies that sponsor these events had acknowledged the dealing going on during these events themselves.”

I turned my head so I could hear just a little better. While Mitch could be a royal pain in the flank, I wouldn’t deny he had insight into a lot of things, and some things he does say have a deep meaning. If he wasn’t so conceited about it, he might actually be someone important instead of an underpaid security guard.

“To know doubt avoid a disastrous PR stunt, the companies want the extra security to be as discreet as possible. But that also begs the question of to who would be so willing to go such length...certainly no self-respecting company, that’s for sure.

“So, that’s where Match and Trent’s Everyday Security comes into play. Since our Employer is no doubt at his wit's end, with the company’s facing bankruptcy in the foreseeable future, he hopes by doing this he could regain credibility, and save the company that has been in his family for over three generations.”

I might have been impressed with my coworker’s logic if he didn’t sound so condescending when he was talking. Even the two he was actually talking to shared my feelings on the matter. However, they were like me on this, wanting to see where Mitch took this, and his final thoughts on this entire matter.

“However, I believe that for our employer things are a little more complex. Matches believe that if he does this, that one of his employees will catch one of those behind the serial kidnappings, and with that simple action, not only will the company’s credibility increase massively, but the company would gain fame for helping with finally solving this near-cold case.

“Really, this entire matter showcases just how far our employer’s grip on reality is becoming. It almost sad in a sense,” Mitch finished his thoughts with a shrug of his shoulders.

With Mitch now finished and their own curiosity satisfied, my coworkers got out of line and went to the back of it, no doubt so they wouldn’t have to be around Mitch, anymore. I probably would have done the same thing, if Mitch didn’t start to hum a classical tone as he closed the gasp. I knew from that simple action that he wasn’t going to say anything to me, and though feeling a little slighted from that action, I decided not to act and just wait my turn.

So all I did was turned my head forward and waited for my turn to come.

It took roughly 15-minutes for me to draw my lot, get my costume from the guy watching over them, and another 5-minutes just get into the blasted thing before I could hit the floor of the event.

I couldn’t help but sigh as I looked at my Kazemon outfit. In the end, it was a size too big for me, even with my gut and I looked stupid in it; there was no I could pass as a female with my body-type. To make matter worse, the costume was restricting my movement, so I doubt I would be able to give chase if something happens.

I guess I could count the lucky stars that I was near an exit, so if someone tried to make a break for it, I should be able to just block their path as I waited for my coworkers to back me up. Speaking of my coworkers...I looked around and frowns when I easily spotted several of my co-workers.

This wasn’t planned out as well as some might think, not when you have the extra help dressed up as characters from shows that was a decade old, if not older. In my eye, this didn’t help us to hide; if anything it made us stick out like a sore thumb with a splinter in it.

It wouldn’t take much for someone to work around us, and if those behind the kidnappings were as smart as some were starting to think then it wouldn’t take much to work around us and continue with their dealings.

“STOP!!!” a scream from a familiar voice said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I looked to my right, and saw a kid, probably around 13-14, running with his head low. In his arms were no doubt items from one of the stalls. Behind him, one of my coworkers, dressed as Beetlemon, was given chase. Like me, my coworker’s outfit was giving him trouble, and this was making it hard for him to gain any ground with the thief. I looked to my left and saw the crowd. If our thief was to make into the crowd, the likelihood of losing him was very high.

So, I pushed off the wall and tried to make myself look as casual as possible. I was hoping the kid would think I was just some event-goers trying to get some space, and he wouldn’t give me a second thought.

My plan worked, and he ran past me. I lunged for the kid when he was in reach and tried to get him into a bear hug. The kid surprised me when he spun on his heel and avoided my reach. I tried to correct myself and grabbed the kid by a leg as I fell. I managed to get the kid’s pants leg, but he easily shook me off and hurried into the crowd as I landed on the ground on my side.

I groan as I felt the air knocked out of me, and few a minute everything went fuzzy as a small case of vertigo set in. I think it was nearly two minutes before my head stopped swimming, and the first thing I noticed was the locket near me. I guess, it must have slipped from the kid when he freed himself from me, and I reached for the item.

At least I could return this item to whatever stall it belongs at, and maybe give my company some credits.

The second my hand touched the locket, I felt a strange energy surge through me, and suddenly felt very tired. I fought to keep myself awake as I struggle to get back to my feet. But it was a losing battle, and soon I fell into a dreamless sleep.

(Back to the Present)

“...And the next thing I remember was waking up in the alley during your coronation, Twilight,” I said tiredly, as I finished explaining everything I remember.

Man, was I tired; guess telling Rarity my life story and soon telling everypony else about how I become a Displaced really took a lot out of me emotionally. It probably didn’t help matters when I had to stop to explain some things to the group, or when the CMC showed up, and since they had been great at keeping my secret since learning it, I figure it would be the least to do was to restart my story.

“That’s it?” Rainbow asked in surprise, and I nodded tiredly. “That’s so lame!!”

Everypony in the room gave the rainbow mane flyer, the CMC and myself included, a look that said: “what did you expect?” Rainbow got the message but wasn’t going to back down on her statement, and that anger a certain white pony.

“What exactly were you expecting, darling?” Rarity asked pointedly.

“I don’t know,” Rainbow admitted weakly, “But not that! I mean, she can turn into a super-cool butt-kicker, for Celestia Sake!”

I wanted to point out that she knew I wasn’t like this, not until I came to her world, but a certain princess beat me to it.

“Rainbow Dash, Zoe told us months ago that she wasn’t like she is now,” Twilight said calmly, and then looked at me with these inquiring eyes, and I couldn’t stop the shiver that went my back from the look she was giving. “But I am curious, was it the magic that blocked that part of your memories, or was it something else.”

I just gave a tired shrug as my answer, I wasn’t in any state to be guessing on things at the moment. Thankfully, Rarity caught the mental fatigue I was experiencing and began to usher her friends out. I could hear faint protests, most which sounded like they were coming from Twilight, and Rarity insuring her friends that they will talk to me later.

The fashionista returned not even a minute later and looked at me with motherly eyes.

“Dear, you look positively dreadfully,” she said in a soft tone. “Why don’t you get some rest in your room? There’s really nothing planned for the day, and I will try to keep the noise down so you could sleep.”

To mentally tired to put up a fight, I nodded weakly, and got to my feet, a shallow yawn escaping me. I could see the concern in Rarity’s eyes as I shuffle past her, but she didn’t do much as I left the kitchen and made my ways upstairs.

It was funny, I realized, through the fog that clouded my head, that I realized something I should have picked on earlier; living with the purpled mane mare, and sometimes her young sister, I felt at ease. That was something I hadn’t felt in a long time, probably not since I lived with my aunt.

I would even dare to say that living in this store, in this small, rural town, I finally felt like I was...home.

Author's Note:

Well, after two years, and many bumps on the road, I have finally posted what I think many wanted to see. Let's hope not too many were as disappointed in this little reveal like Rainbow Dash was.
Also, if you're wondering how and why only a few of the Mane six had Digimon partners, the answer to will revealed in a Side-story. When said story will be posted are still unknown at the time, as I will be focusing on other works besides this one.
And with that out of the way...FINALLY, I got some of my headcanon into one of my stories! I alway figured someone behind Rarity's persona, given her parents' rural nature. And Soft Hoove was something I had wanted to use for ages.

Comments ( 8 )

Solomon? Don't you mean Salamon.

Good to see this update again.

Comment posted by jen_lee_hattie deleted Apr 8th, 2020

Would've been nice to see this story continue

Entire Chapter.

Nag, Nag, Nag.

Poor him.

Do any of the female characters in this story throw any punches?

hello from 2022

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