• Published 10th May 2016
  • 6,056 Views, 109 Comments

Kazemon of The Wind - Masters-of-the-Elements

I was just a normal deadbeat, workng as extra muscle at a Con, when something happened to me, I don't quite remember and now I'm in a strange land, in a strange body. This is my story, of how I finally found my family

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Soar High On the Winds

Kazemon of the Wind:
Soar High on the Winds

Twilight felt like pulling her mane out; 15 minutes had barely passed since the Changelings were uncovered, and since than, things had gone from bad to horrible too terrible.

“Princess,” Twilight groaned when a guard came into makeshift “command” room which was just the throne room with a couple of tables set up, ran up to her and saluted her. “We have an update from the field?”

The young princess let out a tired sigh and gestured the guard to go on.

“It’s seems that the creature-”

“Digimon,” Twilight interjected without a second thought, only to blush when the guard stared at her awkwardly. She gestured for the guard to continue and the guard composed himself before resuming his report.

“We have reports that the digimon had starting to attack any pony it sees,” the guard stated calmly. “We’re trying to get the masses into the hidden tunnels the princesses had constructed after the first changeling invasion, but it’s proving to be difficult. The digimon since it makes very little noise, it make hard to tell when it coming.”

Twilight frowned at this little piece of information she just got; the last time she saw the digimon it didn’t make a single sound. But now it’s starting to make noise? Just what is going on today? If only she had the chance to question those changelings, then maybe some sort of plan could be formed.

No! Twilight thought as she gave her head a fierce shake. This wasn’t the time for such thoughts. She was a princess now and with that new title comes certain responsibilities. She just wished she time to grow into her new role before something like this happened.

The young princess sighed and put all of these thoughts into the back burner, as she looked at the guard. “Continue with the evacuation. The tunnels were constructed for things like this,” Twilight said, with as much confident as she was feeling at the moment.

The guard saluted, and hurried off, darting around a certain ivory mare and white stallion in a guard captain uniform as they walked into the room.

“How’s everything going, darling?” Rarity asked, trying her best to keep her concern out of her voice when she saw the state one of her dear friends was in.

Twilight just groaned as she walked over to one of the tables, where a magical map was currently updating to allow her to get a general idea of where the residence of Canterlot were at the moment. “Not good. It’s chaos out there. The appearance of that digimon had thrown all of Canterlot into disarray. And I just don’t know to handle it all.”

Rarity frowned as she walked up to her friend and wrapped her in a gentle embrace.

“Darling, you need to calm down, you’re going to give yourself wrinkles,” the fashion designer said, trying her own brand of humor to lighten the mood. “Besides, you had done things like this plenty of times before.”

“No,” Twilight replied apprehensively, gently freeing herself from her friend’s hug. “I’m use to organizing events in a small, country town, not an entire bucking army!”

“Language Twily,” Shining Armor said sternly.

Twilight looked at her older brother, glaring for a few seconds before sighing tiredly. “Sorry, it’s just…this is very stressful,” the young princess moaned out weakly.

Shining Armor walked up to his sister and placed a hoof on her shoulder as he offered the young princess an encouraging smile. “Believe me, Twily, I know how hard it is, but at the moment the ponies are looking towards you for guidance, and part of that requires you to keep your own head cool,” the young captain said calmly.

Twilight gave her brother a small smile, feeling somewhat better knowing that she has her brother to aid her in this time of need.

“Have there been any improvements with Princess Luna?” Twilight asked seriously.

Shining Armor sighed and looked towards ceiling, “Unfortunately no. The medical staff at the castle had never seen anything like the stuff that’s in Princess Luna. I would normally suggest getting some pony from the Royal Canterlot hospital, but I fear I can’t spare any pony to get somepony from there.”

“Hard to believe one bug is causing such problems,” Rarity mumbled offhandedly.

Twilight ignored her friend’s comment and instead asked, just with a bit of hopefulness in her voice, “And how’s the search for Princess Celestia?”

Shining Armor sighed and looked his sister directly in the eyes. “I’m not going to lie to you Twilight,” the young princess felt the last bit of hope she had died when her brother used her full name, never a good thing when her brother does that. “We have searched the entire castle, and she’s simply not here. I believe she has been captured.”

“I just can’t see that happening,” Twilight replied in disbelief. “Princess Celestia is far to experience to be caught by something like a changeling.”

Shining Armor sighed once more, and looked ready to say something…only to have the sound of an explosion startled them all. The three broke into a gallop without any words exchanged and headed out of the throne room and into the courtyard.

“No,” Twilight gasped when she saw something that caused her heart to skip a beat.

The digimon had found its way to the castle, arguable the largest gathering of ponies at the time, and it was currently readying some sort of lightning magic. Twilight tried to issue some order for the guards to get the citizens into the castle, but her words died in her mouth as the digimon unleashed it magic, sending a ball of lightning at the ponies.

Shining Armor quickly tried to put up a magical barrier, but the lightning magic proved to be faster, zipping past the barrier just as it was closing. The young stallion wasn’t done just yet; he dropped the barrier and tried to put up another one. The end results were nearly the same…the barrier closed about a half a second after the ball of lightning passed by it.

The stallion’s eyes snapped opened when he saw the lightning was dangerous close to an area crowded with ponies. There was no time to stop it and Shining armor called into the crowd, “Brace for impact!!!”

“Hurricane Wave!!”

The young stallion’s eye nearly jumped from their sockets when he saw mini hurricanes slammed into lightning magic and caused it to explode harmlessly in front of him. Shining Armor could only gawk as the biped from earlier landed in front of him and the rest of the stunned ponies.

“It’s you!” Twilight gasped as she walked up to the biped.

The creature simply nodded and looked at the digimon. It gasped when it noticed the state the creature was in.

“What the-why is that Kabuterimon suddenly colored, and why has it started making sounds?” the creature asked, more to itself than anypony else.

“We don’t know,” Twilight stated calmly, studying the digimon clearly. “It is quite the sight. When it was first created, it was completely black and didn’t make a sound…but has since changed, and I wonder why?”

“Twilight,” Shining Armor stated with a little authority in his voice, “This isn’t the time for such things.”

The young princess looked at her brother, a noticeable blush on her face, but nodded anyway. She looked at the biped and asked calmly, “You seem to know about this creature, ms-”

“It’s Kazemon, no Ms or Miss, just Kazemon,” the creature interjected calmly.

Twilight blinked twice, but quickly composed herself. “Okay, Kazemon, you know about this creature, do you have any idea of how to fight it.”


I sighed lightly and looked back at the bug digimon. I quickly noticed how the Kabuterimon wasn’t completely colored, I could see black splashes around the areas that were normally blue. The sound that was now coming from the wings weren’t all the loud either, more like a sound you heard off in the distance.

I looked at back the lavender pony and said, “I can’t be sure, but want to think that the Kabuterimon is running on instinct mixed with the order given to it. I might be able to lure it away if I tried to fight it. If I can keep it distracted do you think you can the other ponies to safety?”

The stallion nodded and said, “Yes, measures has been put into place, and we should be able to get everypony here to safely.”

I nodded and then looked back at the digimon. This wasn’t going to be easy…I could feel the effect of my injuries starting to bleed through my form; my midsection was starting to throb. But I couldn’t be hasty, that got me into trouble last time. But I also couldn’t afford to be cautious either, not with so many lives at risk.

Speaking of lives… I turned back to lavender mare, “Listen, I saved a couple of ponies on my way here. Some have minor injuries, but others are more gravely injured. Once I lure this digimon away, can you get help for those ponies?

“Of course,” the lavender pony replied confidently, “You have my word as a princess.”

I blinked under my visor. The lavender pony’s a princess…go figure. Though I think the wings and horn would have been a good clue to her higher status…no, I can’t get distracted here, there were bigger matters that need handling.

I took off in a light sprint and used the built momentum to gain a little boost when I took to the air, and delivered a double heel kick to the digimon’s helm. That was a bad move, a jolt of pain was sent up my bad leg, and worse, the digimon wasn’t all the effect by my attack, as it took a swing with it lower right arm. I wasn’t fast enough and the blow connected with my injure midsection and sent another jolt through my body.

I tried to shrug off the pain as I put some distance between the Kabuterimon and myself. Guess this wasn’t like the anime after all, if my body’s aches were telling me anything. But then again, maybe that was my problem to begin with…I want into this thing like it was just an escape of the Digimon Anime and that I would win because I looked like one of its heroes.

But facts still remains, I wasn’t in an anime and I can’t approached it like the characters in the show did. But…then how do I fight this thing. It doesn’t help that place wasn’t design for dogfights. I mean, c’mon, who puts an entire city on a mountain?

The best thing to do was head for the clouds…wait, that doesn’t sound all that bad. Yeah, the skies in this world were clear, so I should be able to fight without a problem.

Un-oh, my kazy senses are tingling…and I wasn’t going to use that term. No, focus Zoe, I screamed at myself as I dove out of the way, in a wild arch, just as a ball of electricity was fired at me.

“C’mon, you overgrow billbug!” I taunted, throwing some wind to further the taunt, “Let’s play follow-the-mon!”

I than rocketed straight up, and thanks to the sound the insectoid digimon now made I knew it was following me. I pushed myself a little harder, so I could create a big enough gap between it and me. Hopefully that would give me the time needed to come up with a plan.

I stopped when I thought I was high enough and spun around. I scanned the area and saw that the bug wasn’t in sight. Good, it seemed that I was still faster than the bug, but the only thing I had on it at the moment. I lightly touched my injured arm, the arm I used to throw my wind at the Kabuterimon to keep its attention on me and winced when I felt pain jolt up my arm.

Whatever was used to treat my wounds was wearing off, my body was screaming again, and I was using a large chunk of my concentration to keep myself in my digimon form. But then what can I do…even using such a low-level attack put too much stress on my body. The best thing I could think of was to dive-bomb it and hoped for the best.

…burnt toast, I can’t believe I was actually considering it, but what other choice do I have? Still…if I mess up, even slightly, I would hurt myself even more…or worse. But I had to try; the memory of the colt with the hopeful eyes was burning bright in my mind.

So, with my mind made up, I let out a quick breathe and let the wind drop from my wings. I pressed my arms against my body as I inched it forward and I dropped from my hover. I felt the wind pushed against my face as I quickly gained speed. I groaned as the G-forces quickly built and it tore through my injured body. But I didn’t stop...this was an all-or-nothing move, plus, the G-forces were already too great, if I were to try and stop I could just end injuring myself worse.

Instincts I think took over at this point, as I released wind from my fingertips and it funneled around me, boosting my speed to 4-Gs, I think. The pressure I was feeling from all of this was incredible and painfully and since I didn’t have any experience with this sort of thing, I really didn’t know how to put it into word.

Something strange started to happen…I saw a cone of compressed air formed in front of me. I was more surprised when the cone began to fold in on me and I felt my speed increase as a charge began to surge. The cone has nearly covered me when I saw the bug digimon, now completely colored, angling its body so it could use it attack.

I pushed myself just a bit harder, and suddenly I heard an ear-shattering boom and could see a mix of colors extending outwards behind, from the corner of my eyes. I choose to block anything out at the moment, as I thrusted my body upright and delivered a double high kick to the bug’s midsection.

Author's Note:

Sorry if the fights are a little weak, but I just consider this Act 1: Part one, so I'm trying to keep fighting down.