• Published 7th May 2012
  • 8,401 Views, 385 Comments

Eternal - Path_of_cloud

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A soft emerald glow from the nearby fire shrouded the two lovers. Rarity was leaning against Spike, wrapped in his wing as it fended off the cold night breeze. It wasn’t long before a soft purr like snoring feel against the dragon’s chest and sang to his ears. He lay with her for a few minutes enjoying the peace. Before long though, he gingerly got up, making sure not to disturb her any more than necessary. His hands gripped the sheath of his new swords, and he walked a short distance into the woods before finding a clearing.

With the sheath snuggly fitted on his back, the blades came free effortlessly with the flick of his wrists. The moonlight illuminated the surface of each sword as he turned them over gently, getting a feel for their weight and design. He swung the blades experimentally. He took his stance, memories flooding back to him. With a deep breath and exhaled, he began his deadly dance with the weapons, a simple practice of form. In his mind he could see the air being sliced as his body became one with the new extensions. Extensions of himself, that was how his master had explained the proper way to use a weapon. He could see his old friend now, their blades striking one another in a symphony of metal on metal. However the unicorn in his mind was frowning at him.

The blades flew together, always parallel of one another, never crossing or moving alone. “I know. All I had to do was tell her how I felt, but I didn’t want to look weak in front of her. Is it so wrong of me to want her to believe she can lean on me for strength? How can I tell her I’m terrified of what these trials might do to us? To her? I can’t even be honest to the mare I love, how am I supposed to prove myself to a council of ancient and powerful dragons? You and Twilight would kick my flank if you were here, Master… but maybe then, it wouldn’t seem so daunting. I know I need to talk to her, to stop running away from my fears. Here, I thought the part of hiding my feelings from her had ended.” The moonlight shone around the dragon as it reflected off the swords moving ceaselessly along an invisible path only Spike knew. “A coward, that’s all I am, but no more. I’ll tell her everything; I’ll find a way. To be the drake she deserves, I’d do anything.”

A shadow among the tress spoke softly, “Spike, when will you stop saying things like that.”

“Rarity!” The blades almost fell from his hands, but years of practice had kept his grip true.

The mare in question stepped out from the tree line. “The one and only. Now Spike, it was sweet before, but for Celestia’s sake, stop pretending you need to change for me. I love you just the way you are, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.” She shook her head gently at her loves behavior, but it did little to hide her smile. “I’m afraid too, but this is something we need to do. I know it’s hard to accept, but somethings are worth the risk. Wouldn’t you agree, darling?”

Spike had to resist the urge to smack himself in the head. “Of course. It’s just… I don’t want you to get hurt.”

“Well get over it. We came this far, and we love one another. So we are doing this. And that is final.”

And once again, Rarity had shattered the prison he built around his feeling with her simple unarguable statement. “You always get your way, so I suppose, I can’t really argue.”

“Oh, you know it. While we’re at it, I can’t believe you left me alone in the middle of the woods.” Rarity seemed a tad angry as she starred daggers into Spike’s soul.

He sheathed the swords and nervously rubbed the back of his head. “I thought you were asleep.”

“How could I possibly remain asleep with my warm, scaly pillow gone?”

Spike blushed a little. “Um… magic?”

With a roll of her eyes, she examined the dragon in front of her. His chest was rising and falling, a clear sign of his moonlit work out, but his speech seemed unaffected by his body’s attempts to regain air. “I think not. Where did you learn to use swords like that? It was amazing, and very beautiful, if I do say so.”

“I never told you? Do you remember when I used to leave Ponyville occasionally on royal business?”

A perfectly manicured hoof tapped her chin as she thought back. “Indeed. I never really understood why, though.”

Noticing Rarity shiver, Spike decided to finish their conversation back at the campsite with the fire. Before she had a chance to object, she was lifted into the air and carried back to the camp site. Spike smiled as she cuddled into him ready to hear his explanation. “Celestia is basically my mother. As far as I’m aware, I’m the closest thing she’s ever had to a child. So in a way, I am a prince in all but title; whereas, Prince Blueblood is a prince in only title. I was trained in calligraphy, culinary, art, ballet, a number of instruments, singing, personally tutored by Celestia, and swordplay. My trips to Canterlot were for lessons. I had so many teachers and instructors,” Spike chuckled softly, “the best of the best. Among the Canterlot elite I was jokingly dubbed Prince Spike. I think Celestia wanted something a little quieter than the royal life style for me. Honestly, I believe that’s why I was assigned as Twilight assistant. She is wise; being Twilight’s assistant is probably the best thing that ever happened to me. It provided freedom from a social hierarchy that had nothing but plans for me. Of course, every once in a while I would use my ties to pull string here and there. Like when I got Hoity Toity to come see your fashion show. I got a tad off-topic; my point was that during that time of my life, I was trained by my Master, one of Celestia’s finest, in swordplay. It was one of my favorites. Deep down, I wonder if Celestia had me trained in the art for the day she’d bestow this… right of draconic passage, upon me.”

Rarity nuzzled further into Spike’s scales. “Always knew I’d marry a prince. Try not to think about it too much. We have enough to worry about as it is.”

Cold, wet drops fell upon his chest. He wrapped himself around her protectively, holding her in his embrace. “We’ll be back with Sweetie Bell, Twilight, and everyone else before you know it. Your parents will even be back in town to congratulate us on our engagement. And after all of that, you can start making the most fabulous wedding dress and the most dashing tuxedo any one has ever seen for our ceremony. Your father will walk you down the aisle, Celestia and Luna will preside over it, and Sweetie, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack will be right up there with us. It’ll be everything you could imagine and more.

Spike wasn’t sure how, but he knew Rarity was smiling against his chest. “Promise?”

With a firm but gentle squeeze he replied, “Promise.” He gently placed a kiss on her forehead as he cuddled together with her.

In mere moments the night took the two as they settled into a deep sleep entwined in one another.

Birds chirped happily as morning came upon the pair. Somewhere in the night Rarity had managed to ascend onto Spike’s stomach, while Spike, had managed to roll over onto his back.

“Morning, beautiful.”

“Five more minutes, Spike.”

He brushed a lock of hair from her now unkempt mane out of the way. “You can sleep while we’re flying.”

“Don’t wanna.”

Spike chuckled; Rarity must have been tired to be slurring her words. “Okay, just five more minutes, though.”

Spike lay with her on top of him watching her sleep as he admired her. Even without the makeup, the fake eyelashes, and her mane done, she was still absolutely beautiful. Half an hour must have passed by the time he awoke her. He had always been a softy when it came to his mare.

Rarity was much more attentive this time around and without saying a word quickly started gathering everything in a panic worried that she had made them late. Celestia had arranged an escort to meet them and guide them to the Dragon Council. A lady did not keep someone waiting after all.

They quickly took off into the sky, scared, but ready to face the future together.

Within a few hours they landed just outside Draconia in a predestinated field.

“Well, well, if isn’t Spike. Figured it would be you I was sent to escort when I got the news.” A slightly larger than teenage, red dragon stepped out from the shadows of the forest.

Spike quickly positioned himself in front of Rarity and growled. “Garble!”

“Jeez, Spike, a little jumpy? You haven’t even introduced me to your fiancé. The white one, huh? Not a bad choice, not a lot of ponies would threaten to rip a teenage dragon to shreds.” Garble took a moment to rub his chin in thought before continuing towards the couple.

“Rarity, Garble; Garble, Rarity. Now what do you want?” Spike’s hands tensed, ready to grab the swords any second now.

“Weren’t you listening? I’m here to show you the way to the Council. What’s with the hostility? Minus the whole phoenix egg thing, I’ve been nothing but nice to you.”

“Big minus.” He snarled, his fangs showing for all their worth.

Garble flashed the younger dragon a bemused look. “Come on now, Spike, I was more than willing to let you prove yourself. I could have just told you off and ignored you. Think about it, how many opportunities were you given to show your stuff? A simple initiation to welcome you into the group, that’s all. You have a lot of guts, always liked that about you.”

Spike’s guard dropped a bit as he rationalized the older dragon’s points.

“Hell, I even understand why you did what you did, the stupidity of youth on my part. Believe it or not, I’m quite reasonable. Father says it’s important for a leader to see their own faults before others’.”

Rarity softly whispered into the drakes ear, “Spike, darling, I think we should trust him. I don’t necessary like it, but I don’t see another guide here waiting for us either.”

“Fine, but try anything, and I’ll show you just how much I’ve matured since last time.” His hands fell onto the hilts of his swords to emphasize his point.

“Fair enough.”

Garble lifted into the air followed closely by Spike and Rarity. They kept their eyes on their guide, ready to act if he attempted to pull something.

“Spike, Rarity, I hope you don’t mind if I offer some advice before we get there.”

“Oh?” Rarity asked, her interest piqued.

Garble allowed himself a moment to choose his words. “Well… I think you shouldn’t go through with this. I know it might sound like me being a jerk, but I’ve heard stories about these judgments. Most of them don’t end well.”

“And what would make you an expert on the matter?” Rarity asked, genuinely curious.

“Didn’t you wonder how I got assigned to pick you up?” Garble shouted against the wind.

Spike speed up to get closer to Garble so that it would be easier to talk. “It crossed my mind.”

“My father represents our clan at the council. It’s why the other younger dragons look to me for leadership. You could say it’s in my blood,” Garble announced proudly.

Rarity answered somewhat smugly from Spike’s back, “I see. It’s nothing personal, but we’ll be ignoring your advice. This is something we agreed that we needed to do, and we won’t be run off.”

Spike wasn’t sure, but he could have sworn he saw Garble smile. “Very well. Looks like we’re here.”

The trio landed outside a huge mountain cave a few miles from their meeting point.

Garble stuck out his hand. “I wish the two of you the best of luck.”

Purple and red claws met in a handshake. “Thanks.”

Garble flew off, but not before shouting one last piece of advice, “Don’t let the old man scare you; he’s a big softy at heart."

Rarity and Spike walked side by side into the cave, ready to face the unknown together.